Russian proverbs about happiness and unhappiness. Lesser known proverbs and sayings

How much wisdom in our country is passed from mouth to mouth through sayings. In this way, parents explain simple truths to children, people share their feelings with each other. What are the most popular sayings? Of course, proverbs about happiness and sorrow. We will talk about the most famous of them and explain their meaning.

Who has not seen grief, he did not know happiness

This proverb explains well to a person that one should not despair in any situation. The proverb about happiness and sorrow says that without comparison we will not know what is good and what is bad. Well, how can a person know that he lives happily? He may be fine, but he will always want more. And it is precisely at that moment when misfortune befalls that we think about what used to be good. And it also works in reverse. Only a person who has seen and experienced a lot of grief in his lifetime can truly appreciate what happiness is.

You can’t hide longing and grief behind a wrought iron door

Blacksmith services have always been expensive. Therefore, not every family could afford wrought iron doors. And from time immemorial it was believed that rich people live better. But this is far from true. Proverbs about happiness and sorrow clearly show that, despite the most exquisite gates, life behind them is sometimes no better than behind a wooden gate. People naively believe that money will help them live happier. Beautiful houses, cars, foreign trips can diversify your leisure time and help you get sad thoughts out of your head. But in fact, wherever a person goes, he always takes himself with him. And your thoughts too.

Money can not buy happiness

This proverb is a continuation of the previous one. Proverbs about happiness and grief very often people reduced to money. After all, as you know, they are considered by many peoples to be the root of evil. People spend all their time trying to earn as much as possible. more money. And then, when they retire, they regret that they never really managed to live.

The poor spend a lot of time envying their rich neighbors. They believe that cars, apartments and a good bank account are the key to success. But you need to understand that the main joys of life cannot be bought. Love, friendship, loyalty and smiles cannot be bought with money. All this is given to a person only for his spiritual merits.

Each person is the smith of his own happiness

Very often people blame fate for their failures. That it was she who put spokes in their wheels all their lives. If they did this, and then that, then they would have been happy. And so the question is, who did not give a person the opportunity to act? Only himself. Many lack the willpower, ability, or determination to change their lives. It should be understood that everything can be changed at any time. But if you do not forge happiness with your own hands, then it will not get into your house in any way. This is what Russian proverbs are trying to convey to the minds of people. About happiness and grief, a lot of people invented. Therefore, you should trust folk wisdom and not sit back and wait until the bird of luck illuminates you with its presence.

Today in flowers, tomorrow in tears

Such a proverb is always instructed by the mothers of girls "for marriageable age." Young people are amorous and windy. They may adore their boyfriend, who sings serenades under the window and gives armfuls of roses. But a smart girl understands that feelings need to be tested with time. After all, tomorrow an ardent young man can change his idol and sing serenades already under the windows of another. That is why they say where there are flowers today, there are tears tomorrow. Love is fickle, it needs to be maintained and warmed up. If this is not done, then the feelings will cool. People in love who received so much pleasure today may hate each other tomorrow and cry into the pillow all night long about their unhappy love.

Falling is not a problem, trouble is not getting up

This Russian proverb about happiness and sorrow is incredibly popular today. Young businessmen, and just successful people post this phrase in their in social networks. Many consider it a motto. Why did she suddenly become so popular? Because in the era of capitalism, the desire of every second person is to open their own business. But not everyone manages to establish a successful enterprise. Many burn out. And it is this unfortunate moment that breaks the fate of many people. But those individuals who managed to rise, usually manage to establish their business on the second or third attempt. After all, it is already easier to act a second time when you already have experience behind you, albeit unsuccessful.

Happiness happens to those who, in labor and in learning, gain their mind

The meaning of this proverb is very clear. They say that happiness is available even to a fool. But stupid people enjoy the satisfaction of their natural needs and they simply do not have other needs. But smart people know how to enjoy their work. It is through creative self-realization that a person has the opportunity to become happy and leave a mark on history. But in order to achieve this, you need to work diligently and spare no effort to study.

Look for happiness not on the road, but in knowledge

Proverbs are found not only in Russian. Tatars about happiness and grief composed many legends. You can read one of the sayings in Russian translation above. The phrase is full of wisdom. After all, it’s really stupid to look for happiness in distant countries and cities when you don’t know anything about them. Therefore, in order to become happy, you must first enrich your head with a store of knowledge. Thanks to books today, anyone can travel without leaving home.

"Luck is the same horse, get on it and ride."

“Happiness is great, but usually the mind is not enough for him” and “Happiness without a proper mind is the same as a leaky scrip.”

Another saying from - “Happiness is a wolf. It will easily deceive and go into the forest.

Lesser known proverbs and sayings

“If a happy person goes, he will always find a treasure, and if an unfortunate person goes, he won’t even come across a dry mushroom.”

“Happy is the man whose conscience is calm” and “Happy was the man, but accidentally caught misfortune in his hands.”

On the opposite of happiness - "You can't help grief with tears."

This saying can motivate a person on the path to finding their own happiness and correcting a sometimes rather difficult situation.

“With God you will go far and find happiness somewhere” and “A rich and happy ex will never give alms.”

“If trouble comes, immediately open the gates” and “The last success is always at a time than the first.”

A very true saying - "They usually do not run from happiness, they only catch up with it."

“Don’t look for new happiness, but don’t lose it” and “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.”

“Happiness is not only in” and “You cannot build your happiness on a miraculous mountain.”

Quite apt observations - "It is easier to find your happiness than to hold it in your hands" and "It is easy to find long-awaited happiness, but it is even easier to lose it."

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about the vicissitudes of fate. Many literary works and philosophical treatises have been written about the variability of her temper. also did not ignore this topic. Proverbs about happiness and sorrow in different countries are often very similar. Since their authorship belongs mainly to the common people. And who, if not the poor, knows what a cool character Fortune has.

Harsh living conditions and hard work taught ordinary people to look at what is happening from a philosophical point of view. This approach also helped to survive adversity, while maintaining the purity of the soul, faith and love for life. That is why many proverbs about happiness and grief among the Russian people are filled with sadness and hope at the same time.

and sayings about happiness and sorrow

The English poor also had a hard time. Endless wars and epidemics have done their job. And the common people had no choice but to apply to life and accept it with faith in the best. This perception of the environment is saturated with English proverbs about happiness and sorrow.

about sorrow and joy

Sadness and a certain doom fill the Arabic proverbs about happiness and sorrow, which are a reflection of the difficulties endured by ordinary people.

  • He who hides his grief will not find a cure for it.
  • Strife is forgotten in grief.
  • The greatest misfortune comes through loved ones.
  • If you haven’t tasted bitter, then you won’t be able to appreciate sweet either.
  • Trouble enters through wide doors.
  • As soon as you put up with one misfortune, another one is already on the threshold.
  • Grief falls on a man's head from his tongue.
  • Everyone is given as much as they can bear.
  • Happiness - a pinch, and grief - bags.
  • Who does not appreciate his happiness - approaches grief.
  • The time for happiness is short.
  • Many works bring many joys.
  • It is better to survive misfortune than to live in fear of it.

Sometimes our life lacks motivation. But, inspirational proverbs and sayings about happiness can motivate us, cheer ourselves up, our loved ones or friends, and also improve our day.

Happiness is truly a wonderful thing. It makes a person feel good and is the basis for a fulfilling life. For this reason, this collection of proverbs was created with the word happiness, and how to stay happy.

By the way, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness. Recognizing its importance to the lives of people around the world.

This day is intended to remind people of the importance of striving for happiness, finding it, and also sharing it with other people. And proverbs and sayings from this article will help you with this.

Proverbs about happiness: African and Oriental


  1. The ability to control your desires will make your life happy.
  2. Happiness is as good as delicious food.
  3. Happy is the man who, hunting for rats, caught an elephant.
  4. Happiness can even squeeze into the house through the gap in the door as soon as you open the doors.
  5. Happiness is like perfume: it is impossible to sprinkle others with it, and to remain odorless yourself.
  6. Better a piece of bread with a happy heart than wealth with sorrow.
  7. If people are happy, then they have a good leader.
  8. Silence is the translator of happiness.
  9. Better to be happy than to be king.
  10. The day of happiness is short.
  11. Happiness requires doing something, loving someone, and hoping for something.
  12. The place where you feel happy better than that the places where you were born.


  1. A person can be happy even if he has only bread and onions for food.
  2. Inflated goals can destroy your state of happiness.
  3. True happiness lies in making others happy.
  4. Happy is he whose own faults prevent him from considering the faults of others.
  5. Happy is the woman whose husband does not grumble at her.
  6. It is easier to be a happy bachelor for a year than a widower for a month.
  7. He who does not cleanse the dirt, he washes away happiness.
  8. Divorcing a young wife means giving another man the opportunity to become happy.
  9. Woe to the one who claims that happiness cannot be found.
  10. A person who is stuck on momentary joy will never achieve great happiness. Happiness is like a crystal - when it shines the most, cracks can suddenly appear on it.
  11. A bribe makes both parties happy.

Proverbs and sayings about happiness from all over Europe

  1. Money alone cannot make a person happy. (Portugal)
  2. If your neighbor is happy, then it will be easier for you to work. (Macedonia)
  3. A person who trusts others is happy, and a person who doubts is unhappy. (Hungary)
  4. You become happy not from happiness itself, but from the path to achieving it. (Finland)
  5. A wise husband and a patient wife are the key to a peaceful home and a happy life. (Holland)
  6. The wisdom of a man and the patience of a wife makes a family happy. (Cyprus)
  7. If a man is tired of happy bachelor days, let him marry. (Holland)
  8. To make a happy couple, the husband must be deaf and the wife blind. (France)
  9. Happy is the man whose beautiful wife lives near the church. (France)
  10. If the collective farm is rich, the chairman is happy. (Russia)
  11. Who wants to be happy should stay at home. (Greece)
  12. A deaf husband and a blind wife will always be a happy couple. (Denmark)
  13. Happy is he who corrects his youthful follies. (Czech)
  14. Happy is he who can help others avoid trouble. (Bulgaria)
  15. Good wage makes employees happy. (Romania)
  16. Happy is he who can forget what cannot be changed. (Poland)
  17. A happy home without a crown. (Spain)
  18. Spilled wine is a sign of happiness. (Spain)
  19. He who lives with hope dies happily. (Sweden)
  20. Where ignorance is bliss, stupidity is elevated to the rank of wisdom. (Ireland)
  21. If the mother is unhappy, then nobody is happy. (Scotland)
  22. Happy is the bride on whom the sun shines. (Austria)
  23. A happy wife is a happy life. (Austria) (You can find many interesting thoughts by reading).
  24. memory of happy days makes suffering worse. (Ukraine)
  25. Better to be happy than wise. (England)

Proverbs with the word happiness

  1. Happiness unties her hands and closes her eyes.
  2. The most unfortunate is the one who doubts his happiness.
  3. Nobody can be happier than that who believe in their happiness.
  4. Happiness is often found where we are not.
  5. A kitten is a tool for children's happiness.
  6. There is no permanent happiness, there are only moments of it.
  7. If being bearded brings happiness, then a goat should be happier than any of us.
  8. Kindness brings happiness.
  9. Happiness multiplies when we extend it to others.
  10. Happiness that lasts too long spoils the heart.
  11. Real happiness is not in what you enjoy doing, but in what you have to do.
  12. Obedience is the mother of happiness.
  13. Money doesn't bring happiness.
  14. Happiness is somewhere between too little and too much.
  15. When ambition ends, happiness begins.
  16. Happiness and glass break easily.
  17. Happiness does not take, it only gives.
  18. A person without happiness is neither good nor bad.
  19. Where there is love, there will be happiness.
  20. Where ambition begins, happiness ends.

Italian-Sicilian proverbs on the theme of happiness

  1. Whoever loves God with all his heart lives happily and dies happy.
  2. During an epidemic, doctors are happy.
  3. If you want to be happy, love someone who loves you, because loving someone who doesn't love you is a waste of time.
  4. If you want to have happy life, stay away from your relatives.
  5. A happy bride on whom the sun shines.
  6. Happy is the man who keeps aloof from strife.
  7. Happy is the man who has avoided debt.
  8. Being one-eyed in the country of the blind is the same happiness.
  9. No person can be happy without friends, and also be confident in others, until he encounters misfortune.
  10. Childhood should be happy and carefree.
  11. Be virtuous and you will be happy.
  12. Achieving your goals is called success, and the state of mind that you get when you do this is considered happiness.
  13. All happiness is in the mind.

Proverbs about happiness: Jewish

  1. Happy is he who always behaves honestly.
  2. Happy is he who has life wisdom and praise from others.
  3. Happiness is a field that can be harvested all year round.
  4. If you are always afraid of unhappiness, then it is easy to miss your happiness.
  5. The best way to find happiness is not to look for it.
  6. A wise son makes his father happy; a foolish son makes his mother sad.
  7. A happy generation is where an adult listens to a child, and a great ruler listens to a small person.
  8. Better a gram of happiness than a kilogram of gold.
  9. The rabbi drinks wine and asks others to be happy. A fool dreams of wealth, and a wise man dreams of happiness.
  10. If you want to be happy all your life, plant a garden. (Find out ).
  11. Those who have not learned to share their blessings with others have not found the true path to lasting happiness.
  12. Whoever depends on himself and hopes in God will achieve the greatest happiness.
  13. In order to achieve happiness, one must blaze a straight path through suffering.
  14. Where purpose begins, happiness begins.
  15. When at least one person in the family is wise, both will be happy.
  16. Happiness is given for sharing.
  17. A happy person is like a duck in water.

Proverbs and sayings about happiness: Chinese and Japanese

  1. Happy is the man who does not get sick.
  2. Who knows the measure of everything, knows true happiness.
  3. Beautiful girls are rarely happy, and smart boys are rarely beautiful.
  4. If you are not a fish, how can you know if the fish are happy?
  5. Happy people never count the past tense.
  6. Without illness, a person is happy, and without debt, a person is rich.
  7. Happy is he who knows how to find his happiness.
  8. Happiness is like Sunray, which can illuminate even the smallest shadow.
  9. Happiness has its roots, but sorrow has a womb.
  10. You can never be happy at the expense of the unhappiness of others.

Japanese proverbs

  1. Happiness will come to the house where joy has settled.
  2. Happiness rarely leads company with an empty stomach.
  3. Happiness flies away from those who want it the most.
  4. Unhappiness can be a bridge to happiness.
  5. Spring of happiness - cleanses the heart.
  1. Trouble will grind, trouble will learn.
  2. Trouble falls on the head from the tongue.
  3. The trouble does not go through the forest, but through people.
  4. Misfortune never comes alone.
  5. Trouble will come and knock you off your feet.
  6. The trouble is that flowing water: it will run, yes, it will subside.
  7. To the poor to get dressed - just gird yourself.
  8. Poverty is not a vice.
  9. You will soon make trouble, but you will not survive soon.
  10. Rich, but crooked; poor, yes.
  11. Rich, even a fool, but revered.
  12. The rich cannot sleep - everyone is afraid of a thief.
  13. The rich man knows neither truth nor friendship.
  14. The rich man eats sweetly, but sleeps badly.
  15. Rich, even stupid, everyone gives way.
  16. Wealth and poverty - the same squalor.
  17. Get wealth - forget the brotherhood.
  18. Wealth lives and poverty lives.
  19. Wealth and tranquility rarely live together.
  20. Wealth with money, wealth with fun.
  21. Wealth with gold, and poverty with fun.
  22. Wealth is water: it has come and gone.
  23. Wealth is akin to arrogance.
  24. You won't go to heaven with wealth.
  25. It would be happiness, and the days ahead.
  26. In wealth, the belly is full, but the soul is hungry.
  27. In misfortune, do not lose heart, but overcome sadness.
  28. You can't take everything in one hand.
  29. In a dream, happiness, in reality, bad weather.
  30. Every happiness is his blacksmith.
  31. Anything can happen, and the rich will knock on the door of the poor.
  32. To each his own happiness.
  33. A naked beggar and a hundred robbers will not be robbed.
  34. Need for inventions is cunning.
  35. Woe and trouble with whom it was not.
  36. Woe - to make money, but with money and a fool you can live.
  37. Woe is like the sea: neither to swim, nor to weep.
  38. Woe that hollow water: everything will be flooded, and then come down.
  39. To be afraid of grief is not to see happiness.
  40. Thunder will not strike - the peasant will not cross himself.
  41. Not a penny, but the glory is good.
  42. Good fame is better than wealth.
  43. The fool sleeps, and happiness lies in his head.
  44. The soul asks, but the pocket does not order.
  45. A person runs after happiness, and it lies at his feet.
  46. Know, according to the fate of my harrow passed.
  47. From a sack to a mat.
  48. Avoiding fire, fell into the water.
  49. There is no need for an empty castle hut.
  50. Whom life caresses, he does not know grief.
  51. To whom happiness serves, he does not grieve about anything.
  52. Who is happy, who is two, and who is nothing.
  53. To whom it is good to live, at that and the rooster rushes.
  54. Whoever takes up happiness, he gets it.
  55. Whoever loves God will receive much goodness.
  56. Wherever you throw, everything is a wedge.
  57. Harmony and harmony are the first happiness.
  58. It is easy to find happiness, but it is even easier to lose it.
  59. It is easier to find happiness than to keep it.
  60. Extra money - extra worries.
  61. It is better to be poor than to be rich with sin.
  62. People live like flowers bloom, and my head withers like grass.
  63. A rich man, like a horned bull: he won’t fit into a tight gate.
  64. You can't build happiness on someone else's grief.
  65. Our happiness is in our hands.
  66. Our happiness is water in a delusion.
  67. Our happiness is rain and bad weather.
  68. It would not be happiness, but misfortune helped.
  69. Money can not buy happiness.
  70. Not our happiness to find, but ours to lose.
  71. Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.
  72. Neither one nor the other pecked, and even then it broke.
  73. Seek new happiness, but do not lose the old.
  74. One trouble is coming, the other is leading by the handle.
  75. He will take on anything, he succeeds in everything, and I will take on anything, I will break off at everything.
  76. He ran from the wolf, but fell into the paws of the bear.
  77. From need they grow wiser, from wealth they become stupid.
  78. They don’t run from happiness, they catch up with happiness.
  79. Sadness is no helper to trouble.
  80. Chased a slice, but lost bread.
  81. Under whom the ice cracks, and under us it breaks.
  82. Got into wealth - and forgot the brotherhood.
  83. The last luck is better than the first.
  84. Trouble has come - open the gate.
  85. A rich beggar will not give alms.
  86. If you walk with God, you will reach goodness.
  87. Tears of sorrow will not help.
  88. He was happy, but he caught misfortune in his hands.
  89. Happy is he who has a clear conscience.
  90. Happy in a shirt will be born.
  91. The happy one goes - he will come across the treasure, but the unfortunate one goes - and he will not find the mushroom.
  92. Happiness without mind is a holey scrip.
  93. Happiness is great, but the mind is not enough.
  94. Happiness and work live side by side.
  95. Happiness is on crutches, misfortune is on wings.
  96. Happiness does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands.
  97. Happiness is not sought, but made.
  98. Happiness is not a horse: you can't bridle it.
  99. Happiness is not a bird: it will not fly by itself.
  100. Happiness is not a fish: you can't catch it with a fishing rod.
  101. Happiness serves few.
  102. Happiness will fall, and the fool will be lucky.
  103. Happiness and misfortune ride on the same sleigh.
  104. Happiness slipped through my fingers.
  105. Happiness happens to those who, in labor and in learning, are gaining intelligence.
  106. Happiness is a free bird: where she wanted, she sat there.
  107. Happiness is like a wolf: he will deceive, he will go into the forest.
  108. Happiness is a spring bucket.
  109. There are no empty eyes in the world.
  110. You are grief-stricken over the river, and it is on the shore.
  111. Who has happiness in what, and the pig - in the trough.
  112. Luck is a nag: sit down and jump.
  113. I wanted to turn away from the stump, but ran into the deck.
  114. What do not grab, for everything in the people roll.