Conversational style of speech. Presentation on the Russian language "conversational style of speech" Conversational style presentation

We don't speak the way we write. Our speech
spontaneous and situational.
Conversational style performs, first of all,
communication function. Its purpose is
direct transmission of information,
predominantly orally. An exception
make up private letters,
notes, diary entries.
This style is characterized by

The situation has a great influence on the conversational style -
real, objective environment of speech. This allows extremely
shorten statements. They may be missing some
components, which, however, does not interfere with the correct perception
colloquial phrases.
For example, in a bakery, we do not find the phrase “I,
please, one with bran and half black. "
At the station, the request will sound appropriate and understandable: “Two to
Odintsov: children and adults ".
In everyday communication, a specific, associative
way of thinking and direct, expressive character
expressions. This is where the disorder comes from,
fragmentation of speech forms and emotionality of this style.

Like any style, colloquialism has its own special sphere.
applications, a specific topic.
Most often
the subject of conversation is the weather, health,
news, any interesting events, purchases, prices.
When discussing scientific achievements, news
cultural life, the vocabulary of conversation is enriched
in book words, terms.
A prerequisite for a casual conversation
lack of formality, confidential,
free relationship between
participants in the dialogue or

Setting for natural, unprepared communication
defines the use of certain linguistic
1. In a colloquial style, for which the oral form
is the original, the most important role is played by sound
side of speech and, above all, intonation. Exactly
she (in conjunction with a peculiar syntax)
Easy speech is characterized by sharp rises and
lowering the tone, lengthening, "stretching" vowels,
chanting syllables, pauses, changes in the rate of speech.
Due to the different sounding, you can easily distinguish the full
(academic, strict) pronunciation style inherent in
the speaker,
broadcasting on the radio from incomplete, inherent
colloquial speech.

2. In a conversational style, less distinct
pronunciation of sounds, their reduction or reduction.
So, instead of "Alexander Alexandrovich" we say "Sun
Sanych ", instead of" Maria Sergeevna "" Mary Sergeevna ".
Less tension in the organs of speech leads to
changes in the quality of sounds and even sometimes to their complete
disappearance: "Hello", not "Hello", "Grit", but
not "Says", "waste", not "now".

It should be noted that there are special rules for pronunciation and intonation in radio and television journalism.
pronunciation norms of the spoken style, however
not vernacular, but neutral options.
At the same time, the high culture of the speaker's speech
requires the accuracy of pronouncing words, staging
stress, expressive intonation pattern

is divided into two large groups:
1) Common words (day, year, work,
sleep, early, late, bad / good, young / old,
I you he...);
2) Colloquial words (potatoes, reader, refueling,
perch, etc.).
The use of jargon is also not excluded,
vernacular, degrading style.
All this vocabulary is predominantly everyday content,
A very narrow circle of book words, abstract vocabulary,
terms and borrowings. (Such, for example, as
"Alternative", "renaissance", "confidential",
"Maxim", "fatal", etc.).

Neutral \\ common \\ interstyle vocabulary -
these are words that do not have stylistic marks in the dictionary
(book, official, high, colloquial, vernacular). That is, these are words
which are used without restrictions in any style of speech: in
casual conversation and in the speeches of speakers, in textbooks and in scientific
articles ..
Colloquial vocabulary includes words that add color to speech.
informality, ease, (but not rudeness!) Such as,
for example, a big man, a wit, gibberish, nonsense, careless,
brand new, lax, at random, in his own way, to boast,
cheat, uh-huh, like, (like that), bang, bam and others
onomatopoeia ("Bam, bam, and by!" "Wedding in Malinovka").

In literary texts, the use of colloquial and colloquial words serves
one of the means of speech characteristics of heroes:
“Yes ... So, it seems like my scythe will be mowing, while I myself am going to sleep at this time. And you
How do you know that I won't go myself? Why do you think I got up so early?
Maybe I got up to go to the mowing ”(Soloukhin);
“Looks like Vikhrov came back from the trip?
live? " (Leonov);
“Brother,” said Sugonyay suddenly, “is there any eatery along the way?
I want to eat "(L. Likhodeev)
“Well, have you collected some money? - Heard the Excellent student the rude voice of the commandant. - Everything,
it's time and honor to know, let's get out. "
“Dragging thee forcibly, Simakov? - asked Gaponov ";
“- Throw the book, let's go to the discach! .. (youth slang) - laughing, shouted
“- It is overshooting !! Now I’ll give you a loudspeaker! - Bumagin shouted ... "
("Dorm-on-blood", A. Ivanov)
Dormitory - rasp.-downgrade (colloquially)

UNFORCED CONVERSATION: typical situation using a conversational style.

Conversationally indicative of activity
expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar,
affectionate, disapproving, ironic).
Evaluative vocabulary here is usually reduced
The use of occasional words is characteristic,
phrases, neologisms: PR man, bottle opener,
underground, fish = sample article; nudge (by analogy
with adopt), mi-mishny, useful, jealousy
overshoot, etc.

* Fusion (English fusion - literally fusion, fusion) is a modern style direction,
emerged in the 1970s. based on jazz-rock, a synthesis of European elements
academic music and non-European folklore.

In a colloquial style, the law of "saving
speech means ", so here you often find
abbreviations of words (for example, teacher - teacher,
prep; disco - discach, disco ..., movement - movement and
Instead of names consisting of two or more words, more often
one thing is used: evening newspaper - evening,
condensed milk - condensed milk, utility room -
utility room, five-story building - five-story building.
In some cases, persistent
word combinations: say, academic advice - advice,
sick leave - sick leave, maternity leave, decree, student card - student, student and

A special place in colloquial vocabulary is occupied by
words with a general or indefinite meaning,
which are concretized in a certain
situations: thing, thing, business, history ... (“Yes, it was
business! .. We lived by the sea ... "; "That's the story! .. I
completely confused, and I don't understand anything! ").
They are close to "empty" words, "lexical
zeros ", which acquire a certain meaning only in
For example, "Where are you going to get to this bandura?" (in
repair time, about the cabinet), "Again - rest! ..
We know this music! " (i.e. we know what will happen
many words have been said, but little will be done -
there is no one to rely on).

The conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units
have just a conversational character: out of the blue, like water off a duck's back,
close at hand, squirt your nose, splurge, the first pancake is lumpy, without a knife
stab ...
Let's compare: to die - to play in a box, to mislead - to hang
noodles \\ rub glasses, invent - take from the ceiling.
Colloquial and vernacular phraseological units give speech a vivid imagery.
From bookish and neutral phraseological units (for example, "sink into oblivion", "darkness
pitch "," during it "...) they differ not in meaning, but in a special
expressiveness and reduced stylistic sound (pull rubber,
pull the gimp; cut into a nut, back up ...).
For phraseological units, the presence of
one or another assessment of events
For example, "blue stocking", "blue
blood "," on a grand scale ",
"Not at ease", "seen the views",
"Nailed down like a sack" ...

WORD FORMATION of colloquial speech characterize the features,
due to its expressiveness and evaluativeness.
The suffixes of subjective assessment with
the meanings of affection - disapproval, diminutiveness of magnification, etc. (mommy, sweetheart, sun, child;
antics, vulgarity, house, cold ...), as well as suffixes with
For example,
nouns: suffixes - k (dressing room, sleepover, candle,
stove), - ik (knife, rain), - un (talker), - yag (a) (hard worker), yatin (a) (yummy), - sh (a) (doctor, conductor,
secretary, etc.).
Non-fixative formations (snoring,
wheezing, dancing) and word composition (slothful, windbag, chatterbox).
In order to enhance expression, doubling is often used
words: huge- (pre) huge, big-eyed, smart-eyed, etc.

In the field of MORPHOLOGY, the conversational style is distinguished by a special
frequency of verbs, they are used here even more often than
Indicative and especially the frequent use of personal and
demonstrative pronouns, "because of the constant need
to designate the participants in the conversation ”(G.Ya. Solganik).
"Any dialogue (and this is the main form of colloquial speech)
suggests I am the speaker, you are the listener who
alternately takes on the role of the speaker, and he is the one who
does not directly participate in the conversation. Into the formula I - you - he
you can attach any content ”(G.Ya. Solganik).
pronouns need colloquial style
due to their inherent breadth, generalization of meaning. Their
concretizes the gesture, which creates the conditions for a very concise
transmission of this or that information (for example, “This is not here, but
there "," You go there! ").

Of adjectives in colloquial speech are used
possessive (mother's work, grandfather's gun ...). Short forms
adjectives are rarely used. There are almost no participles and
Particles and interjections are often used: What can I say! That's the thing!
God forbid this and remember something! On you, surprise!
In a colloquial style, preference is given to variant forms
nouns (in the workshop, on vacation, at home; a glass of tea, honey; workshop, locksmith),
numerals (fifty, five hundred \\ instead of fifty,
five hundred), verbs (read, not read, raise, not raise, not
see, not hear). Truncated forms are common in live conversation.
verbs that have the meaning of instant and unexpected action: grab,
jump, bounce, knock, etc. For example: And this one grab his sleeve; And the grasshopper jumped
- and into the grass. Colloquial forms of degrees of comparison are used.
adjectives (better, shorter ...), adverbs (faster, more comfortable,
most likely) and variants of pronoun endings (the owner herself, in their
house). Even vernacular forms are found here in humorous contexts.
(her boyfriend, Yevon comrades). In colloquial speech, zero
plural genitive endings of such
nouns like kilogram, gram, orange, tomato, etc. (one hundred grams
butter, a few tomatoes, five kilograms of orange).

Under the influence of the law of economy of speech means, the conversational style allows
the use of real nouns in combination with numerals
(two milk, two fermented baked milk - meaning "two portions").
Here, peculiar forms of address are common - truncated nouns:
mom! dad! Katya! Wan!
Colloquial speech is no less distinctive in the distribution of case forms:
it is dominated by the nominative, which in oral remarks replaces the book
managed forms.
For example: He built a summer cottage - the station is nearby;
I bought a fur coat - gray astrakhan fur;
Porridge - look! (conversation in the kitchen);
House of shoes - where to go out? (in the bus);
Turn left, junction and sporting goods store.
Especially consistently nominative
replaces all the others when using numerals in speech:
The amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (instead of: three hundred);
with one thousand five hundred and three rubles (with one thousand five hundred and three) ...

The syntax of colloquial speech is very peculiar, due to its oral
form and vivid expression. Simple sentences dominate here, more often
incomplete, of the most diverse structure (definitely personal,
vaguely personal, impersonal and others), moreover, extremely laconic,
short. The situation itself fills in the gaps in speech, making it understandable
to listeners: Please show me to the ruler (when buying notebooks); Taganka
I do not want (when choosing theater tickets); From the heart to you? (at the pharmacy), etc.
V oral speech we often do not name the object, but describe it:
passed? They love to watch adventure (meaning movies).
As a result of the unpreparedness of speech, connecting
constructions: We must go. In Saint-Petersburg. To the conference. Such
fragmentation of a phrase is explained by the fact that thought develops associatively,
the speaker seems to remember the details and complement the statement.
Complex sentences are not typical for colloquial speech, more often than others
non-union ones are used: I leave - it will be easier for you; You speak, I am listening.
Some non-union constructions of the spoken type are not comparable to either
what book phrases. For example: Is there a wide choice or you are not
were?; And next time, please, both this lesson and the last one!

The order of words in living speech is also unusual: as a rule, the first place is put
the most important word in the message: Buy me a computer; I paid in currency;
The worst thing is that nothing can be done; Do you leave the Palace Square ?; These are the qualities I value in him.
In this case, sometimes parts of a complex sentence are intertwined (the main and
I don't know where to get water anyway;
And he learned hunger, and what cold is;
Are you asking about her and what have I done?
For typical conversational complex
proposals are characterized by weakening
function of a clause, merging it with
main, structural reduction:
You could talk about what you wanted;
You will work with whoever is ordered;
Call whoever you want; I live as I have to.
In a number of colloquial types of sentences
build and reflect structural features
dialogical speech, for example: Who I respect on the course is Ivanova; Who
I need you.

The following features of the colloquial syntax should be noted:
The use of a pronoun that duplicates the subject: Vera, she
comes late; The policeman, he noticed it.
Putting an important word in the beginning of a sentence from
subordinate part:
I like bread to be always fresh.
· Use of words-sentences: Okay; It's clear; Can; Yes; Not;
From what? Certainly! Still would! Well, yes! Well no! Maybe.
· The use of plug-in structures that make additional,
additional details clarifying the main message: I thought
(then I was still naive), he jokes; And we, yes you yourself know,
always glad to have a guest; Kolya - he is generally kind person- wanted
help ...
Activity of introductory words: maybe, fortunately, it seems like
they say, so to speak, so to speak, you know.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the conversational style is more
degree than all other styles, has a vivid identity
linguistic traits that go beyond the normalized
literary language... It can serve as convincing
proof that the stylistic norm is fundamentally
differs from the literary.
Each of functional styles developed his
own norms to be reckoned with. This does not mean,
that spoken language always conflicts with
literary language rules. Deviations from the norm
may fluctuate depending on inter-style layering
conversational style. It has varieties of reduced, rough
speech, vernacular, absorbed the influence of local dialects, etc.
The conversational speech of intelligent, educated people is quite
literary, but at the same time it differs sharply from the book,
bound by the strict rules of other functional styles.

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Slide captions:

Speech styles: Conversational style

Features of the colloquial style It has developed in the urban environment, has fundamental differences from the literary language, being a part of it. This is unprepared speech in conditions of free communication. Style can be presented verbally and writing(remarks in plays, dialogues in works of fiction, etc.). The presence of colloquial vocabulary. Frequent use of incomplete sentences.

Conversational style Special features: Lack of preparedness. Immediacy and ease of speech communication. Expressive coloring. The law of "simplification of language means", i.e. the law of linguistic economy. Main functions Orally - a means of communication. In fiction - the embodiment of the author's intention.

The main functions of the spoken style in works of art Creation of a verbal portrait. Recreation of the life of a particular social environment. Creation of a comic effect (when colliding with elements of book speech). Styling tool.

1. Creation of a verbal portrait Damn it, I really want to eat and there is such a rumble in my stomach, as if a whole regiment had blown its trumpets. We won't get there, and only home! What will you order me to do? The second month has gone as from St. Petersburg! Profinil expensive money, my dear, now he sits and tucked his tail and does not get excited! Oh, my God, at least some cabbage soup! It seems that now I would eat all the light. (Osip's monologue from Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General"

2. Recreation of the life of a particular social environment Whose are you going to be? Koshevoy. Akimkin's son? Whatever your name and whatever it is, it has nothing to do with you. Why, I say, didn’t go for Don? I didn’t want to, I didn’t leave. And what are you? Did he become a servant of the Anchikhrist? Did you hang a red star on your hat? This is you, you son of a bitch, you bastard, then, against our Cossacks? Contrary to their own farms? (conversation between Koshevoy and grandfather Grishak from the work of M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

3. Creating a comic effect Your Excellency, Mr. Justice of the Peace! Therefore, according to all articles of the law, there is a reason to certify every circumstance in reciprocity. I am not guilty, but all the others. The whole thing came out because of, the kingdom of heaven to him, a dead corpse. I walk on the third day with my wife Anfisa quietly, nobly, I look - a bunch of different people are standing on the shore ... (A.P. Chekhov "Unter Prishibeev")

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The lesson introduces students to colloquial and book (in particular scientific) styles of speech; identifies signs of colloquial and bookish speech; show the features of the linguistic means of the spoken style of speech. wake up ...

TOPIC: Conversational style of speech.

LESSON TYPE: combined (learning new material, developing practical skills, knowledge control).

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: Expand knowledge about the features of the spoken style of speech.


1. the formation of the ability to analyze the features and color of oral speech;

2. develop the ability to analyze texts in a conversational style, compose a dialogue;

3. upbringing of the communicative qualities of a person (cooperation, the ability to listen to the interlocutor and express their point of view), upbringing of a respectful attitude to the language.

EXPECTED RESULT: Determine the main features of the colloquial style, features of language means. The characteristic of defining the style is working according to the plan. They know how to conduct a dialogue in a group, learn to prove based on theoretical material.

KEY IDEA: Learning through dialogue at the ZPD. Develop critical thinking, text analysis skills, assessment skills, collaboration.

  • Organizing time.
  • Positive attitude.
  • Homework check.
  • Goal setting. TRIZ "Undeclared Topic"
  • Learning a new topic:

A) Strategy "ZHU"

B) Drawing up a criterion for characterizing the style of speech.

6. Physical minutes.

7. Working with text. Read and Think Strategy.

8. Research work on the text.

9. Summing up the results of the lesson: Strategy "ZHU".

10. Homework.

11. Evaluation.

12. Reflection.

1. Presentation "Styles of speech"

2. Give your examples for each style of speech.


  • highlight the features of style (speech, form of communication, language means)

- Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

I know

I want to know


Get acquainted with the theoretical material in the textbook and on the slide.

Make a plan for characterizing the spoken style of speech. And according to plan to tell new topic .

Common signs:




The word order in the sentence is free.

Simple verbal predicates expressed by the infinitive have a bright colloquial character (she is crying again);

interjection (and he bang on the ground);

repetition of the predicate (and does not).

Scope of use.

The sphere of everyday and professional relations.

More often presented in oral speech; pauses, the emphasis of words in the voice, the acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, the strengthening and weakening of the strength of the voice are of great importance.

Forms of speech. Oral form: dialogue, monologue, polylogue.

Written form: private letter, scraps, diary entries

1 Purpose of the statement.

2. The form of the statement.

(dialogue, monologue, polylogue)

3. Language tools

(features of vocabulary, syntax)

"Puski beaten". P.227, textbook

Answer the questions:

- What language is it written in?

- Why do you think so?

- Name the characters of the tale. Who are they?

- Rate the characters of the fairy tale and the described event.

- Determine which style this text belongs to.

- Prove by finding signs of this style? (see rule.)


Prove that the text on the card is colloquial.

What language means can be characterized as a sign of this style?

Card 1. Prove that the text given is in the colloquial style. What language means can be characterized as a sign of this style?

N. Here, Michal Evgenich, you have lived here a lot. This Arbat. So you remember these Arbat places? Here is the Dog Playground ... the famous one.

M. And of course, well, of course!

N. Probably played there? In childhood?

M. On Doggy? We didn’t play, but ... passed simply. There was a kerosene la-a-vka. Yes. There was a shop. Then, in my opinion, the Morozov hospital or something.

M. In my opinion, there. Where exactly my uncle died. Kostya. During the war.


I know

I want to know


  • Prepare a plan for a detailed coherent answer on the topic "What is a conversational style of speech." What style will you use for this? Why?
  • Come up with a linguistic tale with fantastic characters, non-existent words, but recognizable actions.
  • Prepare "simple and complex questions."

Assessment sheet

Apprentice (s) 7 « V » class _______________________

Lesson topic: « Conversational speech style »

Very good-5



Group work


Pair work





on one's own

Slide 2

Learning to speak means learning to form utterances.

  • Slide 3

    In the conversational style, the sound side of speech, and above all intonation, plays an important role.

    Unconstrained speech is characterized by sharp rises and falls in tone, lengthening, "stretching" of vowels, chanting of vowels, pauses, changes in the tempo of speech.

    Slide 4

    The vocabulary is characterized by various shades of expressive coloring.

    nouns: joker, lies, nonsense, bully, angry person, potatoes, fool, nonsense, nonsense, train, etc .;

    adjectives: lanky, meticulous, nosy, current, biting, cheerful, etc.;

    verbs: take a nap, yell, shove, crash, sneer, be greedy, daze, get sick, weird, etc.

    adverbs: at random, with a bite, on the sly, utterly, a little, etc.

    Slide 5


    stylistically expressive

    characterized by structural diversity: the wind is in the head, looking both ways, waiting not to wait, making porridge, climbing out of your skin, twisting around your finger, the apple has nowhere to fall, etc.

    Slide 6

    The word-formation features of the colloquial style are associated with its expressiveness and


    The following suffixes are used in the category of nouns, giving words a colloquial character:

    • ak / -yak: good-natured, big-headed;
    • an / -yan: old man, rude;
    • ach: bearded, strong man;
    • hedgehog (a): cramming, feeding;
    • rel (s): running around, mess;
    • bush: silly, sturdy; -yag (a): goner, hard worker
  • Slide 7

    The word-formation features of the colloquial style are associated with its expressiveness and


    For adjectives that have a colloquial nature, suffixes can be distinguished:

    • ast-: big-eyed, tongued;
    • yenn-: hefty, awesome.
    • Colloquial vocabulary includes verbs in:
    • nothing: to wander, to pretend;
    • play: play pranks, talk.
  • Slide 8


    1. Wide use of interrogative and incentive sentences:

    • Who do they love? What do they want? (M. Gorky).

    Why are you tormenting him? Well, go, old man! March! (M. Gorky).

    2. Using incomplete sentences in dialogue:

    Is Denisov good? she asked. - Good.

    Slide 9

    3. Lexical repetitions are often allowed:

    • It is necessary that the guy was prominent, handsome from himself. Yes Yes Yes. (N. Ostrovsky).

    4. In oral colloquial speech, there are many peculiar turns of phrase that are not characteristic of book speech:

    • People are like people. What a man! Found someone to be friends with!
  • Slide 10

    Etiquette - rules of courtesy

    • Court etiquette is a strictly regulated procedure and forms of treatment established at the courts of monarchs.
    • Diplomatic etiquette - the rules of conduct for diplomats and other officials in contacts with each other at various diplomatic receptions, visits, negotiations.
    • Military etiquette is a set of rules generally accepted in the army, norms and manners of behavior of servicemen in all spheres of their activity.
    • General civil etiquette is a set of rules, traditions and conventions followed by citizens when communicating with each other.
  • Slide 11

    Write down the sentence

    (N ..) what (not) bypasses (?) We are so cheap .. and (not) the price .. that (?) Is so dear__ as politeness.

  • cover your mouth with your hand when you cough or sneeze;
  • don't forget to say "magic words";
  • help an elderly person or a baby;
  • if the company is playing or sharing something, try to come up last;
  • help adults maintain the purity of the world around us: do not litter on the street, in public places;
  • remember: you are human, behave humanly!
  • View all slides

    1 of 19

    Presentation on the topic: Conversational style

    Slide No. 1

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    Lesson objectives: educational: to generalize and deepen information about the features of colloquial speech for the purpose of the statement, for the scope of application; improve the skills and abilities of the analysis of speech utterance; be able to prove that the text belongs to the spoken style of speech, improve the skills of text analysis; developing: promote revitalization independent activity students, the development of oral and written speech, skills research work, the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, review the answer of his friend; educational: the formation of cognitive interest, motivation to learn through a variety of techniques used, the guarantee of achieving the desired results, the upbringing of culture mental labor, communicative communication of students

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    In addition to the main function - a means of communication - colloquial speech also performs other functions: in fiction it is used to create a verbal portrait, in the author's narration it serves as a means of stylization, and when confronted with book speech it can create a comic effect.

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    Speech situations 1 situation - you were invited to the evening of the author's song and asked to prepare a performance about the life and work of V.S. Vysotsky. Which genre will you choose? Justify! Write down the beginning of your speech (See the memo "Rhetorical analysis, its varieties".) The memo "Rhetorical analysis, its varieties" - who is the addressee? - to whom is this statement addressed? - why, for what purpose is the genre created or perceived? - where and when does the communication take place? - what is being said (written), i.e. what is the theme of the statement? - with the help of what speech means (verbal and non-verbal) the speech genre is realized? did the speaker (writer) succeed in realizing his communicative intention? 2. speech situation - The postman hands over a letter to a neighbor who is not at home. What kind of conversation can take place between him and the one who opened the doors? Describe the speech genre. 3. speech situation - Imagine that an argument arose in the class on the topic: "To love yourself - selfishness or a blessing?" What point of view will you defend? What arguments and methods of proof will you choose? What conclusion will you make?

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    A.S. Pushkin's letter on July 22, 1831. From Tsarskoe Selo to St. Petersburg. Your letter from the 19th has saddened me greatly. You are depressed again. Hey, look: the blues are worse than cholera, one kills only the body, the other kills the soul. Delvig died, Molchanov died; wait, Zhukovsky will die, we will die too. But life is still rich; we will meet more new acquaintances, new friends will mature for us, your daughter will grow up, will grow up as a bride, we will be old bastards, our wives will be old bastards, and the children will be nice, young, cheerful guys; and the boys will start to hang, and the girls will be sentimental; but we love it. Nonsense, my soul; not blues - cholera on days will pass, if we were alive, we will someday be cheerful. I'm sorry you didn't receive my letters. Between them there were good ones; but it doesn't matter. This Esling, whom you do not know, is my grandson from the Lyceum and, it seems, is a kind fellow - I entrusted him with delivering my tales to you; read them for the sake of cholera boredom, and print them in no hurry. By the way, I’ll tell you the news (but let it remain, for many reasons, between us): the tsar took me into the service - but not in the office, or in the court, or in the military - no, he gave me a salary, opened the archives for me, so that I rummaged in there and did nothing. It's very nice of him, isn't it? When will we, brother, see you? Oh, this cholera! Goodbye. I bow to all of you. Be healthy. Christ is with you. July 22

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    Questions and Tasks Level I 1. Write down colloquial and colloquial words from letter 1, formed by the suffix method. What connotation do the suffixes bring to these words? 2. Write out 1 words with reduced stylistic coloring from the letter. 3. Write down the colloquial phraseological unit from letter 2. 4. Select from the letter 3 verbs in the form of the imperative mood. How can you explain the frequency of their use in the text of the letter? 5. Mark the used interjections in the letters of A.S. Pushkin. What moods and feelings do they express? 6. Select 3 appeals from the text of the letter. How do they characterize the author of the letter, in what relationship is he with the addressee? LEVEL II 7. Find an interesting-sounding Russian surname in letter 2. What does this pronunciation of the surname indicate? 8. Write out 1 incomplete sentence from the letter. Give (orally) its full version. Why, in your opinion, did Pushkin choose an incomplete version of the proposal for the letter? 9. Pick up a synonymous two-part sentence to Pushkin's ... I'm sad without it. Compare options. Why did Pushkin use an impersonal sentence?

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    Indicate the signs of the conversational style in the excerpts from the letter of A.P. Chekhov to his brother Al. P. Chekhov June 5, 1890 from Irkutsk European brother! Of course, it is unpleasant to live in Siberia; but it is better to be in Siberia and feel like a noble person than to live in Petersburg and be reputed to be a drunkard and a scoundrel. I'm not talking about those present. Siberia is a cold and long country. Food, food and the end to be seen. I see little that is interesting and new, but I feel and experience a lot. He fought against river floods, with the cold, with non-climb-out mud, with hunger, with the desire to sleep, Such sensations that you will not experience in Moscow even for a million. You should go to Siberia! Ask the prosecutors to send you here. In general, I am satisfied with my trip and do not regret that I went. It's hard to go, but the rest is wonderful. I am resting with pleasure. Well, be healthy ... I bless you with both hands. Your Asian brother A. Chekhov

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    Conclusion Colloquial speech stands out sharply among the functional styles of the Russian language. It is contrasted with other - book styles - in virtually all respects. And this opposition creates a fertile ground for their interaction, and therefore for the development of the Russian literary language as a whole. Conversational speech enriches book styles with lively, fresh words, turns, constructions. Book speech, in turn, influences the spoken language, into which terms are intensively infused. The interaction of colloquial speech and book styles is one of the main processes in the development of the Russian literary language

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    Homework Listen to the speech of adults - at home, on the street, in transport, and write down 10-12 turns typical for oral speech. Write a sketch-essay in a conversational style of speech, using a dialogue on one of the proposed topics (try not to reduce the general speech culture of the text): 1. Meeting friends after a summer vacation; 2. impressions of the watched movie, performance; 3. About their musical interests; 4. about your favorite singer, actor. Try, using the expressive means of the language, to write an essay in a colloquial style, in which there would be different types speech. The composition can be sad, but it can also be funny, humorous. Topics: broom. Come up with several titles, match them, choose the most successful one.

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