Dad and I are making presentation feeders. Winter bird feeders presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 3) on the topic

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TRIPLE SIEVE FOLK SIGNS Tricky Questions FEEDING RULES FOR BIRDS FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER! Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, teacher primary school, Riga basic school "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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FROM THREE TIPS TO DETERMINE THE NAMES OF BIRDS Lazareva Lidiya Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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SPARROW WHO IS THIS? Small gray agile bird. As soon as this bird sees a handful of crumbs or a scattering of grain, it first of all issues the invocative "chiv..., chiv...", which serves as an invitation to dinner for all the surrounding brothers. In the cold season, the birds sit tightly pressed against each other, ruffled. Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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CROW WHO IS THIS? This bird has a large, elongated body, large strong legs. Walks with big steps. The beak is strong, large. The head, throat, wings are black, and the rest of the body is gray. Love shiny things. Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Woodpecker It differs from other birds in the variegated color of its plumage. The upper body is black and the underside is white. The crown and nape of the females are black, while the males have a red spot on the nape of the neck. There are many white spots on the wings. This bird is called forest doctor". WHO IS THIS? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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SNEGIRI Inhabitants of taiga forests. At the beginning of winter, they appear in large numbers in the central regions of our country. The lower part of the body of males is brick pink, the back is ash gray; the top of the head, wings and tail are brilliant black. In females, the red color is replaced by brownish-gray. These birds have a snowy name. WHO IS THIS? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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FORTY The head, wings, tail are black, and snow-white feathers on the sides. The tail is long, straight, like an arrow. The beak is strong and sharp. This bird is considered very talkative. Agile, mobile, fussy bird. WHO IS THIS? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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TIT It is distinguished by extreme mobility and dexterity. The head, throat, stripe along the chest and undertail are black, the wings and tail are bluish, the back is yellow-green or bluish-gray, the abdomen is often yellow, and the cheeks and spot on the back of the head are white. On a sunny day, it sings loudly: “Xin-sin-sin!” WHO IS THIS? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Nuthatch The coloration of the dorsal side of the body is bluish-gray, the ventral side is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head. There are white spots on the tail. It climbs trees better than other birds. This is the only bird that can move up the trunk upside down. WHO IS THIS? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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THE SPARROWS SMOOTHED TOGETHER - TO THE THAW. FINISH THE SENTENCE: Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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TIT TO THE HUT - WINTER IN THE YARD. FINISH THE SENTENCE: Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Whose footprints are these? CROW SPARROW Lidiya Andreevna Lazareva, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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Sparrow Vorona Sinitsa Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail:

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WHO IS "EXTRA"? Knows how to crawl upside down Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School “PARDAUGAVA”, Riga, 2009, e-mail:

Nadezhda Dorofeeva

(master class for teachers and children)

Educator: Dorofeeva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.


1. To acquaint the participants of the master class with manufacturing original feeder for birds.

2. Promote an increase in the number of volunteers to help birds in the winter.

3. To teach the participants of the master class to design their own models of feeders.

The idea of ​​the master class: A form of effective professional influence both on teachers who are active in finding ways to grow their own pedagogical excellence and those teachers who are passive about their professional development.

1. Relevance.

Winter is a difficult time for birds. Out of 10 tits, only 2 survive by spring. Birds die not from cold, but from hunger. At this time, it can be difficult for them to get food. But it is especially difficult for birds when thaws alternate with frosts and everything around is covered with an ice crust. Birds do not have time to find enough food in a short winter day. To help wintering birds, it is necessary to feed them during the winter. But winter feeding of birds must be systematic, without interruptions, otherwise it will be harmful. Accustomed to finding food in a certain place every day, the birds, suddenly not finding it, will not immediately fly to another place, but will wait, waste time and energy, and in frosty days may die.

2. Presentation of the lesson system

Tell your child about birds. That they have a hard time in late autumn and winter ... Many who feed mainly on insects fly south, because all insects hide in winter. But wintering birds remain, which eat seeds, bread, various grains. In cities, it can be difficult for these winged friends to find food. Therefore, they should be fed.

The lesson will use the following techniques:

Formulation of the problem

Extraction of semantic information

Reception of communication in a group

Acceptance of participants preparing their conclusions on this issue

3. Simulation game

Before the start of the master class, I will ask you, dear colleagues, to determine your emotional state. To do this, check the box corresponding to the mood

Dear colleagues, I invite you and your children to make wonderful treats for the birds. They will not only please the winged ones, but will also become an ornament for your site. And if you hang them on a Christmas tree in the yard, they will become New Year's Christmas decorations. In order to make such mini bird feeders, we need:

1. Different cookie cutters.

2. A mixture of grains (can be bought at the store).

4. Gelatin.

5. Thread or ribbon for hanging.

Stage of modeling feeders.

Bird feeders come in a variety of shapes.

For winter feeding of birds, you can use dried seeds of sunflower, melon, watermelon, as well as millet, oats, barley, wheat. For tits, you can hang pieces of unsalted lard.

What do birds eat?

Sparrows - bread crumbs, cereals

Tits - pieces of unsalted fat, meat, cottage cheese

Goldfinches - sunflower seeds

Bullfinches - fruits of mountain ash, maple

Waxwings - fruits of mountain ash, wild rose, viburnum

4. Simulation

Pour gelatin with water and wait until completely dissolved. Add seeds and stir. Divide the resulting mass into molds. Gently drown the ribbon or string and wait for the gelatin to solidify. Ready! Forward for a walk in the yard to treat the birds!

5. Reflection

And now I will ask you to fill out a questionnaire:

The most interesting was:

See the work of colleagues

Work in a group

Make your own feeders

learn new things


Learn new techniques

Get involved in the project and create a model

Contact people

Do hard work

Believe in yourself

Discovered within:

Ability to achieve goals

Ability to solve problems that arise

Desire to learn new things

Opened in others:

Mutual help from friends

Reliable comrades

Self-control and creativity

Enthusiasm and great patience

Desire to communicate with me

Before the end of the master class, I will ask you, dear colleagues, to determine your emotional state. To do this, check the box corresponding to the mood.

Related publications:

I offer a variant of a bird feeder, which is practical and not affected by the seasons, does not require much effort and time.

In winter, our group announced the action "Give a feeder to the birds." I would like to be late, but to make a photo report. Our parents are like.

Winter is very hard times years for birds. It's time to think about our friends - the birds. They are cold and hungry. Because of the cold, birds lose a lot.

Bird feeders. We have such a custom; As soon as the snow falls, We'll hang the wooden bird's house on a twig. No grains, no blades of grass - hungry.

Objectives: to form an ecological culture in children; to instill a love for nature and cultivate a careful attitude towards it. Tasks: Educational:.

1. Material: plastic bottle from - for any drink, multi-colored plastic caps, foam sponges, scissors, glue gun,.

it's not the cold that's terrible, but
winter bird day
manage to satisfy hunger.
on the
tree branches and
make it difficult
birds to get food.
hungry and weak
birds freeze easily.

How can I help the birds?
We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.

Bird feeders are different. They can even be made from
improvised materials: bottles, boxes, juice bags or
milk, etc. In addition to their main task, feeders can also become
a real decoration of the territory, if they are given an interesting
the shape, for example, of a small house with windows and doors.

For my feeder I needed the following
wooden blocks;

For the manufacture of feeders used

The bottom of the feeder should have sides, and the higher
so much the better, as they protect the food from the wind.
The roof, in turn, protects food from rain and
With the help of dad
we made
bird feeder

With my friend we went out
on the street, poured into
seed and millet feeder

The best places for the feeder:
on windows, balconies;
on the branches of bushes and trees;
in parks and squares;
on a personal plot;
outside the city, where there are plantings and a forest nearby.

Dad hung a feeder on a tree near the kindergarten,
so that birds can eat and children can
admire them.

It is necessary to remember the rules when feeding:
do not feed birds with salty foods and rye bread
- it is deadly for them;
if you started to feed the birds one day at the beginning of winter,
make sure that there is food in the feeder every day;
the feeder should be comfortable and safe for birds (dense
fastening, no sharp edges, inaccessibility for cats);
hang the feeder so that small and
dexterous birds, but not pigeons and crows (for which
enough food on the street);
food must be protected from the weather;
The feeder must be cleaned regularly.
Now I will constantly add food for
birds in your feeder!

Feed the birds in winter! Let them fly from all over To you, as if home, Flocks on the porch Their food is not rich, A handful of grain is needed, A handful is one - and is not terrible It will be for them in the winter How many of them die - it's hard to count. But in our heart there is warmth for the birds!!!

"Birds at the feeder" Author: Padaltsina Nadezhda Viktorovna Project duration: long-term Project type: practice-oriented Project participants: educator, parents, children Significant problem for children: Many birds die in winter: out of ten, only one or two survive until spring. A hungry bird does not tolerate even mild frosts. How do our friends, birds, survive in winter, how can we help them in this difficult time?

1- Expand ideas about wintering birds. 2- Summarize the knowledge of pupils obtained by observing the habits of birds. 3- Expand the understanding of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how they are made from different materials. 4- To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their awareness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds 5- To teach children how to properly feed birds. 6- Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

The task of adults is to educate children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds. The desire to learn new facts of their life, to take care of them, to rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing the crumbs, you can save the birds from death in winter. - To give children basic knowledge about what to feed the birds in winter. - V joint work with parents to create conditions for children to communicate with the natural world and for all possible help to our feathered friends.

Pupil: - Having an idea about wintering birds. - Knowing how to make a feeder from different materials together with adults - Knowing how to feed the birds with food. - Able to observe, analyze and draw conclusions. Parent: - Active participant of the project. - Able to instill in children a love and respect for birds.

1. Preparatory stage: Creation necessary conditions for the implementation of the project: - discussion of goals and objectives with pupils and parents. - substantiation, prediction of ways to implement the project. - selection of cognitive, fiction. - guessing riddles, reading poems about birds. - conducting discussions on the project. - registration of consultations "How to make a bird feeder from plastic bottle", "Bird feeders", "Rules for keeping feeders", "How to feed birds". - - viewing presentations: "Wintering birds", "What are feeders". - making didactic games. - designing the wall newspaper "Birds in winter". - Exhibition of paper fakes using the origami method "Birds on a branch" - together with parents, making feeders from different materials.

2. Main (practical) stage. - design of an album about wintering birds. - compiling descriptive stories about wintering birds. - study of food for feeding birds. - exhibition of feeders. - Choosing a place for feeders. - organization of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day". - Observation of wintering birds. - daily feeding of birds throughout the project. - the use of different feeds. - registration campaign posters"Feed the birds in winter." - registration of memos - "What to feed the birds?". - Observation of the behavior of birds at the feeders. - creating a diary of observations. - daily filling of the diary of observations.

P / p p / p BIRDS WHAT NOT TO EAT 1. SPARROWS Bread crumbs Millet Any salty, fried, spicy, sour foods. Black bread is very dangerous - it turns sour in the goiter of birds, is poorly digested, especially in frost. Birds can not citrus fruits, banana peels, spices. 2. TITTS Sunflower seeds Watermelon seeds Raw bacon or meat 3. Pigeons Seeds Bread crumbs 4. Bullfinches Rowan berries Sunflower seeds

Making bird feeders.

The presentation was made by the teacher of technology Melikhova S.V. MKOUS(K)OSHI, Nizhny Kuranakh settlement.

Decipher the anagrams and answer whether these birds winter in our village.



insiats echkachet kyahpul

akorso nergis hakovsyan

Bird food

Sunflower seeds - like bullfinches, tits, nuthatches, sparrows.

Millet, millet, hemp - siskins, carduelis, sparrows, waxwings, oatmeal.

Watermelon and melon seeds - food for tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers.

Berries of mountain ash, viburnum, elderberry, bird cherry - bullfinches and waxwings.

All birds love breadcrumbs.

Not all birds winter in our region, but only those that are adapted to survive in cold conditions. It is not easy for birds in winter. The girls decided to help them by making feeders for them out of waste material. The designs of the feeders were invented taking into account the following requirements:

  • With a "roof" and "walls" so that snow does not fall into the feeders.
  • Durable.
  • Partially transparent for birdwatching.
  • Easy to manufacture.


  • Mark and cut out the entrance to the feeder and two circles of cardboard with a diameter equal to the diameter of the bottle.
  • We mark the puncture points for pulling the mesh from the thread, pierce the holes with an awl.
  • Insert the cardboard circles inside the bottle, one below and the other above the holes.
  • Through the holes we pull a thick thread, getting a grid on which we put the upper circle. So that the circle does not move to it, glue the bottom circle, while the net of threads will be between them.