Igor Sechin income. Rosneft disclosed Sechin's income estimate before the publication of the Forbes rating

And what do you think? That's right, he doesn't know how much they get, but this data on their salaries is in the public domain, anyone can see it. But Putin, when he was asked a direct question about the salaries of Sechin and Miller, if anyone does not know, then this can be said to be the country's main billionaires working in Gazprom and Rosneft.

That is, oil and gas, everything is simple, the main resources of the country, which are produced by Russia. Who dared to ask Putin a direct question about the salaries of Sechin and Miller? A simple journalist from a simple newspaper, she sat on the last row in the studio during a live broadcast.

It's clear that the girl who walks around with a microphone and gives you the opportunity to ask a question will not go to the last row, too far, and often they come there just to record the broadcast and answer Putin's questions.

But the girl apparently really wanted to ask a question, since she got up and went, personally took the microphone and asked Putin a direct question about the salaries of Sechin and Miller. If you expect Putin to know how much they earn, then I hasten to upset you, Putin himself does not know how much, but the journalist knows, and she herself told Putin their salaries.

He already turned pale and said that he would definitely figure it out, but something has not changed to this day, but one can only hope and believe that he will do something with it, because how much they receive per day is unthinkable, and their money is quite could be divided into the whole of Russia.

Journalist: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich, I will immediately have a question for you about your employees, because I understand correctly that the president is the most important in the country and knows what is happening in the country?

Putin: “Hello, yes, of course, you know, even though I’m alone, I try to be the first to know everything and be in the know. And if something happens in the country, then I instantly fly there and resolve issues, that was Your question?"

Journalist: "No, Vladimir Vladimirovich, of course I know that you know how to speak your teeth, but listen to me, I will ask you directly, do you know what salaries Sechin and Miller receive, managers of Rosneft and Gazprom?"

Putin: "I don't even know mine, but we ask about such people, they seem to be on their own, and I don't control them."

Journalist: “But in vain. After all, they receive an average of 5 million rubles a day. Yes, a day, you heard right, and forgive me for being rude, you don’t need to make such a surprised face. Do you have any idea how much they could do in total useful for our country if they invested our own money, because we pay for gas and pay for gasoline in order to drive a car, and they withdraw this money abroad and also ask you for money for their projects, and I won’t be surprised if you give them them."

Putin: "It's hard to believe in this information, but I will definitely check it and do something about it. You are the first to know something about this, thank you very much for your question."

And yes, as you understand, nothing more was heard after such a direct question about the salaries of Sechin and Miller, of course, it is very surprising that Putin does not know their salaries and does not control these oligarchs in any way.

So, Putin does not know about such simple things, and what will we do if he does not know about more serious things? This question can be considered a very serious one lately.

If someone does not believe that such salaries exist at all in nature, then yes, they do, and they receive all this money from us, people who use gas to warm up borscht, use gasoline to drive a car, and by the way gasoline cleans dirt of various kinds well. But all this money goes personally into their pocket, as I hope you understand, on the issue of this girl.

Thanks to her for the interesting question, and we heard what Putin thinks about the salaries of Sechin and Miller.

In February, state-owned companies traditionally publish statements for the final quarter of last year, which contain information about the earnings of the management. At the end of 2016, the total amount of payments to the Gazprom Management Board decreased by 9.4% - for the first time since 2012. Rosneft reduced the salaries of board members by 16%, although the total amount of payments remained almost unchanged due to bonuses.

What is officially known

Using the example of five state-owned companies from different industries, one can see how payments have changed.

The total annual income consists of wages, bonuses, commissions, remuneration for participation in the work of the governing body and other types of remuneration. In Gazprom, most of the income is wages (1.2 billion rubles in 2016), in Sberbank, Rosneft and Russian Railways - bonuses (2.9 billion rubles, 2 billion rubles and 1.6 billion rubles. respectively). Aeroflot does not disclose details. At the same time, the average annual income of a board member exceeds the average annual earnings of an ordinary employee by 50-300 times.

The exact amounts of earnings of executives are usually not disclosed. In May 2015, Rosneft published the "Standard on payments and compensations to top managers", for the first time revealing the mechanism for calculating salaries and bonuses to its management. It follows from the document that the salary of the president of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, is 15-20 million rubles. per month, that is, up to 240 million rubles. in year. The rest of the top managers receive from 10-50% of the president's salary. In addition, the president is entitled to an annual bonus of 150% of the salary and other payments.

What is the unofficial data

Since 2012 ranking of the 25 most expensive top managers published annually by Forbes. The highest positions in it are traditionally occupied by the heads of state-owned companies (Gazprom, Rosneft, VTB).

How Much Do Other Senior Executives Earn?

Top managers salaries quite comparable to the income of some federal officials. The annual income of the richest member of the government - Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov - in 2015 amounted to 455.6 million rubles. Deputy Prime Minister and presidential envoy of the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev earned 153.8 million rubles, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov - 144.7 million rubles.

According to a study by Equilar, the average annual earnings of top managers 100 largest companies USA at the end of 2015, it reached $14.5 million (883 million rubles in terms of the average annual dollar exchange rate in 2015).

Most high-profile scandals around the earnings of top managers

In 2014, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin filed a lawsuit against Forbes magazine, which estimated his income in 2012 at $50 million. The Savelovsky Court of Moscow sided with Mr. Sechin, obliging the magazine to refute this information as untrue.

In August 2014, the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin in his blog stated that he was not obliged to publish information about his income, noting that, as the head of a state-owned company, he submits “data on his income to tax office and to the government." He added that the publication "carries a certain threat" to his family members. In January 2015, the head of Russian Railways said that he agreed to obey the relevant government order. Later, he reported that his salary was 4 million rubles. per month. His successor Oleg Belozerov has officially disclosed the annual income.

In November 2016, the Prosecutor General's Office stated that the bonus of the head of the Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov, at the end of 2014 (95.4 million rubles) was accrued illegally and should have amounted to no more than 3.2 million rubles. Materials were sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the initiation of a case on abuse of power. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications spoke in defense of Mr. Strashnov, stating that the remuneration was reasonable. According to the press service of the Russian Post, from the beginning of 2016 to the present, the salary of Dmitry Strashnov is 307 thousand rubles per month without surcharge for access to information constituting the state. secret (50% of the monthly salary), as well as payment for business trips and vacation days. Annual bonuses for 2015 and 2016 were not paid.

In 2016, the annual publication of the salary rating Forbes top managers came out without indicating the amount of remuneration of VTB President Andrey Kostin. This was due to the fact that "prior to the publication of the material, the VTB Group did not provide data on key management employees who are allocated the total remuneration." As the Vedomosti newspaper wrote, journalists suspected the owner of the issuer Russian version magazine of the ACMG group Alexander Fedotov in his interference in editorial policy. In January, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Nikolai Uskov, called the refusal to publish the salary of the head of VTB "his personal decision."

How do experts explain the decline in income

Igor Polyakov, Leading Expert of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASF): “This may be due to the desire to maintain a certain competitiveness, because the salary fund for top managers hangs a significant burden on the company's expenses. Second, and this is due to the international, not internal activities- after a decision is made to reduce production quotas, companies may predict a decrease or stabilization of some revenues. Thirdly, the analysis shows a high level of stratification in terms of wages in companies with state participation. Last year, the State Duma even raised the issue of limiting salaries and severance pay, the so-called "golden parachutes."

Vladislav Zhukovsky, economist, member of the Presidium of the Stolypin Club:“The first and most important thing you need to know about the salaries of top managers of state-owned companies: fairy tales that they are forced to pay record salaries and bonuses, which amount to billions of rubles annually, allegedly so that they do not go into the private sector, foreign companies. This point of view is in some way a manipulation of public opinion. Nobody needs officials who have become state managers abroad - there was not a single precedent. Secondly, you need to understand that in our country the salaries, salaries and bonuses of top managers are not tied to the efficiency of labor productivity in the company. For instance, net profit Gazprom has fallen significantly, revenue is declining, but at the same time, board members still receive record amounts. A formal slight decrease in wages due to the fact that it has become very difficult with money in the economy and public opinion is pressing, so we decided to put some good face on a bad game, let off steam and defuse the situation.

Mikhail Zhukov, general manager headhunter: “Top managers are definitely not in danger, because, taking into account bonus payments, vacation pay and travel allowance, their income has definitely not fallen. How will it be in next year, it's hard to say, but at least this year the reduction in salaries will not affect their total income. It is quite possible that such actions by company management are a purely demonstrative decision, a reaction to press reports about the income levels of top managers, which clearly irritated the Russian population, which receives much less.

Olga Dorokhina, Evgeny Kozichev, Mikhail Malaev, Olga Shkurenko

Forbes magazine included the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, in the annual ranking of the highest paid top managers in Russia, estimating his annual income at $13 million. This was stated in an interview with the Business FM radio station by the press secretary and vice president oil company Mikhail Leontiev even before the release of the issue with this rating.

“Here, by the way, a request was received from another group. Forbes magazine is preparing the next rating of awarding the CEOs of the largest Russian companies. Once we won a trial against this magazine... The peculiarity of these ratings is that, since for many positions there is no public information - for well-known reasons, this is done on the basis of some own methodology. At first, this technique gave our leader 50 million, which was refuted by the court, then it became 17.5 million, now they are offering 13 million,” Leontiev said.

RBC reports that Nikolai Mazurin, editor-in-chief of the united editorial office of Forbes, declined to comment.

Rosneft recalled the promise of the new owner of Forbes "not to enter political territory"

It also follows from Leontiev's words that the magazine once again received no comments on this rating from the company. “In fact, it is impossible to give any official answer to this nonsense, if people are sick, you need to see a doctor. I just remind you that the current owner of Forbes just kind of said that they would not deal with cheap sensations, politicization, and so on, that their interested in the niche of a solid, respectable magazine about people, about life. But no! The disease is obviously contagious, transmitted in some way. Hands reach for the pen, pen for paper, and now the verses flowed freely ... we cannot no comment."

This refers to the statement of the new owner of the Russian Forbes, Alexander Fedotov, who in October 2015 in an interview with RBC said: “Russia is too politicized. We will try to write about what is interesting to our readers. I am sure that they are interested in politics to a lesser extent ... We'll just try not to get into political territory."

Fedotov clarified that, for example, he considers stories about high salaries of officials “optional” for the magazine: “In Forbes, it’s more interesting to read stories about how to achieve success, about the careers of people you want to follow. The salary rating of officials there, probably, can be, but this is of no interest to real Forbes readers."

Fedotov then promised to "find a compromise" with Elmar Murtazaev, editor-in-chief of the Russian Forbes, and develop a new, less politicized concept for the magazine.

In 2014, Sechin won a lawsuit against Forbes and its publisher ZAO Axel Springer Russia. Sechin demanded, in particular, to refute the estimate of his annual income of $50 million in 2012. In 2014, due to the ongoing lawsuit, Forbes did not include Sechin in the rating. In the ranking, released in 2015, his income is estimated at 17.5 million dollars. Sechin came in third behind Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller ($27 million) and VTB CEO Andrei Kostin ($21 million).

Sechin's total income in Rosneft for 2015 amounted to 612 million rubles

In 2015, Rosneft approved the standards for paying remuneration to top managers. The published document reported that the salary of the head of the company is set at 15-20 million rubles a month, that is, the annual salary of Igor Sechin is in the range from 180 million to 240 million rubles. The actual amount is "much closer to the lower bound," Leontiev specified.

According to calculations made on the basis of the company's data by the Vedomosti newspaper, Sechin received 15.7 million rubles (240 thousand dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank on November 18) per month, or 188.4 million rubles (2.9 million dollars) per year . Based on these data, RBC calculated that the total income of Igor Sechin for 2015 (salary, bonus and additional payment for work on the board, excluding dividends) in the amount can be from 459 million to 612 million rubles.

This amount does not include dividends on Rosneft shares owned by the head of the oil company. According to the list of affiliated persons of the state-owned company, Sechin owns about 0.1273% of the shares of Rosneft (13.49 million units), he is one of the largest minority shareholders of the company.

In addition, this is not Sechin's only source of income. He chairs the board of directors of Inter RAO, in which Rosneftegaz owns a minority stake, in the joint research and development center RN-TSIR, the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center, 75% of which is owned by a consortium of Gazprombank and Rosneft, and on the board of the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (10.5% - from Rosneft), and is also a member of the board of directors of two Italian companies - oil refiner Saras (Rosneft has 21%) and tire manufacturer Pirelli (Rosneft) indirectly owns 13% of the shares). From the standard on payments and compensations, it followed that wherever the share of the oil company is below 50%, Sechin can receive remuneration.

Forbes began publishing ratings of Russia's highest paid top managers in 2012, in the December issue, which comes out in November. In the rating methodology, Forbes noted that the final assessment of top managers' remuneration takes into account short-term remuneration (salary, bonuses and other payments), long-term remuneration (share-based payments, share-based payments), remuneration received from participation in the boards of directors of subsidiaries, and also remuneration that is paid abroad. In most cases, Forbes explained, the valuation is calculated on the basis of the total compensation paid to key management companies in the previous year, the result is agreed with a number of experts in the field of senior management recruitment and other knowledgeable sources.

In addition, each representative of Rosneft receives a pleasant bonus at the end of the year - 140% of the monetary allowance for Last year. According to Forbes, Sechin rightfully owns the status of the highest paid manager. After that, the head of Rosneft filed a lawsuit in court, allegedly his income should not concern the media. Rosneft is not classified as a state-owned company that appeared on the basis of federal laws because Sechin owes nothing to anyone.

Sechin is an honest top manager

The whole world heard loudly about Sechin for the last time. His name was connected with the Ulyukaev scandal. We are talking about extorting a large bribe from Sechin - $ 2 million.

While the proceedings were going on, the media did not stop “digging” under the chairman of Rosneft. No one gives rest to his huge salary. In 2018, she surpassed even the earnings of the director of the world's largest oil refinery in China, PetroChina. Capitalization according to official data reached 307.21 billion dollars. The salary allowance of the Chinese head of the enterprise in China remains modest - in the range of 118,000 dollars.

Average salary in Russia in 2018

The latter is determined by the cost of a food basket and essential goods that are able to meet the minimum needs of a Russian.

In 2018, the minimum wage and the cost of living were equalized in values. Private employers have the right to set salaries for employees at their own discretion, which cannot be said about state employees. The latter have a fixed salary, often for Good work civil servants are given bonuses and allowances. Also, the minimum wage is indexed annually, based on the rate of inflation.

It is correct to consider salaries by industries in which employees are employed. Rosstat determined the following indicators of the average earnings of Russians for 2018:

  1. Those who are involved in the mining industry receive an income of 71,000 rubles every month.
  2. Fuel energy workers can boast of a salary of 81,000 rubles.
  3. According to the Committee of Statistics, Russians extract minerals for an average salary of 51,000 rubles.
  4. The transport sector employs workers who receive 43,000 rubles.
  5. Civil servants have 40,000 rubles. We are talking about top managers and heads of departments. Other subordinates don't get much, especially in the provinces. The closer the region is to the capital, the higher the salary.

Who gets the least

The list of those who are forced to survive on a meager salary looks like this:

  1. Doctors and teachers receive a maximum of 15,000 rubles, and even then with extensive experience. For example, a nurse is entitled to only 10,000 rubles a month.
  2. Despite the fact that workers in manufacturing, perform important work, craftsmen and technologists live on 16,000 rubles a month. Those who work in the pulp and paper sector receive 32,000 rubles.
  3. V Food Industry average earnings are 29,000 rubles.
  4. The production of furniture, joinery allows an employee to claim a salary in the amount of 22,000 rubles.
  5. Those employed in the production of clothing and footwear receive 21,000 rubles.