Showforum is a showcase artist of works. Decoration of shop windows and sales areas

Any retail space intended for the sale of a particular product must be properly decorated. Experts say that the level of the number of sales depends not only on the quality of the products sold and the breadth of the assortment, but also on the window dressing. This rule applicable to almost any retail space, including pharmacies.

Showcase decoration in a pharmacy- a set of procedures that requires a professional approach, because if medicines and drugs are placed beautifully and in a certain order, they will be guaranteed to attract the attention of customers, which will positively affect the turnover and profitability of the business. Issues of window dressing in pharmacies and the procedure for displaying prescription drugs are regulated by clauses 3.19 ... and 6.11. The industry standard "Rules for the dispensing (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic provisions" OST 91500.05.0007-2003, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 03/04/2003 N 80 (as amended on 04/18/2007).

Where to order window dressing in the trading floor of the pharmacy?

Correct window dressing in a pharmacy by groupsimportant point, taking into account which, it is possible to attract the attention of a potential buyer and direct it in the desired direction, creating conditions, to a certain extent, conducive to further purchase. This is a job for real professionals who take into account the main principles of window dressing in a pharmacy and will be able to provide guarantees of compliance with generally accepted standards and norms.

To order decoration of pharmacy showcases in Moscow and in the Moscow region with a guarantee of impeccable quality is possible in the company "RPK KVIK ART", which has been providing its services on the market for many years and pleases customers with a time-tested, reliable and affordable service. Among the indisputable advantages of the decision to contact our specialists, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Professionalism. Each employee of our company has extensive experience in this area and knows everything rules for window dressing in a pharmacy.
  • Quality. In the process of fulfilling an order, our representatives use only the highest quality materials from leading European manufacturers.
  • Efficiency. Thanks to integrated approach all work is carried out as soon as possible.
  • Variability. To choose from, we offer a huge variety of different advertising designs, thanks to which the Customer can choose the most suitable one.
  • Price. Our own production allows us to offer the most affordable prices for services of impeccable quality.

If you want to see the approximate result of the work, then on our website you can always familiarize yourself with photos of drugstore window dressing(projects that have been successfully completed for our clients).

Shop-window dressing rules in a pharmacy. Order

Representatives of the company "RPK KVIK ART" necessarily take into account the basic rules for window dressing in a pharmacy, which helps to attract a stream of new customers, as well as to form a positive image in the eyes of new and regular visitors.

Consider general rules window dressing in a pharmacy:

  • Visibility. The greatest effect is provided by the open display of forms that are dispensed without a prescription. In such a situation, the buyer will be able to examine the product and make the final decision on its purchase.
  • Rubrication. Window dressing in a pharmacy by groups (photo are listed on our website) is an excellent solution that allows a potential buyer to orientate himself in space. For each heading, it is necessary to select the correct wording, without complex terms.
  • Location of goods. You can significantly increase the degree of sales of goods from little-known manufacturers by placing them next to the best sellers.
  • Layout. Showcase decoration in a pharmacy most often it is carried out with an open form of display, which makes the most favorable impression on the buyer, who subconsciously understands that a particular drug is in great demand.
  • Quantity. In order to stimulate sales growth, you can go for the trick and put up for sale two variations of the same product. As practice shows, such a technique contributes to an average increase in sales by 15% (if you put out 3 packages - by 35%, 4 - by 60%).

Do not forget about the fullness of the showcase, since if it is empty, then such a "picture" will only cause negative emotions in the buyer.

Ordering window dressing in a pharmacy inexpensively in Moscow and the Moscow region from RPK KVIK ART is the only right decision that will create favorable conditions for buyers and increase business profitability.

Showcases of restaurants, coffee shops, cafes

It has long been not enough to save enough money to open a cafe and purchase equipment and furniture. Nowadays, potential customers can be interested not only in high-quality dishes and drinks, but also in the interior, window dressing, and illustrated menu. The era of visual marketing dictates basic requirements and principles. And this is not surprising, because from the beginning of mankind it is natural to express emotions and feelings through visual effects: images, drawings, frescoes, graffiti attract attention in the first place. Therefore, it is worth noting several important rules when decorating the windows of cafes, bars, restaurants:

Create custom illustrations. Image, picture is the best memorable tool

Seasonal and thematic decoration of the restaurant showcases, be sure to reinforce the presentation of the dish, drink. Create a story in the window and present it in the cafe hall.

The psychological mechanism: social proof. If you are unsure of what to do, see what others have done in a similar situation and adapt to your style.

Trust the work of professionals in their field, such as the RPK KVIK ART team.

Add neatly and unusually displayed goods to the showcase; today there are stands for every taste, or you can make it according to your individual design.

Use branded colors without disrupting the perception of your brand. The use of shades that are pleasing to the eye is allowed.

Don't forget about lighting, properly positioned light increases sales by up to 50%.

Feel free to add labels that are easy to read.

Use decorative elements that can be easily replaced.

Dummies should be used in the thematic decoration of restaurant windows.

Even the elementary window dressing with film should bring results. Better to overpay and make a three-dimensional image than just throw money away. Over the years of work in this direction, the KVIK ART team has completed hundreds of orders and continues to fulfill them right now. Contact our managers by phone + 7-495-136-98-55 or send your wishes to the mail and clients will not pass by! Your showcase will work for you!


Rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches from precious metals- all this requires a special approach! It is important that jewelry display is convenient for sellers and employees, and buyers can appreciate their beauty.

In RPK RPK KVIK ART there are no boundaries in window dressing, but huge experience has already been accumulated! Our team will be happy to help you design jewelry showcases in the best possible way for your store or salon!

Attractive appearance shop windows or retail outlet, makes the buyer pay attention to the offered range of products and visit the institution, with a desire to look after something or even buy. Since jewelry cannot be categorized as a must-have item, it is not surprising that jewelry stores are fighting a fierce battle for every customer. In most cases, a potential buyer chooses a place to buy jewelry according to a simple principle: “Where I liked it, I’ll buy it there!” Thus, in most cases, decoration of jewelry showcases plays a key role in taking business profits to the next level.

Jewelry shop window decoration: fundamental rules

In the process of decorating jewelry showcases, it is important to adhere to the unity of style. If the showcase is planned to demonstrate classic jewelry, then it is desirable that it also be made in the style of "classic" with a strict decor. In a situation with avant-garde jewelry, it is wise to use decorative elements and designs that lend lightness to flowing lines.

Well-thought-out lighting is an important point in the design. Thin light panels and small elements will look spectacular, since the showcase should not hide anything from the buyer, but emphasize the overflow of each stone and the shine of precious metals. Not infrequently decoration showcase jewelry carried out with the use of special illumination with frosted glass, which gives a special effect. When choosing lighting for window dressing, it is important to find “ the golden mean". If we talk about the general lighting and lighting of jewelry display cases, then it should be balanced. Uniform and somewhat subdued light in trading floor, will allow you to focus on the showcases themselves, on which the products are laid out.

Jewelry will look great in showcases decorated with decor made from natural materials (stone, flowers, etc.). When decorating a showcase, it is worth understanding that decorative elements should be in moderation so as not to distract the attention of a potential buyer from jewelry, for this very reason, such work as decoration and jewelry display should only be performed by true professionals.

Where to order window dressing jewelry store in Moscow?

Professional window dressing of jewelry stores with guarantees can always be ordered from RPK KVIK ART, which has been pleasing its customers for many years with the impeccable quality of the services provided.

Among the undeniable advantages of our organization:

  • Own production, which allows us to produce structures and shapes of any shape and size;
  • Use of high quality and safe materials;
  • A staff of professional designers who are ready to translate any of your ideas into reality;
  • Operational terms of order execution;
  • Affordable prices for services for the design of any shop windows due to the absence of intermediaries.

Check out our standard designs , which have already been developed and implemented by our specialists, maybe such options will suit you or send your design by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.... It is possible to manufacture an individual design project.

The showcase is the face of your store. It is important that by looking at the window of your clothing store, the visitor becomes your customer. Do you want people to buy from you? Make your storefront attractive! We at KVIK ART will help you to design the appearance of your store in the best possible way!

We can make window dressing according to your design or you can choose from the designs developed by us, the choice is yours!

In a kaleidoscope of clothing, footwear and accessories offers, RPK KVIK ART will help your store to stand out due to competent window dressing. Shop windows women's clothing will become bright, showcases with shoes will stand out from competitors, showcases of bags will not leave anyone indifferent, showcases of home textiles will force you to go inside the store to add comfort to your own home; showcases of wedding salons will beckon and cause a desire to urgently try on an outfit and, perhaps, once again play a wedding, and showcases of underwear will drive both halves of humanity crazy!

Believe me, we, the RPK Quick Art team, are able to exceed your expectations in matters of boutique window dressing and large stores! We have something to offer and surprise you!

Having planned the opening of a clothing store, you should pay attention to a large number of nuances. The most important role is assigned not only to the range of products and their quality, but also to the design of external and internal showcases in the store. Contemplating the window of a clothing store, passers-by should have a feeling of interest, a desire to visit the store, and this is already your potential buyer.

If window dressing of a clothing store executed unprofessionally, such a "picture" will surely scare away clients. But creating a stylish and catchy showcase, with the use of innovative technologies and modern solutions, You can be guaranteed to get effective tool, which will increase the turnover of the business. An aesthetically attractive and well-thought-out showcase of a clothing store acts as a kind of "motivator" and incentive for a person to visit a particular outlet. It is for this reason that the design of clothing showcases should be performed by real professionals who have rich experience in this field.

Where to order window dressing for a clothing store in Moscow and the Moscow region?

The visual perception of any person is arranged in such a way that the imprints of the impressive moments seen are stored in memory and periodically emerge from there, forcing us to experience amazing emotions again and again. That is why creative decoration of boutique windows is carried out in such a way as to arouse the maximum interest of a potential buyer in an aesthetically attractive display case.

You can order window dressing for clothing stores with a guarantee of impeccable quality in the RPK KVIK ART company, which is one of the leaders of the Moscow market in this area. Today, we offer for our clients:

  • Window dressing for women's clothing stores;
  • Window dressing for men's clothing stores;
  • Window dressing of a wedding salon;
  • Window decoration for shop windows in a lingerie store etc.

The experts of the company "RPK KVIK ART" will carry out design work using modern reliable materials of their own production. However, on initial stage, it is necessary to determine target group store, i.e. his potential buyers... Based on the analysis obtained, the approach to the implementation of various types of clothing will be different, because bag showcase decoration is carried out taking into account some decisions, and boutique showcase decoration- to others. Also, in the process of window dressing, such moments as:

  • The age of the visitor;
  • Visitor gender;
  • Visitor's social status;
  • Visitor's wealth, etc.

Key advantages of the decision to order window dressing for a women's store in the production company "KVIK ART"

The initial task of any shop window is to evoke an “emotional response” from the customer. At the sight of an attractive display case, a visitor to the store should have a desire to visit the store, regardless of whether he needs a particular item and how much money is available at the moment.

Ordering shop window decoration for women's clothing in our company, you get many benefits:

  • Professional approach. Our company employs experienced professionals who have implemented many different projects.
  • Great opportunities. Our production base allows us to produce almost any design options used in the process of window dressing.
  • Original design. If you want to design a shop window, but you do not have a ready-made concept, our design department will help you develop the most creative solutions.
  • Affordable price. Due to our own production and the use of quality materials from trusted manufacturing partners, we can offer you the most affordable prices. The price of registration depends on the materials used, the amount of work, the need to use light elements, etc.

During the implementation of the project, representatives of our company adhere to a certain concept. So, to decorate the window of a children's toys store, bright colors and plot design are most often used. In stores where it is sold certain kind clothes, it is necessary to focus on it, highlighting all the advantages of the products on the showcase.

One way or another, decorating a clothing store window is a set of procedures that is almost impossible to perform without proper experience at a high level. That is why contacting RPK KVIK ART is a guarantee of a professional approach to the implementation and implementation of the set task, which will allow your business to flourish and develop.

Do you want YOUR store to attract the eyes of customers? Do you want YOUR shoes to be bought? Then you need to think about the window dressing of your shoe store. Beautiful and bright signs, stickers, letters and much more - we at KVIK ART will help you decorate your shop window in the best possible way!

Any business has its own specific characteristics, and the sale of shoes is no exception. In the process of window dressing shoe store it is necessary to use multi-tiered shelves where the assortment will be placed, as well as various decorative elements that will attract new customers and force them to visit a particular institution.

If shoe store window dressing is carried out by experienced professionals who follow a number of certain rules and know all the intricacies of this issue, then passers-by are guaranteed to have maximum motivation to visit an attractive retail outlet.

Shoe display design: Key Features

It's no secret that the most selling showcase is the one that intrigues and engages the buyer, as well as allows for a visual assessment of the product. If the showcase is located in shopping mall or “goes out” to the pedestrian zone, the most effective solution will be a subject-product composition. However, it is worth creating such stories with caution, because if you just install mannequins and put shoes on them, not every passer-by will be able to guess that the store is selling shoes. Experts recommend focusing maximum attention on shoes. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Equip podiums and any constructions / pieces of furniture on the showcase. Despite the fact that this option will be minimalistic, visually such a showcase looks very elegant and stylish.
  2. Create many large abstract accents in the form of simple color spots or large images of objects (you can use the most interesting models from the available assortment). In such a case, the shoes will act as an attractive contrast.

In the process of decorating a shoe store window, it is recommended to use large prints, bright colors, fonts. An important point is a well-thought-out LED backlighting or dynamic lighting, which will create an appropriate atmosphere and focus on shoes.

Don't forget about the scenery in the background. Otherwise, the created composition will have a boring appearance and will hardly be remembered by a potential buyer. The selection of the background must be carried out in accordance with the created style of the showcase and general concept store. It is possible to use strict shades, as well as the use of various geometric shapes. It all depends on your wishes and the designer's imagination.

Where to order shoe store window decoration in Moscow?

A properly designed showcase of a shoe store is the key to sales success. There are many effective techniques for creating an attractive display case using flashy or understated decorations. To order showcase design "shoes" with a guarantee of an impeccable quality of work execution, it is possible at RPK KVIK ART, which always pleases its customers with a huge arsenal of effective solutions.

Turning to our company, you can count on complete immersion in the project and work "for a result", as well as truly affordable prices. We do not need intermediary services, we have our own high-tech production, which allows us to create designs and elements for window dressing in accordance with the wishes of the client.

In our work, we use the following solutions:

  • Photo printing, posters, posters.
  • Fabric constructions with and without illumination.
  • Film stained-glass windows.
  • Light panels, LED lighting.
  • Volumetric elements made of plastic, MDF, laminated chipboard, plexiglass, foam, etc.

You can get acquainted with the photos of standard showcases created by the specialists of the RPK KVIK ART company on our website. You can choose something from ready-made solutions or you can always place an order for the creation of an individual design, including according to your layout (for this, you need to send the design by mail This adress Email protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

One of the most original types outdoor advertising can rightfully be called the design of the window of a children's store. Little buyers like no one else react to the exhibition of goods. If the facade of a shopping establishment attracts the attention of a child, then with a high probability it can be argued that the purchase in this store will be made. But do not forget that the parents still have the last word. Therefore, the arrangement of goods behind glass and decor should be of interest to children and adults.

The design of a children's store window is an important moment, which is almost of key importance. The aesthetics and reputation of a particular institution depend on how correctly and attractively the showcase is designed. If the design of a children's showcase is done correctly, taking into account the established standards and norms, then such a business will be guaranteed to be successful, since the goods will always look attractive to potential buyers. In the process of decorating children's showcases, it is worth considering not only aesthetic appeal, but also functionality, as well as practicality of designs, so that they are not only beautiful, but also 100% safe for young and adult visitors to the store.

You can order the decoration of a children's store window from a proven market leader, in the RPK KVIK ART company, which pleases its customers quality service and affordable rates for many years. Our company carries full responsibility for the quality of manufactured structures, as well as work on their installation. In the process of work, employees adhere to all safety rules, which eliminates the risk of injury and accidents.

Window decoration of children's stores from the company "RPK KVIK ART" Showcase is a visiting card of any retail space, from a small pavilion to a large shopping center. That is why, the issue of design and decoration of shop windows should be given close attention. Among the indisputable advantages of the decision to order window dressing of children's stores in our company, the following points can be noted:

Professionalism. The staff of our company is a team of experienced specialists from different fields, from designers to light setting masters.

Materials. In the process of creating designs for showcases of children's stores, we use only time-tested materials from the world's leading manufacturers.

Design. The most effective solutions are selected depending on the tasks (window dressing of a toy store, children's clothing, etc.), as well as the wishes and requirements of the Customer.

Price. Despite the fact that cooperating with us, you get an impeccable quality of implementation of even the most complex projects, the price for decorating the windows of children's stores always remains as affordable as possible for each client. Thanks to own production and the use of high-tech equipment, we can offer our clients the most favorable prices bypassing intermediary services.

Deep knowledge of the engineering component, great opportunities for the use of non-standard design solutions with the use of innovative lighting technology, a guarantee of safety and cost-effectiveness of all created structures - only a small part of all the advantages of RPK KVIK ART. Get comprehensive consulting support Regarding the issues of window dressing, please contact the managers of our company by phone + 7-495-136-98-55.

How to make even a well-fed person get hungry? How to pay attention to edible goods? How to make the buyer leave satisfied, with purchases not only according to the list?

It is not enough for a product to just look attractive on its own. In the retail space, the buyer can miss something, forget about something. In order for the buyer to be guaranteed to go home with purchases, it is necessary to first attract and hold his attention as much as possible.

We, the RPK RPK KVIK ART team, have long and more than successfully been engaged in the design of various kinds of trade showcases, therefore, we will be very happy to help you decorate the showcases of products, ice cream, baked goods; fish, meat, dairy, confectionery, beer, vegetable, cheese, sausage, bread showcases.

We can create an exclusive composition for you or make something from the designs developed by us in your corporate style!

Our managers are glad to your calls by phone + 7-495-136-98-55 or letters to the mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If without a new household appliances, furniture or clothes, we can do quite well, then without food in any way. For this reason, grocery stores are the most in demand and popular among consumers. It is an effective and truly win-win option for conducting own business... However, it should be understood that the competition in this niche is quite high and the issue should be approached with all seriousness. Here, everyone should look for ways to attract buyers on their own. One of the most effective ways is to create advertisements, in particular - window dressing for grocery stores.

Regardless of whether you need fish showcase decoration or bakery showcase decoration, in this matter it is worth using the efforts of professionals who know about all the intricacies and existing "techniques" for sure. Shop window decoration for grocery stores must comply with existing standards and norms, in full accordance with the conceived concept.

Where to order grocery store window decoration in Moscow and throughout Russia?

Today there are many different sources that teach merchandising. If the largest retailers use certain tools to attract large flows of customers to a grocery store, then when it comes to local grocery chains and simple retail outlets, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated.

In search of reliable professionals, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the offer from the RPK KVIK ART company, which has been designing shop windows for many years and pleases its customers with impeccable quality and 100% reliability of the services provided. Huge production facilities and a staff of qualified employees allows us to work with grocery stores of any type. So, for our clients we offer:

  • Meat showcase decoration;
  • Milk showcase decoration;
  • Window dressing "fruits";
  • Beer showcase decoration;
  • Sausage showcase decoration etc.

Turning to the company "RPK KVIK ART", you make a choice in favor of high-tech production, almost limitless design possibilities and the most democratic prices. In the process of implementing each individual order, our specialists show only an individual approach, which allows us to create original solutions that are 100% consistent with your ideas.

Basic rules for the design of grocery displays

The design for window dressing is selected based on the basic concept of the store. Certainly the process showcase design fruits and vegetables, will differ significantly from confectionery shop window decoration... However, there are a number of standard rules which should be followed in the first place:

  • Attractiveness. As is the case with ordinary retail outlets, the windows of grocery stores must definitely evoke positive emotions. The showcase should be bright, attractive and inviting to take action from the buyer.
  • Products. Regardless of which showcase is made out, only the most best goods... At the same time, it should be remembered that the selected positions for placement on the showcase must be available to a wide range of consumers.
  • Height. Experts do not recommend the use of high-rise display cases. They should be located at a human height that is comfortable for viewing.
  • Lighting. It's always worth remembering about lighting. So, the showcase should be well lit regardless of the time of day.
  • Color. An ideal solution if the color scheme of the shop window matches the corporate colors of the store. Also, in the process of window dressing, you can additionally advertise the brand of the store.
  • Purity. The windows of any grocery store must be clean so that a potential buyer does not have any unpleasant associations.

Regardless of the complexity of the project, whether you need window dressing with cakes or design of refrigerated display cases for sausage and meat, representatives of RPK KVIK ART will be able to create and implement an original and exclusive project that will increase business awareness, attract a stream of new customers and increase income.

An original showcase is something that a passer-by will surely remember. Even if a person passed by a beautifully designed shop window, as practice shows, after a while, he will definitely return to the store he remembered!

There are many salons selling flowers and gifts, but thanks to the competent exclusive design of the window of a flower shop or a gift shop, you will be the only ones!

The PKK RPK KVIK ART team knows how to take into account many nuances when decorating a flower shop, and will help you choose your own unique style. We know how to make sure that thanks to the professional design you enjoy admiring your flower shop, your employees are pleased to work in it, and customers come back to you again and again!

We can offer you designs developed by us or embody your ideas!

The main task of a flower shop window is to attract the attention of passers-by. A showcase should be carefully thought out and aesthetically pleasing, forcing a person to involuntarily stop and look at floral displays. Despite all the beauty and attractiveness, according to experts, flower shop window decoration- This is one of the most difficult tasks in terms of creating the most effective solution. It is for this reason that it is at least unreasonable to perform such work relying on your own efforts, because the turnover of customers and, as a result, the profitability of the business depends on the quality of the window design.

Flower shop window decoration- work for experienced professionals who are well versed in the intricacies of such work, have the ability to produce elements for creating structures in their own production, and can also provide certain guarantees that the service provided is 100% high-quality and reliable.

Where to order flower shop window decoration in Moscow?

In the process of creating an original design for a flower shop, you should understand that the decor being created should in no case interrupt the beauty of flowers, but only subtly complement and emphasize it. In addition, flower showcases are one of the most dynamic ones, since a living plant does not always bloom, and cut flowers tend to wither quickly.

You can order a professional decoration of a flower shop window at RPK KVIK ART. Cooperation with our organization opens up many advantages for clients:

  • Experience. Our company is one of the market leaders. A team of qualified specialists is ready to implement projects of any complexity.
  • Production. Thanks to our own production, we can offer our clients a wide range of services, as well as the ability to create non-standard design solutions.
  • Materials. For creating necessary elements and structures, only the highest quality materials from the world's leading manufacturers are used.
  • Efficiency. We work for the result, therefore we offer the most convenient conditions for you, as well as guarantee that the project will be completed as soon as possible without compromising quality.
  • Price. We do not cooperate with intermediaries and we produce all elements for window dressing using own equipment... This moment allows you to set the most transparent and affordable prices for window dressing services.

To get acquainted with already completed projects will help photo of flower shop window decoration presented on our website. You can get answers to all questions related to the selection of materials and structures, creating a design project and calculating the cost by contacting the managers of our company by phone: + 7-495-136-98-55.

Basic rules for decorating shop windows of flower shops

In the process of window dressing, the specialists of our company use many modern and innovative solutions. Depending on the preferences and wishes of the Customer, an exclusive project is developed with the selection of certain structures and elements. However, when developing the concept of a flower showcase, there are a number of points that simply cannot be ignored:

  • When creating a design, it is possible to use both the corporate identity of the store and the thematic accessories, when compositions and the same varieties of flowers, packaging, similar decorative elements, etc. are made.
  • Experts advise against displaying the entire assortment on the showcase. As practice shows, buyers are attracted not by quantity, but by quality. It can be several original flower arrangements, decorated with decorative elements, presented under well-planned lighting.
  • A large role is given to containers for storing flowers, which can also be played in a non-standard and original way.
  • In order to attract maximum amount buyers, you can also place related products (souvenirs, postcards, Stuffed Toys, decorative baskets, etc.).
  • It is not uncommon for flower showcases to be decorated with mirror decor, which contributes to the visual expansion of the internal exhibition space.

When creating the design of a flower showcase, it is worth remembering that any flower arrangements must be kept fresh.

Contacting the company "RPK KVIK ART", you can also order gift shop window decoration... We work with projects of any complexity and volume!

The abundance of beauty salons and studios on the streets of the capital forces the owners to invest substantial sums in order to stand out from the crowd and be effectively remembered by potential clients. It goes without saying that this work should be done by professional designers and advertising specialists. Taking into account the legislation of the city of Moscow, each design must strictly comply with Resolution 902, and our team, the PKK KVIK ART, has learned it by heart!

We have 4 proven principles for decorating beauty salon windows:

  1. - attracting a stream of new visitors;
  2. - stand out brightly against the background of competitors;
  3. - formation of a positive image in the eyes of old and new visitors;
  4. - Convenient provision of information about services.

Only this way and nothing else! Competent placement of all 4 items on the showcase of a beauty salon will maximize the involvement of potential customers. Do not be afraid of bright colors, stylish looks, bright lighting or even light dynamics - IT ALL WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Our team has a number of advantages:

Reasonable cost, because it is important for us that we become your regular performer;

Prompt execution of orders, we really estimate the timing;

Only high quality materials from the best suppliers from Europe;

Free professional consulting;

The ability to translate your ideas;

Our own production allows us to offer you the lowest prices with the shortest production times with constant quality control at all stages!

We feel that you are ready to update or create new concept your showcase together with our team of KVIK ART specialists;)

Contact our specialists by phone. + 7495-136-98-55 or send a request by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The theater begins with a buffet, a restaurant - with a toilet, and a good shop with a "tasty" decorated showcase. The main task of a properly designed storefront is to attract new customers and convert them into regular ones.

Showcase branding is based on the principle viral advertising- I saw it myself, I told my neighbor. This is the principle that our company is guided by.

RPK KVIK ART has been specializing in branding, window dressing and retail space for shops, pharmacies and beauty salons for almost 10 years. Over the years, we have faced tasks of varying complexity. Each new task is a challenge, the implementation of the project is pride! We are glad that our clients do not limit themselves in their ideas and set a high standard for us.

For example, for the Fisher Price stand at children's store Vinnie on Kaluzhskaya, we designed a stand with a motorcycle, which, due to dynamic lighting, created the illusion of rotating wheels. By the way, any dynamics in the decorative or creative design of a shop window and retail space always attracts the attention of buyers! It can be in the form of changing lighting or moving decor elements. Catchy, Bright, Dynamically - three pillars in the formation of a memorable window display image.

Sometimes customers throw up such ideas that in order to implement them, one has not only to learn new things, but to find unique solutions, allowing to realize the most daring and daring ideas. To decorate one of the stores, we had to learn how to create giant flowers; for Laсoste boutiques, we made unusual three-dimensional multilayer crocodiles against the background of Matrixes (a free-standing or built-in structure into which a fabric cloth is inserted). This design can be one-sided, two-sided, illuminated or non-illuminated, and can be used as the main showcase with an image. On fabric, the layout is very bright, with rich colors. Convenience for the customer is important: in just 5 minutes, the shop assistants can easily replace the fabric and the background for the showcase will change. Uniqueness, Changeability, Ease of maintenance are the three most important criteria for the customer.

There are many design features for shop windows. The specialists of RPK KVIK ART will help you understand all the details, visualize the idea, tell you how to take into account the key points, contribute to a competent, optimal, using merchandising, design of the sales area. Choose a style, pick up materials - all this can be done by our team. Do you need an exclusive design? We are ready for much and even more!

Prices for window dressing with film

The exact cost of plotter cutting can be calculated only in the presence of a vector image, since the cost of work is calculated by the length of the cut of the image (measured in the CorelDrow program).

ServicePriceUnit measurements

Cutting film on a plotter

RUB 20

per running meter of cut length
Removal of flash (unnecessary film) RUB 20 per running meter of cut
Transfer of the finished sticker to the mounting film RUB 200 per sq.m. films
Mounting foil RUB 200 per sq.m. films
Self-adhesive film Oracal 641 white RUB 300 per sq.m. films
Self-adhesive film Oracal 641 color RUB 400 per sq.m. films

See how it works.

The level of store sales and the development of the entire business directly depend on how attractive the window is for potential buyers. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this issue quite seriously and contact professionals - qualified window designers.

Profession - window dressing

Not everyone can become a showcase designer (designer, decorator). To do this, you need not only to carefully study all kinds of techniques in art and have design skills, but also have a delicate artistic taste, color sensitivity, spatial thinking.

To work as a decorator-designer, a person must have a drawing technique, since work on any order, be it an outdoor showcase, an exhibition stand or a sales area, begins with sketches and sketches. You also need to know the most popular fonts. Even a novice designer should be able to do type work: make stencils, hand-write inscriptions on glass, textiles and other surfaces.

A shop window designer should be distinguished by out-of-the-box thinking, see beauty in simple things and bring it to the masses. At the same time, it is not necessary to come up with everything "from scratch" every time, a real professional should always have several blanks, templates that can be easily played in a new way.

A decorator should be a bit of a psychologist and know how to attract attention. To do this, he needs to go beyond the templates that are boring to everyone and demonstrate something new, original. It is especially important to successfully distinguish the shop window from the rest during the holidays, when the flows of potential buyers increase significantly.

A showcase designer must be able to work with light, use all the advantages of general and local lighting, their combinations for a particular group of goods, as well as be able to properly illuminate open, closed, closed-open showcases, it is appropriate to use artistic lighting elements.

Responsibilities of the shop window designer

A qualified graphic designer begins his work by creating a sketch and ends with a presentation of the finished showcase. In order not to miss important details, the designer himself is engaged in the development of the project, the manufacture of the layout, props, the selection of materials, and carries out the decoration work. Even if the whole team is working on the project, the decorator is in complete control of the whole process.

The staff designer not only develops the design, but also constantly monitors that the contents of the windows attract buyers, informs them in a timely manner about the arrival of a new collection, promotions, sales, regularly updates the composition (rearranges mannequins, changes accessories, decorations).

Showcase designer by vocation

Our decor studio Anastasia Danilova employs professional window designers whose hearts beat in the rhythm of the holiday. We constantly invent and create new and new masterpieces to amaze everyone around us with the flight of our imagination. With us you can implement any, even the most complex, solutions in the design of shops, boutiques, supermarkets, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants. We implement all types of design of external and internal showcases in a short time.


The shop window decorator is responsible for the decoration of the external and internal shop windows of shops, boutiques, shopping centers. Sales depend on his skill, so a decorator must know techniques for attracting attention, have an artistic taste, a sense of style and spatial thinking. To work as a decorator, you need to have the skill of drawing technique, know fonts and be able to perform type work - to write on glass, fabrics, make stencils, as well as develop designs, prepare layouts and select props.

Decorators' courses will be of interest to owners and employees of a decor studio, design bureau who want to expand their range of competencies by acquiring a new specialty. Training to be a shop window decorator will help you make the right choice for listeners who are interested in history visual arts and design, planning to professionally engage in decoration business. Courses are also suitable for those who already work in this specialty and wish to master new techniques.

This program is for you if you ...

  • Planning to learn the basics of visual merchandising to improve your work efficiency;
  • Are you going to work as a shop window decorator;
  • You are the owner shopping facility and want to learn how to professionally decorate shop windows;
  • Seek to expand your knowledge of customer engagement technologies.

The course is carried out in absentia using distance technologies and lasts 3 months (300 hours).

Goals and objectives of the course

Purpose of the course: vocational training for the profession "Window decorator". You will explore the history of fine art and design. Gain knowledge of drawing, painting and composition techniques, learn to process images using graphic editors. In practice, you will master the technique of type work. Through training in the design of outdoor showcases, you will learn the basics of visual merchandising (display of goods).

The program will give answers to questions

  • How to use computer technologies in decoration work?
  • How to design a window dressing?
  • How does knowledge of product display help in creating a showcase design?
  • What stylistic possibilities are used for the spectacular design of mannequins?
  • What type techniques are used in the design business?

Teaching methods

The study of each discipline includes acquaintance with the theory, reading electronic textbooks and lecture texts, participation in webinars. In system distance learning(SDO) Students complete assignments, take tests, communicate with teachers. You will get access to the LMS after enrollment. In the learning process, you can consult with teachers, communicate during webinars, on the forum or via Skype (if necessary). All questions related to the organization of training will be helped by the staff of the organization department educational process or administrator (curator).

You can learn more about the distance learning process in this section site.

Learning Outcome

  • You know the history of visual arts and design and are good at decorating;
  • You are proficient in the technique of font work and can work with graphic editors;
  • You can easily design window dressing and know how to increase sales with the correct display of goods;
  • You mastered modern technology styling mannequins to attract the attention of buyers.

Your prospects

As a result of studying on the online course, you will learn how to do art and design work, work in graphic editors. The knowledge gained in the field of visual merchandising, the ability to stylize fonts and be creative in the design of mannequins make you a sought-after specialist, as your work attracts buyers and increases sales.

Requirements for Listeners:

Adult citizens are admitted to vocational training programs.

For admission to citizens Russian Federation you must provide:

  1. Identity and citizenship document (passport).
  2. Statement.
Attention! Persons from 18 years old are accepted.

Check the list of documents for admission of foreign citizens with the staff of the Admissions Committee by phone or through the feedback form.

To work as a decorator, you need to have the skill of drawing technique, know fonts and be able to perform type work - to put inscriptions on glass, fabrics, make stencils. The decorator develops the design, prepares the layout, selects the props.

Courses are also suitable for those who already work as a decorator and wish to master new techniques.

Discounts and installments

Interest-free installments

You can get an interest-free installment plan (without the participation of a bank) for programs professional retraining... For more information on installments for a specific program, contact a specialist in the admissions office.

Get back 13% of the tuition fees

You can return 13% of the cost of training, being a taxpayer of the Russian Federation in the form of a social tax deduction, by contacting the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of permanent registration.

It is necessary to request documents for obtaining a tax deduction in the department for the organization of the educational process. Verification of documents after submission to the Federal Tax Service is carried out within three months. If the answer is yes, then a refund will be made.

Please note that the declaration and application are completed and submitted by the Listener on their own.

Tuition discounts

Corporate training

-3% for training in a group of 3 to 6 people
-5% for training in a group of 7 to 11 people
-7% for training in a group of 12 to 18 people
-10% for training in a group of 19 people or more

Social discounts

-3% to laureates and winners of the Teacher of the Year or Educator of the Year competition
-5% on retraining
-5% for parents with many children
-5% to persons exposed to radiation
-5% as a single mother, widow (widower) with a child under 18
-5% for pensioners, the poor, retired military personnel and other socially protected categories of citizens
-5% -30% when applying for several programs at the same time or sequentially

Loyalty program

-5% as a learner (trained) in partner organizations
-5% as applicants for 2 or more programs in parallel *, except for the direction of subject training of teachers

* Payment for 2 programs before the start of training. It is also possible to provide an individual coefficient of cost reduction at the request of the applicant. Reduction factors are not cumulative with each other.

All discounts are subject to a cost reduction factor.

Academic plan

2014-2020, ANO DPO "VGAPPSS"
The use, reproduction and distribution of this intellectual property object (curriculum and program descriptions) without the consent of the copyright holder is punishable by law

Curriculum of the vocational training program
working profession 11811 "Showcase decorator"

Training period: 3 months.

Practical training and testing

History of Fine Arts and Design

Drawing, painting and composition

Technique of type work in artistic design

Execution of decoration works

Image processing with graphic editors

Designing the decoration of outdoor showcases

The basics of visual merchandising in showcase. Display of goods on showcases

20 Rosobrnadzor). To do this, in the "INN" column, enter the INN - 3460061960 and click Search. No other information is required.

Term: unlimited

OGRN: 1163443053080

Series, form number: 34Л01 0001081

INN: 3460061960

Name of disciplines

Total labor intensity, in acad. hour.

The work of a student in the SDO, in acad. hour.

Forms of intermediate and final certification (DZ, Z)

We carry out professional window dressing in Moscow and undertake all stages of work: from sketching to installation and periodic renewal of advertising structures.

What do you get by contacting Active Design

  • A wide range of tools for window dressing (full-color images, UV printing on easily removable film, complex installations, pankarts, light panels and much more)
  • Professional design project for the decoration of the sales area with visualization
  • Dismantling of old elements and installation of new structures
  • Updating the design of trade showcases in Moscow according to a pre-agreed schedule
  • Professional logistics (delivery in Russia)
  • Help of a personal manager on any issues related to the project

Decoration of store zones from "Active Design"

We manufacture materials for each of the 5 main functional areas of the store.
  1. Outer zone. In the design of facades, parking lots, areas of approach to the building, structures are used from materials that are resistant to temperature extremes and precipitation. These are mainly composite, aluminum and full color UV printing.
  2. Entry group. This zone is the first to meet potential buyers and form an initial idea of ​​the outlet. The decoration of the showcases of the entrance group is carried out using various facade structures (for example, volumetric letters above the entrance) and POS materials: advertising stickers, plates with information about the operating hours, promotions and special offers, etc.
  3. Hall of sales. Everything advertising constructions here are intended to help the buyer find desired product in the shop window and keep the interest in the point of sale. The design of the store's sales area is carried out using mobiles (suspended rigid posters), navigation signs, pylons (volumetric racks), "anti-theft gates", posters, branded pennants, light panels, etc.
  4. Place of display. Whole line solutions helps to identify the product on the window and draw attention to its characteristics. For the decoration of the sales area, flags, stickers, pankarts (large stands with a bright image), light boxes, wobblers (small printed posters on a flexible leg, attached to the shelves near the goods) are used.
  5. Checkout area. This shopping area often houses small and inexpensive goods that are bought spontaneously, so they are surrounded by a design that stimulates "impulse demand". We produce mini-dispensers, wobblers, flyers and other elements that can be used to decorate shop windows both in large chain supermarkets and in retail outlets the old model, where showcases are geographically combined with cash registers.

We are working on the design of various types of shop windows

They are classified according to several criteria. We know how each of them can turn an ordinary passer-by into a buyer.

By location on the facade of the building

  • Showcase in the form of a single square. One of the most ambitious and, therefore, effective. Covers most of the building facade, when illuminated, it "works" at night.
  • Trade showcase divided into blocks. Its grid does not allow you to create an integral space, but due to design solutions, you can combine blocks and create a series of images and texts with a lot of different information.
  • Corner trade showcase. It covers two streams at once on different sides of the streets.

By percentage of closure

  • Open. Represent clear glass... The subject of the exhibition is the inner hall. This option increases sales by 10-15%, provided there is a decent interior.
  • Closed. They have a partition separating the display space from the hall. It is draped with fabric, covered with banners, depending on the design. This is a special world where some kind of action unfolds that is attractive to the buyer.

By type of design

  • Product showcases. They focus exclusively on the product, complementing the composition with mannequins, catwalks, price tags.
  • Subject. They focus not so much on individual positions as on original idea close target audience... Here still lifes, scenes from life, mood sketches are used.
  • Commodity plot. Combine the capabilities and advantages of both options.

We are ready to equip each showcase with internal elements

The product is the main character of any shop window. But without its faithful decor companion, it will not open up and show all its attractiveness. Without it, you will only get the usual display of products and nothing more. Therefore, we complement the decorative concept of the showcase image:

  • aesthetic mannequins;
  • furniture and textiles suitable in spirit;
  • a collection of stylish hanging modules;
  • premium artificial flowers and plants;
  • transparent balls, cubes;
  • colored hanging rings;
  • lighting design;
  • large format printing;
  • colored films.

And other elements depending on the chosen style and concept. We undertake the search or manufacture of each of them.

What rules do we follow when decorating shop windows

Showcase is a whole science, and over 20 years of work we have mastered it quite well. This is eloquently evidenced by such an indicator as penitentiation - the percentage of goods purchased from the showcases we have decorated. In short, we do this through a series of principles.

  1. We determine which target group our work is designed for.
  2. We highlight the main message to the buyer and convey it with the help of an artistic image.
  3. We associate it with corporate identity brand.
  4. We calculate the distance between the shop window and the pedestrian flow for optimal perception.
  5. We are implementing a "turnkey" project, and in the future we offer regular replacement of the composition - the showcase must change in order to work "one hundred percent".
If you want to ask a question about the timing and cost of window dressing, sales areas or entrance groups, please contact our manager by one of the phones listed in the "Contacts" section. You can also leave your phone number with a message in the online form on this page, and we will definitely answer you.