How much does a chinchilla skin cost? Breeding and selling Chinchillas is a highly profitable business Where can you take chinchillas?

In Russia, the only producer of chinchilla fur is the farm " Retas". About 8 years ago this farm was founded as a family business, which has since grown to become a professional nursery. At the moment, there are more than 220 representatives of this company, who are located in different parts of our homeland.

The skins can be purchased wholesale or retail. Chinchilla fur is used not only for sewing fur coats, chinchilla skin, the price of which is not available to everyone, is widely used for sewing collars, hats, mittens and slippers. Such accessories will help not only to keep warm in the cold winter, but also to look quite presentable and stylish, to stand out from the crowd.

We offer a choice not only of chinchilla skins, but also products made from them. You can purchase a choice of any available product or make an order for individual tailoring, which we will fulfill as soon as possible. Don't miss the opportunity to make the coming winter warmer and more comfortable.

Fur boutique "Wanger" offers stylish exclusive items from chinchilla fur. With us you will always be irresistible and, most importantly, you will not freeze. First-class craftsmen will do their best to make you leave with a gorgeous piece and good mood... We guarantee excellent quality of work, the highest quality materials and a good-natured attitude towards each client. Fur salon always ready to meet the buyer. Our outerwear is made not only entirely of fur; if the customer wishes, it is not difficult to make fur trim or add some of its elements.

Our masters, being the best specialists in their industry, are able to work miracles without repeating in any of their work. Individual tailoring of a fur coat or outerwear with elements from natural fur in our atelier of fur products will be the best option for lovers of non-standard solutions when creating a fashionable wardrobe.

Collection Wanger

For each fur set, we provide:

  1. Certificate of Authenticity - "Soft Gold"
  2. Fur Diploma "Wanger Royal Blue"
  3. Invoice / Invoice-list
  4. Branded bags, pens, badges, etc.
  5. Badges indicating the size and grade of skins.
  6. Unique nameplate from "WANGER" on chinchilla skins.
  7. Original hanger with logo and seal.
  8. Branded "Wanger" tag on the product.
  9. Convenient packing of a fur lot in a tube

Small, fluffy animals from South America- chinchillas are not lucky in life. Their fur is so prized in the world fur market that hardly even every second of them dies a natural death. However, let's not talk about sad things. To paraphrase famous proverb, let's say: what is bad for chinchillas, then for people it is good and beneficial. Especially those who breed them. At current prices for chinchilla fur, this business can be considered highly profitable. Then why don't most entrepreneurs do it?

The fact is that chinchilla breeding as a business is a long-term project. One female chinchilla is capable of giving birth to four to six cubs three times a year, but most often, this happens only once a year. Among those who are engaged in breeding chinchillas, this is considered normal.

Chinchilla care

Chinchillas can be kept anywhere, even in a city apartment. The animal does not smell at all, since it does not have sweat glands, it is very neat, neat, and does not require too much attention. Chinchillas do not shed their hair.

Requirements for the premises:

  • Dry, heated room without drafts.
  • Cells are at least fifty centimeters in size on each side.

A couple of tablespoons of dry food a day is enough to feed one chinchilla. The whole care process comes down to simple actions:

  • Daily: feed, drink, clean.
  • Weekly: Change the shavings in the cage.
  • Monthly: change or pass through a sieve and fire the fine sand in which the chinchillas swim.
  • Once every six months: disinfect the cell.

You definitely need to know:

Fertility in female chinchillas begins at the age of six months. The gestation time is about four months. After three months, young offspring are placed in separate cells, and after another four - at the age of seven months, the fate of the animals is determined. It should be noted that mostly males go for fur, females remain for breeding. Strong, active individuals are left to the tribe, others are sold. One male and four females are considered a normal family of chinchillas for breeding. You can also feed the animals with grass or hay, compound feed. It is estimated that a chinchilla eats about twelve kilograms of grass and six kilograms of compound feed in a year. Agree, these are very small expenses. And yet, it is not recommended to hold the chinchilla in your hands, but if you want to hold it, it catches the animal either by the tail or by the ear.

Strengths and weaknesses of the chinchilla business.


  • The high cost of these products
  • Cheap feed
  • Sufficient stability of production costs
  • Availability of own premises, suitable after appropriate repair, maintenance and breeding of chinchillas
  • Simplicity and ease of breeding


  • Gradual expansion of production and a corresponding increase in profits
  • A transition from selling skins to sewing and selling fur products is possible, thereby increasing profitability several times
  • The ultimate goal of breeding chinchillas, the main task is to obtain a finished product - valuable fur skins, as well as breeding animals, which, frankly, is impossible without the other.


  • Changes in tax legislation are possible, which may complicate the sale of fur abroad
  • Unpredictable change public policy, which may lead to a complete or partial prohibition of this type of activity.
  • The biggest problem that one has to face when growing tires in Ukraine is the insufficient number of competent and practicing veterinarians, veterinary laboratories. Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of veterinarians without proper permanent practice declined. This factor can be easily explained, because earlier there were minilabs at a working collective farm, now, unfortunately, there are very few of them and their level, to put it mildly, wants to remain the best.
  • Situations may arise, for the solution of which a competent veterinarian and veterinary laboratory is needed, and this is a problem in Ukraine. You have to read the relevant literature and sometimes do everything yourself.

But we can say that proper prevention and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards is the best treatment. If your cultivation technology is correct, and you do not violate it, then you will rarely have such cases.

Implementation of chinchillas:

Finding a market for both chinchilla skins and livestock will not be difficult. The Internet is the largest trading floor, give
announcement, and in a few hours your phone will be ringing. It is interesting that not only chinchilla fur is valuable. The animal's meat is also prized for its properties. It is very useful for patients with tuberculosis, sclerosis, or cancer.

The average cost of a pelt ranges from $ 50 to $ 90. This is the price that companies that sew fur products are willing to pay. Over the past three years, prices for chinchilla fur at world auctions have only increased, and this is against the backdrop of the global financial crisis. According to the Copenhagen Fur Auction (one of the largest fur auctions in the world), over the past two years, prices for chinchilla fur have increased by 22-24%, mink fur - 27-33%. Leading experts associate the rise in the cost of "soft gold" with an increase in demand in China, Russia and the CIS countries. Since money does not disappear anywhere, but passes from hand to hand, after the impact of the economic crisis, they are concentrated in a close circle of people with great opportunities, which are abundant in the CIS countries. Today the world fur market is estimated at US $ 9 billion. Among the sales leaders are undoubtedly mink, marten, silver fox, ermine, chinchilla, beaver and others. The greatest connoisseurs of warm products are those countries with a cold climate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest fur farms are located in Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic, Norway, China, USA, Canada. In most of these countries, there are national programs to support the development of farming business, in particular, exhibitions and conferences are regularly held, which are partially financed by the state.

In addition, the chinchilla is considered the talisman of treasure hunters. This is really so - even the ancient Indians of South America noticed that animals settle where there is gold nearby. Now domestic "craftsmen" have adapted hand-held chinchillas to search for lost gold jewelry on sea beaches. So, problems with the sale of animals should not be expected. Well, after the business starts, it’s not far from the chinchilla farm there. The main desire!

And as a bonus - a video about the chinchilla breed:

Is it profitable to breed chinchillas, because all costs and efforts should be rewarded with a good profit. What can you get from this case, and how much are the skins of this animal?

What products does a chinchilla breeding enterprise provide, and how much does it cost? The most important commodity for chinchilla breeding is animal skins. What about their fur?

In natural conditions, chinchillas live in areas with cold climates, so they have thick and warm fur.

For 1 sq. More than 25 thousand hairs grow per centimeter of skin - such a density of fur is very rare among animals.

The structure of the fur is also not quite usual - 60-80 thin hairs grow from one bulb, and fur does not have hard guard hairs, the thickness of the downy hair is only 12-16 microns, the thickness of the covering hair is 24-28 microns, and they are several millimeters longer than the downy ones. ...

Chinchillas are herbivores, so their fur does not smell like sable, mink or arctic fox.

These animals do not moult, so you can slaughter them on fur all year round, but in winter their fur is still better. The color of the fur is different and depends on the breed - white, black, hazy, beige, variegated. You can sew stoles, hats, fur coats from chinchilla fur.

The disadvantage of skins is that they are very thin and fragile, special knowledge and skills are required to make it, and it is very easy to damage it. And chinchilla fur products do not have special wear, as, for example, in minks. However, despite this, there are no problems with the sale of products, products made from chinchilla skins are very expensive and only wealthy people can afford them. The cost of a fur coat from animal fur in Russia reaches 200 thousand rubles.

How much does one chinchilla skin cost? In Russia, on Avito, factory-made "gray standard" skins are sold at prices ranging from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles apiece.

SilverChins, a Moscow Region enterprise, buys dry unmanufactured chinchilla skins from farmers and breeders at a cost of 1 to 2 thousand rubles. Therefore, the answer to the question: what to do with the skins is very simple. They can be sold to a company that has specialists in the manufacture of these delicate products.

How many chinchilla skins do you need to sew one fur coat? The body length of chinchillas is only 22-38 cm, and their skins are not large, depending on the size, one fur coat will require from 100 to 300 skins, while it is important to choose a color pattern, since it is different for males and females.

Diet chinchilla meat is also highly valued; it can be sold in restaurants and cafes at a price of 750 rubles per kilogram. In addition to being a delicacy product, chinchilla meat should be consumed by people suffering from cancer, tuberculosis and sclerosis.

A business for breeding and growing chinchillas can be built in a different way. It is not necessary to raise animals for the sale of skins and meat - the animals can be raised and sold for breeding to other entrepreneurs. Or as a pet, since the demand for unusual pets is constantly growing, besides, chinchillas are cute, funny, quick-witted animals that do not need a lot of expensive food.

All over the world, chinchilla is prized as a source of luxurious fur. The business associated with breeding these furry animals does not imply serious investments. A chinchilla farm can bring a very tangible profit to an entrepreneur.

What are the advantages of a chinchilla over other types of fluffy animals

First of all, chinchillas are valued for their lack of smell, this is due to the fact that they do not have sebaceous and sweat glands. The animals eat vegetables, fruits, grass and do not need meat at all. Chinchillas are not subject to seasonal molting. This explains the ideal condition of the skin at any time of the year.

As for the cost of one chinchilla skin, it is 250 times higher than the cost of, say, a rabbit. Price finished products amounts to more than one thousand euros. Thus, a chinchilla farm is a low-cost business that you can do throughout the year.

Business plan for breeding chinchillas

Let's list the main parameters that should be in a business plan for breeding chinchillas:

  • availability of start-up funds;
  • production costs;
  • farm preparation and purchase of equipment;
  • studying information about the peculiarities of keeping chinchillas;
  • business registration at the official level

If we take into account that the chinchilla is a rather unpretentious animal, then it can be grown at home without any problems. According to experts, the breeding process in animals is long, so it will take a long time to wait for the first offspring. You can start a business without registration.

In the foreseeable future, when the moment comes to sell products to customers, specialty stores or supermarkets, of course, will need official registration. entrepreneurial activity... In general, the registration of a business or a farm will allow you to sell not only chinchillas, but also ready-made fur.

To register a farm, the following documents are required:

  • statement;
  • notarial agreement on the creation of a company (if several persons are involved in the business);
  • copy of the passport of all entrepreneurs;
  • fee payment document

According to experts, there will never be much competition in this market area. This is due to factors such as:

  • low rates of breeding of animals;
  • high demand for fur

Accordingly, it is fair to conclude that even with competitors, the chinchilla business will never become unprofitable.

Farm opening equipment

What needs to be purchased so that the animals feel comfortable, so that they feel great, do not get sick and bring healthy offspring?

  1. roomy cage;
  2. drinker;
  3. container for sand;
  4. sand;
  5. feeder;
  6. toys, wheels so that chinchillas can move around and lead an active lifestyle;
  7. means for cleaning and disinfecting the cage

If for some reason you can't buy a cage yet, build a pen where the chinchillas can just as easily move around.

To ensure maximum comfort for a chinchilla, it is important to fulfill a number of conditions:

  • free space - animals should move without obstacles in a pen or cage, the standard size of a cage is 5 sq.
  • ventilation system - animals, like all living things, need fresh air;
  • temperature conditions - the minimum air temperature for the normal life of chinchillas is +15 ° C;
  • cleanliness - you need to clean the cage regularly

Chinchilla food

Chinchilla is a herbivore, however, it is important that the animal's diet contains foods rich in protein - grains, as well as various legumes.

How to properly organize the diet of chinchillas?

  1. Young individuals are very sensitive to the daily menu. As a rule, young animals react sharply to changes in their habitual diet. Taste preferences are formed in chinchillas even in the period of inception. Hence the conclusion, do not rush to change the products that the animal loves.
  2. The diet must certainly contain vitamins and minerals. This will make it possible to protect the animal from various diseases.
  3. It is optimal to feed chinchillas in the evening. Remember that they are awake at night.
  4. The water should be warm.

How to protect chinchillas from disease

Even under ideal conditions, there is a risk of animal death due to disease. To strengthen the immune system of chinchillas, include apples and some other fruits in their usual diet. Note that the animal does not need vaccinations, and this greatly facilitates the maintenance process.

Chinchilla distribution channels

Chinchillas as a business are a great opportunity to make decent money. Given the impressive demand for animals and their wonderful skins, you can quickly find distribution channels, even if you are at the beginning of a business.

Identify yourself in the media, place ads for the sale of chinchillas on Avito, create a VK group or others in social networks to attract new customers.

Then you should familiarize yourself with what specialty stores are available in the city. In the presence of all required documents they will gladly buy chinchillas from you.

If the productivity of the farm has reached 5 thousand individuals per year, you can safely think about the sale of fur skins.

Taxation system for business

As soon as the number of chinchillas began to grow, the question arises of expanding the staff. The entrepreneur will need to issue farm... At the same time, it is permissible to choose one of the types of taxation:

  • traditional taxation system - a guarantee of cooperation with large customers, no restrictions on amounts;
  • single agricultural tax - an entrepreneur pays one tax, instead of the four prescribed in the traditional system, but there are restrictions on the amount of income

The profitability of a chinchilla farm

The chinchilla breeding business is highly profitable. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of the content of animals. When individuals reach 3 months of age, they need to provide individual cages. One room can contain 4 females and 1 male. By six months, the first offspring may appear (the female's gestation period is 100-130 days).

According to general estimates, it will be possible to recoup the investment in 1.5-2 years. On average, the cost of a chinchilla breeding business is 370 tons.

Chinchilla business: how much are chinchilla skins

The chinchilla breeding business is quite attractive by many criteria and guarantees high profits.

Such a business is based on breeding animals and selling both themselves and the most precious fur in the world. The breeding animal can be sold for approximately $ 100.

Organizing a business will require answering certain questions.

How much do chinchilla skins cost? What are the initial investments and potential returns? We will talk about this and much more below.

To organize the activities, it will be necessary to draw up a project that considers all the nuances of the work of the upcoming company. The business plan for breeding chinchillas includes the main directions: organizational, financial, legal and others.

Product characteristics

The features of the material are very attractive. Chinchilla meat is a dietary product. Her fur is rightfully one of the most valuable, which is why the proactive development of business in this area is connected. It is distinguished by its high cost due to the heat and the presence of a large number of hairs on the skins (for 1 cm 2 square up to 25 thousand hairs).

Price for skins

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This issue worries most businessmen. The price of the skin of the highest grade reaches $ 300 and more. Fur less High Quality costs 2 times cheaper.

Business benefits

  • Profitability. The chinchilla business brings high income with low production costs.
  • Availability. Anyone can do business. In fact, no expensive equipment, no special education, or large investments are required.
  • Simplicity. Ease of organizing and breeding animals.

Business plan for breeding chinchillas at home

It is quite possible to breed these animals in small quantities at home in a one-room apartment, or in private households. Keeping chinchillas at home for business purposes does not require large areas and special conditions.

The animals do not emit an unpleasant odor due to the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands, and the fur does not shed, like in other animals. They are very friendly, do not bite or scratch, they even gnaw their claws on their own. As for the equipment, it includes cages that can be easily made by yourself or purchased at zoo outlets.

Conditions of detention

  • The temperature regime in the cages is 15-25 degrees, the humidity is by the standards of home conditions.
  • The cells are filled with sawdust. They are changed once a week.
  • Chinchillas feed on hay and special feeding.
  • In the daytime, the animals sleep, so feeding is done in the evenings (once a day).


1. Buying chinchillas. The price of one individual is about 6-9 thousand rubles. One male is needed for 3-4 females.

2. Equipment. Cell acquisition. The content area is small in size. On an area of ​​2 square meters, up to 20 animals can be freely accommodated.

The cells are stacked on top of each other, and therefore little space is required.

A cage of 30 × 40 cm is enough for one animal. They are made independently, to order, purchased in stores. The cost of a cage can be from 1,500 to 10 thousand rubles.

3. Nutrition. In one month, one individual consumes up to 0.7-1 kg of dry food, at a cost of up to 20 rubles per kilogram. It is possible to prepare food on your own, which will significantly reduce costs (hay, dried dandelion foliage).


One female produces about 5-9 puppies per year. If the price of 1 individual is 6-10 thousand rubles, the profit from one chinchilla is 50-90 thousand rubles. The life span of the animal at home is from 12 to 17 years with annual fertility.


Breeding chinchillas at home is very profitable and not troublesome. In addition to the fact that they bring a very high income, these animals look very beautiful and complement any home. It is more convenient to keep chinchillas in garages or special rooms in your own dacha or farm, but at home, although they will take root, they will create a smell and gnaw on everything. However, some even have cats that behave more aggressively.

In order to understand the intricacies of the content, to estimate the costs and real incomes, it is advised to take a couple of chinchillas to a city apartment and watch them for several months. Many of these animals have problems with breeding at home when they do not want to breed.

But not with chinchillas - they perfectly produce babies and, depending on luck, they can bring not 3-5 newborns, but up to a dozen.

This increases the profit and payback of the business practically in the first six months of owning such a farm.

Chinchilla farm business plan

The chinchilla farm involves the most ambitious activity. However, it will also be more profitable. The business plan for breeding chinchillas on your own farm implies the presence of 200 females and 50 males.

Business benefits

No need for licensing and special education, as well as certain skills. No special equipment required. Large areas are not required.

The profitability of the product is 500-800% per annum. The first release - after 4 months.

What is needed to open a mini-farm

4. Cost of feed.

5. Purchase of breeding chinchillas.

6. Personnel - no more than 1 person.

List of documents that must be provided for legal registration

  1. Statement on the state. registration natural person as individual entrepreneur in the form of P21001.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duties.
  3. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in the form No. 26. 2-1.
  4. Copy of the passport.

Features of the content

The chinchilla mini-farm is illuminated using ordinary bulbs. Heating in winter period electric. Air conditioners are used for cooling in the summer. You can buy animals using an affiliate program provided by the owners of special farms. There you can also order cages, get information on the content. Actually, what the animal needs: 14-18 degrees, 60% air humidity, sand for swimming, several hundred grams of food a day and a tree with a stone to sharpen its teeth.


The equipment needed to carry out activities consists of cells, which are arranged in vertical rows.

  1. The area is not less than 0.3 m² for one individual. The height of the cage is not more than 45 cm.
  2. They are arranged in a row of several floors, on top of each other (4-6 tiers in height).

Basic costs

For 250 heads - a space of no more than 30-50 square meters (for 1 square meter - 12 cells, with a vertical arrangement).

  • when purchasing premises, the amount is paid as a one-time payment;
  • when renting - monthly;
  • own territories (summer cottage, private outbuildings) - absolutely free.

2. Purchase of animals - 250 heads (200 females and 50 males) about 1-1.5 million rubles.


Delivery of chinchillas with the purchase of ten pairs is free. Food for half a year as a gift.

Are you thinking of buying a chinchilla? Then we will help you! Here you can: buy a chinchilla, a whole family, all the necessary equipment, food, get professional advice.

Chinchilla( Photo) - cheerful and gentle, graceful and glamorous, affectionate and crazy, smart and clean, curious and simply beautiful! It is able to bring joy to the house, cause a smile, and melt the heart of any person. It is impossible not to fall in love with this fluffy miracle.

Chinchilla in the house Is the new splash of fashion for pet lovers

Chinchilla able to bring joy not only to your heart, but also to your wallet.

Chinchilla fur is gray-silver-pearl with a dark shade and silky shimmer in the light. The most expensive fur in the world! Chinchilla skins and chinchilla products are in great demand, and a chinchilla fur coat is every woman's dream!

Initially, chinchillas lived in the highlands of the Andes - in Chile, Peru, at an altitude of five thousand meters above sea level. A sharply continental climate, suggesting humidity rarely exceeding 30%, temperature drops, both seasonal and daily average, scarce vegetation does not imply an abundant and varied food base. To survive in such harsh conditions, the animal must save energy from each dry blade of grass - like the well-known camel from the well-known camel thorn. All this led to the unique structure of the chinchilla fur.

In ordinary fur-bearing animals, one hair usually grows from one hair follicle. In a chinchilla, from one hair follicle grows from 60 to 80 (!) Finest (cobweb-like) hairs 12-14 microns thick. There are 25 thousand hairs per square centimeter, the pile height is 2.5 - 3 centimeters. The fur is a continuous layer of elastic, silky down. In nature, it serves as an excellent insulator, on the one hand, preventing the icy wind from passing through, and on the other hand, preventing heat energy from leaving the body. In such a fur coat, the animal can live and reproduce peacefully, despite the unfavorable conditions of existence.


Chinchillas have the most valuable fur of all animals: products from chinchilla fur (fur coats, collars) cost from 10 to 100 thousand dollars, which naturally turns the purchase of chinchillas, and then their breeding, into a profitable business.

The constant demand for chinchilla skins at fur auctions has necessitated the creation of an entire affiliate program. The business scheme is very simple, you need to buy chinchillas! Tribal chinchillas or rather breeding pairs of chinchillas on our farm are already formed, settled and paired. The acquired colors of chinchillas do not matter for the conclusion of the contract. You can also sell us chinchillas back (young growth).

All equipment, cages for chinchillas and accessories for chinchillas, in general, everything for chinchillas, you purchase at the manufacturer's price.

If necessary, delivery of chinchillas is carried out even to the regions.

You just need to call us and sign up+ 79205760091- Alexander. You will also receive a full consultation related to chinchilla breeding by our contact numbers.

Observing a business partnership and concluding an agreement with our chinchilla farm, you will always have a guaranteed sale of live animals in unlimited quantities. The farm accepts wholesale chinchillas at the price of the World Fur Auction!


Remember we are looking for reliable and honest partners! We look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation!

Breeding chinchillas as a home business

Chinchillas are cute and affectionate animals, it is pleasant to work with them in all respects, because they have a friendly character and do not require special conditions leaving. Little is needed to keep them comfortable: feeding once a day and cleaning the cage periodically.

Chinchilla skins or live weight are willingly bought by fur auctions and fur farms in quantities of 10 or more. and more. For example, for 1 live chinchilla at a slaughter age of 7-8 months, they give from $ 20. This price can be much higher in the case of breeding white or other purebred species. Skins are more expensive, some craftsmen can earn more in this business. Moreover, chinchillas have dietary meat. They are treated with tuberculosis, and with sclerosis, it is simply irreplaceable.

The high cost of chinchilla products is due to physiological characteristics fur. In ordinary fur, only one hair grows from one hair follicle, and in chinchillas - 60-80 finest (12-14 microns) cobweb-like hairs. This design is an ideal windbreak on the outside and an excellent heat insulator on the inside.

Breeding chinchillas as a business is profitable or not

  1. Initial investment for the purchase of animals. One chinchilla per brood costs an average of $ 30 to $ 50. We multiply this amount by the number of animals with which you plan to start, and we get the amount of the initial investment.
  2. Arrangement of their habitat. On 2 square meters, you can keep 20 individuals and this is taking into account the corridors between the cages. Each chinchilla uterus over three years old will need its own cage to ensure the well-being of the individual and the excellent quality of the fur, because this is the guarantee of your successful business... The cells can be made by yourself, then they will cost a symbolic amount.
  3. Regular maintenance and food costs. Considering the small weight of the animal, the cost of food does not seem intimidating either. Chinchilla eats once a day (mainly vegetable and dry food). Some farmers add special compound feed to the diet to increase the nutritional value and improve the quality of the fur. On average, feeding one chinchilla per year costs about $ 240, during which time it will bring offspring, which will not only pay for all the maintenance, but also give you the opportunity to make tangible profits.

Chinchillas breed much worse than rabbits. There are usually 2-3 babies in one litter. But this fact makes the chinchilla fur coat much more expensive with lower maintenance costs.

For 1 chinchilla fur coat, on average, 100 skins are required. Pregnancy of a female lasts from 110 to 115 days, while babies will need another 7 weeks to grow up and become independent. All this time, the cubs stay with their mother. Then you can deposit. And at the age of 7-8 months, you can remove the skins.

Useful advice! 1-2 months before slaughter age, it is advisable to lower the temperature to +5 degrees in the room where chinchillas live and increase the intensity of their feeding. This will significantly affect the density and commercial quality of the skin.

How many chinchillas do you need to breed? You can determine the size of your farm and the number of animals yourself, depending on the area of ​​the room that you have and your capabilities. One person is able to serve up to 500 chinchillas. If you want a larger number of individuals, then you will have to take care of attracting additional staff.

Conditions for polygamous breeding of chinchillas

Chinchillas are unpretentious creatures, but this does not mean that they do not require attention at all. The basic rules for the household care of a chinchilla are as follows:

  • feeding, changing water and cleaning the cage occurs daily (once a day is enough);
  • the sawdust, which is the bedding of the cage, needs to be changed weekly;
  • Once a month, it is necessary to sift and calcine the sand, which is very important. The animals bathe in the sand and clean their fur.
  • every six months it is worth performing general disinfection and cleaning of the premises where the chinchillas are located.

When creating a chinchilla farm, you should pay attention to the fact that the room is always clean, warm and dry.

It is also necessary to take care of the access of fresh air to the animals, but not to allow drafts.

The cage is also important for polygamous breeding of chinchillas. This is a whole system in which everything must be thought out. For example, sand trays should not be connected to each other and should be placed separately in each section. It is better to buy such a cage system on wheels to make it easier to clean outside the breeding room.

Even schoolchildren can take care of chinchillas. You can also keep them in a city apartment, if you do not plan a large number of individuals. On the other hand, it is worth noting that chinchillas do not shed depending on the season, their fur is always of excellent quality. He is always ready for implementation at any time of the year.

For polygamous breeding of chinchillas, the following ratio is usually taken: from 2 to 4 females are acquired for one male.

Important! You cannot destroy a "working" family. The animals tolerate this painfully, and you may not get the desired result. It is also highly undesirable to cross related animals. This leads to their inevitable degeneration.

Collar for polygamous chinchilla breeding

In polygamous breeding of chinchillas, it is important to observe one more condition: a special collar ring is put on the neck of each female. So the female will not leave the cage, and the male, in turn, will be able to move freely from female to female.

The cost of such a collar is in the range of $ 1-1.5. It is made of plastic. The collar can be used many times without causing any inconvenience to the animals.

Interesting fact! In nature, chinchillas usually form monogamous pairs. In the same way, they can be bred at home, although it is rather difficult to do this in an industrial environment, since the number of females usually exceeds the number of males. In this regard, it can be quite difficult to find a pair for each bored male.

In the Middle Ages, only kings were allowed to wear chinchilla fur. Over time, these furs became available to the middle class as well. At the end of the 19th century, this led to the complete extermination of animals in Latin America... Today, in the wild, chinchilla is very rare, but it is perfectly bred in captivity.

As you can see, breeding chinchillas is an easy and uncomplicated process. The demand for their fur is constantly increasing, so you will not have any problems with the sale of finished skins. The internet is full of buyer's ads. In a few months, you will not only get back all your invested funds, but also get a significant profit, so we wish you success and good sales of beautiful individuals!

Household profitability from 300%. In cooperation with us, you will always have a guaranteed sales. Business is not subject to any crises.

Making your million on pedigree breeding of chinchillas is real!

Elite nurseries from the USA, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and other countries offer to become the owner of cute fur animals for domestic, as well as pedigree and amateur breeding. The farms sell chinchillas in bulk of all ages and colors. A furry animal, if desired, can be not only a cute pet, but also a source of good income.


We offer young animals at the age of 2 - 4 months, as well as adult couples, ready to organize mini-farms. One young family of chinchillas is capable of producing up to 3 litters and up to 15 puppies per year. The cost of a two-month-old animal (the most suitable age for weaning from its mother) varies from 2,500 to 50,000 rubles, depending on gender and color. The female chinchilla, getting older, brings more puppies in 1 litter. A mother under the age of 1.5 years gives birth to 1-3 cubs in a litter, from 1.5 to 6 years old, 2-5 puppies are born.

Chinchillas perfectly feed on budget food, which you can always buy in any quantity on our farm. To ensure the longevity and health of your pet, you need to follow a few simple rules of care. For each chinchilla, we attach detailed instructions on the content, as well as the pedigree of origin. In addition, each of our clients receives balanced food for the first month of keeping and sand for bathing the animals. On our farm you can buy chinchillas in bulk, as well as order by low prices a cage for a couple or breeding animals.

Prices for breeding chinchillas

Our farm contains about 400 fur-bearing animals, their number is constantly growing, thanks to the effective action of the partner program for the sale of young animals and our own increase in the number of animals. We always have puppies, young chinchillas, adult animals, couples and polygamous families of any color available. Orders for families of any configuration and color are accepted. You can buy chinchillas for breeding at the following prices, subject to the conclusion of a sales contract.

Chinchilla "Gray standard": age 6-10 months.

  • Couple (male and female of reproductive age) - 13,000 rubles;
  • From 3 to 5 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with the possibility of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 5 to 10 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with free delivery within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • About 10 to 20 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 300 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 20 to 30 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 600 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 30 to 50 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 1000 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • Over 50 pairs - the cost is 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 2,000 km from the Moscow Ring Road).

A colored pair of chinchillas, depending on the color, costs from 15,000 rubles.

You can buy a family of chinchillas or several pairs depending on the breed with a discount of 10% to 50%.

Transport service

  • Pick up or take away within the Moscow Ring Road: 1000 rubles for 1-5 animals, 1500 rubles for 5-10 animals.
  • Pick up or drop off outside the Moscow Ring Road: at a distance of up to 100 km -30 rubles / 1 km;

from 100 to 500 km - 25 rubles / 1 km,

from 500 to 800 km - 20 rubles / 1 km.

* The distance from MKAD and back is taken into account.

Special affiliate program

Our farm has a special partnership program for the purchase of young chinchillas, subject to the purchase of at least 5 pairs to organize a breeding farm. Young animals are bought at the age of 4 months at a price of 1000 - 3000 thousand rubles, depending on the sex and color of the cubs. The program is valid only upon the conclusion of an agreement between the parties at the time of sale. A special affiliate program allows you to buy chinchillas in bulk, while providing a starting business with a constant source of sales.

Terms of sale

The only condition for the purchase of animals is the physical integrity of the chinchilla: the presence of 4 paws, 2 ears, a tail, all fingers, as well as the absence of damage to the fur. The breeder is insured against the appearance of these defects until the chinchilla reaches adulthood (2-4 months). As a rule, conflicts arise precisely from 4 months between animals of the same sex and different ones. Before reaching this age, in 99% of cases, the cubs can be kept both with their parents and separately from the family. When weaning from the mother, pups from one litter are placed in a cage separate from other puppies.

Entering our affiliate program, You are getting:

  • Constant information support on conditions of detention, treatment of diseases and breeding issues.
  • Individual prices with up to 30% discount on balanced feed, bathing sand, treats, accessories and other products for animals.
  • Stable income and guaranteed sales, secured by a bilateral agreement.
  • Confidence in buying a healthy animal. Our farm is constantly working on the breeding quality of chinchillas.

Example of calculating costs and benefits

We present the calculation of the maximum maintenance costs for 1 family of 2 breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed:

  1. Balanced feed 22-24 kg - 450 rubles.

Feeding with natural forages is possible: hay 3-5 kg ​​50 rubles.

When harvesting hay on your own, the costs are zero.

  1. Top dressing (rolled oats, milk powder) 1 kg. - 100 rubles.
  2. Vitamin complex (liquid) 50 ml / l - 100 rubles.
  3. Treats (raisins, rose hips, dried apples, etc.) 2 kg - 50 rubles.

With self-procurement, the costs are zero.

Mineral stone for teeth 4pcs. - 200 rubles.

It is possible to use other materials - zero costs.

Sand for bathing fur animals 3-5 kg. - 300 rubles.

In case of self-production - the costs are minimal.

Toys for rodents (wooden blocks, branches, etc.) 3 kg - 50 rubles.

With self-production - zero costs.

Total: Commercial costs for keeping chinchillas: 1300 rubles.

If desired, the cost of maintaining chinchillas is reduced to: 650 rubles.

Minimum annual profit calculation:

One pair of breeding animals brings 2-3 litters a year on average 8 puppies - 3300 rubles. for one animal.

In general, for the offspring per year - 26,400 rubles.

Total: Net profit when keeping one pair of breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed is - 25,750 rubles.

Everyone evaluates the profitability of pedigree breeding of chinchillas for himself!

Exotic livelihoods attract few people, so competition in these areas is low and profitability can be very high. Breeding chinchillas as a business: profitable or not, reviews of entrepreneurs and detailed instructions to launch a chinchilla farm.

Who are chinchillas?

Chinchillas are large rodents with valuable fur that naturally inhabit South America in the high desert areas. They have large, round ears, black eyes, and long mustaches. The animals are nocturnal, feeding on grassy foods and insects.

As a result of mass capture, the number of chinchillas has dramatically decreased, and they are listed in the Red Book. In artificial conditions, long-tailed chinchillas are bred about half a meter long (including the tail).

Life expectancy in captivity is up to 20 years. Adults weigh 600 - 800 grams, newborn cubs - 30 - 70 grams. Young females give birth to 1-2 cubs, with age, the litter increases to 5-6 babies.

The name Chinchilla comes from the name of the Peruvian province of Chincha.

Industrial value

Chinchillas have been bred for fur, meat and offspring since the beginning of the 20th century, when the Americans, with the permission of the Chilean government, took several specimens to California and adapted to life in different climatic conditions.

Fur products are very expensive due to the unique characteristics and small size of the skins - about a hundred pieces are required to make one fur coat. The cost of chinchilla clothing is estimated at tens of thousands of dollars. In Europe, the chinchilla business is already well developed and almost all production is for sale at the Copenhagen Fur Auction.

Chinchilla meat is used as a dietary food for tuberculosis, sclerosis and oncological diseases... It is eagerly bought by restaurants specializing in exotic cuisine.

A chinchilla breeding business can start with a few individuals and gradually grow in volume. The animals do not require special care, do not take up much space, do not scream or stink, so it is quite possible to create a mini-farm at home.

You can download a free business plan for breeding chinchillas at.

Step by step instructions

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home should start with writing a business plan for the implementation of the project:

  1. Studying breeding technology.
  2. Equipping a mini-farm with equipment.
  3. Purchase of chinchillas.
  4. Purchase of feed.
  5. Registration of the company.
  6. Sales of products.
  7. Financial calculations.

Breeding technology

In nature, chinchillas feel fine at temperatures up to + 40 ° C, but for comfortable keeping in captivity, you need to create the following conditions for them:

  • humidity about 50%;
  • temperature from + 18 ° С to + 20 ° С;
  • room lighting at the rate of 60 W per 10 sq. m .;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of drafts;
  • clean drinking water;
  • bath with sand for bathing;
  • daily cleaning;
  • weekly change of bedding in the cage;
  • monthly sand change;
  • disinfection of the premises once every 6 months.

On an area of ​​1 sq. m. can live up to 3 individuals. Usually there is 1 male for 1 female, but it is also possible to form a family of 1 male and several females. Chinchillas begin to breed from the age of 7 months, 2-3 litters are brought in a year, 1-2 cubs in each.

For example, the population of 2 males and 10 females in 12 months can increase to 70 individuals. Sexual division is roughly equal. All the healthiest and most beautiful females remain on the farm for reproduction. The best specimens are also selected from the males, but in much smaller numbers. The remaining animals are sold to pet stores. With age, females' droppings increase to 5-6 individuals, and the growth of the herd is faster.

Thus, in a couple of years, animals will multiply up to 300-350 individuals, and then you can start selling fur and meat.


Chinchillas are kept indoors in iron mesh cages 40-45 cm high. On the front wall there is a door, feeders and drinkers. On the back in the middle there is a shelf for resting, the bottom is lined with pine sawdust. The cages are placed one on top of the other in several tiers and several rows so that the animals raised for different purposes are located separately:

  1. For fur, meat or tribe.
  2. Increase in livestock.

In addition to cells, you also need to purchase:

  • feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • bathing trays;
  • sawdust pallets;
  • heater;
  • air conditioner.

All equipment in contact with chinchillas should not be wooden, as these animals are rodents with very sharp front incisors. An exception is the period of hatching, when a box for cubs is placed in the cage.


The most important part of a business plan is acquiring the first animals. For a novice entrepreneur, it will be enough to purchase 10 females and 2 males. This will save the costs of launching the project and will allow you to deal with the nuances of chinchilla breeding without significant risk.

Healthy pedigree specimens of popular color cost 6,000 rubles. - 9,000 rubles. There are a dozen basic chinchilla colors in total:

  1. White Wilson - very light fur all over the skin and black eyes.
  2. White velvet - a gray muzzle and paws stand out against a white background.
  3. White-pink - slightly darker color than White Wilson, pink eyes.
  4. Beige - has several varieties, from dark to light, pale eyes.
  5. Sapphire - light fur with a light blue tint. Such a color is very difficult to obtain, and the animals subsequently require increased care.
  6. Purple - the main color is closer to gray, with a slight tint.
  7. Standard color - natural look of chinchillas: dark ash back and light tummy.
  8. Black velvet (corduroy) - black top with smooth transition in a light bottom, beige nose and black eyes.
  9. Ebony - varies from dark gray to completely black.

In addition, there are various shades obtained by combining basic ones or as a result of mutations. The most popular are chinchillas with a standard color or black velvet.

When choosing adult animals (7-8 months old), you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the correct rounded shape of the head;
  • short rounded ears;
  • there is practically no neck;
  • flat back without visible bulges;
  • dense and elastic fur, thick over the entire surface of the body;
  • weight is about 600 grams;
  • healthy, beautiful producers.

It is best to buy chinchillas on farms that have been breeding animals for a long time. In a serious farm, the management will provide a veterinary certificate, advise on the maintenance and care.

Chinchillas by nature have strong immunity, they do not need to be vaccinated.


Chinchillas are fed once a day in the evening, as they are nocturnal. The diet is based on balanced pelleted feed. Additionally, herbs are introduced - fresh and dried, apples, carrots. To maintain immunity and replenish the lack of fresh air, it is necessary to give weekly vitamin complexes.

An adult animal eats about 50 g of feed per day. However, it is necessary to take into account the rather large difference in the weight of the animals depending on gender, species and age. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the dosage for specific individuals.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of pregnant females and young animals. The first one and a half to two months, the cubs are fed with milk, then they are separated from the parent in a separate cage and given normal food. It is highly undesirable to change anything in the diet of females and young individuals, as they react sharply to new foods.

Mini-farm registration

At the initial stage, there is no need for the official registration of the chinchilla business, since it will take about six months to grow the first brood, from which several individuals can be sold.

Before implementation, you need to select one of the registration options:

  1. Individual entrepreneur. Suitable for a sole business owner.
  2. Farming. Relatives can participate in the enterprise, but for this it is necessary to draw up an agreement.

To pay taxes, it is most profitable to choose a single agricultural tax at a rate of 6% of the profit.

Growing chinchillas does not require a license or other permits. You must register with the veterinary service.

Sales organization

The mini-farm begins to receive income from the very first offspring from the purchased breeding animals. Individuals not suitable for breeding or with poor quality fur are sold through pet stores or markets for keeping as pets.

The animals that meet all standards remain on the farm for breeding or are sold to other farms. The cost of breeding chinchillas is much higher than the culled ones.

To sell chinchillas for fur, you must have 400-500 individuals in stock. Skins are harvested mainly from male animals. Consumers are fur factories and ateliers in large cities. The cost of high-quality skin can reach 10,000 rubles.

Chinchilla meat is purchased by restaurants as an exotic and dietary product.

With high production volumes, it is advisable to open your own workshop for sewing fur products.

Until there are enough positive reviews about the farm, you can promote your business on chinchillas with ordinary advertising means:

  • to advertise in the press and on the Internet;
  • place business cards and brochures in pet stores in the city;
  • join a specialized online community, invite those who wish to go on excursions;
  • create a website;
  • take part in zoo exhibitions.

Financial calculations

To start a chinchilla farm and determine whether running a business at home is profitable or not, you need to plan the start-up and follow-up costs. The cost of renting premises is excluded from the calculation, only minor repairs will need to be carried out. Calculations are made for keeping chinchillas on an industrial scale - per 100 individuals.

Start-up capital:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Indoor renovation 10 000
2 Purchase of equipment and consumables 220 000
3 Purchase of breeding animals at a wholesale price 300 000
4 Purchase of feed and supplements for 1 month 10 000
5 Business registration 1 000
6 Advertising 10 000
7 Other 20 000
Total 571 000

Permanent monthly expenses for the maintenance of animals are:

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home, judging by the reviews, brings up to 500% of the profit. Despite the fact that the most valuable thing in animals is fur, the main income comes from the sale of live animals for personal needs or breeding.

The annual revenue of the mini-farm can be calculated based on the estimated sales of 300 hatched individuals:

The profit for the first year of operation will be: 1,800,000 rubles. - 54,000 rubles. x 12 months - 571,000 rubles. = 581,000 rubles. Further - 1,152,000 rubles.

With good care, chinchillas retain the ability to reproduce for up to 15 years. Therefore, this type of business is one of the most stable, long-term and profitable.

Video: breeding chinchillas as a business - is it profitable or not?