Internet mgts gpon does not work. Optical fiber from MGTS: reviews and is replacement required? Setting up wireless points

In the last few years MGTS modernizes its cable networks by switching to fiber-optic lines and backbones. Therefore, rejecting the time-tested copper wires. However, judging by user reviews, the Moscow provider, promoting modern technology, frankly imposes the replacement of ADSL, which is outdated by today's standards, with GPON. Therefore, further we will consider the question of what constitutes an optical fiber from MGTS and whether it is possible to abandon the transition to new standard connections?

What is GPON from MGTS?

GPON is a data transmission technology that operates using a fiber optic cable and a special receiving device (ONT modem). Due to the fact that information is transferred here through light pulses, providers can increase the Internet speed for individuals up to 1 Gb / s, which was previously almost impossible to achieve.

Using GPON, MGTS offers its customers to connect telecommunication services on the basis of the Triple-Play principle. Those. through one leased communication line, the operator can provide the subscriber with three services at once: IP-telephony, digital television and home Internet.

In addition to the obvious plus - high-speed network access, fiber has a whole list of disadvantages. For example, an incredibly fragile cable, as well as a complete dependence on electricity, because the ONT modem works from an ordinary home outlet. That is why, if you turn off the light, then along with the Internet and digital TV, the landline phone will also not work.

Fiber installation

After submitting an application for connecting GPON and agreeing with the provider on a convenient time for you, an installer will come to you to install the fiber optic and related equipment. This happens in accordance with a typical project. According to the standard plan, the specialist is obliged to fix the ONT-station above the front door inside the dwelling. But in the conditions of a mutual decision of the parties - the customer and the contractor, the modem can be moved to another place.

At the same time, an MGTS employee will make several holes in your wall in order to lay a wire, bring a 220V socket, and also fix the holders for the router. At the end installation work the wizard will check the connection operability: the quality of the connection along with the speed of the transmitted data. After analyzing the feedback from subscribers, we can state the fact that, on average, the implementation of the above manipulations takes from 1 to 2.5 hours.

Cable replacement

Immediately after installing the fiber, the installer will definitely disconnect the copper cable, which ensured the functionality of the phone and the ADSL router. If you still have funds on your personal account provided for paying for telecommunication services using the old technology, then they will automatically be used to pay off future debts, but in accordance with the new tariffs. In any case, this issue must be negotiated privately with the Contact Center operator or an employee of the MGTS Customer Service Center.

Is the transition to GPON mandatory?

Since the second half of 2013, countless complaints about MGTS began to appear on the Internet, in which it was said that the operators of the presented provider were calling to fixed numbers of subscribers and persistently forcing the transition to fiber optics. At the same time, they claim that it is impossible to abandon GPON. By the way, the comments of users with claims against the Moscow city telephone networks continue to increase to this day.

Many people will like the Internet and / or television of MGTS for a number of reasons:

  • No extra wires. If you have a landline phone at your home or office, you won't need to run any additional wires. All connections are made using the telephone cable you already have.
  • Single account. You will receive a regular invoice from MGTS in your mailbox, i.e. you will have one receipt for your phone bill, internet and TV. You will pay for services in the same way as you did before.
  • Credit scheme for payment for services. As well as telephony services, you will pay for Internet and television only after you have used them. No prepayments for access to services are required.
  • Available rates. MGTS provides a variety of tariff plans from which you can choose the one that suits you; cost: from 7 to 1400 rubles per month; speed: from 1 to 200 Mbps.
  • Free connection. If you order an Internet connection, then you get a modem, a splitter, a telephone wire for connecting one splitter and a telephone, and basic Internet setup for one device for free.

Advantages of MGTS television services

  • Personal TV. If you need only the TV channels you have chosen, you can select them separately without connecting and paying for a separate channel package. The cost of the channel selection service is from 1 ruble.
  • High definition television. Currently, MGTS offers more than 15 channels in high resolution and this list is regularly updated.
  • Picture in picture. Even if you do not have a TV with this function, MGTS equipment will allow you to take advantage of a large number of functions and features.
  • Repeat. You have the opportunity to view any TV shows that were previously broadcast over the past two days ... and much more: photo albums, traffic jams, weather, courses, online cinema, TV program.

in the same note). You can relate to this in different ways - now childfree people will now say that, they say, it’s necessary - what for they didn’t give up children’s channels in the basic package at all, just like I say that I don’t need sports channels (all the most interesting anyway broadcast on public), and fashion. Another question is that the very approach to hidden transfer and hypocrisy in the form of “you will feel better” from MTS is annoying.

In general, it is not difficult to notice that with MTS I have an old “love”, touching and tender. And when people from MGTS came, or rather, their contractors (I highly recommend going to the link if you haven’t connected yet, but are going to) with the topic “now we’ll lay optics for you here instead of copper” - I was unspeakably delighted. No, it is clear that MGTS and MTS are the same eggs of AFK Sistema, but:

  1. Stream was also an egg, and belonged to the same group of companies - but the methods of doing business and the attitude towards customers were much more humane, from communicating with them until the moment they completely switched to MTS, I had only positive impressions
  2. Unfortunately, no other operator either does not have that set of required children's channels at all, or they do not have them for a similar or slightly higher price (mts / mgts have 100 rubles + 80 rubles prefix + 20 rubles 4 additional children's channels - a total of 200 rubles) - for the same beeline, the cost is 290 rubles per month + 200 rubles for a package of children's channels - I don’t know who in their right mind and sober memory will take this for that kind of money.

At forums and conferences, people relate to the transition to GPON in different ways - but those who do not uses the Internet and TV - most often - negatively. In principle, they can be understood, in general, it all comes down to the statement “fuck me here in a freshly renovated apartment, your hanging box, and even a socket” didn’t give up it has nothing to do with me at all, because I have dect devices that do not work without electricity themselves). When they are told that sooner or later (by 2015-2016) the copper will still be cut off, sobs and tantrums begin in the style of “don’t let them into the stairwell at all !!!”. Yeah, I imagine a telephonist fitter, making his way through the floors on a dark night, furtively looking around, in his left hand - a set of master keys, in his right - wire cutters for biting a copper pair. Just to cut off your unfortunate copper, and so that you yourself run to them for optics. Very funny. Just don't give a fuck.

Firstly, the other end of the copper enters the distributors at the automatic telephone exchange, and it is much easier
turn them off from the other side, when a critical mass of those reconnected to optics is reached, and only such dissatisfied people will remain. There will be no problems regarding the legality of this case either, since at the right time the next decree of the Moscow government will be published, or amendments will be made to the law on communications, allowing MGTS to make such tricks. Or maybe this will not be required - it will be enough to say that the equipment has exhausted its depreciation period, and they no longer have the technical ability to provide connection via copper wires - but only connection via an optical channel is possible.

Well, and secondly, until a critical mass of those who have connected has been recruited, no one will be an evil pinocchio to himself (I mean mgts). People pay them 205 rubles only subscription fee(despite the fact that there are a lot of tariff plans for mobile operators no subscription at all). Frankly, I don’t understand the meaning of a landline phone without TV and the Internet at all. Only perhaps unlimited calls with a subscriber 481 rubles? Everything else is covered by a cell phone, the same stationary office device, if you want to look like a regular phone, not a cell phone. So, no one will cut such a chicken as long as it brings at least 15-20% of the proceeds. That is why the MGTS are so actively connected to the GPON of the new building - in order to reduce this percentage of dependence, after which it will be possible to simply score on it, as, for example, we in our company score on those 10% of those dissatisfied with their troubles that interfere with our worked out logistics that allows you to effectively serve and make the remaining 90% satisfied (I emphasize - do not be rude, do not send, but just say - these are the rules of service such and such. If you want, we will be happy to serve you, but if they do not suit you, we are sorry, but individual approach will cost much more. If there are more than 15% dissatisfied, it means that we are doing something wrong, and we already need to change our approach).

So dear comrades who do not like GPON, who have Internet TV from billine, online, akado, or another provider, and who do not need anything from MGTS except a voice channel: forget it and relax until 2016, no one and nothing to cut you will not, and when in 2016 you are centrally disconnected, use your mobile phones in the same way. Learn to separate technology from the service company - you (like me) do not like GPON itself, as such - but the methods of its implementation. Well, if you want to masochize further, go and connect again, already for money, and with your equipment. We have those who don’t bother with this issue at all, and who didn’t need the Internet with a TV, but only needed a phone, or didn’t want to spoil the repair - they put the modem on the inter-apartment site, since everyone now has it behind a separate door.

I had no such prejudice, because:

  1. I don’t have old rotary phones - all modern DECT
  2. when there is a power outage, my DECT devices do not work in the same way - but at least one mobile phone is at home for an urgent case (the Internet is also from it)
  3. someone else's wi-fi box hanging in the corridor is no worse for me than the same someone else's mts adsl box lying at the telephone socket under the table, and it eats exactly the same amount of electricity
  4. noisy works and a hole in the wall do not scare me, because sometimes I myself do not mind in the wall
  5. a separate channel for TV, and not bitten out of the MTS bandwidth - good
  6. the upload speed is not 70 kb / s, but at least 1 mb - buzzing in 13 times the size
  7. other minuses also did not concern me much, but the pluses - very much

And therefore, I immediately and gladly agreed that they would now drill a hole into the corridor through which they would lead an optical cable, and an electrical wire for an outlet into which an optical cable would be inserted. wifi router. By the way, again - despite the fact that some horror stories about Dzhamshutov, normal Russian guys came to me - well, yes, not Muscovites, of course, but they know how to hold a hammer drill in their hands. It should be noted that the guys go in turn in four teams.

First, those who drilled a hole came and pulled wires and cables. They came, made a hole, hung up an outlet and an optical modem, extended an electric wire to the outlet, optical and telephone wires to the router. It turned out nice - on the left is a bell, in the center is a socket with a modem, on the right is a fire alarm. No snot hangs out.

The usual phone / Internet over copper, of course, was turned off. The welder was supposed to go second - but since the installation was completed quite late, we agreed that he would come the next day, we would survive the night without a phone and the Internet. The next day he and his welding machine came, welded the cable to the junction box. The third was the tuner - he connects with his laptop to the router, and launches it. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, nothing came of it. Ok, we are sitting for another day without a phone, TV and Internet, the next day the installers should come again, change the modem. They came, they changed, the tuner comes again. Nifiga. Does not work. Well, but everything is clear - the optics were poorly boiled. Again they call the welder and the tuner at the same time. By the evening - both come at the same time, the welder finally digested everything, the tuner entered the SSID indicated to him and the password for wi-fi - hurray, everything worked. In total, three days later we had a telephone and Internet on optics, but so far without a TV (by the way, until the end of the month, the Internet was free under the action).

The fourth person from the team had to pull and set up the TV - a regular ethernet cable from an optical modem to a set-top box on our TV.

And here an ambush awaited. I call on Friday at MGTS, order this master and the time of his arrival. OK, they say it will come on Tuesday. However, by Monday evening, I receive an SMS saying that you have not terminated the contract with the stream, and the equipment (adsl wi-fi modem router and set-top box) has not been handed over, but it is possible to conclude a contract for TV and issue you new equipment only upon termination of the old contract. Damn. I thought that I would still have time to pass. And right away, when the order for the master was accepted - could not they say? Well, I collect all the old junk, and on Wednesday I’m going to take it to the MTS for a taganka, and terminate the old contract - I must say, there were no problems with this. Then I call MGTS again. Yeah, schaz, they tell me at MGTS. You just applied for termination, and it will be terminated within a week. I must say that we are already on the weekend. Well, to hell with you - so be it, I'll connect it after my return. And indeed, while we were relaxing on the hospitable Red Sea coast - to me in Personal Area I received a message that the contract was finally terminated. Upon my return, I call MGTS again, ordering a master. I must say, they have wonderful operators there. They ask: "What time do you want him to come?" Well, in the morning, I say, until 12 o'clock, maximum - until one in the afternoon. Oh, they tell me - let's better for the evening, from eight to ten, otherwise they are still late with us ... Well, let's go in the evening, from 8 to 10. Around ten in the morning, the phone rings. “This is the master, connect the TV. And can you receive me not in the evening, but somewhere at one o'clock in the afternoon? Funny, honestly. Okay, come on.

About an hour, as promised, he came, brought an Internet cable, a box with a TV set-top box, SML-292 HD Premium. By the way, it’s very interesting, if I had an MTS ADSL modem in a MGTS box, then I have an MGTS TV set-top box in a box from MTS 🙂

They stretched everything, crimped the ends, stuck it in, he did some magic over the prefix, the TV started up. I was pleased that the kit includes an HDMI cable - the quality is much better than it was with the old streaming set-top box.

Brief summary:

They do it slowly, but qualitatively, there are no complaints. Yes, they slow down, of course - but given the number of apartments that they are trying to spud - it's quite understandable. The way they hung the router for me, stretched the wires - it’s generally wonderful. The quality of telephone communication has subjectively improved. It was not bad before, but now it has become - as if you are just standing next to a person and talking.

The upload speed has increased, as promised. I can’t say for sure that the speedtest is lying - but it shows that it’s more than 20 Mbps. By the way, all tests are with the TV turned on, via WiFi from the phone, with my tariff plan of 20 Mbps. Four different servers - three Moscow, and one near Moscow.

Although the return should be half as much (i.e. if tariff plan 20 Mb / s - then this is for download, and for upload - 10, if 50 - then it should be 25 Mb / s for upload) - and I think that you need to believe another version of the speedtest.

There are no breaks, of course (this is a small minus - the IP is now constant, and I don’t really like my IP to glow anywhere). Quality wifi signal- much better than on the adsl modem that I had from the stream, finally I have Internet available in all rooms at full speed (although the rotator closes almost completely into one of them with a mirror cabinet, the mirror of which shields the signal up to 65-70 dB). In all other rooms, the signal level is higher than the level of signals from neighbors, not to mention the line of sight.

For all the time of operation, the router never hung up, unlike the adsl modem, which had to be rebooted periodically (well, once every couple of weeks - for sure).

The TV works great too. I don’t regret changing the set-top box, firstly, it has an HDMI output, and secondly, it supports HDTV. It doesn’t always respond to pressing the power button on the remote, but I think I just did something wrong when I taught him to control not only the set-top box, but also the TV. Then I'll figure it out.

In general, everything is fine. There is no need to be afraid of GPON from MGTS, optics rules. ADSL can be forgotten like a nightmare, and remembered only in nostalgic attacks, similar to memories of dialup.

Well, I will no longer study the technology itself, but its representation in the person of MGTS, in order to understand how much this identical twin is worse or better than MTS. By the way, all actions required a passport of a person (that is, a wife) for whom a telephone contract was concluded with MGTS.

UPD. After a year of using the service, I can say that in general, almost everything suits. And the only, but very serious, gripe is the ease of hacking Wi-Fi and unauthorized access through the installed leaky Wi-Fi router zte ZXA10 F660 Gpon, which I did in just 5 seconds, and what I dedicated. I really hope that MGTS will fix this problem as well, since half of the neighbors no longer have this hole.

Many Russian users access the Internet, taking advantage of one of the latest communication technologies - GPON. infrastructure built on the basis this standard are actively used by leading Russian and international telecommunications companies. What are the features of this technology? What are its advantages over competitive solutions?

Basic facts about technology

What GPON technology, connection to which is becoming widespread in many large cities of Russia? This communication channel is a passive fiber optic network capable of providing Internet access at a very high speed - hundreds of megabits / sec. At the same time, this technology allows the provider to provide a subscriber with a large number of related services - IP telephony, digital television, etc. Many experts believe that in terms of providing access to Internet GPON- the most promising technology.

The fact is that, unlike many other communication technologies, digital data when using GPON technology is transmitted not through a metal conductor, but through a light channel. This is typically microscopic fractions of a second faster. But on the scale of a large city or region, the difference in data exchange speed can be quite noticeable. Also, the transmission of a light pulse, as a rule, requires less energy than the transmission of a signal through a metal wire. This, according to many experts, is due to a number of factors that predetermine economic efficiency GPON technologies.

The maximum length of a fiber optic cable within which a stable signal can be transmitted is 20 km, technologies are being developed that can increase this figure to 60 km. The global spread of GPON technology began in the mid-90s, facilitated by the consolidated efforts of several of the world's leading telecommunications companies.


What are the tariffs offered by modern Russian providers using GPON? Everything, of course, depends on the specific region of the Russian Federation and the city. As a rule, in the European part of Russia, the Internet is much cheaper, regardless of the communication technology used, than in the Far East. But if we take the billing for the regions of the Middle Band, then we can focus on approximately such values.

Megabits cheap

For Internet access at a speed of about 10-12 megabits / sec, the provider will ask for about 300-400 rubles per month. If the user needs a larger resource, for example, 20-25 megabits, it will cost about 500-700 rubles. The pattern in determining the "formula" of the tariff is approximately the following - the more expensive the monthly subscription fee, the less the cost of a single "megabit" costs.

Many providers provide their subscribers for free use necessary equipment. Moreover, in many cases, the access service provider is ready to send a wizard home to the client to configure the devices, who will also take nothing. That is, payment for the tariff is actually all the costs that are borne by the subscriber. At least in this format, a service based on GPON from MGTS is provided (reviews from many subscribers contain unambiguously positive assessments regarding this option) - one of the largest and most actively developing in terms of development new technology Russian providers.

Comparison with ADSL

Before it became actively distributed for organizing access, the typical communication standard used by Russian providers was ADSL access. In principle, even now in many cities it is considered the main one. Even in the Russian capital, many subscribers are connected through it. The main advantages of ADSL in comparison with GPON are that Internet access can be organized on the basis of an existing telephone line.

As a rule, no additional installation work is required. In turn, ADSL, as a rule, loses significantly to the new technology in terms of speed. If Internet access at 20-25 megabits per second for GPON is rather the norm, in the case of using ADSL it is in most cases an exception.

Economy option

At the same time, compared to GPON rates, Internet tariffs via ADSL are usually lower. And this is more profitable for many users, since the speeds that are available using older technology, namely 3-5 megabits per second, are enough for them to perform most of their tasks. This indicator, in particular, allows you to comfortably download any web pages, watch videos, listen to music, chat via Skype. Setting up a GPON connection, on the one hand, can be somewhat more complicated than the corresponding steps when working with an ADSL channel. This can apply to both software and hardware. However, as we have already said, in many cases the provider provides its subscribers with the relevant services for free.

Disadvantages of GPON

What are the shortcomings of the technology under consideration? Some experts, for example, believe that the declared speed of 300 or more megabits per second for individuals cannot be achieved in most cases. Simply because the bulk of modems adapted for the use of fiber at home (and almost all of those provided by providers for free), purely technologically, cannot transmit data via Wi-Fi at speeds higher than 70-80 megabits. While it is advisable for many Moscow users to use the connection only in a wireless format. Although, in some statements by representatives of MGTS, GPON access for metropolitan subscribers will be provided through more modern Wi-Fi modems, in particular those that operate at a frequency of 5 GHz. While most of the current ones operate at 2.4 GHz.

Economic factor

Among the shortcomings of an economic nature noted by experts that are characteristic of networks based on GPON (many reviews confirm this), despite the low energy costs for signal transmission, the equipment necessary for organizing a full-fledged infrastructure is expensive and pays off rather slowly. Therefore, according to experts, it is advisable to introduce such technologies when the provider is sure that a sufficiently large number of clients will be able to connect to GPON. At the same time, according to a number of analysts, providers who have invested in the modernization of the communication infrastructure in a timely manner, in particular in favor of switching to GPON, can subsequently reduce the operating costs associated with maintaining the functionality of networks by several times.

Competitive Solutions

What are the alternatives to the GPON technology used by MGTS? Among those, experts note the DOCSIS standard, which is actively used by another Moscow provider, Akado. This technology involves the "hybrid" use of fiber optic channels - in terms of organizing communication between the provider's servers and subscribers' homes, as well as television cables laid in many metropolitan apartments - as user sections of the corresponding scheme for providing Internet access. The main advantage of this technology over GPON (reviews of many Akado users focus on this aspect) is that there is no need for noisy installation work in the apartment.

The typical access speed provided to metropolitan subscribers today is about 110 megabits, but technically this indicator can be increased to 400, as noted by many experts.

Cable or fiber

Another advantage of DOCSIS over GPON (reviews from IT specialists confirm this) is that it is much better protected from possible damage. It often happens, for example, that homeowners inadvertently step on the fiber optic, put furniture, the wire from this quickly fails. Often this is not a "warranty case" - the master from the provider, of course, will come, but this time not for free. In addition, a coaxial TV cable can be quite easily configured on its own, based on the convenience of its placement in the apartment. For example, if two of its segments have formed, they can be connected to each other with a simple coupling. With fiber in this sense, as a rule, it is more difficult.

New confrontation of the giants

Another solution that can compete with GPON from MGTS (the reviews of many experts at least contain positive assessments regarding its prospects) is FTTB technology. It is being used by VimpelCom, the entity that owns the Beeline brand.

By the way, it can be noted interesting fact: MGTS is a subsidiary of another Russian mobile operator, MTS. GPON, competing with FTTB, to some extent continues the confrontation between MTS and Beeline in their traditional markets. The access speed when using the considered technology is about 100 megabits. At the same time, as some experts note, it is technically possible to increase the indicator to

We also note that MGTS is far from the only Russian supplier communication services, using advanced fiber optic technology. Actively connects its subscribers to the Internet based on GPON Rostelecom, many regional providers.

GPON and the Russian communications market

Let's consider what are the marketing aspects of GPON implementation in Russia. As we noted above, one of the leading providers in the Russian Federation providing Internet access can be considered GPON from MGTS (reviews about this service are found in large numbers on thematic portals) - a service within which Muscovites can get online access at a speed about 300-500 megabits / sec. More than 3 million subscribers of the Russian capital have the technical ability to connect to the network using the new technology. At the same time, the demand for the service is supported not so much by the need for high speed as such, as some experts note, but by the fact that users from the Russian Federation are used to using several devices at once to access the Internet - PC, tablet, smartphone. The demand for Internet TV is also high. Therefore, in the aggregate, Moscow users need a decent access speed so that there are enough channel resources for each of the devices used.

The plans are ambitious

MGTS, a subsidiary of MTS, is going to deploy GPON networks in terms of the maximum geography of presence in the capital by 2017. There is evidence that the corresponding period may be adjusted - the company will complete the tasks faster in 2015. According to MGTS, the campaign associated with the transfer of the Internet access infrastructure to GPON technology will pay for itself within 7 years.

GPON technology (the reviews of many IT experts are very positive in this aspect) can become an effective base for the deployment of other communication standards. Such as, for example, 4G Internet in the LTE standard. Here both technological and economic aspect. There is evidence that the GPON infrastructure from MGTS (reviews of many market analysts confirm this) is going to be used by MTS, which is actively implementing 4G standards. In the statements of representatives of this brand, voiced in some media, there is a thesis that MTS will become the only metropolitan operator that will build a 4G network entirely based on fiber optic channels.

GPON is more promising?

According to some analysts, companies that use GPON technology - Rostelecom, MGTS and other providers - get at their disposal a resource that still has a slightly greater development potential than when using most competing communication standards. This is largely due to the fact that the level of competition in the GPON segment is still slightly lower than, for example, among providers using the FTTB concept.

GPON in the global market

As a technology for accessing the Internet, GPON (reviews of many experts confirm this) is somewhat less common in Russia than, for example, in Western countries. Although in last years providers operating in the Russian Federation, as many analysts believe, have made several serious steps forward, overcoming a possible lag behind their foreign counterparts in the development of new technology. At the same time, it can be noted that DSL standards are still among the most actively used in the world. At the same time, the global growth of GPON connections in the last few years has been about 20% annually.

Many experts are sure that even in the most technologically developed countries there is no consensus on which broadband technology is the most efficient. In many countries of Asia and the Middle East, GPON technology is being introduced very actively - in a number of states it occupies more than half of the market in the corresponding communication segment. In Europe, Sweden is recognized as one of the leaders in terms of the implementation of GPON standards. However, according to some analysts, Russian market is quite capable of achieving comparable indicators reflecting the level of implementation of new technology.

They say that it is impossible to get everything at once. But in the age of technology, it's time to abandon all stereotypes. You can pump your home and get maximum comfort if you use new technologies. Such as GPON from MGTS.

So what is GPON?

GPON is a fiber optic cable that has revolutionized communications. The data transfer rate on such a channel reaches 1 Gbps. The cable is led directly into the apartment: immediately after that, a reliable signal and high speed access at any time of the day.

Home Internet at super speed by wire or Wi-Fi, digital TV with interactive broadcast control functions, cool features of a home phone, online video surveillance of an apartment and a burglar alarm - with GPON, all this can be connected directly from home at any time.

What equipment is needed to connect GPON and how much does it cost?

The good news is that you don't need to spend money to connect GPON. The ONT optical modem, through which all digital services are provided, is provided by MGTS free of charge to each client. The modem has a built-in high-speed wifi module- he is responsible for the wireless network: this means that you will not need to pull extra wires around the apartment and you can connect several gadgets at the same time.

To get GPON into the apartment, you just need to call an MGTS employee by leaving a request on the website or by calling the company's round-the-clock unified contact center. You will quickly install and configure the ONT modem, and you can immediately connect to the Internet, interactive TV or other services. In the future, you will be able to independently order additional functions through your Personal Account or by phone.

And if you need to temporarily (suddenly start a repair) or permanently turn off services, then no effort will be required - except that you have to dial the number of the MGTS round-the-clock unified contact center.

What features does GPON provide?

1. High speed internet

When you urgently need to finish work at home or choose a hotel for your vacation, and Internet pages freeze endlessly, patience reaches a boiling point. Save your nerves and enjoy surfing the Internet with a new generation Wi-Fi router.

What speed do you need? It is possible to choose in the range from 30 to 500 Mbps. The coolest thing is that even the highest speed will be available not only on a desktop computer, but also on all wireless gadgets - smartphones and tablets - via Wi-Fi.

If necessary, you can also connect an antivirus without leaving your home - through your personal account on the MGTS website. And for parents, it is possible to control their child's travels on the Internet with the White Internet service - you can set the time that the child can spend on the Internet, and in addition, he will not catch the eye of unnecessary and harmful information.

2. HD TV

It's easy to follow the latest cinema, sporting events and world news. With GPON, home TV becomes a pure pleasure: with high-definition pictures, clear sound and the ability to adjust the broadcast to your own schedule!

But it will be difficult to choose something specific - after all, more than 230 channels are offered. It is possible to choose a thematic package to your taste or use a personal TV menu - in addition to the main package, choose exactly those channels that are of interest to you. And yes, one channel will cost only 1 rub./month.

The beauty of GPON television is that it becomes truly interactive: you can set start reminders desired programs, record them, pause and watch them on repeat. Now you do not need to adjust your schedule to the TV program, it will adjust itself to you.

If mom wants to watch a melodrama, dad wants to watch a football match, and a child wants cartoons, then there is no need to argue anymore! Multiroom allows you to connect up to three TVs to digital television for the price of one. Happinnes exists!

Do you want more? You are welcome! The modern Huawei DN-300 TV box turns your TV into a multimedia center: watch your own photos and videos on the big screen, listen to your favorite music with clear and surround sound. Renting a set-top box will cost 99 rubles a month if you connect the "Basic" package for 129 rubles a month, and it will be free if you choose the exquisite package "Nothing more" for 300 rubles a month.

3. Burglar alarm

A burglar alarm is the surest and easiest way to secure your home. Wireless sensors are installed on the doors, windows and inside the apartment, which react to penetration and movement. The security system controller is connected to an ONT modem, which transmits these signals to the control panel of the non-departmental security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - and a rapid response team immediately leaves for you.

A feature of the MGTS security alarm system is secure communication channels between your apartment and the MIA control panel. There are two of them: fiber optic GPON and cellular GSM. The network automatically tests channels every few seconds. If the main - wired - channel fails, the backup - GSM-channel is automatically switched on. And if at least for 3 seconds both are turned off, the alarm is triggered.

Maintenance of communication channels and the equipment itself is included in the price of the alarm system. Being safe both day and night has now become even easier and more accessible.

4. Video surveillance

Are you often distracted from work to check how things are at home? You will definitely not interfere with the video surveillance system. Wherever you are, you can always know exactly what is happening with your child or elderly relatives. You can also check the work of a nanny, au pair or construction workers. Agree, it's much calmer.

Video cameras that are already configured to work with a video surveillance system connect to the network wirelessly. With GPON you get a clear picture of what is happening in high quality and without delay, even if you are on the other side of the world. You can watch videos not only from a computer, but also from a smartphone or tablet - through a mobile application.

Recordings of the video surveillance system end up in a closed cloud archive on the MGTS portal, so there is no need to be afraid of information leakage. Recordings are stored from 5 to 30 days, depending on the volume of the video archive that you choose. The cameras can record HD video in daylight or night shooting, with or without sound, whatever you want. If a fragment needs to be saved, you can upload it to your computer.

The cameras are equipped with sound and motion sensors and you can set them to notify you of any unplanned incidents. Did the kid put on a rock concert for all the neighbors? Repairmen suspiciously lingered next to the safe? Did someone enter an apartment or room when no one should be there? You will know about it right away.

By the way, the video surveillance system is a good story for very busy and forgetful people. With its help, you can “look home” at any time and check whether you turned off the iron and whether you forgot to close the faucet in the kitchen.

5. Digital home telephony

The home phone has faded into the background after the advent of mobile phones in our lives. But he, as before, is the most reliable, convenient and safest way to communicate with loved ones. In addition, GPON opens up a “second wind” for fixed telephony. New features will help you remember that making home phone calls is convenient and profitable.

The "Digital Caller ID" service makes it possible to answer only those calls that you are waiting for. Thanks to the automatic identifier, you will always know who is calling you. After all, the phone will display the full ten-digit number of the caller.

Worried about missing an important call? Forward incoming calls from your home phone to any other number, including mobile.

The second line is no longer a cool lotion, but a vital necessity. So be it on your home phone! Now you will be available for a call even during a conversation with another person, and you can switch from one subscriber to another and back by pressing one button.

1. If you are doing repairs, then in the hallway, near the front door, select a zone where the ONT Wi-Fi modem will be installed in the future. Provide a 220 V socket near it. Do not forget that the cable entry to the apartment should be left unsealed. But the MGTS master can install an outlet for you later along with the modem.

2. The Wi-Fi coverage of the modem is sufficient for standard apartments, but if you have a large area or complex layout, a Wi-Fi signal booster or PLC adapters may be required.

3. Without home internet today, not only adults, but even a junior schoolboy, not to mention a teenager, will not manage. Lay a UTP cat 5 cable from the future ONT-modem installation site to all workplaces until the walls are finished, and then the wires will not interfere and spoil the look of the interior. If your repair is already completed, you can do without a cable - all gadgets can be connected to the network via Wi-Fi.

4. The security camera can be placed on a shelf, mounted on a wall, or suspended from a ceiling. It will also require a separate 220V outlet. If you are just planning a renovation in a nursery, provide a camera outlet high on the wall or behind the false ceiling panels so that the child cannot reach the wire.

5. If you are just planning a renovation in the nursery, provide a socket for the camera in advance - it is better high on the wall or behind the false ceiling panels so that the child cannot reach the wire.

6. If the apartment is small, it will be effectively protected by a standard set of security alarm equipment with two sensors: a contact on the door and a volumetric motion sensor. Equipment can be purchased or rented. The sensors are wireless, but the control device, uninterruptible power supply unit and radio receiver must be connected to the ONT modem and the power supply network. Therefore, it is better to place them in the hallway, near the modem, and provide a triple 220 V socket nearby.

7. It is better to install a landline telephone in the most “passable” place of the apartment, where each family member can reach the fastest. Choose a tariff plan based on your talents in the conversational genre - from 205 rubles per month.

8. Extra wires not only spoil the view of the bedroom, but also interfere with a good sleep. It is best to prepare for connection at the repair stage digital television: lay a hidden UTP cat 5 cable from the place of the future installation of the ONT modem to the TV. If the repair is already completed, the TV can be connected to the home Internet network via a PLC adapter.