Law on beer in the Russian Federation: fines, latest amendments. Beer Law: Recent Changes Annual Beer Production Requirements

Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and by its own will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM Service" LLC) can obtain about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2. The use of the Services means the User's consent to this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insales" ), on the one hand, and

"User" -

or individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the law Russian Federation;

or a legal entity registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such entity is a resident;

or an individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of implementation professional activity(including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; data on technical systems and equipment, including elements of software; business forecasts and details of proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information relating to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above), communicated by one party to the other party in writing and / or electronic form, expressly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other assignments).

2.Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

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2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

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(d) if the information is provided at the written request of the authority state power, other government body, or a local government body in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as they are defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User related to the Services, to protect the Services and Users, and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

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Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User's account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User's account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements) . At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User, except for cases when the User notified Insales about unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations under the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notifications, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be made in writing and be delivered in person or by courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details:

From the summer of 2017, the deputies plan to introduce a ban on the sale of IP beer. The Ministry of Finance has already prepared a bill prohibiting private traders from selling foamy drink, cider, booze and mead. Only legal entities will be allowed to sell them to the end consumer.

Let's hit the beer!

From July 1, 2017, new rules for the sale of beer may come into force in Russia - only legal entities, and despite the fact that at the moment, out of 90 thousand retail outlets for the sale of foamy drink, 90% are registered specifically for individual entrepreneurs. On the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, the new norms may come into effect from January 2018.

Retail trade in IP beer in 2017 may be limited for one reason. As the authors of the bill explained, small businessmen are very actively hiding the real volumes of sales, including because too loyal fines are provided for violations:

    if a legal entity can pay a fine of 150-200 thousand rubles for failure to provide a declaration,

    then IP - only 10-15 thousand.

V explanatory note The bill contains statistics that confirms that in 2015 some breweries declared many times less products than were sold at retail.

The current law on the sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs and enterprises of other forms of ownership obliges, starting from July 2016, regardless of the form of ownership, organizations selling beer to provide sales data to the Unified State Automated Information System, so many businessmen consider additional declaration to be a waste of time and effort. The deputies do not agree, so they want to tighten the implementation rules and introduce another type of labeling for alcoholic beverages to the planned ban for individual entrepreneurs. The corresponding draft law has already been posted on the portal of legal acts for public discussion.

Experts fear that innovations will hit hardest on enterprises that specialize exclusively in the sale of weak alcoholic beverages, including breweries producing "live" beer in small volumes. In addition, traditional schemes that use Russian entrepreneurs in cases of bans, the majority simply go into the shadows, as a result of which arrears to the budget increase.

Alcohol online

Sociological studies of the RANEPA, Rosstat and the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting have shown that in last years in Russia, there has been a trend of shifting the preferences of Russians - against the backdrop of a growing rejection of alcohol, people more often choose not strong drinks (vodka, cognac), but beer or wine.

Statistics. In 2007-2009 Russians consumed 32% of beer from total alcohol retail sales. In 2015 - already 43%.

Experts are convinced that even if "the screws are tightened too much" and buy beer in regular store becomes difficult, there is always an opportunity to acquire what you need in another way. For example, via the Internet, because it is no secret to anyone that even with current ban for the sale of alcohol at night, you can buy it online at any time, in any quantity and with home delivery.

Trying to restore order in this area, the deputies propose to legalize the sale of alcohol online by selling a special license that will give the right to both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to legally sell alcoholic beverages via the Internet. To do this, you need to buy:

    license for retail trade (preliminary cost of 80 thousand per year);

    license for wholesale trade (800 thousand rubles / year);

    patent for the production of alcohol - 9.5 million rubles.

Stores with licenses will be included in a special register. The rest will be identified, punished, closed. How this will look in practice is still unknown, although judging by the actions of casinos and other resources whose activities are limited in Russia, it is not difficult to recreate the picture. Today one illegal store is closing, tomorrow two new ones will open in its place.

Time will tell whether the sale of IP beer will be banned in the midst of the next season or not. Ordinary consumers can only hope that innovations once again will not affect their wallet.

Open an IP for sale draft beer is the dream of many young entrepreneurs. interesting product, good demand, not too burdensome equipment and rent trading platform. And everything would be fine, but special requirements for the trade in beer and constant checks regulatory authorities often nullify both the pleasure and profit from doing their business. What will a businessman have to face when choosing such a specialization for his business? This is what our article is about. So, let's begin…

The most popular questions about the sale of beer, which are asked by individual entrepreneurs:

  • Can an individual entrepreneur trade beer in 2019?
  • What documents are needed to sell beer in 2019 for an individual entrepreneur?
  • Do I need a license to sell beer for an individual entrepreneur in 2019?
  • What are for IP last news about beer and EGAIS?

First of all, we note that the sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 is the only permitted type of sale of products that contain alcohol. Beer, cider, mead and other beer-based drinks - that's all that an individual entrepreneur can trade. Strong alcohol can only be traded by legal entities. Therefore, to the question whether an individual entrepreneur can sell beer, the answer is unequivocal - yes, it can. Another question is whether he wants to get involved with this ... There is a number of requirements, which significantly limit the businessman who has chosen this particular one.

Requirements for the beer business:

  1. Beer can be sold at retail only in stationary premises. You cannot sell beer in temporary premises - in stalls, mobile pavilions, etc. The only exception is a temporary premises functioning as a catering point (for example, a bar or a summer cafe): here beer can be offered for sale among other services.
  2. There are a number of EGAIS reporting requirements for individual entrepreneurs for beer (we will discuss in detail below).
  3. A beer shop should not coexist with medical, educational, and various cultural institutions.
  4. It is forbidden to sell beer at gas stations, train stations, public transport, markets and other crowded places.
  5. Do not sell beer to minors.
  6. It is forbidden to sell beer without accompanying documents on the item.
  7. According to the sale time, there is a ban on the sale of beer from 22:00 to 10:00 the next morning.
  8. It is obligatory to keep a book taking into account the sale of beer in a special form approved by RosAlcoRegulation.

EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs selling beer

What is EGAIS for beer for an individual entrepreneur? The purpose of introducing the Unified State Automated Information System is to improve control over the manufacture, movement and sale of products containing alcohol, including beer. This applies to all manufacturers, suppliers and end distributors. alcoholic products.

Ideally, under such a system, each bottle would be labeled and traceable from the factory to the consumer's hands. As usual, the good intention (the fight against counterfeit products) resulted in a big headache for individual entrepreneurs.

How to start an IP for EGAIS (beer retail):

  1. An individual entrepreneur is obliged to connect to the federal information system EGAIS. In this case, you will need to purchase a crypto-key, buy electronic signature(CEP), register on the website, download and install the UTM utility, check the compatibility of your inventory program with UTM.
  2. Upon receipt of the goods from the supplier, the individual entrepreneur receives an invoice on his computer and checks the goods with the data in it.
  3. If the information in the invoice corresponds to the facts, then the individual entrepreneur must accept the invoice and record the purchase in the Unified State Automated Information System.
  4. If the information in the electronic invoice does not correspond to the actual indicators for the product (for example, there are discrepancies in the number of products or the markings on individual products are damaged), then the entrepreneur rejects the electronic invoice or draws up an act fixing the discrepancy.
  5. Further, the data on the purchased beer must be loaded into the cash register program (if the individual entrepreneur uses cash registers).

The question of the advisability of introducing such a procedure still haunts business, and is often discussed on the Internet, in print media, and on television programs. Here is one of the interesting posts on the subject:

What an individual entrepreneur needs to trade beer from January 1, 2019

The main changes to the law on the retail sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs relate to the recording in the EGAIS system of the fact of purchasing beer from a supplier. EGAIS has been introduced for individual entrepreneurs (beer in retail) since 2016, but only in terms of confirming the purchase of beer from a supplier. Individual entrepreneurs are not required to confirm the facts of the sale of beer.

Generally speaking, the introduction of EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs (beer retail) in countryside really brings a lot of difficulties, if only because of the lack of the Internet in many settlements.

The new rules for the sale of beer in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs in rural areas do not make any exceptions - you will have to record the fact of purchase in the Unified State Automated Information System, regardless of size rural settlement and availability of the Internet. Otherwise, this will be a violation of Federal Law No. 182-FZ of June 29, 2015.

That is, in order to sell beer, an individual entrepreneur must purchase necessary equipment in order to transfer information about purchases to the Unified State Automated Information System, as well as be sure to keep a beer (any alcohol) sales register. Summing up, we note once again that the legislators introduced new things about the sale of beer in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs.

First things to do:

  • Be sure to connect to the EGAIS system.
  • Be sure to record beer purchases in EGAIS (sales are not yet required to be recorded).
  • Be sure to keep a log of sales of beer products.
  • Be sure to use a new type of cash register (read more in the article).

Thus, reporting on beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 is the recording of purchases in the Unified State Automated Information System and the recording of sales in the sales register.

License for the sale of beer in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs

Consider whether a license is needed to trade beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. We have already discussed this issue earlier, in the article, but here we briefly summarize.

Based on Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995, the retail sale of beer is not a licensed activity. Therefore, it is not required to obtain a beer license for individual entrepreneurs (as well as for LLCs).

People often ask what is better for beer retail trade - sole proprietorship or LLC? In our opinion, IP is preferable for trading beer, if only for the reason of lower fines for violations. Taking into account the information given in the article, it is not at all easy to trade beer without violations now.

Read: everything new is always on the main page of our site.

Calculate the most favorable tariff for IP account
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Move the "sliders", expand and select " Additional terms”, so that the Calculator selects the best offer for opening a current account for you. Leave a request and the bank manager will call you back: he will advise on the tariff and reserve a current account.

Beer trading in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs: new rules updated: April 12, 2019 by: All for IP

Beer, as well as cider, poiret, mead, and other beer-based drinks, are alcoholic products. When selling beer, it is necessary to take into account the rules governing the sale of alcohol, but with some peculiarities. Interested in this line of business? Then read our article, in which we will talk about the most important issues when trading beer and beer drinks:

  • can an individual entrepreneur sell beer;
  • Do you need a license to sell beer?
  • what restrictions exist when selling beer;
  • do beer sellers need to connect to EGAIS;
  • when a cash register is not needed when selling beer;
  • what kind OKVED codes pick up beer for sale;
  • What kind of sales reports do you need to submit?

Can an individual entrepreneur start selling beer

We will immediately answer that individual entrepreneurs have the right to sell beer. Why does such a question arise at all? Are there any prohibitions on the sale of alcohol related to the legal form of the seller (IP or LLC)? There really is such a ban, it is established by article 16 of the law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ.

According to it, only organizations are allowed to sell strong alcohol. Why this is so is not explained, but the fact remains - only legal entities have the right to trade in spirits and wines. An exception is made only for individual entrepreneurs - agricultural producers who sell wines and champagne of their own production.

Regarding the sale of beer, the same article states that "Retail sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead is carried out by organizations and individual entrepreneurs." Please note - this is a retail sale! The fact is that there is also the norm of Article 11 of Law No. 171-FZ, and it also allows the wholesale circulation of alcohol and beer only to legal entities.

Thus, individual entrepreneurs have the right to sell beer and drinks based on it only at retail. And in order to produce and sell beer without restrictions, you need to register a company.

Do I need a license to sell beer?

And here everything is simple - a license to sell beer is not required. Again we read Law No. 171-FZ, Article 18 on extradition: "... with the exception of the production and circulation of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead." So, selling beer without a license in 2020 does not threaten anything, no sanctions are provided for this. True, certain restrictions and requirements for organizing the sale of beer still exist, and we will talk about them further.

Conditions for the sale of beer

This is perhaps the most important information that you should familiarize yourself with before organizing a beer trade. Given that beer is an alcoholic beverage, it is understandable that it should not be available at any place and time.

Beer alcoholism develops quickly and imperceptibly, which is especially dangerous for children and women. And if for beer dealers large sales volumes are profit, then buyers of a foamy drink pay with their health for its immoderate consumption. We must be sympathetic to the prohibitions established in Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, in the end they act for the benefit of the whole society.

  • children's, educational and medical institutions;
  • sports and cultural facilities;
  • public transport of all types and its stops;
  • markets, railway stations, airports and other places of mass congestion of citizens (with the exception of catering establishments);
  • military installations.

2. Beer can only be sold in stationary retail facilities, so the building must have a foundation and be entered in the real estate register. That is, temporary structures such as stalls and kiosks are not suitable for selling beer, with the exception of catering establishments. As for the area of ​​the retail facility, if strong alcohol is sold in addition to beer, then the restriction applies:

  • at least 50 sq. m. in cities
  • at least 25 sq. m. in the countryside.

When trading only beer, there are no restrictions on the area.

3. The time for selling beer is limited to the period from 8 am to 11 pm, except for points Catering.

  • seller - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • official (individual entrepreneur or head of organization) - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • legal entity - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles;

If there is any doubt about the age of the buyer, the seller must request an identity document. In addition, for the sale of beer to minors, it is possible and criminal liability. Be aware that the police often stage surveillance raids involving young people in order to instigate such an illegal sale. It is better to play it safe and ask for a passport, even if the buyer looks old enough.

5. From January 1, 2017, the production and wholesale trade are prohibited, and from July 1, 2017, the retail sale of beer bottled in plastic containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters. Penalties for violation: from 100 to 200 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and from 300 to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities.

6. Additional restrictions for the sale of beer may be set by local authorities. Yes, in many municipalities the sale of beer is prohibited retail outlets located in apartment buildings. We recommend that before you start selling beer, find out all the rules in the local administration or the Federal Tax Service.

EGAIS - sale of beer

EGAIS is state system control over the production and circulation of alcohol. Do I need EGAIS to sell beer? Yes, of course, but in a limited format. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer for further retail sales are required to connect to the system for years only to confirm the purchases of wholesale lots from legal producers and suppliers.

To connect to EGAIS, you need to get a special electronic signature and register on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. We described in detail how to do this. After registration in the system, the buyer receives his identification number (ID), and the supplier draws up invoices for him, reflecting them in EGAIS. After the consignment of goods is accepted by the buyer, the supplier writes off the delivered products from their balances in the Unified State Automated Information System, and it is fixed for the buyer.

Confirmation of the fact of the sale of each bottle of beer, as is the case with strong alcohol and wine, is not required, therefore, the sale of beer through EGAIS is easier to process than other alcoholic beverages. The main thing here is to confirm that the wholesale batch of beer was purchased legally.

Please note that trade in beer without cash register is punishable separately under Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations - from ¼ to ½ of the calculation amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from ¾ to the full amount of the calculation amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

New OKVED codes for beer trade

Please note that when registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, only the classifier is used. To indicate the types of activities related to the sale of beer, use the new OKVED codes that are relevant in 2020.

For wholesale trade in beer:

  • 46.34.2: Wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages, including beer and edible ethyl alcohol;
  • 46.34.23: Wholesale of beer;
  • 46.17.23: Activities of agents for wholesale trade beer.

For retail beer:

  • 47.25.1: Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores;
  • 47.25.12: Retail sale of beer in specialized stores.
  • 47.11.2: Retail sale of non-frozen products, including drinks and tobacco products, in non-specialized stores;

For the sale of beer in public catering:

  • 56.30: activity of bars, taverns, cocktail halls, discos and dance floors (predominantly serving drinks), beer bars, buffets, phyto-bars, drinks vending machines.

Important: if you registered an individual entrepreneur or LLC before July 11, 2016, then you do not need to make any changes to the codes, the Federal Tax Service will independently correlate your old and new OKVED codes entered in the registers.

But if you decide to start selling beer after mid-2016, and the corresponding codes were not entered immediately upon registration, then you need to report a new type of activity using the forms (for individual entrepreneurs) and P13001 or P14001 (). In this case, indicate the codes according to OKVED-2, as indicated above.

Accounting for the sale of beer

From January 1, 2016, sellers of alcoholic products, including beer, are required to keep a register of retail sales. The form of the journal and the procedure for filling it out are approved by Order of the Federal Alcohol Regulatory Agency dated June 19, 2015 No. 164.

The journal must be completed daily, no later than the next day after the sale of each container or package of alcohol, including beer. At the end of each day, sales data is filled in: name, product type code, volume and quantity. This is what a sample magazine looks like posted on the site government organization FSUE "TsentrInform", which issues an electronic signature for connection to the Unified State Automated Information System.

For the absence of a journal or its incorrect maintenance, a fine is imposed - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and from 150 to 200 thousand rubles for organizations.

In addition, following the results of each quarter, no later than the 20th day of the next month (April 20, July, October, January, respectively), a declaration on the turnover of beer in the form No. 12 must be submitted to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. August 9, 2012 No. 815.

Let's summarize:

  1. Not only organizations, but also individual entrepreneurs can sell beer, however, only retail for final consumption.
  2. A license to sell beer is not required.
  3. Consider the statutory prohibitions on the place, time and circle of buyers when selling beer.
  4. It is impossible to legally purchase a batch of beer for further sale without connecting to EGAIS, so you need to register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. After that, the system will need to confirm the fact of the purchase of the batch each time and reflect the remaining products.
  5. From March 31, 2017, the sale of beer, including in public catering, is possible only with the use of a cash register, regardless of the tax regime.
  6. From July 11, 2016, only OKVED-2 applies for registration purposes. Specify OKVED codes for the sale of beer from our selection, they correspond to the current classifier.
  7. Keep a log book for alcohol retail and submit declarations on the sale of beer in a timely manner.