When in the fixed price list the delivery of New Year's goods. Export from Latin America

Cheapness always attracts with the opportunity to save money and spend money on something else. But goods at low prices do not always meet all safety standards, and it is better not to spare money on your health. Therefore, you should find out in advance where the goods in the “all 39” store come from, before buying there. No one wants to bring toxic items into the house, especially when there are children in the family and taking care of their health comes to the fore.

Fixed Price Stores

Networks with a fixed price for all goods appeared in Russia for a long time and will exist for a long time:

  • For some items, prices may exceed the market average, especially when it comes to food.
  • But in terms of tools and other household items, such shops have no equal, the prices for these goods are always much lower.
  • Originality and low price allows attracting enough buyers.
  • But the economic instability forces the price tag to be changed too often and, unfortunately, only upwards.

It is at this moment that the question may mature in inquisitive minds: “ And what is the cost of all these products, if, even selling everything for 39 rubles, the store makes a profit? ».

It should be borne in mind that the final price includes advertising, rental of premises, logistics services, payment to hired personnel. It turns out that everything sold in such store chains costs a penny at all, but does this indicate a low level of quality?

Where do the goods come from on store shelves?

According to all modern standards, the country of origin must be indicated for any product. So you can get an answer to your question by visiting the nearest store and reading the labels. In most cases, in China will be specified as the manufacturer, you can stumble upon goods from Russia, and in Lately - from brazil:

  1. It just so happened that right next door we have one of the most powerful industrial economies in the world with a multimillion-dollar workforce.
  2. The cost of everything that is produced in China is not too high.
  3. Even taking into account the shipping costs and customs duties, the profit is colossal.
  4. The only problem is that few people in the PRC are interested in the quality of what is exported.
  5. Our dealers, too, are not always distinguished by special conscientiousness; for their own benefit, they may well not notice a serious defect.

And although Rospotrebnadzor is trying to keep track of the quality of products, the organization's resources are not enough to check each and every one.

And in terms of obtaining compensation and filing claims against the manufacturer, serious problems can arise. So think carefully before purchasing goods made in China. This country knows how to do quality, but for Good work it also requires a corresponding payment. So far, not the best products are being supplied to our country.

Export from Latin America

Brazil and South American countries recently among our potential friends and economic partners. So their products at low prices are gradually taking over the shelves of our stores. But the process is going too slowly and so far we can only say that:

  • Such crafts are not much different from Chinese goods.
  • Their maximum can be considered as an alternative in case of interruptions in supplies from the "Celestial Empire".
  • In the technological aspect of the country Latin America have never been leaders, so most of their production is technically and morally outdated.
  • There are even more problems with delivery, because in order to be on our shelves, goods need to cross the ocean.

So the Russians may be interested in Brazil as an alternative resort and importer of grain crops. Otherwise, there is nothing there that cannot be found in Russia or any neighboring country.

Problems in the domestic economy

Despite the promoted topic of import substitution, there are not so many high-quality domestic goods in such stores.

Internal reasons

External problems

High level of competition in Russian market, including with foreign manufacturers.

Decrease in the level of foreign investment in Russian industry, lack of opportunities for growth.

Lack of new solutions, using only old options.

The impossibility, due to the sanctions, to purchase the necessary equipment.

Capital flight abroad, including from domestic production.

The presence of competitors with billions of dollars in capital.

Distrust of buyers to the "popular" product.

Lack of monopoly on the product sales market.

All this puts our economy in a difficult situation. It cannot be called hopeless, because there are examples of states that began in much worse conditions and for several decades they came to success. But for a change economic situation and getting out of the crisis is necessary paradigm shift in heads- change in attitude towards domestic products, readiness to develop something of their own, and not to invest in foreign projects.

Already from such a basis, you can build on and do something really high quality.

Where do the cheapest items in stores come from?

Most of the products on the shelves of fixed-price stores came from three countries:

  • China.
  • Russia.
  • Brazil.

Such monotony is associated either with a low production cost or with no duties and support for the domestic economy. Whose goods to buy is your business. But acquiring Russian goods, you invest each ruble in your producer, leaving capital in the country.

But this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon quality goods in favor of domestic ones. Healthy competition forces companies to develop, invent something new and constantly improve the level of quality. It would be foolish to sacrifice your own comfort and encourage low-quality products just out of a sense of patriotism.

Long gone are the days when it is better not to know where the goods are from in the "All by 39" store. Everything imported and sold on the territory of the Russian Federation subject to control, at various levels thoroughness. And although there is still no 100% guarantee, almost everything that you can find on the shelves of the nearest store is absolutely safe.

Video about products from FixPrice: All for 39 rubles

In this video, Alena will talk about her purchases in the FixPrice store, how she bought 8 products for 39 rubles, what quality they are:

Good day!

I want to tell you about the well-known store that I visit quite often, and every time I find something new, mostly useful and necessary.

the total price for February 2015 is 43 rubles.

October 2015 - 47 rubles.

December 2016 - prices split. now the goods cost 50, 55, 77, 99 rubles.

About the store in general

The store is not bad if you miss what comes to hand, but choose what you really need and see that the goods are of high quality, as well as compare prices with the prices of other stores. It is best to go at 10-11 in the morning, when the store is empty (if there is such an opportunity), in the evening a lot of people come running, and all the goods are crumpled and piled up in a heap.

The salespeople in the room are usually of little help, so desired product you have to look for yourself.

By the way, I recently got acquainted with a similar store - "Everything for 38 rubles."

Cosmetics, hygiene

I'll start with my favorite product - washcloths with sponges- hearts... Excellent quality, very soft washcloth, but exfoliates well. Foams in an instant thanks to foam hearts, makes foam even from ordinary soap.

Summer 2014 - sold Lady Speed ​​Stick in mini-packages. An excellent dezik, I took it with me on a trip.

October 2014 - delivered to Fix Herbal Essences and Himalaya Lip Balm. Quite good money, but I can't buy it for the full price.

Later I bought more Himalaya hand cream, so I really liked it.

Further goes mud mask with propolis, about which there are already many reviews. In the photo (2) - only one sachet from the package. The mask is very, very good for softening and smoothing, but does not get rid of acne.

Owl mitten. Flimsy, does not particularly exfoliate and does not foam the gel.

Hygienic hand gel for me it is simply irreplaceable, not only on trips, but also at home, when well, sooo lazy to go wash your hands after a delicious pizza) Unfortunately, it noticeably dries the skin of the hands.

Three varnishes, here I already wrote reviews about red and purple. Triple protection is good as a top coat, but it starts to bubble and flake very quickly on its own.

Nail file. It is very convenient, much better than metal files, does not injure nails, and with the opposite end it is very convenient to move the cuticle.

Large mirror- I just adore him. It is insanely convenient to paint with him - you can see the whole face at once. The disadvantage is a flimsy connection of two parts and an unpleasant smell (it seems like cockroaches, no matter how much soap it is)

Hair ties, 6 pcs per set. Perfectly fix the hair, soft surface - do not injure.

Elastic bands on the left - too good quality, have been serving for six months, hair clips - work great.

Household products


For the most part, the clothes are of poor quality and synthetic, which can be seen without even picking them up. But there are rare exceptions:


Ballpoint pens. The colors are not very bright, like everyone else. ballpoint pens... They write without misfires, the bodies do not loosen.

Handle-bear... You must choose carefully, because half of the handles are poorly glued. After a couple of uses, it began to loosen

Stylish notebook with an elastic band

Glitter sequins... Sooo beautiful colors, perfect for home crafts and for children's creativity... Do not crumble after drying.

Double-sided adhesive tape. Super-option for paper, cardboard, for sticking something on furniture, appliances, glass, it adheres well on these surfaces. The set includes 2 rolls and 2 large fields, divided into squares.

Decorative tapes

Photo album. There were a lot of cover options, but it was impossible to look inside - the albums were sealed. Later it turned out that the pages were of disgusting quality - wrinkled and corrugated.

Glass photo frames- I saw three colors - green, red and black with gold patterns. The most stylish frames of all Fiksovsky, the only caveat is that it is difficult to choose a photo to fit, but it is quite possible to order a print exactly to the frame.

Encyclopedia for children. I myself enjoy reading, excellent illustrations and literate text.


When buying food in a fixed price list, you need to know the prices for the same goods in conventional stores, because some in the "fix" are much cheaper (for example, juices), and some, on the contrary, are more expensive.

Delicious salt. Fully lives up to its name! Coarse salt, it is mixed with particles of herbs and vegetables, when dissolved in water, the aroma is simply magical! Great for soups and pasta. The jar is large, it takes a long time.

The shops Fix Price where everything can be bought for 43 rubles (and once it was 36 rubles), they are confidently capturing Karelia. But if for the same Europe stores of fixed prices, where everything can be bought, for example, for 5 euros, is already a familiar thing, then our people are still wary of such a phenomenon and stay in full confidence that they only sell all unnecessary junk there. To dispel (or, conversely, to confirm) this myth, we decided to visit one of these stores, delve into things and find out what good things can be bought today for 43 rubles.

But first, a little history. According to the popular publication Sobaka.ru, fixed-price department stores were invented in America in the second half of the nineteenth century. The author of the concept was Frank Woolworth with his "empire of little things" five-and-dime store with household goods and clothes for only five and ten cents. Even the smallest coins tend to accumulate and grow into a fortune - this is Woolworth's main principle. By 1919, his "five-cent empire" numbered more than a thousand stores in the United States, Canada and England, and Woolworth's fortune was sixty million dollars.

In Russia, the first Fix Price stores began to appear in 2007, and they were opened by the creators of the popular Tsentroobuvi, Sergey Lomakin and Artem Khachatryan. And since then they have already opened 1,744 stores. Fix networks Price. They say that now, in the midst of the crisis, the fix price format has found a second wind. But there is one "but": the assortment here is so extensive and varied ( in the Fix Price network literally everything is sold - stew, lipstick, and car goods) that you want to buy literally everything: those sweets, and a funny shower cap, and a pink flower pot.

But the quality of goods is not always up to par. Therefore, experts advise going to such stores with specific lists or, at least, a clear idea of ​​what and why you need to buy. Otherwise, you will probably fill the basket with various unnecessary, but cute little things, and in the end, not only will you not save, but also spend extra money. Here are the 10 things that we personally noticed in one of the Fix Price stores in Petrozavodsk.

Goods for pets

All pet owners know how much a toy for a dog or a bowl for a cat costs today. In a specialized pet store for less than 150-200 rubles, it is unlikely that even the most stale ball can be bought. And here - and toys for every taste, and everything else your pet may need - from a hairbrush to a blanket, leash and collar. And even the food in packs is also 43 rubles. We will not advise him, because animal feed is exactly what you should not save on. And everything else is of quite decent quality.


Regarding the same stew, of course, a moot point - for 43 rubles, it can hardly be what we want it to be (we are talking about stew from fixed-price stores). So in this case, it is better not to chase after cheapness. But the same cornflakes, muesli and all kinds of sweets can hardly be badly spoiled. You can safely take them - we tried it ourselves and were completely satisfied with both the taste and quality. It's the same story with tea and coffee.

Diaries and notebooks

For 43 rubles, sometimes very cute and funny little things come across. Not "Moleskine", of course, but for such a price the design is very interesting.

Cute trinkets, souvenirs and decor

There is something, but this good is enough in all the stores of the Fix Price chain. Photo frames, pictures, figurines, toys and much more. Please note that the assortment in different stores of the chain is also different. Somewhere there may not be one product, but there is something else. Well, the hostess with imagination will always figure out how best to fit even the most inexpensive trinket into the interior.

Women things

Here is a real freedom for girls and women who like to please themselves with cute trifles. And a flirty shower cap, and pocket mirrors and cosmetic bags, and nail files, and combs, and sleep masks, bath massagers. Everything is bright and cheerful. Decorative There are also cosmetics in the chain of stores with fixed prices, but we will not recommend it, although everything looks decent.

Household products

Soap dispensers, all kinds of bright kitchenware, knives, as well as towels, dishes, cutting boards. Suitable for a gift and for personal use. Covers for clothes and hangers on the farm too always come in handy.

For travel and car

Car wipes, pillow and sleep mask that are sure to come in handy for avid travelers and simply lovers of comfort, as well as scrapers, fragrances and rags for cars. Cheap and cheerful.

Household chemicals

All the same detergents, air fresheners and toothpastes that we are used to, only at a fixed price. True, most of the funds are not very well-known and well-known companies; they do not advertise them on TV.

Products for the holiday

It is clear that you will hardly find the complete collected works of Dostoevsky here. But children's books, dictionaries or detective stories on the road can be bought.

Well, now a little about what is better not to buy in Fix Price stores. First, perishable food. Secondly, cosmetics, although if you are not intimidated by cheap shampoos and lip glosses, then you can take a chance. Thirdly, things that can be cheaper in other stores. For example, gum or wet wipes- it's somehow silly to pay a fixed 43 rubles for them. Here are the recommendations given by buyers who regularly visit the Fix Price store.

- V in general, of course, it is better to go to this store knowing the prices, because some products are overpriced, and some are quite cheap. For example, I took spices there in tubes (with holes on top), in my nearest store such spices cost 100 rubles, and there they cost 39 rubles.

I do not recommend taking plastic dishes, because it is not known what quality it is. I once bought a plastic cutting board, it turned out to be very smelly and even in a month the smell did not disappear, I had to throw it away. With ceramic mugs, too, the strangeness came out, one mug still serves me, and the second burst when pouring boiling water into it.

Children's toys break quickly. I really liked the peeling gloves, they turned out to be very good, I have been using them for almost a year, they are still intact, they replaced all the washcloths and scrubs for me. I also wanted to buy such a pair, but they don't sell them anymore in Fix Price.There are quite good stickers for the interior, the quality is not bad, and the price is much lower than similar ones.Also, ceramic flower pots are beautiful and of high quality and are cheap, in other stores similar pots cost from 150 rubles.

The dishes are sometimes very expensive, for example, a glass of wine for 39 rubles. I bought 6 pieces of good quality glasses at Ikea for 169 rubles (a glass turns out to be below 30 rubles). So the low price there is sometimes deceiving. By the way, about food: at first I was afraid to take food there, and then I saw that there were manufacturers of the same in other stores, only the prices were different. For example, I liked the apricot jam.

- Stationery (pencils, crayons, pens, good large sets are sold, excellent notebooks are available), household goods like bowls, plates, spoons, forks. Previously, there were wonderful perfumes "Flowers of Russia" on sale, but, alas, they disappeared, they cost much cheaper than in other stores. Household chemicals are profitable, but not all, some do not match in quality (I buy means for cleaning windows, floors, etc.)

- There are actually quite good and useful things in Fix Price. Sometimes you come across good and high-quality books, especially for children, towels for the kitchen, some cosmetics and hygiene products you can take, I also really liked the liter pomegranate juice (I like sour), good spices and tea (with strawberries, with mint), gadgets for the kitchen , jars for tea and dry foods.

- I really like the salad bowls there, and in general the dishes are pretty, I always take the fabric softener there too. There are also discounts on canned food, when you can get 3 cans for 43 rubles. take. Pomegranate juice is also, I think, cheap, and natural juices are also available in 2 liter boxes for one price. In general, I go there for all sorts of trinkets and decorations for the interior :)

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a store for one price and where to get the goods. Trade enterprises This format has become very popular with businessmen in the past few years, as it provides quick capital turnover and large profits. In this article, we will tell you how to open such a store, including in small town how much money is needed for this, and what income can be expected.

Surely you have visited the Fix Price store at least once, where all goods are sold at a single fixed price. This is the only one in Russia large network working on this concept. this format is due extremely low cost of goods - prices are equalized to optimize sales, and the main profit is formed by volumes, and not a margin.

How low prices are formed

As a rule, you can buy everything in these for 49, 50, 59, 60, 69, 70, 79, 80 rubles (depending on the goods presented in the assortment and the region of the country). To ensure such low prices, goods are purchased in bulk (in large quantities, sometimes even by weight). The cost of lots is added up, the cost of delivery and other costs are added to it, after which the cost of the item is calculated. For this total cost batches, taking into account the costs, must be divided by the number of units of the product.

By adding a small margin to the cost of a product item, you get a selling price that may well be even lower than the cost of a particular product.


A batch of forks (500 pieces) costs 10 thousand rubles, and a batch of socks (100 kg) - 75 thousand rubles. Delivery of forks cost 1000 rubles, and socks - 500 rubles. Thus, the cost of the commodity item is 34.6 rubles (the cost of a plug is 22 rubles, and a pair of socks (about 50 grams) is 37 rubles and 75 kopecks). The markup can be set at 15 percent, so the sale price will be about 40 rubles.

Of course, in the presented example, everything is greatly simplified - in practice you will have to deal with several thousand items, many different costs that need to be included in the cost, constantly changing prices from suppliers and "jumping" rates of several currencies at once. But the essence is nevertheless clear.

Where to begin

Although trading is sufficient simple business, you still need, which will take into account all aspects of the future enterprise. It is also necessary to draw up all the documents related to and choose the appropriate method of taxation. After that, you can rent premises, enter into agreements with suppliers, purchase or rent commercial equipment and start working.

What goods are needed

As a rule, an assortment with fixed prices includes the following groups of goods:

  • goods for the kitchen;
  • household goods;
  • cosmetics and perfumery;
  • Food;
  • household chemicals;
  • toys and other goods for children;
  • stationery;
  • themed goods (decorations and paraphernalia for various holidays);
  • clothes;
  • goods for home plants, garden and vegetable garden;
  • Goods for pets;
  • hygiene products;
  • useful little things.

Where to get the goods

You can buy cheap goods for sale in a store of fixed prices in different places.

1. Goods for some commodity groups easiest- for example, on such large platforms as Alibaba (alibaba.com) and Ali-Express (aliexpress.com). Here you will find thousands of suppliers of the most different goods With low prices, convenient delivery terms and a money-back guarantee if something goes wrong. In the future, you will be able to switch to direct work with suppliers, which will allow you to purchase goods even cheaper.

2. In addition, you can sign agreements with local manufacturers - especially for food products and household chemicals: many small businesses cannot establish distribution channels for their products and are ready to provide huge discounts for large volumes of purchases.

3. Also, goods can be purchased on sales in large hypermarkets, and then resell at home at a premium. At first glance, this option may not seem very profitable, but sometimes in hypermarkets, such as, for example, "Okay" or "Auchan", you can buy goods with discounts up to 80 percent, that is, at about the same price at which you could would purchase this item from a supplier.

4. Similar goods can also be purchased by becoming a partner of the Fix Price company. Official site http://www.fix-price.ru/

5. In addition, goods can be purchased on Russian online platforms selling cheap goods:

  • mix-prices.ru ;
  • 1-cena.ru;
  • cena-optom.ru;
  • all-for-one-price.rf;
  • xoztovari.ru;
  • td-goods.ru.

Costs and Benefits

The total amount of investments will not exceed $ 10 thousand: about $ 5 thousand will be spent on the purchase of goods, from 1.5 to 3 thousand - for renting premises for three months; the rest is the salary fund and other costs (cleaning, security, and so on). Net profit will depend on the turnover rate and amount to initial stage about 1.2-1.5 thousand dollars per month.

As you could see for yourself, Fix Price is not as difficult as it seems, and such a store brings in very good income. The main thing is not to chase profit and not set too high markups.

The company offers its customers a wide range of products at a fixed price, which is below market value. On store shelves there are:

  • food products: tea, coffee, canned food;
  • household goods: stationery, decorative items, lanterns, etc.;
  • hygiene products: shower gels, shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, etc.;
  • household chemicals;
  • tableware;
  • clothes.

The assortment of stores includes more than 2 thousand items, most of which are non-food products... The company independently imports them from China.

Food products make up only 20% of the total production volume, but they form the main flow of buyers. In the stores of the chain, mainly Russian-made products are presented.

Despite the outward simplicity, the implementation of the project in practice is quite difficult. To maintain the desired price level, the company skillfully manipulates the margin. There is a strict framework for suppliers: purchase prices should not be higher than a certain level, which contributes to the company's profitability.

The Fix Price chain of stores often takes goods out of production for sale. This keeps prices low.

Advantages and disadvantages

Requirements for the premises

  • Location: streets with high traffic, shopping corridors of the city, shopping and entertainment center.
  • Total area: 200 - 350 sq. m.
  • Room type: separate building, built-in room, part of the room.
  • Construction type: rectangular shape, two entrances, the presence of an unloading zone with the possibility of a truck approach.
  • There should be no stores of the operating franchisee within a radius of 1 km.

Franchise Fix Price - conditions and cost you can find below.

How much does the Fix Price franchise cost?

Fixed price franchise, the cost of investment for opening a store is 3 million rubles, of which 2 million rubles. - the cost of purchasing goods. The remaining funds will go to the current needs of the store:

  • rental of premises (70-90 thousand rubles),
  • payment utilities(from 5 thousand rubles),
  • equipment for trading floor and warehouse (from 60 thousand rubles),
  • salary of employees (from 10 thousand rubles, depending on the number of personnel),
  • burglar alarm (4-6 thousand rubles),
  • payment of tax contributions (from 6 thousand rubles),
  • transportation costs (from 10 thousand rubles)

One hundred percent business payback should be expected in six months - 1 year. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a high level of sales. With a 50% markup, the monthly profit will be about 500 thousand rubles, on which the profitability period is based.

Business project support

The Fix Price company supports the franchisee at all stages of cooperation: specialists provide assistance in choosing the location of the store, advise on the preparation of the necessary documentation.

Collaboration with partners takes place in the most comfortable mode... Any question of interest can be clarified by contacting experienced specialists.

This ensures brand awareness and a steady flow of customers.

In the context of the economic crisis, buyers are increasingly moving to a lower price segment. Stores occupy a special place in this segment. fixed price, in which you can pick up an inexpensive product for any occasion. The prospect of such a business has been proven by the Fix Price chain of stores. An “all for one price” franchise will help you “fly” into the business.