Professional module program, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. Professional module program, maintenance and repair of road transport Monitoring and evaluation of development results

4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program presupposes the availability of training


  • car devices;

  • technical measurements;

  • electrical equipment of cars;

  • maintenance and repair of vehicles;

  • locksmith workshop.
Equipment of the study room and workplaces of the "Car Devices" cabinet

  • a set of parts, tools, fixtures;

  • a set of technological documentation forms;

  • a set of educational and methodological documentation;

  • visual aids (on the device of cars).
Technical teaching aids: teacher's workstation

  • multimedia equipment (screen, projector, personal computer);

  • licensed professional software.
Equipment and workplaces in the locksmith workshop:

  • workplaces according to the number of students: locksmith workbenches with a lifting vice;

  • machines: desktop drilling, vertical drilling, milling, double-sided grinding, grinding, etc.;

  • vise locksmith parallel;

  • a set of locksmith tools;

  • a set of measuring tools;

  • anvil;

  • blanks for performing locksmith work;

  • album of posters "Plumbing and assembly work": Pokrovsky B.S.;

  • Posters "Methods of welding and surfacing".

Equipment of laboratories and workplaces of laboratories:

1. Technical measurements:

  • Laboratory stands: types of measurements, measuring transducers, ACS elements, transistors, transistor circuits of amplifiers and generators.
2. Electrical equipment of cars:

  • Jobs by the number of students;

  • Stands and mock-ups: power supply system, ignition and engine start system, instrumentation, lighting and light signaling system, additional equipment, general electrical equipment diagram.
3. Car maintenance and repair:

  • Jobs by the number of students;

  • Bath for draining oil from the crankcase, bath for draining oil from rear axle housings; mobile washing bath; growth stand; mounting table; defector's table; hydraulic jack; drilling machine; double-sided grinding machine; syringe for washing parts.

  • Hand measuring tool : devices and devices for disassembling and assembling the engine, for removing the installation of piston rings; valve grinding device, charger; equipment, instruments, fixtures for the repair of electrical equipment of vehicles.

  • Passenger car with a carburetor engine; automobile carburetor engine with attachments;

  • Kits: assembly units and assemblies of car engine systems (crank mechanism, gas distribution mechanism, etc.);

  • Vehicle electrical equipment ; a set of assembly units and parts for wheel brakes with hydraulic drive; assembly units and parts of wheel brakes with pneumatic drive; vehicle clutch assembly (various brands); car gearbox (various brands; transfer box; front axle, rear axle (various brands); assembly units and units of the car chassis; assembly units and steering units of the car.

The implementation of the module program implies mandatory work practice, which is recommended to be carried out in a concentrated manner.

Equipment and technological equipment of workplaces:

Workplace name


Tools, equipment, fixtures

Electrical shop

The stand on check of starters, generators, candles.

A set of wrenches, screwdrivers, control.

engine shop

Stands for engine disassembly, break-in stand.

A set of wrenches, heads, electric steel, pullers.


Injectors, syringe.

A set of wrenches, a syringe.


Inspection pit, jacks, tragus, pullers.

A set of wrenches, wrenches, electric steel, gantry crane.

Aggregate shop

Electrical equipment, power supply system, transmission, stands.

A set of wrenches, socket heads, screwdrivers.

Tire fitting

Compressor, vulcanizers, stand for dismantling and inflation of wheels.

Raw rubber, sandpaper, emery, wrench, mounting blades.

Mednitsky workshop

The stand on check of tightness of radiators.

Soldering tool.

blacksmith shop

Stand for the restoration of springs.

Press, forge, tempering bath

4.2. Information support of training.

List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature.

  1. Rodichev, V. A. Device and maintenance of trucks [Text] / V. A. Rodichev. - 8th ed., trans. - M. : Academy, 2011. - 256 p.

  2. Selifonov V.V. "Design and Maintenance of cars" [Text]: a textbook for primary vocational education. / V.V. Selifonov, M.K. Beryukov, - 5th ed., Sr. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011 .-400s.

  3. Zaitsev, S.A. Tolerances and landings and technical measurements in mechanical engineering [Text]: textbook. allowance / S. A. Zaitsev, A. D. Kuranov, A. N. Tolstov. - M. : Academy, 2007. - 64 p.

  4. Lamaka, F.I. Laboratory and practical work on the construction of trucks [Text]: textbook. allowance for the beginning prof. education / F. I. Lamak. – 5th ed. M. : Academy, 2009. - 224 p.

  5. Pokrovsky, B. S. Plumbing [Text]: textbook. allowance for the beginning prof. Education / B. S. Pokrovsky. - M. : Academy, 2009. - 320 p.

  6. Rodichev, V. A. Trucks [Text]: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / V. A. Rodichev. - M. : Academy, 2009. - 240 p.

  7. Vereina, L. I. Technical mechanics [Text]: textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / L. I. Vereina, M. M. Krasnov. - M. : Academy, 2007. - 288 p.

  8. Finogenova T.G. Operation, maintenance and repair of a car: Control materials: a textbook for primary vocational education / T.G. Finogenova, V.P. Mitroshin.-M.: Academy Publishing Center, 2010.-80s.

Internet resources:

  1. Internet version of the magazine "Behind the wheel" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

  2. Automanuals [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen

  3. Repair, maintenance, operation of automobiles [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen

  4. Internet journal [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen

  5. Library of the motorist [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

The development of the module program is based on the study of general professional disciplines: labor protection, materials science, electrical engineering.

A prerequisite for admission to industrial practice within the framework of the professional module "Maintenance and repair of vehicles" is the development of training practice to obtain primary professional skills within the framework of this professional module. Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of training students.

The conditions for conducting classes are: compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, equipment with library and information resources and material and technical equipment in accordance with licensing requirements.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualification of pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in interdisciplinary courses: the presence of secondary vocational education according to OKSO 2010, specialty code: 051001, name of specialty: vocational training (by industry) or higher professional education according to OKSO 2010. , specialty code: 051000, name of specialty: vocational training (by industry), corresponding to the profile of the taught module and profession NPO 190631.01 Auto mechanic.

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice:

graduates - teachers of the disciplines "Plumbing", "Technical Mechanics", "Automobile Device", "Maintenance and Repair of Automobiles", "Labor Protection".

Masters of industrial training: the presence of 4–5 qualification categories with mandatory internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory.

5. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)


(mastered professional competencies)

Diagnose the car, its units and systems.

- Justified choice of diagnostic equipment;
- understanding the purpose of diagnostic equipment and diagnostic methods;

Ability to diagnose a car, its units and systems;

Summing up the results of the diagnosis, depending on the results obtained;

- observance of safe working methods during diagnostic measures.

- analysis of test results;

Analysis of the results of the verification work;

Expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in practical, laboratory classes, educational practice;

Expert assessment of the defense of practical work;

Expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in educational and industrial practice.

Perform various types of maintenance work.

- Compliance with safe work practices during maintenance;

Correct execution of scheduled preventive maintenance and repair of vehicles;

- demonstration of skills in carrying out various types of maintenance;

Mastering the list of routine maintenance work.

-analysis of the results of the test on the topic;

Expert evaluation of the results of practical work;

Disassemble, assemble vehicle components and assemblies and troubleshoot.

- The correctness of the disassembly-assembly operations of units and components of the car;

Performing adjustments to the mechanisms and systems of the vehicle;

Demonstration of driving skills;

Ability to determine methods and means of repair;

- demonstration of skills in the use and application of a specialized tool;

Ability to determine the performance of parts and assembly units based on the results of troubleshooting.

expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in practical, laboratory classes, educational and industrial practice;

Expert evaluation of the results of the defense of practical works;

Expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in educational and industrial practice;

Analysis of test results;

Expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in educational and industrial practice;

Prepare maintenance documentation.

- The correct choice of a set of accounting and reporting documentation for the maintenance and repair of the car, its units and systems;

Preparation of documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements.

- expert evaluation of the results of the defense of practical works.

Analysis of the results of the control work.

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

- the presence of positive feedback from the master of industrial training, the employer;

Demonstration of interest in the future profession

Activity, initiative in the process of mastering professional activities.

- monitoring and evaluation of the performance of laboratory, practical, qualifying work during educational and industrial practice;

Analysis of the results of career guidance testing;

Organize your own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the leader.

- The right choice and application of methods for solving professional problems in the field of car maintenance and repair;

Competent compilation of the sequence of laboratory and practical work;

Demonstration of the correct sequence of actions during the performance of laboratory, practical work, assignments for educational, industrial practice.

- Observation and expert evaluation of the sequence of work in accordance with the assignment;

Expert assessment of the implementation of laboratory and practical work;

Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of laboratory, practical, qualifying work during educational and industrial practice.

Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, evaluate and correct their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

- Solving standard professional tasks in the field of own activities for the maintenance and repair of vehicles;

Self-analysis and correction of the results of their own work.

- Observation and evaluation of the performance of laboratory, practical, qualifying work during educational and industrial practice;

Expert assessment in educational and industrial practice.

Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

- Effective search for the necessary information;

Possession of modern methods of information search.

Expert evaluation of information search results;

Analysis of the use of library resources, the Internet.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

- Demonstration of skills in the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities;
- work with various application programs.

- Expert assessment of the performance of work in practical classes;

Analysis of the results of the implementation of practical tasks using information technology.

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, customers.

- The effectiveness of interaction with students, teachers and masters of p / o in the course of training.

- Expert observation and evaluation of the performance of work in practical and laboratory classes during educational and production practices.

Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

- Demonstration of readiness to perform military duties.

- Analysis of the results of possession of practical skills.

* Section of the professional module is a part of the program of the professional module, which is characterized by logical completeness and is aimed at mastering one or more professional competencies. A section of a professional module may consist of an interdisciplinary course or part of it and the corresponding parts of educational and industrial practices. The name of a section of a professional module should begin with a verbal noun and reflect the totality of competencies, skills and knowledge being mastered.





The work program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession of secondary vocational education 23.01.08 Construction machinery repairman
Organization-developer: Magadan Regional State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution "Magadan Industrial College".

Andrey Sushchik, director



2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE


3. STRUCTURE and content of the professional module


4. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program


5. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity )


1. passport of the working PROGRAM



1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the professional module (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is part of the training program for qualified workers serving in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the profession activities (VPD): Maintenance and repair of systems, components, assemblies of construction machines and related professional competencies (PC):

  1. Inspect the technical condition of systems, units and components of construction machines.

  2. Dismantle systems, units and components of construction machines and perform a set of works to eliminate faults.

  3. Assemble, adjust and test systems, assemblies and components of construction machines.
1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

  • technical inspection, dismantling, assembly and adjustment of systems, units and components of construction machines, performance of a set of works to eliminate faults;
be able to:

  • perform the main operations of technical inspection, dismantling, assembly and adjustment of systems, units and components of construction machines;

  • arrangement of road-building machines, tractors, trailers, purpose and interaction of the main components and parts;

  • methods for detecting and troubleshooting;

  • technological sequence of technical inspection, dismantling, assembly and adjustment of systems, units and components of construction machines;

  • safety measures during work.

1.3. Number of hours to master the professional module program:

total - 879 hours, including:

the maximum study load of a student is 183 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student - 122 hours;

student's independent work – 61 hours;

educational and industrial practice - 696 hours.

"PROFESSIONAL MODULE PROGRAM Maintenance and repair of vehicles Vologda 2011. The program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal ... "




Director of BEI SPO VO "Vologda

Polytechnic College"

___________ /M.V.Kirbitov/

"____" ___________20___


Maintenance and repair of vehicles

The program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) 190631 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles Organization-developer: state educational institution of primary vocational education "Vocational School No. 52"


Grudin V.N. - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, teacher of the highest category;

Novozhilov V.V. - deputy director for educational and production work, teacher of the highest category;

Popov V.N. - teacher of the highest category;










Maintenance and repair of vehicles

1.1. Scope of the program The professional module program (hereinafter referred to as the program) is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 190631 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD):

maintenance and repair of vehicles and related professional competencies (PC):

1. Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles.

2. Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

3. To develop technological processes for the repair of units and parts.

The program of the professional module can be used in additional professional education (training of drivers of category "D", driving experience in category "C" 1 year, and category "E", age 20 years and older), vocational training (car repairman, experience work and experience are not required), within the specialty 190631 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles with a secondary (complete) general education.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

Disassembly and assembly of aggregates and components of the car;

Technical control of operated transport;

Carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles to be able to:

Develop and implement the technological process of maintenance and repair of vehicles;

Carry out technical control of vehicles;

Evaluate the effectiveness of production activities;

To carry out an independent search for the necessary information to solve professional problems;

Analyze and evaluate the state of labor protection at the production site;

The device and fundamentals of the theory of rolling stock of road transport;

Basic schemes for switching on electrical equipment elements;

Properties and quality indicators of automotive operating materials;

Rules for the preparation of technical and reporting documentation;

Classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of road transport;

Methods for assessing and controlling quality in professional activities;

The main provisions of the current regulatory documentation;

Fundamentals of organization of the enterprise and its management;

Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

total - 1661 hours, including:

the maximum study load of a student is 1229 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of a student - 834 hours;

student's independent work - 395 hours;

educational and industrial practice - 432 hours.


The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity by students Maintenance and repair of vehicles, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

Code Name of learning outcome PC 1. Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 2. Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 3. Develop technological processes for the repair of components and parts.

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

–  –  –

6. Implementation of the scheme of a multi-circuit pneumatic brake drive of a KAMAZ vehicle.

7. Making a table for the classification of cars and engines KAMAZ, VAZ.

8. Construction of graphical characteristics of the working processes of cars and engines KAMAZ, VAZ.

9. Fulfillment of technical specifications for the studied mechanisms and systems of KAMAZ, VAZ vehicles.

10. Marking of details with designation of symbols.

Study practice 72

Types of jobs:

Acquaintance with the services of the enterprise, equipment, workplaces, safe working conditions;

Carrying out disassembly of the car into units, components and parts;

Carrying out repairs, assembly of simple car components;

Carrying out fixing work during vehicle maintenance;

Carrying out routine maintenance during vehicle maintenance (ETO, TO-1, TO-2, CO);

Familiarization with technological documentation;

–  –  –

13. Maintenance and TR of batteries

14. Maintenance and repair of generators

15. MOT and TR of starters

16. Maintenance and methods for diagnosing the engine start system

17. Maintenance and repair of contact ignition systems

18. Maintenance and repair of semiconductor ignition systems

19. Maintenance and repair of ignition system devices

20. Ignition installation on 4 and 8 cylinder engines

21. MOT and TR clutch KAMAZ

22. TO and TR of the gearbox with a divider

23. Maintenance and TR of transfer cases and cardan gears

24. TO and TR of driving axles

25. MOT and TR of dependent suspensions

26. MOT and TR of independent suspensions

27. MOT and TR balancing suspensions

28. MOT and TR of car tires

29. Maintenance and TR steering VAZ

30. MOT and TR steering KAMAZ

31. Maintenance and repair of brake systems with hydraulic drive

32. Maintenance and TR of brake systems with pneumatic drive

33. MOT and TR of car bodies

34. MOT and TR of cabs of trucks and platforms

35. TO and TR of additional equipment Independent work in the study of the PM section 2 2 Systematic study of class notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions for paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher). Preparation for laboratory and practical classes using the methodological recommendations of the teacher, registration of laboratory and practical work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Independent study of the rules for performing technical operations of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Working on a course project. 40

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

1 Determination of indicators of manufacturability of TO and TR of cars

2. Selection of equipment, fixtures and tools for performing maintenance and repair operations of the car

3. Registration of a fragment of the technological documentation of the technological process of maintenance and repair for the car

4. Development of a set of measures to reduce injuries at the site for performing maintenance and repair behind the car

5. Deciphering the schemes of the technological process of maintenance and TR behind the car

6. Construction of schedules for the sequence of maintenance and TR for the car

7. Drawing up cost estimates for the implementation of MOT and TR at the enterprise behind the car Educational practice 144 Types of work

Maintenance, repair, assembly, adjustment and testing of units, assemblies and devices of medium complexity;

Determination of the quality of operational materials, accounting and consumption, storage and transportation;

Determination of the technical condition of systems and mechanisms of vehicles and engines;

Implementation of control over the observance of technological discipline;

Ensuring the safety of car maintenance and repair work;

Keeping records and storage of spare parts for maintenance and repair.

Performing metalwork processing of parts according to 10-11 qualifications using universal devices;

The use of the most expedient and productive methods of work and modern methods of organizing labor in the repair of equipment.

Performing work at the diagnostic posts;

Mandatory classroom workload for term paper (project) 20

Approximate topics of term papers (projects) by module:

1.Organization of the production process of car repair in the workshop of the enterprise.

2. Reconstruction of the repair shop of the enterprise.

3. Development of a technological process for the repair of cars at the service station.

4. Development of a technological process for the repair of trucks in the ATP.

5. Organization of repair of technological equipment of ATP, service stations.

6. The project of technical service of specialized repair enterprises.

7. The project of a site (dismantling, restoration of parts, assembly) for car repair, organization of a promising technology for repairing a unit or restoring a part.

8. Mechanization and automation of production sites of the repair enterprise.

9. Organization of pre-sale technical service.

10. Integrated repair quality management system.

11. Methods for automating the design of technological equipment.

12. Manufacturability of maintenance of vehicles.

13. Design of technological processes for maintenance and repair of vehicles.

14 Ways to improve the manufacturability of TOI TR vehicles.

15. Planning and organization of maintenance and repair of vehicles at the enterprise.

16. Planning and organization of maintenance and repair of vehicles at specialized repair enterprises.

17. Organization of the production process of TO and TR at the site.

18. Organization of maintenance of the company's vehicles.

19. Organization of maintenance of vehicles at technical service enterprises.

20. Project of a vehicle maintenance site, organization of a promising technology for maintenance of a unit or mechanism.

21. Diagnostics of TO and TR of vehicles.

22. Organization of storage and accounting of rolling stock of road transport.

23. Organization and management of the production of TO and TR vehicles.

24. Automated control systems in the organization of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

25. Design of motor transport organizations and service stations.

Industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) final modulo 216

Types of jobs:

Implementation of disassembly and assembly of units and components of cars and buses;

Designing the technological process of maintenance and repair of vehicles with a choice of equipment type;

Carrying out diagnostics of the technical condition of vehicles, its individual units, assemblies and parts;

The choice of the method of restoration (replacement) of worn parts;

Performance of control, defect detection and sorting of parts;

Registration of technological documentation;

Implementation of the search for information to solve professional problems;

Familiarization with the features of an automated production management system;


4.1. Requirements for the minimum material and technical support Implementation of the module program requires the presence of classrooms "Automobile device", "Maintenance and repair of vehicles"; laboratories "Internal combustion engines", "Electrical equipment of cars", "Maintenance of cars", "Car repair", dismantling and assembly and car repair workshops.

Equipment of the study room and workplaces of the “Automobile device” cabinet:

Engines (3 pcs.) with attachments;

Sets of parts for mechanisms and engine systems;

Running gear kits;

A set of parts for the transmission mechanism;

Sets of parts for control mechanisms;

A set of educational and methodological documentation;

Visual aids (schemes, posters, tablets on the device of cars).

Equipment of the study room and workplaces of the "Maintenance and repair of vehicles" office:

A set of technological documentation forms;

A set of parts, tools, fixtures;

Computer stand for car diagnostics;

Computer tables for monitors.

Teaching aids: multimedia installation, scanner, printer, overhead projector, computers, video double.

A set of instructional and technological cards;

Equipment of laboratories and workplaces of laboratories:

1. Internal combustion engines:

gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines, turntables for disassembly and assembly of engines, sets of parts for mechanisms and engine systems, sets of fitter and assembly tools, a set of educational and methodological documentation.

2. Electrical equipment of cars:

visual aids for electrical equipment of cars, sets of parts for electrical systems of cars, diagnostic stands and devices, tools and devices, a set of educational and methodological documentation.

3. Car maintenance:

car model, diagnostic equipment, a set of technological documentation forms, a set of educational and methodological documentation.

4. Car repair:

dismantling and assembly equipment, devices, fixtures and tools for flaw detection of parts, control and measuring tools, a set of technological documentation forms, a set of educational and methodological documentation.

Main sources:

Academy, 2010

Additional sources:

1. Karagodin V.I. Car and engine repair. –M.: Academy, 2003

2. Epifantsev L.I. Car maintenance and repair. –M.:

FORUM - INFRA -M, 2004

3. Slon Yu.M. Auto Mechanic. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003

4. Vehicles: operation, maintenance, repair. -M.: LLC Publishing House "Professional Literature", 2010-20 22

5. Chief mechanic.-M .: LLC Publishing house "Professional Literature", 2010-2011 Domestic magazine "Behind the wheel"




–  –  –

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.

–  –  –

tasks of professional and occupational studies in the study of personal development, professional module;

engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training Navigate in the conditions - analysis of innovations in the field of frequent change of technologies in the development of technological professional activities of repair processes for assemblies and parts;

Ensure safe working conditions in a safe environment.

professional activities 26 Supplement to the program of the professional module "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" in the specialty of secondary vocational education 109631 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

Conclusion of the Methodological Council Minutes No. ___ dated "____" ______ 2013



–  –  –

TV PANASONIC TX-25FJ29T Stand with a set of parts for the crank mechanism CAT C Stand with a set of parts for the cooling system Stand with a set of parts for the crank mechanism CAT C Stand with a set of parts for the front suspension and steering CAT C Stand with a set of parts for ignition systems

–  –  –

Transformer T 0.66 KL. 200/5 Engine 0317638 OS 011390504 Gearbox OS011390503 Blackboard №2 OS 011390321 Student table Screen DINON DMV203 152x203 MV wall

–  –  –

Equipment for dismantling and assembly workshop and workplaces:

Dismantling and assembly equipment;

A set of tools and fixtures;

A set of instructional and technological cards;

A set of educational and methodical documentation.

Handling equipment;

Control and diagnostic equipment;

Repair and testing equipment;

Sets of tools and devices;

A set of instructional and technological cards;

Drilling, milling, grinding and grinding machine;

The implementation of the module program implies mandatory work practice, which is recommended to be carried out in a concentrated manner.

4.2. Information support of training List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature

–  –  –

Additional sources:

1. Vakhlamov V.K. Cars: theory and design of the car and engine. - M.: Academy, 2008

2. Vinogradov V.M. Maintenance and repair of vehicles:

laboratory practice. - M.: Academy, 2010

3. Petrosov V.V. Car and engine repair. –M.: Academy, 2007

4. Puzankov A.G. Cars: design, theory and calculation. –M.:

Academy, 2010

5. Shestopalov S.K. The device, maintenance and repair of cars. - M.: Academy, 2008

6. Karagodin V.I. Car and engine repair. –M.: Academy, 2003

7. Epifantsev L.I. Car maintenance and repair. - M .: FORUM - INFRA -M, 2004

8. Slon Yu.M. Auto Mechanic. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003

9. Vehicles: operation, maintenance, repair. -M.: LLC Publishing House "Professional Literature", 2010-2011

10. Chief mechanic.-M .: LLC Publishing house "Professional Literature", 2010-2011 Domestic magazine "Behind the wheel"

Professional information systems CAD and CAM

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process A prerequisite for admission to industrial practice (according to the specialty profile) within the framework of the professional module "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" is the development of educational practice to obtain primary professional skills within the framework of the professional module "Performance of work by the profession of a worker".

When working on a term paper (project), students are consulted.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process Requirements for the qualification of pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses).

The presence of higher professional education, corresponding to the profile of the module "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" in the specialty 190631 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles"

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice.

Engineering and teaching staff: graduates - teachers of interdisciplinary courses, as well as general professional disciplines.

Masters: the presence of 5-6 qualification category with a mandatory internship in specialized organizations at least 1 time in 3 years. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory.

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Attachment 1


Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

module program name


Diagnostics of the technical condition of cars _______________________________________________________________________

name of the professional module program

1.1. Scope of the program

The professional module program is part of the professional educational program for the professional retraining of personnel in the specialty

190631 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles"

(code and name of specialty or profession)

in terms of mastering the type of professional activity:

Workshop and workshop equipment: - necessary tools and equipment for plumbing and repair work.

Laboratory equipment and laboratory workplaces: equipment for computer diagnostics of the technical condition of the car

Implementation of the module program involves mandatory production practice directly at the workplace with independent performance of work on diagnosing the technical condition of the vehicle

4.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. Borovskikh car M., 1989

2. Karagodin for car repair. M., 1991

3. Driving M., 1990

4. Smagin. Driver's manual of categories "A", "B", "C", "D".

5. Legal bases of activity of the driver. Academy, 2002

6. Tretyakov of a young locksmith for those. Car maintenance and repair M., 1989

7. Rumyantsev cars M., 1988

8. Rogovtsev and the operation of motor vehicles

10. Epifanov car maintenance and repair - M.,: Forum, INFRA-M, s

11. Kirichenko operational materials: Workshop - M.: ed. center "Academy", 2005-96s

12. Puzankov: The device of vehicles-M.: ed. Center "Academy"

13. Car tour M., 1991

14. Theory of car design M., 1992

15. Kataev case M., 2000

16. Chumachenko. The device, maintenance and repair of cars. Rostov N/A: Phoenix, 2003

17. Device, maintenance and repair of cars: Textbook for early. prof. arr. 5th edition, M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2006, 544

18. Yakovlev of car electronic systems. M.: SOLON - Press, 2003

19. Stukanov of the theory of automobile engines and automobiles - M .: INFRA Forum - M .: s

20. Chumachenko electrician. Electrical equipment and electronic systems of cars - Rostov-on-Don: ed. "Phoenix" with

21. Sosnin. Electrical equipment and on-board automation systems of modern passenger cars. M.: SOLON - R, 2001

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Accounting for progress in all subjects is carried out by current and periodic testing of knowledge and skills of students.

In the process of training a car repairman, on-the-job training and on-the-job training are provided, which is carried out both concentrated and dispersed.

Persons who have completed a full course of theoretical and industrial training are allowed to pass the qualification exam.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualification of pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses): the presence of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the module.

– teacher of social and economic disciplines

Full name, academic degree, title, position

1. passport of the PROGRAM of the EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE

__ Enterprise economy _

name of the academic discipline

1.1. Scope of the program

The academic discipline program is part of a professional educational program for professional retraining of personnel on a working

(professional training, retraining, advanced training)

professions 18511 "Automotive Mechanic"

(code and name of specialty or profession1)

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

discipline is included in the general professional cycle

indicate the belonging of the discipline to the educational cycle

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:

Conduct an analysis of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise.

Determine the main directions for improving production efficiency in accordance with the indicators.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:

The concept of economic resources of enterprises.

The main sections and indicators of the enterprise development plan.

the maximum study load of a student __6___ hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student __6___ hours;


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work

All cells with an asterisk (*) must contain the number of hours.

2.2. Approximate thematic plan and content of the academic disciplineName of sections and topics

Number of hours

Level of development

Section 1.


Topic 1.1. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in a Market Economy

Section 2 Economic resources of enterprises.

1 *

Topic 2.1. Economic resources of enterprises .

Section 3


Topic 3.1. Planning of activity of the enterprise.

planning technology. The main sections and indicators of the enterprise development plan. Analysis of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise.

Section 4. Organization of the financial activity of the enterprise.


Topic 4.1. Organization of financial activity of the enterprise.

The financial mechanism of the enterprise. Enterprise taxation.

Section 5


Topic 5.1. Economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Indicators of economic efficiency of the enterprise. The main directions of increasing the efficiency of production.


3. conditions for the implementation of the program of the academic discipline

3.1. Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the program of the academic discipline requires the presence of an economics study room.

Study room equipment: tables, thematic posters, stands

Teaching aids: projector, computer

Laboratory equipment and laboratory workstations: -

3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. H 1.2. M. INFRA, 1998.

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. H 1.2. M. Publishing house PRIORI, 2001 with changes and additions.

3., Georgian enterprises. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2004.

4. Enterprise captain. – M.: INFRA, 2000.

5. Economics of the enterprise. Ed. – M.: INFRA, 1999.

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline

An educational institution that implements training in an academic discipline ensures the organization and conduct of intermediate certification and ongoing monitoring of the knowledge, skills and abilities demonstrated by students. Current control is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting classes, testing, as well as the performance of individual tasks by students. Forms and methods of current control in the academic discipline are independently developed by the educational institution and brought to the attention of students at the beginning of training.

For current control, educational institutions create funds of evaluation funds (FOS).

FOS includes pedagogical control and measuring materials designed to determine the compliance (or non-compliance) of individual educational achievements with the main indicators of training results (tables).

Section (topic) of the academic discipline


(learned skills, acquired knowledge)

Key indicators of training outcomes

Forms and methods of control

Section 1.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in a Market Economy

Types and forms of entrepreneurial activity. Status and rights of the entrepreneur. Unions of Entrepreneurs. Types and methods of business risk assessment.

Problem solving using business risk assessment methods.


Section 2 Economic resources of enterprises

The concept of economic resources of enterprises. State, legal and socio-economic regulation of activities and systems of labor relations at the enterprise.

Knowledge of regulatory documents governing the activities and system of labor relations at the enterprise


Section 3 Planning of activity of the enterprise.

planning technology. The main sections and indicators of the enterprise development plan.

Ability to analyze the economic and financial activities of the enterprise.


Section 4 Organization of financial activity of the enterprise.

The financial mechanism of the enterprise. Enterprise taxation.

Knowledge of regulatory documents taxation process


Section 5 Economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Indicators of economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Ability to independently determine the main directions for increasing production efficiency.


Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities based on the results of current control is carried out in accordance with the universal scale (table).

Appendix 3

Appendix 3


Ticket number 1

Question #1

Specify the numbers of the components of the fuel fine filter:

filter element

Mounting bracket


Sample answer: 3 - 4 - 1 - 2

Question #2

Specify the numbers of the components of the wheel drum brake mechanism with hydraulic drive:

Working cylinder

Return spring

Brake shoe with lining

brake drum

Support pins

Sample answer: 2 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 5

Question #3

Specify the sequence of car disassembly in numbers:



electrical equipment

Fuel - and oil lines

Question #4

Indicate in numbers the advantages of a water engine cooling system

Noiseless sealing mode stability meticulous maintenance durability

answer standard: 1 - 3 - 5

Question #5

What instruments are used to measure pressure?

vacuum gauge pressure gauge microcator normal gauge viscometer

answer standard: 1 - 2

Ticket number 2

Question #1

Specify the part numbers of the valve timing mechanism:

Crackers, thrust washer, spring,

guide bush, valve seat

Sample answer: 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 5

Question #3

Indicate in numbers the sequence for removing the pulley from the shaft of the liquid pump (using a universal puller).

Bring the jaws of the puller under the lower edge of the pulley, fix the pump housing in a vice, turn the lead screw clockwise, rest the tip of the lead screw against the end of the shaft, fix the grips of the puller

answer standard: 2 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 3

Question #4

Specify the purpose of the thermostat in numbers

Evaporation Temperature control Expansion Rapid warm-up Hypothermia protection

answer standard: 2 - 4 - 5

Question #5

Name the reading devices of measuring instruments

Angular scale digital recording

answer standard: 2 - 3 - 4

Ticket number 3

Question #1

Specify the numbers of the ignition coils of the following types:

Plastic molded

Closed magnetic circuit

Oil filled with open magnetic circuit

Sample answer: 3 - 2 - 1

Question #2

indicate the numbers of the elements of the ZIL-130 pneumatic brake actuator.

Rear wheel brake chambers

Brake chambers of front wheels


pressure regulator

brake valve

Sample answer: 3 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 4

Question #3

Specify in numbers the sequence of removing the front wheel of the car.

Hang the dismantled side of the front axle of the car with a hoist (jack) and fix it (horses, stands) fix the car in a stationary state with a parking brake and stops under the wheels with a reversible wrench unscrew the nuts (screws) fastening the wheel with a socket wrench with a knob loosen by ½ ... ¾ turn of the nut ( screws) fastening the wheel remove the wheel from the hub

answer standard: 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5

Question #4

Indicate what the decrease in the coolant level in the cooling system of a running engine will lead to.

To overheating To seizing To convection To melting of bearing shells To condensation

answer standard: 1 - 2 - 4

Question #5

Specify scaleless measuring instruments

Gauge gas counter shop resistance caliper

answer standard: 1 - 2 - 3

Ticket number 4

Question #1

Specify the numbers of the main components of the truck body.

Facing headlights and radiator

Front and rear fenders

All-welded housing

Sample answer: 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Question #2

Specify the part numbers of the steering gear for dependent wheel suspension ZIL-130.

Upper pivot arm

Lower pivot arm

Pilot arm

Longitudinal thrust

transverse link

Sample answer: 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5

Question #3

Specify the sequence of removing the engine from the car.

Disconnect the hoses of the cooling system Disconnect the electrical wires from the battery, alternator, starter, ignition coil Drain the oil from the engine Drain the coolant Disconnect the hose from the vacuum brake booster

answer standard: 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5

Question #4

Specify possible malfunctions of the cooling system if the engine overheats.

Bearing shell melting Clogging of the radiator and cylinder block Loosening and breakage of the fan belt Jamming of the piston Seizing, failure of the thermostat

answer standard: 2 - 3 - 5

Question #5

Specify the purpose of the squares with an angle of 90º.

Marking and control of right angles of parts Determination of shaft runout Checking the mutual perpendicularity of individual surfaces of parts Installation of equipment Checking tools, machines

answer standard: 1 - 3 - 4 - 5

Ticket number 5

Question #1

Specify the numbers of the main parts of the KamAZ gas distribution mechanism:

Inlet and outlet valves


Adjusting screw

Pusher with guide sleeve and rod


Sample answer: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Question #2

Specify the element numbers of the car wheel with tire


wheel rim

Rim tape

Sample answer: 3 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 2

Question #3

Specify the sequence for removing the piston ring from the piston using a special tool. fixtures.

Squeeze the handles of the puller with the fingers of the right hand, unclenching the ring to be removed, insert the antennae of the device into the gap of the lock of the ring to be removed, pinch the piston skirt with rings with the fingers of the left hand, remove the device together with the ring from the piston

answer standard: 3 - 2 - 1 - 4

Question #4

Indicate ways to reduce friction in the nodes and mechanisms of the car

Cooling Lubrication Use of plain bearings Use of rolling bearings Heating

answer standard: 2 - 3 - 4

Question #5

Specify the devices for determining the density of the electrolyte

Hydrometer indicator density meter manometer stethoscope

answer standard: 1 - 3





name of the educational institution



PM.01 Maintenance and repair of vehicles

23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles"


At a meeting of the subject-cycle commission of mechanical and metallurgical disciplines

Chairman of the subject-cycle commission _______________ / _______________

Protocol dated "____" ___________________ 20___ №___

Protocol dated "____" ___________________ 20___ №___

Chairman of the subject-cycle commission ________________/________________

Protocol dated "____" ___________________ 20___ №___

Chairman of the subject-cycle commission ________________/________________


The work program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 383 dated April 22, 2014 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 32878 dated June 27, 2014


State educational institution of secondary vocational education RO "Krasnosulinsk Metallurgical College"


Bilan Yulia Viktorovna, teacher of special disciplines, Krasnosulinsk Metallurgical College


Head of the operation department of Sulinavtotrans LLC Burlutskaya E.K.

Chairman of the PCC GBOU SPO RO "KMK" Romanenko Yu.A.







PM. 01 Maintenance and repair of vehicles

1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the professional module (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty (specialties) of secondary vocational education23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles(basic training) in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (HPA):Organization and implementation of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, organization of activities of primary labor collectivesand relevant professional competencies (PC):

1. Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles.

2. Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

3. Develop technological processes for the repair of components and parts.

The working program of the professional module can be usedin additional vocational education and training of employees in the field of maintenance and repair of vehicles in the specialty of secondary vocational education23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,in the presence of secondary (complete) general education. Work experience is not required.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the professional module:

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

  • disassembly and assembly of aggregates and components of the car;
  • technical control of operated transport;
  • maintenance and repair of vehicles;

be able to:

  • develop and implement the technological process of maintenance and repair of vehicles;
  • carry out technical control of vehicles;
  • evaluate the efficiency of production activities;
  • carry out an independent search for the necessary information to solve professional problems;
  • analyze and evaluate the state of labor protection at the production site;


  • device and fundamentals of the theory of road transport rolling stock;
  • basic circuits for switching on electrical equipment elements;
  • properties and quality indicators of automotive operating materials;
  • rules for drawing up technical and reporting documentation;
  • classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of road transport;
  • methods of assessment and quality control in professional activities;
  • the main provisions of the current regulatory documentation;
  • the basics of organizing the activities of the enterprise and its management;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

total - 1486 hours, including:

the maximum study load of the student - 1486 hours including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student - 991 hours;

student's independent work - 495 hours;

educational and industrial practice - 432 hours.


The result of mastering the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity (VPA) by studentsOrganization and implementation of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,organization of activities of primary labor collectivesincluding professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 1.1

Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles

PC 1.2

Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles

PC 1.3

Develop technological processes for the repair of components and parts

OK 1

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

OK 2

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

OK 3

Make decisions in standard and non-standard

situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4

Search and use information

necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

OK 5

Use information and communication technologies

OK 6

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively

with colleagues, management, consumers

OK 7

Take responsibility for the work of team members

(subordinates), for the result of completing tasks

OK 8

Independently determine the tasks of professional and

personal development, engage in self-education, consciously

plan professional development

OK 9

Navigate in an environment of frequent technology change

in professional activity


3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module

Codes of professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course (courses)


Mandatory classroom workload of a student

Independent work of the student



Production (according to the specialty profile),**

Hours (if dispersed practice is envisaged)



including laboratory work and practical exercises,





including term paper (project),


PC 1-3

Section 1. Maintenance and repair of vehicles


Hours )



3.2. The content of training on the professional module (PM)

Name of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics

Watch volume

Level of development

PM 01 Maintenance and repair of vehicles

MDK 01.01 Car arrangement

Section 1 Vehicle design

Topic 1.1 Engines


General information about internal combustion engines. Operating cycles of internal combustion engines

Crank mechanism - purpose, device, principle of operation (fixed parts, moving parts)

Gas distribution mechanism - purpose, device, principle of operation (trucks and cars)

Cooling system: purpose, device, principle of operation in an internal combustion engine

Lubrication system: purpose, device, principle of operation in internal combustion engines

Power system: purpose, device, principle of operation in an internal combustion engine

Gas-cylinder installations


Practical work No. 1. Crank mechanism (fixed parts)

Practical work No. 2 Crank mechanism (moving parts)

Practical work No. 3 Gas distribution mechanism (trucks)

Practical work No. 4 Gas distribution mechanism (cars)

Practical work No. 5 Cooling system

Practical work No. 6 Lubrication system

Practical work No. 7 Carburettors

Practical work No. 8The power supply system for carburetor and

injection engines

Practical work No. 9 Reducers of a gas-balloon car

Practical work No. 10 Gas-cylinder installation devices

Practical work No. 11 High pressure fuel pump

Practical work No. 12 Devices of the diesel power system

Topic 1.2 Transmission

Types and purpose of transmissions, transmission schemes


Gearbox, mechanical, automatic

Cardan transmission, drive wheels

Purpose and types of bridges


Practice #13 Clutch

Practical work No. 14 Gearboxes for trucks

Practical work No. 15 Transmissions of passenger cars

Practical work No. 16 Cardan transmissions

Practical work No. 17 Bridges of the car

Topic 1.3 Carrier system,

suspension, wheels

Vehicle frame structures

The forward controlled bridge of the car. Types of suspensions, purpose, principle of operation

Purpose, device and body types


Practical work No. 18 car frame

Practical work No. 19steered axles

Practical work No. 20Car suspension

Practical work No. 21 Wheels and tires

Practical work No. 22 Body and cab

Topic 1.4 Control systems

Steering - purpose, device, principle of operation

Brake systems - purpose, device, principle of operation


Practical work No. 23 Steering mechanisms

Practical work No. 24 Steering gears

Practical work No. 25Steering boosters

Practical work No. 26 Brake mechanism with hydraulic drive

Practical work No. 27 Brake boosters with hydraulic drive

Practical work No. 28 Air brakes

Practical work No. 29 Devices for pneumatic drive of brake mechanisms

Filling out a workbook

Passing the test

Presentation preparation

Section 2. Electrical equipment of cars

Topic 2.1. Power supply system, lighting and alarm system

Power supply system, principle of operation

Current sources of the on-board network

Lighting and signaling system


Practical work No. 30 Power supply system, battery

Practical work No. 31 Power supply system, generator

Practical work No. 32 Electrical diagram of the on-board network

Topic 2.2 Ignition system

Ignition system: types of device

Electronic ignition system


Practical work No. 33 Contact ignition system

Practical work No. 34 Contact-transistor ignition system

Practical work No. 35 Non-contact ignition system

Practical work No. 36 Electronic ignition systems

Topic 2.3 Electric starting systems

The purpose of the electric starting system. Types of devices used when starting a cold engine


Practical work No. 37 Starter

Working with special literature

Filling out a workbook

Presentation preparation

Preparation and execution of practical work reports

Section 3 Theory of cars and engines

Topic 3.1 Fundamentals of the theory of automobile engines

Theoretical and actual ICE cycles. Energy and economic indicators of internal combustion engines

Thermal balance and its analytical expression. Engine testing

Topic 3.2 Car theory

Operational properties of cars

Forces acting on a car while it is moving

Traction and braking dynamics of the vehicle

Fuel economy

Stability, handling and patency of the car

The smoothness of the car

Independent work in the study of section 3

Working with special literature

Filling out a workbook

Passing the test

Presentation preparation

Section 4 Automotive Performance Products

Topic 4.1 Automotive fuels

Types of automotive fuel, operational requirements for them

Laboratory studies

Laboratory work No. 1 Assessing the quality of gasoline

Lab #2Diesel fuel quality assessment

Topic 4.2 Automotive lubricants and special fluids

Types of oils. Motor, transmission, hydraulic, plastic lubricants

Special Fluids

Laboratory works

Lab #3 Assessing Oil Quality

Lab #4 Assessing Grease Quality

Laboratory work No. 5 Evaluation of the quality of antifreeze


Practical work No. 1 Lubricant consumption rates

Practical work No. 2 Fuel consumption rates

Topic 4.3 Structural and repair materials

Purpose and requirements for paints and varnishes

The composition of paints and varnishes

Paintwork and protective materials

Marking of paints and varnishes and coatings

Physical and mechanical properties of rubber

Rubber materials, sealants, upholstery materials, electrical insulation materials and adhesives

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 6 Evaluation of the quality of paint and varnish coatings

Independent work in the study of section 4

Working with special literature

Filling out a workbook

Passing the test

Presentation preparation

Preparation and execution of practical work reports

MDK 01. 02 Maintenance and repair of vehicles

Section 1 Vehicle Maintenance

Topic 1.1 Fundamentals of maintenance and repair of rolling stock

Reliability and technical condition of the car

Rolling stock maintenance system

Topic 1.2 Technology of maintenance and

current car repair

Maintenance and current repair of the engine

Maintenance and current repair of transmission

Maintenance and current repair of the running gear

Maintenance and current repair of control systems

Maintenance and current repair of the carrier system

Maintenance and current repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of the car


Practical work No. 1 Engine diagnostics

Practical work No. 2 Maintenance of the gas distribution mechanism

Practical work No. 3Diagnostics of the cooling system

Practical work No. 4 Diagnostics of the lubrication system

Practice #5 Carburetor Maintenance

Practical work No. 6 Maintenance of the fuel pump

Practice #7 Carburetor Adjustment

Practical work No. 8 Maintenance of the diesel power system

Practical work No. 9 Nozzle maintenance

Practical work No. 10 Maintenance of injection pump

Practical work No. 11 Adjustment of injection pump

Practical work No. 12 Diagnosis of the HBO power supply system

Practice #13 Clutch Maintenance

Practice #14 Gearbox Maintenance

Practice #15 Wheel Maintenance

Practice #16 Front Suspension Maintenance

Practical work No. 17 Suspension diagnostics

Practice #18 Tire damage repair

Practice #19 Steering Maintenance

Practical work No. 20 Diagnostics of the brake system

Practice #21 Hydraulic Brake Maintenance

Practice #22 Air Brake Maintenance

Practical work No. 23 Maintenance of the lighting system

Practical work No. 24 Diagnostics of the ignition system

Practical work No. 25 Maintenance of the ignition system

Practical work No. 26 Checking and installing the ignition

Practical work No. 27 Diagnostics of electrical equipment

Practical work No. 28 Stationary diagnostics

Practical work No. 29 Sea trials

Practical work No. 30 Diagnostics with portable devices

Topic 1.3 Technological and diagnostic equipment, fixtures andtool for maintenance and repair of vehicles

General information about technological and diagnostic equipment

Cleaning and washing equipment

Inspection and handling equipment

Equipment for lubrication and filling operations

Equipment, fixtures and tools for dismantling and assembly work

Diagnostic equipment

Topic 1.4 Organization and management of maintenance and current repairs, organization of storage and accounting of rolling stock and inventories

The production process and its elements

Organization of the maintenance process

Organization of technological process TR


Practical work No. 31 Planning for placing cars in TO-1 with D-1

Practical work No. 32 Planning for placing cars in TO-2 with D-2

Practical work No. 33 Maintenance schedules

Practical work No. 34 Planning for the placement of vehicles in the TR

Topic 1.5 Automated control systems in the organization of maintenance and current repair of road transport

Organization and management of the production of maintenance and repair of vehicles

Operative production management

Licensing and certification of services on vehicles

Automation of ATP work

Automation of the service station

Topic 1.6 Basics of designing production sites

General provisions for the design of ATP

Production program and labor intensity

Calculation of floor space and planning principles


Practical work No. 35 Calculation of the production program for TO and TR

Topic 1.7 Fundamentals of technological design of service stations

System and organization of maintenance of cars of the population

Car service stations

Technological calculation of service stations

Workshop layout


Practical work No. 36 Substantiation of the capacity of the service station

Practical work No. 37 Calculation of the production program

Practical work No. 38 Determining the need for site equipment

Practical work No. 39 Layout of the master plan, production plan service station buildings

Practical work No. 40 Technological planning of zones and sections of service stations

Independent work in the study of section 1

Working with special literature

Abstract development

Preparation and execution of practical work reports

Section 2 Vehicle Repair

210 (including 50 KP)

General provisions for car repair, types of repairs.

Fundamentals of the organization of overhaul

Topic 2.2 Overhaul technology

Acceptance of cars for repair

Dismantling of cars and units

Washing and cleaning parts

Assessment of the technical condition of the components of the car

Picking parts and assembling units

Run-in, testing of vehicle components

General assembly, testing and issuance of vehicles from repair


Practical work No. 1 Defection of the crankshaft

Practical work No. 2 Defection of the connecting rod

Practical work No. 3 Defection of the cylinder block

Practical work No. 4 Completion of pistons with cylinder liners

Practical work No. 5 Picking the parts of the crank mechanism

Practical work No. 6 Calculation of size groups, when completing the piston-pin-rod connection

Practical work No. 7 Testing and running-in of car units

Topic 2.3 Ways to restore parts

Classification and essence of methods for restoring parts


Practical work No. 8 Choosing methods for restoring a part

Practical work No. 9Development of the scheme of the technological process of restoring the part


Practical work No. 10Development of a plan for technological operations


Practical work No. 11Development of a technological process for assembling a unit (unit)

Topic 2.4 Technology of repair of units, assemblies and devices




The order of development of technological processes of repair



Restoration of details





Practical work No. 12Cylinder block boring


Practical work No. 13Valve seat repair


Practical work No. 14Valve recovery


Practical work No. 15Camshaft bushings


Practical work No. 16Honing cylinder liners

Topic 2.5 Fundamentals of the design of technological equipment




Technique for designing technological equipment


Topic 2.6 Technical regulation of labor at car repair enterprises




Methods of technical regulation of labor





Practical work No. 17Calculation of technical norms of time for turning work


Practical work No. 18Technical regulation of drilling work


Practical work No. 19 Calculation of technical norms of time for milling work


Practical work No. 20Calculation of technical norms of time for grinding work

Topic 2.7 Fundamentals of designing production sites of car repair enterprises




Basic calculations in the design. Plot planning



Placement of production and equipment


Independent work in the study of section 2

Working with special literature

Abstract development

Preparing a presentation, report

Preparation and execution of practical work reports

Design of technological zones using AUTOCAD, KOMPAS systems

Work on the sections of the course project


Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

Systematic study of class notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions for paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher on the topics being studied).

Preparation for laboratory and practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations, reporting.

Self-study of the technological documentation "Table of garage equipment", "Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport."

Making presentations, making reports, working with computer multimedia programs on the topics studied.

Passing testing, solving thematic crossword puzzles on the topics studied.

Work on a course project


Educational practice

Types of jobs:

- performance of the main operations of metalwork;

- performance of basic operations on metal-cutting machines;

- obtaining practical skills in performing copper-tin, thermal, blacksmithing, welding works;

- performance of the main dismantling and assembly works;

- familiarization with the main technological processes, equipment, devices used in the maintenance and repair of vehicles.


Industrial practice (according to the specialty profile)

Types of jobs:

- getting to know the company;

- study of safety issues, fire safety, electrical safety;

- full or partial dismantling of vehicles and assembly units;

- study of the interaction of parts, operating conditions of components, parts and assembly units;

- study of operational adjustments, technological schemes of work;

- study of maintenance content;

- operational faults and ways to eliminate them;

- assembly of components and the car as a whole.

- study of technological documentation for ESTD and GOSTs.

- dismantling of the car and assembly units;

- Familiarization with the posts of car maintenance;

- repair of components of the car;

- assembly operations.


Mandatory classroom workload for term paper (project): 50 hours


Approximate topics of term papers (projects)

1 Calculation and organization of work of production shops and sections of a motor transport enterprise

2 Calculation and organization of work of production areas of maintenance of a motor transport enterprise

3 Calculation and organization of work of production zones and diagnostic areas of a motor transport enterprise

4 Calculation and organization of work of industrial zones TR of a motor transport enterprise

5 Calculation and organization of work of production shops and sections of a car service enterprise

6 Calculation and organization of work of production areas of maintenance of a car service enterprise

7 Calculation and organization of work of production zones and diagnostic areas of a car service enterprise

8 Calculation and organization of work of industrial zones TR of a car service enterprise



4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program is carried out in the classrooms: "Automotive device", "Maintenance of vehicles and car repair" and laboratories: "Internal combustion engines", "Electrical equipment of cars", "Automotive operating materials", "Maintenance of cars", "Car repair "," Teaching aids "; metalwork, turning and mechanical, forging and welding, dismantling and assembly workshops.

Equipment of classrooms and workplaces of classrooms:

1. "Car device":

- a set of posters "Arrangement of cars";

- a set of posters "Automotive operating materials";

- visual aids.

2. "Maintenance of cars":

- a set of parts, assemblies, mechanisms, models, layouts;

- a set of educational and methodological documentation;

- a set of posters "Labor protection during maintenance and repair of a car";

- visual aids.

3. "Car Repair":

- a set of parts, assemblies, mechanisms, models, layouts;

- a set of tools, devices;

- a set of educational and methodological documentation;

- a set of posters "Methods for restoring parts";

- visual aids.

Technical training aids:

- software for general and professional purposes;

- computers, printer, scanner, TV, plotter.

Equipment of workshops and workplaces of workshops:

  1. Locksmith:

- machines: desktop drilling, tool-grinding, etc.;

- a set of locksmith tools;

- a set of measuring tools;

- fixtures;

- blanks for performing metalwork.

  1. Turning and mechanical:

- jobs by the number of students;

- machines: turning, milling, drilling, tool-grinding, grinding;

- tool kits;

- fixtures;

- blanks.

  1. Forging and welding:

- jobs by the number of students;

- thermal separation equipment;

- welding equipment;

- tool;

- equipment;

- fixtures;

- materials for work;

- individual protection means.

  1. Dismantling and assembly:

- equipment and tooling for the production of dismantling and assembly works;

- tools, devices for dismantling and assembly work;

- stands for disassembly, assembly and adjustment of units and assemblies.

Equipment of laboratories and workplaces of laboratories:

  1. "Internal combustion engines"

- engines;

- stands;

  1. "Electrical equipment of cars"

- stands;

- a set of educational and methodical documentation.

  1. "Automotive operating materials"

- teaching aids;

- a set of posters;

  1. "Maintenance of cars"

- teaching aids;

- a set of posters;

- laboratory equipment.

  1. "Car repair"

- teaching aids;

- a set of posters;

- laboratory equipment.

The implementation of the module program contains mandatory field practice, which is recommended to be carried out dispersed.

4.2. Information support of training

Main sources:


  1. Shestopalov S.K. Car device. - M.: "Academy", 2011.-304 p.
  2. Gelenov A.A., Sochevko T.I., Spirkin V.G. Automotive performance materials. -M:JIC "Academy", 2011. - 210 p.
  3. Kirichenko N.B. Automotive operating materials - M .: Academy, 2010. - 215 p.
  4. Pekhalsky A.P., Pekhalsky I.A. Car device: laboratory workshop. - M .: "Academy", 2012. - 272 p.
  5. Vlasov V.M. Car maintenance and repair. - M.: "Academy", 2012.-432 p.
  6. Vinogradov V.M. Organization of maintenance and current repair of vehicles. - M.: "Academy", 2012.-272 p.
  7. Petrosov VV Repair of cars and engines. - M.: "Academy", 2012.-224 p.
  8. Vinogradov V.M. Technological processes of car repair. - M.: "Academy", 2012.-432 p.

Reference books:

  1. Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport - M .: Transport, 1984

Additional sources:

Tutorials and tutorials:

  1. Epifanov L.I., Epifanova E.A. Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles - M .: Infra-M, 2007. - 252 p.
  2. Chizhov Yu.P. Electrical equipment of cars - M .: Mashinostroenie, 2003. - 254 p.
  3. Shatrov M.G. Internal combustion engines - M .: Higher School, 2005.- 265 p.
  4. Karagodin V.I., Mitrokhin N.N. Car repair - M .: Mastery, 2006. - 354 p.
  5. Vasilyeva L.S. Automotive operating materials - M .: Nauka-press, 2003. - 114 p.

Internet resources

I-R1 Everything for the student:




4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Mastering the professional module by students should take place in the conditions of the created educational environment both in the educational institution and in organizations corresponding to the profile of the specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles".

The teaching of the MDT module should be practical. In the process of laboratory and practical classes, students consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge, acquire the necessary professional skills and abilities.

The study of the professional module provides for the passage by students of educational and industrial practice within the walls of the college and at the motor transport enterprises of the city.

The study of such general professional disciplines as: "Engineering Graphics", "Technical Mechanics", "Electrical Engineering", "Materials Science", "Metrology, Standardization, Certification" should precede the development of this module or be studied in parallel.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualification of pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses):

The presence of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the module "Maintenance and repair of vehicles" and the specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles". Experience in the relevant professional field.

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice

The implementation of the program is carried out by teaching staff with higher specialized education. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory, teachers receive additional professional education under advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least once every three years.

Masters:the presence of a qualification category not lower than that issued to students with a mandatory internship in specialized organizationsat least once every three years. Experience in a professional field is a must.



(mastered professional competencies)

Forms and methods of control

PC 1.1 Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles

-compliance with safety regulations during the maintenance and repair of the car, its units and systems;

-demonstration of the skills of maintenance and repair of the car, its units and systems;

- choice of methods of organization and technology of car repair;

- selection of technological equipment, technological equipment: fixtures and tools for organizing maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Current control:

- defense of the course project.

PC 1.2 Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles

- the quality of the analysis of the technical control of vehicles;

- demonstration of the quality of analysis of technical documentation;

-carrying out quality control of maintenance and current repairs of vehicles in compliance with the rules on safety and labor protection.

Current control:

- assessment of laboratory and practical work;

- credits for industrial practice for each section of the professional module;

- examinations on the topics of the MDK;

- defense of the course project.

PC 1.3 Develop technological processes for the repair of components and parts

-demonstration of skills in the development of technological processes for the repair of parts and components of cars;

- determination of malfunctions of aggregates and components of vehicles;

- the choice of preventive measures to prevent failures of parts and components of vehicles.

Current control:

- assessment of laboratory and practical work;

- credits for industrial practice;

- examinations on the topics of the MDK;

- defense of the course project.


(mastered general competencies)

Key indicators of training outcomes

Forms and methods of control

OK 1 Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

- Demonstration of interest in the future profession

- activity, initiative in the process of mastering professional activities.

- observation and assessment by teachers of the implementation of practical and laboratory work, the implementation of practical tasks during educational and industrial practices;

- vocational testing.

OK 2 Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

-selection and application of methods and techniques for solving professional problems in the development of the technological process of maintenance and repair of vehicles;

- demonstration of the correct sequence of actions during the performance of laboratory, practical work, tasks during educational, industrial practice.

- compliance with the standards and the sequence of performance of certain types of work

GC 3 Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

- solutions in standard and non-standard professional tasks in the development of technological processes for maintenance and repair of vehicles.

- observation and evaluation by teachers of the implementation of practical and laboratory work, the implementation of practical tasks during educational and industrial practices.

OK 4 Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development

- effective search for the necessary information;

- use of various sources, including electronic ones.

- performance of tasks related to the search for information on the Internet, paper and electronic media,

OK 5 Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

- demonstration of the skills of using information and communication technologies in professional activities;

- work with various application programs, the use of mathematical methods and PC in technical regulation and design of repair enterprises.

- observation and evaluation by teachers of work with various application programs, the use of mathematical methods and PC in technical regulation and design of repair enterprises, in the performance of practical and laboratory work, tasks for self-study, work on a course project.

OK 6 Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

- interaction with students, teachers and managers.

- characteristics of the class teacher.

OK 7 Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks

- introspection and correction of own work.

- observation and evaluation by teachers;

- characteristics of the class teacher

OK 8 Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training

- organization of self-study and classes in the study of PM.

- observation and evaluation by teachers;

- characteristics of the class teacher;

- analysis of advanced training courses;

- analysis of participation in competitions, olympiads, conferences.

OK 9 Navigate in the face of frequent technology changes in professional activities

- analysis of new technologies in the field of technological processes of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

- observation and assessment by teachers of interest in the technological processes of maintenance and repair of cars, analysis of the performance of tasks for self-study.


GBOU SPO RO KMK__ __ teacher___ __ Yu.V. Bilan_________

(place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)