commercial offer options. How to write a commercial proposal

A commercial offer is a document that contains detailed information about your services or products you supply. Its main task is to interest a potential client, demonstrate all your capabilities and turn him from a potential client into a real one. Most often, a commercial offer is made in the form of a presentation document, which indicates detailed specifications and benefits of the product/service. We can say that a CP is a small advertising campaign aimed at promoting your products and services.

But in order for the CP to work and really have a positive impact on the trading process, it must be drawn up correctly and be focused on a specific group of buyers. Commercial offers are divided into several types. So how to write a commercial proposal correctly? Where to start compiling it? How to generate interest among potential customers? To do this, you need to understand all the nuances of its compilation.

Commercial offer of "cold" type

This type of CP is aimed at potential consumers who are not prepared to purchase a product or service - they are called "cold" consumers. The purpose of the so-called "cold" offer is to "hook" the client, interest him and make him read the text of the offer, which proposes to purchase any product or service, to the end. The second name of such proposals is “basic”. If any mistake is made during the preparation of the CP, the guarantees that a potential client or partner will read it are minimal.

That is why the preparation of the proposal focuses on three risks in connection with which the proposal may end up in the trash can:

  1. The moment of receipt commercial offer.
  2. The moment of discovery.
  3. Reading moment.

At the first stage, the most important thing is to generate interest. If this does not happen, then your commercial proposal will be among the garbage.

To attract the attention of a potential client, any acceptable means that are correctly used in this situation can be used. For example, if the CP is sent by e-mail, you can "hook" the consumer or partner interesting topic which will be presented in an original way. If the envelope with the proposal is handed over personally, then you can attract the attention of the client with scented paper, from which the envelope will be made, with a bright design, etc.

Further, it is important to state your proposal as interestingly as possible, but at the same time clearly and without unnecessary “water”. A proposal made in this way is called an "offer". After the first two stages have an effect on the client, the main thing is to bring strong convictions that this is a great option for him, the most profitable, and he will absolutely benefit from this, etc. Those. then you need to apply the current moves from your marketing strategy.

The advantage of the "cold" type of gearbox is that it is designed for mass consumers. But practice shows that personalized offers attract people more.

Commercial offer "hot" type

This type of commercial offer is sent to the type of consumers, clients or partners who are prepared for this action - they either asked to send them a quotation, or the manager had a conversation with them before. If the CP of the "cold" type should be stated as briefly as possible, then in the case of the proposal of the "hot" type, the situation is quite different. It can be presented in the form of a presentation made in multimedia programs of up to about fifteen sheets. Also, such CPs are called "warm".

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Components of a commercial offer

A commercial proposal must be drafted correctly.

It should inspire confidence and dispose to the representative company from the very beginning, as soon as a partner or potential client picks it up or starts reading it. How to make a commercial offer correctly? To do this, it must contain the following components:

  1. A header that will indicate the name of the representative company, its individual tax number, as well as contacts by which you can contact its leader, manager, etc.
  2. Surname, name and patronymic of the addressee for whom the offer was made.
  3. An explanation of the purpose for which this paper or email was sent (i.e. it must be indicated that it is a commercial offer).
  4. Date, month and year of the document, as well as its serial number. This is necessary so that the representative company can control the circulation of documents within the company.
  5. Favorable payment terms, the possibility of granting a deferment, the possibility of delivering goods, etc.
  6. Terms of delivery of goods, as well as their complete list and prices.
  7. The terms for the provision of services, payment for each of them, additional services and the final cost of the work calculated along with them.
  8. A photo of each item of the product, as well as a short description for each item.
  9. There must be a seal of the company representing the commercial offer, as well as the signature of the director or responsible person.
  10. The date until which this commercial offer is valid.
  11. Personal contact details of the person responsible for this CP.

How not to spoil the CP

How to write a commercial proposal in such a way as not to spoil anything? To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use as little as possible the words "we", "our", etc. Focus as much as possible on the client or partner and write “you”, “your”, “thanks to you”. Thus, you draw the attention of the reader to his benefit from the transaction, etc.
  2. Don't send a quotation to those who aren't interested in it and don't waste your time and energy.
  3. Not by the way designed design of the commercial proposal, which does not even make you want to read the letter.
  4. Too much CP.
  5. Providing a quotation to a person who in no way influences the decision to conclude a transaction.

The quotation template should ideally contain phrases such as: call me; we are ready to answer all your questions, etc. It is good if the CP will be accompanied by reviews of satisfied customers, as well as a list with their list. Good example The commercial offer looks like this:

A qualitative sample of a commercial offer for the provision of services looks like this:

Phrases that should not be

There are a number of features that must be followed during the preparation of the CP. Despite the fact that this document is intended precisely for the purpose of concluding a transaction that is beneficial for the contractor on the sale of certain goods or any services, in no case should the following combinations of words be used in it:

  1. We invite you to cooperate with us.
  2. Our commercial offer will interest you.
  3. We offer to buy from us, etc.

Such phrases immediately scare off both potential and real customers.

Offer as the main component of the CP

The offer is the most important part of the CP. It should be aimed at arousing in a potential client, as well as in a partner, an interest in the proposal, which he unobtrusively carries in himself. Unobtrusiveness is the main key to success in this case.

The compiled text should contain as little water as possible, be oriented to the reader, and also present him with the most favorable conditions for cooperation with the initiating company or a private entrepreneur. In this part of the text, it is important to show the reader that, first of all, this offer is very beneficial for him, to indicate the reasons why he will receive the maximum benefit from concluding this transaction. It is impossible to directly write about the purchase of certain goods from you, the use of the services that you provide.

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A commercial offer is a letter that you send to potential customers in the hope of making a deal with them or send out to everyone in a row in an attempt to interest them. It is important to write your PR correctly in order to get the maximum response and not worry about low conversions. But how to do it and what should be avoided when creating a commercial offer?

There are several types of compressors. They are divided depending on the degree of "warm-up", the readiness of the potential recipient to receive information from your company. The more “hot” the reader is, the higher the chance of closing a deal or performing a targeted action.

Basic, or "cold" gearbox

This is an offer that is sent to literally anyone - only a minimal sample is made. For example, a quotation is sent only to owners petting zoos or directors of an atelier for tailoring asbestos underpants. A cold offer is a kind of spam, with the only difference being that it can actually be useful to some of the recipients. It is sent to anyone who may or may not be interested in a product, service or product. The number of recipients exceeds thousands, if not tens of thousands.

The only plus of a “cold” commercial offer is a huge audience coverage. Out of hundreds of people, perhaps at least someone will be interested in the service offered and will respond to the letter.

There are definitely downsides too. And they are significant:

  1. No personal offer. A potential client likes to be contacted directly. And, if he sees that the letter is intended for a wide audience, it will probably go to the trash.
  2. High chance of rejection. Nobody likes spam. Moreover, many workers and businessmen are afraid of him. What if there is a terrible virus sitting there that will devour all the important working files and saves in solitaire? Therefore, it is worth getting ready that at least half of the recipients will not even open the letter, but immediately send it to the trash.
  3. Probability of getting into Spam. Follows from the previous point. But it threatens with serious consequences for the company - the site can simply block the company's mailbox, and it will be difficult to remove the ban.
  4. The need to immediately interest. Therefore, it is necessary to shove a maximum of meaning into a minimum of text. And this is very difficult - no one will read long and tedious KP, and without a catchy headline, they will not open it.

Tip: even “cold” CPs should be sent to a more or less prepared (or at least potentially interested) audience.

For example, if you sell pythons and vipers in bulk, then you should find a database of owners of petting zoos with terrariums, and already send them your offer. Pre-making it as informative and concise as possible (without sacrificing meaning).

  1. More concise. No one will read a mini-book about how good your company is. Enough 1-2 pages of informative text.
  2. Brighter. No, this is not about unusual verbal turns. These are facts and figures backed up by eye-catching graphics. It will stick in your head. The most important is above. We work on the principle of an inverted pyramid.
  3. More profitable. Think about how you can help the client. It is better to use the "you-principle". Don't write what the service/product can do. And what will the purchase give the buyer.
  4. In time. If you offer, for example, writing term papers and theses- then you should not send out a CP in July-August. It is better to do this in October-November, when students have already decided on topics and are looking for how to make their task easier.

Naturally, a good CP should contain all the structural elements (or at least most of them), which will be discussed below.

Personal, or "hot" CP

This type of commercial offer is sent to an already prepared client. For example, after a press conference or a direct conversation with a manager or owner of a company. An important plus is that you know what the recipient needs. And the addressee knows that you will send him an offer, and will wait for him.

A "hot" commercial offer can be much larger in volume - at least 15-20 pages. But it must be justified. For example, when you need to send specific items of goods or services with prices so that the client gets acquainted.

The open rates and response rates for hot offers are much higher than for any other type of offer. But in order to send it, it is important to establish preliminary contact with the client. For example, some event or "cold" calls / CP.

Before writing a proposal, it is worth talking with the client in order to find out the maximum of his “pains” and find out what information he is interested in. This will allow you to create a strictly individual product that will make you think about concluding a deal.

"Warm" gearbox: medium option

This option is a cross between a "cold" and a "hot" offer. It is sent to a client who is already familiar with the company at least superficially. And you know that your proposal can solve some of his problems. But at the same time, the client himself does not show strong interest.

The task of a “warm” CP is to increase interest and move the recipient to further contact (a call or a response letter). This approach is considered personal, but is aimed more at increasing interest in the company, rather than directly closing the deal.

It is necessary to observe two facets at once when drawing up such a proposal:

  • from the "cold" CP: conciseness, brightness, benefit;
  • from a “hot” CP: focus on a specific client, knowledge of his “pains”.

The likelihood that you will be answered will be much higher. But remember, the client is still not completely interested in your services, although he is familiar with the company or met / called up with the manager. And so it is important to interest him.

The structure of a good business proposal

Almost every CP of any degree of "warmth" always corresponds to certain patterns. It's not bad - after all good structure And necessary elements always affect efficiency. Here are the sections that must be inserted into the CP.

All blocks are important to highlight the design. Remember that your client can be a very busy person. And he simply will not have time to read everything. It is important that during a cursory review it is possible to highlight the most necessary - USP / offer, contact details, any numbers and facts. Depending on the type of compred, this list can be supplemented with additional blocks. But you should not remove anything from this list - these are time-tested blocks.

Of course, all this is more suitable for “cold” and “warm” CPs, since the client wants to see specific services, goods and prices on “hot” ones. But sometimes it's good to combine.

What to think about before drafting a CP

Before you sit down for a commercial proposal and start compiling it, you need to freeze and think. You need to answer a few questions for yourself, as a person who offers a product and service to someone. This is important so as not to make a mistake when creating a CP.

What questions do you need to answer:

  1. What is the target audience?
  2. What pain does the potential recipient have?
  3. What can the company offer to close this pain?
  4. How will this offer help you achieve what you want?
  5. What is the reader's need for a product?
  6. What can help the recipient make a decision in favor of the company?
  7. What can prevent him from doing this and how can this be prevented in the text?
  8. How to motivate the recipient to complete the target action?

These Eight Questions Will Draw a Portrait target audience, highlight her problem and roughly imagine what proposal can remove it.

Remember that you are offering a potential client not just a product, but a solution to some pain.


It is quite logical that without him nowhere. The title should be bright, intriguing and unusual. It should immediately use a benefit for the reader or some catchy figure. But no yellowness. No one will fall for “99% of recipients earned a million in a day! Try it too!” Moderately, without overplaying. What could be the title:

  1. Pain provocation. "Why are you still sitting without customers?".
  2. Question and answer. Are you missing customers? Let's show you how to draw attention to your company!
  3. Mystery or intrigue. "Secret the best advertising for your business."
  4. Number. 7 ways to make good advertising business."
  5. Warranty. " Advertising agency N: You will get a 23% conversion or we will refund your money!

Ideally, the title should already reflect the USP, or offer. That is, the main benefit that will be of interest to the recipient is revealed. It is worth remembering that the heading is placed in the subject of the letter. This is the first thing the recipient will see. In the case of “cold” and some “warm” CPs, it depends on him whether the client opens the letter.

Letter header

Official registration of the commercial offer. This is where you should put the logo with the name of the company (in the left corner). On the right, there must be a block of official data and contacts - the full name of the company, TIN, PSRN, KPP, and so on.

It is desirable to indicate the full address and contact details (mail, phone numbers). At the same time, it is worth remembering that this hat should not draw the main attention to itself. The main thing is to interest the reader. And he will always have time to scroll up and get acquainted with the contacts.


Comes after the header with contacts. Often completely duplicates the heading, which is indicated in the subject of the letter. This is a completely justified step - after all, it is important to "hook" the reader. But it will be better if the subtitle is made more widespread or continues the idea of ​​the title.

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It is important to highlight it graphically so that even with all the desire, the reader does not miss this line of text.

Unique selling proposition

Otherwise known as an offer. This is the main weapon in attracting a client. The essence for which the client will read the text. If there is no USP, then the compred can be safely sent to the basket - there is no value in it. The closer to the beginning of the text the offer is located, the higher the interest. In fact, it needs to be highlighted with graphics so that the reader does not miss it even with a cursory glance.

The USP is what you offer to the client. At the same time, it is important to present it in such a way that the recipient feels all the benefits. That is to use the "you-principle".

For example, "Working with us, you will save 36% of your advertising budget, and get the same number of customers!".

Reader Persuasion

If the reader is interested in the offer, he begins to think: “yes, it really wouldn’t hurt me.” But now the task is to interest him in the services of the company that sent the offer.

For this you can use:

  1. A short description of the company. Just two or three lines. Without templates like “X years on the market”, “dynamic company” and others! It is better to write that the company opened then, or so many customers left satisfied, and so on.
  2. Numbers. How many percent will the customer save, in how many days everything is done, and so on. Important! It is better to use jagged numbers like 58, 14, and so on. They are unconventional, which attracts.
  3. Data. Often associated with numbers. For example, how many products do you produce, how much profit do they bring to your customers.
  4. Cases. Ready and completed projects that can be shown, or solutions to any issues.
  5. social proof. This includes testimonials from grateful customers, mentions famous brands cooperating with you. You can also use ratings or prizes in contests.
  6. List of less significant benefits that were not included in the USP (2-3).
  7. promotion. For example, additional service at a discount or for free, or some product as a gift for the order.
  8. Warranty. Not only the banal “we will return the money”, but something original, like “we will redo it for free if you don’t like it.”

It is important not to overdo it with persuasion. And never lie. If you make a statement, then it should be possible to prove it.

This also includes closing the objection. When reading, the reader is likely to have questions. And it's important to answer them right away. For example, after the expression “you will save 27% of the budget”, it will immediately become interesting - how exactly? And it's worth answering.

How do you determine which questions need to be answered? Write the CP itself, then give it to two or three people to read and ask what questions they had as they read it. Then give an answer to the most frequent/important ones.


People love to compete and don't like it when they don't get something. Therefore, it is important to limit the time of the commercial offer. This will stimulate the desire to place an order or write to the manager if the client needs the service at least a little.

Sales operate according to this principle - it is important not only to reduce the price, but also the limitedness of the sold goods. The mechanism immediately turns on: “so cheap, but I may not get it. I'm taking it right now!"

Limiters are of two types:

  1. Timers. A certain time limit, after which the promotion will end, the price will increase, the service will stop, and so on.
  2. Quantity of goods. A certain limit of items / packages of services, which will not be replenished.

The limiter is especially important for "cold" commercial offers. Because in the case of “hot” CPs, the manager can simply call the client again, ask him if he received the letter, and clarify some points. For "cold" such luxury is inaccessible, and the response remains only on the client's conscience. The maximum that can be done is to repeat the mailing after a while. But this is risky, because you can get under the spam filter.

Call to action

Now that you have interested and motivated the recipient, you need to finish him off. For this, a specific call to action is used. He can only be one.

It is important to decide what the commercial offer is aimed at - an order, a call, a response, and so on. And reflect this target action in the call. For example, "call us to clarify the details and order the service" or "simply send to reply letter your phone number and we will call you back.

Important! Use the imperative mood. And no "if" or "can"! This gives the reader time and opportunity to consider whether they need your service. And for a targeted action, this is like death.

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It is worth duplicating the main contact under the call to action. A motivated person acts impulsively. And the extra two seconds while he is looking for contacts in the header of the letter can distract him or cool him down. Therefore, it is worth specifying the mail or phone number again.

P.S. Don't forget about it!

An important element of the letter is the postscript. It gives the feeling that the letter was written by a real person who also knows how to forget. P.S. allows you to duplicate any statement or benefit, reminding the reader of it and additionally motivating him.

Also in the postscript, you can specify some other bonus. As, for example, Steve Jobs did at presentations of new Apple products, after the presentation itself, as if remembering something and saying “and something else ...”, after which he showed something really grandiose.

Additional gearbox blocks

Something that simply cannot be included in any proposal. But sometimes these blocks are indispensable. What is included here:

  1. Enumeration of production and its characteristics. It is necessary for “hot” compressors, but you should not shove it into “cold” and “warm” ones.
  2. List of satisfied clients. It is especially good if among them there are eminent brands or famous personalities.
  3. Block of questions and answers. Well suited for closing objections, but not recruited for every CP (in the "hot" they almost do not play a role, the client already knows what to expect from you).
  4. Links to reviews / ratings / articles in the media and so on. It is completely optional, but sometimes it may be necessary so as not to be unfounded.

Basically, you can stop there. This will be enough to interest almost every reader.

8 commercial offer killers

If you want to create a really good CP, you should never make such mistakes:

  1. Long description of the company. After all, you are offering to buy / order not the company itself, but a specific product or service. So write about it, and do not reprint the history of the company!
  2. Template text. All sorts of " best goods on the market”, “the company is in the top ten in the world” and others are no longer catchy. Nobody believes them. So it is not necessary to occupy the useful space of the text.
  3. Several goods and services in one CP, if they do not complement each other. The proposal is for that and the proposal, to be specific. You cannot sell a bulldozer and a quadrocopter at the same time - they have completely different target audiences.
  4. Flattery and excessive compliments. The client is not stupid. He will understand that you want to appease or cajole him, and he will not like it. Of course, if he does not suffer from narcissism in an advanced stage.
  5. Complex style. The CP should be understandable to any person - both the owner of an international corporation and the secretary of a small rural IP. Write simpler, shorter, clearer.
  6. Too much information. If each sentence contains some figure or fact, or maybe even several, this is bad. Give only the most important data. Because otherwise the reader will be confused.
  7. Too few specifics. Leave water for students to write diplomas. The commercial offer must be specific and "dry", with all the necessary information.
  8. Excessive length of the "cold" / "warm" gearbox. No one will read sheets of 5-7 sheets. The shorter (not to the detriment of informativeness) - the better.

By avoiding these eight mistakes, you will write a really killer sales proposal. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee the conversion - it depends on many factors. But by making the highest quality CP, you will increase the likelihood of a response. And do not forget to beautifully format the text - this will increase the chances of success.

Sample commercial proposals

See how other companies make CPs and make your own based on them. Download a sample commercial offer and do as you like.

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Advertising agency commercial proposal sample
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Sample business proposal for a web development agency
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The search for business partners is necessary, as ideas or projects may arise that will bring many new opportunities. But it often happens that the head of a large enterprise or firm does not have enough time to meet with potential partners, and they ask to send them a commercial offer (CO).

Why offer services

You should know how to write a commercial offer correctly, since the success of the transaction may depend on its content. Often you want to include as much information as possible about your company or service in a CV, but too much text can repel a potential partner or client. It is necessary to make a proposal so that the person who reads it becomes interested and wants to continue cooperation.

Knowing how to write a sales pitch is important for both newbies and those with more experience. It does not matter whether you are the owner of a large company or a novice entrepreneur, well-written proposals are needed by everyone.

How to write such letters

The main questions that arise when compiling a CP relate to where to start writing, what information to include and how to finish. Sample commercial proposals provide an opportunity to eliminate errors.

Basic Rules

  1. First of all, you need to define the market segment.
  2. It is important to specify the CP - to write what type of cooperation will be discussed.
  3. You should try to interest from the first lines of the one to whom the proposal is addressed.
  4. Be sure to describe the benefits of the company.
  5. Important plain language, without fanaticism, state the main ideas of the commercial offer. It should be borne in mind that the person who will read the text does not have sufficient knowledge about the specifics of the proposed product or service. Information must be made available. It is also not recommended to use phrases advertising nature, since such an approach can be repulsive.
  6. It is not necessary to indicate possible risks, it is better to ignore them.
  7. The text must be written in business style, but at the same time it is simple, it is also recommended to exclude bright emotional coloring.
  8. No matter how much you want to include maximum information in the text of the letter, you should highlight only the main points, and present the rest of the data as an announcement.
  9. It is necessary to consider answers to possible questions of the client and his doubts.

What you need to do before writing a CP

First of all, you need to make a list of those to whom these proposals will be sent. If there is confidence in the failure of some organizations, then you should not waste time on them. Although, as practice shows, cooperation can be achieved with almost any company.

It is necessary to compile a list of organizations that need the proposed product or service, as well as to prescribe what exactly the company can provide them.

An important point is that it is necessary to draw up two proposals, separately for the manager and for the specialist. You should think about where to highlight what points, since the leader is the person who makes decisions, and the specialist is the performer who will carry out the task. Therefore, for the latter, it is necessary to highlight those points that will simplify his work in further cooperation (for example, draw up a quotation for the supply of something). And for the manager, development prospects and cost savings will be most significant.

Also, before writing a commercial proposal, it is recommended to practice - to make several sample letters for different companies. In each of them, you should indicate the activities of the company and how you can help it. For example, in a CP from an insurance broker to a large insurer, you can use the following words:

Dear leader!

In the current economic situation, it is necessary to increase sales volumes. Your company is a leader in this service sector. There is always a need to attract new customers. Our brokerage agency is ready to help you. We want to sell your insurance products to our customers. The specialists of our agency will give competent advice in the field of insurance.

We will always answer the phone.

Sincerely, the name and position of the employee.

How to start writing

It is recommended to start making the right commercial offer directly from the point. It is necessary to understand that in addition to this offer, the company to which it is sent receives a lot of similar letters. Therefore, it is not necessary to delve into the content, it is recommended to reveal the essence of the commercial proposal from the first phrases and indicate its goals. In no case should you start a letter with hackneyed phrases, be original!

Before writing a proposal, it is worth doing an analysis of the company for which it is being made, identifying needs. For example, you can call and talk with a company representative, while talking, remember a few phrases that will be included in the announcement of the commercial offer. That is, if the head of the company says that he wants to increase office sales, then it is recommended to write in the KP announcement that your activity will increase office sales.

If it is not possible to talk with the head of the company, you can go to the official website, as a rule, the main areas of activity and prospects for its development are reflected there.

KP writing style

First of all, you need to draw the attention of the client to his problem, and then offer a solution to it. The development of a commercial proposal involves the use of simple proposals that are easily and quickly perceived. If it seemed to you that this or that phrase is superfluous, then it is better to remove it.

It is necessary that the text be alive, it is recommended to add specifics to it - indicate specific numbers, name existing partners. You can also specify the subtleties of production or the specifics of the work. Explain how a process is being optimized. It is not necessary to go deep and describe the entire production system. It will be enough to highlight a couple of working moments.


There are the most different ways promote your business: these are advertising campaigns and active promotion in social networks. networks, and various gift and bonus programs for their customers, and creating their own websites with a description of services and goods, and influencing people's opinion about the company through various sources of information. Constant promotions and incentives to buy this or that product can in fact be called marketing moves that allow you to create a customer base, collect the necessary data and develop the company, meeting the requirements of your customers. In all areas of any business providing services, there is a need to somehow advertise their product and declare themselves as good manufacturer. And in these cases, aggressive marketing is not the best way out. Each client is interested in a specific list of services, which can be set out in full only in a well-composed commercial offer, on the basis of which subsequent contracts are concluded.

What is a commercial offer

Every sales manager of any company has encountered in his life the preparation of a commercial offer and knows firsthand what a hassle it really is.

In fact, commercial offers are some documents that you need to send to your partners. If everything is stated correctly and correctly in the document, then a profitable contract is guaranteed for the company. If not, then all the blame falls on the manager who made the specific proposal, because because of him the company loses valuable customers.

IN Lately It is widely believed that commercial offers are a type of modern selling text, which clearly and in detail describes all the services provided by the company, the conditions for obtaining bonuses, discounts and special offers. Well, due to the fact that there is no specific framework for the preparation of a commercial offer as such, it is quite possible that it can be drawn up in free form and have different structure. The main thing is to bring results, namely, the profit of the company.

Types of commercial offers

Any manager working in big company knows how to make a commercial offer. Just like any copywriter can write the appropriate "selling copy". So is there a difference in the first and second case? Of course there is! And it's really huge. As mentioned earlier, in one case this model document, in the other - a well-written text calling for the purchase of a particular product.

Basically, there are two types of commercial offers - personalized and non-personalized. By these names, it is quite easy to guess what exactly the commercial offer drawn up in both cases differs in. A sample of a well-written document will help you not to make mistakes in the main points.

Personification of the offer

A personalized commercial offer is made by company representatives specifically for one client. At the same time, it is important to satisfy his individual needs in the document. In case of successful preparation of a commercial offer, a satisfied client and a good reputation await the company.

Consider an example big business. Partners before concluding any contract tend to meet with each other and discuss the details. If one of them is satisfied with the conditions of the other party, then he sends a request for a quotation, which describes the type of services provided, individual conditions conclusion of the transaction and the amount of payment for certain services. Both parties are satisfied. And if one of the parties does not comply with the terms of such a "contract", then the transaction is terminated.

Non-personalized offers

Unlike the first case, non-personalized commercial offers are a way to attract the attention of a new audience. This is the type of those very sales texts, which describe in detail the various advantages of the company and express an incentive to buy the product.

A non-personalized commercial offer, a sample of which, no doubt, everyone has seen, is also called "cold".

A characteristic feature of this proposal is the lack of addressing specifically to a potential client. The text is aimed at a wide audience of people, often of different age categories. It is only needed to attract new base clients. Doesn't have much uniqueness. It may describe the benefits of the company and one or two conditions for receiving a discount, but nothing more. As a rule, such proposals, written by skilled professionals, attract people.

Functions of a commercial offer

From the above, it is clear that commercial offers are an integral part of advertising campaign. But what exactly is their function? What should a person experience when reading about a particular company on the Internet or on flyers?

Here are a few criteria that a written commercial proposal must meet:

  • draw attention to yourself;
  • to interest a potential consumer;
  • encourage a person to buy a product;
  • push to buy with the help of bonuses, exclusive offers, etc.

Based on these requirements, a commercial offer is drawn up in the future. It is very important to know which audience this document is aimed at, because different generations have different needs.

Therefore, it is foolish to advertise dentures, for example, using tools that are relevant for today's youth. To attract the right audience, a commercial offer must be correctly drawn up. It's not hard to find a sample.

Drawing up a commercial offer, its structure

Mandatory on the form of any commercial offer must be:

  1. Title: logo of the company providing the service. This will grab the attention of the client.
  2. Subtitle: Describes the product or service provided by the company.
  3. Brief advertising of services and conditions.
  4. Advantages of choosing your company, terms of cooperation, description of the benefits of cooperation.
  5. Sender's contacts: phone, e-mail, company address.
  6. Trademarks.

At the same time, in order not to tire the potential client, you should make a commercial offer, the template of which is described above, no longer than 1-2 pages. So there are more chances that the potential client will read the proposal received to the end, and not throw it in the trash already on the first lines.

What marketing moves are best to use

When compiling a commercial proposal, it is important to pay attention to the problems of the population and the target audience. If you competently convince a person that your services are exactly what he needs, advertising can be considered successful.

It is customary to distribute commercial offers either by mail or on the Internet by e-mail, one-page sites also work well, where the provision of the necessary services is described in detail.

When printing a commercial offer for the provision of services on paper, special attention should be paid to:

  • the quality of the paper on which it is printed;
  • color scheme;
  • the absence of errors;
  • clearly defined conditions;
  • watermarks as an indicator of the seriousness of the company.

Most people judge by the cover. So the design plays an important role in attracting customers and their response to the commercial offer, the form of which he will hold in his hands.

  1. You are rolling in the eyes of a potential client to a dull spammer.
  2. Your letter may end up in the spam folder, and the person simply will not read it.
  3. An ugly and illiterately designed electronic offer will obviously not play into the hands of your reputation.

Cold sales work much better with phone calls rather than sending unwanted text to other people's email addresses.

Often, the reputation of a company due to aggressive marketing turns out to be lower than expected results, and therefore such companies usually do not have a client base, or people treat all offers with some distrust, so you should carefully monitor the activities of employees, study the market and purchasing power your customers, learn about their wants and needs. It is important not only to attract, but also to show attention to other people, expressing this with the help of flexible commercial offers.

Provision of services

It is widely believed that a commercial offer is a kind of marketing ploy that is just as useless as other flyers, but this is not so. A well-composed commercial offer for the provision of services (see the sample in the picture) is an almost complete contract, which remains only to be signed.

It's rather stupid to aggressively urge people to buy this or that product without calling or first getting acquainted with the company's services. It is important to understand what problems the client is experiencing and how you can present your services to him in the most favorable light.

There is no formula for an ideal commercial offer due to the fact that, nevertheless, companies and services are very different, and for one circle of consumers, some aspects are most relevant and important, and for another, other problems are in the foreground.

Gross mistakes in the preparation of a commercial offer

Many marketers abuse the fact that they make a commercial offer oversaturated with information, because of which many customers are perplexed, and ultimately the meaning of the message becomes not entirely clear to them. Or it happens that the text is downright full of beautiful turns of speech and “praise” of customers, which leads to certain suspicions.

To understand all these mistakes, you should approach the situation more practically. Let's say there is a need to make a commercial offer for a product. This product is computer chairs and chairs. And you need a way to sell them.

What not to write in the quotation form:

  • the history of the company and its leader;
  • long stories about how painstakingly and carefully you treat the production of chairs;
  • even longer stories about how to sit comfortably in chairs;
  • various "serenades" to clients and the promise of golden mountains and a cure for all diseases.

Write briefly about the company's experience in the market, you can add 1-2 testimonials from satisfied customers, focus directly on the needs of customers, the main need in this case is convenience and practicality, as well as maintaining health.

A commercial offer for the supply, a sample of which is publicly available, is also easy to draw up. The scheme is absolutely the same - you should not be sprayed on some abstract topics. The main thing in delivery is efficiency and quality, and this should be emphasized. Many companies often need prompt delivery of raw materials for their production. The proposal form itself may look rather modest, here the quality of execution comes to the fore.

But there are revealed patterns that say that:

  1. Most people look at the headline first, and if it interests them, they read on.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to "special" words that attract attention, such as "free", "new", "amazing", "best", " highest quality" etc.
  3. The text must be structured and divided into paragraphs so as not to “load the reader”.
  4. Even better if the document contains illustrations. This allows you to hold your gaze longer.

Modern technologies make it possible to create bright forms that attract attention, and to sufficiently, widely and openly describe all types of services provided. All that remains for a person in this case is to write a competent text, the machines will do the rest.

Drawing up a commercial offer online according to the template

Not all managers are able to cope with this task, and therefore often resort to the help of the Internet. Yes, nowadays it is enough just to download a ready-made form or, even better, make a commercial offer (sample for services below) online. Of course, such a proposal will not be ideal and is unlikely to be of interest to a large audience. But for a novice company, ready-made templates with modern graphic solutions will be just right.

The visual component should be pleasant, and by and large it doesn’t matter if it is very similar to others, but with the development of the company, you should still pay attention great attention arrangement of their services.

The commercial offer is The best way declare themselves in the modern world, where every second person dreams of successful business, and few achieve dizzying success. Nevertheless, if you sell your services correctly and know how to interest your customers, treat them like a human being, then even the most small business will flourish.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types of business proposal?
  • How to create a commercial offer
  • How to arrange it correctly
  • What are the most common mistakes made when making a commercial offer?

Communicating with a client live and presenting a commercial offer in writing are very different from each other. In order to generate interest potential buyer in making a deal, you need to format your commercial offer in such a way that it is both concise and capacious at the same time. In the article, we will focus on how to arrange a commercial offer in such a way as to get the most out of it.

What kind of offer do you want to make: main types

What are the commercial offers? Below we will focus on the main ones.

Basic (cold) commercial offers

Commercial offers of this type are mainly sent in bulk. Potential customers do not expect any messages from your organization, so their main goal is to attract the attention of the target audience, in this regard, they are in the nature of a mass mailing.

To the pluses this type of proposals should be attributed

  • large coverage of the target audience;
  • time savings.

cons are also:

  • lack of a personal approach to the client;
  • there is a high probability that an employee who does not have decision-making authority will get acquainted with your commercial offer.

It is advisable to send out basic commercial offers when you provide single services or your offers will be of interest to a large circle of buyers (you offer website design, food delivery, etc.).

"Warm" commercial offers

Such a commercial offer is personalized and addressed to a specific person, usually after the completion of negotiations. Its advantages include the fact that the client expects it. When proposing something, one should take into account the identified during preliminary work desires of the buyer, and the proposal itself should include the most specific information and offer.

At the beginning of this type of commercial proposals, it is advisable to write the following phrases: “Following the results of our meeting, I am sending you ...”. "At your request, I send ...".

Another distinguishing feature of such commercial proposals will be the opportunity, some time after the proposal is sent, to call the client again for a detailed discussion of further interaction. For example, you can ask the consumer how interested he is in your offer, if he has any clarifying questions.

As practice shows, "cold" commercial offers are currently very ineffective, especially when you send them out without first notifying a possible client.

Therefore, a “warm” commercial offer is much more likely to interest a potential client.

How to make a commercial offer

It is optimal if you fit the commercial offer on one page, maximum two. Having drawn it up correctly, you can compactly place all significant information, including the benefit of the client, on one sheet.

Entrepreneurs today, and they are the main recipients of commercial proposals, are busy enough to read proposals larger than two A4 sheets.

Commercial offer (KP) should be formalized as follows.

  • The header contains information about the TIN / KPP, the logo and contacts of the organization (telephones, e-mail).
  • To whom the letter is addressed.
  • The nature of the letter (commercial offer).
  • Methods and options of payment, conditions for granting installment payments.
  • Delivery time (when sending a quotation to the regions, you should attach a list of other products, delivery conditions to it).
  • Each item should be numbered, the name of the product should be written in Russian, the price per unit of product or service should be indicated, the total cost for all items (by default, prices are indicated in rubles; if the price is indicated in a foreign currency, the exchange rate for conversion into rubles should be indicated).
  • Photos (images) of production, its characteristics.
  • Company seal, full name, signature of the person who prepared the letter.
  • The period during which the offer is valid.
  • Outgoing number (indicates the organization of internal workflow).
  • Contact details of the responsible person.

7 steps to create a commercial proposal

Step #1: Your Goal

The task of a commercial offer is to send it to people related to the target audience. The indication of products and services in the CoP is calculated on the fact that any of the presented items will be of interest to the buyer. However, if you work in advance to find out the needs of a potential client and use this information when making your commercial offer, it will be much more effective, which means that the response to it will be faster and more positive. It is in connection with this that it is first necessary to determine the ultimate goal of your commercial offer.

Step number 2. Not quantity, but quality

When composing a proposal, try to keep to a moderate length, and not to list all the positions you have. It is much more correct if, when composing a letter, you rely not on quantity, but on quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the demand for information, omitting extra details that can only distract the client from the essence of the commercial offer. Information that motivates the client to accept your offer is of great importance.

Step number 3. Your offer or offer

An offer is the most significant part of any commercial offer to a future buyer. Since the interest of the buyer in studying the offer depends on the headline, it is worth making an effort to make it “catchy”.

When compiling an offer, check that it contains the following main items:

  • the efficiency of the services provided;
  • favorable cost;
  • payment options - the possibility of deferred payments;
  • offered discounts;
  • delivery options;
  • Additional services;
  • guarantees provided;
  • prestige of brands;
  • several configuration options.

Step #4: Focus on Solving Customer Problems

The task of a well-designed commercial offer is to solve the “problems” of customers. Accordingly, it must necessarily focus on this.

When a commercial offer exclusively talks about the products and services of the store, it has no value, since it is unable to arouse the interest of a potential buyer.

The text of the commercial offer is intended for the consumer, it is he who is the main character of your story. The text should not be replete with the pronouns "we", "I", our" - it is doubtful that the client will want to waste time reading the laudatory "song" of your organization.

There is such a rule - four "you" and one we. A good sales pitch is focused on the customer, not the company. Only in this case you will increase the value of your offer for a future client. When making a commercial offer, you need to focus on whether it is beneficial to the consumer.

Step #5: Pricing

The buyer should explain the basics of pricing in the company. Therefore, the commercial offer may contain data on this (on the factors influencing the formation of the price of the goods). Instead of a story, you can send a price list to the client. If you work in a highly competitive industry, send an offer describing the cost of goods of competing companies. This method is quite effective - after all, the buyer will see the benefits that he is able to receive.

When submitting a price list offer at the same time, keep the following points in mind.

  • When a commercial offer consists of a single price list, then its chances of ending up in the wastebasket without being studied are very high. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of how to motivate the client to get acquainted with the presented price list. You can interest the buyer, for example, with information about discounts for all products listed in the price list (attached to the letter).
  • The price list should clearly indicate the cost of the product. If you indicate that the cost of the goods is "from ... rubles", then it is necessary to explain what affects the final price.
  • If the cost varies depending on various indicators (for example, on the volume of containers), this point is also subject to decoding.
  • Variable parameters (such as the period of validity of prices or discounts) should not be written in small print. Your buyer has the right to know both about the essence of the commercial offer itself, and about the procedure and pricing system.
  • Try not to use the word "price list", it may well be replaced by other words. Separately highlight the recipient so that it is clear to him that the price list was sent to him, individually, and not as a general mailing.
  • In the case when the period of validity of the prices presented is limited, this information is indicated in large print so that it cannot be overlooked.
  • Before sending your commercial offer, it is necessary to check how well the printing is done, whether all letters are clearly visible, and especially numbers.

Step #6: Call to Action in a Sales Proposal

When making a commercial proposal, do not forget that it is designed to encourage the client to take certain actions. You can encourage him to make a call, visit a website, fill out an application for the purchase of products, etc. The buyer needs to explain what needs to be done by listing all necessary contacts. By doing so, you will show the client that you care about him.

Step #7 Gratitude After the First Sale

After completing the deal after the commercial offer, thank the buyer. Any person will be pleased to hear an elementary “thank you”. IN modern society It's not often that you meet grateful people. And having received a letter of gratitude from you after the purchase, the buyer will be surprised and delighted, which means that the likelihood of his re-applying to you will be higher.

How to draw up a commercial proposal correctly, avoiding common mistakes

Listed below are 8 major mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of a commercial proposal.

  1. Offer uncompetitive.
  2. Sending a commercial offer to people who are not included in the target audience.
  3. The quotation is drawn up without taking into account the problems of customers.
  4. Poor design of the CP, making it difficult to read.
  5. The CP is just a story about the goods without a well-formulated offer for the consumer.
  6. The CP describes the product itself, does not indicate the benefit received by the client when purchasing it.
  7. Too big CP.
  8. The CP can get to an employee who does not make responsible decisions.

How to make a commercial offer (example)

David Ogilvy, one of the most famous copywriters in the world today, prepared this sales pitch in 1959.

Why is Rolls-Royce the best car in the world? According to the chief engineer of Rolls-Royce, this is not a miracle at all - only keen attention to every detail.

  • “When you are driving at 60 km/h, the loudest sound you will hear will be the sound of an electronic clock,” says the engine designer. The sounds made by the three silencers are much quieter.
  • Prior to installation in a vehicle, all Rolls-Royce engines run for 7 consecutive hours at open throttle. Each vehicle has been tested on hundreds of miles of a wide variety of road surfaces.
  • The Rolls-Royce is 18 inches shorter than the largest American cars, so you won't have trouble parking.
  • Rolls-Royce was designed to be a car that you can drive yourself. Each car has power steering, brakes, automatic transmission - all this will greatly facilitate the driving of this car. And you will no longer need a driver.
  • After the car is assembled, it stays in the test center for another 7 days, where another 98 different tests are carried out. For example, engineers with stethoscopes listen to the axles creak.
  • Rolls-Royce gives a three-year warranty on its vehicles. In order for you not to have any problems with the service, the company has created new network dealers, as well as a network of auto parts stores.
  • The Rolls-Royce radiator was changed once - in 1933 after the death of Sir Henry Royce. That year, the color of the RR monogram changed from red to black.
  • The body of each car is painted 5 times with the initial paint, with each layer rubbed by hand, after which it is covered 9 times with the final paint.
  • A special switch on the steering column will help you adjust the shock absorbers based on road conditions.
  • A pull-out picnic table in French walnut is mounted under the instrument panel. The other two tables are hidden in the backs of the front seats.
  • Additionally, the car can be equipped with a coffee machine, voice recorder, bed, hot and cold water.
  • Cars are equipped with three brake booster systems - two hydraulic and one mechanical. If suddenly one of them is damaged, it will not affect the rest. In addition to being the safest car, Rolls-Royce is also very fast. You will feel great driving it at 85 mph. It can reach maximum speed of 100 mph.
  • Rolls-Royce also manufactures Bentleys. The difference between these cars is in the radiators. People who feel insecure about driving a Rolls-Royce can buy a Bentley.

The Rolls-Royce in question is priced at $13,995. If you would like to test drive Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles, please email us or contact one of the dealers listed on the next page.