Online purchase of goods from China without intermediaries. How to buy wholesale goods from China

Victoria Ryabenko


Chinese suppliers

Business with China without intermediaries - an overview of trading platforms, recommendations and restrictions.

Article navigation

  • Advantages of doing business with Chinese manufacturers
  • How to buy Chinese goods in bulk
  • Customs restrictions
  • Bypass customs restrictions
  • Search for direct suppliers
  • The official website of TaoBao in China in Russian without intermediaries
  • How to place an order on Taobao website
  • Pros and cons of working with the TaoBao platform

Goods from the Middle Kingdom occupy 60-70% of the entire world market. Every year, about 25 million Russians buy at least one item from a Chinese manufacturer. Thanks to the rapid growth of trade in Russia, you can quickly find suppliers from China without intermediaries. Today, Chinese products are very popular with both companies and shops, as well as private buyers. The quality of the product can already compete with world brands, but the price is still much lower than that of European competitors.

Buying goods in bulk is much more profitable and convenient, in addition Russian businessmen have the opportunity to work with Chinese manufacturers. Such a business brings good profits and does not require large investments.

The most popular Chinese marketplaces are Aliexpress, Taobao and Alibaba. The principle of operation of the sites and the assortment are quite similar, but there are some differences that you need to know about. If you are working with the official website of TaoBao, then you will need an intermediary, since the platform is in Russian or English not available. On Alibaba you can directly contact the supplier and negotiate both the discount and the shipping. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of each trading platform.

Advantages of doing business with Chinese manufacturers

Today, trade with China is a well-established business. Russian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to open, for example, their own store with minimum investment. What is this benefit?

First, it is, of course, low prices for goods. As you know, in China, the production of any product is several times cheaper than in Russia or Europe. That is why even many global brands organize assembly in China. First of all, it is cheap and fast. What can we say about clothes, shoes, toys or equipment that is produced there in huge quantities and at a minimal cost.

The second reason is the transportation of goods. can be by land, water or air. Each mode of transport has great amount carriers who are happy to offer their services. Each transportation option has its pros and cons, but it will not be difficult to choose the most advantageous method for you. It is possible to combine and transport goods by road and rail transportation or by plane and ship.

Another reason is the introduction of new technologies into production. Thus, the quality of goods is constantly improving, and the range is growing. You can find in the Celestial Empire whatever your heart desires. IN Lately many businessmen try to organize deliveries of goods from China directly without intermediaries, since in this case they can get additional and not pay third parties for services.

In addition, every year the competition in China becomes more and more. Each trading platform is looking for new ways to attract a buyer: it improves service, organizes regular promotions and discounts on products. All this plays into the hands of Russian buyers.

How to buy Chinese goods in bulk

If you decide to purchase a large consignment of goods at once, then you will have to provide the supplier with some documents, namely, your legal address, account number and details of your bank.

For the wholesale purchase of goods on Aliexpress without intermediaries, you will need to conclude a contract with the seller himself, since the site is aimed primarily at retail. Therefore, it is better to use another platform -. The site is aimed at wholesale abroad. The store has a well-translated English version, suppliers actively respond to customer messages and provide all necessary documents.

Customs restrictions

If you want to bypass the duty at customs, then you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. There must be no more than 5 identical items in the package (for example, phones). However, this item does not apply to clothing, shoes, small jewelry, accessories, and so on.
  2. The parcel should not exceed 30 kg, its maximum value is 500 euros.

Bypass customs restrictions

In addition to the two rules that we wrote above, there are several more ways to get goods across the border without customs duty. You can break the whole batch into small parcels and order to different addresses. In this case, there will be no problems at customs.

If you need to transport a large consignment of goods worth more than five hundred euros, then issue it to friends or relatives. For each recipient there should be no more goods than specified in the declaration. If the cost of the parcel slightly exceeds the established limit, then you can ask the seller to underestimate the cost of the parcel when sending. However, you should not abuse this case, as you can get a fine if your package is valued several times more expensive at customs.

Search for direct suppliers

It is sometimes simply impossible to work with sellers directly without intermediaries. But it still depends on which trading platform you are cooperating with. The most popular wholesalers from China are TaoBao, Alibaba and 1688.

We will tell you more about TaoBao below, but 1688 is very similar to this site. The store is aimed at a local buyer, so there is no English or Russian version of the site, delivery and payment is possible only in China. Therefore, if you decide to work with 1688, then you cannot do without an intermediary. This site is suitable for small wholesale purchases. Note that on TaoBao you can buy goods at retail, it will still turn out to be profitable.

If you decide to cooperate with China without an intermediary, then you should take a closer look at the official website of the Alibaba trading platform. This platform serves millions of customers every year. Alibaba is the link between the seller and the buyer, the site itself does not sell anything. You only choose there desired item, then contact the seller and discuss the terms of delivery to Russia.

This wholesaler from China is suitable for those who need large deliveries of goods without intermediary firms. The advantage of the platform is that you communicate directly with the manufacturer and can ask for an additional discount on the product.

The official website of TaoBao in China in Russian without intermediaries

Taobao is one of the leading online marketplaces in China and one of the most visited sites in the world. You can order goods from the TaoBao website in China yourself or use the services. The only official partner of TaoBao in Russia is, however, thousands of offers from other intermediaries can be found on the Internet.

What are the benefits of this platform?

  • Very wide assortment;
  • Prices are lower than, for example, on Aliexpress;
  • Replicas of any brands are on sale;
  • Many exclusive things that cannot be bought in Russia.

If you speak Chinese, you can make a purchase on TaoBao without intermediaries by filling out free shipping to Russia and paying for the order. Otherwise, you will spend too much time filling out all the forms, and you may also make a mistake and end up not receiving your goods.

How to place an order on Taobao website

Prior to 2014, it was difficult for foreign buyers to purchase goods from Chinese sellers without intermediaries on TaoBao, as this required a Chinese phone number and a local bank account. Today, the registration procedure for residents of other countries has become much easier.

Delivery of goods

Today it is possible to deliver goods without the participation of third parties. Taobao has a redirect international shipments, that is, parcels from sellers arrive at a local warehouse in China, and then employees send them abroad (to Russia). Minus independent work with the platform that when buying on TaoBao on your own, without intermediaries, no one gives you a guarantee that the goods will arrive safe and sound and without factory defects.

Pros and cons of working with the TaoBao platform

First, the TaoBao website does not have an English or Russian interface. This is the main obstacle for the Russian buyer, since it is quite difficult to figure it out on the Chinese site on your own.

Secondly, it is best to check the goods before sending. This minimizes the chance of receiving a defective or damaged product, and saves time by not having to send the package back.

Assistance in placing an order and redirecting it to Russia can be carried out by an intermediary. One of his tasks is to pick up the order from the warehouse, check it, pack it with high quality and send it to Russia. Therefore, we advise you not to make purchases on TaoBao without an intermediary. You can lose not only time, but also your money.

Bulk purchases cause great difficulties, but if you know all the nuances, you can easily avoid unnecessary waste. So,

  • if you need a lot of goods in a single quantity, it is better to cooperate with TaoBao;
  • if you are planning small bulk purchases, then you are at 1688;
  • Alibaba is perfect for large wholesale.

You can also order products from TaoBao in China without intermediaries if you speak Chinese, since this platform is now open to foreign buyers.

In general, bulk purchases in Chinese internet-stores are commonplace for many Russian entrepreneurs. For this, many services have been created that offer goods both directly and through an intermediary company. But when choosing a future partner from China, be extremely careful. Fraudsters are everywhere, hundreds of Russians become their victims every year.

Study customer reviews about a particular service, communicate with the seller and do not take impulsive actions. Only cold calculation and work with well-known, reliable sellers. Enjoy the shopping!

Hello dear readers. For a long time I did not write anything about, but today it's time to return to the topic a little, but with a more serious question. Let's talk about where to buy goods from China in bulk. This article will be useful to those who buy large quantities of goods. I will talk about two sites where you can favorable prices(i.e. cheap) to buy any goods in China with delivery to Russia (clothes, shoes, toys, fabrics, watches, branded bags and much more).

Why is it relevant

The growth of the exchange rate does not stop, prices are rising and entrepreneurs need to look for options to purchase goods at lower prices.

Remember, I wrote an article about what's on? In it, I mentioned about. Now it is also profitable to buy goods on Taobao, but there are no wholesale prices there and it is no longer so profitable for wholesalers to buy.

What is meant by wholesale

Many people often ask me questions about bulk purchases from China, but then it turns out that people want to buy a lot different goods. THIS IS NOT WHOLESALE!

Wholesale is when 1 type of product is bought in N quantities.

Each seller (supplier) has its own prices depending on the size of the wholesale purchase. Someone from 10 pieces already gives a wholesale price, and someone only from 1000 pieces. But there are also such examples when from 10 pieces one price, from 100 another, from 1000 a third, etc. That is, the more you buy, the cheaper the product is.

Conclusion: Those who want to buy many types of goods for an assortment of 1 piece each, then you are at. And those who need to purchase a certain amount of one item of goods, then you should read this article further!

2 sites for buying in bulk from China

There may be more sites, I did not find.

2 tested so far:

  • 1688 - in Chinese, like Taobao
  • Alibaba- Russian language is also available

On these sites you can really find favorable wholesale prices for various goods: clothes, shoes, accessories, fabrics, household chemicals, cosmetics, products for children, interior items, furniture and even vehicles. IN general ALL-ALL-ALL goods that can be bought in China.

According to the algorithm of operation of these sites is completely different and work with them is carried out in different ways.

1688 is a wholesale site for the Chinese domestic market. Those. Only the Chinese can buy there (as before on Taobao), but Russians need to work through an intermediary, just like we are working with Taobao now. The work process is 1 in 1, like with Taobao, but the prices there are cheaper depending on the quantity of goods purchased. Here is an article about that, and now let's move on.

Alibaba is the main wholesale platform of the Alibaba Group(Aliexpress, Taobao, 1688, Tmall, etc. are all sites of this company). You can't buy on Alibaba, it's not an online store. This is a platform where wholesalers, factories and factories from all over the world post their offers, but 90% of them are in China. There you can only find the product you are interested in and contact the supplier to clarify the conditions, the current price, etc.

Those. you contact the supplier and you can already discuss cooperation options, discounts, delivery or some additional details with him. And only after discussing all the details, make a purchase directly from the supplier or through an intermediary (as in the case of Taobao or 1688), or through an internal free trade assurance service.

  • Here is the instruction.
  • But more.


Now you know where to buy goods in bulk from China. Let's repeat it again:

  • If you need 1 piece of 1 item of goods, then you are on Taobao;
  • If you need more than 1 piece of 1 item of goods, then you are at 1688;
  • If even more or even you need to find the manufacturer directly, then you are on Alibaba.

And now wait for an article on how to work with these sites (except for Taobao, because it already exists). Thank you all for your attention! I look forward to your comments.

Sincerely, Schmidt Nikolai

Greetings, dear users and visitors of the site business magazine! The topic of today's publication is "Business with China". We will tell you where to start, how to find and establish optimal mutually beneficial cooperation with partners (intermediaries), as well as provide a list of popular Chinese trading platforms where you can buy goods from China in bulk and consider the possibility of reselling goods without investment.

From the article you will learn:

  • Is it possible to start a business with China without initial capital;
  • Why the choice of Chinese partners is beneficial for Russian entrepreneurs;
  • Step-by-step recommendations for organizing a business;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the largest Chinese marketplaces (Aliexpress, Alibaba and others);
  • Demanded goods from China, on which you can earn big money.

More and more Russian and not only entrepreneurs, in order to give their activities reliability, profitability and competitiveness, “turn their gaze” towards China.

Huge assortment manufactured products, as well as low prices with the quality improving everywhere, they leave no choice for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in identifying partners for cooperation.

After reading this article, businessmen of different levels will be able to get acquainted with the "rules of the game" in this market, even a beginner without initial capital, having read the article to the end, will find an opportunity to earn money in cooperation with partners from China.

How and where to start your business with China, what are the advantages and benefits of a business on the resale of goods from China, is it possible to open a business without investments, and so on, read below in the article

1. Business with China - is it possible to start a business on goods from China from scratch 📈

Products made in China occupy one of the leading places in terms of sales and popularity in the world. global markets. And if a few decades ago, Chinese products were presented only in the niche of budget goods Low quality , at the moment, the range has been expanded up to to elite samples with the highest consumer properties.

Competitiveness of prices, as well as a huge selection of various goods, provides entrepreneurs with wide opportunities to make good money.

The process of interaction with China is not complicated, and every businessman who has fundamental knowledge and entrepreneurial experience, can successfully operate in this market without initial investment(or with little investment).

General scheme of work with China:

  1. search for a cheap suitable product;
  2. delivery to Russia;
  3. sale and profit.

At the same time, many start-up entrepreneurs causes undue anxiety customs clearance , product certification, taxation And a number of other contributing factors. However, having studied all the necessary information, businessmen should not have difficulties in interacting with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries.

☑ Delivery, customs clearance and certification of goods can also be entrusted to a third-party organization.

Trade best option to start a career in business, and having companies as partners that will help supply affordable and in-demand goods to Russia, provides unlimited opportunities for earning and developing your business.

Business from scratch in this segment is very limited and involves the resale of goods through the dropshipping system. Read about this and much more later in the article.

2. Advantages and benefits of doing business with Chinese manufacturers 📑

In recent decades, there has been an increasing focus on Russian business— communities to the Chinese manufacturing market. This Asian country produces the whole list of goods necessary for a person to live.

Advantages and benefits of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers

For years, the stereotype formed by an ordinary resident of the country that Chinese goods are of low quality is gradually being reduced to nothing. An increasing number of buyers are Satisfied with the quality of products from China, while invariably low price compared to competitors.

Even in the traditionally competitive high-tech market, where Western European, North American, South Korean and Japanese manufacturers, Chinese companies achieved a significant market share. At the same time, the quality of the goods produced is growing.

Development modern means communications and technology will allow entrepreneurs to significantly reduce the initial costs of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers or intermediaries.

It is also worth noting that enterprises from China trade with countries around the world and constantly bring new products to the market, use innovative ideas. By carefully studying the demand among the population and supply from China, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to be the first to display Russian market new products, which will significantly maximize profits.

The main advantages of doing business with China

The attractiveness of partnerships with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries is determined by a number of factors:

  1. Large range of products. The share of China in most sectors of the economy is from 40% and more in relation to global production. This determines a significant variety of goods.
  2. Low prices. One of the main factors of the competitiveness of the Chinese economy. The low cost of goods is due to: relatively inexpensive labor force, the presence in the country itself of virtually all types of necessary raw materials, the presence of a large number of production facilities for various components, as well as significant competition among enterprises. All this allows entrepreneur, supplying and selling goods from China, set the price for the goods at a profit up to 1000% while keeping the price attractive to the buyer.
  3. Buying an exclusive item. In the process of studying the specifics of the Chinese market, as well as with significant volumes of supplies, cooperation with Russian company may be of interest to manufacturers of exclusive products that are in significant demand, but are poorly represented in retail.
  4. Willingness of Chinese partners to cooperate. Great competition and price wars among Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries force them to be attentive to the needs of customers: to start cooperation with small volumes of goods, provide discounts on samples, provide convenient conditions for the delivery of goods and other preferences.

Consider the main benefits of doing business with China:

  • First of all the consumer wants to receive the product as quickly as possible, as well as evaluate it appearance, quality. Buying goods on order in Chinese online stores, the buyer cannot take advantage of these benefits, and many customers find it more convenient to buy goods from Russian sellers.
  • The second factor is a large number of Internet sites and goods. It is difficult for the buyer to navigate and purchase the right quality product. To do this, you need to evaluate professional quality seller, take into account the cost and delivery time, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and experience. In this regard, a significant part of customers prefer to buy from Russian entrepreneurs.

To check the integrity of the seller, to understand the functionality of the trading platform, to calculate the cost of delivery and the goods themselves, knowledge and skills are needed.

Many would like to order necessary goods on a Russian-language site, since there is always the opportunity to call and clarify with the seller all the questions and nuances of buying goods, to specify the terms of delivery of the order, and so on.

Your business with China - where and how to start your business with China

3. How to start a business with China - 10 steps to start your own business 📝

In order to establish business in cooperation with Chinese partners, one should consider 10 simple steps (stages) to successfully launch a business on the resale of goods from China.

Stage 1. Analysis of the list of business models of cooperation

Most Russian entrepreneurs cooperating with Chinese companies use a number of time-tested models of interaction with partners:

  • Wholesale sales of products;
  • Sales of products through an online store;
  • Dropshipping;
  • Own implementation through a retail point;
  • Joint purchases of goods from China.

1. Wholesale of products (offline)

By establishing cooperation with Chinese partners, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell goods in bulk with significant profitability. Chinese market provides a large list of various products, and it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur to choose a product that is in demand.

The algorithm of work includes a number of actions:

  • Selection of the optimal wholesale supplier;
  • Search for retailers and registration of cooperation with them;
  • The client determines the assortment he needs, makes an advance payment, and the entrepreneur, purchasing the products, ensures delivery.

A businessman who has established supplies from China should not have great difficulties in finding partners in Russia.

The only thing worth using additional features communication through world wide web: social media , bulletin boards and also take advantage of the very effective way promotion of goods contextual advertising.

Question 2. What to sell in an online store and what products from China can provide the maximum profit in the near future?

Many novice entrepreneurs ask themselves when creating a business with China - what to sell and to whom to sell their goods?

In the foreseeable future, there are no countries that can compete with China in terms of the range of products offered, as well as in terms of price.

The production base of the country is constantly grows and develops, constant subsidies help Chinese entrepreneurs improve the quality of their products and optimize costs.

At the same time, a significant level of competition ensures a fairly low level of prices.

Overview of goods sold from China

So, which of the Chinese goods can provide an entrepreneur with a high level of income?

1. Shoes and clothes

Products in this category are relevant at the moment and will always be in demand. In Russia, as in most countries of the world, for a significant part of the population, the main factor when buying is the price, and then everything else.

The cost of shoes and clothes from the "Celestial Empire" is lower than that of competitors with constantly improving quality and large assortment suggestions.

Another factor in the popularity of Chinese clothing and footwear is the counterfeiting of well-known brands. At the same time, the quality of goods (as well as the price) can vary significantly.

Many Russian consumers want to assert themselves by purchasing " branded»thing for relatively little money.

2. Appliances and electronics

Russians do not have much confidence in Chinese technology, but again, the price factor affects and there is a significant demand for this category of goods among the population. The purchase price from partners is very low and the entrepreneur has the opportunity to earn good money

3. Perfumes

There have never been famous perfumers in China, but the country is very good at copying fragrances, bringing them to the maximum similarity with the original. At the same time, a similar branded product costs 10-20 times more expensive.

The response rate of entrepreneurs in China is very fast: a new branded fragrance appears on the market, and Asian masters are already in full swing creating an analogue.

4. Accessories

Watches, women's and men's bags, wallets, phone accessories are very popular and sold items. Fakes in this category of goods are difficult to distinguish from the original. Substitutes for well-known brands are always in great demand among the population and their supply is very cost-effective.

5. Souvenirs

Most of the souvenirs in the world are of Chinese origin. Tourists and travelers always purchase these products.

Products are made from glass, ceramics, plastic, which allows her to keep her consumer properties, stored in warehouses (in the garage) and sold gradually.

6. Everything for cars

The total number of vehicles in Russia is increasing from year to year, and the cost of car maintenance is also growing: technical inspection, repair costs, insurance, fuel. And the objective desire of motorists to save on related products is understandable.

Sale spare parts, brushes, covers and car video and audio equipment will allow the entrepreneur to satisfy demand and provide himself with a significant level of income.

8. Conclusion + related video 🎥

Business in cooperation with manufacturers and a supplier from China, with a rational organization of work, is very profitable, especially thanks to intermediaries with low commissions, ordering goods from China becomes much easier and more convenient. The price difference of goods in this case between the “Celestial Empire” and Russia can be 500 % and more.

At right choice niche and working with reliable suppliers, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to build a stable profitable business.

Many young and successful entrepreneurs have already launched their startup projects, where a certain part of the business is occupied by goods from China. we wrote in one of our previous issues.

Dear readers of the business magazine, we will be grateful if you share your experience and comments on the topic of publication in the comments below. We wish you good luck and success in doing business with China!

Where can I order clothes from China from a supplier without intermediaries? How to buy wholesale goods from China for sale? What batches are better to buy goods from China from the manufacturer?

Wholesale purchases in China are ideal for implementing a universal trading business scheme: buy a large batch of goods at the lowest price, then sell at retail with a markup of several times.

In the case of Chinese goods, the margin reaches record levels - 300-1000%, and sometimes even more. Excellent conditions for promotion of business of any scale.

Denis Kuderin is in touch, an expert of the HeatherBober portal on financial topics. I will tell you how to buy wholesale goods from China, which delivery method is the most profitable and which is the most reliable, and where to order bulk lots in order to get a quality product without problems and on time.

1. Goods from China in bulk - a good way to make money or an unjustified risk

The trade in Chinese goods has already made thousands of people millionaires. Information Technology simplified the business to the limit. Now, in order to purchase goods, it is not necessary to go to China for wholesale markets risking health, money, wasting time, effort and resources.

It is not even necessary to leave the apartment: access to all trading operations is provided by a worldwide network. Through the Internet, we find a supplier, purchase, arrange delivery, sell goods in an online store.

You only need a warehouse for the goods - no organization costs commercial premises, no salaries to sellers. Overhead costs are minimal and net profit reaches enormous levels. Provided, of course, that you have found hot commodity and well organized marketing.

There is a risk of burnout in any business related to finances. Even a bank deposit does not guarantee 100% safety of funds, and what can we say about such a changeable field of activity as trade. And yet this business is less risky than, say, manufacturing, launching a startup, opening a cafe or a pancake shop.

The product, even if it turned out to be slow-moving, can still be sold at a lower price. If you can’t make money, then at least you’ll be able to recoup the costs.

Advantages of wholesale and retail trade in Chinese goods:

  • affordable price- not a single domestic manufacturer will sell you a product at a price 10-20-30 times cheaper than retail;
  • acceptable quality- goods labeled "Made in China" are no longer the same as they were 15-20 years ago: manufacturers began to pay more attention to functionality, durability and aesthetics;
  • convenient geographic location of China– due to the common border, delivery is relatively fast and inexpensive;
  • Huge selection of product categories- everything is produced in the Middle Kingdom: from toothpicks to the most complex electronics;
  • opportunity to conclude a contract directly with the manufacturer– and conclude an exclusive contract up to the production of labels and packaging with your company logo.

Almost daily, new online stores or landing pages (landing pages) selling goods from China appear on the network. The owners of such resources earn good money on intermediary services, spending only on bulk purchases.

Success depends on skillful marketing, competent promotion of the site and the ability to beautifully present the goods.

An example of a site offering a full range of trade services with China

The concept of "wholesale" is different for each manufacturer, while the prices depend on the type of product, delivery method and other objective factors. On small wholesale sites like Alibaba wholesale usually starts from 10 pieces- certainly not for such goods that cost a cent for a hundred units.

It happens that newcomers get confused in terms and call “wholesale” the purchase of many types of goods for a decent amount. But wholesale is when one type of product is purchased in large quantities!

2. How to buy wholesale goods from China - a step-by-step guide for beginners

The general scheme of business is extremely simple - search for suppliers, purchase, delivery, sale in Russia or in the CIS countries. But each stage has the most important features and nuances that you should know about in advance.

For example: the well-known site " Aliexpress"Although perfectly adapted to the Russian-speaking audience, it is not intended for bulk purchases. Yes, the goods here are sold cheaply, but not enough to make money on their resale.

A step-by-step guide will save you from such misconceptions.

Step 1. We are looking for suppliers

You should immediately decide with whom you want to deal - with intermediaries or manufacturers. There are pros and cons to both of those.

Intermediaries will help with delivery, provide documents and provide a lot of small useful services. But their prices are higher than those of the manufacturers. So if you are counting on a large wholesale and high margins on sale, look for contacts with manufacturers.

The Internet greatly facilitates the process of their search and further negotiations. But there are literally millions of Chinese suppliers. How to choose a reliable and profitable?

Selection criteria are universal:

  • company life span: 5 years of stable work is a minimum;
  • reliability rating– not only on the site itself, but also on other thematic resources;
  • check the supplier's website- and pay attention to the lifetime of the domain;
  • check contacts- if the site has only a city, but no real address, this is a reason for suspicion;
  • check the supplier in the lists of scammers- and study all the mentions of the company on the network (not only in Runet);
  • get in touch with the company- the more willingly the supplier makes contact, the more likely it is that you have an honest company in front of you.

If you want a long-term and profitable relationship, work only on a preliminary agreement. In general, the more official documents the supplier provides you with, the better. Ideally, it would be good to find a translator from Chinese and find out information about the company on Chinese websites.

Step 2. Decide on the delivery method

At the supplier site, pay attention to conventions in the "price" section. Abbreviation EXW means that shipping is entirely the responsibility of the buyer. He will have to pick up the goods from the enterprise himself and deliver them to a warehouse in the Russian Federation or another country.

Designation FOB means that the price includes delivery to Shanghai (or other major city) and paperwork. Further transportation is in the competence of the purchaser.

Important point! Make sure the seller has a license to export the goods. Without this document, it is impossible to export goods from China in large quantities - they can be detained at customs.

The fastest and most expensive way is by air. It is used to transport really large wholesale or deliver fragile goods that are impossible or difficult to deliver in any other way. The most optimal and inexpensive option is road delivery. There is also sea shipping and rail.

In Russia, there are many companies professionally engaged in the delivery of goods from China.

These firms are responsible for:

  • checking the cargo at the manufacturer's warehouse;
  • delivery to the border, customs clearance;
  • transportation to Moscow and delivery to another city.

Services transport companies cost money, but you do not think about logistics and other difficulties.

Please note that tax excises and duties on the import of goods from the PRC into the Russian Federation are assigned by the Russian side. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the customs rules in advance.

Step 3. Order a trial batch

It is not worth buying goods immediately in containers, even if you have money for it. To start order a trial batch and try to implement it with the maximum margin.

When the product arrives, you need to carefully inspect it for quality and equipment. The first batch is extremely important in terms of establishing further trade relations. If you find a marriage, insist on an immediate replacement with serviceable copies.

To understand the principles and laws of trade in Chinese goods, I recommend visiting the free one.

It is led by a recognized expert in the field. Evgeny Guryev. Here you will learn how to start, how to sell, how to choose suppliers and how to find original idea for business.

3. Where to order goods from China in bulk

There are many sites on the Internet for bulk purchases of Chinese products, but these two resources will be enough to get started - and These portals really have the richest selection of product categories and suppliers.

Website 1688 good because it was originally intended for the domestic market of China, so the prices there are as low as possible. You will have to use an online translator to find the right product and interact with the seller. But on the other hand, among the suppliers there are mostly real plants and factories.

A video instruction will help you to break through with this resource:

Alibaba- the most famous platform with a Russian-language version, quick search and convenient functionality. There are also many wholesale firms, factories and manufacturers. Contact any manufacturer directly and negotiate on terms that are beneficial to both parties.

Compare sites:

Expert advice will help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Remember and put into practice.

Tip 1. Work with trusted sellers

Since you won’t be able to meet these people in person, you will have to connect third-party resources. Focus on the trust rating that most Chinese sellers have. For work, choose partners not below golden level and with at least 5 years experience.

Any correspondence with the seller on behalf of your company and using the company's main email is considered official.

Correspondence will trackSupplier's IP address and find out if the person who communicates with you is actually in China. If not, it is either an intermediary or a scammer. It is also important that all letters come from the same address.

If you count on long-term relationships and buy in bulk, it may be worth arranging a personal visit to the factory and signing the contract offline.

Surprisingly, many aspiring businessmen order rather large quantities of goods only on the basis of images and descriptions of the characteristics on the site. If you want to get high-quality products - order trial samples.

Tip 4. Do not order large quantities of goods at once

Don't risk it - order a small batch first. If the products cannot be sold quickly and profitably, change the supplier or store profile.

And do not buy second-rate and low-quality goods, even for a penny, if you do not want packages with a toxic smell to gather dust in a warehouse or garage for months.

Tip 5. Attend specialized workshops

The network is full of specialized training services, but the vast majority are just money hunters of gullible users. To save money and time, I recommend immediately contacting a trusted and reliable person and signing up for a master class by Evgeny Guryev.

Evgeny Guryev is engaged vocational training trade with China for several years already - during this time, hundreds of people have successfully started their own business, applying the knowledge gained, and no less successfully promoted the business.

If you want to join them, sign up now.

5. Conclusion

Now you know how to buy and deliver goods from China in bulk. The choice of suppliers in China is almost limitless, but only the purchase of quality goods at the best price guarantees the success and stability of your business.

Question for readers

In your opinion, which Chinese goods are the most promising for resale in the Russian Federation?

We wish you successful sales and reliable suppliers. We will be grateful for your comments and feedback. Do not forget to share the link to the article with your friends on VKontakte and other social networks. See you soon!