Sokoloff - biography, photo of a blogger, personal life, wife, children, videos, height, weight. Sokoloff - biography, blogger's photo, personal life, wife, children, videos, height, weight Sokol VK

Early years, personal life Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, film blogger, critic Alexander Sokolov, better known as Sokol or simply Falcon, first saw the light on January 3, 1986. He grew up in a complete family with his sister. In his childhood, the boy became addicted to reading, and at the same time he fell in love with cinema, when his father bought a VCR. It is this passion that will play a key role in the future fate of our hero.
Almost nothing is known about Sasha's early places of study and work, there is an assumption that he studied acting, where he met his wife, who would later give birth to a daughter. It was possible to find out that Sokol worked in the furniture and design field.

YouTube career

The first known attempts to make videos for YouTube on the "itsSokolOff" channel date back to 2012. At first, the young man released thematic collections of "TOP Worst" ("Top 5 Ridiculous Superhero Movies", "Top 5 Weaknesses of the Legend Revival" and others).
For a change, he introduces the heading "A little about everything", in which he mainly tells his impressions of recently viewed films.

As Sokol admits in one of his videos: content in which something is criticized rather than praised is much more interesting to the audience. That is why Alexander launches another program on the channel called "Badbuster Show", in which the blogger is looking for jambs, illogicalities, and sometimes simply mocks blockbuster films.

The growth dynamics of the channel is not particularly impressive by modern standards - in May 2013 the number of blogger subscribers was more than 10 thousand, in June 2014 - 150 thousand, in March 2015 - 300 thousand, in February 2016 - 500 thousand, in May 2017 - more than 800 thousand. However, it is worth noting that Sokolov managed to gather the most loyal audience to himself, who is looking forward to every video of a young man. And in general, our hero is one of the brightest representatives of the category of "film reviewers".

He is often invited to premiere shows for a limited circle of people, and Alexander even managed to interview world stars.

Interviews the cast of Assassin's Creed (2016)

Youtuber never stands still and new projects constantly appear on his resource, crowding out the old ones. An example is "Retrospective", where Sasha recalls the good films that he managed to watch during his life; "Topot Sokol", in which Alexander makes subjective ratings on various topics; in the "Review of premieres" the video maker shares his impressions of new movies and this is not the whole list. Date of creation: 2012-01-27
Number of subscribers: 1,077,779 (418th)
Number of views: 219 822 769 (483rd)
Number of videos to watch: 501

What is the channel about: Sokolov Sokol Alexander is the most biased, biased and picky critic. He finds I get along even where there is none. And all this with one goal, to entertain their viewers. His large muzzle is crowned with a hat - the best headdress that a man can wear. You can take a look at a show about bad in cool movies called Bad Buster Show. It comes out about once a month. Each release is carefully prepared. Therefore, it takes a lot of time. The release date varies from release to release. It all depends on the workload of the author. You can listen to rants on various topics or opinions about the latest premieres in the episodes of "A Little Bit of Everything". Comes out every Monday. You can see the ratings, compiled according to the personal opinion of the author, in the program "Topot Sokol". The show comes out whenever or when the time comes.

Statistics of views, subscribers and earnings on YouTube for the last 14 days

date ofSubscribersDifferenceViewsDifferencerollersDifference~Income
2018-12-18 1 077 779 +518 219 822 769 +262 879 501 +1 $84 - 315
2018-12-17 1 077 261 +741 219 559 890 +277 634 500 -1 $88 - 333
2018-12-16 1 076 520 +557 219 282 256 +271 336 501 +1 $86 - 325
2018-12-15 1 075 963 -779 219 010 920 +244 097 500 +0 $78 - 292
2018-12-14 1 076 742 +692 218 766 823 +273 228 500 +1 $87 - 327
2018-12-13 1 076 050 +503 218 493 595 +115 669 499 +0 $37 - 138
2018-12-12 1 075 547 +471 218 377 926 +158 513 499 +0 $50 - 190
2018-12-11 1 075 076 +794 218 219 413 +140 314 499 +1 $44 - 168
2018-12-10 1 074 282 +1 052 218 079 099 +273 253 498 -1 $87 - 327
2018-12-09 1 073 230 +1 275 217 805 846 +270 482 499 +1 $86 - 324
2018-12-08 1 071 955 +780 217 535 364 +159 579 498 +1 $51 - 191
2018-12-07 1 071 175 +773 217 375 785 +196 935 497 +0 $63 - 236
2018-12-06 1 070 402 +918 217 178 850 +233 856 497 +0 $74 - 280
2018-12-05 1 069 484 ... 216 944 994 ... 497 ... $0 - 0
  • 1 118 040 Subscribers
  • 237 064 905 views per channel
  • Category: Films and animation
  • Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

About the channel

Sokolov Sokol Alexander is a blogger who loves cinema, likes to dig into it and make reviews for the sake of entertainment and informing his viewers. In other words, a film blogger. His large muzzle is crowned with a hat - the best headdress that a man can wear.

You can take a look at a show about bad in cool movies called Bad Buster Show. It comes out about once a month. Each release is carefully prepared. Therefore, it takes a lot of time. The release date varies from release to release. It all depends on the workload of the author.

You can listen to rants on various topics or opinions about the latest premieres in the episodes of "A Little Bit of Everything". Comes out every Monday.

Price, EUR

Exclusive: 1 384.00
Integration: 484.40
Mention: 0.00
Pre-roll/Post-roll: 276.80

Statistics for the last 10 videos

Video views: 378 347
Comments on the video: 1 857
Video likes: 23,564
Average video length: 15:25
RPI: 2.91

Latest 6 videos


    AVENGERS: Endgame - Movie Opinion (No Spoilers)

    10 WORST MARVEL MOVIES [Falcon Stomp]

    [Badbuster Show] VENOM


    DC FITNESS and Pet Sematary - Premier Review

Channel statistics

Advertising formats:

Exclusive- The video is entirely devoted to the advertised product. This is usually a detailed overview of the product/service/event.
Integration- The advertised product/service is described and used by the blogger in part of the video, becoming an integral part of the plot. Submission of advertising is hidden.
Mention- Mention of the advertised product/service in the video. Placement of advertised products in the background.
Pre-roll/Post-roll- Short commercial at the beginning/middle/end of the video. The blogger either independently describes the advertised / service products, or inserts the advertiser's ready-made materials.