Kindergarten graduation script. Preparatory group

Kindergarten prom script for children 6 - 7 years old

Target: Create a joyful mood in children, evoke an emotional uplift and form a festive culture. To develop the musicality of children, the ability to emotionally perceive music.
Educational: to consolidate the ability to expressively and clearly perform songs and dances, the ability to expressively perform roles, to read poetry with expression.
Developing: To develop singing skills, a sense of rhythm, ear for music. To develop the ability to coordinate movements with music, the ability to play an ensemble on children's musical instruments.
Educational: To cultivate a benevolent relationship with each other, a sense of mutual help and compassion. Form a craving for knowledge. Form cooperation skills, independence.
Preliminary work: Learning musical and dance material, learning poetry and sketches.

Graduation matinee at the preschool educational institution "Where does childhood go?"

Solemn music sounds. The presenters come out.

Lead 1: Hello dear parents! Dear guests! Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon the first school bell will ring for our graduates!
Lead 2: Ahead is a difficult road to the world of adult school life. And today they are solemn and excited rushing to the first prom in their life. Meet them!
The most perky!
The most agile!
The most charming!
Most attentive!
The most humble!
(Children enter the hall in pairs, the presenter introduces each by name.)

Lead 1: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -
Our last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious, -
After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

Lead 2: And how difficult it is for us to part with you,
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became family, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, is not to be found.

1st child: Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,
Today is a holiday - Graduation.
And we are proud of our garden
After all, it is like a home for us!
2nd child: Here we played, played naughty, grew up.
Here our childhood years have passed.
Hurried here every morning
We will never forget these days!
3rd child: Today is a spring day, bright.
So thrilling for us
Time will pass unnoticed
We will be greeted by the school, first class!
4th child: We will sing goodbye,
We present this song to everyone.
May this song be in May day
Flies across the world.
Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

After the song, the children go to the chairs.

Lead 1: For the holiday as a friendly family, we gathered for the last time. And today there will be a presentation of the film "Where Childhood Goes". It was created for four years and today we will show the most interesting shots of it.
Lead 2: The first shot "Nostalgic"
Why nostalgic, you ask? Because textbooks and notebooks, primers and problem books will enter the life of our children, and toys will become a thing of the past. (Two graduates come out with toys in their hands.)

Girl: What's wrong with the drum?
He does not knock early.
Boy: What happened to the clown?
He is sad and serious.
Girl: My skipping rope is sad,
Nearby is a doll in a bright dress.
Boy: Next door to them is a bear
In a warm plush coat.
Girl: Here's a car, bunny, cat,
Bobblehead named Seryozha.
Boy: Brightly bound book,
And the aircraft designer.
Girl: I have no time for them today,
I come up with a verse.
Boy: About your favorite drum,
About citro in my glass
Girl: And also that tomorrow
I will become an adult suddenly.
And I'll go to first grade.
All children: We, toys, have no time for you!
Music sounds, girls of the younger group enter with congratulatory verses and dance.

1 baby: I am a doll, beauty, look how cute!
Today she brought her friends to say goodbye.
2 baby: They put on their outfits and washed their cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you!
3 baby: You are not sad today, come to visit more often.
We will miss you, come and wait.
Dance "We are little dolls"
(Boys come out giving gifts and see off the kids)

Children: Our lovely dolls, toys
We will miss you,
Believe us, we will not forget you.
We will wave goodbye to you.
Goodbye, goodbye!
Lead 1: Having looked at these little adorable dolls, you probably remembered what your children were like when they first came to kindergarten.
The song "We came to the kindergarten as kids"
(After the song, they sit on the chairs.)
Lead 2: It took a little time and
The kindergarten has become a home
Cheerful, kind and familiar.
And we ourselves did not notice how everyone around became friends.
Lead 1: And we continue watching our film.
So, the second frame: "Friendship"
Girl 1: In our group, it's not a secret,
We have been friends with Sveta for many years.
The two of us do not miss, we sing songs together.
We walk and read, we dream of becoming artists.
We will carry this friendship forever through the years.
Girl 2: We are faithful friends, and we cannot quarrel.
We dance and sing with her, we live happily together.
We are laughing girls, we are funny friends.
The song "The girls are walking with a light gait"

Lead 1: In our group, not only girls are so friendly, and of course, our boys. We do not have many of them, but they are wonderful, the kindest, the most courageous, the most courageous. You can talk a lot about them, but let's better take a look at them.
Dance "Gentlemen and Ladies"

Lead 2: Childhood is the time when all children dream. But even moms and dads do not know who they will become, who the children will grow up to. And yet, I believe that even the most unusual, fantastic dreams come true, if you really want to! So, the third frame "WE DREAM"
Lead 1: Guys, I think each of you have a dream? Yes?
Individual numbers:
Olya, when you become an adult, who do you want to be? (Do I dream of becoming a great violinist?)
Lead 2: Arina, do you have a dream? (Yes, I dream of becoming a poet and I will tell you a poem)
Lead 1: Sveta, who do you dream of becoming? (Artist)
Well done guys! Your dreams will surely come true! But it seems to me that each of you has a dream to go to school as soon as possible? Yes? Do you know what awaits you there? We'll see now.
To have a good way at school
Your flow is like a river.
We will play the game "Tell me a word"

Who walks with a bag of books
In the morning to school ... (student)

There are stomping feet in the hallway
That everyone's covenant for the lesson ... (call)

If you know everything
You will get at school ... (five)

If you hone it-
Draw whatever you want
Sun, mountains, sea, beach
What is this ... (pencil)

To write letters
We will prepare ... (notebook)

Every student goes to school
Should take with me ... (diary)

Look, you took to school,
I put it with me ... (pencil case)
Well done! We are quite calm for you
You are ready for school!
Lead 2: What grades do you want to receive at school? (Fives and Fours)
Lead 1: But we'll see that. We offer you the game "Good marks".
Well done guys, we will hope that you will please your parents with good grades.
Lead 2: All adults were once children, and we know for sure
That would give everything in the world to see the childhood of the cloud.
And the sun in childhood is a hundred times warmer, and friendship is stronger, and flowers are more beautiful.
And all the songs seem more fun, and dreams come true.

Lead 1: Here comes the moment of farewell, we will not be sad, friends.
Let our kindergarten remain forever in your life, like your own family.
Lead 2: So the preschool childhood rushed by
You are on the verge of a different life.
May it forever remain in the memory
Your first graduation waltz.
Graduation waltz

Lead 1: Well, now our film has come to an end called
"Where does childhood go?"

Let's all remember how it all began ...
Film presentation.
Children stand against the central wall.
Poems to the staff of the kindergarten.
Egor: But now our concert is over,
And the time has come. Saying goodbye.
Sveta: “Thank you,” we say gently
We are our educators.
We also confess to you:
You look like our mothers.
Thank you a hundred thousand times
All our life we ​​will remember you.
Nastya: Thanks to our lovely nannies,
For their care and diligence!
Nastya I: Thanks to those who taught us,
And sing and dance.
Nastya: Thanks to those who treated us.
And taught to put a thermometer,
I watched our cheeks,
Aleli, like flowers!
Marina: Look how strong we are
How healthy and vigorous!
In games we are invincible
Both active and fast!
We did not sit on sports -
We studied in the morning, in the afternoon ...
Fizruk for these goals
We shake hands tightly!
Olya: To cope with emotions,
And do not quarrel in the garden,
Build relationships,
And do not get involved in trouble
So that there is excess activity,
Didn't frighten people around
I always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!
Katya: So that our life is not dull,
We did not count the crows, -
There was a lot of entertainment.
Our bow to the Methodist!
Arina: For being our home -
Was more beautiful from year to year,
We must say thank you
Our head!
Fedya: Today they see us off,
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we go to first grade
All in chorus: Thank you, goodbye!
Educators: Our dear guys!
Lead 1: You have all done a very good job this school year. Learned a lot about our world; learned to read, count, solve difficult problems; learned to be polite and well-mannered. We took our first difficult steps into school life.
Lead 2: I would like to wish you to continue to be the same hardworking, kind and caring people; so that, while studying at school, you can delight both teachers and your parents with your successes, as you have delighted us.
Farewell song "Kindergarten"
The head of the kindergarten, the representative of the parent committee, speaks with warm words of parting words.

Yes, guys ... our trip turned out to be really intense and interesting. And, I think, each of us took from it something important for ourselves, and at the same time something warm and light, which will be especially gratifying to remember on cold winter evenings.

I would like to tell you a little about the experience that I got walking this two-week route side by side with my good friends ...

I think the guys were more prepared for the upcoming trip, in the end, they showed themselves like real men, and men are used to not being afraid of difficulties, but to overcome them. But for me the trip turned out to be more unpredictable ... The trip, which helped me to see my physical and spiritual weakness and unpreparedness for this kind of travel. But this was the first experience. Very useful and has brought many good fruits for my soul.

When I was preparing for the trip, I very naively believed that the main issue that needs to be taken under control is nutrition + all other household issues.

It all started before leaving with my "wishes" for the food, which you just need to take with you. And only at the end of the trip I was able to really appreciate what stupid things I had done. Indeed, I can only be justified by the absence of any real experience of living in the wild. We simply did not use half of the "desired" products, something even deteriorated. I look back, and I feel terribly ashamed how the kind "captain" could come to terms with my huge grocery box, with my beautiful dishes, a teapot (which we successfully smashed), a spicy grater and a frying pan ?! It will remain a mystery to me! Of the products, they were clearly superfluous: potatoes, peas, flour, onions, carrots, zucchini and fruits from my garden. I know it's funny to read all this! I sincerely apologize for my folly and short-sightedness!

In the first week, there were many humbling circumstances: either my porridge burned out on the second day of the journey, then I would do something wrong. In the kitchen, everything was constantly falling out of hand! I had time to lose heart from my slovenliness and negligence. But in fact, she just fussed a lot.

But very soon the problems with cooking disappeared and, with God's help, everything began to work out. Only for this experience I am grateful to God from the bottom of my heart!

The guys took on a lot. And they have become a powerful support for me these days. I looked at their daily male work in setting up our tents and setting up the camp, all kinds of physical assistance, at the hard daily driver's work of our "captain" and much more ... and tried with all my might not to lose heart, somewhere to overcome my fatigue and help them. .. slowly doing his job. I am grateful to them from the bottom of my heart for everything!

What did this trip give us? Each of us asks this question to ourselves, returning from a pilgrimage or travel. After all, to draw conclusions, to feel the benefits of the path traveled, to feel the good fruits, or, conversely, to know your weakness - that's what is really important! This difficult path made it possible to see many disorders in my still immature soul, but it also brought many good fruits to all of us. The fruits of true friendship, support, sincere joy, caring for each other, overcoming all difficulties together, shoulder to shoulder. We have become a small family these days.

Graduation 2015.

"While everyone is at home."

Leading: Moscow time 15:00 hours.

Explanation: for medalists - 3 pm; for those tortured by exams - the big arrow is at 12, - the small arrow is at 3; for parents - it's already evening. We bring to your attention the favorite program "While everyone is at home" (The curtain opens)

(song melody)

Leading: Good evening, dear friends!

Leading: Dear graduates and parents!

Leading : Dear teachers and guests!

Leading: Today you have an unusual evening with us, one of a kind.

Leading: Firstly, because for graduates this is the last evening in the circle of their classmates.

Leading: And secondly, because this is the last evening in a huge house called "School".

Song to the tune "Pizza - to the whole planet earth"


And here we are, our hour has come

Our day has come. (mm)

And my will

Stand tall


All over the planet Earth yayayayayaya (3 times)

And we don't need

Expensive, so rich

And all the cases

And we don't need to, we love school - it's such a waste

A new day awaits us alreadyeeeee

New day without any troubles

We're on top now

And everyone is ready - to take off

Now our graduation hour has come

Goodbye goodbye

We begin to live now.

Leading: They say that school is our second home. Why the second? Let's calculate how much time an 11th grade student spends at school and at home.

Leading: 6-7 lessons daily + special courses + electives + individual consultations ...

Leading: + classroom hours + shifts + extracurricular activities ...

Leading: + cleaning of the school territory.

Leading: How much time do we spend at home? Calculated? Therefore, we can rightfully claim that the school is our “first home”!

Leading: And since the school is our "first home", we decided to visit a large family. The head of the family is the school director L.V. Cossack. She has 506 children! L.V., you, as the head of a family, which is so numerous, noisy, restless, of different ages, are probably used to the fact that you often have to solve a variety of issues.

Leading: Today there is a special celebration in a big school family, for the most adult children there is a graduation!

Song to the administrator.

Trofim is the wind.

Verse :

At school you are not stricter, more important

Administrator builds children

You will come to school without delay

Face - you will not pass the control.

Well, there is a war with smoking at school,

You can't run at recess,

Well, in the dining room there is always a crowd,

You won't be in time until morning.


School is behind, we will remember

Your advice and instructions are all

We think that in life we, when it will come in handy,

Low bow to you and forgive for mistakes

Restless our class

We will not forget you, we will remember you for a long time.

Leading: Graduation ball ... while uttering this phrase, I can already hear the sounds of the waltz (the melody of the waltz sounds)

Leading: In today's program "While everyone is at home" you will find:

Discipleship stories;

Pedagogical parting words;

Parental guidance;

Solemn minutes;

Parting words;


In accordance with the above announced plan and traditions of the program “While everyone is at home”, the first question is: “How did it all begin?”.

VC: Guys, has it really passed 11 years?

V-tsa : Yesterday I remembered how we came to the 1st grade.

VC: I was very proud.

Q: And I was a little scared.

PC: I'm a little confused today.

Because, I came to the first class.

I have so much to learn

Find friends, teachers understand.

P-tsa: And I have so many things in my portfolio,

That sometimes it is very difficult to figure it out.

Sometimes I will not find a pen or my pencil case,

And the neighbor on the desk shouts to me: "Give it back!"

VC: Do you remember our first trip to nature?

V-tsa : Our first teacher only managed to catch us out of the trees and all kinds of holes.

VC: Our first teacher is the best in the world!

Q: That's for sure! She is with us today.

Q: Everything was new, unfamiliar, but curiosity prevailed,

And we went the road of knowledge a long time ago.

VC: And you walked next to us, taught us, tolerated us.

And we only understood you and how the class went home to the native.

Q: Thank you for your soul, for your work, patience, kindness, for investing a lot in us, even though it was not easy.

Song to the First Teacher.

Song-rework on the last call to the first teacher on the motive "Crane Song"

1. Again the lilac waving its brushes to us,
All the years passed quickly.
Our first teacher,
We will never forget you.

Your kindness helped us out,
Severity taught me not to yawn.
And lessons from the start
We tried to do it at five.

2. Let us stand quietly and remember
How we entered the light class for the first time.
We will also remind you of ourselves.
But do not forget us either.

We promise to study well,
We will preserve your image in our hearts.
We wish you great happiness
And we say thank you for everything!

Graduate: Do you remember how we graduated from elementary school and plunged into a world where there are many subjects, teachers?

We were greeted by our new cool moms

Dear N.A.

1.You loved us all the same,

Sharing my love equally with everyone,

For the fact that you sculpted people out of us,

Thank you teachers!

2. And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When the world was torn to us from scratch.

For the fact that we are a little bit like you,

Thank you teachers!

3. We all disturbed you a little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes merry.

For taking us on the road,

Thank you teachers!

4. For the eternal multiplication table,

For giving us the land,

For the fact that we are all your continuation,

Thank you teachers!

Dear W.K. we invite you to the stage!

Congratulations with ribbons.

one). So our school years have come to an end.

2). A little more and we will leave these walls.

3) Dear Uliana Kuzminichna, it is very difficult to list everything that we owe you.

4). You loaded us with problems, solving which, we did not sleep at night.

5). You have always been a caring mother for us, a beloved teacher, and a kind educator.

6). But only now we understand how difficult it is to part.

7). We were playing naughty, skipping classes, not doing homework.

8) But we have always known the one who loved you with all our hearts.

9). Every day you begin to realize that your heart is beating more and more, and your pulse quickens.

10). How many interesting stories related to the school, but many you do not even know.

eleven). Not everyone has such a talent for communicating with people. You possess it perfectly.

12). And even if we are not accepted to the institute, it does not matter, because thanks to you, we can do everything!

thirteen). Let there be disagreements between us, but we loved each other.

14) We all became a close-knit family.

15). You are our star, guide.

sixteen). You are kind, charming, unique.

17). Caring, sincere, irresistible.

eighteen). Cheerful, wonderful, responsive.

nineteen). Affectionate, flawless and perfect.

twenty). Understanding, disinterested, adorable.

21). You are a part of each of us.

22). Stay the same always and agree.

23). That we are your best graduates!

24). And all this is you U.K., and all of us are not enough to convey the feelings that overwhelm us in these minutes.

25). So all our connections became visible, but you must let us go.

Graduate1: How glad I am that the school taught us organization and discipline. After all, every day a different schedule, different homework.

Graduate2: You must always be ready for the lessondon't forget teaching supplies.

Graduate1: I was so afraid to always forget something, to miss something.

Graduate2: And I was afraid that they would give me a bad mark and write a remark in my diary.

Graduate: Come on, keep it simple, treat your studies philosophically.

How did the Kazakh teachers treat us?

The song "The Most-Most".

1 couplet

We come to your class every day

With a good smile, you were waiting for us

Alsabaқty, sәlemetsіz be!

This is how it beginsmұғalimyour lesson

Crammed 24 hours

And I dreamed of thunder-a-tic at night

Well, about vocabulary, other words ...

We'll sing them for you la-la-la,

We will not forget your lessons

You are used to us, we know

We passed the tests on time

But life is waiting for us


Oh god mama mama i'm going crazy

Her exams mom, her head is spinning

Үlken rakhmetwe will tell with our hearts not crooked

Her smile is mom, the most

Graduate: Daaa amazed their teachers with intelligence and flight of thoughts.

Graduate: Only the flight was not at all the same often.

Graduate2: But our main heights were taken thanks to our dear teachers.

How can we thank the teachers who taught us?

Not to fall into banality, not to deceive, in what words to praise their feat?

And is there a more difficult field - of us lazy and arrogant to prepare a shift of sentries,

So that the children's laughter does not subside. Thank you, teachers, for your good deeds,

Let the sun give you smiles, and let there be plenty of happiness!

The song WE ARE TOGETHER sounds for you

Foreign language teachers visiting our program:

In foreign language. we walked doom:

Difficult, boring and too learned.

Asked home reading,

But in reality - sheer torment ...

It was a long time ago, but now

We burst into class with fun

We look into your mouth with adoration,

And "Danke shyon" (thank you, teacher) we tell you for everything!

Foreign languages ​​are rather strange.

Cramming, cramming transcription - and nothing in the brain!

We don't need the maximum

We only need the minimum

To read all the patches on imported pants!

(to the melody of the song "What do you need?")

You came to the lesson

All the guys are glad to see you.

All "good bye" only had time to say.

That's when we found out

What you need, what you need,

Catching what to say to you in response.

We know for sure now

Tenses we verbs

We will not forget about the infinitive

Let's go to the Canary Islands

And we will know clearly

How to apply in English

Thank you, our wise mentor, for the fact that in the endless desert you tirelessly cultivated stunted sprouts of mathematical knowledge.

Basic algebras, oh, how heavy

But because of Batalova, they are dear to us.

Cubes and squares, countless all,

The method of integrals, I know for sure: yes.

I know: there are three-terms, functions, zeros ...

So many equations that they drove me crazy.

There are new questions for the eternal marathon,

Well, for Ulyana Kuzminichna

Our bow to earth


1 couplet

Hey honest people

Look around you drawing on the board

Rhombus, square and circle

We have no problem

We will tell everyone

Who is the master of equations and schemes


We extract the root,

Reducing fractions

Hey teacher listen here

Everyone knows that in the world

Just one queen of sciences

Well, no hands

Even a physical hand will agree with us


Well kiddie, look here

If you don't learn math

Then trouble awaits, well, cheer up

And get up

Mathematics is our whole life

Chorus 2x



We understand that it is difficult

Very hard

To teach you history now,

After all, so many things happened to her,

That try to comprehend and understand everything.

With the pyramid of Cheops

Somehow we'll figure it out

We can recognize Razin's face,

And the twentieth century is in the fog, all in the fog,

And in it it is difficult for us to understand at least something.

History is a complex subject, I don’t argue

But I will only reveal the truth in it to you.

I will read the paragraph at least 20 times,

I won’t remember anything and I don’t understand anything.

Imagine yourself: it is 6 sheets,

There are about 30 dates in it, the names are innumerable.

Events, facts, reasons, consequences,

And as usual from this the consequence:

Three in a quarter, and in a year.

That's all I remember about the history lesson.

Purpose of the event:
- team building.

Objectives of the event:
- development of cognitive activity;
- to develop organizational skills in everyone;
- to form a respectful attitude towards each other.

utensils for performing competition tasks;
boxes with cereals;

Lead 1: Hello dear friends!
Lead 2.
Hello. We sincerely greet and congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity - our Girls on their wonderful day on March 8!
Lead 1: Happy holiday
Happy holiday clear
Happy holiday
Wonderful, wonderful
Lead 2:
Happy holiday of caress,
Love and attention
Happy feminine Charm - Happy March 8!
Lead 1:
Do you know by chance how the tradition of celebrating Women's Day came about?
Lead 2:
Of course I know. I have prepared myself, I think it will be interesting for our girls to know.
Day 8 March is annually celebrated by the UN as International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. International Women's Day - World Women's Day, which celebrates the achievements of women in the political, economic and social fields, celebrating the past, present and future of the world's women. The holiday is celebrated by the United Nations, and in some countries of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine - this day is a national holiday.
Celebration of March 8 in Russia includes an established "ritual" of giving flowers and gifts to women.
Lead 1:
Yes, we completely forgot about gifts. Like all self-respecting men, we also prepared gifts for our girls.
(gifts are given bouquets of sweets)

Appendix # 1
Lead 2:
Let the first snowdrop.
Will give you tenderness!
The spring sun will give you warmth!
And the March wind will give you hope
And happiness, and joy, and only good!
Lead 1:
We congratulated you today,
Happy International Women's Day,
They dedicated their poems to you,
Now let's sing a song.

Ditties are performed.

1. As the snow melts in the spring,
It turns out water.
We will sing to you about girls -
Woe with them and trouble.
2. Our Katya is that talker,
And she's not too lazy to laugh.
Show Nastya a finger -
Laughs heartily ..
3. Our Nastya sews and knits -
Directly a craftswoman.
Sewing mom a sundress -
The mitten came out.
4. Yulenka loves all dances,
Spins in front of the mirror.
If they say: "Dancing at school" -
Runs quickly to school.
5. Tanya loves to cook
Cook borscht and bake buns.
Everything in her apartment is in dough,
Even nowhere in the bedroom to lie down.
6. Our Olya is so serious
He will not part with the book.
He eats with a book and sleeps with a book,

He teaches everything, tries.
7. Vera loves to be offended.
He takes offense at everyone.
Tell her a bad word
There will be tears all day.
8. We composed ditties,
We tried very hard.
We only ask that you,
They did not take offense at us.
(assemble a puzzle from a postcard at a time) - the postcard is cut in advance from March 8 into an arbitrary number of squares of the groove type.

Lead 2:
Attention, attention, attention. Before the holiday, the male half of the class was subjected to brutal questioning. As a result, it was revealed that
The kindest -
The most flexible -
The most responsive -
The most accurate -
The most athletic -
The most hardworking -
The most fun -
And the last nomination - "Miss Class"
The medals and the Miss Class ribbon are handed over to thunderous applause.

Mother's assistant competition.
(It is necessary to disassemble the cereal - it was mixed in advance: rice, buckwheat, peas, beans. It is necessary to disassemble everything and name the cereal. Who is faster.

Lead 1:
And now, dear girls, we will find out which of you is helping mom in the kitchen. I need to finish the quatrain.
1. What a creak, what a crunch?
What is this bush?
How is it to be without crunching?
If I ... (cabbage).
2. Round, crumbly, white.
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt her a little
Indeed, delicious ... (potatoes).
3. In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in a barrel, yellow, salty.
Guess, well done,
What are our names ... (cucumbers).
4. It is round and red,
Like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables, there is no juicier ... (tomato).
5. It is as big as a soccer ball.
If it is ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good
And his name is ... (watermelon).
Lead 2:
And now for you the Future Chefs competition.
(From the cards offered, you need to choose products and what, accordingly, can be prepared from them.)

Appendix # 2

Lead 1:
Let's see what you know about the sewing business?
1. Steel nose,
Linen tail,
Goes through the canvas,
He finds an end.
(Needle and thread)
2. Back and forth along the river,
The steamer walks, wanders.
Stop - grief!
Make holes in the sea!
3. Which line cannot be read by any scientist?
4. I dance around the room with my work,
The more I spin, the more I get fat.
5. I'm riding, I don't know who,
I will meet a friend - I will jump off, I will welcome.
6. Put it on - it will bring it to the rim,
Soymu - it will fall as a snake,
The heat does not give,
And it's cold without him.
7. The little ones hid themselves in shaggy bags:
Four together, one on a pole.
8. Writhing with a cat,
Stretches - from the track.
9. No arms, no legs, skip under the bench.
10. Two ends, two rings,
In the middle of the carnations.
Accuracy Competition
(standing with your back to the door, you need to throw a ball with your left hand and get into the door) - it's not so easy.

Lead 1:
So our holiday has come to an end.
You once again proved to us that we have the smartest, best girls in school.
Lead 2:
May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.

Lead 1:
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring.
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!
Lead 2:
We say goodbye to you!
Lead 1:
Thank you girls for your attention!
Dance (bull's eye.)

Appendix # 1

Fill in for the holiday.
Girls' names should not be repeated.
The kindest --___________________________________

The friendliest --______________________________

The most fun --_______________________________

The most original --_______________________________

The most active --_______________________________

The most curious --_____________________________

Miss class ______________________________

Appendix # 2

Product cards.
Kissel Milk
Egg Bun
Porridge Cabbage
Buckwheat Potatoes
Potato pancakes Pickled cucumbers
Fried eggs Starch
Apples Flour
Minced cabbage soup
Pike pilaf
Pickle Compote
Ear Rice
Pancakes Cutlets
Appendix # 3
(tag for a bunch of sweets)

So our journey has come to an end. Maybe someone has any questions? Did you enjoy our trip? Would you like to visit other similar excursions? In conclusion, I say that I really enjoyed conducting an excursion for such attentive listeners as today's excursionists. I thank them for choosing our travel agency and for their attention.

So our journey has come to an end. Maybe someone has any questions? Did you enjoy our trip? Would you like to visit other similar excursions? In conclusion, I say that I really enjoyed conducting an excursion for such attentive listeners as today's excursionists. I thank them for choosing our travel agency and for their attention.

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Results (English) 1:

And that ended our trip. Can anybody have any questions? You liked our trip? Would you still go on such trips? Finally say that I really enjoyed a trip to such attentive listeners, as today "s tourists. I thank them for what they have chosen our travel agency, and for your attention.

is being translated, please wait ..

Results (English) 2:

Now, it "s the end of our journey with you. Could someone have any questions? You liked our stay? Would you still like to go on tour? In conclusion, I say that I loved spending hike for such attentive listeners, as today "s tourists. Thank them for what they have chosen our travel company, and for your attention.