Granite micro telemechanics. Abstract: The concept of construction and implementation of the askue on the components of the information and control telemechanical complex "Granit-micro

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It is intended for implementation of devices of control points (CP) and controlled points (CP).

C the rest of the information and control telemechanical complex"Granit-M" :

    KP - casing for 21 places. Designed for installation of the following subunits. From places 1 to 5, only KVM, BD, LU, LK are installed, from 6-21 places - ADC, VTU, KS, BTV, RMU, LU (for channel reservation). Casing overall dimensions (HxDxW, mm): 840x474x820

    KPM - casing for 10 places. Designed for installation of the following sub-units in the amount of 10 pcs. From 1st to 5th places, KVM, LU, BD, LK are installed, from 6-10 places - ADC, TI, VTU, KS, RMU, LU. Casing dimensions (HxDxW, mm): 600x320x400

    KV91.25 - power supply of the PU device and CP devices. Designed to supply power to functional elements and devices of the Granit-M telecomplex. Mounted on the rear wall of the cabinet above the mounting plane, or next to the casing. Overall dimensions (HxDxW, mm): 195x70x440

    MP 46.81 - power supply of the CP device. Designed to supply power to the functional elements and devices of the KPM telecomplex "Granit-M". Installed next to the casing. Overall dimensions (HxDxW, mm): 202x71x317

    KVM-11, KVM-12 - controller of the internal highway. Designed for receiving, transmitting and outputting information, diagnosing the performance of subunits, generating diagnostic messages for transmission to the communication channel. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    LU-01 - line node. Designed for pairing with a communication channel and for receiving and transmitting information over a communication channel of a radial, trunk, chain, arbitrary configuration, organized in any environment, at frequencies of 50 ... 2400 bps. Autonomous diagnostics of the health of communication channels and the formation of a diagnostic message for transmission to the communication channel. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    LK-02M - line controller. Designed for interfacing devices of the telecomplex "Granit" with a PC (using a COM port using the RS-232 protocol). Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    RMU - universal radio modem. Performs conversion of code-pulse signals intended for transmitting and receiving data over the communication line between PU and KP (KPm) of the Granit, Granit-M telecomplex or other telecomplexes that generate similar code-pulse signals into frequency-modulated ones. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    BD-01 - built-in diagnostic unit. Designed for visual control of messages transmitted or received by any module of the CP or CP device. The unit operates under the control of the intra-unit line controller (KVM). Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    bvds - block for input and registration of discrete signals. Provides control and transmission of data on the state of 64 two-position objects of the vehicle when the state of any of them changes, or when a remote call command is given, and also regulates and transmits data on the sequence of changing the state of the vehicle. The number of connected sensors is from 1 to 64. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    ADC-3 - analog-to-digital converter module. Designed for interfacing with 1…32 sensors (intermediate converters) of measured signals into unified DC signals. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    ADC-2 - analog-to-digital converter module. Designed for converting analog signals from current sensors and transmission to the control center. Maximum connection of sensors from 1…32. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    WTU - control command output module. Designed for receiving, processing, diagnostics and two-stage output of commands with separation of preparatory and executive operations. Interfacing with control circuits 1 ... 128 actuators. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    TI-04 - module for input of number-pulse and code signals from electronic and non-electronic counters. Designed to receive, process and form an information message in accordance with the data received through 1 ... 4 channels of the "current" loop and 1 ... 16 channels for inputting pulse-number signals. The number of connected sensors is from 1 to 64. Overall dimensions (mm): 238x175.5x235

    YAS-1, YAS-2 - connection box. Designed to switch from connecting external circuits by "soldering" to connecting "under the screw" for 512 and 256 circuits, respectively. Overall dimensions (HxDxW, mm): 750x118x565; 400x118x565

    Software for a technical specialist (telemechanics, dispatcher, etc.)

The manufacturer guarantees the normal operation of the above listed equipment within 12 months from the date of delivery to the Customer, in the absence of deviations from the agreed operating conditions that caused the equipment to fail due to the fault of the maintenance personnel.

EXHIBITION AND TRADING HOUSE "GRANITE-MICRO" was founded in 1992. and is the official owner of the brand trademark"MICROGRANITE".

We are engaged in the supply, implementation and maintenance of telemechanical complexes "Granit-micro", including design on the basis of IUTK "Granit-micro".
The complexes are successfully operated at the facilities of JSC "Rosseti"

The main consumers of products are energy complexes, including substations (PS, KTP, TP, etc.) for residential complexes, shopping centers.

Free introductory seminars are held on the modifications of the information and control telemechanical complex "Granit-micro" and the range of applications.

Information about the date of the current seminar is posted on our website WWW.GRANIT-MICRO.RU

We cooperate with regions of Russia, CIS countries, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

The company has repeatedly been awarded prizes and diplomas of specialized exhibitions.

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Main range of products and services


1. Information and control telemechanical complexes "Granit-micro" are used for:
- management of outdoor lighting networks of cities;
- control and management of cable (electrical) networks of cities;
- control and management of power supply of industrial enterprises of various industries;
- for non-industrial facilities;
- centralized control of boiler rooms;
- control of work of the water canal equipment;
- subway services;
- work control engineering equipment residential areas;
This type of equipment is certified, reliable in operation and is one of the cost-effective devices. Investment attractiveness 5-7 years.

2. Basic software (BSS) with the help of which databases of current and retrospective data are created, the availability of which allows:
- build graphs of values ​​(states) of controlled and measured parameters;
- to fix overruns of parameters beyond the established limits;
- create tables of retrospective data by time, events, types of information and much more

Software IUTK "Granit-micro" - SCADA OIC "Granit-micro" is focused on building:
- automated operational information complex (AOIK);
- automated workstations (AWS) of the dispatcher, telemechanic, manager and other "clients";
- subsystems for technical accounting of electricity consumption or other types of energy resources (ASKUE)
- subsystems for registration of emergency information (RAI).

3. Current and voltage converters,

4. Control boards with mosaic panel

5. Equipment for the workplace of a specialist (computers, printers, etc.)

6. Accompaniment of TC "Granit" of all kinds, even if you have models of the 80s (repair, modernization)

7. Complex installation of IUTK "Granit-micro", incl. software for a specialist (dispatcher, telemechanic, engineer)

We invite you to mutually beneficial cooperation!

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Certificate No. 261155 for trademark"MICROGRANITE"

Joint research and production enterprise "Promeks"

Director of SNPP "Promeks"

"____" ____________ 2004

Information material for design and application

information and control telemechanical complex

Design and Survey Institute of Transport Construction


- (Moscow").

Projects on telemechanics systems in Russia and the CIS countries are carried out by the official representative and SNPP "Promeks" - "Granite-micro".

2. Status and development trends of IUTK

2.1. Leading manufacturers and types of IUTK for automated control systems for industrial and non-industrial facilities.

For the analysis, materials of firms that exhibited products at International exhibitions in Russia and Ukraine, reports at seminars and conferences on information collection systems, publications by leading domestic and foreign industry experts, as well as the results of statistical processing technical requirements and operation data of more than 6000 devices of various modifications "Granit", made according to the data (Zhytomyr).

In the markets of Russia and Ukraine, IUTK and their manufacturers from far abroad countries are best known:

S.P.I. D.E. R. RTU, Micro SCADA Network Control System (ABB);

MOSCAD, Motorola - SCADA;

SMART I \ O, Micro PLC and Real - Time Computer (PEP, Germany);



Merlin Gerin, Telemecanique, Square D, Modicon (Schneider Electric, Germany),

MEGADATAR, Communication & Systems (Schlumberger)


In Russia and Ukraine are known:

Series IUTK "Granit" SNPP "Promeks" - (Zhytomyr),

Telemechanics complexes TELEKANAL-M and TELEKANAL-M2 (“Communication and telemechanics systems”, St. Petersburg, Russia),

SMART controller - RTU (Moscow, Russia),

Multiprocessor telecomplex MTK-20 (telemechanics and automation "- SISTEL-A", Moscow, Russia),

TK "KOMPAS TM 2.0" (CJSC "South-System", Krasnodar, Russia),

Hardware-software radiotelemetry complex "TELUR" (NPP "Radiotelecom", St. Petersburg, Russia),

TK - 113, TK - 125 (PA "Telemechanika", Nalchik, Russia),

IUTK "DECONT" (CJSC "DEP", Moscow, Russia),


PTK "Black Box" ("GOSAN", Moscow, Russia),

AURA (LLP "Svey", Yekaterinburg, Russia),

ASDU Micro SCADA ("Relay - Cheboksary", Russia),

IUTK "Sprut" (OJSC "Department of systems development", Kirov, Russia),

MSKU (NPO "Impulse", Severodonetsk, Ukraine),

Telecomplex SPRUT-KOT (Komplekt-Service LLP, Ukraine),

IUTK "Regina" (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Dispatching mosaic and electronic boards and consoles produce:

BARCO (Belgium),

SIEMENS (Germany),

TEW (England),

Synelec (France),

Sigma Telas (Lithuania),

- (Ukraine),

- (Russia)

SYSTEM plus" (Russia)

- (Ukraine).

2.2. Components and structure of IUTK for automated control systems

The structure of a “standard” one-level IUTK for automated control systems is shown in the figure.

TsPPS - central receiving and transmitting station (ITC control point),

RTU - remote terminal unit (controlled point - CP IUTK),

MLS - communication line of the backbone structure,

Radar - a communication line of a radial structure,

TLS - transit communication line,

ShchD and PD - dispatcher's shield (screen), dispatcher's console,

PC - an electronic computer for the staff of the CPPS and RTU,

D IMKS - sensors for notification, metrological and code signals,

IM - executive mechanisms.

The structure of a multi-level IUTK network configuration is shown in the figure.

Databases" href="/text/category/bazi_dannih/" rel="bookmark">database of the slave PC does not correspond to the real one and accumulated by the moment of failure of the master PC.

The architecture with independently and synchronously operating PCs was adopted for the construction of a machining center in IUTK "Granit-micro".

2.3. Analysis of the IUTK structure

The development of IUTK led to their division into three main classes:

Automated systems for commercial accounting of electricity (ASKUE);

Emergency Information Recorders (RAI).

The functional separation of IUTK led to their "physical separation".

When developing IUTK "Granit-micro", a theoretical and practical substantiation of the possibility and expediency of creating an IUTK from subsystems of ADCS and ASKUE was carried out.

IUTK "Granit-micro" combines the functions of ASDU and ASKUE.

2.4. The composition and design of the CPPS IUTK

The composition of the "basic" version of the CPPS is shown in the figure.

71" height="40" bgcolor="white" style="vertical-align:top;background: white">

OTs(PD)" width="183">

The RTU interface unit (BS with RTU) includes line adapters (LA) - modems. The type of aircraft is determined by the communication line used for interfacing with the CP, and their number is determined by the number of reception and transmission directions departing from the CPSS. If all CPs are connected to the CPPS by radial communication lines, the number of LAs is equal to the number of CPs; when using trunk and transit communication lines, the number of aircraft is less than the number of CP. The concentrator is a controller for the supervisory control of a set of aircraft (MLA), which regulates the exchange of data between the CP and the processing center (PC).

The data of the concentrator through the controller for interface with the PC OTs come to the PC. As a rule, COM ports that support the RS 232C protocol (C2 interface) are used to interface the CPPS equipment with a PC. Thus, the task of the interface controller is reduced to converting the protocol used in data collection into the COM port protocol.

OTs TSPPS is combined with the dispatcher's console (PD).

Analysis of the work of dozens of IUTKs at large energy and industrial enterprises convinces of the need to build an OC on several independently operating PCs, each of which independently and synchronously receives data from a multichannel interface controller with a PC. With such a structure, identical synchronous databases of current and retrospective data are created in each PC. The main advantages of this OC architecture are:

Increased survivability, since periods of time are practically excluded when the database in the OC (in case of failure of the main PC) does not correspond to the real one,

Extension functionality for the dispatcher, who can use the "technological frames" displayed on the screen of two (or more) PCs.

We emphasize that the operational work of the dispatcher when using the OC with independently operating PCs and the presence of at least one of the PCs not included in the network does not depend on the state of the local network of the enterprise.

IUTK "Granit-micro" uses a redundant machining center on independently operating PCs.

The most important characteristics software(PO) are:

The use of standard (generally accepted) operating systems, information input-output drivers, database structures to build IUTK,

Openness for the user of the software,

Redundancy of the processing center of the CPPS and the independence of the formation of databases in each part of the processing center,

The possibility of building an automated information and control complex (AOIK) based on software,

Inclusion in the software of tool programs to simplify the adaptation of IUTK to real conditions of use,

Inclusion in the software of a package of test programs for organizing an automated workplace (AWP) of service personnel,

Possibility of creation on the basis of RTU mini AOIK,

Possibility to create a workstation of the dispatcher's workflow.

The IUTK “Granit-micro” software includes a subsystem for commercial (technical) accounting of electricity consumption (ASKUE) and elements of an emergency information recorder (RAI). Separate branches of the basic software and specialized test software are used to build the personnel workstation. The software is "open" for the user - it may include additional branches to solve individual problems, including programs created by other organizations.

Software tools provide the following functions:

1) exchange of information between the CPSS and the CP in accordance with the accepted algorithm for the operation of devices;

2) processing of information, its reproduction on the screens of PC monitors, switchboard devices and (and) remote control, registration by a printing device;

3) "binding" the information of the CP to the system time of the AOIK PC,

4) setting commands from the keyboard of the PC display and controls of the board and (or) the console;

5) test control of serviceability of devices;

6) the ability to connect user programs;

7) the possibility of creating multi-level hierarchical structures;

The basic software (BPO) of the device includes the following programs:

1) control of data transmission over communication channels;

2) collection and primary processing of information;

3) display of heterogeneous information;

4) generating, customizing and linking a specific implementation of working software from standard software modules of the BPO;

5) exchange of information over the local network.

With the help of BPO, databases of current and retrospective data are created. The database management system (DBMS) allows you to:

Build graphs of values ​​(states) of controlled and measured parameters,

Fix overruns of parameters beyond the established limits,

Register emergency situations according to specified criteria,

Form tables of retrospective data by time, events, types of information, addresses of objects, etc.,

Generate summaries of data according to established forms,

Record dispatcher actions with binding of events to the current time,

Generate reports on electricity consumption by objects, groups of objects, feeders, groups of feeders, etc.

Tool programs allow you to create technological frames - mnemonic diagrams of the entire object or parts of the object and arbitrarily select places for displaying discrete signals (state or position of equipment), values ​​of measured or calculated parameters on mnemonic diagrams. These programs establish a correspondence between system and technological (real) addresses and object names; the programs make it easy to change the types of mnemonic diagrams (technological frames) by the user's specialists without involving the manufacturer of the complex.

Tool programs determine the addresses of objects whose state or value is displayed on the control panel, set the type of information displayed at the request of the user and, if necessary, allow you to correct the previously set control panel (remote control) parameters.

How to use the software is described in "Guidelines for the use of software IUTK "Granit-micro".

2.6. Communication Protocols

The protocol regulates the sequence of transmission and the structure of the components of an information message transmitted over communication channels.

At The universality of IUTK is largely determined by the protocol used for transmitting messages over communication channels.

IUTK "Granit-micro" uses the basic protocolHDLC which is equivalent to the protocolADCCPANSI (American National Standards Institute). ProtocolHDLC is the basis for CCITT recommendations X.25.

HDLC assumes the following components of the data message transmission work cycle:

- "opening" and "closing" information message marker-"flag" - a single-byte package with a structure successive signals "1"),

The address part, which includes single or multi-byte sending codes of the address of the source and receiver of the information message,

One-byte sending of the mode of operation set for this work cycle,

- "information field" of the message, the length of which can vary from 0

(if the data contained in the operating mode setting byte is sufficient) up to 256 bytes,

- "protection field", representing a two-byte control sequence - the remainder of the division of the entire transmitted polynomial (address part, operating mode and information field) by the forming polynomial 215 + 212 + 25 + 1.

protocol that can be used to optimize the mode of operation of the IUTK.

In IUTK "Granit-micro" information messages include codes

relative timestamps, the combination of which is used for recovery in

AOIK real-time PC "events".

HDLC is suitable for building IUTK network structures with "data packets" switching. To increase resistance to interference in communication channels, it uses a “densely packed” cyclic code with a two-byte control sequence, which provides a code distance between adjacent allowed combinations of at least four for messages whose length does not exceed 128 bytes.

In IUTK "Granit-micro" the "batch" cyclic code is supplemented with a specially developed conditionally correlation bipulse code, which allows not only fixing, but also localizing the place and identifying the type of data distortion.

The use of a standard, generally recognized high-level protocol in IUTK guarantees the user the possibility of developing automated control systems during operation, interfacing with hardware or software of other IUTK.

For intersystem communications in the OC IUTK "Granit-micro" it is planned to conduct information exchanges according to the GOST R IEC 001 protocol.

Information exchanges over the local (departmental) network are carried out according to the "client-server" principle.

3. Main technical characteristics of IUTK "Granit-micro"

IUTK is carried out according to a hierarchical principle and includes (according to the conditions of use) regional centers (for example, PU RES) and a central control point (CPU),

Each regional center unites peripheral control points (CP), the number of which is determined by the terms of the order;

For information exchanges between regional centers(PU RES) and KP use sealed communication channels organized by power lines, physical communication lines - a dedicated pair of wires up to 15 km long, VHF radio communication channel, GSM channels mobile communications,

With the help of standard converter modules, interfacing with digital communication channels (for example, Ethernet radio) is realized,

For information exchanges over multiplexed communication channels, the frequency range of 2800–3400 Hz of a standard telephone channel is used, data exchange is carried out at a speed of 100…600 bps, taking into account the actual bandwidth of the provided communication channel,

The set and levels of exchange signals with channel-forming equipment are standard,

Regional PU (for example, RES) ensures the exchange of information with all CPs (RES), regardless of their number, territorial location, type of communication channel, speed of information exchange, volumes and types of information for each CP,

Regional PU (RES) provides information exchange with the CPU, the requirements for the types of communication channels, the organization of information exchanges for all communication channels are identical,

For information exchanges KP - PU of all levels, identical data transfer protocols are used,

Each CP provides input 32 n discrete signals (DS); 32 n analog DC signals (0…5, 0…20, 4…20, -5…0…+5 mA) channel for measuring the current values ​​of parameters (CT); 32 n number-pulse signals from electricity meters of the channel for telemeasurement of integral values ​​of parameters (TI); 4 n code messages of the data input channel from the "current loop" of meters or other external devices; output of control signals by 4 ... 96 actuators of the telecontrol channel (TC) ( n is the number of modules of the corresponding type installed in the CP device),

To control the actuators, signal conditioners are used - intermediate relays that provide load connection with a rated voltage of alternating or direct current of 220 V at a load switching current of up to 4 A. The control circuits of the actuators are galvanically isolated from the control circuits and from each other,

CP devices register a sequence of discrete events (DS) and implement the functions of the Emergency Information Recorder (RAI),

PU devices include a machining center on one, two or more PCs,

The software of the processing center (MC) PU implements the functions of the Automated Operational Information Complex (AOIK) and includes the dispatcher workstation,

PC OTs PU can be included in the local network of the enterprise by standard

by means of an interface card corresponding to the type of network.

Disconnection or failure of the local network does not lead to termination

operational information exchange with command posts and launchers. To increase the survivability of the operational circuit, it is recommended to include only one PC of the processing center in the local network,

The CPU includes a processing center on two (or more) independently operating PCs. Each PC OC creates a synchronous database of current and retrospective data. Any PC OTs can be included in the local network of the enterprise by standard means,

The OC CPU software is implemented by ASIC and includes the dispatcher's workstation subsystem,

The unspecified characteristics of the telemechanics system are not inferior to those of the Granit telecomplex.

4. Conceptual solutions of IUTK "Granit-micro"

4.1. "Integral" reliability of data

When constructing a telemechanics system, the criterion for achieving the maximum "integral" reliability of channels for input, processing, transmission, and display of data was adopted as the basis for assessing the quality of components and devices.

Integral reliability - the probability of receiving undistorted information from the source by the receiver with a delay not exceeding the established limit.

The introduced unified indicator of integral reliability includes, as components, the most important indicators of IUTK - speed, noise immunity, reliability, reliability of information reception, which are usually represented by separate parameters.

To analyze the "real speed" it is not enough to take into account the speed of signal switching and the length of the information message - a probabilistic analysis of the structural, system and circuit solutions of the IUTK is required. The parameter obtained on the basis of such an analysis - "real speed", is introduced as one of the components in the indicator "integral reliability" to determine the compliance of the established and achievable time for obtaining reliable information.

Regulatory documents establish that the reliability of IUTK should be determined separately for each channel of each of the functions performed and expressed by a probabilistic indicator - the average time to failure or the time between failures. Obviously, when calculating the reliability, it is supposed to take into account only the probability of detectable faults. Undetectable faults (hidden failures) are transferred from the “reliability” indicator to the “reliability” indicator and

determine the probability of receiving and presenting to the receiver information with undetectable distortions

Without linking the two indicators in general - "integral reliability", the task for the consumer is intractable. It is also important to emphasize that when using separate indicators - speed, reliability and reliability, the interdependence between the methods of detecting faults (fault diagnosis) and the time of delivery of reliable information to the receiver is not taken into account, therefore, it is advisable to link speed with a single indicator.

Noise immunity according to the "standard" methodology is determined by the probability of detecting distortions of the received information interference in the communication channel between KP and PU (TsPPS). According to the “standard”, to increase the noise immunity of the IUTK, it is enough to use more powerful anti-jamming codes for transmission. However, the interfering effect of interference is felt not only in the communication channel KP - TsPPS, but also in other components of the sensor-receiver path.

It is obvious that the measures taken to improve noise immunity - increasing the "power" of codes, introducing surge filters, etc., can increase the probability of data reception delay to a value exceeding the established threshold, i.e.

transfer the received data to the category of unreliable - distorting real processes (especially emergency ones) at the facility.

Therefore, noise immunity indicators must be considered in the context of real reliability.

In IUTK "Granit-micro" system, algorithmic, circuit solutions are aimed at increasing the level of integral data reliability.

4.2. Using Combined Coding

A high level of integral reliability can be ensured by the introduction of continuously operating diagnostic units capable of detecting almost all types of distortions.

To obtain a high level of protection of messages from distortions, the information code must be synthesized from several components, and the structure of the code of individual components may not coincide.

To ensure a high level of integral reliability, it is necessary to combine the procedures for inputting information from sensors and encoding, i.e., to combine the encoder with the information input node.

In IUTK "Granit-micro" a conditionally correlation bipulse code is formed, framed by a cyclic code, and in two-stage coding, the same module nodes are used, i.e. - for a malfunction of any element located in the signal delivery route from the sensor to the receiver.

4.3. Using the principle of "separation of intelligence"

FM « Granite micro » built on the basis of the introduced and theoretically substantiated principle of "separation of intelligence", the purpose of which is the optimal distribution of "intelligent" functions between the central controller and the FM.

The encoder of the FM source generates an information message taking into account the data obtained during the autonomous diagnostics of the operability of the FM nodes and the interface circuits with the sensors. Theoretical analysis of message coding methods shows that the greatest "integral reliability" of IUTK can be ensured when a bipulse correlation code is used in the FM encoder and when each binary signal (bit) is displayed by two signals - "1" and "0" or "0" and "1 ",

The encoder of the FM controller or the internal bus controller of the device implements the procedures of the second level of coding, which consist in the formation of a "densely packed" cyclic code for all message components - timestamps, pointers physical address(locations) FM in CP or CPSC and addresses of CP and CPSC in IUTK.

At the level of IUTK devices, the principle of "separation" of intelligence involves the introduction of a primary analysis of the situation into the CP and an automatic transition to the active state when a "significant" event is recorded, for example, a change in the state of the control object, a measured parameter running out of the set dead zone - aperture.

The transfer of a part of the "intelligent" functions of the IUTK to the CP device - the formation and transmission of time stamps as part of information messages, can significantly reduce the requirements for the start time of data transmission of the AMR subsystem and, thereby, create conditions for building multifunctional IUTK without increasing the requirements for the performance of communication channels.

4.4. Using the principle of "necessary sufficiency"

It is obvious that the structure of the system and individual components should ensure the provision of maximum services to the Customer at a minimum cost without degradation of information and dynamic characteristics. To implement the principle, IUTK "Granit-micro" implements:

Modular structure. The analysis of the optimality (“necessary sufficiency”) of the information composition and types of modules is of paramount importance in the implementation of the modular structure. In the telecomplex "Granit-micro" the characteristics of the modules are determined on the basis of statistics on 6000 devices previously produced,

Designs of devices KP and PU IUTK "Granit-micro" in the period 1999 ... 2002 were made in four versions and proposed for analysis and proposals to large consumers of various devices. The considered version of the PU and KP devices is synthesized on the basis of proposals and recommendations from potential Customers. The obtained solutions made it possible to optimize the structure of external links, overall dimensions and user characteristics.

5. Patent protection of the telemechanics system "Granit-micro"

Almost all structural and circuit solutions of IUTK "Granit-micro" are protected by patents of Russia and Ukraine. Below are the most important ones.

Patent name

A priority



Device for receiving telecontrol commands

bul. No. 7, 15.08.01

Clock Synchronizer

bulletin..№.8, 17.09.01

Device for sporadic transmission of telesignaling

bul. No. 8, 17.09.01

Device for generating telecontrol commands

bul. №7, 15.08.01

Telesignaling device

The publication introduces the information and control telemechanical complex "Granit-micro", widely used in power supply systems in Russia and the CIS countries. It is shown that this is a reliable solution, carefully developed over many years of operation, which provides the reception, transmission, processing, display and retransmission of information in accordance with GOSTs.


There is a saying: "Practice is the measure of truth." Under the conditions of domestic realities, this statement acquires a special meaning, understandable, we think, to many. And in industry and in such an area of ​​the economy as energy, practice and the wealth of experience gained thanks to it are of decisive importance in many respects: integrators with three or a quarter of a century of work experience are, you see, a big difference. Unfortunately, there are very few of the latter on the domestic market. There are even fewer of those who initially work with the products of one manufacturer and know it thoroughly, while having all the levers and opportunities to take into account the wishes of customers and modern tendencies developing technologies.

The experience of the EXHIBITION AND TRADING HOUSE "GRANITE-MICRO" is difficult to overestimate. The information and control telemechanical complex (IUTK) "Granit-micro", which it introduces in Russia and the CIS countries, has a rich history. In 1986, its "predecessor", TK "Granit", became the first mass-produced product of the USSR with built-in microcomputers. It was approved by the Ministry of Energy for telemechanization of power facilities of district power grids, power grid enterprises, power systems and was widely used in all Soviet republics.

Later, at the end of the 1990s, the equipment of IUTK "Granit-micro" was approved for use at the facilities of SDCs "Rosseti". Today, telemechanical systems built on the basis of this complex are successfully operated at the facilities of SDCs "Rosseti" (PJSC "MOESK", PJSC branch IDGC of Volga - Mordovenergo, a branch of IDGC of Center PJSC - Tverenergo, etc.), in Siberian Coal Energy Company JSC, AvtoVAZ JSC, Achinsk Oil Refinery JSC, at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sheremetyevo International Airport JSC and at other enterprises in Russia, as well as near and far abroad.

Rice. one. IUTK "Granit-micro" (KPA-micro type) at a mobile substation during installation

EXHIBITION AND TRADING HOUSE "GRANITE-MICRO", which for the first time delivered the telemechanics system of the "Granit-M" series to the facility in 1992, has been implementing this complex (as well as its new version of IUTK "Granit-micro") in all branches of the industrial and non-industrial spheres, provides technical support for the system, trains the technical staff of customer companies and provides free consultations of specialists.

Our magazine is doubly pleased to congratulate the company on its 25th anniversary. All these years, her activities have been associated with one, but extremely extensive and responsible project, the features of which we will describe in the article.

About the complex "Granit-micro"

Information and control telemechanical complex "Granit-micro" has a multi-level structure and is intended for control, registration and diagnostics of energy and other production processes, objects. It is applied for automated systems control (ACS).

IUTK provides reception, transmission, processing, display and retransmission of information. It consists of devices of controlled points (CP) and devices of control points (CP). KP and PU include:
- modules for input of discrete, analog, code signals and messages (multi-element information), output of control commands;
- blocks of intermediate relays and control of motor drives.

Let's list the parameters of IUTK "Granite-micro".

In terms of resistance to climatic factors in accordance with GOST 26.205, KP and PU belong to the C1 design group with an operating temperature range from -30 to 55 °C and relative humidity from 5 to 100%.

IUTK is resistant to sinusoidal vibration with the parameters corresponding to the performance group L3 GOST 12997 (5…25 Hz, displacement – ​​0.1 mm).

Resistant to atmospheric pressure in the range from 66 to 106.7 kPa (operation and storage).

Withstands single mechanical shocks at a peak acceleration of 30 m/s² and a shock pulse duration ranging from 0.5 to 30 m/s.

IUTK uses integral indicators of information reliability, which take into account the entire delivery route from the sensor to the recipient (from source to receiver), including communication channels (CS).

Information reliability indicators according to GOST 26.205:
- the probability of transformation of the TR team does not exceed 10–15;
- the probability of refusal to execute the command sent (up to five times) TR does not exceed 10–10;
- the probability of transformation of the information of the vehicle, undetectable distortion of the sign of the code message of the RPA, RI, CPU, the counter of the retransmitted information does not exceed 10–12;
- the probability of information loss during sporadic transmission (up to five times) does not exceed 10–10;
- the probability of an undetectable distortion converted into a TT code does not exceed 10–8.

Reliability indicators are confirmed by calculations and tests according to clause 5.17 of GOST 26.205. When calculating the reliability, the probability of distortion of any message signal was assumed to be 10–4.

The mean time between failures of the ET for each function performed by the IUTK meets the requirements for group 1 of GOST 26.205 and exceeds 18,000 hours.

When calculating the reliability indicators of IUTK, modules and programs involved in the delivery of information from the sensor to the receiver and located in the CP and PU were taken into account.

The average service life of IUTK is more than 15 years.

Rice. 2. Telemechanics system "MICROGRANITE" at the exhibition stand: operator's workstation, various types of devices in the role of CP (PU) with remote access and various communication channels (including a dispersed CP device for power cells), etc.

Instead of an afterword. Interview with Deputy Marketing Director Veronika Alekseevna Tarasova

ISUP: Could you tell us, please, for the creation of which systems the telemechanical complex "Granit-micro" is mainly used and why?
V. A. Tarasova: Telemechanical complex "Granit-micro" is designed for power supply systems (SES), for example, for automation of control and energy management systems, automation of systems commercial accounting energy, automation of processes (opening and closing doors, turning on and off escalators, fountains, lighting at the customer's subordinate facilities, such as substations, transformer substations, package transformer substations, distribution substations, mobile substations, boiler rooms, etc.).

ISUP: Why is your complex preferable to other systems and how does it take into account our realities?
V. A. Tarasova: It is known that the equipment must not only be purchased in the required quantities, but also be accompanied in a timely manner throughout the entire operational life. Foreign analogues are mostly not Russified, which in the future, during the operation period, causes some inconvenience. Sometimes, when a pre-emergency situation occurs, the personnel responsible for the operation of the equipment have to figure it out on their own, without the opportunity to contact the developer. We are always ready to advise, understand the situation and help, regardless of who supplied the equipment of the MICROGRANITE trademark. Many enterprises remain our faithful partners for many generations of telemechanical systems. Thanks to their operating experience and the desire to improve the system as a whole, our company, together with its partner NPP Promeks, constantly upgrades and improves product quality. We value our customers and always meet them halfway.
IUTK "Granit-micro" is made taking into account the requirements of customers and based on domestic realities. He tends to:
- a combination of low-speed, "bad" communication channels with high-speed ones (fiber optic, GPRS, 3G), which allows for a gradual modernization of installed complexes;
- support for a wide list of protocols, starting with old ones (VRTF, MKT2, MKT3, etc.) and ending with new ones - IEC 870-5-101/104, IEC 61850 MMS/GOOSE;
- the possibility of building redundant systems at the level of not only control points, but also channels, controlled points, sensors;
- the use of proprietary time stamps that allow you to build a history of events with an accuracy of at least 2 ms without using GPS.
Testimony High Quality and the relevance of products are consumer reviews, participation in international exhibitions, presentations at conferences, the availability of various certificates and awards, holding thematic seminars and webinars.

ISUP: How actively is IUTK "Granit-micro" being developed today? What new technical solutions have been developed for IUTK "Granit-micro" in recent times?
V. A. Tarasova: IUTK "Granit-micro" is constantly being upgraded, active developments are underway to improve performance, ergonomics and reliability.
Over the past few months, mass production has begun:
- KNSh4 (controller-storage-gateway), which implements direct pairing of CP and CP devices. It itself is a frame controller, it acts as a KAM and KNSh module of previous generations;
- a new line of frameworks KP "Granit-micro", which increases the reliability and ease of use, makes it possible to easily disassemble and assemble the case;
- BPR-05-08 (04) upgraded according to the wishes of customers.
A new generation of Granite-micro devices with a distributed structure of module placement has also been developed. More information about all the new products can be found on our website The operating experience of many generations of telemechanics is concentrated in these devices, reliability and ergonomics are improved.

ISUP: How versatile is the Granit-Micro complex? Can only systems for large or medium-sized objects be built on its basis? Or is it also suitable for small objects, small businesses? Can it be applied at facilities located in places where there are no power lines?
V. A. Tarasova: IUTK "Granit-micro" is universal, as evidenced by the geography and industries of application. Based on it, you can easily create a "smart home" or telemechanize a regional energy company. Since a wide range of communication channels is used (GPRS, CDMA, radio, Ethernet and many others), the location of the object does not play a significant role.

ISUP: Systems built on the basis of the telemechanical complex "Granit" (which was continued by the IUTK "Granit-micro") were widely introduced in our country 35 years ago. Does this give you some competitive advantage today, given that many facilities have your system installed and if you want to update it, obviously, it would be a logical decision to contact you?
V. A. Tarasova: The natural desire to update the outdated system of 35 years ago, replacing it with a system that is understandable, convenient, with all the characteristics that meet modern requirements and realities in the energy sector, is a justified decision. Our systems, sold under the trademark "MICROGRANIT", can work at the stage of commissioning in parallel with the existing telemechanical complex, which allows you to replace one system with another safely without losing important data. We try to constantly support and advise our customers, look for solutions to improve or modernize installed complexes, and improve product quality. That is why contacting us will be the logical decision.

Joint research and production enterprise "Promeks"

The concept of building and implementation of ASKUE

on the components of the information management

telemechanical complex "Granit-micro"



SNPP "Promeks",

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member IAU

Portnov M.L.

Introduction. Accepted definitions and notation

1. ASKUE is an integral part of the integrated information and control telemechanical complex IUTK "Granit-micro" of the MICROGRANIT trademark.

2. Certification of IK ASKUE "Granite-micro"

3. Organizational and technical measures to improve the integrity (reliability) of information IC ASKUE "Granit-micro".

4. Information flow of the ASKUE subsystem as part of the general flow in the integrated information and control telemechanical complex.

5. Criteria for assessing the quality of an integrated information and control complex with ASKUE and ADCS subsystems.

6. General tasks solved by EC ASKUE within the framework of an integrated or

specialized IUTK "Granite-micro".

8. Implementation of IC ASKUE and ASDU of the integrated IUTK "Granit-micro". The level of the peripheral controlled point (RTU).

9. Interfacing of the integrated IUTK and IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" with communication channels

10. Configuration of KP devices - RTU IC ASKUE integrated IUTK

"Granite micro".

11. Configuration of communications KP - RTU with TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro" for various communication lines.

12. Implementation of KP - RTU devices for serviced points.

13. Reservation of communication channels KP - RTU.

14. Implementation of subsystems of IUTK "Granit-micro" in KP - RTU.

15. The main components of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro".

16. Implementation of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro".

17. Software IUTK "Granit-micro".

18. Conclusion.

19. Literature.


The basis for the construction of modern integrated information and control telemechanical complexes, including for ASKUE, is the IUTK "Granit-micro" - a new generation of the well-known complex "Granit" ("Granit-M"), the first serial product of the USSR with built-in microcomputers ( JSC "Promavtomatika").

IUTK "Granit" was recommended by the USSR Ministry of Energy for telemechanization of power facilities of district power grids, power grid enterprises, power systems. Over 13 years of mass production (in the period 1987 ... 2000), more than 6,000 IUTK "Granit" devices were delivered to enterprises in all the republics of the former USSR.

IUTK "Granit" - the basis for the creation in SNPP "Promeks" - JSC "Promavtomatika" of a series of complexes - "Granit-ZhD" (for electrified sections of railways), "Granite-light" (for controlling outdoor lighting of cities), "Granite- oil" (for oil fields). More than a thousand of these devices are successfully operating at facilities.

The developer of IUTK "Granit-micro" - SNPP "Promeks", used best solutions basic complex and introduced into it modern theoretical, system and circuit principles.

When creating IUTK "Granit-micro", the main parameters of more than 35 products were analyzed - analogues of leading companies - ABB, Siemens, PEP, Landis@Gyr, Motorola, Octagon Systems, Allen Breadly, JSC "TsNNIKA", CJSC Telemechanics and Automation Systems - Systel - A”, CJSC “Communication and Telemechanics Systems”, CJSC NPP “Radiotelecom”, OJSC “South-System Plus”, CJSC “RTSoft”, DEP companies, LLC NTC “GOSAN”, etc. New technical solutions have been developed and tested in dozens of publications solutions that allow you to successfully compete with the products of leading companies.

IUTK "Granit-micro" takes into account the experience of development and industrial production of the basic complex "Granit", theoretical studies of the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology ( technical university), conducted by Dr.Sc. Portnov E.M., proposals of the participants of the seminars held by the developers of the SNPP "Promex".

Partners SNPP "Promeks" and OJSC "Promavtomatika" - Dnepropetrovsk State University transport engineers, VTD "Granit-micro", National University "Lviv Polytechnic", TsNIIKA (Moscow).

Devices of IUTK "Granit-micro" are certified by the leading organization RAO UES of Russia, the complex is included (the only one among analogues of Ukrainian manufacturers) in the list of products allowed for use at energy facilities in Russia.

Since December 2003, the products of IUTK "Granit-micro" are protected by the trademark " MICROGRANITE".

In 2004, the products of IUTK "Granite-micro" at the all-Ukrainian competition were awarded the sign "Vishcha test" in the nomination "Instrument making".

The level of IUTK "Granite-micro" is characterized by:

1. Certificate of conformity No. RU MX02.B00075 (No. 3697984).

2. Order of RAO UES of Russia dated 16.11.98. (as of November 1, 2002). Scroll

telemechanics devices, the use of which is allowed at the facilities of the electric power industry of Russia. P.11 - Telemechanics complex "Granit-micro".

3. Diploma of the International exhibition "Energy communications, communications in the energy sector" - 2000

4. Diploma of the 2nd degree in the nomination "Automated Energy Accounting Systems" of the VII International Specialized Exhibition "Uralenergo-2001"..

5. Diploma of the 3rd international specialized exhibition "Energy, energy saving, ecology".

6. Diploma of the International Exhibition "Energosvyaz-2002" for the development and implementation of modern digital technologies in the control systems of the UES of Russia.

7. Exposition of IUTK "Granite-micro" at the exhibition "Year of Ukraine in Russia".

8. Report at the second specialized seminar - exhibition " Modern means telemechanics, organization of workplaces and control panels”, Moscow, 2001.

9. Report at the third specialized seminar-exhibition "Modern means of telemechanics, organization of workplaces and control panels", Moscow, 2002.

10. Report at the fourth specialized seminar - exhibition "Modern means of remote control, organization of workplaces and control panels", Moscow, 2003.

11. Report at the fifth specialized seminar-exhibition "Modern means of telemechanics, organization of workplaces and control panels", Moscow, 2004.

12. Monograph “Analysis of the state of production, principles of construction and development trends of information and control complexes for automated control systems for distributed energy facilities and industries”, Moscow, 2002 (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor E.M. Portnov).

13. More than 70 patents for inventions obtained by SNPP "Promeks" and OJSC "Promavtomatika", including 20 patents for IUTK "Granit-micro" devices.

After the completion of the development and the start of industrial production, IUTK "Granit-micro" successfully participates in competitions and tenders, as evidenced by the presented table

Geography of deliveries of IUTK "Granit-micro" and its components in 2002…2004.

Since 1975, telecomplexes manufactured by PO (OJSC) Promavtomatika have included elements of the electricity metering subsystem, i.e. for 30 years, the developers of SNPP "Promeks" - SKTB "Promavtomatika" have been working on the creation integrated information and control telemechanical complexes, including subsystems of automated dispatch control systems ASDU and commercial (technical) electricity metering ASKUE .

1. ASKUE is a component of the integrated information and control telemechanical complex IUTK "Granit-micro" of the MICROGRANIT trademark

After the industrial production of fourth-generation telecomplexes "Granit", the State Institute "Sistema" (Lviv) certified one of the variants of KP "Granit" as UKUE - a commercial electricity metering device. However, the work on certification did not find continuation, since the tendency of certification was clearly manifested.

individual parts, but ASKUE as a whole. As a result, from the creation of ASKUE, the developers of the IUTK "Granit-micro" moved on to the creation information complexes IK ASKUE, which corresponds with the modern "Concept of building ASKUE".

According to the modern interpretation of ASKUE - a three-level system, including:

The first level - metering points (measuring current and voltage transformers, meters, communication circuits between the specified elements),

The second level is the metering object (node), which is a set of metering points and a software and hardware device for collecting, processing and transmitting AMR information. The accounting object on a technological basis is peripheral device of the controlled point ( remote terminal unit) - KP - RTU ,

Third level - central receiving-transmitting station (CRPS)), which conducts information exchanges with all KP - RTU and is included in the corporate (departmental, local) computer network. The CPPS is connected to the CP by communication lines (channels) of various configurations, types and lengths.

The level of metering points is the measuring part of ASKUE, and the other two levels are the information part.

The second and third levels of ASKUE - accounting objects and CPPS, are further defined as information complex IK ASKUE.

In this concept, the main attention is paid to the synthesis of IC ASKUE, which, to a large extent, is explained by the fact that it is almost impossible for a manufacturing plant to create a system of commercial (technical) electricity metering as a whole. As a rule, ASKUE is built on current and voltage measuring transformers already included in the work, previously purchased meters, made connections of measuring transformers with meters. In addition, in the vast majority of cases, communication channels KP - CPPS are not selected by the IC Supplier, but are provided by the System Customer. The IC ASKUE software must be integrated into the existing corporate (local) computer network.

2. Certification of IK ASKUE "Granite-micro"

In accordance with the indicated realities, ASKUE is object-oriented and, in this regard, must be certified not at the Manufacturer's site, but at the place of its installation at the Customer.

For testing and certification of ASKUE, the developer (manufacturer) of the ASKUE IC transfers to the Customer the documentation related to the ASKUE IC itself, as well as to the interface elements with the equipment of metering points. If necessary, the developer and manufacturer of IC ASKUE takes part in the testing of the system.

Continuing the research conducted over thirty years, the developer of the IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" - SNPP "Promeks", creates integrated multi-level information and control telemechanical complexes, which, in accordance with terms of use, include any combination of subsystems ASDU, ASKUE and registration of emergency information (RAI).

3. Organizational and technical measures to improve the integrity (reliability) of information IC ASKUE "Granit-micro"

3.1. An organizational increase in the integrity of information is achieved by the fact that the components (modules) that solve the tasks of ASKUE can be separated from the rest of the CP and installed in a separate casing of the CP (KPM) - micro.

The casing allocated for IC ASKUE, if necessary, is sealed by the energy sales service to exclude unauthorized access to the communication circuits with meters.

To interface the KP IK ASKUE with the CPPS, according to the conditions of use, a dedicated or common communication channel with the IK ASDU can be used.

3.2. Technical measures to ensure the integrity of information:

Elimination of unauthorized influence on the code information message received from the meter,

Continuous diagnostics of the operability of the communication circuits of the meter with the equipment of the gearbox,

Comparative analysis data obtained from the number-pulse and code outputs of the meters, in order to verify the reliability of the data according to the established criteria,

Comparative analysis of data obtained in adjacent information cycles from the number of pulse and code channels of counters in order to increase the level of data reliability according to established criteria,

Framing the information received from the meters with a conditionally correlation bipulse code specially developed for IUTK "Granit-micro", which, in combination with a cyclic code, reduces the probability of undetectable information distortions to the level of 10 -13 ... 10 -16 , i.e. achievement of high reliability, 4 ... 7 orders of magnitude higher than the requirements normative documentation to ASKUE,

Synthesis of the structure and algorithms for conducting information exchanges in accordance with the accepted criterion for determining the quality of information and the entire IC of ASKUE - the integral reliability of information

An important feature of the approach to the construction of IUTK "Granit-micro" is the theoretical substantiation of the decisions made, which makes it possible to present the main indicators not verbally, but in the form of calculated parameters.

4. Information flow of the ASKUE subsystem as part of the general flow in the integrated information and control telemechanical complex

The main task of the synthesis of information and control telemechanical complexes is to ensure the maximum use of the bandwidth of communication channels and a high level of information reliability during the operation of the IUTK in normal and abnormal (emergency) modes.

IC ASKUE on the elements of IUTK "Granit-micro" is synthesized on the basis of a theoretical analysis of information flows (L.5), which resulted in the substantiation of the possibility and necessity of dividing the information flow of ASKUE into two components - operational and non-operational.

Operational the component of the information flow is sent not only to the AMR, but also to the operational information circuit of the ADCS, and is used to build a "power profile" in the power consumption circuits. Based on the operational component, quasi-instantaneous power values ​​are calculated to build a graph of averaged half-hour values ​​and generate the corresponding reporting documents.

The operational component of the flow is formed by the number-pulse output channels of the counters, and is the input information for the modules for input, accumulation, processing and transmission of information IC ASDU and ASKUE.

The main motive for separating the operational component of information from the general data flow of AMR is the possibility of maximum compression of information for transmission to the DSS with one information message of data from several (8 ... 32) counters. Due to this, the information load on the communication channel KP - TsPPS sharply decreases, it becomes possible without degradation of the dynamic characteristics of the operational circuit - the delivery time of television signals, telecontrol commands and telemetry of current (instantaneous) parameter values, to transmit the operational component of ASKUE information with a cycle of one ... three minutes at information transfer rates are not higher than 200 ... 600 baud.

Increasing the reliability (integrity) of the operational component of the AMR flow is ensured by data transmission on the principle of "progressive total" - in the next cycle

information exchange, the data of each counter are presented in the form of a code equal to the sum of the number of pulses accumulated by the time of the previous data transmission and for the interval between adjacent information transmission cycles. This principle makes it possible to implement information exchanges in the event of a loss or absence of a communication channel in the direction from the CPSS to the CP and to simply and effectively control the correctness of the received information.

non-operational the component of the ASKUE information flow is formed by modern electronic meters in the form of code packets. Code parcels correspond to the information exchange protocol adopted in a particular type of meter. According to the non-operational component, the commercial and (or) technical accounting of electricity consumption.

The division of the total AMR flow into operational and non-operational components sharply reduces the required frequency of polling code information. Due to the fact that the data of the non-operational (code) data component from the counter is accompanied by timestamps, the requirements for the speed of information transmission can be reduced. As a result, the non-operational component - commercial information - is integrated into the operational circuit of the ADCS without degradation of the dynamic characteristics of the integrated complex.

It is important to emphasize that the operational and non-operational components of the ASKUE information flow in the integrated complex pass along the same routes as the information of the operational circuit of the ADCS (telesignaling, telemetry, telecontrol). Therefore, AMR data are formed in the form of noise-immune codes that ensure data reliability, which is characterized by the probability of not detecting distortions 10 -12 ... 10 -16 . As a result, the reliability of ASKUE data within the framework of an integrated complex is four ... eight orders of magnitude higher (!!!) requirements for the "integrity" of information contained in the requirements for standard AMR.

The theoretical studies of information flows in information and control telemechanical complexes have proved the possibility of combining the data of operational and non-operational circuits and building IC ASKUE as part of an integrated complex that combines the subsystems of ASD and ASKUE. The results of theoretical studies form the basis for the construction of the IUTK "Granit-micro" and, in particular, the IC ASKUE "Granit-micro".

5. Criteria for assessing the quality of an integrated information and control complex with subsystems of ASKUE and ADCS

Usually, the following criteria (parameters) are used to assess the quality of information and control complexes:


noise immunity,


Reliability (integrity, accuracy),

The interpretations of these parameters are vague and often do not reflect the operation of the system in real operating conditions, especially in emergency (emergency) situations. A few examples will suffice to illustrate this.

In advertising and information materials of many manufacturers, performance is defined as the quotient of dividing the length of the information message (in bits) by the rate of information transfer over the communication channel (in bits/sec). In fact, this parameter determines the time of transmission of one information message, and no more. Real performance is a probabilistic characteristic and is usually defined as:

The time of transmission of an information message over a direct communication channel KP - TsPPS or along a chain that includes one or more repeaters,

The probability of undistorted reception of the transmitted message by the receiver,

The response time of the receiver to the received message,

The transmission time from the receiver (DSP) of the message about the detected (undetected) distortion,

The probability of receiving the specified message by the information transmitter (CP),

The delay in the start of retransmission of an information message when a distortion is detected,

Message retransmission time.

Obviously, the real speed must be determined by the time shift between the moment of occurrence of the “event for transmission” to the undistorted presentation to the recipient of information characterizing the “event”, with a given value of the confidence probability of the presented parameter.

With such optimal for the user, interpretation, a strong correlation between real performance and other system parameters becomes apparent.

Another example. It is generally accepted to define reliability as the mean time between failures or to failure of a complex or part of it. However, the failure of some component of the complex can lead not to failure, but to incorrect operation, which is fraught with misrepresentation of information. The example shows that there is a strong relationship between reliability and validity. Other examples can show a strong correlation between all the most important parameters of the complex.

It's clear that traditional assessment systems with a number of uncorrelated parameters does not allow the Customer to assess the real characteristics of the system as a whole (in the complex), especially in an emergency.

When creating the IUTK "Granit-micro", the theory and practice of applying a new generalizing criterion for assessing the quality of information and the IC itself was developed - integral reliability of information.

Integral reliability is characterized by the probability of not detecting information distortion (regardless of the place of data distortion, and not only due to interference in the communication channel KP - DSP) provided that undistorted information is delivered to the recipient with a delay relative to the moment of occurrence of the "event for transmission" that does not exceed the established threshold .

In this interpretation, the integral reliability is a generalizing characteristic of the system and takes it as constituent parts probabilistic characteristics:



Reliability (integrity, accuracy),

Noise immunity.

Let us emphasize that the given formulation of the integral reliability requires taking into account the distortions of information in its calculation:

In communication circuits with sensors (meters) and actuators,

In modules of input - output - information processing,

in communication channels,

In modules for receiving and displaying information,

Programs for input, processing, display of data.

Integral reliability characterizes operation of the complex both in normal and emergency situations.

The use of the indicated criterion for assessing the quality of integrated IUTK determines the structure and algorithms of the IUTK modules, as well as the procedures for conducting information exchanges both between modules of one device and the concentrator, and along the route of information delivery from the transmitter to the receiver. The influence of the accepted criterion for assessing the quality of IC - integral reliability , reflected in the following sections of this concept.

Let's decipher the accepted definition "events to send" .

"Event", i.e. the reason for the transfer (conducting information exchange) is:

Change in the state (position) of the controlled object,

Run-out of the current (instantaneous) or average value of the measured parameter relative to the previously transmitted beyond the established limits - aperture,

timer signal,

call for information,

Fixation by diagnostic units of a malfunction, emergency situation or other factors specified in the technical documentation.

Naturally, additions can be made to this list, reflecting individual requirements Customer.

It has been theoretically proven that ICs that use data transmission “on an event” supplemented by diagnostic (control) transmissions of information on a call or timer meet the criterion of integral reliability to the greatest extent.

6. General tasks solved by EC ASKUE within the framework of an integrated or

specialized IUTK "Granit-micro"

6.1. The structure of IC ASKUE as an integral part of the IUTK "Granit-micro" fits into

the general concept of building integrated information and control telemechanical complexes of the MICROGRANIT trademark, complies with the current regulatory documentation - GOSTs, standards for telemechanics systems and ASKUE.

Main technical specifications IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" is not inferior to the products of leading companies - manufacturers of similar products.

The defining parameters, structures, schemes of the IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" are patented, which excludes the accusations of the Manufacturer and the User of violating someone's copyrights.

6.2. Integrated information and control telemechanical complexes and their components - subsystems of ASDU and ASKUE, are open to the User, freely assembled from any combination of functional modules, minimize the redundancy of equipment and programs when solving specific User tasks.

6.3. IC ASKUE provides interfacing with meters included in the State

register of measuring equipment and having valid verification certificates.

The accuracy class and other technical characteristics of the meters must be selected by the Customer (according to the conditions of use - by the Manufacturer of IC AMR), taking into account the requirements for an object-oriented AMR.

Meters should be installed at metering points in accordance with the project.

The connection circuits of meters with measuring current and voltage transformers must comply with the current regulatory documentation.

6.4. During the development of IUTK "Granit-micro" the following defining tasks were solved:

The possibility of combining in one integrated IUTK the subsystems of ASDU and ASKUE,

Minimization of hardware and software redundancy when implementing the complex only for solving the problems of ASDU or ASKUE,

The possibility of introducing into IUTK, originally used to solve the problems of ASDU (ASKUE), modules and programs of the subsystem of ASKUE (ASDU) without changing the algorithms, structures and information exchanges of the previously put into operation complex,

Optimization of the use of limited bandwidth of communication channels,

Ensuring the highest possible indicator of the integral reliability of information,

Maintaining the operability of the operational information circuit in emergency conditions and in the event of failure of the IUTK components.

6.5. Subsystem (SC) ASKUE IUTK "Granit-micro" provides:

Carrying out information exchanges with electronic meters that form

information messages in the form of code signals. The protocols of information exchanges on the "current loop" or interfaces RS-232, RS-485 must be open or transferred by the Customer to the Manufacturer of IC ASKUE. The introduction of this requirement is explained by the fact that some meter manufacturers (ABB, Landis & Gyr, etc.) consider the information exchange protocol to be their intellectual property. The Protocol is transferred to the User of meters upon his request. In such a situation, the introduction of programs for information exchange with meters without the User receiving an authorized copy of the protocol can be considered as a copyright infringement,

Input, accumulation and transmission of information received from counters in the form of the number of pulses,

Possibility of arbitrary increase (within the specified limits) of the number of meters connected to one CP,

Possibility of carrying out information exchanges with meters installed at the same CP, which use different protocols (subject to the conditions specified above)

6.6. To protect the integrity (reliability) of information, the communication circuits of the meters with the ASKUE IC modules are protected from unauthorized interference by automatic continuous monitoring of breaks or short circuits in the number-pulse channels of the meters. The result of the circuit health diagnostics is entered into the information message so that the location and type of damage is identified in the CPSS.

6.7. Improving the quality of the information received is achieved by comparing the data obtained in related information exchanges with meters. In accordance with the established criteria, the dispatcher is presented with an assessment of the quality of the received information.

6.8. The presence of two different (operational and non-operational) components of ASKUE information obtained using different modules and formed according to different principles in the IK ASKUE IUTK "Granit-micro" allows for additional analysis of the correctness of the data.

6.9. In accordance with the introduced criterion of integral reliability, to reduce the probability of information distortion, a specially developed for IUTK

"Granite-micro" is a conditionally correlation bipulse code, which is based on the combination of an encoder with an information input node from sensors (meters). As a result, the information protection contour covers all elements of the route of its delivery from the sensor to the display (registration) elements.

6.10. When using the most unprotected mobile communication channels for data transmission to the CPSS, an additional node for encrypting the transmitted data is introduced into the information message generation chain.

6.11. The system for the formation and management of databases of the software IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" allows for information exchanges over the corporate network using the "client-server" principle. To exclude unauthorized interference in the AMR IC, data tables are formed in accordance with a pre-established list of "clients" and the access level of each of them. It is recommended to exclude automatic modes of changing the list of "clients" and their rights. Program correction of current and retrospective data is not provided. All actions of the personnel (dispatcher) are recorded, recorded in historical data and immediately transferred to the corporate network database server.

6.12. The developed system of automatic diagnostics in IK ASKUE "Granit-micro" is combined with the introduction of backup routes for receiving, delivering and displaying information. According to the conditions of use in IC ASKUE, the following can be reserved:

Information input modules from counters,

KP peripherals - RTU,

Communication channels KP - TsPPS,

PC - telemechanics server,

Means of displaying information.

6.13. Technical methods of information protection in IC ASKUE can (according to the conditions of application) be combined with organizational ones. For example, the components of the peripheral part of the ASKUE IC can be placed in a separate casing KP-micro or KPM-micro and sealed by the relevant services, and in this embodiment, common or separate communication channels can be used to transmit the information flow of the ADCS and ASKUE.

7. The composition and technical capabilities of IC ASKUE (integrated with IC ASDU or separated from it) on the elements of IUTK "Granit-micro" trademark MICROGRANIT

Integrated multifunctional telemechanical complexes, Information Systems for various purposes are built using the components of IUTK "Granit-micro".

The main types and parameters of the components of IUTK "Granite-micro" are given in the table.

Part name

Main parameters, characteristics

Cover KP-micro

For the implementation of devices TsPPS and KP IUTK "Granit-micro". A power supply, an internal trunk controller and 1…8 any modules from the IUTK range are installed in one housing.

Casing KPM-1-micro

A single-board programmable controller, includes channels for transmitting, receiving, inputting TS, CT, TI, interfacing with protection and automation devices, counters and outputting TU commands. Can be used to create distributed CP devices or as a standalone CP for a limited set of functions (to be released from 2005)

Casing KPM2-micro

For the implementation of devices TsPPS and KP IUTK "Granit-micro". A power supply, a controller and 1…2 modules from the IUTK range are installed in one casing.

Includes a section with screw terminals for connecting external circuits.

Casing KPM3-micro

For the implementation of devices TsPPS and KP IUTK "Granit-micro". A power supply, a controller and 1…3 modules from the IUTK range are installed in one casing.

Includes a section with screw terminals for connecting external circuits.

Wall stand,

floor stand

For installation of TsPPS, KP-micro, KPM-micro, BPR-05-02 and additional terminal blocks for external connections (according to order conditions).

Provides an increase in the factory readiness of devices IUTK "Granit-micro" by performing part of the installation

external circuits by the manufacturer.

The rack execution option can be specified by the customer.

KAM module

Programmable internal trunk controller, line adapter, modem.

For coordinating the work of the modules KP, TsPPS, for interface with a PC and other device through a communication line different kind and structures.

KAM-GSM module

Programmable internal trunk controller, line adapter for interfacing with a GSM modem and organizing information exchanges over mobile communication systems.

For coordinating the operation of the CP, CPPS modules and for interface with a PC and other device via a GSM communication line

M2M module

A two-channel modem for organizing information exchanges with frequency modulated signals over two independent channels. Each of the channels is similar to the built-in QAM.

It is used as a data relay from another CP device and (or) CPSS.

M4A module

Four-channel programmable linear adapter for organization of information exchanges on four independent channels by code-pulse signals. One channel can be used to organize information exchanges via the RS-232 interface, and the other channel - via the RS-485 interface. Each pulse code channel is similar to the built-in QAM.

It is used as a data relay from another CP device and (or) CPSS.

M4A1 module

A four-channel programmable linear adapter, each of which implements information exchanges with external devices via the trunk in accordance with the MODBUS protocol and the RS-485 interface.

It is used to organize a subsystem for interfacing with microprocessor-based protection and automation devices.

MDS module

Programmable controller for input, processing, diagnostics, registration of the sequence of changes and data transfer of 1 ... 32 sensors of discrete signals. It can be used for input, accumulation and transfer of data in progressive total from 1…32 counters with number-pulse output signals.

A special coding method provides identification of the states of monitored objects and faults - short circuits and breaks in the encoder communication circuits with sensors.

MTU module

Programmable controller for receiving, processing, diagnosing and outputting control signals for 1…96 actuators using intermediate relays installed in 1…24 BPR-05-02 blocks.

Provides through special methods coding and introduction of information feedback through communication circuits with BPR-05-02, the reliability of executed control commands, determined by the probability of executing a false command, not exceeding 10 -16 .

MSU module

Combined programmable controller for inputting 1…8 signals from discrete signal sensors, outputting control commands for 1…4 single-position objects (1…2 two-position objects). The parameters are identical to the corresponding characteristics of MDS, MTU and BPR-05-02

Blocks BPR-05-02


Remote unit for receiving signals from MTU and generating control signals for 1...4 actuators. Load circuit voltage - 220V DC or AC, load current - up to 4 A.

Allows to minimize the length of the control cable connecting the unit with actuators (starters).

The BPR-05-02 variant allows you to organize a visible gap (lining) between the executive circuits and the source of operational voltage. In BPR-05-02BR, a visible gap is not organized.

Includes circuits for automatic diagnostics of the operability of intermediate relays and communication circuits with MTU.

Motor drives control unit BUMP

A remote unit for receiving signals from the MTU and generating control signals for 1 ... 16 motor wires with a combination of 220V voltage supply circuits and picking up motor drive status signals.

Includes circuits for signaling the status of drives, combined with circuits for supplying operating voltage 220V to the drive motor. It controls the absence of short circuits between the drive circuits, the ingress of "ground" on the control buses.

Provides telemechanical and local


MTT module

Programmable controller for input, diagnostics and data transfer from 1…32 sensors (converters) of analog signals 0…5 mA, -5…0…+5 mA, 0(4)…20 mA. Basic reduced error ±0.2%. Representation of the measured signal - 12-bit code.

Provides transmission of information on the "event" - when detecting the run-out of the measured parameter beyond the aperture - the set dead zone relative to the previously transmitted value of the measured signal.

MPI module

Programmable controller for input, diagnostics and transmission of data received from 1…12 measuring current or voltage transformers. Basic reduced error ±0.2%. Representation of the measured signal - 12-bit code. It interfaces with remote modules of current transformers МТrТ and voltage МТrН. Provides galvanic separation of the measured signals from the ADC, minimization (less than 0.1 Ohm) of additional resistance included in the series circuit of the measuring current transformer, and minimization of the current (less than 10mA) branched into the voltage measurement circuit.

MTrT and MTrN modules

Galvanic separation of signals received from measuring current and voltage transformers, coordination with the MPI module. They allow to spread the measuring circuits relative to the MPI inputs at a distance of more than 300 m.

MIT module

Programmable controller for input, diagnostics and transmission of coded data from the "current loop" of 1...4 electronic meters and from 1...8 sensors with number-pulse output signals.

Separates information from meters into operational and non-operational components, which ensures minimization of the information load on the communication channels KP - TsPPS when transmitting commercial information, building a power profile in load circuits with a sampling resolution of no more than 1 min.

KShch module

Programmable switchboard controller and (or) dispatcher console. It is a bidirectional data relay from the PC of the processing center CPPS or KP for their display by indicators connected to the outputs 1 ...

Controller KPShch-S

Programmable panel controller for "light" or "semi-light" boards. For displaying 1…64 signals according to the “half-light” scheme or 1…32 signals according to the “light” shield scheme.

For displaying data 1…2 with two-color four-digit digital indicators.

Provides software control of the brightness of the glow

indicators and optimal adaptation of the display to real conditions.

Controller KPShch-T

Programmable controller of the "dark" shield panel. For displaying 1…32 signals and receiving position signals 1…32 command and acknowledge keys. Provides software control of the brightness of the indicators and optimal adaptation of the display to real conditions

A programmable controller is a block for generating coordinate-address telecontrol commands from keys (buttons) located in the switchboard (console) of the control room.

Provides control and diagnostics of the absence of distortions and operator errors in the formation of TC commands

MIP module

Power supply for all modules installed in the housing KP-micro or KPM-micro

MIP1 module

Power supply for all modules installed in the KP-micro or KPM-micro housing.

Provides automatic switching to battery power when the main power supply is turned off, generating a signal about the transition to work with a backup power source

IP-V module

Remote power supply module for display elements located in two or three panels of the control room

The technical capabilities and features of the use of components and modules of IUTK "Granit-micro" are given in the relevant manuals for their use.

8. Implementation of IC ASKUE and ASDU of the integrated IUTK "Granit-micro".

The level of the peripheral controlled point ( RTU)

8.1. The implementation of the functions of ASDU, ASKUE using the components of the IUTK "Granit-micro" is shown below ( components of IC ASKUE are highlighted in bold on the diagram)

Abbreviations accepted in the scheme:

TS - telesignaling the state (position) of two-position objects,

TU - telecontrol,

TT - telemetry of current (instantaneous) values ​​of parameters,

TI - telemetry of integral (total) values ​​of parameters,

CHI - number-pulse output of the counter.

8.2. Interfacing of IC ASKUE with meters

To connect the inputs of the CP, the outputs of the counters can be used:
- number-pulse,

Circuits of the "current loop",

RS-232 interface buses,

RS-485 interface buses.

8.3. Pulse number counter output

The number-pulse output of the meter must be dedicated and cannot be used in other circuits, except for communication circuits with IC ASKUE. If it is impossible to fulfill this condition, you should seek advice from the Developer - SNPP "Promex".

The meter output must be equivalent to a relay output, implemented using a contact or non-contact element.

The output of the meter must be designed to connect an external circuit with a voltage of 12±2.4 V with an incoming current of not more than 10 mA.

The “quiescent” current (with the output signal “0”) of the counter pulse output must not exceed 0.1 mA.

The duration of the generated pulses and pauses between pulses must be at least 20 ms.

The discretization error of the data read through the counter's number-pulse channel does not exceed 1 pulse. The data corresponding to the "pulse part" not entered in the current information message is entered in the adjacent message.

8.3.1. The KP IK ASKUE device suppresses the impact of impulse interference signals with a duration of up to 2 ms.

8.3.2. The KP IK ASKUE device monitors the operability of the output circuits and communication circuits with the meters and generates a diagnostic message containing data on detected faults - a short circuit or a break in the number-pulse output of any meter. Diagnostic data is displayed on the dispatcher's monitor screen, entered into a retrospective database and identifies the address of the faulty circuit and the type of fault detected.

8.3.3. When transmitting information, a conditionally correlation bipulse code is used, which provides an integral reliability characterized by the probability of displaying distorted information not exceeding 10 -13, regardless of the place of distortion along the entire route of information delivery from the meter to the dispatcher.

The coding method used and the information transfer algorithm allows you to detect a malfunction:

Communication circuits of the counter with the inputs of the KP device,

CP internal interface,

Line adapter - modem,

Communication lines KP - TsPPS,

Line adapter - modem DSP,

Equipment for delivering information to a PC - telemechanics server.

8.3.4. The frequency of transmission of data received via the number-pulse channels of the counter is determined by the conditions of use. The minimum time between adjacent transmissions of information is 1 min. Depending on the conditions of use, the indicated time may be reduced.

8.3.5. To obtain a “smooth” schedule of half-hour electricity consumption, it is recommended to select scaling factors (parameters of measuring current and voltage transformers) so that at least 50 pulses are generated at the meter’s pulse number output (at an average value of electricity consumption) for a time interval equal to half an hour. With a smaller number of pulses, the graph loses its smoothness and, as the real number of pulses decreases, it is converted into a histogram.

8.3.6. According to the data received from the number-pulse outputs of the meters, the CPPS program calculates “quasi-instantaneous”, half-hourly and peak power values ​​for each connection. According to the conditions of use, similar values ​​​​are calculated for groups of feeders and the substation as a whole.

8.3.7. To prevent data distortion when the main power supply is disconnected, it is recommended to connect an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to the CP device. Taking into account the low energy consumption of the elements of the CP device, when installing a 500 W UBP, the normal operation of the device is ensured with the main power supply turned off for 24 hours.

8.3.8. The CP device provides transmission of diagnostic information to the CPSS when the main power source is switched off and then on again.

8.3.9. The KP device transmits data from the counters on a “progressive total”, and the CPPS program calculates the energy values ​​for the time interval between adjacent data transfers and prevents distortion of real data when the pulse accumulators are overfilled.

8.3.10. The KP device provides the possibility of increasing the number of number-pulse channels of meters without changing the installation, the method of transmitting data from previously included meters. The maximum number of number-pulse counter channels connected to one CP is 256 and, if necessary, can be increased.

The number of channels interfaced with one MDS module can vary within 1 ... 32, and those interfaced with one MTI module - 1 ... 8.

The number of pulse channels of one counter is determined by the application conditions and can vary from one to four.

8.3.11. The maximum distance of the number-pulse output of the meter from the KP device is 500 m, provided that the ratio of the amplitude value of the working signal to the effective value of the interference signal is not less than 7/1 and with the resistance of the connecting loop not more than 100 Ohm.

8.3.12. As a rule, a separate pair of wires must be used to connect each meter output to the KP device. It is allowed to combine one (common) wire on the counter side, provided that its resistance does not exceed 40/n Ohm, where n is the number of counter outputs to be combined.

It is not allowed to combine communication wires for meters, the outputs of which are connected to different modules of the KP device.

8.3.13. The number-pulse outputs of the meter are connected to the terminal blocks of the KP device "for screw" with wires with a cross section of up to 1.5 mm 2 in accordance with the data given in the information material on the use of IUTK "Granit-micro".

8.4. "Current loop" or RS-232 busses

The "current loop" or RS-232 bus of each meter is connected by separate wires "under the screw" with wires with a cross section of up to 1.5 mm 2 to the corresponding outputs of the MTI module through the terminal blocks of the KP device.

The table and connection diagrams are given in the information material on the use of IUTK "Granit-micro" and the corresponding modules.

The parameters of the communication circuits between the meters and the CP device (signal levels, removal, etc.) must comply with the standards for the corresponding interfaces.

8.4.1. The number of counters, the outputs of which are connected to one MTI, can vary within 1 ... 4.

The maximum number of “current loop” outputs or RS-232 interfaces connected to one CP can vary within 1…32. If necessary, the number of outputs can be increased.

8.4.2. The data from the counters in the form of a code message is transmitted from the counter on a call to the MSP. The cyclicity of calls is determined by the conditions of the order, the basic value of the cycle for polling information from all counters is 1 hour.

8.4.3. When using the radial connection of the CP to the CPSS, the information call is sent to all CPs simultaneously.

8.4.4. The procedure for conducting information exchange with the meter is determined by the adopted protocol. Information exchange protocols for the most commonly used meters are known to the Manufacturer of IC ASKUE "Granit-micro", however, for their use in IC ASKUE, it is required to provide SNPP "Promex" with a copy of the information exchange protocol or confirmation that the Customer has a copy of the specified protocol received from the Manufacturer. This guarantees both the Customer and the Developer from accusations of violating someone else's copyright.

8.4.5. An information message from the meter is entered into the MTI module, including a time stamp and a code for protecting information from distortion (for example, in the form of a checksum for the cyclic code used). The MTI (M4A1) module and IC ASKUE transmit the data received from the meter to the CPPS without any changes.

The information message from the meter is framed by the components of the information transfer protocol adopted in the IUTK "Granit-micro". Thus, IC ASKUE ensures the integrity of the information received from the meter.

8.4.6. IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" guarantees the value of the integral reliability of information received through the "current loop" (RS-232 buses), which corresponds to the probability of displaying distorted information no more than 10 -14, due to the introduction of an additional noise-protective cyclic code with a generatrix of the form 2 15 +2 12 +2 5 +1.

8.4.7. The basic mode of information exchange with meters provides data on a cumulative basis from the beginning of the next reporting period, characterizing:

The date and time the information was read,

The value of active (total) energy for each tariff zone,

The value of reactive energy,

The maximum value of half-hour power.

The timestamp received from the meter is used when processing data in the CPPS.

8.4.8. The data in clause 8.4.7 are supplemented with information on the total energy consumption for any previous reporting period(month) of the current year.

8.4.9. The basic mode can be expanded by carrying out other information exchanges, taking into account the capabilities of the meters used and the agreed conditions for the use of IC AMR.

8.4.10. The mode of information exchange with counters is focused on the use of the most frequently provided relatively low-speed communication channels KP - DSP, which allow data transmission at speeds in the range of 200 ...

8.4.11. All AMR IC devices that transmit or retransmit information from the meter include internal sources of relative time stamps that fix the delay value (in milliseconds) between the moments of receipt and transmission of information to the communication channel.

The CPSS program processes a combination of all incoming relative time stamps, calculates the start time of information transfer and determines the discrepancy between the system time (of the telemechanics server) and the counter. The resulting discrepancy, according to the conditions of use, can be used to correct the received time or serve as the basis for correcting the time of the counter, for example, using an optical port and a note-book.

8.4.12. The exclusion of the operational component of ASKUE information from the mode of information exchange via the "current loop" (RS-232, RS-485 interfaces) sharply - by about two orders of magnitude, reduces the required number of information exchanges and guarantees "soft" integration of the ASKUE subsystem into the operational circuit of the ADCS.

8.5. Information exchange modes via RS-485 interface

M4A1 modules are used for information exchanges with meters via RS-485 trunk(s).

The operating modes in this case are identical to those specified in section 8.4. The exception is the meter addressing system - when using a point-to-point connection, direct numbering of meters is effective, and when using trunk buses

RS-485 it is necessary to transmit the numbers of meters stored in their memory at the factory in sending a data call.

9. Interfacing of the integrated IUTUK and IC ASKUE "Granit-micro" with communication channels

9.1. Possible types, types and characteristics of communication channels KP - TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro" are given in the table.

communication channel


Interface, communication protocol



IUTK module



Dedicated pair of wires

IEC 870-5-101,


Pulse code transmission, distance up to 25 km, communication line resistance up to 4 kOhm, transmission rate 200 ... 2400 baud (for HDLC), lightning protection

Direct connection to the communication line


HF channel organized by power lines and other data transmission media


FM transmission, NRZ, -40 dB blocking loss, digital demodulation, 2800 to 3200 Hz basic operating range, up to 1200 baud, lightning protection

Through a standard HF rack


Using a standard set of signals - PTT, modulation input, telephone, ground; transmission start delay adjustment, baud rate 100…300

Via standard radio


Use of galvanically isolated RS-232 buses, baud rate 1200…9600, transmission mode adaptation to baud rate

Through digital modems RACOM, Granit, etc.

Implementation standard exchange for modem communication adapted to the type of modem used

Via GSM modem


fiber optic

RS-232 - IP/TCP


RS-232 - IP/TCP

Similar to working with digital modems

Via ADAM, MOXA and other matchers


For various environments

IEC 870-5-101

For intersystem communication, network operation, baud rate 4800…19200

Via com port PC of operator station

9.2. When working over physical, compressed, radio communication channels, messages are formed in accordance with the HDLC standard and X.25 recommendations of the CCITT and include the following components:

Two successive "opening flags"

KP address code,

Code of operation mode and identifier (type) of data,

Information field,

Protection fields - a control sequence of a cyclic code with a generating polynomial of the form 2 15 +2 12 +2 5 +1,

- “closing flag”.

Pauses between information cycles are filled with "meanders" - alternating signals "1" and "0".

The information field, as a rule, is formed in the form of a conditionally correlation bipulse code (except for the case of transmission of code data from meters, which are transmitted unchanged to the communication channel).

9.3. According to the conditions of use, an industrial controller is introduced into the CP device for primary processing of information and carrying out information exchanges with the CPS according to the IEC 870-5-101 standard. These exchanges are carried out using communication channels that allow data to be transmitted at a speed of at least 19200 bps.

9.4. According to the conditions of use, when using mobile communication channels or intermediate modules - gateways, information messages are generated in accordance with the RS-232 (RS-485) interface.

9.5. The adopted coding methods and the structure of input, processing and transmission provide an integral reliability, characterized by the probability of not detecting information distortion, including interference in the communication channel, not more than 10 -13 .

9.6. Data is transmitted to the communication channel sporadically - when an “event for transmission” is fixed. The sporadic transmission is supplemented by diagnostic (control) transmissions on a call from the MSC.

9.7. Modules-transmitters include a software-controlled timer that provides automatic retransmission in case of non-receipt at the agreed time of a "receipt" - confirmation of undistorted receipt of an information message.

9.8. According to the conditions of use, the modules of the KP device can be divided into priority levels. Modules whose information has been given a higher priority have advantages in analyzing their "data transfer requirements".

9.9. The interface circuits of the CP device with the communication line are protected from the effects of thunderstorms and other interfering factors. Protection elements provide automatic recovery after exposure to interference with a power of up to 500 W with a duration of not more than 1 μs (or, accordingly, less powerful signals with a longer duration). If the specified limit is exceeded, the device does not automatically recover - the protection element (fuse) needs to be replaced.

9.10. The interface circuits of the CP device with the communication line are galvanically isolated from other circuits of the device. The isolation voltage of separated circuits is at least 1500 V.

9.11. When receiving information messages, the most noise-resistant type of synchronization is used - inertial.

9.12. Threshold elements are introduced into the information receiving nodes, which suppress the influence of interference, the amplitude of which does not exceed 0.2 of the amplitude of the working signal, and the duration does not exceed 0.3 of the duration of the working signal.

9.13. Algorithms for conducting information exchanges make it possible to almost continuously monitor the quality of the communication channel used. The result of the control is entered into the database and displayed on the screen of the PC - telemechanics server.

9.14. According to the conditions of use, the main communication channel can be reserved. The type and conditions of data transfer via the backup communication channel are specified in the IC supply agreement.

10. Device configuration KP - RTU IC ASKUE of the integrated IUTK

"Granite micro".

KP devices can include in any combination modules of subsystems ASDU, ASKUE and

registration of emergency information.

According to the placement conditions, it is possible to implement devices with concentrated and

decentralized placement of CP modules.

10.1. Implementation of KP - RTU with a concentrated placement of modules in one casing.

10.1.1. An example of the implementation of KP - RTU IC ASKUE for interfacing with 1 ... 12 counters

along the current loop.

The device is implemented in one housing KPM-3 - micro in accordance with the table. Each MTI module introduced into the IC allows connecting to the device not only 1 ... 4 channels of the "current loop", but also 1 ... 8 number-pulse counter outputs.

10.1.2. When implementing the KP device in the casing KPM-2-micro, it is installed

one or two MIT modules with appropriate information capabilities.

10.1.3. For interfacing with meters via the RS-485 interface, instead of the MTI module, the M4A1 module is used, which includes circuits of four independent RS-485 trunks. Separation of communication buses with meters into trunks is determined by the conditions of use. Meters with the same information exchange protocols can be connected to one module channel.

10.1.4. MDS modules can be used to connect the number-pulse counter channels to the device. It is advisable to use MDS modules if M4A1 modules are used to interface with code outputs of meters via RS-485 buses, or when interfaced with meters that do not have code message outputs.

10.1.5. The MTI, MDS, M4A1 modules can be installed in the KPM-micro casing in any combination and in any order.

10.1.6. If the required amount of information cannot be realized by the modules installed in the KPM-2-micro or KPM-3-micro housing, the KPM-micro housing must be used.

In addition to the obligatory MIP and KAM modules, up to 8 modules of the indicated types are installed in the KP-micro casing in any order and combination.

10.1.7. ASKUE subsystem modules can be placed in the same casing together with ASDU modules. The order of placement of modules is arbitrary.

10.2. Implementation of the KP device in two (three) casings with a "concentrated" placement of modules

10.2.1. If, according to the conditions of use of the integrated CP device, the total amount of information of the ASKUE and ADCS subsystems cannot be implemented by modules of one casing, two (three) casings should be used for such a CP.

10.2.2. It is expedient (for example, to solve organizational issues of ASKUE creation) when using more than one casing, ASKUE subsystem modules should be placed in a separate casing.

According to the conditions of application, the modules of the ASKUE subsystem can be placed in a separate casing, even if one casing is sufficient for the implementation of the integrated volume of information.

10.2.3. When combining two (three) gearbox housings into one device, it is necessary to use an additional KAM module. The diagram of the KP device, built on one casing KP-micro and one casing KPM-3-micro, is shown below

Casing No. 1 (KP - micro) Casing No. 2 (KPM-3 - micro)

Power network

Pairing with CPPS

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Any module from the set of IUTK "Granit-micro"

Interfacing with housing No. 2 via RS-232 interface buses

Power network

Interfacing with housing No. 1 via RS-232 interface buses

Connection of 1…4 “current loop” outputs + 1…8 number-pulse outputs

Connection of 1…4 “current loop” outputs + 1…8 number-pulse outputs

In the above embodiment of the CP, the IR modules are placed in the second casing

ASKUE. The placement of modules in a real CP device can be any other.

10.2.4. When implementing the KP device in three casings, two additional KAM modules are installed in the first casing, connected, as shown above, to the KAM modules of the second and third casings.

10.2.5. One housing KP-micro can accommodate modules of ASDU subsystems and

ASKUE. Below is an example of the CP configuration when placing the ASDU equipment

and ASKUE in one housing KP-micro.

The composition of the CP - RTU is determined by the conditions of the order and may differ from the one given

in the example. Any type of module from the nomenclature of IUTK "Granit-micro" is installed on any place of the frame in any order.

10.3. Construction of a dispersed CP - RTU

10.3.1. Using "basic" modules to build a dispersed device

IUTK "Granite-micro"

The KP equipment - RTU of the example below is located in three spaced

casings KPM3-micro and one casing KPM3-micro - information concentrator. The concentrator retransmits all information received from the parts of the CP - RTU to the CPSS, and received from the CPSC - to the spaced parts of the CP - RTU.

The composition, number and method of attaching spaced parts of the RTU to the hub can be any other and be determined by the terms of the order.

We emphasize that in the considered example, the KAM module introduced into the concentrator generates information messages in the protocols basic for the IUTK "Granit-micro".

MTU+ remote BPR-05-02

MTU+ remote BPR-05-02

MTU+ remote BPR-05-02



10.3.2. Use for building dispersed KP - RTU controllers


This option uses the new multifunctional single-board controller planned for release in 2005

The KPM-1-micro controller implements the functions of input, processing, generation of an information message received:

From 1…16 sensors of discrete or number-pulse signals,

From 1…8 analog signal sensors,

From 1...2 meters via "current loop", RS-485 interface or from devices

protection and automation on 1 ... 2 trunks RS-485,

For 1 ... 8 actuators with the issuance of control signals when

rated voltage of executive circuits 220V and current up to 4A (when the number of actuators is more than two, an external unit BPR-05-02 from the range of IUTK "Granit-micro" is used to generate output signals).

Controllers KPM-1-micro can also be used to build IC ASKUE.

Direct communication can be implemented using the HDLC protocol basic for IUTK "Granit"

a single-board controller with a DSP via a dedicated pair of wires. It is expedient to apply such variant for telemechanization of objects, small in volume of information.

To combine dispersed controllers into one CP device, a

trunk RS-485.

An example of the implementation of the KP device, consisting of 1 ... n (n≤32) dispersed controllers KPM-1-micro, is given below.






11. KP communications configuration - RTU with TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro" for various communication lines

Communication lines (channels) can be used in IUTK "Granit-micro" and, accordingly, in IC ASKUE:



Chain (transit),

Arbitrary, consisting of a combination of the above types of communication lines.

The following can be used as an information transmission medium:

Dedicated pairs of wires,

HF communication channels organized by power lines and their analogues,

Radio communication channels organized by analog radio stations,

Radio communication channels organized by digital modems (for example, such as "Granit", Russia),

Radio communication channels organized using GSM modems,

Digital communication channels - fiber optic, Radio Ethernet.

The configurations of communications between the KP and the CPSS are given below.

11.1. Radial communication lines

11.5. Multilevel structures based on IUTK "Granit-micro"

One of the options for a two-tier system is shown below.

11.7. Implementation of options for connecting KP - RTU to communication lines.

For all the above configurations for connecting the CP - RTU to communication lines, as a rule, the HDLC protocol is used according to the recommendations of IEC X.25.

The KAM module is used as a communication controller - a modem for dedicated, multiplexed, radio communication channels in CP - RTU devices. The KAM module adapts to the conditions of use using the proprietary micro ADA program without removing the module from the device.

11.8. To connect to the GSM modem communication line, a KAM-GSM controller is installed in the KP device instead of the KAM controller.

11.9. Using an intelligent controller - "gateway".

According to the terms of use, to interface the CP with the CPPS, transport media can be used in which the use of the basic protocol of the IUTK "Granit-micro" is inexpedient or impossible. For example, in the presence of a high-speed communication channel (fiber optic, satellite or Radio Ethernet), the user may prefer the data transfer protocol according to the IEC 870-5-101 standard or TCP/IP.

To connect CP devices - RTU and CPPS to such transport media as part of the CP - RTU and CPPS are introduced external gateways - intelligent interface cards. Intelligent gateways ensure the compatibility of the base IUTK "Granit-micro" and the data transfer protocol actually used in the system. In addition, the gateway is responsible for:

Additional data encryption of information exchange,

Translation of absolute addresses of objects into telemechanical ones and vice versa,

Automatic (programmable) routing of transported information,

Controlling the delivery of information to the recipient,

Diagnostics of the quality of the transport highway.

To implement the gateway, programmable controllers ADAM, MOXA, etc., adaptable to the conditions of use, can be used.

An example of pairing a CP - RTU with a gateway is given below.

12. Implementation of KP devices - RTU for service points

12.1. According to the terms of use, a PC may be included in any KP - RTU device. It should be noted that in order to diagnose the operation of the device, test channels, adjust the input-output circuits, a PC (note book) can be temporarily connected to the CP device.

Independence of conducting test modes and pairing the CP device with the CP,

Display on the screen of the note book monitor of the mnemonic scheme of the object, similar to that displayed on the monitor screen of the dispatcher's PC.

12.2. The main tasks solved with the help of a PC permanently connected to the serviced CP:

Sorting data for transmission to the PU,

Formation of information arrays with binding of "events" to the system time (fixed PC),

Implementation of information exchanges with PU in accordance with the IEC 870-5-101 standard,

Carrying out information exchanges over a local (corporate, departmental) network in accordance with the protocol adopted for the network and the type of database,

Fixation and display of oscillograms of the emergency process recorded by protection and automation devices,

Displaying data on the monitor screen on call of personnel,

Implementation of other modes by commands from the dispatcher (operator), taking into account the access rights granted to him.

12.3. For temporary or permanent connection of the PC, a connector is used, located on the lower edge of the casing of the gearbox (CPM) - micro.

12.4. When a PC is permanently connected to the CP - RTU, an additional KAM module is activated in accordance with the diagram below

13. Reservation of communication channels KP - RTU

13.1. For the main and backup information delivery routes, different communication channels can be used when different speed transfer of information.

To back up communication between the CP and the CPSS, the CP includes an additional KAM module installed on any vacancy housing of the gearbox (KPM) - micro, which, upon adaptation, is assigned the telemechanical address of this gearbox.

13.2. Two KAM modules are installed in the TsPPS device for information exchange with the CP via the main and backup communication channels. According to the application conditions, M2M or M4A modules can be used for communication with the CP in the CPSS. The survivability of the IUTK increases if the interface modules with the CP along the main and backup routes are placed in different casings of the CP-micro.

13.3. To exclude the transmission of requests, receipts and control commands from the CPSS along different routes to the same CP device, one of the directions of data transmission from the CPSS in the direction of the selected CP is blocked.

Otherwise, the normal operation of the gearbox device may be impaired. Since the time of data delivery from the CPSS to the CP via the main and backup communication lines can vary significantly, when transmitting information over the main and backup routes, a false acknowledgment of a new message is possible according to a receipt confirming the receipt of the first message received after the transmission of a new message.

Blocking and unblocking of data transmission over any communication line is carried out on command from the OIC "Granit-micro" program without stopping the operating mode.

13.4. In the CPSS, the mode of receiving information messages on one or both communication routes with the CP can be set. The required mode of receiving data from the CP is set when adapting modules - adapters for communication with the CP.

Due to the fact that the data delivery route from the CP to the CPPS is uniquely identified by the Granit-micro OIC program, conditions are created for additional analysis and data reliability control

14. Implementation of subsystems of IUTK "Granit-micro" in KP - RTU

The table below summarizes the data of the above points of the concept of building an integrated IUTK "Granit-micro".

IUTK subsystem



Interfacing with other RTUs and TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro", "Granit", "Granit-M"

RS-485 (MODBUS),

Interfacing with RTUs and (or) CPTS of other IUTKs

Data relay

Programmable pulse code exchange

Intersystem Information Exchanges

Information exchanges with other systems, network operation using an external

smart gateway

Using the PC of the RTU operator station


IEC 870-5-101,

RS-232 interface.

When working over a network, the use of standard databases (ORACLE, etc.)

Operational circuit

Input, registration, formation of time stamps, data transmission from input channels of discrete signals (TS), analog signals (TT), digital signals (TI), reception of control commands (TC)

Coding methods for obtaining the maximum "integral reliability", combining indicators of reliability, speed, noise immunity, reliability, reliability. Special procedures for the formation of information messages. Ensuring the accuracy of registration of "events" is not worse than ± 5 ms

Accounting for energy consumption, building a power profile in load circuits

Separation of subsystem information into operational and non-operational components.

Minimization of the load on the operational circuit during the transfer of commercial information.

Improving the accuracy of building a power profile by reducing the discreteness of readings.

Programmable information exchange protocol with various types of counters, including the protocol

Communication with microprocessor protection and automation devices

Information exchanges with "black box" devices - MiCOM, MRSA, etc.

MODBUS protocol (interface

Transmission of the operational component of information to the CPPS, processing and display of PC data of the RTU operator station.

Possibility of removal of an oscillogram.

Control, diagnostics, interface with sensors and devices of security and fire alarms

Monitoring the performance of RTU modules, communication channels, communication circuits with TS, TT, TI, TU sensors. Removal, transmission of data from security and fire alarm sensors

The introduction of diagnostic and control nodes into each module of the Granit-micro IUTK, the use of special methods for coding and generating information messages, interfaces with external devices and sensors

15. The main components of the CPPS IUTK "Granit-micro"

CPPS IUTK "Granit micro" includes in any combination in accordance with the conditions of use:

Concentrator of information coming from the CP - RTU and sent to the CP - RTU,

Line adapters for organizing information exchanges with other DSPs,

Shield controller and dispatcher console,

machining center,


Technological and diagnostic equipment of the system,

Operational dispatching equipment.

The functions and implementation of the CPSS are explained in the table.

Subsystem TsPPS IUTK "Granite-micro"



The concentrator of information coming from the CP - RTU IUTK "Granit-micro", "Granit", "Granit-M"

Information exchanges within one system of arbitrary configuration

RS-485 (MODBUS),

Line adapters for organizing information exchanges with other DSPs

Information exchanges within the framework of IUTK "Granit-micro" or different systems

PC COM port

programmable protocol.

Protocol IEC 870-5-101

Switchboard and control room controller

Display of information by elements and devices of the board, input of information about the state of keys, buttons

The main structure of the connection between the shield and the controller.

Software control of elements and devices of the board and console.

Software control of the brightness of the glow of elements and devices for displaying information

Machining center (MC)

Processing, display, registration, retransmission of information, management, information exchanges over the network

The redundant structure of the OC with independently operating PCs, in which synchronous databases of current and retrospective data are created.

Transfer of functions of the system server to any PC of the OC.

Connection of any PC OC to the Ethernet network using the IP/TCP protocol, implementation of "client-server" exchange algorithms using standard database structures.

Adaptation for work with OIC, SCADA of other manufacturers.

Intersystem information exchanges according to IEC 870-5-101 protocol


Software packages:

OIC with subsystems ASDU and ASKUE,

Interfacing of operational and non-operational circuits,



Adaptation of equipment to the conditions of use,

Module programming

The composition is determined by the terms of the order.

Ability to combine software components from different developers

Technological and diagnostic equipment of the system

Checking the functionality of modules, devices and software


technological device RTU,

KP object simulator,

AWP telemechanics software package,

Program package for adaptation of modules and devices,


Software for checking and reprogramming modules,

PC (note book) - according to the terms of the order

Operational dispatching equipment

Display of information by elements and devices of the board and remote control, reading data on the status of command and acknowledgment keys

Executed by individual task. The mnemonic scheme of the object on the shield corresponds to the one displayed on the screens of the PC monitors.

The implementation of the operation specified by the dispatcher using the keyboard and the PC manipulator is provided by software

16. Implementation of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro"

The equipment of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro", intended for the implementation of individual subsystems of ASKUE and ASDU or an integrated complex, is located in one, two or more housings KP-micro.

It is important to emphasize that the structure of the CPSS for individual subsystems or an integrated IUTK is identical.

The composition and configuration of the CPSS are determined by the number of connections (outgoing communication lines) and the required type of modems (line adapters).

16.1. Examples of the implementation of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro" when placing the equipment in one housing KPM2-micro are given in the table.


Modules installed in KPM2-micro

Functions performed, volumes and types


1…2 outputs to a radial or trunk communication channel when using frequency modulated signals for information exchanges; interfacing with the shield and (or) the control panel

3 ... 4 outputs to a radial or trunk communication channel when using frequency modulated signals for information exchanges

1…2 outputs to a radial or trunk communication channel when using frequency modulated signals for information exchanges; 1…4 outputs to radial communication channels with unmodulated signals (alternative use of one channel for exchanges via RS-232 protocol and (or) one channel for exchanges via RS-485 protocol)

1…4 outputs to radial communication channels with unmodulated signals (alternative use of one channel for exchanges via RS-232 protocol and (or) one channel for exchanges via RS-485 protocol); interfacing with the shield and (or) the control panel

5…8 outputs to radial communication channels with unmodulated signals (alternative use of 1…2 channels for RS-232 protocol exchanges and (or) 1…2 channels for RS-485 protocol exchanges)

16.2. When using the KPM3-micro casing for the construction of the CPPS, one additional module KAM, M2M, M4A, KShch is included in the CPPS.

16.3. Examples of the implementation of the CPPS, the equipment of which is located in one casing of the KP-micro.

Modules installed in KP-micro

Functions performed, volumes and types of information

Interfacing with one PC, 1…16 channels of information exchange by modulated signals

Interfacing with one PC, 1…8 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; 1…16 CW traffic channels

Interfacing with one PC, 1…6 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; 1…20 CW traffic channels

Interfacing with one PC, 1…4 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; 1…24 CW traffic channels

Interfacing with one PC, 1…2 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; 1…28 CW traffic channels

Pairing with one PC; 1…32 CW traffic channels

Interfacing with one PC, 1…14 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; interface with the control panel (remote control)

Pairing with one PC; 1…28 channels of information exchange with unmodulated signals; interface with the control panel (remote control)

Pairing with one PC; 1…12 channels of information exchange with unmodulated signals; 1…8 channels of information exchange by modulated signals; interface with the control panel (remote control)

16.4. Implementation of the TsPPS IUTK "Granit-micro", the equipment of which is located in

the center (OC) must be redundant and include two PCs. The division of the equipment into two parts increases the survivability of the TsPPS (and the system as a whole).

To separate the OC, the CPPS must be installed in the first and second casings according to

one additional KAM module. The module must be adapted to receive data on the internal backbone containing the addresses of all RTUs connected to the enclosure. For information exchanges between parts of the OC, RS-232 buses are used, data are relayed through them to the KAM module, installed additionally in the second casing of the KP-micro. The obtained data is relayed by the KAM module of the second casing through the internal trunk and the main KAM to the PC of the second part of the processing center.

Similarly, the data received from the modules of the second part of the OC, through the internal

the trunk will be introduced into the KAM module and retransmitted to the RS-232 buses. The data will be received by the QAM module of the first part of the OC and retransmitted via the internal trunk and the main QAM to the PC of the first part of the OC.

Thus, both parts of the OC work independently. The failure of one PC OC is not

Similarly, CPPS is performed in three casings KP-micro

Line adapters - communication modems with RTU

Line adapters - communication modems with RTU

As shown in the diagram, the OC of such a TsPPS can include up to three independently operating PCs.

16.5. When redundant communication channels KP - RTU with CPPS in the structure of the CPPS provides for the installation of additional modules KAM, M2M or M4A to create redundant information delivery routes.

17. Software IUTK "Granit-micro"

In the integrated IUTK or IK ASKUE, the regular software of the IUTK "Granit-micro" or the software of the OIC can be used, SCADA and other packages previously used or selected by the user.

According to the terms of use, the general software may include components of the branded OIC "Granit-micro" and other packages.

The software (software) of the IUTK "Granit - micro" and other complexes, united by the common trade name "Granit" of the MICROGRANIT trademark, includes the following packages:

Test and adaptation programs for AWP telemechanics (maintenance personnel),

tool programs,

Programs of the operational information complex (OIC "Granit"),

Programs for automating the workflow of the dispatcher's workstation.

The software is running operating system WINDOWS.

The test and adaptation packages include the following programs:

Adaptation of functional modules to the conditions of use,

Testing the performance of modules and devices.

Instructions for working with software packages are given in the respective manuals.

The organization and principles of the workflow automation software package are discussed in the corresponding manual.

The toolkit ensures that the software is adapted to the user's system settings. The package includes programs:

Descriptions of the configuration of technical means and the creation of a database,

Graphic base editor that provides:

Creation of mnemonic diagrams - technological frames displayed on the screens

PC and on the control panel;

Placement of parameters on technological frames;

Implementation of procedures for selecting and displaying technological frames,

Creation and editing of relay tables - information delivery route

from the CP to the CP and from the CP to the CP, for any configuration of communication lines,

Creation of tables of correspondence of telecontrol objects and response telesignals

Managing the interaction of OIC with a package of tool programs.

The software package for the operational-information circuit of the integrated OIC "Granit-micro" or the complex that solves the functions of ASKUE or ADCS is assembled from a set basic modules and, according to the conditions of use, provides:

Regulation of the exchange of information between the PC of the processing center CPPS

and controlled points (KP-RTU) or other TsPPS;

Operational control of information about the state of objects connected to the control room, or

received from other CPSCs,

Registration of changes in TS, TT, TI;

Registration of a sequence of "events";

Registration of CT run-out beyond the established limits;

Formation, transfer and registration of TU commands;

Turning on sound and visual alarms when fixing changes in the state of controlled objects;

A specified change in the graphical display of an object when a change in its state or value is fixed,

Accounting for the consumption of electricity and other types of energy resources;

Display of TS, TT, TI, TU on PC screens and other means used in

Creation, maintenance and editing of current and retrospective databases,

Display, registration of data received from microprocessor devices

protection and automation,

Formation and transmission to the CP - RTU of a chain (sequence) of telecontrol commands with control over the fulfillment of conditions for issuing the next command of the chain,

Analysis according to the given algorithms of the correctness of the formed control commands and blocking the execution of erroneously formed commands,

Automatic recording of all dispatcher actions in the log,

Performing calculations of "group" parameters according to given formulas, displaying, registering calculated parameters,

Fixing the absence of information updates within specified time intervals, automatic monitoring of the health of components that provide data transfer, display and registration of diagnostic information,

Analysis of diagnostic information coming from the CPPS and CP - RTU modules, identification of malfunctions of sensors, sensor communication circuits with the encoder, display and registration of diagnostic information,

Display and registration of abnormal, "pre-emergency" and emergency signals and parameter values ​​according to criteria agreed with the customer,

Keeping logs of "events", malfunctions, emergency situations,

Preparation, display and registration of forms, tables, graphs, histograms according to agreed algorithms,

Automated creation of documents with textual (static) information and

fields for entering dynamic information, for example, current values ​​of TS, TT, TI, average hourly values ​​or current integral values ​​of electricity consumption (energy resources);

Formation and exchange of data in the "client-server" structure according to departmental or

local networks using standard databases;

Formation of message packages for relaying data to the CPSS top level

according to an agreed protocol, for example, in accordance with the IEC 870-5-101 standard;

Sorting data to form packets relayed via telemechanical communication channels;

Automatic routing of generated data packets;

Binding of operational data to the system time of the PC OIC "Granit",

Adaptation of I/O drivers to work with other OIC or SCADA.

For the non-operational component of IC ASKUE OIC software

"Granite-micro" implements:

Simultaneous or sequential call of data from counters,

Control of the reliability of the information received,

Decryption of data in accordance with the protocol of information exchange adopted for the meters used,

Processing of the received data for display as part of technological frames on the PC screen,

Display in the technological frame of the current meter reading, hourly data of the current day, daily data of the current reporting period (month), monthly data of the current year,

For the operational component of IC ASKUE OIC "Granit-micro" software provides:

Reception of data from meters "by event" - a signal from the timer of the MTI module (MDS). The frequency of data transmission from the number-pulse channels of the counters is set when adapting the CP modules in accordance with the conditions of use,

Entering information into the database

Data processing to obtain:

Increments in the value of the number of pulses received from each counter during the time between two adjacent transmission cycles,

Current and half-hour power value,

peak power,

Run-out by a half-hour power value for the maximum and minimum value,

Building a power profile in load circuits,

Display in the technological frame of the current power value, hourly data of the current day, daily data of the current reporting period (month), monthly data of the current year,

Entering data into the tables of "clients" for transmission over the network in accordance with the established algorithm.

For the operational and non-operational components of ASKUE information, reports can be generated in the form of tables equivalent to displaying data on the monitor screen, as well as in the form of forms in accordance with the requirements of the Customer

18. Conclusion

Consumer properties systems built on the basis of IUTK "Granit-micro":

1. Introduction into the integrated IUTK "Granit-micro" subsystems of ASDU, ASKUE and registration of emergency processes when using any, including low-speed (100-300 baud), communication channels.

Easy adaptation to use different types communication channels.

2. Openness for the Customer of the software due to the supply of a tool package that allows the User to change, independently or with the advice of the Developer, to change, introduce new tasks at any stage of the system operation.

Possibility of arranging system software from the base modules of OIC "Granit-micro" and components of software packages of other companies.

3. Providing the Customer with an open package of test and adaptation programs for telemechanic workstations for diagnosing and changing the operating modes of the complex components.

4. Author's supervision of the work of the delivered technical and software tools. Providing the Customer with the opportunity to introduce improvements introduced by the Developer into the previously delivered technical means by supplying him with a programmer and corrective programs.

5. Complex supply of hardware and software, including, according to the terms of the Order, IUTK, a bench complex with an object simulator, racks for placing all components of the CP devices - RTU and TsPPS, operational - dispatching equipment - a control panel with a set of indicators, keys, buttons and other elements according to the customer's project, remote control - workplace dispatcher. Operational dispatch equipment can be implemented using electronic means information display.

6. Duplicated machining center. With independent operation of the PC of the processing center, identical synchronous bases of current and retrospective parameter values ​​are automatically created in them.

7. The introduction of an original system of relative time stamps, with the help of which the system time of "events" is restored in the PC of the OIC "Granit-micro" with an accuracy no worse than ± 5 ms regardless of the speed of data transmission over communication channels and the “location of the event”. The adopted set of measures makes it possible to register and “link” to a single system time a sequence of “events” at different controlled points.

8. The combination of data input from the meters via the "current loop" and in the form of pulse-number signals makes it possible to control the "power profile" by feeders, groups of feeders, consumers, etc., without noticeable degradation of the dynamic parameters of the OIC, and register hourly, daily, monthly electricity consumption and electricity consumption data stored in the meters for the past monitored periods.

9. Creation of operator stations at serviced controlled points (substations) with the introduction of an operator station micro AWP and micro OIC into the PC. The base of the operator station is the device KP-micro IUTK "Granit-micro", which implements independent operation of the PC and information exchange with the PU. According to the conditions of use, modules for information exchange with modern microprocessor-based protection devices that support the RS-485 interface and the MODBUS protocol are introduced into the operator station.

10. Use of the communication channel available for the Customer for information exchange between the CP - RTU and the CSP:

Radio communication channel formed by digital radio modems,

Optical fiber via standard adapters - converters RS-232 (485) to

Dedicated (on a physical pair of wires),

Packed with RF signals.

11. The possibility of introducing intelligent gateways into the IUTK "Granit-micro"

for interfacing various transport media for information delivery.

12. The possibility of arbitrary use of radial, trunk, chain

communication channels in one IUTK and changing the type and configuration of communication channels at any stage of the system operation. Such a combination of different types of communication channels is effective when building operator stations from territorially dispersed subsystems.

13. The use of developed and patented methods for generating and transmitting information based on the use of a single criterion for assessing the quality of the system - achieving the maximum level of integral reliability of information. The introduced criterion covers the main parameters - reliability (integrity, accuracy), reliability, noise immunity, speed.

14. Approbation of new principles for the construction of IUTK in a series of articles in professional journals- "Energetik" (Moscow), " Railway transport"(Moscow), in monographs, at many international exhibitions and conferences.

15. Introduction to IUTK "Granit-micro" traditions, methods of working with the Customer, worked out over 40 years of experience in the development, industrial production, commissioning of information and control telemechanical complexes.

19. Literature

For more information about the possibilities and features of the application

Guidelines for the use of modules and blocks MIP, KAM, KShch, MTT, MTI,

MTU, MDS, MSU, M2M, M4A, M4A1, MPI, KPShch-S, KPShch-T, BTU, BPR-05-02, BUMP;

Guidelines for the use of the technological stand;

Guidance on the use of programs for checking and adapting devices and modules

IUTK "Granite-micro" (Micro Test, Micro Ada),

Guidelines for the use of the software of the telecomplex "Granit-

Analysis of the state of production, principles of construction and development trends

information and control complexes for automated control systems of distributed power facilities and industries, Portnov E.M., Moscow, 2002