How to enable mobile network on android. Ways to connect and configure the Internet on a smartphone

It is difficult to imagine a modern owner of mobile technology in the form of a smartphone or tablet without taking advantage of all the opportunities that such devices offer today. And first of all, we are talking, of course, about access to the Internet. Next, let's talk about how to set up the Internet on Android, since it is the devices running this operating system that are the most popular all over the world. By and large, for Apple gadgets, the methods for setting connection parameters through operator services are identical and differ only in the ways to access them and the menu names.

How to set up the Internet on Android: general techniques

First of all, let's take a look at the connection options. The parameters and options to be set will directly depend on which connection method is selected in each specific case. There are only two options:

Despite the limited number of connection organization methods, for each of the proposed options, you can apply some additional methods, on each of which, as the description of general issues, it is proposed to dwell in as much detail as possible.

How to connect the Internet on "Android" via Wi-Fi?

So, the very first and easiest way to access the World Wide Web is to connect to an access point created on the router (router or ADSL modem operating in the appropriate mode). A wireless connection of this type, however, has a number of significant restrictions on the number of simultaneously connected devices, as well as on the range of the routers themselves, exceeding which leads to a weakening or even complete loss of the signal.

But the advantage of such a connection is that the speed of the Internet on Android, subject to the recommended distance to the router and the minimum number of connected devices, can be quite high. And this applies not only to normal browsing of sites, but also to currently activated downloads.

But how to connect the Internet on Android in this way? As easy as pie! Turn on Wi-Fi in the settings (you can also use the top panel on the main screen).

Tap on the connection string to display all available networks, select the one you need, if required - enter the password and click the connect button.

By the way, today many cafes and entertainment establishments practice providing their visitors and customers with such services.

It is clear that to enable free Internet on Android, it is enough to know only the password combination, which can be clarified, for example, from the administrator or bartender. Sometimes this is not even required, since a password is not initially set for the login.

WPS activation

Along with wireless connection Wi-Fi is worth considering how to set up the Internet on Android in such a way as not to enter a password and network name even for a secure connection. Yes Yes! This is also possible!

To do this, you must first activate the corresponding function on mobile device, using for this the transition in the Wi-Fi connection parameters to additional settings by pressing the button marked with an ellipsis in the upper right corner.

Then you need to tap on the WPS button item, after which you will receive a notification that the button of the same name must be pressed on the router within one minute. The result will be absolutely free Internet on Android, connected in passwordless mode.

Automatic setup of an Internet connection through a telecom operator

However, the matter is not limited to such methods. After all, not on every corner you can find free distribution of Wi-Fi. You can also use mobile internet. "Android" is used or another operating system on a smartphone or even the most primitive phone that has the function of accessing the Web - it does not matter at all. In this case, we are talking about connecting to the Internet using standard services provided by a mobile operator.

Immediately pay attention to the supported connection type (GPRS, EDGE, 2G / 3G, LTE-4G). The essence of the automatic is to submit a connection request to the operator servicing the SIM card by dialing the appropriate combination of numbers to access the voice menu, followed by a call. A few minutes after sending the request, a special Push message will be sent to the device, on which you just need to tap to save the automatic settings.

Note: for Android, the best Internet connection is 4G (only if the operator supports this standard). On some phone models, the permission to receive and activate automatic push notifications must be configured manually. In addition, to get quick settings, you can use not the voice menu, but sending SMS messages with special codes, which can be obtained from the operator.

Manual setting of Internet access parameters

Finally, let's see how to set up the Internet on Android if automatic parameters are not set or the use of such a mode on a mobile device is not provided. To perform such actions in the options menu, you must use the connection item or go to the line of other networks, turn on data transfer and enter the parameters in the section for creating a new access point.

The main ones here are the authentication type and APN settings. They must be installed as shown in the image above. The name of the operator is usually entered in the connection name, and the Internet address of the corresponding server is prescribed for the access point. Next, the login and password are entered, after which the connection can be used.

Note: Proxies are usually not used. The specified APN type is not selected from the list, but entered manually. If the port settings are not provided, the fields for filling them can be left untouched. to establish a more stable connection, it is better to turn it off. All the necessary parameters can be found directly on the official website of the operator or in the appropriate support service.

Nuances of setting up a 3G connection

It would seem that this type of connection is also configured automatically. Alas, not always, and some parameters must be set independently.

In the network mode selection settings, you should set GSM / WCDMA, and on some device models and in different versions of the Android operating system itself, uncheck the box to use to connect only 2G mode.

Questions about using a VPN

Another important issue is not only to properly configure the Internet connection, but also to get full access to resources that for some reason may be blocked (for example, at the state level, as in Ukraine, North Korea or China).

To bypass these restrictions, you can install a special software as a VPN client. Three types of applications can be used:

  • browser extension;
  • TOR browser;
  • client for the entire system.

The third option is the most preferable, because it allows not only to surf the Internet, but also to ensure the performance of applications that require a connection to work, but the sites of their developers or the main functionality can be blocked. For example, this concerns the performance of the Mail.Ru Agent client, for which the main Mail.Ru service resource in Ukraine is blocked.

Instead of an afterword

Actually, that's all for the basic methods of setting up Internet access from a mobile device. As for practical use, of course, preference should be given to connections based on 3G / 4G, since they have the maximum access speed and stability, but again, only if the operator supports such technologies.

The downside is that with such a connection, traffic fees may be charged, but many operators offer starter packages that initially include the use of some specific free limit. In this regard, connecting via Wi-Fi seems to be more acceptable.

25.05.2017 22:40:00

Perhaps there is no point in buying a smartphone if you are not going to use it to access the Internet. After all, it is a multifunctional mobile gadget that becomes for the user a window into the endless world of the World Wide Web. Through a network connection, you can download the application, write email, discover latest news, watch a video or listen to music.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to turn on the Internet in your phone on an Android smartphone using two main modules: through two main modules: 3G / 4G or Wi-Fi.

Method 1: How to enable mobile Internet on your phone via 3G / 4G

This method is associated with the service of providing mobile Internet by a mobile operator. In this case, mobile traffic simply connects to the selected tariff. In this case, it is important to make sure that the smartphone supports the main network communication ranges.

After you have connected the communication tariff, you can proceed to setting up the mobile device:

  • Enter Settings
  • Choose "More"
  • Click on "Mobile networks"
  • Choose network type
  • If you have a dual SIM smartphone in your hands, select an access point and an operator
  • Go to the main screen
  • Slide down the shade at the top of the display
  • Click on the button to start mobile internet

Important information:
If you go to the "Data transfer" tab, here you can find statistics on downloads, as well as the amount of traffic of applications that connect to the Internet, such as YouTube or social networks.

Method 2: How to turn on the Internet through your phone using Wi-Fi

The user should not have any problems when setting up a Wi-Fi access point to access the Network. The main thing is that this module is installed in the mobile device. To connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

  • Go to Android Settings
  • Select Wi-Fi
  • Click on the "Enable" button
  • Select an access point from the list
  • Enter the password if you are connecting to a closed point

By the way, for the next connections to the same access point, you no longer need to dig into the settings again. If the user accesses the network through his home Wi-Fi router, he just needs to select the appropriate Wi-Fi start button in the top curtain.

Every year the mobile Internet is getting better and faster. However, the technology is becoming more complex, as a result of which the likelihood of failures and malfunctions is growing. Therefore, we want to tell you what to do if the mobile Internet does not work on an Android device.

There are many reasons why your phone cannot connect to the Internet in the operator's network: it may simply not be configured, or you may have experienced a hardware failure of the network module. Consider in order the causes and methods of eliminating the problem.

Reason 1: Lack of funds in the account

The most common cause inoperability cellular internet There simply isn't enough money in the account. Perhaps you simply did not pay attention to it, and did not replenish it in time. Check the amount of funds by USSD request of your operator:

  • The Russian Federation: MTS, Megafon - *100#; Beeline - *102#; Tele2 - *105#;
  • Ukraine: Kyivstar, Lifecell — *111#; MTS, Vodafone - *101#;
  • Republic of Belarus: Velcom, MTS, life;) - *100#;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan: Kcell - *100#; Beeline - *102# or *111#; Tele2 - * 111 #.

If you find that there is not enough money in your account, then simply replenish the balance in any way possible.

Reason 2: No coverage or device not registered on the network

The second reason for the lack of Internet is that you are outside the network coverage area. You can check this by looking at the indicator in the status bar: if you see a cross icon on the indicator there, then you most likely will not be able to connect to the Internet, as well as make calls.

The solution to this problem is obvious - go to a place where the network catches better. In the case when you are at a point with good reception, but the no network icon does not disappear, most likely your device is not recognized cell tower. This is usually a random single failure, which is easily fixed by rebooting the device.

There may also be problems with the SIM card, the main problems of which and how to fix them are described in the article below.

Reason 3: Airplane mode is on

Almost from the moment it appeared mobile phones they have a special mode designed for use in aircraft. When this mode is activated, all types of data transfer (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, communication with a cellular network) are disabled. Checking this is very simple - take a look at the status bar. If you see an airplane icon instead of the network indicator, then offline mode is active on your device. It turns off very easily.

After completing these steps, check if the mobile Internet is working. Most likely, it should turn on and function normally.

Reason 4: Disabled data transfer

Another very simple reason for the lack of a mobile Internet connection. You can check this as follows.

Also, mobile data can be turned on with a switch in the status bar, if available on your phone.

We also note that in some cases, data transfer can be disrupted by malware. If you can’t turn on the Internet using the method described above, then it makes sense to install a suitable antivirus on your phone and check the device for infection.

Reason 5: Incorrect access point settings

As a rule, when you turn on your smartphone for the first time with an inserted SIM card, you receive a configuration message with the settings of the mobile Internet access point. However, in some cases this may not happen, especially if you are using a device that is rare or not certified for your country.

To set up internet on your phone with operating system Android, it does not take much time, if there is in front of the user's eyes detailed instructions how to connect internet on android. The guide below contains instructions on the basic methods for completing the task. You can connect to the World Wide Web using the mobile Internet, for which the smartphone owner will have to pay regularly to the mobile operator for the provision of relevant services.

If the user does not have money on his balance, then instructions on how to set up the Internet on Android using wireless points Wi-Fi access, which is currently organized in almost all public places and provides free access to the global web, for example, stations, cafes and restaurants, shopping centers, educational institutions etc.

Of course, a significant number of people also have their own Wi-Fi routers at home, so the guide will be useful for them and for their guests. If you have a computer connected to the World Wide Web, then at the end of this article, the user will find instructions on how to set up the Internet on your Android phone via a cable connection to a PC.

Internet speed

One of the main parameters is the value of the possible speed of receiving and transmitting data, therefore, in the case when the user is just about to purchase a smartphone for subsequent work on the Internet, it is recommended to study its characteristics. First of all, you need to pay special attention to what communication standards the device supports, for example, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G (LTE), LTE-Advance.

You should also be aware that not everyone mobile operator provides 4G speed, so it's often not worth overpaying for a feature on your phone that you'll never use, or access to high speed internet will be only in rare cases, for example, when traveling to large cities, where free Wi-Fi zones are already organized everywhere.

The most commonly used Wi-Fi standard is "802.11n". However, more and more routers are now being released with support for "802.11ac", so when planning to purchase such a router, it is advisable to make sure that the smartphone also has the ability to work on this high-speed communication standard.

Method 1: Using WiFi

You must perform the following sequence of actions:

Method 2: Using WPS technology

There is a connection method to a Wi-Fi router even simpler than the previous one, but you can use it only with direct access to the wireless device itself. For example, while visiting friends, you only need to press the "WPS" key located on the router case and you will no longer need to print an access code and login to access the Internet.

The algorithm of successive stages of actions consists of the following steps:

Note: it is imperative to complete the 6th item within 60 seconds. in the case when the user did not manage to press the button during this time (1 minute is given to perform the action), then he will need to wait three minutes and try again.

  1. Ready! The phone is connected to the Internet.

3. method: Through the SIM card of a mobile operator

Immediately after installing the SIM card in the smartphone, it is automatically configured and connected to the global network. The cellular company sends special information to the phone, and the parameters are set independently without the intervention of the gadget owner. Unfortunately, in our world there are always exceptions, and sometimes manual adjustment is required. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

Note: all companies providing cellular services indicate passwords and logins on their official Internet resources, so if in the above examples there was no data to enter, then you can find them out by visiting the operator’s website or by calling them by phone.

Method 4: Using a USB cable

This method allows you to provide a computer with the Internet from a phone and vice versa. To organize an exit world wide web laptop or desktop computer via the mobile Internet, you will need to make preliminary settings.

You need to do the following:

Note: sometimes an alert appears on the smartphone asking for user rights, and you need to click "Allow".

If the owner of a PC (having access to the global network) has the opposite situation, and he needs to connect the Android device to the Internet, then the following steps must be followed:

Android devices work great only when there is an Internet connection, as many built-in applications need to be constantly synchronized. Because of this, the topic of setting up an Internet connection on the phone becomes relevant. In the course of the instructions, we will describe this procedure in detail.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of Internet connected, whether it is Wi-Fi or mobile connection in different network ranges. And although we will mention this further, in the situation with mobile Internet, connect the appropriate tariff on the SIM card in advance or configure WiFi sharing. Also, keep in mind that on some smartphone models, sections with parameters are located differently than in this article - this is due to individual firmware from the manufacturer.

Option 1: WiFi

Making an Internet connection on Android via Wi-Fi is much easier than in all other cases, which we will talk about. However, for a successful connection, configure the equipment used to distribute the Internet. This is not required only in the absence of access to the router, for example, in free Wi-Fi zones.

Automatic search

Adding manually

Due to the fact that Wi-Fi is usually automatically detected by a smartphone, this method is the simplest, but directly dependent on the settings of the router. If nothing is blocking the connection, there will be no connection problems. Otherwise, see the troubleshooting guide.

Option 2: Tele2

Setting up mobile Internet from TELE2 on Android differs from a similar process in relation to any other operator only in network parameters. At the same time, for successful creation connection, you need to take care of activating the mobile data connection.

You can enable this function in the system "Settings" On the page "Data transfer". This action is the same for all operators, but may differ significantly on different devices.

After completing the described steps, the Internet will be turned on automatically. To avoid unintended expenses, activate a tariff in advance that allows you to use mobile Internet.

Option 3: MegaFon

To set up MegaFon Internet on an Android device, you must also manually create a new access point through the system settings. It is necessary to use connection data regardless of the type of network, since a 3G or 4G connection is established automatically when available.

Note that all of the options described may not always be required. If when visiting a page "Mobile networks" You already have a connection, but the Internet does not work, it is worth checking "Mobile Data Transfer" and restrictions of the SIM card by the MegaFon operator.

Option 4: MTS

Mobile Internet settings from MTS on an Android smartphone are not much different from those described in the previous section of the article, but at the same time they are the simplest due to repetitive values. To create a new connection, first go to the section "Mobile networks", which you can find according to the instructions from Option 2.

Note that sometimes the value "APN" needs to be replaced with "mts" on the Therefore, if after the instructions the Internet does not work for you, try editing this setting.

Option 5: Beeline

As in the situation with other operators, when using a working SIM card, Beeline Internet should automatically configure itself, requiring only turning on "Mobile Data". However, if this does not happen, you will have to add the access point manually in the section mentioned in the previous versions of this article.

If the Internet does not work after setting up, there may be problems with other parameters. We talked about troubleshooting separately.