Instructions for the current content of the Belzhd path. Basic guidance documents for construction, maintenance and other technical services for railway sidings


According to the current maintenance of the railway track

Document as amended by:



In addition to this Instruction, see the Standards for the frequency of checking the track by track measuring cars, approved by the instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated November 28, 2001 N C-1886u.


The application of this Instruction in Russian Railways was canceled from March 1, 2013 on the basis of paragraph 3 of the order of Russian Railways dated December 29, 2012 N 2791r.

Clause 3 of the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated December 29, 2012 N 2791r became invalid on the basis of the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated June 10, 2014 N 1491r.

Database manufacturer's note.



Deputy Minister

means of communication

Russian Federation


1. General Provisions

1.1. The railway track is a complex of engineering structures and devices located in the right of way and intended for the movement of trains.
The railway track (hereinafter referred to as the track) consists of the upper structure (rails, turnouts, under-rail base with fasteners and ballast prism) and the lower structure (road bed, drainage and artificial structures). For the passage of vehicles through the railway tracks, crossings and overpasses are arranged, respectively, at one or different levels, and for the passage of pedestrians - pedestrian bridges and paths (sidewalks), pedestrian tunnels.
In order for the drivers of locomotives and other moving units to comply with the required speeds, including in the areas of track work and in places of track malfunctions, the track is equipped with electric track circuits associated with the operation of signaling devices, signals, signal and track signs, track barrier devices.
1.2. The task of the current maintenance of the track includes the systematic supervision of the complex of track structures and track devices and their maintenance in a condition that guarantees the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains at the maximum allowable (established by order of the head of the railway) speeds.
1.3. The current maintenance of the track is carried out all year round and throughout the entire length of the track, including sections under repair. It includes studying the causes of malfunctions and performing work to eliminate and prevent them.
1.4. All structures and devices at hauls and stations must be maintained in accordance with the standards and tolerances established by the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the PTE), this Instruction and other regulatory documents related to the current maintenance of the track.


Here and below, unless otherwise stated, we mean the structures and arrangements of the track.
Here and below, unless otherwise stated, we mean railway stations.
1.5. The main structural subdivision of the track facilities, which carries out the current maintenance of the track, is the distance of the track. The length of the track distance and its structural division are established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia depending on the operating conditions.
1.6. Track distances must have a contingent of track fitters in accordance with the norms of labor consumption for the current maintenance of the track, established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, and the approved structural division of the distance, as well as the necessary technical equipment, equipment and tools.
1.7. The organization of work on the maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its functioning, as well as the work on the maintenance of the track circuits assigned to the distance of the track, and their management is entrusted to the heads of the distances of the track, their deputies, senior road foremen, heads of sections, road and bridge ( tunnel) foremen, track foremen and foremen for artificial structures. They, as well as employees of rail flaw detection, track inspection and bridge testing stations, linemen and duty officers at crossings, are responsible for monitoring the state of the track, structures and devices that ensure its operation.
These employees should periodically check the sections of the track entrusted to them, ensure the high quality of the current maintenance of the track, structures and devices, create the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains at set speeds, as well as to extend the service life of track elements.
For the purpose of greater efficiency in taking urgent measures to ensure the safety of train traffic, the head of the track distance, his deputy, section chiefs and road foremen should be provided with mobile communications.
1.8. The direct execution of work on the current maintenance of the track is assigned to the traveling brigades, brigades for the maintenance of artificial structures and subgrade, on duty at the crossings.
1.9. The current maintenance of the track should be carried out under the most rational combination of two main conditions: ensuring the safety of trains at set speeds and saving resources. The rationality of such a combination is achieved on the basis of dividing paths into classes. The class rating of the tracks is set depending on the traffic density, the permissible speeds of trains and other factors that affect the operation of the track and its elements.
1.10. The design of newly laid track elements, turnouts and floor crossings must comply with the technical specifications approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia.
1.11. This Instruction sets out the main technical conditions, norms, requirements and rules for the arrangement and maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its operation at the speeds allowed in accordance with the PTE: up to 140 km / h - for passenger trains; 120 km/h - for refrigerated; 90 km/h - for trucks.
Technical conditions, norms and rules for high-speed lines are established by a special instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.
1.12. This Instruction introduces the following concepts in terms of the geometry of the rail track:
"standards for the arrangement of rail gauge" - nominal values ​​for each of the controlled parameters established by the PTE or approved by the Ministry of Railways regulatory documentation, and permissible deviations from them (not requiring elimination);
"tolerances for the maintenance of the rail gauge" - established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the permissible deviations in the location of rail lines from the nominal values, depending on the established speeds of trains, requiring elimination in the order, which is established depending on the degree of deviation.

2. Standards for the arrangement and maintenance of the rail track in the profile, plan, level and width
2.1. Rail gauge standards

2.1.1. The path in the profile and plan must comply with the design documentation approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia and the requirements of this Instruction.
2.1.2. Circular curves with a radius of 4000 m or less must be mated with straight sections of transition curves, except for curves on turnouts and cases when, according to the line plan, this is not possible (cross-shaped and adjacent to a straight insert curves of insufficient length).
2.1.3. In curved sections of the track, the outer rail thread is arranged and contained above the inner one. The elevation value (h, mm) is determined by the formula:

h = ,



Q is the mass of a train of a given (i-th) type (passenger, freight loaded and empty, commuter), gross tons;

n - daily number of trains of the i-th type;

V is the average speed of trains of the i-th type on the curve under consideration, determined by locomotive speed-measuring tapes selectively in different periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter - 5-6 tapes each), km / h.

The elevation value is checked by the formula:

h = 12.5 - 115;


115 - the value of the permissible maximum underelevation of the outer rail, calculated from the condition of not exceeding the established rate of outstanding acceleration for passenger trains (0.7 m / s).
Of the elevation values ​​obtained by formulas (2.1, 2.3), the larger one is taken and rounded up to a value that is a multiple of 5.
Depending on the specific operating conditions of the track in the curve (the intensity of rail wear along one and the other threads), the calculated elevation value, if necessary, can be adjusted within the limits of outstanding accelerations.
The standards for the device of elevations of the outer rail in curves of a small radius should not exceed:
60 mm - with a radius of 200 m or less;
80 mm - with a radius of 250 m or less;
100 mm - with a radius of 300 m or less;
120 mm - with a radius of 400 m or less.
Regardless of the radius of the curve, the elevation of the outer rail, taking into account tolerances, must not exceed 150 mm.
2.1.4. At stations located on curves, the elevation of the outer rail on the main and receiving-departure tracks is set taking into account both the allowable speeds of trains along the station tracks and the building approach dimensions in accordance with the instructions for the use of building approach dimensions.
Turnouts located on the main tracks in curves with an elevation of the outer thread are also arranged with an elevation of the outer thread if the turnout curve coincides in direction with the curved section of the track. In this case, the elevation of the outer thread on the turnout should be no more than 75 mm. If the transfer curve of the turnout does not coincide in direction with the curved section of the track, then the elevation on such turnouts, as a rule, is not arranged, while the speed of trains on such a turnout should be determined according to the "Norms for the Permissible Speeds of Locomotives and Wagons on Railway 1520/1524 mm gauge tracks of the Ministry of Railways of Russia". It is allowed on such turnouts to arrange the elevation of the outer rail along the main track of no more than 20 mm. The speed of trains along the branched transfer curve in such cases should not exceed 15 km/h.
On the receiving and departing tracks located on curves, as well as on cross-shaped curves, where the established speeds are 25 km / h or less, the elevation of the outer rail, as a rule, is not arranged.
The transfer curves of turnouts located on straight sections are contained without elevation of the outer rail.
Cross curves on the tracks of passenger and freight trains at a speed of more than 25 km/h must have elevations of the outer rail. The removal of the elevation should begin behind the last transfer beam, but not closer than 2 m from the rear joint of the cross. If it is possible to remove the elevation with a permissible slope according to Table 2.1, a full elevation is made. If such a withdrawal is not feasible, then the height of the outer rail is set by the head of the track service.
Setting cross curves in the plan should be done in ordinates.
2.1.5. The bends of the elevation of the outer rail of the curve and curvature in the transition from straight lines to curves and vice versa are arranged along the transition curves.
The end and the beginning of the curved outer rail elevation and curvature retraction must coincide with the points of NPK (beginning of the spiral curve) and CPC (end of the spiral curve).
In cramped conditions, it is allowed to install elevation bends without transition curves: either along a straight line, or 50% each - on a straight line and a curve (without observing the condition that the elevation and curvature bends coincide). In this case, the requirements of not exceeding the magnitude of the outstanding acceleration of 0.7 m/s and the rate of its change of 0.6 m/s must be observed.
2.1.6. The length of the transition curve is determined depending on the calculated elevation of the outer rail and on the number of adjacent main tracks.
On single-track lines and for the external track of double-track lines, the length of the transition curve (L) is determined by the formula:

L = h/i


where: h is the calculated elevation of the outer rail in a circular curve, mm; i - estimated slope of the elevation.
For an internal track of a double-track line, the length of the transition curve (L) is determined by the formula:




d - widening of the track spacing in the curve, m;

R - curve radius, m.

Necessary widening of the distance between tracks on two or more track sections is determined in accordance with the instructions for the use of building clearance dimensions. In accordance with this, the lengths of transition curves are determined.
The length of the transition curve must not be less than 20 m.
2.1.7. The slopes of the outlets of the elevation of the outer rail in the curves, measured by the slope of the center line at the level outlet (Fig. 2.1a), must be the same along the entire length of the transition curve, if it does not exceed 60 m. With a longer transition curve, it is allowed to have different slopes of the branches on segments of the transition curve with a length of at least 30 m (Fig. 2.1b). Moreover, in both cases, the largest slope of the outlet should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 2.1.

Elevation slopes, mm/m

Set speed




train traffic, km/h

no more


no more



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Over 3.2

Train traffic is closed

Fig.2.1. Curve Outer Rail Elevation Removal Device:
a) nominal tap () on the track gauge tape;
b) an example of a permissible diversion device during the current maintenance (V = 120 km/h)

2.1.8. Between the transition curves of adjacent circular curves there must be straight inserts with a length of at least 50 m; in cramped conditions, a direct insert of a shorter length is allowed, but not less: with curves of one direction - 25 m; with versatile curves - 15 m.
On closely spaced curves of the same direction without transition curves, elevation bends are arranged only if the lengths of both bends fit along the straight insert located between the ends of the curves and a straight section with a length of at least 25 m remains between their ends (Fig. 2.2). In case of insufficient length of the straight insert to comply with this condition, the bend is made steeper, but not steeper than that allowed by Table 2.1. If, in this case, the length of the straight section is less than 25 m, then the elevation is made along the entire length of the straight between the curves. In this case, the elevation is set equal to the elevation on the curves and becomes transitional along the length of the straight insert at different curve radii (Fig. 2.3). In such cases, the magnitude of the elevation should be no more than 115 mm (under the condition that the outstanding acceleration is not exceeded 0.7 m/s).
In the absence of a direct insert on a two-radius curve of one direction, the outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and the widening of the track are made in the transition curve or within the curve of a larger radius (Fig. 2.4). Transition curves can be omitted between adjacent circular curves of the same direction, if the difference in their curvature does not exceed 1/4000.
With scale curves without transition curves, the elevation retraction is made on a straight insert between them. In this case, between the ends of the elevation bends of the outer threads of the curves, there must be a straight section with a length of at least 25 m, with the possibility of arranging elevation bends with a slope of not more than 0.001. If this condition is not observed, it is allowed to increase the slope to 0.003 while maintaining the length of the straight insert of 25 m, reducing the speed in accordance with Table 2.1; if it is impossible to fulfill this condition, it is allowed to reduce the straight section without elevation to a length of 15 m with a tap device with a slope of 0.003, and at the beginning of the circular curve, the elevation should be at least half the full elevation (Fig. 2.5).
In all cases, when a direct insertion between curves of one or different directions is insufficient, the procedure for arranging outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and widening of the gauge is established by the head of the track service.

Fig.2.2. Scheme of outlets of the elevation of the outer rail thread when conjugating adjacent curves of the same direction with a sufficient length of the straight insert between them

Fig.2.3. Scheme of outlets for the elevation of the outer rail thread when conjugating adjacent curves of the same direction with insufficient length of the straight insert between them

Fig.2.4. Scheme of outlets for the elevation of the outer rail thread (and the widening of the track) between adjacent curves of different radii in the same direction without a direct insert

Fig.2.5. Scheme of outlets for the elevation of the outer rail thread when conjugating adjacent curves of different directions with insufficient length of the straight insert between them

The speeds of movement along mating curves, in which the length of a straight insert without elevation is 25 m or less, are determined according to the method set forth in the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated 14.07.94 N 2-TsZ "On the norms of permissible speeds of movement on 1520 (1524) mm gauge railway tracks ".
2.1.9. The radii of the crossing curves must be at least: 300 m on the main, receiving-departure and sorting tracks; 200 m on other station tracks, but in all cases not less than the radius of the transfer curves.
2.1.10. On the curved sections of the track 1 and 2 class and I-III category 3 class at the ends of the tangents (in the middle of the transition curve) permanent signs (benchmarks) with the inscriptions NCC - the beginning of the circular curve, KKK - the end of the circular curve should be installed.
It is allowed to install such signs on the supports of the contact network, artificial and other permanent structures, indicating the distance to the NCC and KKK.
The beginning and end of each transition curve are marked on the neck of the rail with a vertical strip of white indelible paint and the inscriptions NPK - the beginning of the transition curve, KPK - the end of the transition curve.
The beginning and end of the cross curves, as well as their coordinates on the main and receiving-departure tracks, are marked on the neck of the rail from the inside of the outer thread with a vertical strip and the corresponding numbers with indelible white paint.
Fixing curves in tunnels with permanent signs (benchmarks) is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the maintenance of artificial structures.
2.1.11. In accordance with the PTE, the structures and devices of the common railway network and access roads from the junction station to the territory of industrial and transport enterprises must meet the requirements for the proximity dimension of buildings C, established by the state standard.
Structures and devices located on the territory and between the territories of plants, factories, workshops, depots, river and sea ports, mines, cargo areas, bases, warehouses, quarries, forest and peat developments, power plants and other industrial and transport enterprises, as well as on the territory between them must meet the requirements of the size of the approximation of buildings C, established by the state standard.
Dimensions C and C must be observed in the design, construction, reconstruction of railways, access roads, structures and devices on them, during electrification and construction of second tracks, as well as in the operation of structures and devices previously reduced to the indicated dimensions.
It is forbidden to violate the dimensions of structures and devices during any repair, construction and other work.
2.1.12. The distance between the axes of adjacent tracks (between tracks) on hauls must comply with the PTE and be:
between the first and second tracks on double-track sections, the third and fourth on a four-track section - at least 4100 mm;
between the second and third tracks on three-track and four-track sections - at least 5000 mm.
At stations, the distance between the axes of adjacent tracks on straight sections should be at least 4800 mm, on secondary tracks and tracks of cargo areas - at least 4500 mm. The distance between the axes of the tracks intended for the direct transfer of goods from wagon to wagon can be 3600 mm.
If both main tracks are located on the same side of the other tracks of the station, then with the permission of the head of the railway, a distance of 4100 mm between them is allowed.
In curved sections, the distances between the axes of the tracks are established by the instructions for the use of the dimensions of the approximation of buildings.
Transitions from normal inter-track distances on straight sections of the track to extended distances on curves with a concentric arrangement of tracks are arranged within the transition curves, as a rule, due to the use of transition curves of increased length on the inner track compared to the outer track.
In cramped conditions, with short straight inserts between adjacent curves, it is allowed to have a broadened distance common to the entire section, according to the norms for a curve with the smallest radius.
2.1.13. In accordance with the PTE, stations, sidings and passing points, as a rule, should be located on a horizontal platform; in some cases, their location on slopes not steeper than 0.0015 is allowed; and in difficult conditions - no steeper than 0.0025. In especially difficult conditions at sidings and passing points of all types, and with the permission of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and at intermediate stations of longitudinal and semi-longitudinal types, where maneuvers and uncoupling of the locomotive or wagons from the train and separation of trains are not provided, slopes of more than 0.0025 within station site. It is also allowed in especially difficult conditions with the permission of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, slopes of more than 0.0025 when lengthening the receiving and departing tracks at existing stations, provided that measures are taken against spontaneous departure of wagons or trains (without a locomotive), but not steeper than 0.010 in both cases.

In necessary cases, to prevent spontaneous exit of wagons to other tracks and routes for receiving and departing trains, provision should be made, respectively, for the installation of safety dead ends, guard arrows, dropping shoes, dropping wits, dropping arrows, as well as the use of stationary devices for securing wagons.

(Paragraph in the wording put into effect by the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated May 30, 2001 N s-950u. - See the previous edition)
2.1.14. On multi-track lines, the rail heads of all tracks located on a common subgrade should be arranged at the same level. During operation, a difference in the level of the rail heads of all tracks on straight sections of no more than 15 cm is allowed.
Within crossings located on straight sections of the track, the difference in the levels of the rail heads of adjacent tracks should not be more than: 40 mm - with a distance between tracks of up to 5000 mm; 50 mm - with a distance between the tracks of more than 5000 mm.
When crossings are located on curved sections of the track, the flooring of the crossing is arranged with a slope due to the elevation of the outer rail above the inner one.
2.1.15. The plan and profile of the main and station tracks, as well as sidings belonging to the railway, must be subjected to periodic instrumental checks. Longitudinal profiles of marshalling humps, sub-hump and profiled exhaust tracks at marshalling, precinct and cargo stations are checked at least once every three years; for the rest of the station tracks of all stations, the profile is checked at least once every 10 years. The longitudinal profile of the main tracks at stations and hauls is checked during the period of overhaul and medium track repairs. According to the results of inspections, specific deadlines for the production of work on straightening profiles are established.

(Paragraph in the wording put into effect by the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated May 30, 2001 N s-950u. - See the previous edition)
The organization of work on the instrumental verification of the plan and profile of the tracks, the preparation of the relevant technical documentation, as well as the preparation of large-scale and schematic plans of stations is entrusted to the service of the railway track with the involvement of design institutes, design and survey and design and estimate groups for the performance of these works and the performance of these works in accordance with the program approved by the head of the railway.
Track distances must have:
drawings and descriptions of all structures and devices of track facilities available at the distances, as well as the relevant standards and norms;
scale and schematic plans of stations, longitudinal profiles of all main and station tracks, marshalling yards, as well as railway sidings where railway locomotives circulate.
The sections on which the reconstruction of the track and other work is carried out, causing a change in the plan and profile of the track, are checked by the performers of the work after they are completed, with submission to the distance of the track, and at the stations - to the head of the station, the relevant documentation.
2.1.16. In accordance with the PTE, when building new facilities on the territory of the station, expanding or transferring existing ones, any organization that performs such work transfers to the head of the distance of the track and the head of the station the executive documentation that determines the connection of the object to the existing development of the station, in the prescribed manner.

(Clause as amended, put into effect by the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated May 30, 2001 N s-950u. - See the previous edition)
2.1.17. The path in the plan must correspond to the design position. The track position in the plan is normalized and evaluated, depending on the set train speeds, by the difference between adjacent rail bending arrows, measured from the middle of a 20 m long chord. in straight lines and curves, and in transition curves - from a uniform growth of arrows, should not exceed: at speeds of 81-140 / 71-90 km / h - 10 mm; 61-80/61-70 km/h - 15 mm; 41-60 km / h - 20 mm; 16-40 km / h - 25 mm; 15 km / h - 30 mm (hereinafter: in the numerator - the speed of passenger trains, in the denominator - freight trains).
The calculated bending arrow of a circular curve is determined by the formula:

2.1.18. The nominal width of the rail track on straight and curved sections, measured at the level of 13 mm from the wheel rolling surface along the rail, is given in Table 2.2.

Route plan

Nominal track gauge, mm

Track 1520 mm

Straight lines and curves with a radius of 350 m or more


Curves with a radius of less than 350 m up to 300 m (inclusive)


Curves with a radius of less than 300 m


Track 1524 mm

Straight lines and curves with a radius of more than 650 m


Curves with a radius of 650 to 450 m (inclusive)


Curves with a radius of 449 to 350 m (inclusive)


Curves with a radius of 349 or less


(Table as amended by order of Russian Railways JSC dated January 21, 2008 N 69r. - See previous edition)
In the sections of the conjugation of a straight line with a curve, having different nominal dimensions of the track width, the transition from one width to another is carried out within the transition curve, and in its absence - on a straight line with a nominal tap of 1 mm / m.
2.1.19. According to the PTE, rail threads on straight sections must be located at a level corresponding to their zero position.
It is allowed on straight sections to contain a path along the level with an elevation of 6 mm of one thread above the other, while the length of such a straight section should not be less than 200 m, with the exception of straight sections located between adjacent curves in one direction, on which the elevation of one thread above the other can be with a straight line length of less than 200 m.
On straight lines located on double-track sections of the track, as a rule, the outer thread rises; on single-track sections, the elevated rail thread is set by the head of the track distance, depending on local conditions (the state of the subgrade, the presence of one-sided deeps, etc.).
The elevation of one thread above the other in a straight section should end no closer than 25 m from the beginning of the elevation in the curve, if the elevated thread on the straight line coincides with the lower thread of the curve.
If on straight sections with the elevation of one thread above the other there is a bridge deck on the ballast, then this elevation must also be preserved on it.
On overhead bridges with bridge beams, elevation is allowed if the length of the bridge is not more than 25 m. a path with an increase in one thread over the other by 6 mm is not allowed.
The list of straight sections, where it is allowed to keep one thread 6 mm higher than the other, is established by order of the head of the track distance, indicating kilometers, pickets and an increased thread.
In this case, the nominal slope of the outlet in terms of level from the norm of 6 mm to the zero position should not exceed 1‰.


1. General Provisions

1.1. The railway track is a complex of engineering structures and devices located in the right of way and intended for the movement of trains at set speeds.

The railway track (hereinafter referred to as the track) is a subsystem of the railway transport infrastructure, which includes the superstructure (rails, turnouts, under-rail base with fasteners and a ballast prism), subgrade, drainage, anti-deformation, protective and strengthening structures of the subgrade, located in right-of-way, as well as artificial structures. For the passage of vehicles through the railway tracks, crossings and overpasses are arranged, respectively, at the same and different levels, and for the passage of pedestrians - pedestrian bridges and paths (sidewalks), pedestrian tunnels.

To ensure the operation of automatic blocking, locomotive and crossing signaling, monitoring the integrity of the track, it is equipped with electric track circuits associated with the operation of signaling devices, signals, signal and track signs, and roadblock devices.

1.2. The current maintenance of the track is carried out all year round and throughout the entire length of the track, including sections under repair. It includes diagnosing the state of the track, studying the causes of deviations and malfunctions, and performing work to eliminate and prevent them.

1.3. The infrastructure of public railway transport, non-public railway tracks and the structures, devices, mechanisms and equipment of railway transport located on them must be maintained by their owners in good technical condition.

Structures, devices, mechanisms and equipment of railway transport must comply with the approved design and engineering documentation.

All structures and track devices at hauls and stations must be maintained in accordance with the norms and tolerances established by the current regulatory documentation.

1.4. The main structural subdivision of the track facilities, which carries out the current maintenance of the track, is the distance of the track.

The length of the track distance and its structural division are set by the owner of the infrastructure.

1.5. The track distances must contain a contingent of track fitters sufficient to comply with the work performance technology and ensure the safety of train traffic in accordance with the labor cost standards in force at Russian Railways for employees employed on the current track maintenance, which is distributed according to the track distance approved by the structural unit, as well as the necessary technical equipment, equipment and tools.

1.6. The organization of work on the maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its functioning, as well as work on the maintenance of track circuits (in the amount performed by the distance of the track) is assigned to the heads of track distances, their deputies, section heads, road and bridge (tunnel) masters, foremen paths and foremen on artificial structures. They, as well as the personnel of diagnostic tools, track inspection and bridge testing stations, inspectors for the state of the railway track, track fitters appointed for inspection and those on duty at crossings (in the crossing zone) are entrusted with monitoring the state of the track, structures and devices that ensure its functioning.

These employees must periodically, in accordance with the established rules, check the sections of the track entrusted to them, ensure the high quality of the current maintenance of the track, structures and devices, create the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains at set speeds, as well as to extend the service life of track elements.

For the purpose of greater efficiency in taking urgent measures to ensure the safety of train traffic, the head of the distance of the track, his deputy, the heads of sections, road foremen, controllers of the state of the railway track and foremen of the track should be provided with mobile or operational communications.

1.7. The current maintenance of the track should be carried out under the most rational combination of two main conditions: ensuring the safety of trains at set speeds and saving resources.

The rationality of such a combination is achieved on the basis of dividing paths into classes. The class of tracks is established depending on their traffic density, permissible train speeds and other factors that affect the operation of the track and its elements, in accordance with the Regulations on the track management system of JSC "Russian Railways" and the Methodology for the classification and specialization of lines approved by order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated December 23, 2015 N 3048r.

1.8. This Instruction sets out the main technical conditions, norms, requirements and rules for the arrangement and maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its operation at permissible speeds: up to 200 km / h - for passenger trains; 120 km/h - for refrigerated; 90 km/h - for trucks*.

Technical conditions, norms and rules for high-speed lines are established by a special instruction of Russian Railways.

1.9. This Instruction uses the terms given in the Rules for Technical Operation.

2. Standards for the arrangement and maintenance of the rail track in the profile, plan, level and width

2.1. Rail gauge standards

2.1.1. The railway track in profile and plan must comply with the design documentation approved by Russian Railways and the requirements of this Instruction.

2.1.2. Circular curves must be mated with straight sections of transition curves, except for curves on turnouts and cases when, according to the conditions of the line plan, this is not possible (cross-shaped and adjacent to a straight insert curves of insufficient length and others).

2.1.3. In curved sections of the track, the outer rail thread is arranged and contained above the inner one. The amount of elevation in curves is determined according to the following rules:

The minimum allowable elevation should ensure the value of the transverse unsuspended acceleration directed outward of the curve (a np), not more than 0.7 m / s 2 at the level of the axle box of the rolling stock for the maximum speed of freight and passenger trains.

The value of the transverse unsuspended acceleration (a np) is calculated from the actual values ​​of the track curvature and the elevation of the outer rail depending on the speed (V) according to the formula:

where a np - the value of outstanding acceleration, m / s 2;

H - elevation of the outer rail, mm;

R - curve radius, m.

On lines with specialization B, C and P, where passenger rolling stock with improved dynamic characteristics circulates, the permissible value of a np can be established by order of Russian Railways OJSC based on tests carried out 0.7 m / s 2 or more.

On lines with freight and mixed traffic of trains, the least impact on the track in curves, which reduces the intensity of breakdown and wear of track elements, is performed at a np close to zero at the weighted average speed of freight trains. To do this, on lines with a specialization of O, G, T, the outstanding acceleration in freight trains should be in the range of ±0.3 m/s 2 at actual speeds.

An increase in outstanding acceleration in freight trains over the range of ±0.3 m/s 2 is allowed subject to a feasibility study (on directions with a large difference between the maximum speeds of passenger and freight trains).

The elevation value is checked by the formula:


where h min is the minimum design elevation of the outer rail, mm;

V max pass - the maximum allowable speed of passenger trains, established by order for a given curve of radius R, which should not exceed the speed obtained from the traction calculation of the leading series of locomotives, km / h;

115 - the value of the permissible underelevation of the outer rail from the condition of not exceeding the rate of outstanding acceleration of 0.7 m/s 2 .

At the same time, for the lines O, G, T, it is checked that the elevation is within:


where V cf is the weighted average speed of freight trains, km/h;

50 - value from the condition of non-exceeding acceleration ±0.3 m/s 2 .

The maximum elevation of the outer rail in the curve, taking into account the maintenance tolerances, should not exceed 150 mm; if this value is exceeded, the movement of trains is closed.

Of the values ​​obtained by the formulas, the elevation is taken larger and rounded up to a multiple of 5.

Depending on the specific conditions of the track in the curve (the intensity of wear of the rails along one and the other threads), the calculated elevation value, if necessary, can be corrected within the limits of outstanding accelerations.

In curves located in the areas of regenerative braking, it is recommended to increase the elevation obtained by calculation by up to 20% to compensate for the action of longitudinal compressive forces, and in curves located on guiding rises and close to them, to compensate for longitudinal tensile forces, to reduce the elevation obtained by calculation by up to 15%. At the same time, the standards for limiting outstanding accelerations must be observed.

2.1.4. The lengths of the transition curves are set based on the conditions for ensuring the values ​​​​required by the current standards for the removal of the elevation of the outer rail and the removal of curvature, determined by the allowable rate of increase of the transverse unsuspended acceleration of 0.6 m / s 3.

The end and start of the curved outer rail elevation and curvature retraction must match the spiral start and spiral end points.

In cramped conditions, it is allowed to install elevation bends without transition curves: either along a straight line, or 50% each on a straight line and a curve (without observing the condition that the elevation and curvature bends coincide).

2.1.5. The length of the transition curve is determined depending on the calculated elevation of the outer rail and on the number of adjacent main tracks.

On single-track lines and for the external track of double-track lines, the length of the transition curve (L n) is determined by the formula:

where h is the calculated elevation of the outer rail in a circular curve, mm;

i - estimated slope of the elevation.

For an internal path of a double-track line, the length of the transition curve is determined by the formula:


where d is the widening between the tracks in the curve, m;

R - curve radius, m.

The necessary widening of the intertrack on double- and multi-track sections is determined in accordance with the Instructions for the use of dimensions for the approximation of buildings. In accordance with this, the lengths of transition curves are determined.

2.1.6. The steepness of the slope of the elevation in transition curves connecting straight and curved sections or sections of curves with different elevations must comply with the standards of Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Permissible slopes of the elevation of the outer rail in curves

Maximum elevation slope (i), mm/m, no more

Permissible speed of trains, km/h



Closing traffic

2.1.7. The slopes of the outlets of the elevation of the outer rail in the curves, measured by the slope of the center line at the outlet of the level, must be the same along the entire length of the transition curve. If the permissible slope of the outlet of the elevation of the outer rail is exceeded along the entire length of the transition curve or its part with a length of at least 30 m, the set speed is reduced, according to Table 2.1, until the train traffic is closed.

If the bends of the outer rail elevation of the curve and the curvature, measured respectively by the zero (middle) lines on the records of the level and arrows, do not match by more than 20 m, the need to reduce the set train speed along this curve is determined by the value of the outstanding acceleration a np and the rate of its change ψ (formula 2.2 and 2.6)

Rate of change of outstanding acceleration, m/s 3


where ∆α NP is the difference of outstanding accelerations over the length of the curvature tap L, m (Fig. 2.1)

V max pass - the maximum allowable speed of passenger trains along the curve, km/h;

2.1.8. Determination and assessment of the actual characteristics of the main tracks in plan and profile are carried out by track measuring complexes in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for monitoring the condition of the main and station tracks by track measuring means.

2.1.9. Norms for the arrangement and maintenance of railroad switches in terms of level are set the same as on adjacent tracks.

2.1.10. On hauls and stations located on curves, the elevation of the outer rail on the main and receiving-departure tracks is set taking into account both the permissible speeds of trains along the station tracks and the dimensions of the approach of buildings in accordance with the Instructions for the use of dimensions of the approach of buildings.

Turnouts located on the main tracks in curves with an elevation of the outer thread are also arranged with an elevation of the outer thread if the turnout curve coincides in direction with the curved section of the track. In this case, the elevation of the outer thread on the turnout should be no more than 75 mm.

If the transfer curve of the turnout does not coincide in direction with the curved section of the track, then the elevation on such turnouts, as a rule, is not arranged. At the same time, the speed of movement of trains along such a turnout should be determined according to the "Norms for the Permissible Speeds of Rolling Stock on 1520 (1524) mm Gauge Railways of the Federal Railway Transport" .

On the receiving and departing tracks located on curves, as well as on cross-shaped curves, where the established speeds are 25 km / h or less, the elevation of the outer rail, as a rule, is not arranged.

The transfer curves of turnouts located on straight sections are contained without elevation of the outer rail.

Setting cross-cross curves in the plan should be carried out according to ordinates, the values ​​of which, depending on the brand of cross-pieces and the width of the track spacing, are given in Appendix 8 to this Instruction.

Cross curves on the tracks of passenger and freight trains with a speed of more than 25 km/h may have elevations of the outer rail, according to paragraph 2.1.3. The removal of the elevation should begin behind the last transfer beam, but not closer than 2 m from the rear joint of the cross. If possible, an elevation removal device with a permissible slope according to Table. 2.1 is a complete elevation. If such a withdrawal is not feasible, then the height of the outer rail is set by the head of the track service.

On cross and transfer curves, the formation of a decrease in the outer thread in relation to the inner thread (reverse elevation) during operation is not allowed. In exceptional cases, on turnouts located in curved sections of the track or in cramped conditions, it is allowed to lower the outer thread in relation to the inner one by no more than 20 mm. With a decrease from 20 mm to 40 mm, the speed along such a curve is limited to 15 km / h, with a decrease of more than 40 mm, the movement is closed.

The radii of the crossing curves must be at least: 300 m on the main, receiving-departure and sorting tracks; 200 m on other station tracks, but in all cases not less than the radius of the transfer curves.

2.1.11. The beginning and end of each transition curve are marked on the neck of the rail with a vertical strip of white indelible paint and the inscriptions NPK - the beginning of the transition curve, KPK - the end of the transition curve.

The beginning and end of the cross curves, as well as their coordinates on the main and receiving-departure tracks, are marked on the neck of the rail from the inside of the outer thread with a vertical strip and the corresponding numbers with indelible white paint.

Fixing curves in tunnels with permanent signs (benchmarks) is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the maintenance of artificial structures.

2.1.12. Between the transition curves of adjacent circular curves of the same direction there must be straight inserts with a length of at least 50 m; in cramped conditions, a straight insert of a shorter length is allowed, but not less than 25 m in curves of one direction and 15 m in curves of opposite directions.

On closely spaced curves of the same direction without transition curves, elevation bends are arranged only if, along the straight insert located between the ends of the curves, the lengths of both bends fit and a straight section of at least 25 m long remains between their ends (Figure 2.2.a) .

If the length of the straight insert is not sufficient to meet this condition, the bend is made steeper, but not steeper than that allowed in accordance with clause 2.1.6. If, in this case, the length of the straight section is less than 25 m, then the elevation is made along the entire length of the straight between the curves. In this case, the elevation is set equal to the elevation on the curves and becomes transitional along the length of the straight insert at different curve radii (Figure 2.2.b). In such cases, the magnitude of the elevation should be no more than 115 mm (under the condition that the outstanding acceleration is not exceeded 0.7 m / s 2).

In the absence of a direct insert on a two-radius curve of one direction, the outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and the widening of the track are made in the transition curve or within the curve of a larger radius (Figure 2.2.c). Transition curves can be omitted between adjacent circular curves of the same direction, if the difference in their curvature does not exceed 1/4000.

With scale curves without transition curves, the elevation retraction is made on a straight insert between them. In this case, between the ends of the elevation bends of the outer threads of the curves, there must be a straight section with a length of at least 25 m, if it is possible to arrange elevation bends with a slope of not more than 0.001. If this condition is not observed, it is allowed to increase the slope to 0.003 while maintaining the length of the straight insert of 25 m, by reducing the speed in accordance with the Instruction for assessing the condition of the rail gauge by means of track measuring and measures to ensure traffic safety or its replacement; if it is impossible to fulfill this condition, it is allowed to reduce the straight section without elevation to a length of 15 m with a tap device with a slope of 0.003, and at the beginning of the circular curve, the elevation should be at least half the full elevation (Figure 2.2.d).

In accordance with the design of newly built railway lines built in especially difficult conditions, additional main tracks and the reconstruction of existing railway lines, the conjugation of reverse curves with transition curves without direct inserts is justified by technical and economic calculations.

In all cases, when a direct insertion between curves of one or different directions is insufficient, the procedure for arranging outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and widening of the gauge is established by the head of the track service.

The speeds of movement along mating curves, in which the length of the straight insert without elevation is 25 m or less, are determined according to the methodology set forth in the "Norms for the Permissible Speeds of Rolling Stock on 1520 (1524) mm Gauge Railways of the Federal Railway Transport" .

2.1.13. Structures and arrangements of railways, as well as access roads, must meet the requirements for the clearance of buildings established by the State Standard "The clearance of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways".

Dimension C is set for tracks, structures and devices of the general railway network and access roads from the junction station to the territory of industrial, transport and other enterprises.

Structures and devices of railways located on the territory and between the territories of industrial and transport enterprises must meet the requirements for the clearance of buildings C p, established by the interstate standard. The dimensions of the dimensions of the approximation of buildings C and C p are given in Appendix 1 to this Instruction.

Dimensions C and C p must be observed in the design, construction, reconstruction of railways, access roads, structures and devices on them, during electrification and construction of second tracks, as well as in the operation of structures and devices previously reduced to the specified dimensions.

It is forbidden to violate the dimensions of structures and devices during any repair, construction and other work.

For the dimensions of the rolling stock, designations are established that take into account the different dimensions of the approach of railway structures, as well as the presence of sections with oversized structures and devices on them:

Dimension T - for suburban electric train cars intended for operation on electrified lines, as well as for certain types of freight rolling stock;

Size 1-T - for rolling stock of any type allowed for circulation on all tracks of the common railway network;

Dimensions T c - for heavy tanks;

Dimension T pr - for gondola cars.

It is not allowed to violate the dimensions of structures and devices of railways during any repair, construction and other work.

2.1.14. The distance between the axes of adjacent tracks (intertrack) on hauls must comply with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation and be:

between the first and second tracks on straight lines on double-track sections - at least 4100 mm;

between the second and third tracks on straight lines on three-track and four-track sections - at least 5000 mm.

At stations, the distance between the axes of adjacent tracks on straight sections should be at least 4800 mm, on secondary tracks and tracks of cargo areas - at least 4500 mm. The distance between the axes of the tracks intended for the direct transfer of goods from wagon to wagon can be 3600 mm.

If both main tracks are located on the same side of the other tracks of the station, then with the permission of the head of the railway, a distance of 4100 mm between them is allowed.

In curved sections, the distances between the axes of the tracks are established by the Instructions for the use of dimensions for the approximation of buildings.

Transitions from normal inter-track distances on straight sections of the track to extended distances on curves with a concentric arrangement of tracks are arranged within the transition curves, as a rule, due to the use of transition curves of increased length on the inner track compared to the outer track.

In cramped conditions, with short straight inserts between adjacent curves, it is allowed to have a broadened distance common to the entire section, according to the norms for a curve with the smallest radius.

2.1.15. Loads unloaded or prepared for loading near the track must be stowed and secured so that the clearance of the buildings is not violated.

Cargoes (except for ballast unloaded for track work) at a height of up to 1200 mm should be no closer than 2.0 m from the outer edge of the rail head, and at a higher height - no closer than 2.5 m.

Passenger and freight platforms on lines with mixed traffic of passenger and freight trains must, in straight sections, comply with the following standards for height and distance from the track axis:

1100 mm (1300 mm)** - from the top level of rail heads for high platforms;

200 mm - from the level of the top of the rail heads for low platforms;

1920 mm - from track axis to high platforms;

1745 mm - from track axis to low platforms.

In curved sections of the path, these distances are determined according to the standards established by the Instructions for the use of dimensions for approaching buildings.

During operation, it is allowed to contain these structures in height up to 20 mm in the direction of increase and up to 50 mm in the direction of decrease, in the distance from the track axis up to 30 mm in the direction of increase and up to 25 mm in the direction of decrease. When repairing the track and platforms, it is not allowed to change the norms of distances from the level of the rail head to the top of the passenger and cargo platforms, as well as from the axis of the track to the edge of the platforms.

Limit posts are installed in the middle between the tracks in the place where the distance between the axes of the converging tracks is 4100 mm. On the existing station tracks, which are not circulated by rolling stock built according to the dimension T, it is allowed to maintain a distance of 3810 mm.

On transshipment tracks with a narrowed track spacing, limit posts are installed at the point where the width of the track spacing reaches 3600 mm. On curved sections of the path, these distances must be increased in accordance with the standards established by the Instructions for the use of building proximity dimensions.

2.1.16. In accordance with the PTE, stations, sidings and passing points, as a rule, should be located on a horizontal platform; in some cases, they are allowed to be located on slopes not steeper than 0.0015, and in difficult conditions - not steeper than 0.0025. types, which do not provide for maneuvers and uncoupling of the locomotive or wagons from the train and separation of trains, slopes of more than 0.0025 are allowed within the station platform. In especially difficult conditions, with the permission of the Infrastructure Directorate, slopes of more than 0.0025 are also allowed when extending the receiving and departing tracks at existing stations, provided that measures are taken against spontaneous departure of wagons or trains (without a locomotive), but not steeper than 0.010 in both cases.

In necessary cases, to prevent spontaneous exit of wagons to other tracks and routes for receiving and departing trains, provision should be made, respectively, for the installation of safety dead ends, guard arrows, dropping shoes, dropping wits, dropping arrows, as well as the use of stationary devices for securing wagons.

2.1.17. On multi-track lines, the rail heads of all tracks located on a common subgrade should be arranged at the same level. During operation, the difference in the level of the rail heads of all tracks on straight sections is not more than 150 mm.

Within crossings located on straight sections of the track, the difference in the levels of the rail heads of adjacent tracks should not be more than: 40 mm - with a distance between tracks of up to 5000 mm; 50 mm - with a distance between the tracks of more than 5000 mm.

When crossings are located on curved sections of the track, the flooring of the crossing is arranged with a slope due to the elevation of the outer rail above the inner one.

2.1.18. The plan and profile of the main and station tracks, as well as sidings belonging to the railway, must be subjected to periodic instrumental checks. Longitudinal profiles of marshalling humps, sub-hump and profiled exhaust tracks at marshalling, precinct and cargo stations are checked at least once every three years; for the rest of the station tracks of all stations, the profile is checked at least once every 10 years. The longitudinal profile of the main tracks at stations and hauls is checked during the period of overhaul and medium track repairs. According to the results of inspections, specific deadlines for the production of work on straightening profiles are established.

The organization of work on the instrumental verification of the plan and profile of the tracks, the preparation of the relevant technical documentation, as well as the preparation of large-scale and schematic plans of the stations is entrusted to the track services of the infrastructure directorates with the involvement of design institutes, design and survey and design and estimate groups for the performance of these works and the performance of these works in accordance with the program approved by the head of the railway.

Track distances must have:

drawings and descriptions of all structures and devices of track facilities available at the distances, as well as the relevant standards and norms;

scale and schematic plans of stations, longitudinal profiles of all main and station tracks, marshalling yards, as well as railway sidings where railway locomotives circulate.

The sections on which the track is being reconstructed and other work that causes a change in the plan and profile of the track are checked by the performers of the work after they are completed, submitting the relevant documentation to the distance of the track, and at the stations - to the head of the station.

2.1.19. In accordance with the PTE, when building new facilities on the territory of the station, expanding or transferring existing ones, any organization that performs such work transfers to the head of the distance of the track and the head of the station the executive documentation that determines the connection of the object to the existing development of the station, in the prescribed manner.

2.1.20. The path in the plan must correspond to the design position. The track position in the plan is normalized and evaluated, depending on the set train speeds, by the difference between adjacent rail bending arrows, measured from the middle of a 20 m long chord (Figure 2.3).

The calculated bending arrow (f) in a circular curve (mm) is determined by the formula:


where: a - chord length, m;

R - curve radius, m.

Tolerances for the difference between adjacent booms with the current track level in the plan are established by the Instruction for assessing the state of the rail gauge by track measuring means and measures to ensure traffic safety, approved by Russian Railways.

In a transition curve, the bending arrow increases uniformly from zero to the size of the circle curve arrow. The bending arrow within the spiral, excluding the beginning and end of the spiral, is determined by the formula:

where: f - bending arrow in a circular curve, mm;

x - distances from the beginning of the transition curve to the point at which the bending arrow is determined, m;

l - transition curve length, m.

Examples of calculation by formula (2.8) are given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Bending arrow depending on curve radius and chord length

Radius, m

Bending arrow, mm with a chord in m

An example of curve correction calculation is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Curve correction calculation

Point number

Natural arrows, mm

Shifts, mm

Half shifts, mm

Calculated arrows, mm

A graphical example of curve calculation is shown in Figure 2.4.

2.1.21. The nominal size of the rail gauge of public and non-public tracks is regulated by the "Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation", measured at a level of 13 mm from the wheel rolling surface on the rail.

When carrying out work on the current maintenance of the track, the nominal and permissible values ​​​​of narrowing and widening of the gauge are taken according to table 2.4.

In the sections of the conjugation of a straight line with a curve, having different nominal dimensions of the track width, the transition from one width to another is carried out within the transition curve, and in its absence - on a straight line with a nominal tap of 1 mm / m.

Table 2.4. Nominal rail gauge dimensions


1. A rail gauge less than 1512 mm and more than 1548 mm is not allowed, and on tracks with reinforced concrete sleepers produced before 1996, a gauge less than 1510 mm is not allowed.

2. On railway tracks under construction, as well as after the reconstruction and overhaul of railway tracks, the nominal size of the rail gauge on straight sections of the railway track and on curves with a radius of 350 m or more should be 1520 mm.

3. In the sections of the conjugation of a straight line with a curve, having different nominal dimensions of the track width, the transition from one width to another is carried out within the transition curve, and in its absence - on a straight line with a nominal tap of no more than 1 mm / m.

4. With a nominal gauge of 1524 mm, the following conditions for maintaining the nominal gauge:

straight lines and curves with a radius of more than 650 m - 1524 mm;

curves with a radius from 650 m to 450 m - 1530 mm;

curves with a radius from 449 m to 350 m - 1535 mm;

curves with a radius of 349 m or less - 1540 mm.

2.1.22. According to the Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, the rail threads on straight sections must be level with zero elevation of one thread above the other.

It is allowed on straight sections to contain a path along the level with an elevation of 6 mm of one thread above the other, while the length of such a straight section should not be less than 200 m, with the exception of straight sections located between adjacent curves in one direction, on which the elevation of one thread above the other can be with a straight line length of less than 200 m.

On straight lines located on double-track sections of the track, as a rule, the outer thread rises; on single-track sections, the elevated rail thread is set by the head of the track distance, depending on local conditions (the state of the subgrade, the presence of one-sided deeps, etc.).

The elevation of one thread above the other in a straight section should end no closer than 25 m from the beginning of the elevation in the curve, if the elevated thread on the straight line coincides with the lower thread of the curve.

If on straight sections with the elevation of one thread above the other there is a bridge deck on the ballast, then this elevation must also be preserved on it.

On overhead bridges with bridge beams, elevation is allowed if the length of the bridge is not more than 25 m. a path with an increase in one thread over the other by 6 mm is not allowed.

The list of straight sections, where it is allowed to keep one thread 6 mm higher than the other, is established by order of the head of the track distance, indicating kilometers, pickets and an increased thread.

In this case, the nominal slope of the outlet in terms of level from the norm of 6 mm to the zero position should not exceed 1‰.

2.2. Rail gauge maintenance tolerances

2.2.1. Based on the goals of the most rational determination of the types and timing of work to eliminate and prevent the occurrence of deviations from the nominal parameters and norms for the installation of a rail track, provided that the safety of train traffic is ensured, the assessment of deviations from the nominal values ​​of the parameters is carried out in degrees regulated depending on the established speeds.

The division of deviations into degrees is carried out as they approach the limit values ​​that require limiting the speed of trains and depending on the sequence of track work:

deviations from the nominal values ​​in the maintenance of the rail, which do not require elimination during the current maintenance, but are eliminated during planned types of repairs - the first (I) degree;

deviations eliminated in a planned manner - the second (II) degree;

deviations close to the values ​​that require limiting the speed of trains, leading to a pre-failure state of the track, refer to deviations of the third (III) degree and must be eliminated within 3 days;

deviations requiring speed limit or closure and urgent work are deviations of the fourth (IV) degree (malfunctions) must be eliminated immediately.

2.2.2. The state of the track in terms of the geometric dimensions of the rail track (by subsidence, by level, gauge and direction in the plan) must be checked by track measuring equipment at regular intervals in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for monitoring the condition of the main and station tracks by track measuring equipment, the Instruction or its replacement.

2.2.3. The magnitude of the degree of deviation from the nominal parameters and norms for the arrangement of the rail gauge is regulated by the Instruction for assessing the state of the rail gauge by means of track measurement and measures to ensure traffic safety or its replacement.

The magnitude of faults that require limiting the speed of movement are given in tables 2.5-2.9.

Table 2.5. Faults in track width on sections with a set speed of 140 km/h or less

Set speed, km/h

25 or less

Notes: Rail gauges less than 1512 mm and more than 1548 mm are not allowed.

Table 2.6. Faults in track width on sections with a set speed of more than 140 km/h

Set speed, km/h

Track broadening at nominal, mm

Gauge narrowing at nominal, mm

Straight lines and curves R≥3000 m

Curves R< 3000 м

Straight lines, curves

Table 2.7. Drawdown faults

Table 2.8. Malfunctions by level and distortions

Set speed, km/h

Distortion value, mm

Length up to 10 m

Length from 10 to 20 m

more than 35 to 50

more than 30 to 50

Closing traffic


* - for freight trains, km/h.

Table 2.9. Faults in the path in the plan (straightening)

Set speed, km/h

Up to 20 m inclusive

More than 20 to 40 m inclusive

from 10 to 20 m

more than 40 to 45

more than 50 to 65

more than 65 to 90

Closing traffic


* - for freight trains, km/h.

2.2.4. The values ​​of deviations of the 1st degree, allowed for the current maintenance on the tracks of different classes, depending on the specialization, eliminated during the planned type of repair or reconstruction (modernization), are given in tables 2.10. - 2.13.

Table 2.10. Deviations in the widening and narrowing of the track at different nominal widths


Path class

Track broadening at nominal, mm

Gauge narrowing at nominal, mm

60 or less


* up to 16 mm in curves with a radius of 650-1200 m, up to 18 mm in curves with a radius of less than 650 m;

** up to 18 mm in curves with a radius of 650-1200 m, up to 20 mm in curves with a radius of less than 650 m.

Table 2.11. Drawdown Retreats

Set speed of passenger/freight trains, km/h


Drawdown value, mm

Table 2.12. Level deviations and distortions

Set speed of passenger/freight trains, km/h


Level deviation value, mm

Distortion value, mm

Table 2.13. Deviations in the plan (for straightening)

Set speed of passenger/freight trains, km/h


The difference between adjacent arrows, measured from the middle of a chord 20 m long, mm, with a length of uneven path

Up to 20 m inclusive

More than 20 to 40 m inclusive

2.2.5. The slopes of the track width diversion*** are controlled by track measuring devices, they are allowed no more than those given in Table 2.14.

If the allowable slope of the track gauge for the set speed is exceeded, defined as an average value based on 2 m, the speed is reduced to values ​​corresponding to the actual slope of the track, up to the closure of train traffic.

Table 2.14. Track offset slopes***

Train speeds

at a train speed of 141-200 km/h

at a train speed of 121-140 km/h

at a train speed of 101-120 km/h

at a train speed of 81-100 km/h

at a train speed of 61-80 km/h

at a train speed of 26-60 km/h

at a train speed of 25 km/h

If the slope of the track gauge is more than 5‰, including when measuring on a base of 1 m (with manual measurements of the MCC template), the movement of trains is closed and measures are taken to immediately eliminate the track malfunction.

The slope of the retraction of the track width for manual measurements is determined as the difference in the values ​​of the track width at points every 2 m, reduced by the difference in the side wear values ​​at these points and divided by 2000.

For example, the track width at a given point on the curve is 1530 mm and the side wear of the outer rail is 4 mm, and at a point after 2 m the track width is 1535 mm and the side wear is 6 mm; in this case, the slope of the withdrawal is:


In the area of ​​turnouts, blind intersections, leveling joints, leveling spans, the removal of the track width is maintained taking into account design features. The retraction of the track width is controlled by manual measurement. On single turnouts in a straight direction from the root of the wit to the rear joint of the cross, the removal of the gauge is contained in accordance with Table. 2.14.

2.2.6. On bridges and in tunnels from 25 to 100 m long and on approaches to them 200 m in each direction, as well as on bridges and in tunnels more than 100 m long and on approaches to them 500 m in each direction plan, drawdowns, distortions are evaluated according to the standards of the Instruction or its replacement. Permissible deviations in such areas should be 10% less than the values ​​given in Table. 2.5-2.7, when rounded down.

2.2.7. The control and evaluation of the parameters of curved sections of the track is carried out by track measuring diagnostic tools. The assessment of the state of the curve device parameters is determined depending on the set train speed. The controlled values ​​of the curve, according to which the parameters of its device are evaluated, are:

radius and elevation of the outer rail;

lengths of transition curves and mismatch of bends of curvature and elevation;

the slope of the elevation of the outer rail (i) in the transition curves.

the value of the local outstanding horizontal acceleration (a d), calculated on the entire curve from the actual values ​​of curvature and elevation;

the value of outstanding acceleration in the curve (a np), calculated as the average value of acceleration a r in the circular part of the curve;

the rate of change of outstanding acceleration (ψ).

The output form of the curve device parameters is a "curve card" in accordance with the Regulations on the assessment of the actual parameters of the device of curved track sections by track measuring cars, the calculation of rational parameters for the device of curves for their certification.

2.2.8. The need to reduce the set speed of trains in case of mismatch between the bends of the elevation of the outer rail of the curve and the curvature are regulated by the Instruction or its replacement.

If it is impossible to eliminate the discrepancy, for example, due to cramped conditions, the speed limit for trains must be issued by order of the head of the infrastructure directorate.

Identified discrepancies in the bends that do not require speed limits are eliminated in a planned manner.

2.3. Permissible speeds depending on the state of the elements of the superstructure of the track

2.3.1. Permissible travel speeds are set depending on the type (code designation) of rail defects on the basis of the standards given in the Catalog of defective and sharply defective rails.

2.3.2. On sections of the track with "bushes" of unusable sleepers and transfer bars (for wooden, reinforced concrete, etc.), which do not ensure a stable position of the rail track, the permissible train speeds are set in accordance with Table. 2.15.

Table 2.15. Permissible speeds of movement depending on the presence of bushes of unusable sleepers and transfer bars along the way

Line plan

Rail type

The number of unusable sleepers in the bush

Permissible speed, km/h

Straight lines and curves with a radius of 650 m or more

P50 and lighter

15 or closing the movement with a track width of more than 1545 mm

Curves with a radius of less than 650 m

P50 and lighter

15 or closing the movement with a track width of more than 1545 mm

15 or closing the movement with a track width of more than 1545 mm

Note: 1. If between adjacent bushes of three or more unusable sleepers that do not provide a stable track position, there are less than three suitable sleepers and beams, then this place is considered as one bush, consisting of the sum of unusable sleepers of adjacent bushes.

2. On the main tracks of class 1-3, in the presence of two consecutive or more unusable sleepers (beams) at the junction, the speed is limited to 40 km / h.

3. Defective (unusable) reinforced concrete sleepers and beams that do not provide a stable position of the rail track are accounted for by codes 11.2, 12.2 13.2, 21.2 in accordance with the Instructions for maintaining a sleeper economy with reinforced concrete sleepers.

Sleepers with the following defects are considered unusable, not ensuring the stability of the rail gauge and subject to priority replacement:

Through splits along the entire length of the sleeper and more than 1/2 of the length of the timber.

Through splits that go under the lining;

Depreciation of wood under linings (including in combination with rot) to a depth (h) for type I - more than 40 mm, types II and III - more than 30 mm. For bars of all types over 30 mm;

Designed holes for fasteners in combination with rot more than 30 mm for spikes, more than 40 mm for screws. There is a displacement of the linings by 5 mm or more;

Decay of wood on the upper surface and in the zone of linings with a depth under linings for sleepers of type I - more than 40 mm, type II - more than 30 mm, type III on station tracks - more than 30 mm, for beams of all types - 30 mm.

Depth outside lining - 50 mm or more for all types of sleepers and beams with a length of more than 1 m:

Punching pieces of wood between cracks, going under the lining and disrupting the fasteners;

Transverse fractures in the lining area and between them, in the area between the butt and the lining with two or more sleepers (beams) in a row.

Rotting of the ends, entering the area of ​​​​the linings.

Permissible train speeds, depending on the total presence of unusable wooden sleepers on the track, are set in accordance with Table 2.16.

Table 2.16. Permissible movement speeds depending on the total number of unusable sleepers per kilometer (picket, link)

Share of unusable sleepers (%) per kilometer for class tracks

Permissible travel speed (passenger/freight), km/h, for rail types

P65 and heavier

P50 and lighter

Straight lines and curves R≥650 m

Straight lines and curves R≥650 m

Depending on the general condition of the track, but not more than 40/25 (in R curves< 650 м - 25/15)

2.3.3. If there are consecutive unusable nodes of intermediate fasteners, a speed limit is introduced or the movement is closed.

The intermediate fastening unit type D65 on wooden sleepers is considered unsuitable:

When the lining is worn, in which the main crutches do not reach the sole of the rail on at least one side;

In the absence or breakage of two or more sewing (main) crutches.

An intermediate fastening unit of the KB type on reinforced concrete sleepers or of the KD type on wooden sleepers is considered unsuitable:

If the lining is missing or broken;

In the absence or breakage of both embedded bolts KB or 4 screws KD;

If both terminals or terminal bolts are missing.

The unlined fastening unit is considered unusable if the elastic terminal, anchor bolt or screw is missing or broken.

An anchor-type intermediate fastening unit is considered unusable if the anchor, elastic clamp, mono-regulator on the APC fastening are missing or broken.

The intermediate fastening unit on the turnout is considered unusable if there is no or broken switch shoe on the frame rail, in the cross or counter rail, if both terminals are missing or if there are no pawl stops, if there are no or broken embedded bolts or screws on the lining.

2.3.4. In the presence of unusable fastening units of anchor and lining type on reinforced concrete and wooden sleepers, the speed of trains is limited by one thread:

a) in straight lines and curves with a radius of more than 650 m:

With an unusable fastening unit on 4 sleepers in a row, a speed of 60 km / h is set, on 5 sleepers in a row - 40 km / h, on 6 sleepers - 25 km / h; with more than 6 sleepers - 15 km / h or traffic closure with a track width of 1545 mm or more;

b) in curves with a radius of 650 m or less:

With an unusable fastening unit on 4 sleepers in a row, a speed of 40 km / h is set; on 5 sleepers - 25 km/h; with more than 5 sleepers - 15 km / h or traffic closure with a track width of 1545 mm or more;

In the presence of unusable nodes on unlined fasteners along one thread, the speed of trains is limited:

With an unusable fastening unit on 3 sleepers in a row, a speed of 40 km / h is set, at 4-25 km / h, at 5 or more - 15 km / h or traffic is closed with a track width of 1545 mm or more.

In the presence of unusable intermediate fastening units on the frame rail (including the absence of rivets for fastening the cushion to the shoe), in the crosspiece or counter-rail rail of the turnout, along one thread, the speed of trains is limited to:

With an unusable fastening unit on 2 bars in a row, the speed of trains in the straight direction is 60 km/h, in the lateral direction 40 km/h;

With an unusable fastening unit on 3 bars in a row, the speed of trains in the straight direction is 40 km/h, in the lateral direction 25 km/h;

With an unusable fastening unit on 4 bars in a row, the speed of movement of trains in the straight direction is 25 km/h, in the lateral direction 15 km/h;

With an unusable fastening unit on 5 or more bars in a row, the speed of movement of trains in the straight direction is 15 km/h, in the lateral direction the movement is 15 km/h, with a gauge of 1545 mm or more, the movement is closed.

2.3.5. In the presence of unusable nodes of intermediate fastenings, the speed of movement is set according to table 2.17.

Table 2.17. Permissible travel speeds depending on the proportion of the length of the track with unusable fastening nodes

Share of sleepers with unusable intermediate fastening units, %, per kilometer (station, link)

Permissible speed (passenger/freight), km/h, on track with rails

P65 and heavier

P50 and lighter



Straight lines and curves R≥650 m

Straight lines and curves R≥650 m

Depending on the general condition of the track,

but not more

40/25 (in R curves< 650 м - 25/15)

2.3.6. In the presence of splashes, the speed of movement is set according to table 2.18.

Table 2.18 Permissible speeds depending on the proportion of the length of the path with splashes per kilometer

Share of path length with bursts per kilometer, %, for class paths

Permissible speed (passenger/freight), km/h, on sections with rails

P65 and heavier

P50 and lighter

Depending on the general condition of the track, but not more than 25/25

Law on Railway Transport of the Russian Federation No. 17-FZ Download


Construction and technical standards "1520 mm gauge railways" updated version Download

Specifications for work on repair and scheduled preventive straightening of the track TsPT-53 Download

Instructions for the current maintenance of the railway track No. 2288/r dated 11/14/2016 (as amended) Download

PTE of the Railways of the Russian Federation (new version) Download

Order No. 8-Ts on labor standards for current maintenance Download

Instruction No. С-1386у on approval of average network consumption rates for materials and products Download

Conditions for the operation of railway crossings from 2015 Download

Instructions for the maintenance of wooden sleepers, transfer and bridge beams TsP-410 Download

Album of turnout measurements Download

Book for recording the results of checking the track, structures and track devices and subgrade form PU-28 Download

Book of recording the results of checking turnouts and deaf intersections form PU-29 Download


Journal of work performed for the working day (shift) SHU-2 Download

Journal of technical verification of devices SCB SHU-64 Download

Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during the technical operation of devices and systems of signaling systems TsSh-530-11 2011 Download


Guidelines for a comprehensive inspection of crane tracks RD-10-138-97 Download

Ways ground rail crane. General technical requirements. GOST R 51248-99 Download

Code of Practice for Design and Construction. Ways ground rail crane. SP 12-103-2002 Download

Crane runway leveling magazine Download


Instruction. Rail defects. Classification, catalog and parameters of defective and sharply defective rails. Approved by Order of Russian Railways JSC No. 2499r of 2014 Download

Classifier of defects and damages of turnouts. Approved by order of Russian Railways JSC No. 1653r of 2012 Download


Guidelines for the compilation of longitudinal profiles of station tracks and spans TsPT-54/26 of 2008 Download

Guidelines for the preparation of large-scale plans for railway stations TsPT-54/27 of 2008 Download

Typical technical passport of the railway facilities. Approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. AN-46r of 2001 Download

The procedure for the development, approval and approval by Russian Railways of an instruction on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on a non-public railway track. Approved by order of Russian Railways JSC No. 1686r of 2011 Download

The procedure for the development and approval of technical documentation for non-public railway tracks on the Moscow Railway No. 201r / NZ-1 of 2011 Download


Technical requirements and norms for the maintenance of railway tracks for industrial transport No. AN-132-r of 2003

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Approved by: Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation

V T Semenov

INSTRUCTIONS for the current maintenance of the railway track


2.1.8. Between the transition curves of adjacent circular curves there must be straight inserts with a length of at least 50 m; in cramped conditions, a straight insert of a shorter length is allowed, but not less than 25 m for curves of the same direction and 15 m for divergent curves.

On closely spaced curves of the same direction without transition curves, elevation bends are arranged only if the lengths of both bends fit along the straight insert located between the ends of the curves and a straight section with a length of at least 25 m remains between their ends (Fig. 2.2). In case of insufficient length of the straight insert to comply with this condition, the bend is made steeper, but not steeper than allowed according to Table. 2.1. If, in this case, the length of the straight section is less than 25 m, then the elevation is made along the entire length of the straight between the curves. At

In this case, the elevation is set equal to the elevation on the curves and becomes transitional along the length of the straight insert at different curve radii (Fig. 2.3). In such cases, the magnitude of the elevation should be no more than 115 mm (under the condition that the outstanding acceleration of 0.7 m / s 2 is not exceeded).

In the absence of a direct insert on a two-radius curve of one direction, the outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and the widening of the track are made in the transition curve or within the curve of a larger radius (Fig. 2.4). Transition curves can be omitted between adjacent circular curves of the same direction, if the difference in their curvature does not exceed 1/4000.

With versatile curves without transition curves, the elevation is removed on a straight insert between them. In this case, between the ends of the elevation bends of the outer threads of the curves, there must be a straight section with a length of at least 25 m, with the possibility of arranging elevation bends with a slope of not more than 0.001. If this condition is not observed, it is allowed to increase the slope to 0.003 while maintaining the length of the straight insert of 25 m, reducing the speed in accordance with Table. 2.1; if it is impossible to fulfill this condition, it is allowed to reduce the straight section without elevation to a length of 15 m with a tap device with a slope of 0.003, and at the beginning of the circular curve, the elevation should be at least half the full elevation (Fig. 2.5).

In all cases, when a direct insertion between curves of one or different directions is insufficient, the procedure for arranging outlets for the elevation of the outer rail and widening of the gauge is established by the head of the track service.

Speeds along mating curves, in which the length of a straight insert without elevation is 25 m or less, are determined according to the method set forth in the order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated July 14, 1994, 2TsZ "Norms for Permissible Speeds of Movement on 1520 (1524) mm Gauge Railways".

2.1.9. The radii of the crossing curves, as a rule, must be at least 300 m on the main, receiving-departure and sorting tracks, 200 m on the other station tracks, but in all cases not less than the radii of the transfer curves.

2.1.10. On curved sections of tracks of the 1st and 2nd classes and 1-3 categories of the 3rd class, at the ends of the tangents (in the middle of the transition curve), permanent signs (benchmarks) should be installed with the inscriptions: NCC - the beginning of the circular curve, KKK - the end of the circular crooked.

It is allowed to install such signs on the supports of the contact network, artificial and other permanent structures, indicating the distance to the NCC and KKK.

The beginning and end of each transition curve are marked on the neck of the rail with a vertical stripe of white indelible paint and inscriptions: NPK * - the beginning of the transition curve, KG1K - the end of the transition curve.

The beginning and end of the cross curves, as well as their coordinates on the main and receiving and departure tracks, are marked on the neck of the rail from the inside of the outer thread with a vertical strip and the corresponding numbers with indelible white paint.

Fixing curves in tunnels with permanent signs (benchmarks) is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the maintenance of artificial structures.

2.1.11. In accordance with G1TE, the structures and devices of the common network of railways and access roads from the junction station to the territory of industrial and transport enterprises must meet the requirements for the proximity dimension of buildings C, established by the state standard.

Structures and devices located on the territory and between the territories of plants, factories, workshops, depots, river and sea ports, mines, cargo areas, bases, warehouses, quarries, forest and peat mining, power plants and other industrial and transport enterprises must meet the requirements of the overall approximation of buildings Sp, established by the state standard.

Dimensions C and C p must be observed in the design, construction, reconstruction of railways, sidings, structures and devices on them, during electrification and construction of second tracks, as well as in the operation of structures and devices previously reduced to the specified dimensions.

It is forbidden to violate the dimensions of structures and devices during any repair, construction and other work.

2.1.12. The distance between the axes of adjacent tracks (between tracks) on hauls must comply with the PTE and be:

between the first and second tracks on double-track sections, the third and fourth on a four-track section - at least 4100 mm;

between the second and third tracks on three-track and four-track sections - at least 5000 mm.

At stations, the distance between the axes of adjacent tracks on straight sections should be at least 4800 mm, on secondary tracks and tracks of cargo areas - at least 4500 mm. The distance between the axes of the tracks intended for the direct transfer of goods from wagon to wagon can be 3600 mm.

If both main tracks are located on the same side of the other tracks of the station, then with the permission of the head of the railway, a distance of 4100 mm between them is allowed.

In curved sections, the distances between the axes of the tracks are established by the Instructions for the use of the dimensions of the approximation of buildings.

Transitions from normal inter-track distances on straight sections of the track to increased ones on curves with a concentric arrangement of tracks are arranged within the transition curves, as a rule, due to the use of transition curves of increased length on the inner track compared to the outer track.

In cramped conditions, with short straight inserts between adjacent curves, it is allowed to have a broadened distance, common for the entire section according to the norms for the curve with the smallest radius.

2.1.13. In accordance with the PTE, stations, sidings and passing points, as a rule, should be located on a horizontal platform; in some cases, they can be located on slopes not steeper than 0.0015, and in difficult conditions - not steeper than 0.0025. In especially difficult conditions at sidings and overtaking points of all types, and with the permission of the Ministry of Railways and at intermediate stations of longitudinal and semi-longitudinal types, where maneuvers and uncoupling of the locomotive or wagons from the train and separation of trains are not provided, slopes of more than 0.0025 in within the station site. It is also allowed in especially difficult conditions with the permission of the Ministry of Railways, slopes of more than 0.0025 when lengthening the receiving and departing tracks at existing stations, provided that measures are taken against spontaneous departure of wagons or trains (without a locomotive).

In necessary cases, in order to prevent the spontaneous exit of wagons to other tracks and routes for receiving and departing trains, provision should be made for the installation of safety dead ends, guard arrows, dropping shoes and arrows, and barrier devices.

2.1.14. On multi-track lines, the rail heads of all tracks located on a common subgrade should be arranged at the same level. During operation, a difference in the level of the rail heads of all tracks on straight sections of no more than 15 cm is allowed.

Within crossings located on straight sections of the track, the difference in the levels of the rail heads of adjacent tracks should not be more than 40 mm with a distance between tracks of up to 5000 mm, 50 mm - with a distance between tracks of more than 5000 mm.

When crossings are located on curved sections of the track, the flooring of the crossing is arranged with a slope due to the elevation of the outer rail above the inner one.

2.1.15. The plan and profile of the main and station tracks, as well as sidings belonging to the railway, must be subjected to periodic instrumental checks. Longitudinal profiles of marshalling humps, sub-hump and profiled exhaust tracks at marshalling, precinct and cargo stations are checked at least once every three years; for the rest of the station tracks of all stations, the profile is checked at least once every 10 years. The longitudinal profile of the main tracks on the hauls is checked during the period of overhaul and medium track repairs. According to the results of inspections, specific deadlines for the production of work on straightening profiles are established.

The organization of work on the instrumental verification of the plan and profile of the tracks, the preparation of relevant technical documentation, as well as the preparation of large-scale and schematic plans of stations, is entrusted to the railway track services with the involvement of design institutes, design survey and design and estimate groups to carry out these works.

Track distances must have:

drawings and descriptions of all structures and devices of the track facilities available at the distance, as well as the relevant standards and norms;

scale and schematic plans of stations, longitudinal profiles of all main and station tracks, marshalling yards, as well as railway sidings where the locomotives of the road turn.

The sections on which the reconstruction of the track and other work is carried out, causing a change in the plan and profile of the track, are checked by the performers of the work after they are completed, submitting the relevant documentation to the distance of the track, and at the stations and to the head of the station.

2.1.16. In accordance with the PTE, when building new facilities on the territory of the station, expanding or transferring existing facilities, any organization performing such work must immediately transfer to the head of the distance of the track and the head of the station the executive documentation that determines the connection of the facility to the existing development of the station.

2.1.17. The path in the plan must correspond to the design position. The position of the track in the plan is normalized and evaluated, depending on the set train speeds, by the difference between the adjacent rail bending arrows, measured from the middle of the chord 20 m long. and curves (and in transition curves - from a uniform growth of arrows) should not exceed: at speeds of 81-140 / 71-90 km / h - 10 mm; 61-80/61-70 km/h - 15 mm; 41-60 km / h - 20 mm; 16-40 km / h - 25 mm; 15 km/h - 30 mm. (Here and below: in the numerator - the speed of passenger trains, in the denominator - freight trains.)

The calculated bending arrow of a circular curve, m, is determined by the formula:

where a is the length of the chord (20 m); R - curve radius, m.

Table 2.2. Nominal gauge dimensions, mm

Route plan


Reinforced concrete

Track 1520 mm

Straight lines and curves with a radius of 350 m or more

Curves with a radius of less than 350 m up to 300 m (inclusive)

Curves with a radius of less than 300 m

Track 1524 mm

Straight lines and curves with a radius of more than 650 m

Curves with a radius of 650 to 450 m

Curves with radius from 449 to 350 m

Curves with a radius of 349 m or less

2.1.8. The nominal width of the rail track on straight and curved sections, measured at a level of 13 mm from the wheel rolling surface along the rail, is given in Table. 2.2.

In the sections of the conjugation of a straight line with a curve, having different nominal dimensions of the track width, the transition from one width to another is carried out within the transition curve, and in its absence - on a straight line with a nominal tap of 1 mm / m.

2.1.19. According to the PTE, rail threads on straight sections should

be located at the zero level.

It is allowed on straight sections to contain a path along the level with an elevation of 6 mm of one thread above the other, while the length of such a straight section should not be less than 200 m, with the exception of straight sections located between adjacent curves of the same direction, on which the elevation of one thread above the other can be and

with a straight line length of less than 200 m.

On straight lines located on double-track sections of the track, as a rule, the outer thread rises; on single-track sections, the elevated rail thread is set by the head of the track distance, depending on local conditions (the state of the subgrade, the presence of one-sided deeps, etc.).

The elevation of one thread above the other in a straight section should end no closer than 25 m from the beginning of the elevation in the curve, if the elevated thread on the straight line coincides with the lower thread of the curve.

If on straight sections with the elevation of one thread above the other there is a bridge deck on the ballast, then this elevation must also be preserved on it.

On overhead bridges with bridge beams, elevation is allowed if the length of the bridge is not more than 25 m. it is not allowed to contain a path with an increase in one thread over the other by 6 mm.

The list of straight sections, where it is allowed to keep one thread 6 mm higher than the other, is established by order of the head of the track distance, indicating kilometers, pickets and an increased thread.

In this case, the nominal slope of the outlet in terms of level from the norm of 6 mm to the zero position should not exceed 1%o.

2.2. Rail gauge maintenance tolerances

2.2.1. Based on the goals of the most rational determination of the types and timing of work to eliminate and prevent the occurrence of deviations from the nominal parameters and norms for the arrangement of the rail gauge, provided that the safety of train traffic is ensured, the assessment of deviations from the nominal values ​​of the parameters controlled by the track measuring car is carried out according to four degrees, regulated in depending on the established train speeds according to the principle: the higher the established train speeds, the stricter the allowed deviation degrees and the requirements for track maintenance.

2.2.2. The values ​​of the degrees of deviations for all controlled parameters from the nominal, depending on the established train speeds, are given in Table. 2.3-2.5.

Degree I includes deviations that are within the limits of the rail gauge and do not require work to eliminate them, therefore they are not taken into account when deciphering track tapes.

Track broadening at nominal, mm

Gauge narrowing at nominal, mm

25 or less

Train traffic is closed

* For sections with reinforced concrete sleepers manufactured before 1996 (inclusive) - 6 mm.

[ 2 The same - 8 mm.

* The same - 10 mm.

For sections with train speeds up to 50 km/h - 10 mm.

Notes. 1. With a track gauge of more than 1548 mm and less than 1512 mm (in sections with reinforced concrete sleepers produced before 1996 - 1510 mm), the movement of trains is closed.

2. If there is lateral wear of the rail head in curves with a radius of 1200 or less, the deviation in broadening that does not require elimination can be increased by the amount of actual wear of the inner edge of the rail head of the outer thread, but not more than 15 mm, while the gauge is not must exceed the values ​​established for the III degree.

Table 2.4. Degrees of deviations by level, distortions and drawdowns

Set speed of trains (numerator - passenger; flags gel ~ freight), km/h

Deviation, mm


Level 1


Train traffic is closed

1 Excluding sections where the nominal elevation of the outer rail of the curve is arranged on a straight line

Note. If one rail line exceeds the other in curved sections of the track in any section (including in places of individual subsidences, distortions, deviations in level) by more than ISO mm, the movement of trains is closed.

UDC 625.172 (083.0) BBK 39 211-08 I 72

Instructions for the current maintenance of the railway track / Ministry of Railways of Russia. M.: Transport, 2000. 223 p.

The norms and technical conditions for the maintenance of a link and jointless track, as well as turnouts and deaf intersections are given. The features of track maintenance on electrified sections with automatic blocking, on artificial structures, as well as on abyssal sections in winter are considered.

The main provisions for organizing and carrying out work on the current maintenance of the track are given.

TsP MPS, VNIIZhT, G1TKB TsP, MGUPS, NGUPS, RGUPS, railways took an active part in the development of this Instruction.

Il. 100, tab. 31.

Responsible for the release of V. A. Alekseev (TsP MPS), V. F. Fedulov (VNIIZhT)

Editor-in-chief V. K. Tikhonycheva Editor A. S. Yanovsky

ISBN 5-277-02210-4

Issued by order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

О Department of tracks and structures of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, 2000

Table 2.5. Values ​​of the degrees of deviations in the plan

Set speed of trains (numerator - passenger; denominator - freight), km/h


The difference between adjacent arrows, measured from the middle of a chord 20 m long, mm, with the length of the track unevenness

Up to 20 m inclusive

More than 20 to 40 m inclusive

Closes down traffic


1.1. The railway track is a complex of engineering structures and devices located in the right of way and intended for the movement of trains.

The railway track (hereinafter referred to as the track) consists of the upper structure (rails, turnouts, under-rail base with fasteners and ballast prism) and the lower structure (road bed, drainage and artificial structures). For the passage of vehicles through the railway tracks, crossings and overpasses are arranged, respectively, at one or different levels, and for the passage of pedestrians - pedestrian bridges and paths (sidewalks), pedestrian tunnels.

In order for the drivers of locomotives and other moving units to comply with the required speeds, including in the areas of track work and in places of track malfunctions, the track is equipped with electric track circuits associated with the operation of signaling devices, signals, signal and track signs, track barrier devices.

1.2. The task of the current maintenance of the track includes the systematic supervision of the complex of track structures and track devices and their maintenance in a condition that guarantees the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains at the maximum allowable (established by order of the head of the railway) speeds.

1.3. The current maintenance of the track is carried out all year round and throughout the entire length of the track, including sections under repair. It includes studying the causes of malfunctions and performing work to eliminate and prevent them.

1.4. All structures and devices at hauls and stations must be maintained in accordance with the norms and tolerances established by the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation (PTE), this Instruction and other regulatory documents related to the current maintenance of the track.

1.5. The main structural subdivision of the track facilities, which carries out the current maintenance of the track, is the distance of the track. The length of the track distance and its structural division are established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia depending on the operating conditions.

1.6. Track distances must have a contingent of track fitters in accordance with the norms of labor consumption for the current maintenance of the track, established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, and the approved structural division of the distance, as well as the necessary technical equipment, equipment and tools.

1.7. The organization of work on the maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its functioning, as well as work on the maintenance of track circuits (to the extent performed by the distance of the track) is assigned to the heads of track distances, their deputies, senior road foremen, heads of sections, road and bridge (tunnel ) foremen, track foremen and foremen for artificial structures. They, as well as employees of rail flaw detection, track inspection and bridge testing stations, linemen and duty officers at crossings, are responsible for monitoring the state of the track, structures and devices that ensure its operation.

These employees should periodically check the sections of the track entrusted to them, ensure the high quality of the current maintenance of the track, structures and devices, create the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains at set speeds, as well as to extend the service life of track elements.

For the purpose of greater efficiency in taking urgent measures to ensure the safety of train traffic, the head of the track distance, his deputy, section chiefs and road foremen should be provided with mobile communications.

1.8. The direct execution of work on the current maintenance of the track is assigned to the traveling brigades, brigades for the maintenance of artificial structures and subgrade, on duty at the crossings.

1.9. The current maintenance of the track should be carried out under the most rational combination of two main conditions: ensuring the safety of trains at set speeds and saving resources. The rationality of such a combination is achieved on the basis of dividing paths into classes. The class rating of tracks is established depending on their traffic density, the permissible speeds of trains and other factors that affect the operation of the track and its elements.

1.10. The design of newly laid track elements, turnouts and floor crossings must comply with the technical specifications approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia.

1.11. this Instruction sets out the main technical conditions, norms, requirements and rules for the arrangement and maintenance of the track, structures and devices that ensure its operation at the speeds allowed in accordance with the PTE: up to 140 km / h - for passenger trains; 120 km/h - for refrigerated; 90 km/h - for trucks.

Technical conditions, norms and rules for high-speed lines are established by a special instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.

1.12. This Instruction introduces the following concepts in terms of the geometry of the rail track:

"rail gauge standards" - nominal values ​​for each of the controlled parameters established by the PTE or approved by MG1S regulatory documentation, and permissible deviations from them (not requiring elimination);

"tolerances for the maintenance of the rail gauge" - established by the Ministry of Railways, the permissible deviations in the location of rail threads from the nominal values, depending on the established speeds of trains, requiring elimination in the order, which is established depending on the degree of deviation.


2.1. Technical conditions and standards of the device

rail gauge

2.1.1. The railway track in profile and plan must comply with the approved documentation and the requirements of this Instruction.

2.1.2. Circular curves with a radius of 4000 m or less must be mated with straight sections of transition curves, except for curves on turnouts and cases when, according to the line plan, this is not possible (cross-shaped curves, as well as curves adjacent to a straight insert of insufficient length).

2.1.3. In curved sections of the track, the outer rail thread is arranged and contained above the inner one. The elevation value A, mm, is determined by the formula:

where K pr iv - the reduced speed of the train flow, km / h; R is the radius of the curve, m. The reduced speed of the train flow

where Q\ is the mass of a train of a given (/th) type (passenger, freight loaded and empty, commuter), gross tons; i/ - daily number of trains of the /-th type; Vicr is the average speed of trains of the /-th type on the curve under consideration, determined by locomotive speed-measuring tapes selectively in different periods of the year (in spring, summer, autumn, winter - five to six tapes each), km / h.

The elevation value is checked by the formula:

where Ltt is the minimum design elevation of the outer rail, mm; Vmax pass - the maximum allowable speed of passenger trains, established by order of the head of the railway for a given curve of radius R, which should not exceed the speed obtained by traction calculation for the leading series of locomotives, km / h; 115 - the value of the permissible maximum underelevation of the outer rail, calculated from the condition of not exceeding the established rate of outstanding acceleration for passenger trains (0.7 m / s 2).

Of the elevation values ​​obtained by formulas (2.1), (2.3), the larger one is taken and rounded up to a value that is a multiple of 5.

Depending on the specific conditions of the track in the curve (the intensity of wear of the rails along one and the other threads), the calculated elevation value, if necessary, can be corrected within the limits of outstanding accelerations.

Regardless of the radius of the curve, the elevation of the outer rail, taking into account tolerances, must not exceed 150 mm.

In curves located in the areas of regenerative braking, it is recommended to increase the elevation obtained by calculation by up to 20% to compensate for the action of longitudinal compressive forces, and in curves located on guiding slopes and close to them, to compensate for longitudinal tensile forces, to reduce the elevation obtained by calculation by up to 15 %. At the same time, the standards for limiting outstanding accelerations must be observed.

In order to reduce the cost of maintaining the track during repairs, it is recommended to set the elevation of the outer rail in the curves based on the outstanding acceleration a H p = 0.3 m/s 2 for freight trains.

2.1.4. On hauls and stations located on curves, the elevation of the outer rail on the main and receiving-departure tracks is set taking into account both the permissible speeds of trains and the dimensions of the approach of buildings in accordance with the Instructions for the use of dimensions of the approach of buildings.

Turnouts located on the main tracks in curves with an elevation of the outer thread are also arranged with an elevation of the outer thread if the turnout curve coincides in direction with the curved section of the track. In this case, the elevation of the outer thread on the turnout should be no more than 75 mm. If the transfer curve of the turnout does not coincide in direction with the curved section of the track, then the elevation on such turnouts, as a rule, is not arranged; at the same time, the speed of movement of trains along such a turnout should be determined in accordance with the Standards for the Permissible Speeds of Movement of Locomotives and Cars on 1520/1524 mm Gauge Railways of the Ministry of Railways of Russia. Before-

it is allowed on such turnouts to arrange an elevation of the outer rail along the main track of no more than 20 mm. The speed of trains along the branched transfer curve in such cases should not exceed 15 km/h.

On transceiver tracks located on curves, as well as on cross-shaped curves, where the established speeds are 25 km / h or less, the elevation of the outer rail, as a rule, is not arranged.

The transfer curves of turnouts located on straight sections contain the troubles of the elevation of the outer rail.

Cross curves on the tracks of passenger and freight trains at a speed of more than 25 km/h must have elevations of the outer rail. The removal of the elevation should begin behind the last transfer beam, but not closer than 2 m from the rear joint of the cross. If possible, an elevation removal device with the allowable according to Table. 2.1 the full elevation is made by the slope. If such a diversion is not feasible, then the height of the outer rail is set by the head of the track service in compliance with the permissible slope of the diversion.

Setting cross curves in the plan should be done in ordinates.

2.1.5. The bends of the elevation of the outer rail of the curve and curvature in the transition from straight lines to curves, and vice versa, are arranged along the transition curves.

The beginning and end of the bend of the outer rail elevation of the curve and curvature must coincide with the points of the NPK (beginning of the transition curve) and the CPC (end of the transition curve).

In cramped conditions, it is allowed to install elevation bends without transition curves: either along a straight line, or 50% each - on a straight line and a curve (without observing the condition that the elevation and curvature bends coincide). In this case, the requirements of not exceeding the magnitude of the outstanding acceleration of 0.7 m/s 2 and the rate of its change of 0.6 m/s 3 must be observed.

2.1.6. The length of the transition curve is determined depending on the calculated value of the elevation of the outer rail and on the number of adjacent main tracks and is checked by not exceeding the allowable value of the rate of change of outstanding acceleration of 0.6 m/s 3 over the length of the curvature removal (see clause 2.2.3).

On single-track lines and for the external track of double-track lines, the length of the transition curve L H is determined by the formula

where L is the calculated elevation of the outer rail in a circular curve, mm; i design slope of elevation, mm/m.

Elevation slopes, mm/m

Set train speed, km/h



Train traffic is closed

For an internal track of a double-track line, the length of the transition curve

U - |2ARdZH, (2.5)

where d is the widening between the tracks in the curve, m; R - curve radius, m.

The necessary widening of the track between tracks on two or more track sections is determined in accordance with the Instructions for the use of building clearance dimensions. In accordance with this, the lengths of the transition curves are also determined.

The length of the transition curve must not be less than 20 m.

2.1.7. The slopes of the outlets of the elevation of the outer rail in the curves, measured by the slope of the middle line at the outlet of the level (Fig. 2.1, a), must be the same along the entire length of the transition curve. With a large length of the transition curve (more than 60 m), it is allowed to have different slopes of branches on the pieces of the transition curve with a length of at least 30 m (Fig. 2.1, b). Moreover, in both cases, the largest slope of the outlet should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table. 2.1.