Unlimited Internet to your phone from Skylink. High-speed Internet connection from the skylink operator

I don’t know why such a small rating, probably people write reviews when there are some problems, and if everything works well, then there’s nothing to write about .. I’m one of the second, I just wandered into the site and felt offended for the skylink.
We have a dacha in the suburbs, 75 km and the place is not at all densely populated, and specifically on our site, even on the second floor, ordinary cellular providers catch something, but 4g does not happen at all. We tried many different cellular modems - we had to sit with them on the street in strange places on the site to catch better :) Every year I looked at the coverage maps of Megafon, MtS and Beeline, in the hope that one of them would hang a transmitter nearby and it would be possible to arrange a normal Internet - but despite the fact that the neighborhoods were filled with more and more new and improved types of communication (first 3g then 4g) - we have some kind of magic white spot for all operators. So when I saw the coverage map of the updated skylink 3 years ago, I was very happy, but with a note of distrust. There was just a regular action - a consultant came and there was not a router for free when connecting and paying for a few months, or an external antenna when buying a router - I don’t remember now. But the main thing was that a consultant even came to our [distant] world and set up and checked everything - it was important for me because if you buy yourself, then there are no guarantees that it will catch and work, and if it does not work, then you still have to take all the equipment back and so on further, a very big hassle. Well, a consultant came to us, though he didn’t fix the antenna, he said squirm on the second floor under the roof)) But he helped to check everything, set up and direct it where necessary to catch. Well, more precisely, there was no need to set up the router itself, but to figure out where to direct the antenna and make sure that he helped catch it at all. Somehow they screwed up the antenna and the Internet started working! And it has been working for the third year. Our antenna, by the way, then fell off a couple of times and it turned out that the norms work without it)) The speeds are certainly lower than in the city, but for our backwoods it's just a dream! At least you can watch online video not in hd from two laptops at the same time) On the entire section, the Wi-Fi from the router catches, it's convenient, and it's not boring in the village toilet))) The tariff at first seemed to be connected to 15GB, but then we realized that it wasn’t enough if a lot of people live, and I don't want to monitor the traffic, so we changed it to unlimited. On unlimited, they have a limitation - after 300GB (I'm not sure if I remember exactly the number) they reduce the speed to 500kb, which we have never [pumped out] so much, even in the rainy autumn months. It also sometimes podglyuchitsya and freezes or falls off for half an hour or an hour the Internet, but this rarely happens, maybe a couple of times a month. In winter, when the Internet is not needed here, we change the tariff for a "day in the network" - then you pay only if you use the Internet. In short, I love them dearly for the internetization of our dacha and I hope someone will find my review useful :) I haven’t come across technical support, television and "care" so I don’t rate them.

Today, many do not even think about how often they use the Internet in everyday life. Access to the World Wide Web can be for any reason: correspond with friends, listen to music, find out the recipe for your favorite dish, order movie tickets, etc. Of course, gigabytes are leaking one by one, and at a certain moment you have to think: which tariff to choose in order to save personal funds as much as possible? For its subscribers, the Skylink provider, which is also an alternative operator of the Moscow company Tele2, offered optimal conditions that meet all modern requirements. After updating the tariff line, several favorable tariffs, but of particular interest is Skylink XL - completely unlimited tariff for free internet surfing.

Briefly about the tariff line

We have already talked about from Skylink, each of which is targeted at a specific circle of users. The company's clients will now be able to use the service of transferring unused residual web traffic to the next period. There is also a “Day in the Network” tariff - with daily payment for services only if you have used them.

Non-combustible Internet leftovers are valid for the Skylink S and Skylink L tariffs. If you are the owner of the first tariff plan, you have 8 GB monthly at your disposal, if the second - 15 GB. It is likely that these considerable volumes will not be consumed in full in 30 days, which means that you can use them (and, in addition, get already new package) next month.

Together with the update tariff scale in Skylink, the coverage area has recently increased. Almost 98% of residents of Moscow and Moscow, as well as Leningrad, Novgorod and Tver regions can connect to the services of this provider. Now we can say with confidence that soon the Internet will work stably even in areas where there are no roads and infrastructure problems. Difficulties in connecting to Skylink and purchasing necessary equipment, according to the assurances of the provider, should not arise.

Terms of the tariff "Skylink XL"

Let's proceed directly to the analysis of the “Skylink XL” tariff. It is worth noting that previously, unlimited Internet was valid for the tariff with the same name only at night. Now you can use unlimited Anytime by paying only a fixed monthly cost.

  • The main feature of the tariff plan is a completely unlimited volume of Internet traffic.
  • The monthly subscription fee is 1190 rubles. Attention: for subscribers of the Moscow region. In St. Petersburg, Tver and Novgorod regions, a subscription fee of 990 rubles is charged.
  • Money will be debited from your account on the first day of each month. We advise you to check in advance if you have this amount in your account.
  • With the "Skylink XL" tariff, you can use file sharing services and torrent trackers without any special restrictions.
  • From the starting month of connection, the cost of the tariff will be charged in proportion to the number of days remaining until the end of this month.
  • The tariff plan works exclusively with branded routers from the Skylink company. In this case, LTE450 technology is implemented, which means that high-quality and fast 4G Internet is guaranteed. True, the provider warns clients in advance that in case of high network load, the speed may be slightly reduced.

Features of the tariff "Skylink XL"

In order for the subscriber to save as much as possible own funds Skylink offered the following terms regarding the monthly fee:

  • If you top up your account before the tenth day of each month, then the monthly fee will be debited automatically.
  • After the eleventh day, the cost of the subscription fee is not deducted from the account, so you yourself can decide whether to pay with these funds for the current period or leave it to replenish the account in the next period.

With this tariff, you can freely use the original Skylink SIM card - the main thing is to be the owner of the company's router. The Internet with a 4G router can be used while traveling in various regions of Russia.

How to connect "Skylink XL"

To become a client of the company, you will need to conclude an appropriate contract. This can be done without leaving your home, right on the company's website or at the brand's office. When placing an order on the site, make sure that the entered data is correct. If you have additional questions or problems, you can always consult a specialist online.

After choosing the Skylink XL tariff plan on the website, fill in subscription form... Then you will receive a notification by SMS or email. After that, the manager will contact you to agree on the conditions and clarify the time of the visit of Skylink specialists to install and connect the equipment.


Skylink XL is an interesting option for those who prefer to use the Internet on an unlimited scale: download movies, TV series and music, play online games, work in the network day or night. The tariff cannot be called budget, but for a fixed price you will be given a free choice of actions in the network, as well as high-quality Internet using a modern communication standard.

Good news!
Despite some of the problems described below, our company offers a Skylink Internet connection in the Moscow region - even in those areas where it is not possible to communicate using 3G and 4G (LTE) technologies from Megafon, MTS and Beeline!

In addition, when installing our equipment, you (if desired) will be. The average information reception speed is 10-20 Mbit / s, which is much faster and cheaper than satellite internet- the only alternative in the absence of coverage from the Big Three operators.

Well, now a little about last year's problems that we (thanks to close cooperation with the operator itself) managed to solve.

Recently, more and more Internet users from Skylink in the Moscow region began to ask questions about the decrease in the level and quality of the signal, and sometimes because of its complete absence. On the forums, you can also find a lot of discussions on such topics as "Is Sky Link closing?", "Where else can you connect a Skylink modem?"
The most logical way would be to look for answers to these questions on the official Skylink website (msk.skylink.ru). However, it seems that the administration of the web resource does not bother with such trifles. But on the main page it is stated that the Skylink LTE-450 Network will appear in Moscow on July 1 (unfortunately, the year is not specified). What are the prospects for using fast Internet for residents of the Moscow region is also not entirely clear - it is difficult to distinguish between "Current" and "Planned" coverage on the Skylink coverage map placed at the bottom of the site, and besides, the planning time is not indicated ...

Even more confusing is the optimistic statement that:
"... Skylink is one of the oldest Russian operators mobile communications, which in 2016 began providing high-speed mobile Internet access services in the modern LTE 4G standard at 450 MHz. This technology provides wide coverage and stable signal reception even in difficult geographic conditions and remote areas ... ".
That is, "started", but not as usual from Moscow and the Moscow region, but somewhere else ...

But not everything is so bad - future Skylink clients who want to get "Fast Internet", which "Always with you", can already order (in advance):
branded 4G routers at a price of 9-10 thousand rubles,
directional antennas for 2 thousand and
connect until 30.09.2016 a very favorable Skylink tariff "Promo" with a monthly monthly fee RUB 990 and the included traffic volume 8 GB + 12 kopecks for each over-limit megabyte ...
(For reference: Movies in HD quality already occupy 15-20 or more gigabytes).

Wikipedia's opinion on the quality of the connection from Sky Link does not add optimism either:
"... Since January 2016, the operator's signal has been significantly reduced, which caused problems with the use of the CDMA network, the operator convinces that this is due to wear and tear of equipment, but the network will not be minimized ... It is interesting that the operator himself claims to maintain long and complicated repairs and not the fact that the network will work normally afterwards ... "(https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Link).

What, in such an uncertain situation, should the customers of this operator or those who are just going to connect to the Internet from Skylink?
First, keep in mind that there is no such mobile operator on the mobile market (only trademark), so take a close look - with whom you will conclude a contract.
Secondly, keep in mind that most of the equipment operating on Sky Link networks is not compatible with standard communication devices. That is, if the signal of the 4G Internet operating at a frequency of 450 MHz suddenly disappears or weakens, then you will not be able to simply change the Skylink SIM card, for example, to Megafon and set up the antenna to receive from another tower.

And it is best to purchase universal equipment that works, if not with all, then with the absolute majority of mobile operators. In this case, antennas, modems, routers, etc. devices must provide the maximum speed of data transmission / reception and work equally well in 3G and 4G networks.
Particular attention should be paid to the proposed rates. If you are offered to install LTE Internet, providing a reception speed of 100 Mbit, with a monthly limit of 8 GB, then this means that such fast Internet will be enough for you for 640 seconds! It does not hurt to estimate how much it will cost, for example, "12 kopecks for each over-limit megabyte" - more than a ruble per second, or more than three thousand rubles per hour!

However, in such a short article it is impossible to consider all the nuances that should be taken into account when connecting wireless internet in outskirts of Moscow. Therefore, if you are a subscriber of Skylink (or any other operator), and the Internet has stopped working for you, then just call the technical support service of our company, and we will help you solve your problems!

Skylink was once a fairly large operator. Its coverage area, although inferior to competitors, was wide. Over time, his star went out, today he works in only four regions. And frankly speaking, it was he who became the first 3G operator in Russia, albeit in a different range. Let's see how the Skylink Internet works today and under what conditions.

Adopting LTE-450 communication standard

To begin with, let's name the main advantages of Skylink:

  • Affordable rates - it acts as a kind of discounter.
  • Powerful coverage map - the operator works where others do not. Its base stations cover vast territories.
  • Human safety - associated with the use of safe frequencies.

They always swore at the frequencies 800, 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz - they say, the frequency is too high, the influence on a person is too great. And this is really so, because no one doubts the harmfulness of microwave radiation from microwave ovens. Almost all stoves operate at a frequency of 2450 MHz, negatively affecting living tissue. GSM networks are no less harmful, although frequencies and power are lower there.

Skylink operates at 450 MHz. Several years ago, he used the CDMA-450 standard, which was considered (and is considered) safe. But he did not manage to overcome GSM-operators. Over time, the operator closed his towers, remaining in the Moscow, Leningrad, Tver and Novgorod regions. In 2016, Skylink launches networks in the LTE-450 standard, providing high-speed unlimited internet the most remote corners in the regions of its activity.

Services under the Skylink brand are provided by the operator cellular Tele2.

Coverage area

First, let's take a look at the Skylink coverage map. Here we see strong coverage in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, as well as in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the Tver and Novgorod regions, the coverage is ragged, but each base station covers a pretty decent area. Conducting Internet Skylink to your dacha is an excellent solution if you want to weed the beds, recording your achievements on social networks.

In their reviews, users were divided into two almost equal camps. Some praise 4G networks from Tele2 and Skylink, others scold. Most of all goes to the slightly buggy Skylink H1 router. As for negative reviews, their appearance is quite understandable - the congestion of networks at one point or another, as well as the nature of the propagation of radio waves, due to which the speed begins to float, affects.

The Internet from Skylink can be used in many other regions - this is the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and other places where 4G networks operate (and under the same conditions as in the home zone!).

Purchase of equipment and SIM-cards

You can buy routers with LTE 450 Skylink support in Tele2 branded stores and its online store, as well as in Skylink branded stores. There are three routers for Internet access at the choice of buyers:

  • Skylink H1 is a stationary device suitable for home and summer cottages.
  • Skylink V-FL500 is the second stationary router that attracts with the presence of a backup battery if the power supply suddenly turns off (this is quite normal outside the city).
  • The Skylink M1 is a small battery-powered pocket router designed for travelers.

The estimated cost of routers for the Internet is from 3150 to 3500 rubles. Check prices in stores and online stores of the Skylink and Tele2 brands.

Tariff plans

Let's get back closer to the Internet, or rather to tariff plans... Skylink and its internet tariffs excite with unlimited internet. Unlimited without any conditions. There are four tariffs in total:

  • Skylink S - 8 GB for 490 rubles / month
  • Skylink L - 15 GB for 790 rubles / month
  • Skylink XL - unlimited for 1190 rubles / month
  • Day online - 49 rubles per day.

If the limit is exceeded, traffic costs 6 kopecks / MB for the first TP and 5 kopecks / MB for the second TP. But the activation of additional traffic can be disabled through your personal account.

And here's a little life hack for you - we buy a router with a Skylink SIM card in one of the regions with LTE-450 and use real unlimited 4G networks in other regions.

Skylink has been familiar to many since ancient times, when its coverage area was extensive. Today it has narrowed much to a few regions. When it appeared, it became the first in Russia to deliver high-speed 3G Internet, but with different parameters than today. Let's figure out in the review where and under what conditions the connection from Skylink is now working.

LTE 450 operation

Skylink is an operator that provides communication on frequencies other than those of the main operators in Russia. Among its advantages are:

  • Cheap communication - its tariffs are more affordable;
  • Excellent coverage map in working areas;
  • Frequencies that are safe for human health.

High frequencies of signal transmission are harmful to the body. Most operate at frequencies in the 800 to 1900 MHz range. High density coverage of towers has a negative impact on health. But electric waves are emitted not only by a mobile tower, but also by satellite TV, household appliances (especially a microwave oven). Mobile networks GSM standard have a lower frequency, but are also harmful.

The operator began his work and still maintains a single frequency - 450 MHz - this is much lower than that of others, therefore, there is significantly less harm to health in the places where the stations are installed. Other operators operate at a higher frequency, which makes their signal quality better. This point became decisive, and the provider could not stand the competition.

To date, he has remained only in cities and their regions such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tver and Novgorod. After Skylink introduced in 2016 new standard communication LTE-450, its signal has become not only high-quality and high-speed, but also remained the densest in the existing territories of the four regions.

Today, services under the Skylink brand provide mobile operator Tele 2.

Coverage area

The coverage map of the Skylink provider is shown on the official website of Tele2, it covers the Moscow, Leningrad, Novgorod and Tver regions - the coverage is powerful and dense. This is an excellent choice, first of all, for users who want to stay connected and conduct the Internet to the most remote corners of the listed areas - this is an option for summer cottages, recreation centers, distant villages.

4G Internet from Skylink and Tele2 suits many, but negative reviews, first of all, about the poor quality of the Skylink H1 router. The reason for the negative is network congestion and the distinctive nature of the signal propagation, due to which the speed can drop.

Advantage mobile internet from this provider - it can be used in nearby areas if you caught a 4G network, under the same conditions as in your home region.

How to buy a sim card and equipment

Skylink routers that support LTE 450 communication can be purchased in Tele2 salons, ordered on the website or in Skylink salons. To connect to high speed internet Skylink, you can choose one of the presented routers:

  1. Skylink H1 - connects permanently, both at home and in the country;
  2. Skylink V-FL500 - also stationary, but in addition to being connected to the mains, it is possible to operate on batteries;
  3. Skylink M1 - works only on batteries, has a small size.

You can buy routers from Skylink and Tele2 at an affordable price - about 3000 rubles. SIM cards are also sold from the operator in the official store. You can also choose a tariff there.

Tariff plans from Skylink

Internet from Skylink is unlimited. Only the size of the downloaded traffic is limited, while its value is much higher and the price is lower than that of many competitive providers. You can choose from the following tariffs for routers:

  • S - minimum traffic for 8 GB, monthly fee is 490 rubles / month;
  • L - optimal 15 GB for a monthly fee of 790 rubles / month;
  • XL - full unlimited with a monthly fee of 1190 rubles / month;
  • A day in the network is paid for by the day - it is 49 rubles per day.

If the package limit is exhausted, per megabyte billing will take place - for the S tariff it is 6 kopecks / MB and for L - 5 kopecks / MB. You can activate additional Internet on the Tele2 website in your Personal Account.

You can buy a SIM card with LTE 450 internet in a region where Skylink operates and use 4G in another region.