Benefits of laundry soap 72. Treatment with laundry soap at home

Laundry soap in folk medicine is an amazing panacea for many ailments. So, today you will learn about 10 ways to use laundry soap for medicinal purposes.

From sinusitis

Mix 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap, warm milk, honey melted in a water bath, olive oil and onion juice. Place the mixture in a bowl and simmer in a water bath until the medicine reaches the consistency of condensed milk, stirring constantly. Cotton swabs are impregnated with the resulting product and placed in the nose. The mucus accumulated in the sinuses will be released into the mouth, it must be spit out and rinsed with warm water.

From thrush

Since natural laundry soap (brown, with a characteristic pungent odor) has a disinfecting effect, it is used to sanitize the genital tract with thrush. They are washed with foam whipped from soap shavings. To get shavings, the soap is rubbed on a grater and soaked in a small amount of water. Use the remedy 3-4 times a week, not more often, because it greatly dries the mucous membrane.

From bedsores and for the prevention of their occurrence

Laundry soap is rubbed into shavings and mixed with triple cologne until a homogeneous thick slurry is obtained. The resulting product rubs places at risk.

For constipation

“Candles” made of laundry soap are very popular: the longest chips are removed from a piece and inserted into anus. Soap irritates the intestines and provokes bowel movements. However, at the same time it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane, therefore, with such treatment, especially in pediatrics, you need to be very careful.

For nail fungus

Grate the soap and beat it in warm water, pour the foam into a bowl of water and make a foot bath. After 15-20 minutes, after the nail is thoroughly steamed, rub it laundry soap and leave overnight.

Laundry soap is an inexpensive and effective remedy. It has excellent cleaning and disinfecting properties. Folk recipes using laundry soap is often no worse than expensive household chemicals, but economical and safe for health.

Natural laundry soap is made from fatty acids and alkaline solutions. The full production cycle takes from 2 weeks to 1 month, but since many manufacturers are now preparing a product based on adhesive soap, the process time is much shorter. The more fatty acids in the composition, the better the washing properties are expressed.


Depending on the composition, the product may have a yellow or dark brown color. Hue depends on the percentage of fatty acids. According to the current GOST, soap is divided into 3 categories:

  • to 1 category belongs to soap with a fatty acid content of at least 70.5%;
  • product 2 categories contains at least 69% acids;
  • product 3 categories contains at least 64% acids.

The following main components can be found in the composition:

  • animal fats: beef, pork or marine fish fat, some manufacturers use fat substitutes;
  • sodium, it is thanks to him that the product removes dirt;
  • kaolin - a substance that makes the finished product not so aggressive for the skin;
  • fatty acids, due to which foam is formed;
  • soda ash or caustic soda. Its function is to saponify fats.


The production of laundry soap takes place in two stages (simplified):

  1. Fatty raw materials are saponified using alkali. Various catalysts are used to speed up the process.
  2. Soapy glue is formed, which is allowed to harden and then cut into pieces. It turns out a soap with pronounced detergents.

This technology is called direct manufacturing. Manufacturers can also treat soap glue with a saline solution, as a result of which the total mass breaks up into 2 components: a soap core and soap lye.

The finished product has a shelf life of 1 year from the date of production. This period is significantly increased if rosin is introduced into the composition.

Which soap is best?

You need to figure out how laundry soap differs with a different percentage of fatty acids in its qualities.

Soap 72.5% has the best cleansing properties. But it also has a high ph (11-12), so it dries out the skin a lot. With frequent use of the product without the use of protective gloves, the skin of the hands will quickly become dry, cracks may appear. Also, dark laundry soap has a more pronounced smell.

Soaps 69% and 64% are slightly less effective and less aggressive. If you need to remove an old, greasy stain, remove stubborn dirt, bleach clothes, you should choose dark soap 72.5%.

64% soap can be used for cosmetic purposes. It's softer and doesn't dry out the skin as much. They can wash your hair to get rid of dandruff, wash your face, treat small wounds and scratches. Laundry soap foam in combination with baking soda is used for home peeling procedures.

Attention! Do not use laundry soap for bathing children, their skin is too delicate. For babies, products with a neutral ph are suitable.

Much depends on the storage conditions of the product. Soap should be stored in a dry, ventilated area at a temperature of at least -5°C. Humidity should not exceed 75%.

A bar that is already in use should be placed in a soap dish with a tray so that the water drains. That way it stays dry and firm and doesn't get wet. If the air in the room is too dry, the soap, on the contrary, may crack.

Laundry soap at home

The product is often used for household needs. This is explained by the following points:

  • low cost;
  • its ease of use and excellent efficiency;
  • good composition with a minimum of extraneous additives;
  • hypoallergenicity.

An insignificant minus of the product is its specific smell.


Unlike washing powders, laundry soap does not contain fragrances and rarely causes allergic reactions, so even children's clothes can be washed with it.

The tool copes well with resistant stains and is even suitable for. Here is an effective recipe: wet the item, and rub it liberally with a bar of soap, soak in a small amount of water for 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly. Using this method, it is easy to eliminate the yellowness of the fabric, including - with an additional bonus - or will disappear.

Laundry soap is suitable for washing in an automatic machine, because it does not form abundant foam. Keep in mind that it does not dissolve as quickly as washing powder so you have to do it like this:

  1. grate the bar on a grater, and lay it in the powder compartment, or in the drum. Required proportions - 30 g of chips per 1 kg of linen;
  2. Dissolve the prepared chips in a glass of hot water and pour into the drum.

Advice! For washing, you need to choose the mode that is suitable for this type of laundry.

Laundry soap for washing baby clothes is used if the child is prone to allergies. Hand washing will be just as effective as washing in an automatic machine. It is important to rinse things well in order to completely remove foam and particles of detergent from them.

Keep in mind that washing machine soap can be dangerous. It leaves behind a thin invisible coating on the walls of the drum, so it is necessary to carry out periodically. To do this, you need to start a blank wash on the very high temperature, using table vinegar, baking soda or citric acid.

washing dishes

Laundry soap perfectly degreases, so it can be used as an alternative to dishwashing liquids.

There are two ways:

  1. Just generously lather the sponge, and wash the dishes with the resulting foam;
    prepare a special tool: grate a bar of soap, dissolve in 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes, remove from heat. Add 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 50 ml of glycerin. After cooling, mix and use as a regular gel.
  2. Dishes covered with a thick layer of fat can be soaked for 2-3 hours in soapy water. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. baking soda. Soap and baking soda can even clean up. Baking soda softens water well and helps to remove dirt more easily.

Advice! For dishes, in tandem with laundry soap, you can use dry mustard powder. It is known for its degreasing properties.

It is important to thoroughly rinse all dishes with hot running water so that no plaque remains on its surface.

Attention! Laundry soap is not used for washing dishes in dishwasher, for this you need to purchase special tools.


Laundry soap is used as a disinfectant. Due to the high content of alkalis, it effectively destroys various pathogenic microbes.

Once every 2-3 months, laundry soap can be used to treat washcloths, toothbrushes, and You should prepare a small bowl of hot water, dissolve 50-60 g of soap chips in it, and soak the items overnight, and rinse them with warm running water in the morning.

Laundry soap wash children's toys. This helps to reduce the likelihood of contracting an intestinal infection, and in the midst of the cold season, protect yourself from the flu.

Laundry soap helps to cope with the fungus in the bathroom. If mold has appeared on the walls and other surfaces, you need to lather the sponge well and carefully rub the affected areas. Ventilation of the room and the use of antifungal agents will help prevent the appearance of fungus.

Cutting boards that are used in the kitchen, especially those used to cut meat and fish, also need to be disinfected. They are soaked overnight in a concentrated solution of laundry soap shavings. It is also worth soaking knives intended for cutting animal products.

You can wash the floor with water with the addition of laundry soap, but only if its coating is not made of laminate or parquet - they will need special tools. A mild soapy solution will perfectly disinfect painted wood floors, tiles or linoleum. Here's how you can prepare it: dissolve 30 g of soap chips in 5 liters of hot water, and wash the floor. Then wipe the floor again with a cloth soaked in clean water. This must be done so that there are no streaks on the surface.

Do-it-yourself liquid laundry soap

Liquid laundry soap is very convenient to use as a washing gel. This tool is suitable for removing grease stains.

In addition, it is useful for washing dishes, washing hands after working in the garden or in the garden, when the skin is heavily soiled.

Such a tool can be easily found in household chemical stores, but if desired, you can make it yourself.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • a bar of laundry soap 72% weighing 180-200 g;
  • 450 g;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • any essential oil.

Attention! Soda ash should not be confused with baking soda or caustic soda. It is used exclusively for business needs. Its second name is sodium carbonate.

The essential oil will give the soap a pleasant scent. Suitable oil of orange, eucalyptus, roses. Tea tree oil will enhance the disinfectant properties of the soap.

Here's how to proceed:

  1. Boil one and a half liters of water in a saucepan.
  2. Rub the soap on a grater, pour the shavings into boiling water and dissolve completely.
  3. In 1 liter of water, completely dissolve soda ash and pour the liquid into the soap solution.
  4. Add 10 drops of essential oil, mix everything, and cook the mass over low heat for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Cool the mixture and bottle.

The resulting washing gel in the amount of 150-200 ml must be poured into the drum of the washing machine. With this tool, you can not wash things made of natural wool, this will have a bad effect on their quality.

If you plan to use a handwash, softening components can be added to it during the cooking process: 1 tbsp. l. any cosmetic oil, liquid vitamin E or glycerin. It should be stored at room temperature.

Laundry soap... So familiar and so forgotten! What do we know about him? Surely, every housewife has her own recipes for its use. In this article I will try to summarize, if not all, then at least part of the experience of using this soap in a home first aid kit, cosmetology and in everyday life.

What is laundry soap made of?

Real laundry soap consists only of natural ingredients. It contains animal or vegetable fats and oils, as well as alkali and water, no fragrances, flavors, etc. Therefore, this soap is an environmentally friendly natural product. Soap labeling depends on the amount of fat used in it. The higher the percentage, the better soap. For example, if soap contains about 70.5% fat, then it is labeled as 72 percent. If there is less fat in percentage terms, it is respectively 70 or 65 percent.

Benefit and harm.

The composition of the soap is such that it does not cause allergies. The only thing is that it can dry the skin, because it contains alkali. If you experience discomfort while using this product, lubricate your hands with a moisturizer. It also doesn't smell very good. Here, perhaps, are all its shortcomings, which can hardly be called “harm”. And the main benefit is that it is a powerful antiseptic and can even be used for open wounds.

The use of laundry soap in folk medicine.

With the help of laundry soap, it is proposed to treat a wide range of diseases. These are sinusitis, hemorrhoids, thrush, papillomas, cataracts, various fungal diseases and joint diseases. And this is not the whole list of ailments. I won't stop there. because I think that with such serious problems it is necessary to go to the doctors and be treated with the necessary medicines. But if you definitely want to know about folk methods - write in the comments - I will definitely answer.

As mentioned above, soap has a high antiseptic effect, so I would like to elaborate on the following uses:

The use of laundry soap for cosmetic purposes.

If you are worried about dandruff or your hair is too oily, then laundry soap will also help you in this case. But you should not crawl through the hair with a whole piece. To wash your hair, you need to make a soapy solution, about 2 tablespoons of grated soap per liter of water, and wash your hair with it. After that, it is necessary to rinse the hair with a weak solution of vinegar (about 1.5 tablespoons per liter of water) to neutralize the alkali. present in soap. It is recommended to carry out this procedure about 3 times a week. And for preventive purposes - once every two weeks or more often.

To get rid of acne, you need to wash your face with laundry soap at least once a day. You can make a mask - a scrub from soap shavings and, at the rate of 2 parts of soap and 1 part of salt. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face, hold for 20-30 minutes, then remove with a damp cotton pad. Rinse your face with warm water. It is enough to use about 2 weeks every day.

The use of laundry soap in everyday life.

And finally, watch another very informative video.

As the name implies, laundry soap was created to facilitate household chores. Brownish or grayish bars without packaging replaced our mothers and grandmothers with a whole arsenal of chemical and hygiene products.

However, it soon became clear that laundry soap has not only the ability to scrub, launder and wash stains of any complexity. The range of its application is very wide: it is cosmetology and personal care, treatment of diseases such as fungi of various origins, burns and skin diseases, colds and sore throats.

History of laundry soap

A detergent very similar in its useful qualities was used in ancient Sumer and Babylon. Found clay tablets of the 3rd century BC. e. allow you to find out its recipe: water was then mixed with wood ash, the solution was boiled and fat was added, obtaining a soapy solution.

The word "soap" itself comes from the Latin root sapo: in ancient Rome, on Mount Sapo, sacrifices were made to powerful gods. Animal fat gradually accumulated after the sacrifice was burned, and then, mixed with the ashes of the ritual fire, was washed off by rain into the river. Gradually, the housewives noticed that it was much easier and easier to wash clothes near the mountain than in other places.

This solid detergent received its modern composition in 1808: the French chemist Michel Eugene Chevrel derived a formula from fats and alkali.

Soap making in Russia

In pre-Petrine times, soap making was made from potash and animal fats. Trees were cut down and burned in cauldrons right in the forest. The ash was brewed into lye, and thus potash was obtained. Entire villages were fed by this trade - the export of potash was then a very profitable business. Officially, the "potash business" developed and grew into a soap industry only in the 30s of the 18th century: soap makers were given special privileges by a special imperial decree.

Today, laundry soap can also be bought; Here is an impressive list of ways to use this useful soap in all respects. Surely many of them will be useful to you.

The uniqueness of laundry soap

In fact, this tool has a number of useful qualities that make it truly unique. Let's talk about its advantages.

Numbers on a bar of soap

72, 70, 65% is the percentage of fatty acids in laundry soap. In addition to the digital designation, the difference is also visible in color, although in Lately some manufacturers allow themselves some liberties with the coloring and fragrance of the product.

The higher the number written on the bar, the better its washing and cleaning properties, the more effectively it fights infections, bacteria and dirt of any kind.

Laundry soap is completely natural

This is his obvious, main and rather enviable advantage for other detergents: laundry soap is completely and exclusively natural. It was made and continues to be made only from natural and environmentally friendly components: vegetable oils and animal fats. Laundry soap is hypoallergenic and is recognized as absolutely harmless to humans: it does not contain any synthetic chemicals.

For this reason, laundry soap can be safely recommended for washing clothes and bed linen for newborns and young children. Home and garden plants are sprayed with soapy water - laundry soap will not harm them at all, but it destroys harmful insects and some infections very well.

Ways to use laundry soap

There are a lot of them. We will talk about those that can bring the most benefit in the most unexpected situations.

Fabric and knitwear

The quality of some fabrics noticeably improves if they are washed with laundry soap. For example, for wool products - including hand-knitted ones - laundry soap is downright shown. They acquire after such washing splendor and softness.


Washing hair with laundry soap, even in cold water, stimulates hair growth. The hair becomes thick and strong, the curls acquire shine and smoothness.


Laundry soap perfectly copes with this trouble. It is enough to replace the usual shampoo with laundry soap when washing your hair twice a week - and you can forget about the misfortune.

skin inflammation

Even quite serious inflammatory processes that sometimes occur on the skin can be stopped with laundry soap. In some cases, simple washing of the sore spot with soap is sufficient; in others, lotions and compresses with thick soapy foam or rubbed soap are effective.

In this way, even quite serious diseases can be treated - boils, abscesses and cuts.

Infection protection

Laundry soap is used in gynecology and surgery: it disinfects surfaces so well that surgeons sometimes use it instead of gloves during medical procedures. Mechanics and automotive technicians sometimes resort to a similar technique: hands, in the absence of gloves, are thickly lathered with laundry soap and allowed to dry completely. Hands are protected from infection in case of cuts.

Skin on the face

It is very useful to wash your face with laundry soap, twice a week is enough for healing and rejuvenation. After washing, you should lubricate your face with a regular baby cream.

Broom in the steam room

The standard procedure for steaming in a sauna or bath using a broom is useful in itself. The effect will be doubly noticeable if you pre-soak a coniferous or hardwood broom in a solution of laundry soap. The skin will be perfectly cleansed, and toxins will be better excreted from the body with sweat.

Runny nose

The beginning runny nose is very well treated with laundry soap. The sinuses should be treated with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. The procedure is not pleasant - it can pinch the nasal mucosa a little, but after two treatments the runny nose will recede.

Fungal diseases of the feet

The affected areas of the feet should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and a brush. After the procedure, the skin should be wiped dry and treated with iodine.

Depilation and shaving

After such manipulations, the skin on the face or body often turns red and even inflamed. To avoid such unpleasant sensations, you just need to lather with laundry soap and rinse with water - and the irritation will immediately disappear.

Dental care

If there are problems in the oral cavity, it is enough to leave the toothbrush with the foam of laundry soap applied to the bristles. This will completely disinfect her. Rinse the brush under running water before each use. Laundry soap should be used every evening for disinfection.


The antiseptic properties of laundry soap are so effective that they successfully treat thrush and itching of the intimate sphere. Laundry soap candles are used as a mild but effective laxative for pregnant women, children and the elderly in case of corresponding problems with the digestive tract: laundry soap will not damage the mucous membranes.

Health ecology. Traditional medicine: Do you have laundry soap in your apartment? If not, then be sure to get it and let it lie just in case! Laundry soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes (up to the beginning of gangrene). Even gynecological diseases are successfully treated with laundry soap (in some maternity hospitals it is used to wash the floor in the departments where newborns are located).

Do you have laundry soap in your apartment? If not, then be sure to get it and let it lie just in case!

Laundry soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes (up to the beginning of gangrene). Even gynecological diseases are successfully treated with laundry soap (in some maternity hospitals it is used to wash the floor in the departments where newborns are located).

If you grease small scratches, cuts and wounds, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection and speed up healing.

To avoid bruising after an injury you can apply ice from the refrigerator, or you can anoint the bruised place with laundry soap, no bruises, no bumps!

Laundry soap - wonderful antiviral agent. With a runny nose or even the beginning of the flu, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in a solution of laundry soap and treat the sinuses with it.

Surgeons know about the amazing ability of laundry soap replace surgical gloves (if you lather it on your hands and leave it to dry) - they say that then even with a cut during the operation, the risk of infection is minimal.

On the formed abscess it is necessary to impose a mixture of equal parts of laundry soap, onion and sugar (grate the onion and soap on a coarse grater). It is better to do this at night, fixing the compress with a bandage. By morning, the wound will be clean.

With fungus on the legs wash the affected areas with soap, allow to dry and treat the skin with iodine. In addition, to get rid of the fungus on the legs, you can simply wash them for a week in the morning and evening with laundry soap.

To avoid irritation when shaving or waxing, it is not necessary to buy expensive creams and gels. It is enough to lather the skin with laundry soap once after the procedure.

Laundry soap will serve as a disinfectant for personal hygiene items(combs, washcloths, toothbrushes). In the evening they need to be lathered, and in the morning rinse thoroughly. Experts recommend carrying out such a procedure at least once every 3 months.

It is useful to wash your hair with laundry soap a couple of times a month, rinsing after washing with a solution of lemon juice or vinegar. Hair becomes thick and strong, dandruff disappears, hair stops breaking and falling out.

get rid of for redness and pimples you need to grate laundry soap, beat it in a bowl into a strong foam, mix it with coarse salt (in a ratio of 1: 1), mix it, apply it on clean face skin and keep it for about half an hour. After that, wash first with hot and then cold water. The effect is visible almost immediately, but to consolidate the result, it is advisable to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Calluses and cracks on the legs they will come down if you make foot baths for several days in a row from 2 liters of water, 1 tsp. soda and 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap..

Laundry soap is advised to wash- at least 2 times a week - so that the skin always looks young. After washing, you need to lubricate the skin with an ordinary baby cream. Moreover, the effect of such washings, as those who have tried it, is better than from the use of expensive professional cosmetics.

Get rid of papillomas on the body. We take a piece of laundry soap 72%. And we rub the affected area. Without fanaticism, just to grease. If you want - dry soap on wet skin. You want - wet soap dry skin. At night we rub the skin, wash it off in the morning. And so 3-4 pm. Then the skin becomes inflamed, reddens, slightly itchy. So, the procedure must be stopped. It will take a couple of days for the skin to take on a healthy look. By that time, there will be no trace of papillomas. Checked multiple times.

You can be cured with the help of laundry soap from the beginning runny nose. You need to make a soapy solution, dip a cotton swab there and treat the sinuses. Then (although it will pinch a little at first), the nose will never be blocked, and after 2-3 such treatments you will forget about a cold for a long time. *** When bitten by a dog, to prevent infection from entering the wound, it is advised to let the blood drain from the wound (it will also wash out the bacteria), and then either apply gauze or bandage it with a bandage dipped in a solution of laundry soap.

Laundry soap successfully copes with the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet. It is advised to thoroughly wash the affected areas on the skin with soap and a brush, and then treat the surface of the skin with iodine.

Laundry soap is an excellent remedy for removing edema. To do this, it is enough to dilute the soap in water and rub the bruise with the resulting solution. It is necessary to perform the procedure several times a day.

Anti-acne remedy. Grate laundry soap into a bowl, add water and beat it with a brush into foam. Now take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting foam, 1 tsp. salt "extra" and mix. Apply this mixture on a well-washed face. I warn you - it will pinch a lot, but this just means that the healing process is underway. Keep the mask for half an hour. Dry salt will remain on your face, brush it off and wash yourself first with hot and then cold water. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

A remedy for boils. Mix in equal parts grated onion, laundry soap and sugar. Apply this ointment on an abscess and bandage it. You need to do this at night, in the morning you will see that the wound has completely cleared.

From cracked heels and corns make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of planed laundry soap.

Laundry soap and rainwater from hair loss get rid of forever. Use only dark laundry soap for soaping hair. Do not use any other detergents. Hair should be washed 2 times a week. The result is wonderful

If bruised place anoint with laundry soap - there will be no bruising.

Do a home peel: apply foam from laundry soap and a cotton swab moistened with calcium chloride to wet skin, wipe the face along the massage lines. The skin is very well cleansed.

If lather the burn laundry soap and let dry, then there will not only be no blisters from the burn, but there will be no redness!

A few years ago, at night, it twisted and twisted its legs, they gave advice - soap baths. I poured 2-3 liters of warm water into a basin or bucket, dissolved laundry soap so that the water turned white, like good milk. I added a handful of baking soda and sea salt (any will do), stirred until dissolved, added hot water from the kettle, stirred again, added 10 drops of iodine.I dipped my legs in this solution up to the ankles for 15 minutes - not a minute more, otherwise the reverse process would begin!

This will be of interest to you:

During this time, the solution draws all the pain out of the legs. I wiped my feet with a towel, lubricated with a cream or healing ointment (you can use olive oil), massaged my feet, put on woolen socks and went to bed. The solution was used 3 times, each time heated to a tolerable temperature and adding another 10 drops of iodine, kept the same 15 minutes. Do 10-12 procedures (daily), then a break, then as you feel better.

Who has problems with veins (varicose veins and thrombophlebitis), make the solution not hot, but warm. After the first procedure, I slept peacefully, and after 10 procedures I forgot how my legs were twitching and twisting.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments. published