Ebru with milk at home. Unusual drawing with children: magical and simple How the technique of drawing on milk appeared

Can you paint with milk? What color will the painting be? Interesting? Then let's get started, ask these questions with the child, open and show the hocus pocus with a milk picture.

As always, prepare for the experiment:

  • milk
  • a bowl
  • tassel
  • paper

Invite your child to draw something with milk on paper. What happens, what do we observe? Vlad, for example, despite the fact that the picture turned out white, enthusiastically painted sheets 6-7, well, I'm next to him 🙂.

After the milk pictures are drawn, admire them. Are the pictures visible? Not? Then I propose to show them. You can do this with:

  • candles
  • electric stoves
  • iron

We tried all 3 options and, as it turned out, the electric stove shows the fastest. As you already understood, it is necessary to heat the milk pictures and then the pattern will appear.

So that the child can manifest himself with a candle, put it in a tall narrow candlestick, wrap it with a pattern and watch. You can put it in a bank. The child will be able to cope quite independently if you entrust him with an iron with minimal heat, but do not leave one.

And after all, we ask the most important question: HOW or WHY? Why is the picture drawn, manifested, becomes visible when heated?

Historians claim that Lenin wrote milk letters while in prison, perhaps from this fact the expression “Read between the lines” appeared 🙂. Therefore, this experiment is doubly informative, since along with scientific conclusions, you can reveal the meaning of the expression “Read between the lines”, which means it is to guess that the text has a hidden meaning, a hint that was laid on purpose.

Unusual drawing on milk

"Dancing Colors"

It’s even hard to say whether this is drawing, or just an interesting experiment. Although, probably, both at the same time.

Fun activities are unconventional techniques drawing or creating pictures various methods, one of which is the creation of patterns on milk, we will consider today in our master class.

Often interesting ideas for creativity are born at the intersection of science and art, thanks to the unusual properties of substances and their reactions to each other.

This art form uses different densities and properties of liquids with different surface tensions, and the diffusion of one liquid into another, and the incredible transformations and effects that result from the reaction.

On long winter evenings, when all the games are replayed, the books are reread and all the drawings are redrawn, mothers ask themselves the question “What would you do with your restless baby?”. A good alternative to traditional activities can be experiments at home.

You can turn into a sorceress for your child and awaken his curiosity and interest in creativity. Interesting and uncomplicated experiments that can be easily and safely organized and carried out will give an initial idea of wonderful world science and will arouse the liveliest curiosity of the baby.

In addition, this technique is very meditative and contemplative. For an adult, it can be useful as a relaxing creativity to relieve tension.

Experiments at home

For bold creative experiments, you will need very simple and safe ingredients:

- whole milk, it is important that it is not skimmed, homemade is better.
- dyes diluted in water, food or for fabric, they can be purchased at artists' stores or take a powder and dissolve in water yourself.
- flat plate or shallow tray;
- liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

To begin with, pour some milk into a plate and give the child jars of paints, from which he must randomly drip a few drops of paints of different colors onto the milk. The resulting drawing will already be very interesting. But that is not all. We need to drop a little into our container liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

Each drop, falling on the surface, starts a fantastic dance of flowers.

The child will be madly in love with the process itself and its unexpected results.

Watching amazing transformations is very interesting and very instructive. In addition, this amazing series of transformations can be photographed and, by printing interesting abstract photographs, decorate the interior with the results of joint creativity with children. There can be a lot of photos, because the movement and transformation in the plate will continue for a long time. Having spent such an interesting experience, the next time you can invite the child to participate in the process himself and try to form a drawing.

For this preparatory stage will be the same, but do not pour dishwashing liquid into milk, but dip ordinary cotton swabs into it and give it to the child. When he dips them into milk, the process of transformation will begin and the baby will be able to participate in the creation of patterns.

The milk drawing technique is a little game. Its use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and the joy they get from creating. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill: "In creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way"

Creative success to you and your baby!

Prepared by a teacher in fine arts: Bobrova Anna Yurievna.

Master class "Drawing on milk"

Purpose: to introduce children to the original technique of drawing on milk.


Teach children to work in this technique

To promote the development of creative imagination, artistic and aesthetic skills

Generate interest in fine arts

Drawing on milk is a very interesting technique that children will definitely like, but even the most restless children who are quite difficult to get interested in something. For those who are older, such drawings are no less useful - if you dip paper into milk and carefully pull it out, then it will turn out to be a real work. This fascinating drawing technique will captivate not only children, but also adults - everyone can master such creativity, and doing it is a real pleasure. It also has bright colors, the magic of turning colors into funny patterns on milk. And the development of children's imagination.

You'll need

Milk (at least 6% fat)

food colorings(you can use diluted gouache)

dishwashing liquid



spoon (dropper)

Master class progress

In translation, “Ebru” means “cloudy”, “wave-like”.

Ebru is a drawing based on regular, natural forms, namely a circle. Each drop that enters the milk spreads into a circle that we can transform into absolutely any shape. The value of Ebru art is determined not only by the result, but also by the process itself. Like everything Eastern, Ebru painting is an endless movement, so beautiful that one cannot help but admire. The colors that fall into the water move randomly, causing delight in adults and children. Beautiful patterns, flowers, stars are obtained as if by themselves, which cannot but rejoice.

I invite you to dive into fairy tale Ebru.

To start drawing, we need: a container in which we will draw, a pipette, dishwashing detergent (fairy), a toothpick for drawing. You see all this in your workplaces.

In drawing with the Ebru technique, there are no right or wrong strokes, your every movement, every drop of paint is your creativity, your inner world, so you should not be afraid to spoil something or do something wrong.

It is necessary to collect a small amount of paint (of your choice) in an eyedropper and gently apply to our unusual canvas. Each drop, in contact with milk, comes to life and begins to walk on the surface.

Then we will repeat the same with the paint of a different color. Our canvas is covered with paint, now we will take in our hands the tool with which we will actually draw - this is a knitting needle or a toothpick. One of the rules for drawing on milk is that the toothpick must always be held at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the water. Carefully dip the toothpick into the lower left corner and begin to draw lines to the right, then to the left, then to the right again, etc. This is necessary so that the paints play a little with each other and mix with each other.

We dip the toothpick into the dishwashing detergent, touch the dye with the tip and observe how the drops of paint begin to “scatter”.

This is due to the fact that oil stains milk are destroyed by the touch of a soapy solution

And we sit down to watch how the colors begin to move, change color, look for different silhouettes, different pictures.

Now you can dream up a little and move the toothpick over the surface, as your soul wants.

Drawing on milk can be diversified with other techniques. The pattern on milk can be transferred to paper, but this requires oil paints. Touch the surface of the milk with a piece of paper for a couple of seconds. Dry the leaf. And now, in front of you is the relief of some unknown distant planet or a map of an unexplored part of the globe. And you, as its discoverers, can come up with names for all the islands, seas, rivers. Let them be unusual and funny. All objects can be signed. And you will get a real map, where on the coast of the milk river, with kissel banks, and fabulous swans, let your imagination and your child's imagination fly.

Milk can be replaced with potato starch, diluted to the thickness of sour cream, or stationery glue. Patterns on a more viscous surface will be fixed longer, and you can even feel like a novice master of Ebru, the ancient oriental art of painting on water.