How to smartly turn down a job after an interview. How to politely turn down an employer after an interview

How to decide?

Staff recruiters spend a lot of time and effort searching for and evaluating staff.

If after the interview you realize that the proposed position and place of work is not for you, immediately report it first. Employers always have a fallback option. That is why, you must report the refusal, show your courtesy. The main thing is not to try to hide from the interviewers. If you think that not going to work and avoiding telephone conversations is the way out, then you are deeply mistaken, thereby substituting yourself. You need, even in case of refusal, to show yourself with better side. After all, the business world is very small. There is no guarantee that you will not meet this interviewer again, but at another job, in another company, or he may turn out to be a close acquaintance of your relatives.

  • inappropriate schedule.
  • territorial attribute
  • The content of the work

How to refuse?

Dear AI

I express my gratitude to you for considering my candidacy. This type of work undoubtedly meets my expectations, but I have to refuse due to the fact that I was hoping for a greater amount of responsibility. I am grateful to you for the efforts that you have allocated to my person. It was not easy to make such a decision, as your company left a very positive mark. Thanks a lot. I wish you success in your further recruitment.

Best regards, OO

Dear Yaya

Sincerely, AA

Dear SS

FROM Best wishes, MM

Dear Anonymous.

How to politely turn down a job after an interview?

In accordance with Article 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation" dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1, the payment of unemployment benefits can be suspended for up to three months in case of refusal during the period of unemployment from two options suitable job. The concepts of suitable and inappropriate work are given in Article 4 of the said law. Check it out.

Article 4. Suitable and unsuitable work

1. Suitable work is considered to be such work, including work of a temporary nature, which corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of his qualifications, the conditions of the last place of work (with the exception of paid public works), the state of health, transport accessibility workplace.

2. The maximum distance of a suitable job from the place of residence of the unemployed is determined by the employment service, taking into account the development of the network public transport in this locality.

3. Paid work, including temporary work and public works, requiring or not requiring (taking into account the age and other characteristics of citizens) preliminary training, meeting the requirements of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law(hereinafter - labor legislation), is considered suitable for citizens:

for the first time job seekers(previously not working) and at the same time not having qualifications; fired more than once during the one year preceding the onset of unemployment, for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by law Russian Federation; terminated individual entrepreneurial activity who left the members of the peasant (farm) economy in established by law Russian Federation order; seeking to renew labor activity after a long (more than one year) break, as well as those sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions;

refused to pass professional education or get more professional education after the end of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits;

who have been registered with the employment service for more than 18 months, as well as those who have not worked for more than three years;

who applied to the employment service after the end of seasonal work.

it is associated with a change of residence without the consent of the citizen;

working conditions do not comply with the rules and regulations on labor protection;

the offered earnings are lower than the average earnings of a citizen, calculated for the last three months at the last place of work. This provision does not apply to citizens whose average monthly earnings exceeded the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population (hereinafter referred to as the subsistence minimum), calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner. In this case, a job cannot be considered suitable if the salary offered is lower than the subsistence minimum calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

Thus, your employment center determined the maximum distance of vacancies from your place of residence and offered them to you. You just have to ask the employment center to provide another job located close to your place of residence or appeal against its decision in court.

Good luck. Sergei. My answer is your feedback.

The main goal of applicants is to find a job that will suit them according to all criteria. Usually, employers choose, but the candidate also has to face the problem regarding the choice. Rejection, accordingly, is one of the main parts in the job search process. Many applicants find it very difficult to turn down a job offer. This article will focus on how to easily reject an offer that does not suit you.

How to decide?

Staff recruiters spend a lot of time and effort searching for and evaluating staff. If after the interview you realize that the proposed position and place of work is not for you, immediately report it first. Employers always have a fallback option. That is why, you must report the refusal, show your courtesy. The main thing is not to try to hide from the interviewers. If you think that not going to work and avoiding telephone conversations is the way out, then you are deeply mistaken, thereby substituting yourself. You need, even in case of refusal, to show your best side. After all, the business world is very small. There is no guarantee that you will not meet this interviewer again, but at another job, in another company, or he may turn out to be a close acquaintance of your relatives.

Emotions. Forget about them. Due to shyness and remorse, you should not accept a job offer that will be a burden to you. However, before you refuse, think carefully. Weigh all the pros and cons of the proposed job. Reasons for refusal:

  • insufficient wages for you
  • inappropriate schedule.
  • territorial attribute
  • The content of the work
  • getting a better offer.

If you are not satisfied with the salary, then you can safely tell the employer about it, perhaps the conditions will be changed.

How to refuse?

First, your refusal must be kind. It can be done both by telephone conversation and in writing by sending it to the interviewer. List your reasons for rejection as follows:

  • thanks for your interest in your candidacy
  • you are in positive emotions from contact with the company and its employees
  • say that the decision was very difficult to make
  • describe the reasons for your refusal
  • express wishes to the interlocutor.

If you report your refusal orally, be prepared to be persuaded to reconsider. Be patient and listen to the employer.

Here are a couple of examples to illustrate:

Dear AI

I express my gratitude to you for considering my candidacy. This type of work undoubtedly meets my expectations, but I have to refuse due to the fact that I was hoping for a greater amount of responsibility. I am grateful to you for the efforts that you have allocated to my person.

Tip 1: How to turn down a job offer

It was not easy to make such a decision, as your company left a very positive mark. Thanks a lot. I wish you success in your further recruitment.

Best regards, OO

Dear Yaya

Thank you for the opportunity to work for you. Unfortunately, I have to decline your offer as I am looking for a job with a higher salary.

I enjoyed my interview with you, thank you for your time.

Sincerely, AA

Dear SS

Thank you very much for the offer to work with you as a leader retail network. However, I accepted another offer that suits my goals and interests, so I have to refuse you, although the decision was not very easy to make. I am very grateful for the time. given to me, thanks for your efforts!

Best regards, MM

Just like job seekers, employers deserve to be treated well. If the employer themselves were forced to turn down your candidacy, you would want to receive a polite refusal. You will leave positive emotions if you are honest in your refusal and kind. I wish you success!



How to cancel a job


Rules of etiquette: how to politely refuse an employer after an interview?

If you understand that the vacancy does not suit you, you can answer right away and build your answer in this way:




6 . How to refuse an interview It happens when you accept an invitation for an interview and agree to a meeting without getting acquainted in detail with the vacancies and the company. This usually happens right during a call from the HR manager. The interview has already been scheduled, and then you realize that you are not interested in the vacancy, or you have received a more attractive offer that you are not ready to refuse. In this case, you need to warn the employer that you will not come to the interview and refuse the appointment.

While looking for a job, you come to a lot of interviews and try to get a job in several companies at once. And suddenly you received an offer or you were interviewed in a company in which you don’t really want to work. Is this situation familiar? Let's find out how to quit a job.

When looking for a job, don't think you don't have a choice. Remember that not only the employer chooses you. You also have every right to choose your employer which you like. And if for some reason you change your mind about getting a job at the proposed company, do not be silent about your decision, as working here will not bring you any pleasure.

Don't be afraid to turn down a job offer. You won't hurt anyone with your actions. and you will quickly find a replacement.

How to turn down a job offer?

Believe me, you are far from the only candidate who is suitable for this position. And if the decision has already been made, let's find out how to refuse the employer after the interview.

The worst option is to hide and turn off the phone, they say, they could not get through, now let them look for another person. Such behavior can be called childish. Don't wait to be called, but do it yourself. If you can't muster up the courage, then send an email to the employer. In the letter, briefly formulate your refusal and thank you for the time allotted to you.

And yet it is much preferable not to send a message, but call yourself to tell about your decision. This will show you as a professional who has an adult approach to solving a situation. I would like employers to remember to call back after the interview and report the results, whatever they may be.

What to tell the employer so that your refusal does not sound impolite? First, thank the employer for taking the time, say a few words about how you would like to work in this company, as it impressed you, but, unfortunately, your plans have changed. There is no need to say anything about what influenced your decision. Do not come up with a plausible story about a sick grandmother or a decision to go freelance. No one expects details from you about the reason for the refusal..

After this short conversation, you can hang up and not worry about the rejection. Your words were taken adequately, and you showed your best side.

Now let's look at another situation: you have decided to change jobs and have already passed several interviews. You receive interesting offers, but they do not come at the right time. You are waiting for a response from another company that is more interesting to you and you can’t wait for it, but there is already an opportunity to work at another job. In this case, you have to not only refuse the employer, but try to delay employment. How to do it?

We advise you to tell the truth, or rather what Do you have any other interesting suggestions? and you will think. Know your worth, but never burn bridges behind you and say that you will stay in touch and tell the final decision in a couple of weeks. But it must be remembered that the employer is also interested in an employee who will definitely go to work. Therefore, you, unless you are a very valuable specialist who is dreamed of getting, can very quickly find a replacement.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Don't be afraid to be yelled at. Even if the employer does not like your decision to refuse work, then this is no longer your problem. But you will leave only positive emotions behind which is the decisive factor in many cases. The hour is uneven, and they may call you back, but with a very tempting offer, which is very difficult to refuse.

How to cancel an interview

Home How to Successfully Pass an Interview How to Refuse an Interview

While looking for a job, each candidate is always faced with those offers from employers that do not suit him or are simply not interesting. What to do in this situation and how to refuse a vacancy delicately and at the same time correctly in order to make a good impression on the employer? To begin with, it is always necessary to respond to a job offer.

Firstly, in order to provide feedback employer, because your candidacy may be of interest to him and he is seriously ready to consider you for a vacant position.

Secondly, when you send a resume, you also hope to receive a response and preferably a positive one, therefore, following the rules, you must promptly give any response to a job offer or an invitation to an interview.

Let's take a look at what to do in this situation if the vacancy for which you are invited for an interview does not suit you.

How to cancel a job

1 . If you receive a call with a job offer or an invitation for an interview, you can immediately ask a few questions to find out those points and criteria that are important to you in your current job search. Feel free to ask various important questions about the level of income, social guarantees, official registration, work schedule and other nuances that are important to you.

2 . If you understand that the vacancy does not suit you, you can answer right away and build your answer in this way:

"Thank you very much for your offer, but, unfortunately, this vacancy does not quite suit me, this is not what I am looking for now, I hope that you will find a worthy candidate."

A recruiter or company representative can clarify with you why the proposed vacancy does not suit you.

3 . If the vacancy does not suit you for the reason that it implies a level of income lower than the one you expect, you can answer that you are guided by other, higher numbers, according to wages. Never say, "It doesn't suit me, I want more" or "I want 100,000 rubles, and you only offer me 70,000." Be polite and kind. Perhaps in the near future, if the employer has a vacancy that fits your salary expectations and may suit and please you, but you will not be offered it.

In any situation, try to make a positive impression, perhaps sooner or later you will still have to communicate with this employer.

4 . If you are not sure about the proposed vacancy and you have certain doubts about the company that invites you for an interview or about the tasks that you will face as a specialist, ask a representative of the company to send you detailed description vacancies for email. You can easily get acquainted with the vacancy, requirements and profile of the company, visit the corporate website and see various reviews about the organization in various sources.

5 . If, nevertheless, you decide to refuse the interview, formulate a letter of refusal from the interview. You can build your answer like this:

" Good afternoon (last name and first name). Thank you for the detailed description of the vacancy and attention to my candidacy. I have carefully studied the position profile, unfortunately, I am not ready to consider your offer at the moment (you can briefly describe the reasons refusal: location, working conditions, field of activity of the company).I am sure that you will find a worthy candidate for this position.Perhaps we will be able to communicate in time and discuss another proposal if you have vacancies and you are ready to consider my candidacy.I will definitely save Your contacts. Best regards…."

6 . How to refuse an interview It happens when you accept an invitation for an interview and agree to a meeting without getting acquainted in detail with the vacancies and the company. This usually happens right during a call from the HR manager. The interview has already been scheduled, and then you realize that you are not interested in the vacancy, or you have received a more attractive offer that you are not ready to refuse.

How to correctly refuse a job offer?

In this case, you need to warn the employer that you will not come to the interview and refuse the appointment.

You can call a company representative and refuse to meet in person. But, unfortunately, many applicants simply do not come to the interview without warning the recruiter. So if you can't call, write a letter.

"Good afternoon (name), we have an interview scheduled with you (, time), unfortunately, I will not be able to come for an interview, as I have more interesting job offers. Thank you for your attention to my candidacy, I am sure that you will find a suitable candidate for the position (name). Have a nice day."

You can, of course, write that you have already been offered a job, but if this turns out to be false and the employer finds out about it after seeing your resume on job search sites, the situation will not be very pleasant.

Refuse to interview in such a way that even if you refuse, you leave a favorable impression and, if you are a really good candidate, the employer will invite you again and return to review your resume, and will contact you with a more attractive offer. Remember to be polite and considerate. In the labor market, you evaluate the employer and choose not only you, but the employer also evaluates you. With a shortage of candidates and specific vacancies in narrow areas this is especially true. Remember also. that sometimes recruitment agencies and some employers in related fields exchange information about candidates. if you do not show yourself very well, this may, at some points, affect your future job search.

We wish you successful interviews!

Many job seekers are interested in how to refuse an employer after an interview. Such a need arises when a person applied for employment to different companies and several of them agreed at once. The article will tell you how to behave so as not to look ignorant.

How to politely turn down a job

Many applicants hope that the company will call, and even then they will talk about the refusal. This option is not the best, because it is likely to look like an irresponsible candidate in the eyes of the employer.

You can notify that a vacancy has ceased to be of interest in different ways:

  • by phone;
  • in person;
  • in writing.

Whichever one is chosen, it is important to do so tactfully.

Failure pattern

In order for everything to go smoothly, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Sincerely express our gratitude to the company for the offer.
  2. Briefly and clearly justify the refusal.
  3. Express regret at having to resign.
  4. Wish you success in your search for candidates.

Recommendations will help you no longer worry about how to refuse an employer after an interview. The proposed scheme, if used correctly, will help to remain a decent and tactful person in the eyes of the company.

How to turn down a job offer

The plan of action described below is quite simple. The main thing is not to ignore the employer and notify him in time so that he continues to search for a suitable candidate.

The rules described below will help you figure out how to refuse an employer after an interview. An example of reasoned answers that will suit any employer is presented below.

We offer 7 important components that should be followed in a personal meeting:

  1. Express gratitude for the time spent. Undoubtedly, in this situation, resources were spent on studying the profiles of candidates and the most suitable ones were selected among them. Be sure to thank for this and answer all the questions that have arisen.
  2. Under no circumstances should managers be made to speculate about rejection. It is important for the company to know the real reason. Perhaps this will help the organization in the future to be more careful about possible candidates for a particular position.
  3. When describing the reason for rejection, it is important to be concise and honest. All of the parties to the interaction spent a lot of time, so it is imperative to say the reason.
  4. The explanation shouldn't take long. It is better to answer simply, to the point and admit that you have considered other options.
  5. Being polite is also worth it because if other options do not work, there is a chance to return to this company and be sure that they will be accepted here.
  6. Try to maintain a good relationship with your employer. It would not be superfluous to wish him all the best. The professional world is not that big. Perhaps in the near future you will have to meet at a conference or somewhere else. If you do not neglect this advice, then you can find useful connections.
  7. Relevant in this case is the strategy that is compared with a sandwich. It involves first delivering good news, then bad news, and then good news again. This behavior is very effective in dealing with people. It will allow you to appear before other people as a responsible and serious person who conducts business diplomatically.

If you follow the tips described, this issue will no longer seem so complicated. After that, the employer will have a good impression of the applicant.

How to express a refusal in writing

No less often, applicants refuse a certain vacancy in writing. You can write to the hiring manager email.

"Dear _______________________!

I am very grateful that you chose me for the position of _________. I'm sorry, but I have already found a suitable vacancy in another organization, where absolutely everything suits me at the moment. I refuse your offer. It was a pleasure to meet you and your staff.

With best regards, ___________

Date_________ Signature____________________"

How Not to Do

It is useful to familiarize yourself with what not to do when talking with an employer. Below are some tips for this:

  1. In no case should you ignore the employer. He has the right to know the decision of the applicant in a timely manner.
  2. It is impossible to remain silent and not answer phone calls. Often job seekers do this because they are embarrassed to admit that they have found a more suitable position or place of work. Some do not know how to refuse an employer after a telephone interview, so they do not get in touch.

Ignoring the decision indicates the incorrectness and short-sightedness of the candidate. Applicant data is entered into the database of recruiting agencies. The likelihood that other employers will pay attention to such a candidate is extremely small.

After personal communication with company representatives, the information is stored in the database for a certain time. Often companies exchange data about applicants with each other, so it is useful to think over the conversation plan in advance.

How to explain rejection

Reasons to turn down a job offer great amount. Each one is different. It is important to correctly present information in order to leave an opinion about yourself as a respectable person and a competent candidate. The tips below contain reasons for leaving a position that employers will take positively. They will demonstrate how to politely turn down an employer after an interview while maintaining a good relationship.

  1. The inability to work overtime is the real reason for rejection. Any employer will take it adequately.
  2. If the salary level is significantly lower than what the candidate can agree to, then this will be a good reason.
  3. If there is no prospect of career growth, the applicant can refuse the offer without remorse.
  4. The proposed regime does not always suit applicants. Often, when looking for a job, this moment is the main one.
  5. Although it’s tactless to talk about it directly, it happens that at first glance you didn’t like the company itself or its leader. For this reason, many refuse the vacancy immediately after the interview, but you should not talk about it openly. It is better to say another more objective reason.

In this situation, the main thing is not to ignore the employer and inform about your decision in time.

How to turn down an offer from an employer

No matter in what form the applicant expresses the refusal, it is worth considering in advance how to refuse the employer after the interview. The expert advice below will help you do it competently and tactfully:

  1. Be as honest as possible when speaking. If this is an email, try to express your thoughts in such a way that when reading it, the employer feels that he is being treated with respect.
  2. During the dialogue, you need to be open. It is important to correctly justify the refusal of the vacancy.
  3. Completely refuse negativity during the conversation.
  4. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the applicant will tell the true reason for the refusal, for example, that it is inconvenient for him to get to work or that he is not satisfied with the salary.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the functionality, it is important to clearly and clearly explain what the applicant plans to do in a new job.
  6. Whatever the reason for the refusal, the employer has the right to know it so as not to take the decision made by the applicant personally.
  7. It is important to be honest and admit that you are considering multiple positions. Having warned the employer about this, then it will be easier to conduct a conversation.

If the applicant shows honesty and frankness during a personal conversation, the employer appreciates it very much. Even after the refusal, he will offer to take the position if further job searches are not successful.

The candidate has the right to refuse a vacancy at any stage of the selection, even at the stage of the final interview. After all, at any moment he can receive a new job offer, which (compared to the present one) is of greater interest to him. But how to refuse correctly and keep the memory of yourself as a professional? The answer is given by our expert, head of career services HeadHunter Marina Khadina.

After being invited for an interview

If you were invited for an interview*, but you changed your mind about going to it, the easiest thing is not to come at all, thereby refusing the employer. However, even in these situations, it is important to business ethics. If you miss an interview without notifying anyone, the employer will draw a conclusion and remember such unprofessional behavior. It is possible that your paths will cross over time. The world is especially small in professional circles: people move from company to company, and one day you may meet again for an interview at a more desirable company, or even as colleagues within the same organization.

Moreover, the higher the level of the position, the more desirable it is to observe business courtesy.

How to do it better? Ideally, you need to call the employer (contact person) and personally inform about your decision. In the case of such a personal call, the employer has the opportunity to ask about the reasons and, in which case, give you more information about the vacancy in order to convince you. It is possible that you still change your mind and come to the meeting.

It is always psychologically uncomfortable or there is no time to refuse. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that this offer is not for you, and you see no reason to meet with the employer in person, then you can write a polite letter with your decision to refuse and with gratitude for this opportunity.

After the interview

After the interview, more information appears about the vacancy itself (role, tasks, area of ​​responsibility, resources), about the company, about the potential leader and about working conditions (tangible and intangible). Perhaps some of the information received was not very attractive to you, and you decide to refuse. Here, as in the previous stage, there are two constructive options: call and inform about your decision or write. The only difference is that the reason for the refusal will be more specific.

I recommend that you clearly formulate for yourself why this or that vacancy is not interesting to you. Since in the case of discussing this with an employer or with a recruiting agency, you clarify your job search criteria. Firstly, it may turn out that you did not understand each other exactly, and you will receive new, more accurate information. Secondly, they will be able to offer you another vacancy (both the employer and the recruiter from recruitment agency), which will more fully meet your interests.

After passing all the stages and / or receiving a job offer

Both parties (both you and the potential employer) have invested a lot of time and effort, shared information. And if at the finishing stage you made a negative decision, then this must be announced to the second party, for which it is important to know the reasons.

Explanation is key, because the employer needs to understand your motives, as well as the vision of the situation (vacancy) from the outside. Moreover, the discussion of the causes, as in the previous case, may lead to refinement or even revision of some variables. And there are times when the employer makes a better offer or adjusts the conditions, taking into account the motivation of the applicant.

If you have not decided yet, but the employer insists on your answer. It can also be honestly said: you have another proposal, it is more interesting to you in terms of such and such parameters, and the current one is interesting in such and such parameters. And you need time or more information to decide. This behavior is more constructive for you, since in the case of an open dialogue, it becomes possible to find out more information or even revise some of the sentence variables.

If you don’t feel like talking about the existence of other proposals yet, then you can, by analogy with the previous scenario, say: in this proposal, for your unambiguous positive decision, there is not enough such and such a factor, and you need time to think about it. It is important to indicate the time you need for reflection. Such an answer will guide the other side: how much to expect, what confuses you, etc. Perhaps the employer will be able to offer you something in return to make it easier for you to decide.

Perhaps you have already made a choice in favor of a particular employer and gave him consent. The rest of the employers need to somehow tell that you have chosen a different option. The most undesirable development scenario: the employer calls and calls, waiting for a decision or even already going to work, and the applicant ignores and is silent.

What's the best thing to do? You can always honestly say that you have another offer (without the name of the company name), which is more interesting to you according to certain criteria. As a last resort, write about it. But don't be silent. This is the most unprofessional behavior. And remember - do not burn bridges, your paths may cross in the professional world.

Reasons that applicants give as arguments for refusal

- Uninteresting financial terms or compensation package structure.
- Not suitable working conditions: office, workplace, location.
- Lack of opportunities professional development or an uninteresting vacancy: "I already did everything, there is no novelty, a development zone."
- Inconsistency of experience with what needs to be done (when the applicant himself understands that he will not cope with this work).
- Mismatch in views or in temperament with a potential leader.
- not congenial corporate culture companies.
- Volume of business trips.

*You can easily increase your chances of being invited to an interview if you create a resume that at its best reflect skills, experience and strengths candidate.

In the world business people specificity is appreciated. The employer will have less negative impressions if the applicant correctly justifies his act. There are several compelling reasons:

Important! The reasons for refusal should be especially convincing when it comes to applying for a high-paying managerial position or the interview was a complex procedure with a lot of time and effort.

Waiver Forms

How to politely turn down an employer after an interview? The following forms of refusal are allowed:

Right time

Ideally, you should resign as soon as possible.

You have made a decision - inform your employer about it.

The appropriate turnaround time is considered to be 7-10 days from the date of the interview.

The missed correct time for refusal puts the employer in an awkward position, violates his plans. The result is a loss business reputation, getting into the "black list" of candidates.

The rules for constructing a competent refusal are as follows:

  1. timeliness. You should not delay the conversation, try to hide from the employer, ignoring phone calls in the hope that the problem will be solved by itself.
  2. Tact. You should briefly and politely indicate the reasons for the refusal, apologize.
  3. Lack of emotion. Do not apologize too vigorously for the rejection, arouse pity in yourself, hoping to adapt to uninteresting work.
  4. Honesty and frankness. Potential employer has the right to know the reason for the refusal, if it is not of a purely personal nature.

Situations when it is better to hide the true reason for the refusal, come up with another explanation:

Important! If not satisfied with certain items official duties, you should tell the recruiter frankly about this. The employer has the right to meet halfway, changing or eliminating such points as far as possible.


The timely refusal of an unattractive position leaves the employer time to look for another candidate, saves him from having to waste time every day on useless activities that do not give a chance to reveal talents and fully demonstrate professional qualities.

How to turn down applicants and why employers don't do it

It is unpleasant to receive rejection and it is equally difficult to say no.

It's even harder to explain why "no".

This applies to any area of ​​business and human relations.

Recruitment and search for an employee is a junction of business interests and relationships, when it is not easy to refuse and receive refusals.

Therefore, for those who refuse and receive refusals, I believe this material will be of interest.

When Candidates Should Expect a Response or Rejection

You should count on rejection if you have spent time on the interview.

It doesn't matter if it was a Skype interview or you met in person, spending time, gas and money to get to where the employer or recruiter decided to look at you.

Even if the employer preferred other candidates, it is common courtesy to thank the person who took the time to enter the competition for the time spent traveling and/or interviewing.

It is logical to expect an answer in this case.

If your participation in the competition for an occupation vacant position was limited to three mouse clicks when sending a resume, then it is hardly worth reproaching the employer for the absence of a negative answer.

Although there are many other reasons why an applicant who has responded to a vacancy does not receive an invitation to an interview or a refusal on a resume.

Why the applicant is not denied on the resume

Firstly, the recruiter spends only 10 seconds on the initial review of the resume.

It is unlikely that he will be ready to spend the same amount of time sending a “rejected” message.

Secondly, to understand whether the applicant is interesting, sometimes it is not possible immediately, but only after all the responses have been viewed - everything is known in comparison.

Thirdly, the formal compliance of the applicant with the stated requirements makes the refusal unreasonable.

Fourthly, sometimes the resume sent as a response does not meet the requirements of the employer so much that the refusal becomes meaningless.

Why Candidates Get Rejected on Resumes

If the applicant does not meet the requirements stated in the job description, the answer is obvious - the recruiter took no time to refuse.

If the applicant who received a refusal meets the requirements stated in the job description, then it is useless to guess.

There can be an unlimited number of reasons - from the applicant's non-compliance with the requirements not stated in the job description, like, to careless handling of the "refuse" button.

The latter version seems very plausible after someone is sent a refusal in response to a response, and then invited for an interview, having found a resume in the database of the same site.

8 ways to turn down an applicant

In fact, it is not difficult to refuse an applicant.

In most cases, you can limit yourself to one polite phrase.

"Hello, ****! I'm sorry (I have to upset you), but so far we (our management / our client / employer) have settled on other candidates.

Thank you for your interest in our company and vacancies and the time spent on the interview.

Good luck!"

There are many ways to convey such a message to the addressee.

Method 1 - phone call

It's easy and fast, but emotionally difficult.

There is little pleasure in communicating a refusal to someone who waits and hopes.

Method 2 - email message

Quickly, easily and efficiently, it is enough to send a ready-made message to a new addressee, indicating his name in the message.

Method 3 - SMS message that can be sent both from the phone and using a computer, for example, through Agent

The best way to communicate information to job seekers who do not use email.

Method 4 - a message from your personal account on the job search site

It is convenient, but a refusal in the form of a standard refusal message, set by default, is perceived as formal, but no one interferes with the standard text on their own.

Method 5 - "call back"

At the end of the interview, the applicant may be told: “We plan to make a decision regarding your candidacy no later than Wednesday of next week. You can find out about him by contacting me after this date."

Method 6 - "hour X".

The applicant is told: “We will consider your candidacy within three days. If we decide to invite you for an interview with the manager, we will contact you no later than the end of the current week. If there is no call or letter from us, it will mean that we have settled on other candidates.

Method 7 - "refusal with" face saving ".

It's no secret that an employer's 40-70% hire or reject decision has nothing to do with a job seeker's ability to do the job they wanted.

This topic requires a separate discussion, but it cannot be ignored in relation to the refusal, since, firstly, the applicant can ask the question “why was he refused?”, and secondly, the applicant who spent several hours meeting with the employer has the right to more than a one word rejection.

Lying, of course, is not good, but it may be worth it, since it is often impossible to explain the motives for the decision of the leader, who “liked” another candidate more.

This will “save face” of your company and help the applicant survive the rejection without resentment at the subjectivity of the employer and thoughts about “what did I do (a) wrong” and “why did I not come (walk)”.

Any explanation will do, where the justification for refusal is external cause, which is not related to the knowledge, skills and work experience of the applicant.

That is, the circumstances were such that the decision was made in favor of another candidate.

Here are some examples of such explanations:

“We have decided to hire an employee who previously worked in a similar role for our competitor.”

“We have made the decision to hire a candidate who was recommended to us by our partners.”

“Management made a decision to move an employee already working in the company to this position”

Method 8 - refusal during the interview.

Sometimes, when during the interview it turns out that the experience, knowledge and skills of the applicant obviously do not meet the requirements specified in the job description, you should immediately say so.

“The specified requirements are mandatory, so we are unlikely to be able to make you an offer. I'm sorry you wasted your time..."

If the reason for the refusal is not obvious, then it is better to refrain from the refusal.

There are many ways to refuse, but in most cases, employers do not bother using them.

Let's try to figure out why.

Why Applicants Are Not Rejected

Reason 1. Not accepted

By this, you can understand anything, including the fact that, according to established practice, no one believes in the veracity of the phrase “We will contact you (even if the result is negative)” - neither those who pronounce it, nor those to whom it is said .

It doesn't even occur to most employers that applicants should be turned down, so those who do are surprising.

Although, of course, a positive attitude and respect for such a rare employer is also guaranteed.

Reason 2. There is no time and / or the company is allowed not to refuse applicants if there is another job

A recruiter can be heavily loaded, and management evaluates the quality of work by the number of hired employees, not sent refusals.

Therefore, refusals to applicants, as a rule, are on last place on the priority list.

Maybe the company's management thinks that refusals have a positive effect on the image of the employer, but it is unlikely that this work is required from the recruiter and calculates the labor costs for this work.

Reason 3. Unable to explain the reason for the refusal

The criterion "like" will always be the main one when choosing an employee.

Sometimes recruiters prefer not to answer the applicant, avoiding the question “Why was I rejected?”

Reason 4. “I want to see someone else” or long consideration of candidates for a vacant position

It happens that the employer is not ready to make an offer to the applicant, but he is also not ready to refuse - suddenly you won’t be able to find anyone better.

The state of uncertainty drags on for such a long time that a refusal in a month and a half will look strange.

Therefore, no one thinks about giving up.

Reason 5. It is not known who should refuse

Recruiters sent the applicant to the client, who then makes the decision himself.

Considering that one party wants to receive money for the order, and the second - the final candidate for money, such insignificant details as who, how and when will give an answer to rejected applicants are almost never discussed.

The employer believes that he paid money for the final candidate, and the rest does not concern him, the recruiter does not go into the details of the decision

Reason 6 Waiting for the job of the candidate who was offered.

The situation when an applicant who has received and accepted an offer never appears at a new employer is not uncommon.

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