Photos of Mars in high resolution. Mars, latest news, photos, videos

Enthusiasts of Mars exploration were alarmed by the new discovery of the rover: on one of the rocks examined, there was an almost perfect ball resembling a golf or ping-pong ball. Even not only its shape is surprising, but also its location, as if someone had put it on a flat stone.

The ball was found in the shooting of color mast cameras on the 746th Sol - Martian day - expedition. It is now Sol 760 there, and Curiosity has moved about 150 meters away from the location of the ball. No return is expected, so these footage is the only thing we have left.

But the find does not seem sensational, because it is clearly visible that this is a stone, and not any other material.

Round-shaped rocks on Mars, like on Earth, are not something unique. For example, Curiosity has already found rounded river pebbles.

This find may be something more interesting, for example, lapille, a volcanic rock that is formed when liquid lava is ejected during an explosion, and small drops solidify in flight in a spherical or close to it shape.

Of course, the volcanic eruption, if it ever happened, did not happen today. If you look closely, you can see a similar ball sprinkled with sand.

And 30 meters away, there was a whole deposit of spherical and drop-shaped stones.

It remains only to understand how the "golf ball" could move a few tens of meters. I think here, as in many other cases, the forces of heaven have worked. Mars is regularly bombarded by meteors, and it took millions of years for an exact fall. The rover regularly encounters small craters a meter or two in diameter, i.e. the bombardment continues. And its traces, in the form of broken rock layers, are found everywhere.

The balls also came across the Opportunity rover. True, they were smaller in size, for which they received the name "blueberries" (blueberries).

It was hematite - iron-containing nodules that formed in the aquatic environment.

Another find, called newberries, has not yet found its explanation.

If Curiosity comes across something like this, then there is a chance that the mystery of the origin of the "new berries" will be solved. Opportunity has very few research instruments left, and Curiosity's arsenal is vastly superior. We'll see.

Mars' layered geologic past is revealed in stunning detail in new color images sent by NASA's Curiosity rover on September 8, 2016, which is currently surveying the Murray Buttes Hills in the lower region of Mount Sharp. Photos can compete with views of US national parks. The team of scientists plans to assemble several large, colorful mosaics from a large number of images taken in one place on Mars.

The multilevel geological past of the Red Planet is revealed remarkably in detailed photos taken by the rover on September 8.

"The Curiosity science team was excited about the American desert tour on Mars," said Curiosity project scientist Ashwin Vasawada of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

In the transmitted images, you can see the Martian hills and layered mountains, which are gradually getting rid of the remnants of ancient sandstone.

Exploring these hills at a close distance allowed us to learn more about ancient sand dunes that were buried, chemically altered by groundwater, resurfaced from underground, and then collapsed to make the landscape we see today, Vasavada said.

The new images illustrate Curiosity's final stop in the Murray Buttes Hills, where the rover has been for just under a month. On September 9 of this year, the rover began its last drilling campaign. Once this drilling is completed, Curiosity will continue south and up Mount Sharp, leaving these spectacular structures behind. Curiosity landed near Mount Sharp in 2012 and reached its base in 2014 after successfully confirming the existence of microbes in Martian lakes. The layers that form the base of Mount Sharp have accumulated from the deposits of ancient lakes that existed billions of years ago.

On Mount Sharp, Curiosity investigates how and when the positive climate of Mars gave way to dry and uninhabitable conditions.

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High-resolution images of the site of the death of the Schiaparelli apparatus became available. They were able to show in great detail the area where the probe completed its Martian descent on October 19, 2016. This image was taken on October 25 by the camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), showing close-ups of points of interest in the landing ellipse that were mapped last week with a less advanced camera.

The site of the death of the demonstration module "Schiaparelli". Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

Both of these devices were originally intended to monitor the landing site of the demonstration module. It is now known for certain that the Schiaparelli-TGO separation maneuver, the supersonic entry into the Martian atmosphere, and the parachute descent phase went according to plan.

In the very first image, the main feature was a fuzzy area about 15 by 40 meters in size, which was associated with the impact site of Schiaparelli on the surface of Mars. The new high-definition images show a central region 2.4 meters in diameter, corresponding to a crater that was formed by the impact of a 300-kilogram object at speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour. According to calculations, its depth should be 50 centimeters.

Asymmetric dark features are much more difficult to interpret. If it were a meteorite hitting the surface at speeds of 40,000-80,000 kilometers per hour, the asymmetric debris surrounding the crater would generally indicate a low angle of incidence, and the debris would be ejected in the direction of travel. However, Schiaparelli was moving much more slowly, according to the normal timeline, it should have descended almost vertically after slowing down during its re-entry.

Perhaps this is the result of an explosion of hydrazine, which ejected some of the soil in the direction of the explosion. However, more analysis is needed to understand this. A dark arc is also visible here, located to the upper right of the impact site. At present, its appearance cannot be explained.

Approximately 900 meters south of Schiaparelli, a white feature is visible, which was also identified in the first image. But now it is shown in more detail. Now we can say with confidence that this is a 12-meter parachute used during the second stage of the descent. The rear heat shield is also clearly visible, still attached to the parachute. The parachute and rear thermal protection were dropped from the module much earlier than expected, and its engines turned on just a few seconds before the impact. He fell from a height of 2-4 kilometers at a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour.

In addition to the crash site itself and the parachute, a third feature is visible in the image, which is the lower heat shield. Exomars mission specialists identified this spot last week at a distance of 1.4 kilometers east of the crash site. It can be seen that the texture of this object is spotty, with light and dark stripes. Most likely here we are seeing reflections from the multilayer thermal protection that covers the inside of the lower thermal shield. Pictures from other angles may confirm or refute this interpretation.