Letter Lenormand meaning. Letter Lenormand: general meaning and interpretation of the card


Today we will look at the Lenormand Letter card - a symbol that is closely associated with papers, written messages, documents. This map is very close to the modern world, in which we all most often communicate via the Internet - through social networks, instant messengers, blogs. Of course, in the ancient interpretation, the Letter had a slightly different meaning, but progress is doing its job, so I will also give modern interpretations. Here we go?

Map Description

So, in illustration 27 of the Small Deck card, we see a letter. It may be sealed, in an envelope with a wax seal, or it may be open. Sometimes the letter lies on the table, and there are writing materials nearby, in some variations of the oracle it is brought by a dove or even a postman. The essence of the map from this, of course, does not change much. The symbol number in the deck, as I said, is 27, the corresponding playing cards are the Seven of Spades.


In the old days, when there was no modern technologies and the Internet, handwritten letters were the only way connections at a distance. Of course, there were also telegrams, but they were much more expensive, so they used postage more often, and telegraphed only when there was a need to send an urgent message. The symbolism of the letter is simple - it is communication at a distance, news from afar, news that a person receives by mail, through a computer or in some other way, but not in person.

General meaning of the card

The meaning of the Lenormand letter card, in fact, I have already described above. These are any means of communication, handwritten and printed files, information stored on a computer, papers, announcements, documents, newspapers and magazines, news. Even modern social networks and the Internet are quite logically included in the symbolic field of this map. This also includes telephone conversations, the exchange of SMS messages, in a word - any fleeting, quickly arriving information. However, sometimes the Letter of the Lenormand deck will show more serious things, for example, official documents, checks, warranty cards, print advertisements.

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

27 card Lenormand for questions of love and relationships usually shows an Internet romance, correspondence of a love nature, flirting on the Internet. Often the Letter falls on a connection that people want to keep secret. More accurate details should be assessed by the environment: for example, next to Ship 7 Peak Lenormand can show an Internet romance with a foreigner, and with Birds - a general chat for several people, for narrow circle where the future lovers met. A letter usually does not promise long and serious relationships; most often, short, superficial novels and temporary relationships go through it. In personal practice, the map once showed a guest marriage, when the spouses lived separately, and they kept in touch through the Internet and rare meetings.

The meaning of the card when divining for work and finances

A letter in Lenormand cards, if we are talking about layouts on professional activity, always symbolizes paper work or work with information on a computer. This also includes any documents, contracts, licenses, agreements. Often the card falls on project employment, temporary work. If we ask about finances, then the Seven of Spades can indicate that a person receives a salary “in an envelope”, or by payments to an electronic wallet. Professions of the card - any "paper" activity, work with information, postman, journalist, courier, copywriter, blogger, secretary, writer. By the way, the Book of Lenormand can also show the writer. Personally, I divide the meaning as follows: according to the Book, I have writers who publish long novels, publishing series of books, and according to the Letter, those who publish their work mainly on the Internet, in electronic format.

The meaning of the card in medical matters

In itself, Lenormand's letter does not have any diagnostic value in fortune-telling. This card of the Small Deck most often simply indicates help, sick leave, an entry in the medical record, the result of the examination, but not on the diagnosis itself. The only disease that I can attribute to this symbol is tunnel syndrome, which writers and computer scientists often suffer from. But this is rather a specific than a common interpretation.

The meaning of the card when describing a person

A person at 7 Peak Lenormand is a very sociable, contact person, with a wide range of interests and the desire to constantly learn something new. Often such people write long posts on the Internet, maintain their own blog, instagram, communities in social networks, but more often entertaining, superficial. Still, the Letter does not have such a deep and philosophical subtext as the Book. Such a person simply cannot live without daily viewing of VKontakte news and publishing his own notes, his life without modern gadgets turns into a real nightmare.

The Significance of the Letter for the Past, Present, Future

In the position of the past, the Letter symbolizes communication or information that still affects the situation analyzed by the layout, for the present - paperwork, active correspondence, for the future - receiving written news, official documents.


The symbol Lenormand 27 indicates fast events, very short time periods. If you are asking "when?" then the answer of this card is "very soon". According to the system developed by the wonderful Russian tarot reader Anna Kotelnikova, the time period of the card is the third decade of Sagittarius, from December 14 to 22.

Advice and warning

The letter advises not to refuse communication, to respond to the message, to put your thoughts on paper. The card warns that it is worth being careful when filling out documents in order to avoid a mistake, because of which you will have to worry later.


  • The energy of the symbol is masculine, yang
  • Element - Air
  • Astrological correspondences - the planet Mercury, the sign of the Zodiac Gemini
  • Places and objects - a computer, places where papers, documents, magazines, newspapers, in correspondence
  • The House of Letters in symbolizes important papers related to a person, his communication, communication in modern ways connections

Combining a card with others

Now let's see how Lenormand's Seven of Spades changes its meaning when adjacent to other symbols. I have given in the table only the most common interpretations, but if necessary, you can supplement them with personal associations.

Neighbor map The value of the combination
Receiving a parcel, letter, any other important document(e.g. driver's license, fine)
Pleasant correspondence, gift certificate
News received from afar, as well as documents related to travel, travel, road (tickets, passport, certificate of ownership of the car, etc.)
House Lenormand's letter next door to the House points to papers related to real estate
Certificate, medical record, test result, birth certificate
clouds sad news
Deception with documents, correspondence that is conducted in secret
Will, death certificate, resignation order
An invitation, a gift delivered by mail, good news
The combination Lenormand Letter-Scythe usually indicates the loss, damage to important documents
Aggressive messages, threats
Birds/Owls Written gossip, spam, bad news (with Owls)
Start paperwork, birth certificate, paternity mark in the passport
Fake Documents
Official papers (orders from above, work orders, employment documents)
Stars Lenormand with a Letter can be interpreted as an occupation in astrology, drawing up astrological charts
Information that will change the querent's life for the better
Friendly correspondence, a message from one of the friends
This combination of Lenormand usually indicates official documents, but, unlike the Bear, here we are most often talking about laws, instructions, obligations, for example, a dismissal order is a Bear Letter, and a summons to the army or court, sentencing - this is the Letter-Tower.
Garden Invitations to a party, holiday, documents drawn up or signed by the whole team (for example, a complaint to the Housing Office from residents about improper cleaning of stairwells)
Mountain The combination with Mount Lenormand usually shows problems with paperwork, paperwork
A document sent to several senders, or a paper, the signing of which the querent doubts
Forged documents, theft or damage to securities
Love letter or sms
Letter Lenormand with the Ring - official paperwork, written agreement
Book Textbooks, manuals, notes, any teaching aids Money orders, stocks, checks, bank card statements
Stability, fixed in writing (for example, entering into an inheritance, obtaining a certificate of ownership of an apartment, an order to hire a person, an order to calculate a pension)
A message that plays a pivotal role in the life of a querent

Lenormand "Letter" - This is the 27th card in the deck.

The map is very easy to understand, since almost all people have the same associations with writing: news, messages, papers and documents.

The card most often depicts a letter lying on the table. It may or may not be in an envelope. The envelope, in turn, may be open or still sealed.

In general, it is very important to pay attention to the picture itself, what is drawn on it. All decks are different and the pictures on them too. And although a letter is always depicted there, the details are completely different. They also need to pay attention.

In ancient times, when there was no mobile phones, no internet, no regular phones or even telegraphs, writing was the only way to communicate with a person living very far away. Letters were awaited with special trepidation. Reading the letter, one could learn about the events in the life of a dear person, about his feelings. They even wrote about the weather in the letters.

Remember the letters of the Pushkin era. These are whole works. Remember Onegin's letter to Tatiana and Tatiana to Onegin? And what letters the girls wrote to the guys who served in the army! My mother is no longer alive, and the letters that her father wrote to her from the army are still kept in the closet.

A letter is some kind of long-awaited news, news, message or information.

The value of this card is different from the value of 1 card "Rider". Although she can also talk about news, this news will certainly be brought by a person ( messenger on a horse). The "Letter" card always indicates news received using paper and (or) text: Email, SMS, regular paper letter, fax.

News and messages

We always associate an envelope with receiving information, messages or news. This is how the value came about.

Papers and documents

This card can also talk about official papers and documents (after all, they are also made of paper, like a letter). These are documents issued by any government agency: hospital or clinic (certificate, sick leave, extract, epicrisis), court (court decision, summons), police (summon), school or kindergarten, social services etc.

It is always a signed document responsible person and sealed.


What is superficiality? This is when we are not particularly interested in something.

If this is a relationship, then we barely support them, often just pretending that they exist, as if for show.

If this is work, then we don’t go into it with our heads, but simply are at the workplace from bell to bell, wanting to go home as soon as possible.

If this is friendship, then this is also the same name. As a rule, we are not interested in a person, his problems do not bother us at all, and we don’t even want to talk to him. If such a "friend" calls on the phone, then we don't even pick up the phone, and then when we meet, we find some reason for this or make excuses.


Since the cards are made of paper, like the letter, this card may indicate a person who is fond of cartomancy. He uses different kinds prediction cards. It can be Tarot cards, Lenormand or ordinary playing cards (they are also called a player).

This value is usually used in magical layouts.


Medieval spam.

In the 15th century, the prince is waiting for a letter from his beloved.

Three days and three nights waiting.

A carrier pigeon is flying.

The happy prince opens the message, and there "Forge swords. Inexpensive."

A letter is a formal document, an important message, or any other written form of communication. Letters are messages, parcels, newspapers, posters, leaflets, any relevant and helpful information in current time, unlike book texts. When the Letter card falls out in the Lenormand layout, this means that you will receive a letter, important information in the near future. The Letter card can be interpreted as something fleeting, short, or, conversely, a message can be important and significant - depending on the context. Neighboring cards will tell you what messages are in question.

The main meaning in divination: Message, means of communication, texts.

Keywords: Written forms communications, mail, deferment, license, certificate, newspaper or magazine, bulletin, testament, written evidence, summary, results, bureaucracy, advertising, computer files, official documents, announcements, notes, telephone messages, texts, manuscripts, documents, flyer, booklet, mailing list, information, reminders, notebook, invitation cards, fax.

People. Postman, courier, lawyer, secretary, office worker, graduate, programmer, clerk, blogger, friend in social network, journalist, specialist information technologies, correspondent.

Love. Love letter, love notes, romantic letters and texts.

Job. Job Responsibilities, employment conditions, unemployment benefits.

Finance and business. Checks, expansion schemes, bureaucracy.

well-being. Checking the current state of health, compliance with the regime.

Comparison. Rider (9 hearts) - news; Birds (7 tambourines) - rumors and verbal communication; Book (10 diamonds) - book, in-depth study and information; while Letter is newspapers and magazines; Lily (King of Spades) - images, not text.

Playing card. 7 spades sent a message, the number of points is 7.

Connection with myths and legends. In the legend of the Danish prince Amlet, the prototype of Hamlet, there is a message saying that whoever brings him must be put to death. But due to the fact that Amlet was able to change this letter, he was received with honors, and his enemies were trampled.

Letter combined with other Lenormand cards:

= notification of victory, betting card, good news.

Medical records or results, correct regimen, get well soon card.

Illegible text, lost documents, incorrectly completed forms.

Obituary, information about the deceased, destruction of data.

Document sorting, returned letter, angry communication.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Fortune telling on two dice "Gypsy" allows you to get an answer to one of ten questions regarding love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways to know the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before starting fortune-telling, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw fortune-telling dice and immediately receive a transcript.

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The alignment gives an answer to questions related to health, work and relationships. The explanatory card complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main card gives. Choose a question type from the list below.

One of the oldest games of Domino is closely related to divination, which was performed on bones with dotted notation of numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps to predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?”. In order to get your prediction - choose one of the 28 dominoes.

Love divination on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person treats you and what the hidden person thinks about you. This alignment also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future tense and what is the result of communication with this person. Think of your question and choose cards from the deck.

Deciphering the card Lenormand "Letter"

(Seven of spades)

Deciphering Lenormand cards » Lenormand "Letter" card

General meaning:

Official documents. News. Important messages. The Letter card means paper official business. The document can be business letter, notice, certificate, summons. The closer to the questioner's map, the more important the document. May mean news from afar. It can also be an informal message (call, letter, communication via the Internet). The sealed letter depicted on the map may indicate information of great secret importance: a declaration of love, a message about death. Next to good cards, the news is good, next to unfavorable cards, the message is bad.

Work, business, affairs:

Business papers. The Letter card can mean a proposal to conclude a contract, an agreement, or a message about its termination. It can be business news, contracts, agreements, reports, certificates, licenses, payments and others.

Health, well-being:

Neutral card. Very rarely indicates problems with the functions of the brain, but these are rare cases in the scenario.

Relationships, questions about love:

An important message that concerns only two people. Perhaps it means love by correspondence. Your loved one is ready to confess his love or reveal a hidden secret to you. The meaning of the card in relationship readings is positive and is associated with love, emotions or events that your loved one wants to tell you about.

Personality characteristic:

The person is slender, decisive in expressing feelings and movements, most likely active and restless. Eyes are blue (light), hair from light color to chestnut.

Open, reliable, who resolutely goes his own way. Sometimes a little superficial, can seem frivolous.

If the first line is crooked, then the whole letter is no good. Carefully fill out paperwork and write letters.

The Lenormand Letter card corresponds to the seven of spades, it depicts a closed letter, so for its correct interpretation you need to look at the surrounding cards, they will open the content of the letter.

In general, Letter to Lenormand is a neutral card. It relates to everyday life and inner values ​​and encourages reflection.

This card shows various official documents, certificates, subpoenas, proposals for the conclusion of contracts, or notices of their termination, in general, it speaks of various cases with documents.

The closer the questioner's card is to that card, the more important the document will be, but it can also be an informal message.

A sealed letter usually contains a message concerning only two people. It encourages silence, it can be a declaration of love, news of death or business news. The card may indicate various news items for the questioner.

If there are favorable cards near it, then the news will be good, if bad, then the message will be alarming. This is a news map, it means precisely an administrative letter, while a book is a more intellectual writing, here we are talking about documents, contracts, papers and accounts.

It can mean a letter in the literal or generalized sense, it can be an invitation, information, announcement, communication, the word can be different.

Lenormand Letter in divination on relationships

If this card falls out to a person, then he is sociable, sociable, loves to learn and learn new things and loves to express himself in writing, is curious, can be an intermediary or consultant.

The letter is often depicted with a seal, the seal can only be broken by the recipient of the letter, it can be, for example, a will.

Sometimes the Letter is interpreted as something fleeting and short, mediation or a spontaneous gift, here everything also depends on the near cards.

The letter can strengthen old or create new relationships, be an invitation or love letter, but it can also be an obligation, for example, it can be a letter from government agencies, orders or important news.

Usually the card means stabilization as a result of communication, talk about maintaining or providing influence. social relations. If it was shown, events will happen very quickly, completely unexpected things can also happen.

Lenormand's letter in the layout for money and work

If the card falls in the layout of the profession, then it may be associated with justice, handmade, various offers and requests, as well as important news.

  • If she fell out in a love scenario, this could mean an important event involving two people, it could also be pen pal love, perhaps a loved one is ready to reveal a secret or just confess her love.
  • This is a positive card in the spread of love, it shows love, emotions, important events.
  • In the health layout, the card means receiving various prescriptions and prescriptions, the illness will not last long.
  • The card recommends being careful when drafting letters and documents.
  • If you showed it, then in general, everything will be fine, your business will go better, your business will expand, but you will have to face bureaucracy.

If Clover fell out with the Letter, then a short positive message awaits you or phone call, it can be a small gift.

If there are Pisces in the layout, then there will be luck in the game.

  • Together with the Ship, the card portends messages from afar, commercial information, or travel information.
  • If there is a House in the layout, it means that there will be real estate registration, or a lot of people live in the house and it attracts serious attention, it can be a post office, and the combination can also talk about a loan to purchase real estate.
  • In the scenario with the Tree, the card means the illness of a young man, and the long-awaited news may be late.

If there are Clouds in the layout, the letter will eliminate the ambiguity, the message will be serious. If there is a Snake in the layout, then there is a conversation with a mother, girlfriend or woman ahead, the news will not be very good.

The coffin speaks of rejection, a terrible message, shock, pessimism, illness, it may be a message of death and a lack of movement forward.

The flower in the layout with the Letter speaks of a gift, a message from beautiful woman, a quick visit, congratulations, good news, release from the load. The braid speaks of an unexpected message, it can be unpleasant, it can be a sudden visit and a new turn of events, as well as reproaches and accusations or new bills.

If there is a message in the layout that will be unpleasant, it can be a message about parting, as well as just conversations, discussions and negotiations, a trip together somewhere, most likely it will be a girlfriend, there may also be calls that caused scandals.

Owls in the layout speak of a large number of messages, difficult conversations, messages can cause anxiety and worries.