How to learn to write interestingly on boring topics. How to learn to write well Is it possible to learn how to write articles

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Today, a rare person can boast of the presentation of his thoughts in writing and unmistakable writing. If you want to achieve something in life, constantly learn, improve yourself, even when you are at the top of success. In one film, the main character said: "Before you decide on something, think about whether the game is worth the candle." In this case, without hesitation - "the game is worth the candle." Because an educated person is a useful person, and all roads open before a useful person.

Be patient and mentally

If there is no desire to improve your Russian language, there will be no result. The more literate a person is, the higher he occupies a place in life, becomes more independent and guiding. Keep these thoughts in mind every time you want to quit.

Read a lot

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There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course to these topics. In the classroom, you will get the opportunity to work out the skill of competent writing using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of the material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.

All people have different abilities. One person has a well-developed visual memory, another has an auditory memory, and a third has a motor memory. More often, a mixed one prevails: either visual-auditory, or visual-motor, etc. Therefore, choose those tips that are most effective for you. This is the main rule and the secret of your future success in learning Russian.

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Many people ask the question “how to write an article”. And writing itself in most cases seems to be the prerogative of creative people. It seems that talent is indispensable. But, in fact, everyone can create high-quality and useful material.

Attend online and offline conferences on the topic. Just google. Perhaps in the coming days there will be an event on the topic you need. The advantage of this type is that you can voice the topic of interest and include the expert and the audience in the discussion.

life hack. Subscribe to Nikita Zhestkov, by the way, he is the main brain of the blog. And every week on Vkontakte and Instagram there are interesting live broadcasts on various topics.


Step 3. Writing

Finally the long awaited moment. I tell you how to write an article quickly, and also how to write it correctly. So, hacks and tricks, let's go!

1. By structure

Before you write an article for the site, draw up its plan, that is, the structure. Write the main points and break them into sub-points.

Life hack. Use the following structure template: title (relevance of the problem), content (how to solve the problem: description of methods), conclusion (main theses that the reader should remember).


2. With alternative ways

When writing a long article, sometimes it is difficult to understand where exactly to start and what to include in the article, and sometimes the article is not written at all. Therefore, to generate ideas and structure a large flow of materials, use

Life hack. If you prefer a strict drawing style, use the Mindmeister service. If you like creative approach, an IMindMap map would be ideal.

mind map

3. Morning

Wake up and go straight to work. In the morning the brain works better. Since you have not had time to quarrel with neighbors / employees yet, you have not tired yourself with bureaucratic work. It's time to create.

Life hack. How to write articles quickly? Just! To do this, do not have breakfast before writing. That is, they woke up, worked and only then ate. A Yale University study showed that cognitive tasks are completed faster on an empty stomach.

Wow! And you can't even eat...

4. Comfortable

Be sure to remove everything unnecessary from the table. Outward order wonderfully disciplines within. Provide enough light. Put on a cup of coffee, it will help you tune in.

Life hack. Turn on the music, it will help you tune in to the right atmosphere and save you from unnecessary thoughts. I just warn you right away, not Russian, but better without words at all.


5. Flow

How to write articles for the site? That's right, in the flow. That is, write anything, any thoughts. Don't be afraid to write something off topic. Now your task is to put the entire stream of thoughts on paper, and you will filter it later.

Life hack. Don't go back to the beginning of the text until you're done. This may lead you astray.

Write, write, write...

6. With timer

Here it is, the secret of how to write an article quickly. To do this, set a timer for 2 hours and make a promise to yourself to write without interruption. You will most likely not survive longer, but two hours is a normal sprint. Just don't get distracted!

Life hack. Download a free timer program for your computer. For example, CoolTimer.


7. With hot keys

When you master all the features of the keyboard, you will be able to write more comfortably and faster. Find the combinations that are most convenient for you and get used to using them.

Life hack. To select all text, press Ctrl + A. You can undo the last action using the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Z. To save the current project, press Ctrl + S.


8. Short sentences

If the sentence can be shortened, do so. Writing long is normal, but not all readers love and are ready to perceive participial turns in articles. Therefore, before writing an article for a blog, remember this rule.

Example of short sentences

9. Use interesting phrases

For example, to write an interesting article (as in the example), fantasize: “... Give a clear task to your copywriter. Believe me, your mood interests him no more than the weather forecast in Singapore.” But don't overdo it.

Life hack. How to write an interesting article and be remembered by readers? Come up with branded phrases or even a few and use in every text. Also stand out from your competitors.

Phrase Example

10. Write simply

You must speak the language of the readers, using their words. For example, if you write for mothers with children, then the deputy style will not work for this one. The method is suitable for writing articles for both the site and the blog.

Life hack. Explore forums and groups on social networks to understand how your target audience speaks, and you can also borrow a few words from them to be sure to be on the same wavelength.

Simple spelling

Step 4. Decorate and Clean

Fuuuh ... the article is written. Now we turn to the most difficult part of it - verification. By the way, you need to check not earlier than the next day. Or at least after 5-6 hours. Looking at the text with a fresh eye, you will definitely see what can be corrected.

1. Remove the cliches

Clogged expressions are not good, remember this before you write good article. For example, “You deserve it” was once a beautiful notion of marketers, but now it has already set its teeth on edge. Don't be afraid to express yourself through text and you'll be able to come up with something better.

water in text

4. Add subheadings

This is needed for better perception text. Structuring information is a manifestation of respect for the reader. Yes, and statistics show that most often users read the text precisely by headings.

Life hack. 1 heading (subheading) - 1 main idea that will be revealed in this chapter.


5. Add pictures

Show with illustrations what the reader should do (if it is an instruction). Complete the “picture” of the article with images. Show examples through photos.

Life hack. Illustrations good quality can be found in paid and free photo stocks. For example, pixabay. Or draw it yourself, for example, in Balsamic.


6. Add facts

Take facts from research, statistical information. Be sure to use real life examples. Quality material - useful and truthful. There is no need to make guesses and assumptions.

life hack. To collect statistics, use the sites of the best research centers in the world: CSIS, CFR, or go to Rosstat.

Statistical data

7. Add provocation

Life hack. Use the words: tired, tired, quit.


8. Make lists

The longer your article, the more lists you can use. Use lists to replace large paragraphs in the body of an article.

Life hack. To improve the perception of the list, make all items approximately the same length.


9. Fix grammar mistakes

You expect anything from a copywriter, but not errors in the text.
“So how do you write an article grammatically?” – you ask me. Of course, one cannot do without knowledge of Russian, but there are also assistants.

Life hack. Use specialized services. They are inexpensive and comfortable. For example, I use Spelling.

Service Spelling

Step 5. Come up with a title

The main title of the article is to attract the attention of readers. By the way, titles should be small (60-80 characters), that's why they are titles. And for you to succeed, use the life hacks below.

Most copywriters are assholes. Even if you make a detailed TOR, tell in detail what to write about and what you want to see, you still risk getting a terrible text. Instead of good and interesting material, the scribbler will give out something completely different. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to do everything yourself.

If you are not a writer at all (or a beginner) and you suddenly want to file a bomb article, but it is not being written - read on, there will be examples, algorithms, explanations on how to write an article correctly and that's it. There will be no magic formulas backed by research and A / B testing here, only personal experience from which you can draw something for yourself. If you are a beginner blogger, read on too, because a blog is not a drain hole where you can pour a stream of consciousness. This is a platform for interesting and good content. And you want to do just that anyway.

Article writing algorithm

You gathered your thoughts, created a file in Word and are ready to start. And then you have an existential crisis - you do not understand what to do with your future article: what and how to write about, what method of presentation to choose, where to start. This happens because you started from the wrong place. First you need to prepare. Let's see how to do it.


The first rule of writing an article: work with the text begins even before you write the first line. First you need to analyze everything: decide why and for whom you are writing material, what result you want to achieve and how you are going to do it. Answering these questions means cutting off all unnecessary and starting to work on the target audience.

So you will understand in what style to write and whether professional terms can be used. After that, you can sketch out the future structure, decide on the pitch and do a lot of other useful things.

Examples of analysis when writing an article

We are writing an article for the blog of a brokerage company.

For whom:potential customers who understand the topic at a basic level; professional brokers, analysts and sympathizers.

For what:talk about current trends in the market and how to use them for your own selfish purposes.

Result:confirm expertise; prove that the employees of the company can be trusted with their money.

How we achieve the goal:we give arguments and analytical calculations; we advise you to contact professionals if knowledge and experience are not enough; we use basic professional terms, more complex ones are explained separately.

Let's go through each item

First we define our target audience. It consists of two large segments: professional colleagues and potential clients of the company. The first will appreciate the material only if it is useful and relevant. They want to get new knowledge that will be useful in everyday work. The latter are unlikely to follow the instructions from the article on their own, they will simply understand that you understand the issue and will be more willing to trust you with their money. Let's move on to the next point.

First, we determine the “reader value” of the material ˜ – what will be received by those who click on the link and spend some of their time on the article. This is important because no one will read a text written for its own sake. People need something useful: tips, examples, theory, in general, something that they use in own life and work.

Next, we define the purpose of the company. It can be anything: increase the number of hits, brand awareness, confirm expertise. The main thing is that she was. Readers don't need useless text, but neither does the company. What is the point of spending money on writing articles if the output from them is zero?

The last block brings everything together and helps you decide on the tools. We have already identified the target audience and set goals. Now we need to understand how to achieve these goals. In our case, we need to do two things: prove expertise to colleagues, and advise clients to turn to professionals. To achieve the first goal, we need to find fresh, relevant and useful information. To achieve the second, you need to present this information in an understandable and convenient way, because potential customers have different levels of economic literacy and this must be taken into account.

If there are complex things in the article, they should be explained separately on the fingers. What is obvious to a professional is completely incomprehensible to a beginner. At the same time, you should not completely abandon the terms, you just need to apply them carefully and with care for the reader. Example: “...volatility has increased – the difference between the highest and lowest price of assets. Their cost fluctuated within 7%.

All these things are easily transferred to any topic. If you are writing an article for a cosmetics store blog, target a female audience of almost all ages. Review new products, or detailed instructions with screenshots and videos. Mention products sold in your store, but without fake advertising. Don't use English words if you don't have to. Make the article understandable and interesting for everyone and don't forget to have fun - your audience doesn't want to read textbooks.

An important point: it is better to write everything down. If you keep all the analytical calculations in your head, it is easy to miss something. And you can always return to the entry at the beginning of the document to check if you have gone astray. Even better - write everything down on a piece of paper in beautiful handwriting. This helps to remember everything at once - the effect is the same as from the abstract. If the student did not stick to the phone during the class, then he remembers the content of the lecture for at least a couple of hours after it ends.

Making the structure

We have decided what to write about, now we will figure out how to write. To make it clear and convenient for the reader, you need to carefully pack your thoughts into blocks and paragraphs - this way the text is easier to read. This will help put everything in order in your own head and the head of the reader. Well, it's also easier to find the information you need.

The structure of the text is not subject to rules and formulas, only to common sense. If the format allows, go from the general to the specific. Let's analyze an example of developing a structure when writing an article: let's try to outline a material plan about neural networks.

Article outline

  • Introduction.
  • What are neural networks?
  • How do they work?
  • What are and where are they used?
  • How will they be used in the future?
  • Conclusion.

In my opinion, everything is logical: we start with general concept and gradually delve into the topic. Use headings for each separate semantic block, do not combine them if you can do without it. Let's look at the example above: you can talk about what neural networks are and how they work in two different blocks. But with classification and application, this cannot be done - these things are tightly tied to each other.

If you are writing instructional material, describe the actions in chronological order, one after the other. At the same time, try to make each item independent of each other so that a person can return to it and not get confused.

If this is a selection article, then everything is even easier. Blocks are almost always independent of each other, so arrange them however you like. If this is not your case, first write about the important, and then about everything else.


In general, the main thing is logic and common sense.

We write

After you understand the structure, write. Write as you spell it, but keep a couple of important things in mind:

  • One paragraph, one thought.It's the same principle as with blocks. Don't try to cram everything into one poor little paragraph at once. He will feel bad - he will swell up and will feverishly explain to the reader something incomprehensible. The latter will definitely not appreciate this.
  • Cling thoughts to each other. The end of the previous thought is the beginning of the next. Here it is easier to give an example: “... the most popular type of automatic transmission is a torque converter. The torque converter transmits torque with the help of an oil flow that rotates the turbine and the reactor wheel ... ".
  • Don't sit too long. Try to write well right away, but do not sit for an hour on one sentence. If you don't get it right the first time, move on. Everything will be fine in the next step.

You have finished writing the text, but it is not ready yet. Now the material needs to be sanded and polished.


It's even more difficult than writing material. It is necessary to correct errors and inaccuracies, clear the text of unnecessary elements, bring it to a readable form and add everything that was missed. Let's take a look at each point:

  • Mistakes. Everything is clear here - you can trust yourself or use verification services. Most of all I like"Spelling" but it is paid. For 0 rubles, the verification service helps to do the same.
  • Superfluous. The first edition of the text is always a stream of consciousness that needs to be streamlined. To do this, we proofread the text and ask ourselves how it can be shortened without compromising the meaning. An abstract but illustrative example: "the application performs system configuration" is shortened to "the application configures the system." The meaning is not lost, but it became easier to read. Many advise to drive the text into the Glavred service, but if you are not a professional text writer, it will only confuse you and make you hate the whole world. So just trust your intuition. You also need to remove duplicate information, and make vague wording clear and sharp.
  • Structure. Once again we go through the structure: we check the division into paragraphs, insert additional headings, if appropriate.
  • Lost. The first time it is difficult to give out all the necessary information at once. Something is forgotten, and something is invented later. These losses must be compensated. Example: you are proofreading a text and suddenly remember a thought that insidiously eluded you, or you come up with a new cool example. All this needs to be added.


Now the text is finished. It remains to place the material on the site, add photos, graphs, tables or videos.

A few words about optimization

“Okay, but how, for example, to write an SEO article? What to do if you need to keep track of spamming, water content and uniqueness of the text? What if you need to enter completely wild requests? - ask those who want traffic (everyone). Do all the same. Yes, it will take more time, but it is a completely doable task.

Any text should be optimized for search engines. Because quality content can bring you a lot of traffic and customers. If you really want to, you can generally write articles "based on real events" - search queries. We at SEMANTICA call this "".

  • Always think about the reader. Do not write difficult, you are not a writer. Don't write text for text's sake, make it useful. Use personal experience, but do not turn the article into an “expensive diary”: instead of the material about “how I went out with Andryukha and visited 15 bars in a night,” write “15 bars in district X: an overview and amazing stories.”
  • Use examples. Everything is simple here - abstract concepts are difficult to try on. If you are writing about something, tell us how it is used in real life: "the power of the heater is XX watts - this is enough to warm a standard room in XX m 2".
  • Be original. Do not mow under someone. Write as you spell it, all of these guidelines leave plenty of room for creativity. The main thing is not to go too far and do not make your Opus Magnum about everything in the world out of an article in a blog. First useful information, then everything else.


It was difficult, but we figured out how to write an article, found out the basic rules for writing interesting material and looked at how everything works with examples. The main thing is to think over the future opus to the smallest detail, optimize the text and double-check it ten times. Analyze the target audience, decide why you are writing at all, think over the structure and edit the finished article. Ideally, you will end up with good material that is interesting to read. And if you optimize the text correctly, you will get traffic.

The text influences our whole life. We come across it every day and write a lot: at school, at work, for posts in social networks ... Often, we are evaluated by texts, they form an opinion about us.

Why is it so hard to write lyrics? After all, I want to be able to write in such a way that people understand us, want to read more and more. .. So how can you make sure that you are not painfully ashamed of your texts? How to learn to write interesting articles?

Read tips on how to learn to write texts!

1. Visualize everything you write about

80% of the information that a person receives every second, he receives with the help of vision. It is logical that if we want to convey maximum information to the reader, then we need to use the most effective way.

Scientists have proven that texts are best perceived in which specific expressions are written that allow you to form a certain image.

In order for the reader to come from “It seems clear” to “I understand”, you need to visualize images for him.

2. Enter into a dialogue with the reader

They try to look smarter, insert professionalisms (and often clericalisms) right and left, use expressions a la "As we all know ..." or "It is obvious that ..." in cases where everything is actually far from obvious. They write in long difficult-to-read sentences and so on.

In most cases, readers will be divided into two halves: some will believe in the “great genius” of such an author, and their self-esteem will fall below the plinth, others will say: “Who are you at all that you are laughing in front of me?” and stop reading. So you don't have to write like that.

Classical texts that assume equality between author and reader help the latter feel like a genius

Stephen Pinker, linguist at Harvard University

How should one write correctly?

You have to be on the same level with the reader. Use the so-called "cooler test": Imagine that you are reading your material to a friend you met at the cooler at work. Better yet, let someone else read the text. Friend, colleague, loved one. And ask three questions:

Will he enjoy listening to you?

Will he understand you?

Will he draw the right conclusions?

If the answer to all three questions is “yes”, then you have written excellent material.

When I was young, I had problems when I couldn’t start a text for a long time, and then I opened the window of a new post in LiveJournal or a new letter in the mail, wrote there, and everything turned out right away, because writing a letter or post is easier than article. It helps a lot to come up with a specific addressee to whom the text is addressed: it’s as if you are personally telling him this story, focusing on what he will be interested in, how many minutes he will listen to you continuously (and then you need to be distracted, somehow joke or change the subject ) etc

In general, talk to the reader like a friend, then even the most demanding and busy people will find time for your text or article.

3. Do not pull, hiding the main thing

At the very beginning of the material, give the reader the main idea. If he does not understand what the “salt” is, then it will be difficult to perceive the text.

Imagine that the editor-in-chief of a sports publication is told that the Russian youth team beat their peers from Spain. Even though this is his area professional competencies He won't understand anything.

What team? Youth is up to 18, and up to 16, and up to 14. What sport did you beat? Football? Basketball? Hockey? There are a lot of questions even for a savvy person in the subject.

What if your reader is a beginner? He will not understand anything and will feel like an idiot. These are negative emotions. They are associated with your blog or publication. Bottom line - you will lose the reader. This is bad.

Therefore, always give out the main idea at the beginning so that the reader can perceive the material based on it. There is no point in intrigue if the person does not understand what you are talking about here. Then he stops reading.

4. Shelve text

After the written material is adjusted to the optimal form (from your point of view), close it and put it aside until the next day. Take care of other things. You can start working on the next text, the main thing is that you don’t touch what has already been written.

The next day, open the material and reread it again. Most likely, there will be details that you want to correct, add or change. Correct, but it's better to stop there.

The final editing of the material should be carried out no earlier than one day after its writing.

5. Always check spelling and punctuation!

Banal spelling mistakes or commas can seriously ruin your impression.

If such incidents happen to you from time to time, then it is stupid to offer you to repeat the school course of the Russian language. Most likely you don't have time for this.

In this case, try to check your texts through specialized online services or in Microsoft Word.

Services for checking spelling and punctuation in the text:

  • - a simple and understandable service for quickly checking the text, where you can also check the uniqueness of the text;
  • - a set of several cool services for every day for a professional copywriter and journalist;
  • - a service from Yandex for checking the literacy of the text, you can embed it into your website.

It is better to check 100 times and make sure that everything is fine than to relax once and then blush. Always check the written text for literacy!

6. Write as much as possible

It's the same as with cycling: you can't learn to ride in theory. You just need to pick up and go! Fall, get up and try again. No other way.

With the text exactly the same as with the great. You need to write every day, regularly, constantly. Live this thing. Not a day without a line. Then and only then can you become a truly professional copywriter or journalist.

Write every day, fill your hand.

  • Stephen King writes 6 pages a day
  • James Patterson - 4 pages
  • James Joyce considered a lucky day when he added 6 new letters to the text.
  • And how many pages (words, signs) do you write per day?

7. Read as much as possible

It is impossible to write well if you do not spend at least a few hours a day reading books. When we read, new words and expressions are deposited in the head, old ones are updated, the style and manner of correct speech are adopted.

Read classic literature. But do not forget to read something else - sometimes it is useful to shift your attention even to frank "slag" in order to be able to distinguish one from the other.

You need to read a lot, I would even say - read everything. Do not make yourself lists of authors, media or books, but really read everything in a row, including any informational garbage. You need to have an idea: what and how is already written, how they write now, how they do not write. In any business, the most important thing is the coordinate system in which you exist. For writing person such a system should be all the texts that are available to him

Hello friends!

I'm with you again Elena Melnikova, and today I want to talk not about travel, but about how to write an article in order to make money on this trip. After all, even though I’m a hitchhiker at heart, as regular blog readers know, I’m still a philologist by education and even graduated from graduate school, which means I can be trusted in this matter: smile2:

Here is the question: does a philological education give any additional advantages to a person who writes?

Let's just say that it forms a certain theoretical base, but does not teach you how to create. So, if your education is far from philology, but a spark of creativity burns in you, nothing is lost - boldly fan the flame!

V Lately the number of people switching to remote work is only growing, and today it is not necessary for a student to unload wagons, and for a pensioner to sell pickles in order to live until the next payday.

Today, many magazines, for example, dacha topics, offer a fee for helpful tips. Therefore, everyone can try their hand at writing. And now I’ll tell you how to write an article so that you want to read it.

What is the difference between articles for electronic and print media

The mechanism for writing articles for print and electronic publications is somewhat different. The material submitted to the newspaper differs from the magazine in the degree of closeness to the event being described, which means a higher responsiveness, and, possibly, the degree of information richness. The same goes for news sites. However, this is hardly the lot of novice copywriters.

As a rule, we pick up a newspaper to learn about new events or read comments on already known ones, a magazine to have fun, and we turn to Internet sources for useful information. And, if the first two points are interchanged, the last one, as a rule, is unchanged.

Accordingly, evaluating information from an electronic resource as not very useful, we easily switch to another site. This means that the text on the page should be so attractive as to keep the reader's attention until the last line and encourage him to come back again. This is the main difficulty and the main difference between the material for the site and the text for printed publications.

Since most copywriters work for electronic resources, let's dedicate today's tips to compiling an Internet article. Of course, there are certain genre differences in this area: content for an advertising site, blog or online magazine is created according to its own laws.

Whether you're working for money or writing your own blog for fun, you have a responsibility to write quality articles. Or not write them at all.

Components of a quality article

So what should be a good article?

First of all, interesting.

Even if it tells about ways to solve a system of equations with two unknowns, people should want to read it!

It does not hurt to clarify that interest is as subjective as it is a multifaceted concept. Let's look at each of the facets separately in order to make a prism of bright creativity out of them.

The target audience

  • Accounting for the target audience. Perhaps one of the main components of success. Remember: there is no good material written “just like that, for no one”, because in this case the very purpose of writing is lost. What is an article without a purpose?

The target audience is a part of the audience, united by common demographic characteristics and cultural tastes, which the creators of goods and services rely on.

As you can see, this concept is borrowed from advertising. But, even if you are creating something that is far from advertising at all, think about who you are creating for. What is the gender, age, interests and level of knowledge in the desired area of ​​your addressees. Accounting for these factors largely determines the content, structure and language of the article. You will not decipher what a penalty is if you write for fans with experience.

When submitting an article to a journal, be sure to read the description of their readership. Sometimes they designate it quite clearly. Set out, as a rule, in a section like “About us”, the position of the publication allows the reader to decide whether it is worth continuing further acquaintance with periodicals, and the potential author - whether cooperation is possible.

  • Content. By following a link to a particular text, the reader expects to receive practical benefits in the form of information. Respect his wishes! The information that you share with others must be truthful and set out as specifically as possible, and for this, work through as many sources as possible or describe the phenomenon as multilaterally as possible.

You can consider only one subject and describe it in detail (for example, listing the advantages and disadvantages of an apple tree variety or all possible ways buying a cheap air ticket) or comparing several items, giving them a general overview or comparing them according to clearly defined criteria (in an article about low-cost companies, these can be parameters such as age of aircraft, average ticket price, number of shares per year, reliability, quality feedback etc.)

If you feel that specific content is missing, don't fill in the gap with emotion or common knowledge. The one who opened the section “How to choose skis” does not need the author’s enthusiasm about crisp snow and wonderful landscapes.


  • Objectivity. The vast majority of you are expected objective information. This does not mean at all that dry, impersonal content should be brought to the reader's judgment. The author can be felt in the text if it does not contradict the laws of the genre (in a blog, the degree of subjectivity is higher than in an advertising or popular science article).

Objectivity is, first of all, impartiality of judgments. This is especially important if you are comparing several objects or phenomena according to certain parameters or describing political events (except for those cases when the customer clearly indicates his preferences).

How to make the material as objective as possible? Obviously, removing the explicit designation of the author's beginning from there.

Here's how to do it:

  1. If possible, we refuse the pronouns “I” and “we” (I consider “Lazy” the best washing powder). They can be replaced by constructions “according to”, “according to” with reference to the source (According to most housewives, “Lazy” is the best washing powder.), third-person narration (50% of the surveyed housewives choose "Lazy".) or passive constructions (Most stains are washed off with "Lazy" without difficulty). However, if you want to describe personal experience, you can’t do without them, so as not to turn your own modest research on the germination of carrot seeds on 15 acres into large-scale agronomic research.
  2. We cross out all adjectives and adverbs in superlatives (the most beautiful, the brightest, the most meaningless) and even those that express appreciation and emotional experiences (amazing, excellent, scary, sad, terrible). First of all, this does not concern the usual phrases such as sad music, but more pathos, such as sad conclusions, dull results.
  3. We do not use suffixes of subjective assessment (pretty), especially in the key words for the narrative (typewriter, bureaucrat).
  4. We refrain from using expressively colored words (chop off, snatch off) and phrases (the collapse of the Russian automobile industry, the hope of the bureaucracy), including stable ones (order to live long, slurp unsaltedly).

Of course, to some extent, the expression of the author's assessment is possible - it all depends on the topic, purpose and style of narration.


  • Originality. This is not only and not so much the novelty of the material as the way it is presented. Even on topics as old as the world, you can write something absolutely amazing!

Think about how exactly you can surprise the reader: with unusual comparisons, unprecedented detailed description, amazing logical presentation, lightness and poetry of the language? The more clearly you find your zest, the more willingly you will be read.

An example of an original presentation of the problem is the technique of “shifters”, for example, bad advice. Everything “harmful”, and even in bright packaging, inevitably attracts attention. In addition, a freer author's style, humor, rhymes and other “pretty things” are appropriate here, and even desirable. Unfortunately, the “harmful” text also has disadvantages: 1) it will be perceived by readers as nice addition to the text “useful”, 2) the probability of its getting into search queries is extremely low.

Therefore, if you want to “damage”, use this technique either in works for printed publications, or in a separate part of the text.

Remember the yellow press: there, no matter what the name is, it's a sensation. But in the process of reading it is revealed how little it corresponds to the content. And, alas, there is no need to talk about the quality of writing. Therefore, the text should be original first of all, and the title should be .

To make an article bright, it must be lived. You need to love her, eat with her, walk and sleep with her. And then she will reciprocate and in your caring hands she will turn into a real beauty.


  • Uniqueness. talking plain language, is the percentage of discrepancy between your text and other Internet publications.

Any text that exists in in electronic format, is checked for uniqueness using special resources. (link will be later)

The uniqueness of articles is related to originality, but does not always follow from it. Indeed, if you work on the material yourself, and even with great enthusiasm, and even like to be original, you will get a high percentage of uniqueness. The best result is, of course, 100%. An indicator of your creativity and dedication.

But, since uniqueness checking resources count not only large text fragments as matches, but also individual phrases, this indicator often decreases through no fault of yours. However, it can also be corrected mechanically by changing the order of words in a sentence and redoing phrases.

The above does not mean that the uniqueness of the text is a purely formal criterion, and the ability to create unique content requires only editorial skills from you. To “earn” high uniqueness, minimize copying and paraphrasing of Internet sources. If you cannot do without working with them (which happens most often), let them serve as a storehouse of the necessary information and a reference point for the logic of presentation. Instead of paraphrasing, use a summary. A delayed oral retelling will help with this.

If the text is not unique enough for publication (as a rule, the minimum threshold for copywriting is 85%, but each customer has their own requirements), instead of numerous rearrangements of words in a sentence, it will be more correct to dilute the material with the author's style, digressions and, if allowed, humor. This will add attractiveness to the article, and make it easier for the reader to perceive it.

Logic and structured

  • Logic and structured. Even if you are writing about universal chaos, the article should strive for cosmic order. The logic of the plot should be clearly traced so that the reader can easily understand the text and, if necessary, return to the right place.

To write logical articles, you need to be able to organize information already at the stage of inspiration. Some creative people find it difficult to do this, but in such cases a plan helps. After all, it’s not for nothing that they taught so obsessively at school to draw up an essay plan!

As you build your story, it's helpful to put yourself in the reader's shoes and ask questions that you hope the article will answer.

For example, if your work is called “Is it possible to grow watermelons in the suburbs?”, A potential reader will be interested in what varieties of watermelons are recommended for growing in the middle lane, how to choose from this variety what will lead to good results at low labor costs, how to prepare soil, how to choose the optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings and planting in the ground, what are the recommendations for care, and, of course, whether experienced gardeners have a positive experience. Accordingly, we will organize the story in order of garden work.

In general, the more diverse questions (how, why, why, etc.) are planned in the plan, the more consistent, interesting and useful the result will be. At the same time, please note that the questions in the plan are open-ended, i.e., requiring detailed answers, and not just “yes” or “no”. Asking open-ended questions gives you the opportunity to expand your statements, and the order of the questions will help outline the logic of the plot.

If the preliminary drawing up of a plan still limits your creative freedom, if suddenly in a writer’s ecstasy thoughts flow like a river or splash like a fountain, let them splash out so as not to lose, but after that do not forget to carefully examine the channel so that your readers do not stumble over the thresholds of abrupt transitions, not bogged down in a swamp of repetitions and drowned in a lot of water.

Simply put, check how logical the resulting fragment is, what main idea you would like to express in it, in what sequence you support it with facts and reasoning, and whether you have gone too far from the topic. Most likely, the fruit of fantasy will require clarification, additions and polishing.

Perhaps some parts do not quite fit the given topic (that is, unreasonably expand it) - they will have to be postponed for another article. The main thing is not to delete ideas completely, but to store them in a separate document and re-read from time to time.

The structuring of the text is manifested in the convenience of its perception. Small portions of information are perceived better than a voluminous layer. And therefore, for the convenience of orientation (including yours), do not neglect division into paragraphs, subheadings, and in individual cases and numbered lists.

If the format allows, dilute useful tips (any Internet article eventually boils down to them, right?) With jokes, entertaining stories, authoritative or just beautiful quotes and real life examples.

The main thing is that everything should be in moderation and fit the theme.

An agreement with the Muse or a few words about inspiration

The age-old question that worries creative people, how to curb the masterful Pegasus or, in other words, make inspiration work according to your schedule, has already been described in detail.

But, as they say, additions will never be redundant. Thinking about it in more detail, I noticed that inspiration can be divided into two principles: the intellectual one, which feeds us with ideas, and, in fact, the creative one, which charges us with the right mood.

So, the creative impulse can be drawn from completely unexpected sources: music, photography, painting, nature paintings ... For example, I can be influenced by cheerful, life-affirming pop, somewhat melancholic rock or creations of any genre with mega-complex texts - I immediately want to create something similar.

And intellectual inspiration follows the new impressions of your life, and the more unexpected they are, the more striking the result can be.

Unfortunately, the Muse does not always appear at the first call and keeps you faithful in grief and joy. In such cases, you have to call it forcibly.

If you're not a freelance artist, and therefore the timeliness of submitting your work to the editor is important to you, try to train yourself to sit down to create at the same time. At the same time, it is useful to cheer yourself up during the day, anticipating in advance what interesting thoughts you will write down in the evening. And, of course, during the day to think about ideas.

In the process of reflection, you can use the publications related topics, but the effect of this is twofold. On the one hand, you get an impulse for creativity (this is how Vasily's article about finding ideas for content inspired me to do this work) and some ideas about what else can be mentioned in your creation.

On the other hand (especially for novice copywriters), there is a danger of adopting someone else's (and alien to you) presentation logic and thereby worsen the result. Remember, your text must be really (not only technically, but also ideologically) unique. It should not be similar to influences, prototypes and primary sources, which means that it should be compared with them only in terms of information richness, but not in any way in terms of the way the topic is disclosed. Each author has his own views and methods.

Summarizing what has been said, I emphasize that the following ingredients are needed to prepare a tasty article:

  1. burning desire for creativity,
  2. acute perfectionism,
  3. a mature willingness to put oneself in the place of the reader,
  4. thinly sliced ​​humor,
  5. a big dose of perseverance
  6. and a pinch of inspiration.

Create for pleasure! I wish you success!