Which copywriting exchange pays more. Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one for making money? TurboText is a convenient exchange for copywriters

July 10, 2015, Nadezhda Eremenko

Exchange of articles- a site for selling articles (such as this article). On the exchange of articles, authors offer their finished articles.

This is the place where articles for sale are stored.

Under content exchange refers to an online marketplace that sells texts. The article sale exchange is a source of income for a copywriter. And at the same time article content exchange is a place where site owners can find inexpensive material for their offspring.

Popular article exchanges

Articles to order should have a clear narrative thread and be interesting. If being a copywriter is in your blood, it makes sense to start working with the largest job exchanges for writers:

TextSale - article exchange with low prices. The cost of articles on the TextSale exchange has been reduced, because texts are checked only for uniqueness. They don't check for errors. But you can always watch an excerpt from an article on the TextSale ru exchange to assess its quality. Click the TextSale article exchange entry to be halfway to achieving your goal. I wrote about earlier.

Etxt Article Exchange- an excellent exchange with complete information about the article being sold. Here you will see the uniqueness score (as a percentage). In addition, you will also be warned about the presence of errors in the article. Prices for articles on Exchange Etxt everyone sets their own. If you search, you can find great articles at the most modest price. Read about how, and what are.
Site-exchange of articles- this is Advego , and Text .ru , and Content Monster , and Copylancer, and Neotext. Any of these sites can sell your articles. Unlike the aforementioned Etxt and TextSale, prices will be higher here. But you don't have to complain about the quality either. Since articles with errors are simply not allowed for sale. Therefore, the data article content exchanges can rightly be called the best sites.

Exchange articles Text is a unique exchange where you can find only deep rewriting or copyright. , with which search engines are fighting, will soon depreciate. And then we will all buy articles for our website on Text.ru. I gave advice about that in one of the first articles.

Exchange articles Advego- perhaps the most profitable place for a copywriter and rewriter, for a webmaster and advertiser. The many features of the site, if you get comfortable with them, allow post articles for sale and search texts on keywords. I cited in one of the previous articles. And the advantages of the Advego exchange can be distinguished as follows:

Popular article exchanges– Advego and Etxt. Advego attracts with wide opportunities and the largest number of customers, while Etxt lures with reduced prices for content. On Etxt, the minimum price is 5 rubles / 1000 per unique rewrite with possible typos and other errors. You can order the text here and correct the mistakes yourself, or take the finished text on Advego at a price of 15 r and more.

Where does a novice copywriter or an author with no work experience come from? That's right, to the copywriting exchange! No matter how they scold exchanges, they are almost the only option for beginners. No one will take you to a well-paid position if you know about commercial texts only by hearsay. Exchanges do not require a CV and portfolio. Can work there and a schoolboy, and a pensioner, and a housewife on maternity leave.

If you are just starting your journey in copywriting, we advise you not to rush headlong into big business, but to start working on the copywriting exchange. You will learn what topics are relevant, get your hands on it, learn how to communicate with customers and get used to deadlines. In the future, it’s up to you to decide how to build a career, but for now, it’s enough to choose a suitable exchange, register an account on it, take the text to work and enjoy the first successes.

What income can you expect?

Earnings remotely always depends only on your efforts. Exchanges are no exception. The harder you work, the higher the pay will be. Each exchange is based on a rating system: at first, the participant earns little, and then his income gradually becomes more and more. The main thing is to be active and conscientiously follow the TOR.

The problem with exchanges is that there are price ceiling. If an independent author increases the cost at his own discretion and over time can receive fabulous fees, then it is unrealistic to earn more than 200-300 rubles per 1000 characters on an average exchange. At the same time, you need to start with 20-35 rubles for the same volume and go up long months. Not everyone has the patience.

Good news: it is really possible to accelerate your growth if you choose a suitable site. For experienced copywriters, it is no secret that some exchanges encourage authoring potential, while others are trying in every possible way to please customers and maintain financial stagnation. Therefore, you need to find a place that suits your level and will bring at least minimal, but benefit.

TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges

To make it easier for you to navigate, we decided to make a TOP 10 best exchanges copywriting to earn money for a beginner. Let's see which one is worth practicing your writing skills on. Let's go in descending order.

10. Text Sale.

Judging by the first impression, this copywriting exchange has much more disadvantages than advantages. After reading the reviews about it, we made several conclusions.

A big problem TextSale is a supermarket system with no alternative. A novice author cannot choose an order. In return, he is invited to write an article on any topic, put it in general access and wait until they buy it. This is convenient for customers, but complicates the work of performers. There is no guarantee that the article will not be lost among others, of which there may be hundreds a day. It turns out that people work in vain.

Advertising their services also does not save. On TextSale, you can get a place for an ad on the main page for 50 rubles per day, but many people use it. Therefore, your sign will most likely not be noticed.

The biggest disadvantage of TextSale emerges from this - dumping. Here he just rolls over. If you have several good articles, do not even try to immediately sell them at a decent price. You will have to artificially knock down the cost so that at least someone pays attention to them. And if you already find a customer who will be ready to cooperate with you bypassing the exchange commission, you may be banned.

But TextSale also has its advantages. It is popular, you can try your hand at it and it does not require special skills. For very "green" beginners - great, for more or less experienced guys - already undignified.

9. Advego.

Many started with the famous Advego, and it still causes pleasant nostalgia among most copywriters, but objectively the exchange is not ideal. It is similar to TextSale in many ways. They were created at about the same time and they have almost identical advantages and disadvantages. You can’t say anything new, except that Advego has a check of texts for errors, as well as great loyalty to personal work with customers. But if the client suddenly complains, you will instantly fly into the ban.


The Etxt copywriter platform combines a content store and free orders. It seems to be more pleasant than its predecessors, but its weak link is the price. Sometimes there are suggestions. 5 rubles per 1000 characters. Another disadvantage is the rigid rating system, which is given a lot of attention. Customers from there will always prefer a person with a large number of “stars” under a nickname to a nameless newcomer.

But Etxt has and strengths. Copywriters who worked there say that the administration treats the performers favorably. Although the principle "the customer is always right" applies to all cheap exchanges, moderators from Etxt will not turn a blind eye to a clear injustice. Also a clear plus - a cozy interface. It seems to be a trifle, but if you are going to work on the site every day, it is important that its design is not an eyesore.

Is it possible to earn a lot on the Etxt exchange? Hardly. Treat this site as a launching pad and use it for experience. Over time, you will want to find a more profitable place.

7. Copylancer.

There are conflicting opinions about the site "Copilancer". Most of the complaints come down to modest prices and harsh requirements of the administration. The first immediately catches the eye. Order rates for low and high levels do not differ much. Relatively speaking, the cost of a text for beginners is 30 rubles per thousand characters, for old-timers - 60. Does it make sense to strive to get to the top?

A free order cannot be taken into work immediately. You need to leave a request, and the client will decide whether to transfer it to you or not. Leave applications for 10 texts - there may either be no response, or 9 out of 10. This, in fact, chains the copywriter to the chair and forces him constantly monitor the site so as not to suddenly earn a delay.

However, the "Copilancer" has serious advantages. One of them is arbitration. If for some reason the customer did not like your work, you can complain to the administration and she will judge you. They say that adequate people sit in the moderators of "Copilancer".

6. Turbotext.

Far from the worst option for novice commercial writers. One might even say optimal. You will definitely not be left out of work: there are several dozen free orders on the stock exchange. Topics are varied and interesting: law, design, cooking, construction, beauty and health, product descriptions. Thanks to TurboText, you can collect a solid portfolio and decide on the direction of further work.

To get to TurboText, you need to write a simple test task on the proposed topic. Often these topics involve philosophical questions such as: "Do you believe in life after death?". The test is evaluated on a five-point scale. If you pass it to the top five, you will open all the possibilities of the exchange. No - you will be content with cheaper orders and microtasks.

For novice copywriters, there are orders for 60 and even 80 rubles per 1000 characters. Darkens everything 20% commission, but characters are counted with spaces. So, this flaw is slightly compensated.

5. Text.ru.

But this exchange already has more pluses than minuses. And it's not just a convenient service for checking the uniqueness of texts. Text.ru supports mutually beneficial cooperation between customers and contractors. Prices per thousand characters are not extortionate. They depend on the rating, which is gained in multiple ways: well-executed orders, participation in competitions, answers to quizzes, etc. People who worked there say that you can get 20,000 rubles a month, working 3-4 hours a day. day. Not bad!

To successfully linger on Text.ru, you need follow the rating. Make a mistake - 2000 points can be withdrawn from you and you will return to penny orders again.

4 Monika.

The first thing that attracts attention is tasteful interface. It does not look like "hello from zero", the options are clear, all the most important is highlighted in bright color. It can be seen that the designers did their best.

"Monica" invites the new participant to choose one topic with which he will work for the next couple of months. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, you can pump well in a complex topic (say, IT or medicine), on the other hand, there is no diversity. If you don't want to get hung up on one, it's better to combine Monica with another exchange or individual orders.

It is also important that "Monica" rejects negligent workers. This means that you will have few competitors. No bloody struggle for a single order and a minimum of dumping.

And now we come to the top three...

3. Miratext.

Bronze goes to the Miratext site. If you don't have any work experience but are really good at writing, this is the place for you. They always welcome good employees and are ready to appreciate their efforts.

On Miratext you need pass the required exam consisting of a test and a written assignment. When you pass it, you will notice that the technical requirements on the exchange are mostly adequate, without a “sheet” of requirements. Customers go towards copywriters, not forcing the latter to spend several hours adjusting “nausea” or “wateriness”.

This is not to say that the exchange is perfect in every respect. If you are planning a big career, sooner or later you will become crowded within Miratext. But as first steps it is more than suitable.

2. Smart copywriting.

The second place in our TOP-10 is rightfully earned by the Smart Copywriting exchange. It justifies its name: there are welcome smart people who know how to work effectively and sell their services.

Smart Copywriting is not like an exchange in the traditional sense. It's more of a site that hosts jobs for copywriters. Many proposals are designed for long-term cooperation (for example, write 50 texts for an online store). Under most of them is the contract price. This is very good for independent authors who know the value of their work.

The only small negative is the rating system where seats are bought. This can influence the decision of the customer, who prefers mediocrity with a high position to a talented newcomer. But, fortunately, people often come to the exchange who look at real skills, and not at numbers.

1. TextBroker.

And the famous copywriting agency TextBroker becomes the first in our ranking. It is at least head and shoulders above all other copywriting exchanges for making money. TextBroker is not just a temporary shelter, but a full-fledged job with good pay. Many authors stay there for several years, simultaneously fulfilling individual orders and working for other studios.

To get into TextBroker, you need to have a good background. At a minimum, you must have some strong lyrics. When registering, the administrator will ask you for examples of articles or the name of an account on some other exchange. There is no need to pass the test task - you will be accepted (or not accepted) immediately after the test.

When entering TextBroker, remember that this place is not for everyone. There are no need for empty accounts. Inactive users are banned, as well as those who overdue orders. Therefore, you will have to periodically appear at the bureau, even if you are busy with other orders.

However, the difficulties are worth it. Local old-timers not only earn from 300 to 700 rubles per 1000 characters, but also receive powerful support. TextBroker administrators know literally every member by sight. If a copywriter succeeds in any subject, he is helped to find other paying clients. Become a valuable asset and you will forget what unemployment is.

Thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day. Regardless of the purpose for which an Internet resource was created, it will have to be filled with information.

This is where people involved can come to the rescue.

Copywriting it is a summary of information taken from several sources. That is, copywriters find articles on the Internet on the desired topic, read them, and then retell them in their own words.

In order to “bring together” customers (people who need to buy or order a certain text) with performers (authors), there are copywriting exchanges.

If you are a beginner and have a great desire to write, but doubt your abilities, then you need to start your career as a copywriter on such exchanges.

  • Firstly, you can choose orders yourself (it's better to start with the simplest work).
  • Secondly, your rights as an employee are protected by the exchange. You can be sure that with a responsible approach to your work, you will not be deceived.
  • Thirdly, you will get your hands on low-paying orders and, perhaps, find regular customers with whom you will work with off-exchanges in the future.

The nuances of the work of different copywriting and rewriting exchanges

At the moment, there are many freelance exchanges on the Internet where copywriters earn money. Each performer chooses the platform that is convenient for him.

If you are just thinking about which resource to register on, then we advise you to pay attention to such nuances:

  • Payment per 1000 symbols. If you have never been involved in writing articles, then it is better to start with small, average-paid orders (15-20 rubles / 1000 characters). Professionals get more, but the requirements for their work are higher;
  • Availability of tests. Some resources have mandatory literacy tests, without passing which you will not be able to take orders;
  • Convenient site navigation. It is very important that the exchange is user-friendly and has a clear interface. Thanks to this, you will quickly get into the work;
  • Withdrawal of money. Most sites have minimum amount to withdraw earnings. Pay attention to what payment systems the sites work with. Most often, this is only a WebMoney wallet;
  • Site Commission. Give preference to sites with adequate commissions and a good attitude towards both customers and performers.

Overview of the TOP 10 copywriting exchanges

Some beginners believe that it is rational to register on several copywriting exchanges, thanks to which they can take more orders.

In fact, if you want to have high paying job, you will have to choose one site where you will work, earn a rating, improve your skills, find regular customers.

There are 3 types of copywriting exchanges:

  1. Open exchanges These are sites where anyone can register. To do this, you just need to enter your data, after which you can begin your work activity.
  2. Semi-open exchanges- these are Internet resources where a registered user must pass a literacy test, or write an essay on a specified topic. Only after that he will be allowed to order.
  3. Closed exchanges- These are sites where a strict selection of copywriters is carried out. If you want to work on such an exchange, then get ready for the fact that you will be asked to provide a resume, portfolio, take a test, or write a short essay.

To make it easier for you to choose a resource for work, we have compiled the TOP 10 most popular copywriter exchanges and divided them by type.

Open exchanges

Etxt- an exchange uniting several hundred thousand performers and customers. This is one of the most popular resources. Therefore, among copywriters is great. The site has a tender system for taking orders. That is, you submit an application for the execution of the task you like, and the customer himself chooses who will perform it.

On this site, customers offer a low price for writing articles, but copywriters have the opportunity to gain a rating, get a high assessment of their skills, and subsequently perform higher-paying jobs.

On Etxt, in the process of work, all users increase their rating. If you earn 10 rubles, then they equal 1 rating point.

Performers with a rating below 299 points cannot apply for an order where the cost per 1000 characters is higher than 25 rubles. A beginner can take a large order only if he passes the literacy test (correctly answers at least 7 out of 10 questions).

In addition to the rating, a copywriter can raise the level of his skill by writing a test task. But keep in mind that the moderators very meticulously check all the work. A missing punctuation mark, a wrong case, or more than 3 mistakes of any kind and you won't earn a single star (out of a possible 3).

The site has own services checking uniqueness and punctuation. It is possible to use paid proofreading services.

As for finances, commissions are charged both from the customer and the contractor (5% each). Not so much.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 250 rubles. from this amount, the site will take 0.8% as a commission. You can withdraw earned money to WebMoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI wallets.

The money will be credited to the specified account within 5 business days. If funds are needed urgently, then you can order an urgent withdrawal of money, but the commission in this case will be 5% of the withdrawal amount.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • A large number of orders;
  • Good attitude of the site administration to the performers;
  • Minimum commission;
  • Opportunity for career growth;
  • Opportunity to earn money for beginners;
  • Simple interface.


  • Withdrawal of funds after 5 business days;
  • Big competition;
  • Relatively low prices.

Advego- one of the oldest exchanges. Included in the top three among similar sites. There is a lot of competition among copywriters.

Anyone can register on this website. After that, you need to fill out your profile and proceed to the search for orders. Based on the results of the work, you will be assigned a certain level of efficiency. It depends on many components. This is the quantity, quality and volume of work performed, the speed of completion, etc.

All calculations are made in e. Minimum payment for writing 1000 characters without spaces - 0.2 c.u. e.

You can withdraw earned money only to your WebMoney wallet. At the same time, you need to accumulate 5 c.u. on your Advego account. e. This is the minimum withdrawal amount.

This exchange has its own services for checking uniqueness, spelling and semantics.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Decent salary for copywriters;
  • A wide variety of orders;
  • Availability of useful services;
  • A small minimum amount for the withdrawal of earned funds.


  • Great competition within the exchange;
  • The ability to withdraw money only on WebMoney.

- this is a fairly developed exchange, which is known to many copywriters working on other resources. All because of a convenient service for checking uniqueness, spelling and SEO analysis, which even an unregistered user can use.

But on this site they check not only uniqueness, but use it to earn money. By registering, copywriters can take orders or sell ready-made articles.

On text.ru, each user is assigned a certain status. For example, a beginner is considered a “schoolboy”, but he can raise his status by perfectly fulfilling orders and being active on the exchange.

This exchange does not require any investment. But from each order, the copywriter will pay a commission to the site. Performers with different statuses have different commissions. For example, for a “schoolchild” it is 10%, and for an “academician” it is 8.25%. That is, the higher the rating and status, the lower the commission.

You can withdraw funds only to a WebMoney wallet. In this case, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.

If you do not want to gradually develop a rating for yourself, but want to immediately take large orders, then you can deposit a certain amount in order to register a PRO account. This will automatically increase the rating by 30%.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Excellent multifunctional services;
  • Not too big exchange commission;
  • The ability to quickly raise the rating.


  • Big competition;
  • The ability to withdraw earned money only to WebMoney.

text sale- Exchange for the sale of articles. It is on this site that copywriters earn by selling ready-made content.

Article prices are average. Minimum cost 1000 characters without spaces - 20 rubles.

This exchange of articles for websites also makes it possible to earn money by completing orders. But in order to get access to them, you need to either gain a rating by selling ready-made articles or pay 300 rubles.

If you decide to profitably sell your work, then be prepared for the fact that the site will take 10% of the cost of the article as a commission.

When withdrawing funds, you may encounter the following problem. The exchange withdraws money only to the WebMoney dollar wallet. In this case, the minimum amount is 200 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • An excellent platform where ready-made content is well bought;
  • Relatively small commission.


  • The ability to withdraw money to only one wallet;
  • Partially paid access to orders.

Turbotext- a resource where ideal conditions for customers are created. Very strict requirements are put forward for performers. Already at the stage of registration, the selection of authors takes place. But those who pass all the tests are waiting for highly paid orders. This resource is aimed at professional copywriters.

After registration, performers will be required to pass a literacy test. If a copywriter "flunks" the test, then he will be able to pass it again no earlier than in 1 month. During this period, orders will not be available to him, but he will be able to perform mini-tasks (like, repost, write comments, etc.).

In addition to testing, in order to receive orders, you will have to write an essay. Access is given to performers who earn a score of 4 or 5.

The site does not have a tender system like most exchanges. This means that the first copywriter who clicked the "Take Order" button is automatically assigned as the executor of this or that work.

The minimum payment in the amount of 22 rubles / 1000 sim. get newbies. Pros fulfill orders from 179 rubles / 1000 sim.

The site administration takes a commission only from performers in the amount of 20%. Withdraw money only once a week (on Mondays). The withdrawal amount should not be less than 50 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • There is no tender system;
  • Small amount for withdrawal;
  • Relatively high salaries for copywriters.


  • Withdrawal of funds once a week;
  • Rigid selection of performers;
  • High commission, which is charged only to copywriters.

Semi-open exchanges

ContentMonster- This is an exchange with strict requirements in relation to performers. But customers feel very comfortable on this site. Let's say right away that only half of copywriters pass the test.

Each performer, as the orders are completed, earns a rating for himself, thereby increasing the level of his skill. But if the texts are of poor quality, then the account may be blocked without warning.

If the copywriter does not submit the order on time, then the account is also blocked, but only for a week.

The administration of the exchange often changes the rules of its resource, independently makes decisions on whether to increase or decrease the skill level of a copywriter.

For each completed order, the exchange takes 20% commission from the contractor.

The average cost of 1000 characters without spaces is 40-60 rubles.

To withdraw the money earned, you will have to save 150 rubles.

On the site, copywriters are offered to visit the School of Copywriting for free.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Average prices;
  • Opportunity to improve professionalism in the Copywriting School;
  • Lack of competition.


  • A large commission, which is charged only from performers;
  • Availability test tasks for admission to orders;
  • The possibility of blocking the account by the site administration in case of delay in orders or poor-quality execution.

copylancer- this exchange is distinguished by little competition among copywriters and adequate working conditions.

To start working on this site, you must:

  1. Fill out your profile.
  2. Successfully pass the Russian language test.

Copywriters on this resource charge an average of 40-60 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. At the same time, each contractor, when submitting an application for the execution of an order, independently indicates its price.

The first few works of beginners are checked by proofreaders. This required condition exchanges. This service is paid. You will have to pay 10 rubles for checking each text.

The earned funds can be withdrawn to the WebMoney wallet, while remembering that the minimum amount for withdrawing funds is 120 rubles.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • The ability to carry out orders for beginners for 40 rubles / 1000 characters;
  • Loyal attitude of the administration of the exchange to the performers;
  • Adequate working conditions.


  • Access to orders after passing the test;
  • Paid proofreader services upon delivery of the first orders for beginners.

Closed exchanges

Miratext- This is an exchange where only professional copywriters work. Getting access to orders on this site is quite difficult.

Performers have to:

  1. Take a literacy test.
  2. Take a test of knowledge of the rules
  3. Write an article on a given topic.

The first works of newcomers are checked by editors. This service is not free. You will have to pay 7 rubles / 1000 characters for verification.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Low competition;
  • Good salary for copywriters.


  • Few orders;
  • Serious selection of copywriters.

The site administration is very loyal to the performers. There is no tender system for taking orders; the order feed is always available to you - take it and write right away, hand in the finished work and get money.

The average price for writing 1000 characters without spaces is 35 rubles. There are no commissions from copywriters. Withdrawal of funds is carried out once a week, or at the first request of the authors.

There are a lot of free tasks and with a great desire, you can find a suitable topic for yourself.

In order to get access to orders, you will have to fill out a form. Based on this information, the administration of the exchange decides whether the author is suitable for this site or not.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Above average pay
  • No commission;
  • Loyal attitude to copywriters;
  • Lack of any tests;
  • Low competition.


  • Small number of orders;
  • narrow specificity.

Freelance exchanges

- an exchange where freelancers work. Among the many different tasks, a copywriter will be able to find a job for himself. In order to work on this site, you will have to pay for access to orders.

To receive an order on this resource, you must:

  1. Register.
  2. Fill out your profile.
  3. Choose a tariff plan.
  4. Pay for it.

On this exchange, customers find performers, but all calculations take place outside the site. If one of the parties wants to protect himself, then you can use a special paid service, with which the calculation will be made.

Performing orders, performers receive 1-3 c.u. e. for work. Withdrawal of funds is carried out only to the WebMoney wallet.

Advantages of the exchange:

  • Various tasks;
  • Decent pay.


  • Paid access to orders;

We talked only about the best copywriting exchanges, but new sites regularly appear on the Web where you can buy, sell or order text on the desired topic.

Some of them specialize only in selling ready-made content, and some only in placing orders.

Very often, new copywriting exchanges are created by one customer for. These sites are most often of a closed type and simplify the work of both the employer and the contractor. As an example of such an exchange - Slogoved.

Online article exchanges

We have already mentioned that on exchanges you can not only fulfill orders, but also sell ready-made articles.

Copywriters who write about their favorite topics are already posting finished works article store. If the topic of the article is interesting and popular, then there will be many who want to buy articles.

The main disadvantage of this type of earnings can be considered the absence of a 100% guarantee that the article will be purchased. If you are ordered an article on a specific topic, then after writing it you get paid. In the case of the article store, this rule does not apply. You will have to wait until someone is interested in your work.

On many exchanges, you can simultaneously fulfill orders and sell finished articles. For example, on the Advego, Text.ru, Etxt, Krasnoslov, Copylancer exchanges, each copywriter can create a store where he will exhibit his work.

In article stores, buyers are provided with information about the presence of errors in the text, the degree of uniqueness, etc. In addition, you can read an excerpt from the article to understand the style of writing.

Alternative to copywriting exchanges

Copywriting exchanges for beginners are a great way to "get your hands on it" to test yourself and believe in your abilities.

But many professional copywriters find jobs through job sites. It is enough to go to such a resource and find an interesting offer in the "Work at home" section.

Some customers and performers who collaborated on the exchanges exchange contacts and continue to work outside of it.


Copywriting exchanges are a place where people cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. Each such resource has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before registering on one of the sites, carefully study its conditions of work. It is on this that the success of the copywriter's work depends.

Writing and Selling Articles one of the most popular ways to make money online. You do not need to invest your money to write and sell various texts. Anyone who has the desire and goal to make money on the Internet can start working on article exchanges.

Exchange of articles is a place where you can buy an article for your site or sell your articles and make money from it. Also, such projects are also called content exchanges, copywriting exchanges.

First of all, in order to succeed in your work as a copywriter, you need to choose a good platform, in which there are many buyers, in which you can easily withdraw the money you have earned, in which you will not be deceived. If you need article exchanges for buying quality content to fill your site, you also need to approach the choice of the place of purchase responsibly.

In this section, you will learn all the most best article exchanges to make money on the Internet and buy content for your site!

ETXT is the best copywriting (article) exchange on the internet. Every day, thousands of copywriters earn here by selling their articles. You can also earn money on eTXT by selling your photos. There are always a lot of unique articles and photographs on various topics for sale. The eTXT article exchange is perfect for buying high-quality and unique articles for your site, as well as for earning for beginners and experienced copywriters!

Advego article exchange - registration, earnings, feedback

Even novice copywriters will be able to work in the Advego article exchange. There are a lot of very simple orders. No investment is required to start earning here. You only need to register. I recommend Advego to you as an excellent exchange of articles for making money, where both beginners and professionals will find a job!

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I propose to figure out what a copywriting exchange is and which ones are best suited for beginner copywriters. Almost all copywriters, even the most successful ones, started their careers on stock exchanges. This is such a survival school for beginners, which has its own rules and features.

I offer you an overview of the best copywriting exchanges for beginners, I hope this will help you start earning your first money today.

All copywriting and rewriting exchanges





But here, with due diligence, you have a much better chance of reaching high ratings and decent pay in a short time. In this direction, you will also be strongly encouraged by constant learning and improving your skills, I advise from our Knowledge Base.

In addition, this is a great opportunity to find employers who will offer you long-term cooperation outside the exchange.

Needless to say about the experience and professionalism, which grows with each completed order and positive feedback.

Did you, dear readers, have experience working on stock exchanges for copywriters? What sites have you worked on? Share your impressions in the comments, perhaps someone lacks your advice in order to achieve the desired results.