Opening Center. Disclosure Center Meeting of Shareholders of OJSC MGTS in the year

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1 Draft decisions on the polls of the agenda of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC MGTS September 04, 2017 Draft decisions on the polls of the agenda of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC MGTS have been submitted to voting ballots on the polls of the agenda of the meeting. Appendix: Ballots 1-2 for voting on the polls of the day's agenda.

2 Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow City Telephone Network" Location of the Company: Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 25, building 1 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Form of the meeting: meeting (joint presence) Date of the meeting: September 04, 2017. Meeting place: the Russian Federation , Moscow, st. Terskaya, 26/1, Marriott Moscow Grand Hotel, Grand Banquet Hall (Arkhangelsky, Palosky, Tsarskoselsky, Peterhof, Sheremetyevsky halls) (transfer to Mayakoskaya, Pushkinskaya or Terskaya metro stations). Start time of registration of persons participating in the meeting: 9 a.m. 30 minutes. Meeting time: 11 a.m. 00 min. FULL NAME. or the full name of the shareholder Registration number Number of votes owned by the shareholder according to the agenda poll BULLETIN 1 Agenda issue 1: On early termination of powers of a member of the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS. The wording of the decision on poll 1 put to the vote: 1.1. Early terminate the powers of all members of the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS. Voting options (leave only one option, delete unnecessary options) For Against Abstained The number of votes cast for each voting option * (to be filled in only in the cases indicated in the NOTES). *The voter is entitled to choose only one voting option, except in the case of voting in accordance with the instructions of persons who have acquired shares after the date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, or in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depositary. Cross out unnecessary options. ** Please use the X sign in front of the option corresponding to which the vote is being taken (to be filled in only in the cases specified in the NOTES). Voting is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the purchasers of shares transferred after the date of compilation of the list, who have the right to participate in the general meeting. Voting is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depository. Voting is carried out by proxy given in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. Part of the shares was transferred after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. A person who has the right to participate in the General Meeting has to forward the completed and signed bulletin of JSC "Reestr" (the Registrar of the Company, performing the functions of the Counting Commission) ahead of schedule to the address: Russian Federation, Moscow, B. Balkansky per., 20, bld. .1, or PJSC MGTS at the address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 25, building 1. Ballots received no later than September 01, 2017 will be taken into account when determining the corum and the final vote. If the ballot is signed by a representative or successor, it is necessary to indicate his surname and initials and attach to the ballot the documents confirming the powers that were held in accordance with the established procedure. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE the newsletter! FULL NAME. shareholder's signature NOTES and Procedure for filling in columns * and ** see on the back:

3 NOTES: Columns * and ** are filled in ONLY by persons who Acquired / Transferred shares after July 11, 2017 and have a voting power of attorney or have instructions from the acquirer to vote, as well as persons voting in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depository Order of filling columns * and **: 1) If more than one voting option is left on the ballot, then the fields for the number of votes cast for each voting option should indicate the number of votes cast for the corresponding voting option, and a note should be made that voting is carried out in accordance with the instructions purchasers of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, and (or) in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depository valuable papers; 2) A person voting by proxy given in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, the field for marking the number of votes opposite the remaining voting option, must indicate the number of votes cast for the remaining voting option, and make a note that voting is carried out by proxy issued in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting; 3) If after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, not all shares have been transferred, the voter in the field for putting down the number of votes opposite the remaining voting option must indicate the number of votes cast for the remaining voting option, and make a note that that part of the shares was transferred after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. If in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, instructions are received from the purchasers of such shares that coincide with the remaining voting option, then such votes are summed up.

4 Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow City Telephone Network" Location of the Company: Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 25, building 1 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Form of the meeting: meeting (joint presence) Date of the meeting: September 04, 2017. Place of the meeting: , Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Terskaya, 26/1, Marriott Moscow Grand Hotel, Grand Banquet Hall (Arkhangelsky, Palosky, Tsarskoselsky, Peterhof, Sheremetyevsky halls) (transfer to Mayakoskaya, Pushkinskaya or Terskaya metro stations). Start time of registration of persons participating in the meeting: 9 a.m. 30 minutes. Meeting time: 11 a.m. 00 min. FULL NAME. or the full name of the shareholder Registration number Number of votes belonging to the shareholder X 9 = Number of cumulative votes In cumulative voting, the number of votes belonging to each shareholder is multiplied by the number of persons to be elected to the Soet Director of the Company (9 persons), and the shareholder has the right to cast those received way votes entirely for one candidate or distribute them among two or more candidates. The fractional part of the vote, obtained as a result of multiplying the number of votes belonging to the shareholder holding the fractional share, by the number of persons to be elected as the director of the company, may be cast for only one candidate. BULLETIN 2 for cumulative voting Agenda item 2: On the election of a member of the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS. The wording of the decision on the poll 2 put to the vote: 2.1. To elect the Soet Director of PJSC MGTS as follows: Surname, name, patronymic of the candidate 1 Dmitry Kirill Aleksandrovich 2 Dubosko Andrey Anatolyevich 3 Yersho Andrey Viktorovich 4 Nefedo Yuri Vladimirovich 5 Nicolae Vyachesla Konstantinovich 6 Trako Vladimir Sergeevich 7 Ushatsky Andrey Eduardoich 8 Khrenko Vladimir Vladimirovich 9 Shorzhin Valery Viktorovich Number of (cumulative) votes against all candidates “Against” against all candidates “Abstained” against all candidates "Abstained" in relation to all candidates *Voteer has the right to choose only one voting option, except in the case of voting in accordance with the instructions of persons who have acquired shares after the date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, or in accordance with the instructions of the holder of depositary securities . Cross out unnecessary options. ** Please use the X sign in front of the option corresponding to which the vote is being taken (to be filled in only in the cases specified in the NOTES). Voting is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the purchasers of shares transferred after the date of compilation of the list, who have the right to participate in the general meeting. Voting is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depository. Voting is carried out by proxy given in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. Part of the shares was transferred after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. Bulletin of JSC "Reestr" A person who has the right to participate in the general meeting, has to send ahead of time completed and signed (the Registrar of the Company, performing the functions of the Counting Commission) to the address: Russian Federation, Moska, B. Balkansky per., 20, bld. .1, or PJSC MGTS at the address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 25, building 1. Ballots received no later than September 01, 2017 will be taken into account when determining the corum and the final vote. If the ballot is signed by a representative or successor, it is necessary to indicate his surname and initials and attach to the ballot the documents confirming the powers that were held in accordance with the established procedure.

5 Be sure to SIGN the ballot! FULL NAME. shareholder's signature NOTES: Columns * and ** are filled in ONLY by persons who Acquired / Transferred shares after July 11, 2017 and have a voting power of attorney or have instructions from the acquirer to vote, as well as persons voting in accordance with the instructions of the owner of the depository Procedure for filling in columns * and **: 1) If more than one voting option is left on the ballot, then the fields for the number of votes cast for each voting option should indicate the number of votes cast for the corresponding voting option, and a note that voting is carried out in accordance with instructions of the purchasers of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, and (or) in accordance with the instructions of the holder of depositary securities; 2) A person voting by proxy given in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, the field for marking the number of votes opposite the remaining voting option, must indicate the number of votes cast for the remaining voting option, and make a note that voting is carried out by proxy issued in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting; 3) If after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, not all shares have been transferred, the voter in the field for putting down the number of votes opposite the remaining voting option must indicate the number of votes cast for the remaining voting option, and make a note that that part of the shares was transferred after the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting. If in respect of shares transferred after the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting, instructions are received from the purchasers of such shares that coincide with the remaining voting option, then such votes are summed up.

Shareholder: Registered shareholder: Number of shares (votes): Address for sending completed ballots: 105318, Moscow, Tkatskaya st., 19. JSC Aeropribor-Voskhod Deadline for receiving ballots 20

MINUTES Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Open Joint Stock Company Moscow City Telephone Network Abbreviated name: OJSC MGTS OGRN: 1027739285265 Location: Russian

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June 25, 2018 announced the company's annual general meeting of shareholders held on June 22.

During the annual general meeting of shareholders, it was decided to pay dividends for 2017 in the amount of 21.99 billion rubles (231 rubles per ordinary and preferred share of MGTS). At the same time, the date by which the persons entitled to receive dividends must be determined is July 12, 2018.

The term for payment of dividends to a nominal holder registered in the register of shareholders should not exceed 10 working days, and to other persons registered in the register of shareholders - 25 working days.

2017: Net profit grew by 33% - up to 16.1 billion rubles

The company's revenue under RAS for 12 months of 2017 amounted to 38.9 billion rubles, showing a slight decrease of 1.4% due to market stagnation. Net profit grew by 33% - up to 16.1 billion rubles.

stable financial results in the company contributed to the further strengthening of leadership positions in the mass market through the promotion of packages based on high speed internet from 100 Mbps with interactive TV and mobile communications. At the end of the year, over 65% of GPON clients in the mass market used service packages, and every third connected both fixed-line and mobile communications. In total for the last year, the number of MGTS mobile communication SIM cards provided under the virtual model on networks MTS, grew by 70%, reaching 320,000 by the end of the year. Digital services accounted for more than 35% of MGTS' revenues in the mass market, which is the best indicator for the entire period of the company's activity.

At the end of 2017, the total amount of retained earnings, including net profit in 2017, amounted to 43.433 billion rubles.

2016: Dividends of 22 billion rubles

In May 2017, PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network announced that the company's Board of Directors had recommended to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that it approve the payment of dividends for the full year 2016 in the amount of RUB 22,186,910,855 (RUB 233 per common and preferred share of MGTS).

In 2015, the company paid dividends in the amount of 21 billion rubles, or 222 rubles per ordinary and preferred share of MGTS.

The company's revenue under RAS for 12 months of 2016 amounted to 39.489 billion rubles, remaining at the same period in 2015. Net profit excluding revaluation of financial investments for 2016 increased by 3.8% and amounted to 12.587 billion rubles. Strong financial results driven by growth in user base broadband, digital TV and mobile communications. Annual growth of the Internet user base by technology GPON in the mass market was 21%. The number of DTV users for 12 months of 2016 increased by a third, the number of mobile users increased by 1.6 times over the same period.

At the end of 2016, the total amount of retained earnings, including net profit in 2016, amounted to 48.152 billion rubles.

2015: Net profit of 12.5 billion rub

The net profit of PJSC MGTS under RAS for the 12 months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014 increased by 38.4% and amounted to 12,503 million rubles. The share of income from non-regulated services grew by 11.3% over the year and for the first time exceeded 50% of the company's total income.

Revenue of MGTS under RAS for 12 months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014 increased by 2.2% and amounted to 39,485 million rubles.

Type of general meeting: annual.

Form of event: joint presence of shareholders, with preliminary sending (delivery) of voting ballots.

Date, place, time of the general meeting of shareholders of PJSC MGTS, postal address to which completed voting ballots can be sent:
- date of the meeting: June 23, 2017;
- start time of the meeting: 11:00 Moscow time;
- venue: 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 26/1, Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel, Grand Banquet Hall (Arkhangelsky, Pavlovsky, Tsarskoselsky, Peterhof, Sheremetyevsky halls) (transfer to Mayakovskaya, Pushkinskaya or Tverskaya metro stations).
- postal address to which completed ballots for voting on the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders of PJSC MGTS can be sent: to JSC "Reestr" at the address: Russian Federation, 129090, Moscow, Bolshoi Balkansky lane, 20, building 1 , or in PJSC MGTS at the address: Russian Federation, 119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 25, building 1.

1. General information
1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer Public Joint Stock Company
"Moscow city telephone network"
1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC MGTS
1.3. Location of the issuer Russian Federation, 119017, Moscow
1.4. OGRN of the issuer 1027739285265
1.5. TIN of the issuer 7710016640
1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 00083-А

1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information

2.2. Form of holding the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer: joint attendance.

2.3. Date, place, time of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
Meeting date: June 23, 2017
Location of the meeting: 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 26/1, Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel, Grand Banquet Hall (Arkhangelsky, Pavlovsky, Tsarskoselsky, Peterhof, Sheremetyevsky halls) (transfer to Mayakovskaya, Pushkinskaya or Tverskaya metro stations).
Start time of registration of persons participating in the meeting: 9 a.m. 30 minutes.
Meeting time: 11 a.m. 00 min.- 12 noon 30 minutes.

2.4. Quorum of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
Total votes held by the shareholders-owners of voting shares of PJSC MGTS - 79,708,751.
The number of votes held by shareholders of PJSC MGTS participating in the meeting is 79,069,541, which is 99.2% of the total number of votes held by shareholders of PJSC MGTS.

2.5. Agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders:
1. Approval of the annual report, annual accounting (financial) statements of PJSC MGTS for 2016.
2. Distribution of profit and loss of PJSC MGTS based on the results of the reporting year 2016.
3. Payment (declaration) of dividends on outstanding shares of PJSC MGTS based on the results of 2016.
4. Election of members of the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS.
5. Election of members Audit Commission PJSC MGTS.
6. Approval of the auditor of PJSC MGTS.
7. Approval of the Articles of Association of PJSC MGTS in a new edition.
8. Approval of internal documents of PJSC MGTS regulating the activities of the bodies of PJSC MGTS.

"FOR" -79 061 989 votes,
"AGAINST" -10 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 200 votes.

2.1. net profit PJSC MGTS in the amount of 22,186,910,855 (twenty-two billion, one hundred and eighty-six million, nine hundred and ten thousand, eight hundred and fifty-five) rubles and 57 (fifty-seven) kopecks shall be distributed to pay dividends on the outstanding shares of PJSC MGTS:
- on preference shares in the amount of 3,614,772,270 (three billion six hundred fourteen million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and seventy) rubles and 53 (fifty-three) kopecks;
- on ordinary shares in the amount of 18,572,138,585 (eighteen billion five hundred and seventy-two million one hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-five) rubles and 4 (four) kopecks.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes accounted for by voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements to the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6/pz-n): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 889 votes,
"AGAINST" - 10 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 0 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 058 939 votes,
"AGAINST" - 10 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 0 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 061 139 votes,
"AGAINST" - 10 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 0 votes.

Pay annual dividends to persons entitled to receive dividends from PJSC MGTS, in cash by bank transfer within the following periods:
- to a nominal holder registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than July 27, 2017;
- to other persons registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than August 17, 2017.
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 061 139 votes,
"AGAINST" - 10 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 0 votes.

3. Andrey Ershov
4. Latsanich Vasily Igorevich
5. Nefedov Yuri Vladimirovich
6. Travkov Vladimir Sergeevich
7. Ushatsky Andrey Eduardovich

9. Shorzhin Valery Viktorovich

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 717,378,759 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 717,378,759 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 711,625,869 votes.

The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
Dmitriev Kirill Alexandrovich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 933 703
Dubovskov Andrey Anatolyevich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 930 683
Ershov Andrey Viktorovich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 989 423
Latsanich Vasily Igorevich - The number of votes "FOR" - 10 352
Nefedov Yuri Vladimirovich - Number of votes "FOR" - 88 930 418
Travkov Vladimir Sergeevich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 929 483
Ushatsky Andrey Eduardovich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 928 183
Khrenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 930 833
Shorzhin Valery Viktorovich - The number of votes "FOR" - 88 929 133
FOR” in relation to all candidates - 711 512 211
"AGAINST" all candidates - 90
“ABSTAINED” for all candidates – 5,490

Elect the Audit Commission of PJSC MGTS in the following composition:
1. Gorlova Marina Vitalievna
2. Kuzmin Nikolai Sergeevich
4. Rymar Elena Viktorovna

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:

1. Gorlova Marina Vitalievna
"FOR" - 79 058 744 votes,
"AGAINST" - 370 votes,

2. Kuzmin Nikolai Sergeevich
"FOR" - 79 058 894 votes,
"AGAINST" - 420 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1360 votes,

3. Mamonov Maxim Alexandrovich
"FOR" - 79 058 694 votes,
"AGAINST" - 420 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1360 votes,

4. Rymar Elena Viktorovna
"FOR" - 79 058 994 votes,
"AGAINST" - 420 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1360 votes,

5. Alexander Cherdantsev
"FOR" - 79 058 794 votes,
"AGAINST" - 520 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1360 votes,

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 062 024 votes,
"AGAINST" - 325 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 400 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 888 votes,
"AGAINST" - 210 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1,701 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 129 votes,
"AGAINST" - 210 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1,660 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 129 votes,
"AGAINST" - 210 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1,610 votes.

The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 129 votes,
"AGAINST" - 210 votes,


The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting on this agenda item: 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes per voting shares of the Company on this issue of the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 12-6 / pz-n ): 79,708,751 votes.
The number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting on this issue of the agenda: 79,069,541 votes.

There is a quorum on this issue.
The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
"FOR" - 79 060 329 votes,
"AGAINST" - 210 votes,
"ABSTAINED" - 1610 votes.

The wording of the decisions taken by the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
1.1. Approve the annual report, annual accounting (financial) statements of PJSC MGTS for 2016 (Appendices No. 1-2 to the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

2.1. Distribute the net profit of PJSC MGTS in the amount of 22,186,910,855.57 (twenty-two billion one hundred and eighty-six million nine hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-five) rubles and 57 (fifty-seven) kopecks to pay dividends on the outstanding shares of PJSC MGTS:
- on preference shares in the amount of 3,614,772,270.53 (three billion six hundred and fourteen million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and seventy) rubles and 53 (fifty-three) kopecks;
- on ordinary shares in the amount of 18,572,138,585.04 (eighteen billion five hundred and seventy-two million one hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-five) rubles and 4 (four) kopecks.

3.1. Approve the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends on the placed shares of PJSC MGTS are determined - July 13, 2017.

3.2. To pay dividends on the placed preferred shares of PJSC MGTS based on the results of 2016 in the amount of 233 (two hundred and thirty three) rubles per preferred share.
Pay annual dividends to persons entitled to receive dividends from PJSC MGTS in cash in cashless form in the following terms:
- to a nominal holder registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than July 27, 2017;
- to other persons registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than August 17, 2017.

3.3. To pay dividends on the placed ordinary shares of PJSC MGTS based on the results of 2016 in the amount of 233 (two hundred and thirty three) rubles per ordinary share.
Pay annual dividends to persons entitled to receive dividends from PJSC MGTS in cash in cashless form in the following terms:
- to a nominal holder registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than July 27, 2017;
- to other persons registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC MGTS - no later than August 17, 2017.

4.1. Elect the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS in the following composition:
1. Dmitriev Kirill Alexandrovich
2. Andrey Dubovskov
3. Andrey Ershov
4. Latsanich Vasily Igorevich
5. Nefedov Yuri Vladimirovich
6. Travkov Vladimir Sergeevich
7. Ushatsky Andrey Eduardovich
8. Khrenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich
9. Shorzhin Valery Viktorovich

5.1. Elect the Audit Commission of PJSC MGTS in the following composition:
1. Gorlova Marina Vitalievna
2. Kuzmin Nikolai Sergeevich
3. Mamonov Maxim Alexandrovich
4. Rymar Elena Viktorovna
5. Alexander Cherdantsev

6.1. To approve CJSC Deloitte & Touche CIS as the auditor of PJSC MGTS to audit the financial and economic activities of PJSC MGTS in 2017.

7.1. Approve the Articles of Association of PJSC MGTS in the new version No. 15 (Appendix No. 3 to the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

8.1. Approve the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC MGTS in a new edition (Appendix No. 4 to the minutes of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

8.2. Approve the Regulations on the Board of Directors of PJSC MGTS in a new edition (Appendix No. 5 to the minutes of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

8.3. Approve the Regulations on Board of PJSC MGTS in a new edition (Appendix No. 6 to the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

8.4. Approve the Regulations on the Audit Commission of PJSC MGTS in a new edition (Appendix No. 7 to the minutes of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders).

2.7. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
Minutes No. 1/17 dated 06/23/2017

2.8. Identification signs of shares, the owners of which have the right to participate in the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
- ordinary registered non-documentary shares (reg. No. 1-05-00083-A, date state registration September 24, 2002, international securities identification code (number) (ISIN): RU0009036461).

3. Signature
3.1. Member of the Board - Deputy Director General, financial director PJSC MGTS by power of attorney No. 28344 dated December 20, 2016

This notice was provided directly by the subject of information disclosure and published in accordance with the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of issuance securities or the Regulations on the requirements for the procedure and timing of disclosure of information related to the activities of joint-stock companies. investment funds and management companies of mutual investment funds, as well as to the content of the disclosed information. The Interfax Agency bears no responsibility for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.