The main thing is smiles and good mood. The best wishes for a wonderful mood for the whole day in verse, in your own words

The words famous people cheer us up, make us look at familiar things in a different way. In this section you will find large selection aphorisms and quotes about good mood great and famous people.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

Alexey Batievskiy

To move mountains, you need not mountains at all, but a good mood, vitality and ... an incentive.

Rozbitskaya Natalia

A good mood makes all things tolerable.

Henry Ward Beecher

Tune in to a positive wave, you will hear the magic melody of life ...

Galina Sukhoverkh

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

Veselin Georgiev

Woke up in the morning, you see you are in a good mood, share it with your wife, dog, cat, parrot, guinea pig, cactus, passerby, metro neighbor, colleague, boss, saleswoman, lover, damn it, you look, by the end of the day a good mood and not left, and next to his wife, dog, cat, parrot, guinea pig and cactus.

A good mood is a guarantee that someone will definitely spoil it for you.

Yuri Tatarkin

A compliment heard in the morning cheers up at least until lunch.

Bring a good mood with you and please those who are going to spoil it.

Mikhail Mamchich

A smile - wider, higher nose, and only a tail with a gun!

Hip gait, forward! Spring is waiting for you outside!

Rozbitskaya Natalia

To secretly torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

But what, what is cloudy and gloomy, and what is rain, and what are you in a hut ...

The main thing is not the sun in the sky ... It is important that the sun is in the soul!

Rozbitskaya Natalia

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together.

Sometimes, in order to raise your mood by a few degrees, it is enough for you to be presented with ... a balloon.

Galina Sukhoverkh

If you want life to smile at you, give it a good mood first.

Benedict Spinoza

Sometimes the smile of a passer-by can brighten up your day with a good mood!!! Smile more often.

You can't ruin a good mood. You can only make it bad.

Yuri Tatarkin

Our brain sees what it wants to see, and not what the eyes see, so only good expectations allow us to see the world in bright colors, while bad ones lead us into twilight...

The most effective medicine for physical health is a cheerful and cheerful mood of the spirit.

Christopher Jacob Boström

Correctly set priorities, life for oneself and a complete lack of desire to prove something to someone ... This is the guarantee of happiness, success and good mood!

The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood.

Michel de Montaigne

Once I was lucky to wake up

it means to be good all day

Politeness is an artificially created good mood.

Thomas Jefferson

The value of a good mood is the ability to enjoy everything that happens and the ability to withstand the blows of life.

A good mood usually depends not only on what happens in ourselves, but also on everything that surrounds us, takes place around us.

Charlotte Bronte

And if, nevertheless, the day did not work out, Well, it’s just somehow not very fun, Then take an antidepressant, Which is called a smile !!!

What makes us attractive is a good mood.

Yefim Shpigel

Everything will be fine…

But no - we will find the guilty ones and put them in a corner.

Good mood is the best tie.

The Roek Brothers

A smile gives us an extension of the century, and malice makes a person old. So smile, gentlemen, smile.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Find something to believe in and get up in the morning with a smile.

A full stomach is equal to a good mood, and an empty one is equal to despondency and quarrels.

JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

A smile is a good mood button.

So press it in the morning, even before the moment you get out of bed.

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Think about the fact that this is a new clean day, smile at this day.

Tell him " good morning!”, imagine how wonderful it will be!

Success is a good mood.

Vadim Mozgovoy

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Marcel Achard

Today I am in a very “good” mood. Even the day before yesterday I thought that it was impossible to live worse. Yesterday I was convinced that it could be even worse - so the day before yesterday was not so bad.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Be not a slave, but the master of your mood.


Weather can affect mood, and mood can affect the weather in the house.

Sergey Gritsyuk

When, due to circumstances, the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restore your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise you will no longer be able to help. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you.

Marcus Aurelius

Never fall asleep in a bad mood. Get up and fight.


A normal healthy person, leading a correct lifestyle, gets up at seven-thirty in the morning in the most disgusting mood.

Jean Kerr

You can not take out your bad mood on the first comer! We must be able to restrain ourselves and choose.

Stas Yankovsky

When we perceive rhythm and melody with our ears, our spiritual mood changes.


When there is nothing to eat, it is better to go to bed. When you're in a bad mood, it's best to go to bed. Wake up - you're fine. And if it doesn't work out, it's better to go back to sleep.

Zemfira Ramazanova

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.


In fact, we have few reasons for a bad mood. But every day they are different.

Yana Dzhangirova

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

Diogenes of Sinop

Everything depends on the mood. If there is a mood, then you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if there is no mood, then you lie on the couch without any enthusiasm.

Yuri Tatarkin

Almost always he was in a good mood, and the rest of the time he slept.

Boris Vian

Manage your mood, for if it does not obey, then it commands.

The crowd is connected into one whole by mood, and therefore it is necessary to speak with the crowd, not so much persuading as hoping to arouse it with heated words.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev

Only the gallows has a constantly high spirits.

Vladimir Kolechitsky

Understanding life and understanding people are far from the same thing. Great wisdom is to comprehend characters and capture moods.


If at times it seems to you that the mood cannot be worse, then do not flatter yourself. There would be only a mood, but if it gets worse, things will not happen.

Yuri Tatarkin

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

Benedict Spinoza

“When due to circumstances the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restore your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise you will no longer be able to help. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you.”

Aurelius M.

Marriage is like the law of communicating vessels - whatever you do is reflected on the other, any decision, mood.

Daniil Granin

“If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.”

Spinoza B.

A soap bubble is always rosy.


“They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood.”

Politeness is an artificially created good mood.

Thomas Jefferson

“I began to seriously analyze the importance of having a positive attitude. I often asked myself questions: why you, Arnold? How did you win Mr. Universe just five years after you started training? Other people also asked me the same questions. I began to look for the difference between me and other bodybuilders. And the most important difference was that all the other bodybuilders didn’t think “I WILL BE A WINNER” at all. They never allowed themselves to think in those terms."

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are really in ourselves.


"Good mood is kindness and wisdom together."

Meredith O.

Sometimes words of tenderness end in an outburst of laughter; sometimes a serious mood comes right after a funny joke.

Victor Hugo

"A positive attitude is a catalyst for ability."

Shevelev I.

Merry or good mood in mental studies is the best condition for their success.

Pliny the Younger

“Control your mood, for if it does not obey, then it commands.”

Catch a good mood - it visits us so rarely.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people."

The best cure for illness is a good mood.


“Do not succumb to vulgar mood swings. Great is he who is not subject to whims.

Gracian y Morales B.

I am cheerful and good because the day, blued with a cloudless sky, is also cheerful and good; because the soul has the same blue peace and purity. I'm happy and I don't want anything else.

Mikhail Sholokhov

"The best decoration of life is a good mood."

Batievskiy A.

Whether it's a mistake or not, the good thing about sex is that it's always uplifting.

"Good mood is the best tie."

List of words and wishes for a good mood.

They say that happiness is in the little things, it is necessary to rejoice even in small incidents. Not only a loved one, but also co-workers, colleagues, close friends can improve your mood. Accordingly, it is necessary to reciprocate, creating a wonderful mood for each other. In this article, we will present poems to cheer up men and women, colleagues, loved ones.

Words that express good mood: list

In most cases, you want, first of all, to improve the mood of your soulmate. After all, the atmosphere in the family, the attitude towards children, loved ones depends on the attitude. There is a desire to create, cook goodies and cheer up your soulmate. Anyone can make sure that the atmosphere in the family will always be positive. This can be done with the help of pleasant phrases, poems, humor, postcards.

Words that express good mood:

Do not rush to get out of bed, think about the good. Thoughts will definitely become reality!

If everything goes to hell, relax. It's time for new steps and experiments!

Be sure to put your whole soul into the work, and then the work will become a pleasure!

The world brings a lot of joy, you just have to look at the problems in a different way!

To enjoy life, you need to do almost nothing: live and enjoy!

Life does not consist of problems, but of many ways to solve them.

Positive words to cheer up: a list

In most cases, most often men send pleasant words to their girls at the beginning of a relationship, during the candy-bouquet period. Over time, everyday life kills romance, making communication more cold, primitive, and devoid of feelings. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly warm up the sensations and stimulate the emotions of the second half. This can be done with pleasant phrases and poems that will lift your spirits.

Positive words to cheer up, list:

You are a vessel of beauty, positive, sincerity, and emotionality.

A woman is like a flower, in order for her to bloom, she needs to be watered all the time. I hope that I will become an excellent gardener, and I will be able to grow my own rose.

A woman is a musical instrument, the main thing is to tune it correctly. I hope to be your violinist.

Not everyone can enjoy life. I wish you to acquire this gift, then the world will seem a little kinder and brighter.

Tired of these gloomy faces in public transport. The only joy in my life is you. As soon as I see you, I immediately want to smile.

Words that create a joyful spring mood: a list

There are a lot of reasons in life that do not allow you to rejoice, so a person often walks drooping, on the verge of depression and stress. Of course, a blockage at work, minor troubles at home, children who get deuces can ruin your mood and drive a person into depression. If you love your soul mate, or you want to cheer up your lover, do it.

Words that create a joyful spring mood, a list:

A good mood makes all things tolerable.
Henry Ward Beecher

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.
Veselin Georgiev

A good mood is a guarantee that someone will definitely spoil it for you.
Yuri Tatarkin

Bring a good mood with you and please those who are going to spoil it.
Mikhail Mamchich

To secretly torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Beautiful wishes for a good day and a good mood and positive for every day in your own words and in verse to any person

It is not necessary to use a poetic form for this, to read poems. Everything can be expressed in your own words. This is not as difficult to do as it seems at first glance. Below are a few tips to help boost your mood.

beautiful wishes have a good day and good mood and positive for every day in verse to any person:

I wish you a wonderful mood
May this day be positive!
I wish that every moment
The flow brought you only joy!

Let you be surrounded all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!

Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck pursues
In the morning,
Good mood,
Will never leave.

Beautiful wishes for a good day and a great mood and positive for every day in your own words to any person:

I wish this day to be filled with exclusively positive emotions. Even the most gloomy and rainy day will become fun if you recharge with positive.

Beautiful words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a girl in your own words, in verse

In the spring, everything comes to life, blooms, but at the same time, there is a time for spring beriberi. During this period, there are not enough vitamins, so the mood can be at zero. Most people are very exhausted after the winter cold, tired, their soul needs rest, warmth, and love. If we cannot influence the weather, then we can well improve the mood of the second half, or beloved.

To do this, just send a few lines in the morning. A loved one will break away from work, read the letter, and a long-awaited smile will appear on his face. You can be sure that after work the person will also be in high spirits, delight you and the household.

Beautiful words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a girl in verse:

Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will work everywhere.
Have a good mood!

Beautiful words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a girl in your own words:

Think of your friends today and call them. This will brighten up loneliness, return love to life and bring success. Perhaps good impressions will attract love.

Funny words of wishes for a good mood to a girl to cheer up in your own words, in verse

Do not be ashamed and do not be afraid to say nice things to people, they will definitely reciprocate. A person who constantly cheers up, tells jokes, sends pleasant words, phrases, postcards, is associated with something kind and good. We can lift each other's spirits. But to do this, you must first start with yourself.

Cool words of wishes for a good mood to a girl to cheer up in your own words:

There are many exercises for a good mood. Like a lady in hysterics, make your lips look like a duck, relax them and stretch them in a smile. Repeat 10-15 times before my arrival.

It's not me who sent SMS, but a new application that selects the most beautiful girls in the book.

Cool words of wishes for a good mood to a girl to cheer up in verse:

What happened, baby, why are you sad,
Where is your smile? I do not see her!
Dear, dear, gentle my baby -
Share with me, I won't offend!

Cheer up a little, lift your eyes
Look at the sky - the birds are flying in it!
Throw your sorrows far back
May joy bloom in your heart!

Words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a man in your own words, in verse

No need to constantly walk around with a sour face, loading others with your own problems. It is necessary to try to forget about them, relax, and perceive everything differently. After all, in fact, everything that happens around us has nothing to do with how we perceive it. Our personal perceptions are our problems.

Words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a man in verse:

May your mood be excellent
Upbeat, joyful and inspiring!
Let there be a day of pleasant moments,
I wish you surprises, compliments! I wish you smiles and appropriate jokes,
Pleasant activities, interesting to you,
May all your wishes come true
Good to you, the sun and a lot of love!

Words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a man in your own words:

The morning should start with coffee and end with fiery kisses. If you start out like this, the night will be very hot. What do you want.

Words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a guy in your own words, in verse

Even a short phrase, which will be uttered in a not very pleasant tone, is perceived with hostility. It is because of this that scandals often arise out of the blue. Therefore, it is best to live on the positive, raising the mood of others. Below are some nice phrases to boost your mood.

Words of wishes for a good mood to cheer up a guy in verse:

With all your heart, smile with all your heart,
Let the positive cover you with your head!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, you must admit,
Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
Give rays to all those who are close to you!
Do not try to be sad or discouraged,
Fill the world with your positive charge!

Words of wishes for a great mood to cheer up a guy in your own words:

Good morning! These words I will not get tired of saying today, tomorrow and always. I hope we can wish each other good mood for the rest of our lives.

Sweet words for your beloved for the mood

Girls love with their ears, so instill bright feelings in your beloved.

Sweet words for your beloved for the mood:

  • There are many shelves for books in my head. And most of them are about you. I hope I can collect the entire library and solve your secret.
  • Your smile is in front of my eyes. All day I think about you.
  • Madly satisfied common time forwarding. I haven't had such a positive day in a long time.
  • I am extremely happy next to you.
  • Life is pain. Only with you I feel under anesthesia.

I'll take watercolors
I will paint the days of summer.
Add bright colors
Your gray days.
And no matter where you are
Are you with me or with someone
I wish only one
To be loved.

Words to a loved one for high spirits

The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, but no one has canceled pleasant phrases.

Words to your beloved for high spirits:

Your cockroaches are so cute, I hope the insects in our heads will make friends.

Dear subscriber, if you do not smile now, the tariff will be changed to a more expensive one.

Come visit, here you will find a good mood.

Dear, a fur coat is very simple. To be happy, I need your love and hugs.

Smile more often, make this world a happier place.

Words for every day to cheer up

It is necessary to please your soulmate not only on your birthday, but also on weekdays.

Words for every day to cheer up:

You are the most beautiful flower in the flower bed that I have ever seen. I want you to always decorate my life.

Waking up in the morning, all I think about is you. With the first rays of the sun, I enjoy life like a child, because you appeared in it.

Do not think about the bad, because life is a chain of possibilities. The main thing is to correctly create a plan, and solve this complex puzzle.

Life is a maze and you are my guide. Only with you I was able to fulfill myself and love myself.

There are a lot of beautiful girls in the world, but very few sincere ones. I'm lucky to have met someone like you.

Compliment-wishes to the girl in your own words for a good mood

Not all men love compliments, but in vain. With their help, you can get a lot of pleasant impressions.

Compliment-wishes to the girl in your own words for a good mood:

You are a real sorceress who brought a miracle into my life. I never cease to be amazed at your diligence and optimism.

I adore you, and I want every day to shine with joy. You are a rare combination of beauty, kindness and sincerity.

Good morning dear. Unfortunately, I cannot wish you a good day personally, but I believe that you feel my feelings through the letters on the screen. You are the most precious thing I ever had.

All the treasures of the world are cheap compared to your attention and care. Your smile is the sunshine that warms my soul.

Many interesting statuses and poems can be found on our website:

Just a few nice words can do wonders. Sending a postcard is a matter of two minutes, which can improve your mood for the whole day.

VIDEO: Mood Words

The best decoration of life is a great mood.

Carefully! I radiate positive vibrations!

Optimism is like electricity: all the minuses are in the past, the pluses are in the future, and in the present - joyful tension.

The mood is excellent, the joy is boundless! I charge everyone with my positive!

Great mood, this is when the phrase comes to mind - Life is beautiful!

And for those who do not see that Life is Beautiful, you just need to jump higher!

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on - we take off!

The mood is excellent. Flight is normal. Rainfall is not expected.

Weather forecast for tomorrow - they promise a wind from the side of good luck, and precipitation in the form of happiness!

It's so nice to wake up in the morning, hear the birds singing outside the window. And smile in the spring window, filling your home with happiness.

If the sun has not risen in the morning, then the sun today is you! Go and shine!

Everything will be fine! Forgive and don't be sad! Resentments are evil, they are hard to bear! Everything will be fine!

Don't be afraid, I'm with you! (Signed: God)

From a smile the soul will wake up, more often Happiness will visit in the heart.

And success came to me, the mood is the best! And everything that I want I will get from life!

Always, everywhere and everywhere - I want, I can and I will!

I'll put on a T-shirt of cheerfulness and good luck shorts, I'll go have fun - meet me luck!

Everything is fine. The earth is spinning. Friends are calling. And there is one you want to think about!

Great mood, faith in yourself and your success, smile, friendship, love - what you need now!

Nobody owes you anything. Do you want a holiday? Think it up!

Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best!

And happy is the one who, at dawn, once managed to realize - that he is alive, healthy, that the sun is shining!

Be a woman: delightfully wrong for others and confidently happy for yourself!

When life gives hundreds of reasons to cry. Show her that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

We are not chasing glory - we are waiting for it in ambush.

Give every day a chance to be the most beautiful day of your life!

I am not overweight. These are additional places for kissing and for "cuddle"!

And the hair is orange, I'm waiting for happiness with them at the beginning of summer!

There is light in my eyes. Abundance in my mind. My life is a holiday. My heart is love!

Wish! And everything will turn out. Dream! And it will come true.

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let us leave the past for winter, spring blooms in the soul, and summer mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish positive, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good it is, I manage to do even better!

If life doesn't make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want change in your destiny? So start from within.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

You can't get away from the sun if it's inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lies a trembling spring, and behind the cover of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, not obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you're just denying yourself too much? ..

Being happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take a ray of sunshine as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is excellent, even rolls over!

The mood is excellent - familiar in the spring!

I love spring for a great mood, a charge of emotions, a new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always new life, rebirth, youth and excellent mood.

In the spring there is a lot of strength, I want big and bright, so why not start today? ..

Everyone is fine today! And everyone has everything: it turns out, it is found, it converges, it sticks!

It's for good man! For you! I know, you read, you understand that you smile about you!

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

The colors of life are in your hands - choose positive colors!

Live, love, openly and passionately. Do not rush to be sad - because life is so beautiful!

Let words of love, attention, kindness fly from your lips like flowers!

Let your gaze, like the distant brilliance of the planets, carry inextinguishable light!

Let your hands be like two wings, open for affection and warmth!

The world belongs to those who are happy with it. 14

To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoice. 19

How good it is when everything is good! 5

Life is beautiful - that's a fact! And I love this fact! 17

A happy person is one who, looking into nowhere, smiles ...) 16

If you saw me without a smile, then it was not me. 23 - Statuses about good mood

Promotion: everyone who smiles will get a good mood as a gift! 17

Time to make friends with happiness! 11

And life is wonderful! (antidepressants are found in chocolate) 17

The sun is shining and there are no more clouds in my head. 14

Smile! Open your eyes wider! Not everything is bad in this world! 9

A wonderful age: nonsense has weathered, insanity is still far away! 8

Use a good mood, it comes so rarely. 12

Smiling is the cheapest way to look your best. 20

Give this day a chance to be the most beautiful day of your life! 18

I want diversity to the point of ugliness ... Disgrace for a change ... 16

Smile in the morning, drink coffee, get dressed, turn on the spring in your headphones and go where it's good. 9

Don't let the world change your smile 12

Sometimes you have such dreams that you can afford to sleep all day! 7

Happy music makes even happier, unhappy - even more unhappy. 11

Mood for the letter X ... Good, good :) 15

A good mood is sure to be spoiled by someone. The only question is how long it will last. 14

It's easy on the heart from music, from salary, Friday night and vacation. 7

Music. 10,000 years in the good mood market. 10

Oddly enough, sometimes a good mood comes from somewhere, just like that, for no reason. 9

Smile, skirt, heels and good mood 11

It's amazing how music can absolutely change the mood. 9

For some reason bad habits contribute to a good mood. 6

Crazy-good mood, I want to climb onto the roof and scream! 10

What did you do yesterday? - I was happy. 15

The perfect morning: you got enough sleep, the mood is good and the sun is outside the window. 13

Even in the lousiest weather, the mood can be sunny if there are those whom you are glad to see. 13

It turns out that my mood depends entirely on you ... 10

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a good mood) 9

Things are as usual - sometimes good, otherwise excellent! 9

Mood like Carlson! I want sweets and fool around! 11

Well hello, mood, but I thought we wouldn’t see each other this year! 15

Good mood is best transmitted sexually 10

Too good a mood to stay at home. 16

Never give up on what makes you smile. 10

The sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Positive. Love. 16

The day will come, and the cats in the soul will not scrape, but purr loudly with happiness. 10

The most important thing is to be in a good mood. The rest is a matter of brains and money. 12

Enjoy this day, it will never happen again! 19

A sense of humor, optimism and a good mood will save the world. 13

Nice weather! Great mood! Happiness! 14

You are not fully dressed unless you have a smile on your face. 9

Everything will be fine in the end. Sugar at the bottom! 14

Do you want life to smile at you? Give her your good mood first. 7

If there is no reason for fun - have fun on credit! 14

The best decoration is a great mood 15

It's raining today, so I'll be the sun! 9

The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable! 11

The mood is sparkling… 13

I lend, at interest, a good mood. 5