Public toilet shop (business idea). Business on paid toilets Ready-made business plan for public toilets

A business based on natural human needs always has high liquidity, even in times of crisis. A network of paid toilets is a good opportunity to build a successful and profitable business. To open a business, it is enough to purchase a public toilet.

There are several reasons to purchase a public toilet for business:

  • Business in this niche does not require an impressive initial capital;
  • Fast payback;
  • Stability regardless of the economic situation;
  • Relatively low competition (many places with a large flow of people where toilet cubicles have not yet been installed);
  • Possibility for expansion by installing new booths.

Benefits of Public Toilets

Toilet modules of our production can be installed almost anywhere: on city streets and parks, in crowded places, beaches and recreation centers, gas stations.

When ordering modules in our company, you get many advantages:

  • Modules are already completed necessary equipment for comfortable use
  • No need for capital construction
  • Buying a paid toilet for a business is much more profitable than renting. The costs will pay off in a short time, especially in places with high traffic
  • Mobility of modules allows you to change the installation location
  • Use in any season of the year and under any temperature conditions (from - 40 C 0 to + 40 C 0)
  • Vandal resistant and durable. Thanks to the reinforced metal frame, the modules will last for many years
  • Ease of maintenance and ease of installation. Autonomous containers require connection only to the mains, and network models- to city communications. This makes it possible to use the modules almost anywhere.
  • Some models are designed for use by people with limited mobility

If you want to open a public toilet, pay attention to the toilet modules offered by the Kuban Metalwork Plant. The catalog contains men's and women's toilets from one to 6 or more booths, as well as toilet modules for MGN. You can purchase stand-alone toilet modules both wholesale and retail. We guarantee prompt delivery to any region of Russia.

The first paid toilets appeared, of course, in Europe. The author of the idea is considered to be the British illusionist John Maskelyne, who at the end of the 19th century invented a door lock for London's public toilet cubicles. It opened only after a one penny coin was inserted into the coin acceptor. In 1910, the first paid toilet in the United States was installed in Indiana.

In the USSR, the first paid toilet for 10 kopecks appeared in 1989, after the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the Law on Cooperation and the development of the cooperative movement. It was opened at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, after which a wave of general “toiletization” took place throughout the country.

In addition to basic services, paid toilets were ready to provide suffering citizens with a number of additional amenities for a small fee - for example, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, etc. True, by the mid-1990s, the owners of stationary paid toilets realized that much more money could be made by doing a "cleaner" business, for example, by converting a toilet into a cafe or a shop. Today, a stationary pay toilet can be found extremely rarely; they have been replaced by mobile cabins of dry closets.

Profitable and unsinkable business

It is enough to go for a walk around the city center after drinking a couple of bottles of beer to understand how this business works. If this is the center big city, then for visiting the toilet cubicle you will pay 10, 15 or even 30 rubles without hesitation. If we are talking about Moscow, then we can safely multiply this amount by a couple of million - according to experts, about the same number of times Muscovites and guests of the capital relieve themselves in mobile dry closets during the day.

The mobile toilet business is attractive for its stability, because it is not afraid of any crises: a person will always want to drink, eat and relieve himself.

Now only in Moscow there are more than 4,000 paid public toilets, that is, one public restroom for 3,000 residents, although according to sanitary standards there should be several times more - 1 toilet for every 500 citizens. This means that most of the profits flow past the cash register.

Directions of the toilet business

Mobile toilet cabin - the design is technically simple. It is made from molded plastic. For ease of transportation, the cabins are produced collapsible.

Today, the market for mobile paid toilets is developing in several directions. The dry closet can be purchased as a property, rented long-term or short-term. Manufacturers of mobile booths are ready to serve not only their own, but also other people's booths, that is, as needed, pump out the contents, clean, fill them with reagents.

There are simple toilets, and there are VIP-configuration cabins - more spacious and with a lot of options (washstands, liquid soap, disposable toilet rims, etc.). Such cabins, in particular, are rented for various outdoor events (weddings, corporate parties, etc.).

What does it take to start a toilet business?

First, register as a sole trader.

Secondly, choose a place to place paid toilet cabins. The main condition is that it should be highly passable, and there should be no competitors and free toilets in the area.

Thirdly, you need to contact the district administration for permission to install a paid dry closet.

Having received permission, you can purchase booths (one booth costs about 15-20 thousand rubles), consumables, hire cashiers-operators and boldly get down to business.

  • Recruitment
  • Expenditure part
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the provision of dry closet services
  • What documents are needed to open a company

The profitability of the dry closet business is estimated at 30-40%. At the same time, the risk of burnout is minimal, since there will always be a demand for services that satisfy the daily needs of a person.

How to start a dry closet business

Organizing a business on dry closets, at first glance, is not a big deal. A portable dry closet can be installed anywhere, because it does not require connection to public services. Its installation does not require a foundation and other solid foundation. In case of a bad location, your business can always be moved to a more profitable place.

The cost of one dry closet booth starts from 20 thousand rubles. Good and durable cabins do not cost less. You can think about buying used equipment, but used booths need to be subjected to a thorough inspection. Particularly fragile elements are the doors and handles of the dry closet, they break first.

It is quite logical that it is necessary to start a business with the installation of 5, maximum 10 booths. Especially if start-up capital sharply limited. Starting investments will be from 100 - 150 thousand rubles. Then, having understood all the delights of this case, you can think about loans and other investments in the development of the network. real business begins when the network increases to 50, and preferably up to 100 dry closets. The total investment in the opening of such a network will amount to more than 2 million rubles.

Do I need a permit to install dry closets?

A feature of the dry closet business is that the problem of finding finance to open a business is not the most important. To install your toilets in the most “golden” places will require you to go through tough administrative barriers. You will have to visit the city administration more than once, or to be more precise, the city property management committee, the department of ecology and architecture of the city. It is important that your toilets "fit harmoniously into the architecture of the city" - questions like these will bother the authorities. In addition to the administration, strict control over your activities will be carried out by Rospotrebnadzor (SES), whose permission must be taken when installing each booth.

There is another way of doing this business - renting dry closets. Current legislation obliges all summer cafes to install temporary toilets and wash basins. Buying a new toilet for a short summer season is not profitable, so cafes often use the service of renting dry closets. The cost of rent is an average of 2 thousand rubles. per month. You can also provide toilets for mass events and city festivities. The attendance of toilets in such places is simply cosmic.

What taxation system to choose for business

Register to start a business individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is advisable to use a simplified system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. 15% is more profitable to use if the organization has high expenses and low profits. If the expenses are small, then it is better to pay taxes on the proceeds at a rate of 6%.


To organize a network of dry closets, it is necessary to hire a large number of workers. Imagine how many workers you need to arrange to service 100 booths throughout the city. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to arrange a personnel officer who will deal with paperwork when hiring and dismissing employees. The staff turnover here is very high, this is another disadvantage of this business.

In addition to the personnel officer and service personnel (cashiers), it is necessary to employ an accountant, an administrator and a service team that will repair booths broken by vandals.

How much can you earn from one installed booth

The average passability of the dry closet is 150 people per day. The cost of the service is 5 rubles. The average revenue is 750 rubles. per day or 22500 rubles. per month.

Expenditure part

The first is the salary of service personnel. Maintenance of one booth will cost 6,000 rubles per month, plus insurance premiums for an employee - 2,000 rubles per month. Further, the rental of the installation site, on average, is 1500 rubles / month. Although, if you can agree with the authorities, about social significance your business may be able to install rent-free toilets.

Also, a significant cost item is the call of a sewage truck to clean the sewage tank. On average, such a procedure costs 600 rubles, and it needs to be done about 10 times a month, a total of 6,000 rubles. And the last thing - taxes, on a simplified system of 6% of revenue, the tax will be 1350 rubles.

We get:

  • Salary - 6000;
  • Rent - 2000;
  • Waste truck - 6000;
  • Taxes - 1350;
  • Other expenses (reagents, cleaning products, paper, etc.) - 1500.

TOTAL - 16850 rubles.

Profit from one booth will be: 22500 - 16850 = 5650 rubles per month.

Accordingly, from 50 booths, the profit will be 282,500 rubles. This calculation was based on the average attendance of 150 people per day and the cost of the service 5 rubles / person. However, in highly passable places, the attendance of one dry closet reaches 500 people a day, despite the fact that the price of the service can be 10 rubles / person. Profit from one booth will be many times higher.

Seasonality - lack of business on dry closets

The dry closet business has one significant drawback, which, in other matters, is present in almost every area - this is seasonality. Dry closets are in demand from March to October, that is, in the warm season. At other times, the decline in income is 30% or more. But this shortcoming is more than compensated by the prospect of developing a network of dry closets, especially in large cities. After all, according to world standards, there should be one public toilet for every thousand inhabitants of the city. In the same 15 millionth Moscow, about three thousand booths have been installed so far, to say nothing of peripheral cities, where the market is still very far from saturation.

In this material:

Is the toilet business worth considering? If as a small business it is good project who is not afraid of crises. People always want bread and circuses, after which they look for where to fulfill another, vital need. The law does not allow this to be done around every corner, violators face a fine, and there are not so many latrines. And in this case, the legislator, as it were, played along with the citizens who are thinking about starting their own business.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the project

It has already become traditional that private companies are involved in the housing and communal services system, which are given at the mercy of various works. This includes garbage collection, maintenance of residents' plumbing, repairs of apartments and houses, and replacement of electrical wiring. And in all these areas, with the exception of the water utility, where the monopoly has become stronger, competition between private entrepreneurs is intensifying. The toilet business is no exception, but it has a number of advantages and disadvantages, the combination of which leaves this niche unfilled.

The main disadvantage is not the unattractiveness of this niche from an aesthetic point of view, but the low profitability. On the other hand, this market is still unsaturated. It is precisely because of its low profitability that entrepreneurs prefer to find themselves in other projects.

The main client for the enterprise is the city, and therefore it is necessary to establish contacts with representatives of the city authorities. But there is no need to pay monthly rent for the place where the booths will be placed. A big plus is that the city authorities are interested in the development of such projects that improve the cleanliness of the streets, yards and entrances.

Despite the low profitability, small investments are required, which will pay off within 6-12 months, if the entrepreneur does not aim at creating a network of mobile toilets. But even in this case, you can get by with the equivalent of 100 thousand dollars. In addition, the following difficulties are worth noting:

  • it is difficult to recruit staff due to the unattractiveness of this type of employment and its labor intensity;
  • plastic booths in the harsh conditions of the Russian climate fail 2 times faster than in central, western and southern Europe;
  • mobile cabins cannot be insured, all risks are borne by their owner.

A little about geographical features. Keep in mind that this business cannot be started in the conditions of the Far North. Plastic will quickly become unusable, and the temperature environment requires stationary conditions for the toilet. The colder the climate, the worse the profitability of the project. For example, in Siberia it will give 2 times less profit than in Central Russia.

How much investment is required at the start

To organize this project, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, no licenses are required for it. It is better to buy several booths at once. 2-3 booths can be simultaneously served by 1 operator. This is exactly the name of the position of the person who releases this service to consumers. In his work book this place of work will be designated as the operator.

3 cabins at a price of 20 thousand rubles. will cost 60 thousand rubles, an old truck can be taken at a price of 200-250 thousand rubles. But even if we add to this the cost of toilet paper, then they do not end there - the toilets still need to be constantly serviced.

This is not about the work of the operator, but about cleaning the contents of the booth, which is growing every day. The installed tank with a capacity of approx. 300 liters must be cleaned after every 500 visits. Special services are engaged in this, the cost of the service for one booth is 200-300 rubles. Take into account that this service will be needed once a week or 3 times in 2 weeks, if up to 100 people visit the booth on average per day. For a month it will be released 4-7 times or 800-2100 rubles. for one cabin. If the cabin is used during mass events, then you will have to turn to cleaning services every day.

The spending part does not end there. As soon as the toilet is removed, a special solution must be poured into the tank. It is designed to improve the process of waste decomposition, eliminates the characteristic odor. One refueling of the tank will cost 80-120 rubles. Taking into account cleaning 4-7 times a month, 320-840 rubles will have to be allocated for it. per month.

total, for Maintenance one booth must be provided for 1120-2940 rubles. Add the cost of toilet paper (from 2 thousand rubles), the salary of the operator (10-12 thousand rubles), which will require two, additional costs in the amount of 5 thousand rubles for unforeseen expenses. In total, this will amount to from 16 to 20 thousand rubles.

This calculation is for one cubicle, but if there are 3, the costs do not need to be multiplied by 3 as well. Maintenance and toilet paper costs increase, while the salary value and contingencies remain the same. We get that for 3 booths per month you will have to spend from 22 to 30 thousand rubles.

Together with the cost of buying booths and a car in the first month, you will have to spend 282-340 thousand rubles, which is equivalent to 5 thousand dollars. 4/5 of the cost is the purchase of a car. If you rent it or rent it, then the initial costs will not exceed 100 thousand rubles. You can do the same with booths, the rent of which will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. each. If you go this way, then the initial start of the project will cost 40-50 thousand rubles.

What is the profit from the project

It must be calculated based on the conditions of a particular region. The service can cost both 5 rubles and 30 rubles. The average cost in the country is 10 rubles. the calculation is based on the fact that about 100 people visit one booth per day. In total, the daily revenue for one toilet is 1000 rubles. or 3000 rubles. - for three. This is 90 thousand rubles per month. If we take away the monthly costs, and this is within 30 thousand rubles, then the profit extracted from the enterprise is about 60 thousand rubles.

But these are calculations on paper. In practice, you will have to sweat a lot to find a place where on a weekday about 300 citizens would use the services of toilet cubicles. The calculation was carried out from the condition that they stand together, and 1 operator works near them. In practice, in order to achieve such a visit, booths will have to be placed in different places, and therefore not 1, but 3 operators will be needed. This adds an expense of 20-24 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the profit will be 35-40 thousand rubles.

And what is the income from the enterprise at events? It is stated above that at the events the tanks are filled completely. This means 500-600 clients per day, which will amount to 5-6 thousand rubles from one booth or 15-18 thousand rubles. from three. Expenditures for cleaning and salaries for operators will be in the range of 4-5 thousand rubles. It is recommended that staff be paid double their salary on this day. The result is from 10 thousand rubles. arrived in 1 day.

What to worry about in the beginning

The success of the project depends not only on the cleanliness of the booths and the honesty of the operators. It begins even when there is nothing - no booths, no staff, no agreements with the city authorities.

The choice of location is what accounts for 90% of the success of this project.

All the "tasty" places can already be occupied - these are markets, stations, stadiums. Moreover, these places also have stationary toilets, and this is a serious competitor - the conditions are better, and the cost of visiting is the same. Therefore, you will have to study the city, see where new summer cafes open, which do not have toilets. Near such establishments, the installed booth in the summer can be visited by 200-300 people a day.

Parks, squares, stadiums, new markets, spontaneous minibus stations on the edge of the city, places near shopping centers and department stores, alleys and boulevards where drinks are sold, but there is no place to relieve yourself - all this needs to be walked around and looked at for choosing a place for a planned project .

It is a good idea to draw up a business plan for the project and go to the employment service. You must first register as an unemployed person and write a written statement that you plan to start your own business, for which you want to receive start-up capital from the state. A response will be received to the application, which will indicate the date and place of the meeting of the commission, whose members will consider the draft and make their decision - to satisfy the request or refuse it. projects that do not require big investments(50-100 thousand rubles), are of social importance for the city or for the region, the commission satisfies.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

This business, according to experts, brings a stable income and can be called clean and humane. Profitability, today about 20-30%.

A low starting threshold makes it relatively easy to enter this business. Three thousand dollars may be enough to start with. Of these, 1,200 will be spent on the purchase of two booths. To save money, you can buy used equipment for 250-300 dollars. But finding decent booths at this price is very difficult. Not a lot of money will also be spent on paying cashier operators (depending on the local labor situation). We also take into account the cleaning of the tank (from $ 20), which will need to be done no more than 10 times a month.

Cabins do not require connection to communications and are easy to maintain. Instead of tickets, use "coupons" approved by the Ministry of Finance strict accountability". Optimize taxation with the help of "simplification". Here you will not need cash registers.

Of course, not without problems. The main ones are vandalism, staff turnover and administrative barriers. Cabins cannot be insured against vandals, but repair costs will be small.

The main asset in the stratum of such a business are toilet cubicles. Therefore, it is very important to treat their choice with special care. Take an interest in the strength of the tank, the reliability of fastening doors, anti-vandal and technical specifications. The stability and profitability of the company depends on the durability of the cabins.

Earn up to
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The main difficulties arise at the very beginning, during the execution of documents. We need an agreement with the service of the city water utility, permission from the SES, the city planning committee and many other authorities. But, most importantly, a license for waste disposal. However, you can avoid all these troubles if you turn to experienced suppliers for the purchase of booths. They will take over all paperwork and advise on where to start, where to put booths and much more.

Be sure to pay attention to the climatic conditions. Ordinary plastic melts in the sun at 35-40 degrees, and in severe frost, the contents of the tank freeze. The cabin is temporarily out of service.

Consider also seasonal factor and pricing policy. The price must be cost effective.

The business will become stable and profitable with the operation of 50-60 booths. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to start with 2-3. Buy equipment gradually. In cities with half a million people, aim for 100-150 pieces. After reaching these numbers, get a reserve park, which will be needed when holding city mass events. Remember about disinfectants.

Good savings, with the development of the network, will bring the acquisition of its own fleet. One machine can serve about 80 outlets per month. You will also need large areas for storing unused cabins.

The organization of a dry closet rental point will also be a good business. This will save you from operational worries, and there will be enough customers. Now many facilities are required to have toilets and washbasins, according to regulations. Toilet cabins are especially in great demand at summer cafes.

When opening such a business, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of mass events. This will help you figure out when, how many and where you need to put booths.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If you plan to go into the production of booths, you will need much more money. In this case, it is necessary to think about the sales market not only within the city, but also beyond them. It is necessary to choose the right supplier of materials, obtain a certificate for manufactured products from the State Standard and a hygienic conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

The dry closet market can now be conquered with small starting additions, even though you will have to face some problems.

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for Business magazine

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated information

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