Proverbs about life. Russian folk proverbs and sayings 5 ​​wise proverbs

We, adults, often tell children this phrase: “What do you understand in life? When you grow up ... "

I also thought that a child of 2 or 3 years old does not think at all about what life is. But my grandson, when he was 2.5 years old, made me change my mind.

Once my daughter went into the store with him. And, like many small children, the grandson began to ask for something there. But the strict mom did not follow his lead. Then the child stepped aside and uttered a monstrous phrase: "I'm tired of living!"

So we should start talking about life with children as early as possible. And this can be done with.

Proverbs about life

To be afraid of death is not to live in the world.

If you are alive, you will be well fed.

Thrift is better than wealth.

Worry about what to buy, not what to sell.

Be afraid to live, and do not be afraid to die.

Live and learn.

In one hour, you can destroy what has been created over the centuries.

On the way you need a companion, and in life - compassion.

In a difficult hour, perseverance is needed; in an hour of fun, vigilance is needed.

Faithfulness is learned during great troubles.

Praising yourself is a waste of work. If you are good, they will understand.

Speak to the point, live according to your conscience.

It is always easier to act fairly in luck than in unhappiness.

Do not judge others, look at yourself.

Trust and life are lost only once.

Learn to death, correct yourself to the grave.

Life is given for good deeds.

Life is measured not by years, but by work.

Living life is not a field to cross.

Life is like a river: it flows on its own.

I live as I live, and not as people want.

Live quietly - you will not see the dashing.

Live according to your strength, reach according to your wealth.

Life will stretch - everything will be got.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.

Know more and speak less.

Seek profit for yourself, and do not wish death to another.

As it is to live, it is to be sung.

Whoever gets up early lives long.

Whoever gets up early, God gives him.

Better to walk and sit down on the way than to run and lie down.

Do not be afraid to hesitate, be afraid to stop.

Do not live as you want, but live as you can!

Nothing is over for the one who lives.

Not to live the days that have passed.

Not the one who lives longer, who lives longer.

Wear a dress - don't take it off, endure grief - don't tell it.

They meet by their clothes, they see them off by their minds.

Note the weekdays, and the holidays will come by themselves.

Do the best you can and rely on fate for the rest.

The lot of life is patience, for there are more enemies than friends.

Walk - don't stagger, say - don't stutter. Eat - don't overeat, stop - don't swing.

Rather than wish death to your enemy, you better wish yourself a long life.

Sayings about life

Take care of the rainy day money.

Always take it by yourself, so as not to groan when walking.

Everything passed as if it was burned by fire.

Everything has failed.

It was in my hands, but it drifted down my fingers.

They do not go to someone else's monastery with their own charter.

You can't jump above your head.

Naked like a falcon and sharp as a razor.

A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

Business time, fun hour.

Lives, does not live, but lives on.

Live not as you want, but as God commands.

Lives - chews bread. Asleep - the sky smokes.

Live everyone with your good, but with your hump.

Life goes on like clockwork.

A penny to a penny - the family will live.

It is easier to live money than to make money.

It's freezing outside, and the money is melting in my pocket.

Looking at people, living - crying at yourself.

I can't afford the idea.

There is silk on the belly, and a crack in the belly!

The father saved up, and the son frightened him.

Fluff to fluff - and the perinka will come out.

Live with ours and chew porridge, then you will find out.

Learn to dance when you are young - you cannot learn to dance when you are old.

The ruble makes money, but two - lives.

Work saves money, and hops drowns money.

If you want to ride - be able to carry sledges.

Rather than smoke, like rotting straw, it is better to flare up and burn up immediately.

What was - that swam, and the past overgrown.

What goes around comes around.

Yesterday I asked my grown up nine-year-old grandson: "Stas, what is life?" And he answered me: “Life is joy, because everyone is healthy and happy. Because I can communicate. Because next to me are my loved ones. Life is when I wake up in the morning and want to smile! "

Well said! So be healthy, live richly!

Proverbs are rightfully considered to be the treasure of everyday wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. Here you will find proverbs about wisdom collected from all over the world.

Proverbs about wisdom from all over Europe

What is a proverb? This is a popular saying that expresses the generally accepted truth. And here are some of them:


  • True wisdom is born with gray hair.
  • Whoever has money is wise.
  • Accumulating wealth does not bring wisdom.
  • Every wrinkle is an ounce of wisdom.
  • Wisdom comes from listening and repenting.


  • The dying cannot leave their own wisdom or experience to their heirs.
  • Kings learn wisdom from communion with sages.
  • The foundation of wisdom is not trusting others too quickly.
  • Wisdom is cheap to one who receives it at someone else's expense.
  • Sometimes wisdom pretends to be a fool.
  • Wisdom does not consist of clothing.
  • Experience gained through suffering teaches wisdom.
  • Reflection is the parent of wisdom.
  • Education improves our lives, and wisdom rules it. (Read collected from around the world).
  • Wisdom can often be found under a tattered coat.
  • Wisdom is darkened by wineskins.


  • Food is not more important than wisdom, its beginning is the fear of God.
  • While wisdom is good at the beginning, it is much better at the end of any business.
  • A person can die from the wind, but he will never die from wisdom.
  • Women are stronger than men because they don't die of wisdom.
  • The most obvious sign of wisdom is constant cheerfulness.
  • The deed is quickly done when wisdom advises.
  • The fool needs great wisdom.
  • Patience is the mother of all wisdom.
  • True wisdom is the oil that lubricates the relationship between spouses and parents and children. (I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list).


  • A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of ​​gold.
  • Age brings experience, and wisdom brings intelligence.
  • Better a drop of wisdom than a golden ocean.
  • Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom.
  • Even from the enemy, man can learn wisdom.
  • Surprise is the beginning of wisdom.


  • There is wisdom in wine, strength in beer, and bacteria in water.
  • Better is conscience without wisdom than wisdom without a good conscience.
  • Much wisdom is lost in poor people's mouths.
  • Loneliness is the nurse of wisdom.
  • Purchased wisdom is best.


  • Thanks to wisdom, a house is built, and by understanding it is contained.
  • Wisdom does not always speak Greek and Latin.
  • Power without wisdom is like an abyss without an edge.
  • Experience is the father of wisdom, and memory is its mother.
  • A genius does not shout about his wisdom from the roof of the house.
  • Wisdom comes with age.
  • Knowledge prides itself on knowing a lot; wisdom is humble and says that it still knows little.


  • Wealth and grace go from wisdom to art.
  • Whoever gets up early will find wisdom.
  • Wisdom is the least burdensome travel bag.
  • Wisdom bypasses the ruins of madness.


  • Wisdom is a good buy, although it can be expensive for us.
  • Wisdom in a man, and patience in a wife, brings peace to the house and a happy life. (In this article, you will find some ways).
  • Much wisdom is smothered in the poor man's head.
  • Money can replace any wisdom.


  • There is no wisdom below the belt.
  • Beauty passes, wisdom remains.
  • Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.
  • There is no wisdom or courage in an empty stomach.
  • You cannot buy wisdom abroad if it is not in your home.

Proverbs about wisdom from all over Africa

  • Too much wit harms wisdom.
  • One head cannot contain all the wisdom.
  • Wisdom that everyone can wear in any weather.
  • Wisdom outweighs strength.
  • Wisdom is like a baobab tree that no one can grasp.
  • The madman lacks wisdom.
  • Don't underestimate the wisdom of your ancestors.
  • If wisdom is measured by the size of a beard, then the goat is the philosopher king.
  • Knowledge without wisdom is like water poured into the sand.
  • To become wise, you need to remember the wisdom of your ancestors.
  • If you watch closely, then you will find wisdom even in the shadows.

  • Whoever wants to grind millet should wisely use the knowledge of rainy clouds and winds.
  • The ability to remain silent is the wisdom from the ancestors.
  • Wisdom is not like
  • With great knowledge there is much sorrow, and with great wisdom there is much weeping.
  • Old men and women in the village are books of history and wisdom.
  • If you fill your head with pride, there is not enough room for wisdom.
  • The wisdom of the elderly is like the sun, it illuminates the village and the great river.
  • There is more wisdom in listening than in speaking.
  • Never confuse wisdom with luck.
  • The turtle stores its wisdom in its own shell.

Proverbs and Sayings about Wisdom: Asia and the East

Arabic proverbs

  • Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
  • Wisdom has ten parts, where nine parts are silence and one part is just a few words.
  • Words of wisdom come from ordinary people.
  • Wisdom is not for those who are capable, but for those who love. (Read on this site).


  • Beauty is the wisdom of women.
  • Great doubts about deep wisdom.
  • A person is endowed with intelligence at birth, but he needs to acquire wisdom.
  • There is no wisdom to shut up.
  • Deep doubts - deep wisdom; a little doubt is a little wisdom.
  • Wisdom in difficult conditions is like a pine tree that remains green even in winter.
  • The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names.
  • The palace leads to fame, the market leads to luck, and loneliness leads to wisdom.
  • There is no wisdom where complete silence exists.
  • Wisdom is gained by learning to control your tongue.


  • Wisdom and virtue are like two wheels of a cart.
  • Knowledge without wisdom is like hundreds of books under your ass.
  • Wisdom is lost in the body of the fat man.
  • It is only through suffering and sorrow that we acquire wisdom not found in books.
  • Wealth gets in the way of wisdom.


  • The rivalry of scientists promotes wisdom.
  • Silence is a fence around wisdom.
  • The greatest wisdom is kindness.
  • What is the use of wisdom when insanity reigns supreme?
  • If you want to have a reputation for being wise, agree with everyone.
  • He who exercises in wisdom cultivates true courage.
  • Wisdom without morality is like a ring without a jewel.

Proverbs about stupidity and wisdom from around the world

  • Develop wisdom on the folly of others. (Romanian)
  • Over the years, a fool develops emptiness and disappointment, because he spent his childhood and adolescence on the thoughtless satisfaction of his momentary desires. (You will find in this article).
  • Wisdom becomes stupidity if a person is not guided by it. (Persian)
  • Wisdom makes a poor person a king, a weak person powerful, and a foolish person a reasonable person. (Irish)
  • Wisdom is for a foolish man, like a comb for a bald man. (African)
  • Useless wisdom and stupidity are equal. (Icelandic)
  • The greatness of wisdom is that it lets you know your own folly. (English)
  • It is useless to learn wisdom and then live stupidly. (Dutch)
  • A fool is one who boasts of his own wisdom. (French)

  • A foolish person who tries to replace wisdom with knowledge will also lose understanding. (African)
  • By doing stupid things, a man learns wisdom. (Jewish)
  • People can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools were known to the world as scientists. (Spanish)
  • An overabundance of wisdom leads to stupidity. (German)
  • Useless wisdom is a kind of double stupidity. (Icelandic)
  • If wisdom has a price, then stupidity has a dollar. (Dutch)
  • Even a stupid fool can find wealth or the love of a woman for himself, but wisdom is never born in his stupidity. (Norwegian)
  • A man is considered reasonable when he seeks wisdom, but if he insists that he has found it, then he becomes a fool. (Iranian)
  • If a rich man eats a snake, they will say that it is because of his wisdom. If the poor man ate it, then they will say that it is because of his stupidity. (Arabic)
  • After stupidity, it is impossible to learn wisdom. (Czech)
  • The fool finds pleasure in evil behavior, but the man of understanding succeeds in wisdom. (Italian)

Sayings about wisdom from around the world

  • One word of wisdom can replace a hundred ordinary words. (Tibet)
  • Calamity brings wisdom. (Vietnam)
  • Wisdom can be found on travel. (Sri Lanka)
  • Excessive boasting drives away wisdom. (Philippines)
  • Gold without wisdom is like clay without a potter. (Slovakia)
  • Do more things with wisdom, not strength. (Hungary)
  • Seek wisdom as a beggar seeks wealth. (Burma)

  • Wisdom is easy to bear but difficult to develop. (Czech)
  • Wisdom is better than strength. (Romania)
  • Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard. (Swedish)
  • When anger comes, wisdom goes away. (Hindi) (In this article you can learn about)
  • Wisdom in books. (Burma)
  • Reflection is the essence of wisdom. (Persian proverb)

Aphorisms about wisdom

  • The economy is the wealth of the poor and the wisdom of the rich. (France)
  • If old age were the same as wisdom, any old donkey would be a famous judge of justice. (Portugal)
  • Beauty without wisdom is like a flower in mud. (Romania)
  • When passion enters the front gate, wisdom enters the backyard. (Spain)
  • Soak your tongue in wisdom, then give advice. (Israel)
  • The useless remarks of the rich are perceived by the poor as axioms of wisdom. (Ecuador)
  • A person who is able to admit his mistakes is on the path to wisdom. (Colombia)
  • Each person should act in the rhythm of his time ... such is wisdom. (Poland)
  • Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it fruitlessly and start living the life that the Creator has provided for you. (India)
  • Look for wisdom, not just knowledge. Knowledge is rooted in the past, and wisdom is rooted in the future. (India)
  • The boss's wisdom is a list of old stories, good and bad. (Kashmir)
  • Wisdom and serenity should not go hand in hand in one person. (Kashmir)


I hope you enjoyed these proverbs about wisdom collected from all over the world. In this selection, I tried to include proverbs, sayings and aphorisms that are so rich in our world that are not met and unfamiliar to our reader. Share them with your friends to cheer them up.

Regards, Helen.

Finally, check out 20 wise Jewish proverbs.

Today it is not uncommon in school classes to meet the task of picking up proverbs and sayings about the importance of human life. For example, pupils in the 4th grade in the lessons of ORKSE are encouraged in the light of proverbs to reflect on the meaning and meaning of human life, its value, importance.

We have tried to compile a list of such sayings. Here you will find rarely seen clever, wise proverbs about life and wisdom, collected from all over the world.

They are useful for all occasions, not only for children or schoolchildren, but also for adults. Life is truly a box of surprises. Sometimes amazing things happen in it that can completely change our existence.

So, you need to live and enjoy every second of the new day. Smile when faced with difficulties and cry joyfully when we achieve something!

Proverbs about life with meaning

  1. If you want happiness for life, help the next generation.
  2. Life is short and full of blisters.
  3. The two most difficult things in our life are success and failure.
  4. Honor is more important than life.
  5. It's just that life is not yet a victory, and death is not a defeat.
  6. To understand the value of life, you need to endure pain.
  7. The day is long, but life is short.
  8. Plan your life like you're going to live forever. But live as if you would die tomorrow.
  9. Life without love is like a year without summer.
  10. A quarrel between brothers costs soul and life.
  11. The one who gets time gets life.
  12. Life is beautiful if it is calm.
  13. Life is a constant battlefield.
  14. One short step lengthens life.
  15. What does a donkey know about a nightingale's life?
  16. Time goes on even when life ends.
  17. Cowardice won't prolong your life.
  18. Those who saved one life saved the whole world.
  19. Caution and courage are the shield of life.
  20. A beautiful person may not have a beautiful life.
  21. Higher art is an art that is interesting to live an ordinary life.
  22. To succeed in life, you need to follow wise advice.
  23. Children who get everything they ask for rarely do well in life.
  24. Life is like a wheel, now above and below.

Proverbs about the meaning of life

  1. Treat every day of your life as the best.
  2. Life is a staircase where some go up and others fall.
  3. A person learns all his life, but he dies stupid anyway.
  4. Happy is he who is praised and who has wisdom in life.
  5. One word spoken in anger can ruin your entire life.
  6. The will of the dying person is the mirror of his life.
  7. Human life is like a drop of dew on the leaves of a tree.
  8. Life is a farce.
  9. Life is like a shadow or fog that quickly disappears and is no longer there.
  10. Finding your own business in life is easier than doing it.
  11. The property will not prolong life, but it will improve life.
  12. Life cannot be completely trusted; death can occur at any moment.
  13. Bury me standing, because I have spent all my life on my knees.
  14. The gypsy speaks the truth only once in his life, but then he regrets it for the rest of his life.
  15. Life and death are at the mercy of language.
  16. Life is so short that it barely has time to smile at you.
  17. The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to love what you do.
  18. Variety is the spice of life.
  19. It is better to waste a minute in your life than your life in a minute.
  20. Life has always been a mixture of joy and pain, wealth and poverty.

Jewish Sayings and Proverbs about Life

  1. When your life is at stake, don't follow the majority.
  2. Life is the cheapest deal - you get it for nothing.
  3. As you manage your life, so will your watch.
  4. Truth never dies, but often lives a squalid life.
  5. If your friend becomes your enemy, he will be for the rest of his life.
  6. When a person begins to think about death, he is no longer confident in life.
  7. A Jew without a wife will not find peace in this life.
  8. Faith is not a whole series of axioms, but a whole way of life.
  9. A dead man is mourned for seven days, a fool - all his life.
  10. Repentance prolongs a person's life.
  11. The ugliest life is better than the most pleasant death.
  12. In life, each of us sometimes has to play a fool.
  13. The book gives knowledge, but only life provides understanding.
  14. He who loves his life fulfills the will of the Creator.

Japanese proverbs about life

  1. We have one life and we mostly spend it laughing or crying.
  2. Life is a candle before the wind.
  3. Only God knows your entire path in life.
  4. Some people like to make a garden out of life and walk only along its paths.
  5. One moment of true happiness extends life by a thousand years.
  6. Life is a long journey with a heavy bag on your back.
  7. Even when months and days are long, life is short.
  8. A beautiful woman is like an ax in your life.

Chinese proverbs about life

  1. Life with love is happy, but without love it is stupid.
  2. A mistake made once can become a lifelong sadness.
  3. All life is a dream, and death is a return home.
  4. Life can never provide security, it can only promise opportunities.
  5. The most valuable lesson in life can be learned from enemies.
  6. Life is written on a sheet called time, and as soon as the sheet ends, it goes away forever.
  7. Sometimes life can be as bitter as the tears of a crocodile.
  8. To extend your life by a year, you need to skip at least one meal.
  9. Don't ask about the three most difficult things in this life: good sons, a long life, and a long beard.
  10. The life of an old bachelor is like a button on a shirt, from which threads often hang.
  11. The life of an old man can be compared to a candle flame in the wind.
  12. Life alone cannot give you joy. It only provides time and space that you need to fill with something.
  13. Life is what we do and partly what the friends we choose do.
  14. Life is like frost on a roof and like a fish wriggling in a saucepan.
  15. A wise person is able to adapt to the unexpectedness of life like water to a decanter into which it is poured.
  16. One moment of patience can prevent a great catastrophe, while a momentary impatience can ruin a whole life.
  17. To tell only half the truth is to give life to new lies.
  18. A smile will bring you ten more years of life.
  19. A momentary mistake becomes the sadness of a lifetime.
  20. Respect for parents is the highest responsibility in children's lives.

Life Proverbs: African

  1. The fly had life even before the dog got wounds.
  2. The one who guards his language will keep his own life.
  3. Life is the best teacher.
  4. Life is like a boat. You swim when you are having fun and stay in place when you are sad.
  5. Life is like riding a bicycle: you won't fall if you don't stop pedaling.
  6. Life is the beginning of death.
  7. Life is what you make it.
  8. Life without battle is life without victory.
  9. Only the goat, tired of life, invites the lion to dinner.
  10. Success in life depends a lot on how you deal with your setbacks.
  11. The coffin seller wants to have a long life for himself and a short life for others.
  12. There are many bright colors on the way of life, but the most beautiful of them are with sharp thorns.
  13. The fall of a person is not the end of his life.
  14. The two most difficult things in life are success and failure.
  15. Life has seasons.
  16. At the end of life, you can always reach agreement.
  17. There is no life without history.
  18. No matter how big a whale is, a tiny harpoon can take its life.
  19. Modesty in desires leads to a happy life.

Proverbs and Sayings about Life: Latin

  1. There is an abyss in front of you, and the wolves behind you are what life is.
  2. Only he is wise who can adapt to all the unforeseen circumstances of life, and a fool, like a stupid swimmer, tries to swim against the current.
  3. We don't learn for grades, but for life.
  4. Those who feed on hope live in anticipation and enjoy life.
  5. A hard working life is the best security for old age.
  6. There must be a little rain in every life.
  7. Education serves our life, and wisdom rules it.

English proverbs

  1. There are only two things in life that cannot be avoided: death and taxes.
  2. Two things will prolong your life: a calm heart and a loving wife. Life and suffering begin together.
  3. Life is short and time flies by.
  4. Life is bleach first, then paint.
  5. A happy wife is a happy life.
  6. Sacrificial death honors the whole life lived.
  7. A handful of good lives, better than a learning pitcher.
  8. A cheerful heart makes your life long.
  9. Always suing and never getting married is the happiest life that has ever been.
  10. As you slide down the railing of life, the debris will never point you in the wrong direction.
  11. Better to be a coward for one minute than dead for the rest of your life.

Proverbs about life: Albanian and Spanish


  • Life doesn't give too much.
  • The golden rule of life is its beginning.
  • The greatest art is the art of living.
  • A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is never long enough.
  • It takes half your life to find out who your friends are, and you need the other half to keep them.
  • Life is not a cup to be drunk, but a measure to be filled.
  • Live your life because you will die your own death.
  • Cheerfulness, benevolence, and honesty are good companions to take with you through life.

Spanish proverbs

  • Living in constant fear is a defective life
  • Friendliness in life means no friends in death.
  • One who is not afraid of death cannot enjoy life.
  • Life without a friend is death without a witness.
  • Life is a gift we pay dearly for.
  • One who lives a long life will surely experience a lot of evil.
  • Memory is the watch of life.
  • Even the good life will put off wrinkles.

Wise proverbs and sayings about life

  • To prolong life, shorten your meal times.
  • A person who has lived the right life usually has a beautiful death.
  • It is impossible to live a long life and stay upright.
  • Running is a shame, but it often saves life.
  • If you want to have a happy life, stay away from your relatives.
  • Whoever has time has life.
  • Don't judge your life before it's over.
  • Anyone who leads an immoral life dies an immoral death.
  • The blind, dumb and deaf will live a peaceful life for a hundred years.
  • He who restrains his mouth, preserves his life, and who opens his mouth wide, destroys it.
  • The honey that a bee collects during its life does not sweeten its sting.
  • As long as there is life, there is hope.
  • Whoever chooses a wife just because of her dowry will have problems with her all his life.
  • If life has brought you a lemon, make a healing drink out of it.
  • A content ass has a long life.
  • Where there is life, there is hope.
  • My life and soul are at your service, but not a saddle.
  • Better to be queen for an hour than a forgotten countess for the rest of your life.

Proverbs about human life: Arabic


  • In the wilderness of life, the wise man travels in caravan, while the fool prefers to travel alone.
  • Life is a dogma and a struggle for dogma.
  • Life consists of two days: birth and death
  • Life will show you what you did not know yet.
  • There are three worst things in life: being in bed and not sleeping, wanting to see the impossible, and trying to please those who don't like you.
  • Life is like fire, begins in smoke and ends in ash.
  • Every day of your life is a page in your history.
  • Four things never come back: a spoken word, an arrow fired, a past life, and a wasted opportunity.
  • A sense of humor is a pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life.

Smart proverbs about life


  • There are four things in our life that constantly haunt us: shortcomings, debts, years, and enemies.
  • Life is like eternal drunkenness, the pleasure quickly passes, but the headache remains.
  • One sip of wine is the antidote for the poison of life.
  • I have no right to rejoice in the death of my enemy when I do not have eternal life.

Dutch proverbs

  • For a concert of life, no one gets the program of her repertoire.
  • Life doesn't always follow roses.
  • All the little things in life are considered.
  • Better to ride a good horse for six months than spend your whole life on a mule.
  • A wise husband and patient wife always have peace in the house and a happy life.
Indian proverbs
  • You have to live your life from start to finish, no one else can do it for you.
  • Life is both giving and receiving.
  • As you travel through life, you are bound to run into an abyss. Do not be afraid to jump over it, it is not as wide as you think.
  • Life is a bow that you draw on.
  • At your birth, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Therefore, live a life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.
  • The greatest pleasure in life is that people want things that cannot be done.

Proverbs and sayings about human life


  • There is no fate worse than a life without love.
  • Sometimes time is more precious than life.
  • Nothing tires life more than doing nothing.
  • A tree growing crookedly from a seedling will never be straightened, and it is very difficult to get rid of bad habits uncorrected in childhood even in adulthood.

Indian proverbs

  • Life is not a continuum of pleasant decisions, but inevitable problems that require strength, determination and hard work to solve them.
  • Life is a bridge to cross, but not to build a house on it.
  • Fear is the fever of life.
  • For the first five years of your son's life, treat him like a prince, for the next ten years like a slave, and then the rest of your life like your best friend.
  • Life is like this: sometimes sun, sometimes rain.
  • Thrive like a flower, but let your life be much longer.
  • The death of one person is the life of another person.

French proverbs

  • We must learn from life how to endure it.
  • A little good life is better than seven barrels of training.
  • Life is like peeling an onion - like it or not, you cry anyway.
  • The merry life forgets the father and mother.
  • The smoke, floods and a restless wife are enough to ruin a man's life.
  • Anyone who marries on a rainy day will be happy for the rest of their lives.
  • Life in court is often short in hell.
  • Who does not love women, wine and music, will remain a fool all his life.


No matter how much we create plans, no matter how much we dream and try to control our future, there are things that are not in our power. Therefore, love to live and do not waste any part of your time on bad feelings.

Try to see the world through the wonders of positive thoughts. Proverbs and sayings about the importance of human life can help with this. As you read them, allow yourself to live with great enthusiasm!

A positive outlook on life will bring you joy and inspiration when you least expect it.

Life is something that exists, that each time starts all over again and goes on its own course, this flowering and growth, withering and death, this wealth and poverty, love and hate, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases touch upon the widest range of facets of human existence, make you think.

It doesn't matter how you were born - think about how you will die.

Short-term failure is not terrible - short-term luck is much more unpleasant. (Farage).

Memories are like islands in a sea of ​​emptiness. (Shishkin).

Soup is not eaten as hot as it was cooked. (French proverb).

Anger is transient insanity. (Horace).

In the morning you start to envy the unemployed.

There are more lucky ones than truly talented ones. (L. Vovenargue).

Luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Werber).

We strive for a bright future, which means that real life is not very beautiful.

You will not make up your mind today, you will be late tomorrow.

Days fly by instantly: I just woke up, I was already late for work.

The thoughts that come during the day are our life. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise sayings about Life and Love

  1. Envy is sadness about the well-being of another person. (Princess).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is the father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky who is confident in their own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. You feel - this is yours, dare to risk it!
  6. Hatred is nobler than indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the surrounding nature.
  8. Eternity is only a unit of time. (Stanislav Lec).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. The longer you live, you will see more.
  11. Trouble is like luck, it doesn't come alone. (Romain Rolland).

Short sayings about Life

It is difficult for a person who has decided to agitate the tsar for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually, a refusal is followed by an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (S. Friedrich).

The snake will not bite the snake. (Pliny).

No matter how the rake is taught, the heart wants a miracle ...

Talk to the person about himself. He will agree to listen for days. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness cannot be measured by money, but crying in a Mercedes is better than in the subway.

The thief of opportunity is indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time on.

Sowing thorns will not harvest grapes.

The procrastinator with the decision has already made it: do not change anything.

How do they speak about Happiness and Life?

  1. It seems to people: they want the truth. Having learned the truth, they want to forget about many things. (Dm. Greenberg).
  2. Talk about troubles: "I cannot change this, I would rather benefit." (Schopenhauer).
  3. Change happens when you go against your habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, the wounded animal behaves unpredictably. A person with an emotional wound does the same. (Gangor).
  5. Do not believe people who say bad things about others, but say good things about you. (L. Tolstoy).

Sayings of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Those who did not live as they wanted, lost. (D. Schomberg).

When you give a person a fish, you will feed him only once. Having learned to fish, he will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, plans will remain only dreams. (Zacchaeus.)

Seeing things differently will change the future. (Yukio Mishima)

Life is a wheel: what was below recently will be above tomorrow. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. A person's goal is to give it meaning. (Osho).

A person who consciously follows the path of creation, and not mindless consumption, fills existence with meaning. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life is a matchbox. Treating him seriously is ridiculous, frivolous is dangerous. (Ryunosuke)

A life lived with mistakes is better, more rewarding than time spent doing nothing. (B. Shaw).

Any illness should be viewed as a signal: you have something wrong with the world. If you do not hear the signals, Life will intensify the impact. (Sviyash).

Success lies in mastering the ability to control pain and pleasure. Having achieved this, you will be able to control life. (E. Robbins).

A banal step - to choose a goal and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reed).

Life is tragic when seen in close-up. Observe from afar - it will seem like a comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your move is decisive. A person has several opportunities for change during the day. Success loves whoever uses them effectively. (André Maurois).

Sayings about life in English with translation

Truths differ little among different peoples of the world - you can be convinced of this by reading quotes in English:

Politics are come from the words poly (a lot of) & the word ticks (bloodsucking parasites).

The word "politics" comes from the words poly (many), ticks (bloodsuckers). Means insects that suck blood.

Love is conflict between reflexes and dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every human like an angel with one wing. We can fly only in embracing one another.

Man is a one-winged angel. We will be able to fly hugging each other.

1. Will the shadow be straight if the trunk is curved?
2. Winds don't blow the way ships want
3. There is a flaw in all beauty.
4. Anything in abundance is boring
5. A fool is forgiven seventy mistakes, but a scientist - none
6. Movement is good, slowness is death
7. The day of joy is short.
8. If not, what you wish, wish for what is
9. If you become a hard place - be patient; if you become a hammer - hit
10. If you want to know their secrets, ask their children
11. One who desires good is like one who does good.
12. The stomach is the enemy of man
13. A woman without shame that food is 6e of salt
14. Only what is in the jug can be poured out.
15. An apology won't fill a hungry stomach
16.Like a drum: the voice is loud, but the inside is empty
17. How easy is the war for the spectators!
18. When the bull falls, many knives rise above it.
19. When you lend - a friend, and when you demand back - an enemy
20. He who is afraid of wolves does not raise sheep.
21. The one who is afraid is also beaten
22. He who seeks a friend without flaws is left alone
23. It's better to make your son cry than to cry about him yourself
24. The mother of the murderer forgets, but the mother of the murdered does not
25. Experienced is better than wise
26. Do not send a young man to marry, but an old man to buy a donkey
27. Silence is the outfit of the clever and the mask of the fool
28. We eat the same piece, why are you staring at me?
29. We were silent when he entered, so he brought in the donkey
30. There is a milkmaid for every cow
31. Anyone can climb a low wall
32. Hungry, cold and scared does not sleep
33. Do not deter others from what you yourself follow
34. Not to hide the one who leads the camel
35. Don't teach an orphan to cry
36. An insignificant person is one who needs villains
37. A beggar owns half the world
38. One hair is not a beard
39. You can't cover your face with one finger
40. A donkey remains a donkey, even if the Sultan's treasury is lucky
41. Whoever doesn't eat garlic doesn't smell like garlic
42. Pawn, when did you become a queen?
43. Victory over the weak is like defeat
44. Shame is Longer than Life
45. Loss teaches resourcefulness
46. ​​The wet is not afraid of the rain
47. Against an evil dog, you need to release an evil one
48. Distribute your lunch - stay for dinner
49. An old man's child is like an orphan; the old man's wife is a widow
50. Scold Me But Be True
51. The heart sees before the head
52. First censure, then punishment
53. Fussy will not find satisfaction, angry - joy, boring - a friend
54. The mote took over the carpenter
55. The well-fed cuts the slices for the hungry slowly
56. Patience is the key to joy
57. The one who calls for supper should take care of the overnight stay
58. The one who comes 6e by invitation sleeps without a bed
59. The one whose house is made of glass does not throw stones at people
60. Three things cause love: faith, humility and generosity
61. A smart thief in his neighborhood does not steal
62. A clever one will understand if you wink, and a fool will understand if you push
63. What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity
64. Anything Better Than Nothing
65. I am the emir and you are the emir. Who will chase the donkeys?
66. An egg cannot be broken.