Pitko O.A. Personal brand: features of creation and promotion

Usually I closely follow the activities of my heroines, I am pleased with their successes and practical advice. And when one of them publishes a book, it goes without saying that one wants to read it. Especially if the topic is in the air. Girls Who Inspire Book Review Today "Personal brand: creation and promotion" which she wrote Nika Zebra, co-authored with Andrey Ryabykh, and the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" released. Personal brand everyone cares: everyone is interested in how to monetize the potential of their own personality, how to convert their own charm into a strong connection with the audience and benefit from this dense communication: trainings, master classes, publications, speeches at conferences, media, social networks - everything is at our service. I often catch myself thinking about who is behind the product, service, institution, who invented and develops all this. And if the image is unpleasant to me or I do not accept some of its sides, it is unlikely that we will have "market" relations, I just do not want to buy these goods, go to a cafe or use their service. It makes sense that entrepreneurs are finally thinking about what added value their personalities give to the brand, what values ​​they convey.
The book "Personal Brand: Creation and Promotion" is interesting because it tries to cover this topic from different sides and comprehensively shows the directions in which the reader has to act. It is practical and is built in the form of direct instructions: "it is called this way, it must be done this way, information should be taken there."
There are many simple examples for the reader to understand. A minimum of terms and buzzwords - the authors consistently solve the problem of readers: to explain where to look and what to think about, if the thought of a personal brand does not let go.
In short, then personal brand is a tool that allows you to establish communication with the audience and achieve goals. This is a collection of your promises, it is built on the resource state - for a long time, painstakingly and thoughtfully. Answering the question “why do I need a personal brand” and formulating “to whom do I promise that” is already half the battle!
The authors warn: a personal brand is not a panacea and not in all cases you need one. For this, Nick wants to hug and say thank you. Because wherever you go, everyone speaks, shares their experience, tells life hacks, goes to conferences, flashes in gossip, are photographed with bloggers, but why they are doing it, what dividends they want to extract, they themselves do not understand - the principle “I'll think about it tomorrow” is unlikely to work here. The authors insist that a personal brand is sometimes more evil than its absence. And this must be understood at the very beginning.
I like it that you can, by taking a pencil and answering a few questions, form your "identity" - simple tasks help to cut off the husk and explain first to yourself, and then to your audience, what you promise her, what values ​​they will "adhere to" and most importantly, understand what actions you want from this audience and how you will achieve it. The book contains a lot of diverse advice, but their essence can be stated quite simply: the image that you carry should be logical, harmonious and natural, it should not contradict your essence. The actions you choose must be consistent and focused on a measurable result.
For "Matryoshka" , for example, this topic is key, because everything we do is inextricably linked with us: everyone knows that "Matryoshka" is Katya and Olya, Katya - about mimimi, thoughtfulness, beauty and emotional atmosphere, Olya - about drive, energy , ideas, enterprise and humor. One communicator, the other a manager, one dark, the other light-colored, one about "pink snot", the other about hardcore) - all this stems from personal characteristics and falls into the DNA of the brand. What do we promise and what expectations do we meet? For the participants of the events "Matryoshka" is a collective image of the best friend who will support, inspire, amuse, tell something useful and together you will learn something new and believe in the best! For the clients of "Matryoshka" it is, first of all, communicators and opinion leaders, a symbiosis of an information product and an event that connects the brand with a female audience. These are very clear quality standards in organizing events with their own branded chips and creative approach... All posts on social networks, public speeches, photographs should speak about this - these are the filters through which any information passes. Of course, I read the book with a special passion and compared it with our strategy of work!
The advantage of the book is that the reader receives a solid list of support points, a plan and guidelines, according to which the authors propose to build up their own competencies. You will know exactly what questions you need to solve and what is important to remember in order not to make mistakes and move on.
In the book, you will find tips on how to work with the media (how to write press releases and what a media map is), how networking works, why speak at conferences and how to choose the right events for you, how to prepare for a public speaking and organize e- mailing list (by the way, it works perfectly for Nika!), how to prepare a content plan for social networks, and even how to write a book. Conveniently, the authors devoted separate chapters to the personal brand of an entrepreneur, an official and an employee, explaining what is the difference in positioning and what areas of work with each category are key.

Probably, the title of the book somewhat complicated the life of its authors, since it is difficult to concentrate on any one moment - one feels the desire to give "all the sisters earrings" and go through all aspects of the topic, which is understandable! I can safely recommend the book to everyone who is taking the first steps in conquering the information space and who does not have time to receive specialized education on this issue - it is important for him to quickly receive instructions on how to act, to understand where to start. Entrepreneurs whose business is associated with publicity and the manifestation of its founder in in social networks and media. For those who need to personalize their company and build trust through communication with their own person.
It is read quite quickly (I mastered it in 3 evenings), but it is better to do it in detail, with breaks for "thinking". It will be better if you read and in parallel compare what the book says with the reality. own life and business, and, chapter by chapter, build own plan work with a personal brand - the book will help you!
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Previously, only famous and public people needed to monitor personal reputation, but now, along with the development of the Internet, this is an important task for every second person. So, who needs to monitor their own reputation and name on the network:

  • public people who need a good image - writers, artists, politicians, actors, singers, celebrities, athletes and their loved ones;
  • to the first persons of the companies. The reputation of a business is 30% dependent on the image of its leader or first person. These are the results of research from the University of California;
  • experts, professionals in their field, whose name should not be tarnished;
  • applicants for vacancies... Today, HR managers will definitely make inquiries about you, information from your resume and the results of the interview are already not enough for them;
  • entrepreneurs and startups who use creative activities are looking for additional income. Popularization and PR promotion can help turn a personal, personal brand into a profitable activity;
  • those who just want to declare themselves.

This list can be expanded, since nowadays even the second half can get to know you better using the simple tools of the global web.

What does the promotion of a personal brand on the Internet give:

  1. Increase in fame and increase in recognition.
  2. Image creation. You can position yourself as a specialist or expert in a certain field, convince everyone of your competence.
  3. Your brand is competitive advantage compared to those people who are underrepresented on the web. This is important, for example, for applicants for various positions.
  4. An additional communication tool. They will be able to find you and establish communication, if necessary.
  5. Positive reputation. Having displaced negativity from the TOP of the search, you can appear before the public in the right light.
  6. Indirect and direct business benefits. By creating and promoting a personal brand, you can give impetus to business development, improve the company's reputation and even ensure profit growth.

Online technologies for promoting a personal brand

Making a name for yourself online is easier than offline. For this, in many cases, even monetary investments, but only time! Creating accounts on social networks, resumes on professional services, running your own blog - all these are opportunities for anyone to make themselves a little better known to a wide audience.

So, the technology of promoting a personal brand can only rely on free opportunities. This requires:

  1. Create your blog on free services, for example, Blogger, or create a profile on a popular thematic site where you can post publications, leave statuses or comments.
  2. Design and publish a search engine optimized resume. For this, the LinkedIn service and popular job sites, where you need to create accounts, are ideal. Fill in all the important positions, the more information you have, the better for you as a job seeker.
  3. Create pages on leading social networks - Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte. These social media profiles rank well. On the pages you can post photos, share news, communicate. But remember that there is a difference between public and private life. If you want to differentiate them, then create separate pages - some under a pseudonym - for relatives and friends, and others under a real name - for a wide audience.
  4. Create accounts in photo and video services. Instagram, Flickr, YouTube - these sites are popular, so their accounts rank well in search engines. But you can't do without a well-thought-out promotion strategy: in some cases, you can upload almost all photos and videos without exception, and in others, you can strictly filter information so as not to spoil your personal reputation.
  5. Use other tools, for example, a service for creating presentations - SlideShare, create a profile on thematic blogs or forums, create podcasts ...

A serious approach requires working with professionals

These free methods are not always enough for the correct positioning of a person on the global web. And therefore, technologies for promoting a personal brand should rely on the experience and knowledge of professionals, the development of a clear strategy and tactics of action.

In this case, we are no longer talking about free promotion, but such effective tools, how:

  1. Search engine optimization of the site.
  2. SERM - reputation management, elimination of negativity, build-up of positivity.
  3. PR services, guest posting, work with opinion leaders.
  4. SMM with leading communities in various social networks.
  5. Direct marketing, etc.

You can order all these methods of promotion from us - Yeella reputation management and Internet marketing agency. Contact us if you need services for promoting your personal brand on the Internet and guarantees that you will achieve your goals!

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 19 pages) [available passage for reading: 4 pages]

Andrey Ryabykh, Nika Zebra
Personal brand. Creation and promotion

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm Vegas Lex

© Internet-bourgeois Andrey Ryabykh, Nika Zebra, 2015

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

* * *

About the authors

I am an Internet bourgeois Andrey Ryabykh.

Internet Bourgeois is a registered trademark and part of my personal brand.

I was born on October 4, 1971 in the town of Yelets, Lipetsk region (the first mention of the city in the annals - 1146).

Doing business online since 1999.

This book is a description of my more than eight years of research and experiments on myself and my personal brand “Internet bourgeois Andrey Ryabykh”.

Anyone can follow my research online:

http: //internet-burzhui.rf





P. S. I dedicate this book to my beloved children.

P. P. S. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the head of my PR-service Anna Samorukova for her help in the work on the book. Anna, thank you very much!

I am Veronica Kirillova (before Sysuev's marriage).

I conduct all PR activities under the name of Nick Zebra.

I am the director of the Zebra Company PR agency and the Mediatek online course center.


Zebracompany.ru (we work in PR and useful newsletter number 1)

Practicing specialist since 2004, I teach at St. Petersburg State University and the Higher School of Economics. Speaker and moderator of industry conferences and forums. Business consultant in the field of PR and marketing. I work in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cheboksary, Penza, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Kaliningrad, etc.

My main area of ​​expertise is media and personal brands.

In this book, you will find many practical advice how to make your name recognizable, and your brand known and working for you. Everyone - be it an employee, entrepreneur, official, or a person who wants to secure the title of an expert in a certain area - will get something useful for himself.

For communication: info@zebracompany.ru

P. S. Thanks to my husband Victor for the advice and support while writing this book.

Chapter 1
Brand and personal brand

What is a brand?

To better understand what is personal brand, why is it needed and when it appears, let's start with a concept familiar to marketers and basic for us the brand... So, the first question to be answered is when and why does a brand arise? More precisely, at what point does the need for a brand appear in the market?

When and why does a brand appear on the market?

Remember how, plunging into the depths of history, we consider the hallmarks of masters in museums and historical magazines. They were placed on bricks, jugs, weapons, cloth and many other things. It is safe to say that brands have existed for a couple of thousand years BC. It is not for nothing that the Old Scandinavian word brandr itself is translated as “to burn, fire, brand”. The presence of the mark of a particular master, workshop or manufacturer became a guarantee of quality. In case of failure, as they say, you will find someone to ask, because not a single thing was faceless. And forgery of a brand was usually severely punished.

Since there were not a large number of similar products on the market, and their quality varied significantly, there were few brands and they mainly described the characteristics of the product. From about the second half of the XIX century, the market situation begins to change: consumer goods begin to appear on the market, goods with the same properties and qualities - goods that can easily replace each other.

And what happens to the consumer now? Now he does not have clear preferences for this or that product. Today he buys from us, and tomorrow from a competitor, and then generally goes to the competitor's competitor.

This means that we need a tool that motivates the consumer to constantly seek our product / service. And the brand becomes such a tool. Branding begins to flourish as

the main task of the brand is to help target audience make a choice in favor of a specific product / service in a free market.

The purpose of the brand is to motivate the target audience (TA) to choose this particular product. Now the consumer buys only our product, because together with the product he gets a legend, realizes his dreams, becomes sexier, smarter, more beautiful, brutal, healthier, thinner.

What is a brand?

Analyze carefully how you feel about any brand. Take a closer look at what arises within you when you come across a particular brand. When buying a brand, you are buying not only a specific product or service, but feelings, emotions and experiences in addition.

This is great!

It's trendy!

It's stylish!

This is solid!

It's sexy!

This is amazing!

At the same time, the same thing, but without the sign of a specific brand, does not cause such emotions. And then the most main secret any brand:

In the material world, a brand does not exist. He lives only in our head.

A brand is an illusion. We all live in the matrix 1
"The Matrix" is, if anyone has not seen, a film about Morpheus, Neo and virtual reality. Approx. ed.

Brands, which is woven around us by brilliant advertisers and marketers. They manipulate our consumer preferences by promising certain emotions or experiences.

A brand is just set of promises! The term "brand" has many definitions, here is the most relevant, in our opinion:

A brand is the sum of the promises and the audience that consumed those promises. The larger the audience, the stronger the brand. The stronger the brand, the more expensive it is.

For example, Apple's brand value at the time of this writing was 110 billion euros, Coca-Cola 67 billion, Google 55 billion. For comparison: the budget of Russia in 2014 is about 280 billion euros. So the cost of some five big brands is equal to the budget of our great country. 2
http://www.eurobrand.cc. Approx. ed.

Another fact for comparison: according to the 2013 Best Global Brands report 3
www.interbrand.com. Approx. ed.

The most valuable Russian brands look like this (the amounts are in rubles):

1. Gazprom 1,261,617,000,000.

2. MTS 192 107 000 000.

3. Beeline 155,473,000,000.

4. MegaFon 114,156,000,000.

5. Norilsk Nickel 111,530,000,000.

6. Sberbank 106,697,000,000.

7. Lukoil 75,191,000,000.

8. Baltic 56,240,000,000.

9. Tatneft 53,828,000,000.

Brand, trademark and trade mark

The million dollar question: can a brand be patented? Who answered that it is possible, remember that the brand is the promises and the brains in which these promises live. How are you it patent? Only a material manifestation of a brand can be patented, that is trademark or brand name. Confusion often arises with these two concepts, which we would call “translation difficulties”.

In article 1477 Civil Code Russian Federation it says:

1. On a trademark, that is, on a designation that serves to individualize goods legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, an exclusive right is recognized, certified by a certificate for a trademark (Article 1481).

2. The rules of this Code on trademarks are respectively applied to service marks, that is, to designations that serve to individualize the work performed by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs or the services they provide.

V English language an intangible entity is denoted by the word brand, and its material embodiment is a trademark. In Russian, respectively - a brand and a trademark. Most likely, the term "trade (trade) mark" appeared as a literal translation of the word trademark. It is usually considered as a synonym for the phrase "trademark", but it should be borne in mind that in the legislation the term "trade (trade) mark" No!

We draw your attention to the fact that the trademark, according to Russian laws, can only be for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. To an ordinary person like individual the trademark cannot be patented.

So any brand in our world should have its own trademark. Otherwise, his magic won't work. But this does not mean that every trademark is a brand! If there is no emotion or loyal audience behind a trademark, it is not a brand, but simply something written, for example, on the packaging as the name of a product.

In the book "Brand Anatomy" V. Pertsiy and L. Mamleeva 4
M .: Vershina, 2007. Approx. ed.

There is good quantitation brand.

He is physically accessible 75% potential buyers from the target audience;

75% of the target audience can accurately describe the industry it belongs to by the name of the brand;

At least 20% of buyers from the target audience use it regularly;

At least 20% of buyers from the target audience can correctly name the main brand descriptors;

Has been on the market for at least five years;

Buyers are willing to pay more than the average price for similar products in the category.

Brand image

Usually the question "What is brand image?" causes a kind of facial expressions in people. Especially after the investigation, what is a brand, why is it, how does a trademark differ from a trademark. And here is such a control question, finishing off the brain. Show off your erudition somehow and ask it in your company.

Nothing really complicated. The Russian word image comes from the English image - "image", "image", "reflection". But we remember that a brand is, in fact, intangible. That this is a set of promises. The main challenge for branding professionals is to throw those promises ... no, not in the basket. And in the head of the consumer.

Since directly to the brain - this option is not yet available (hope for technical progress), specialists have to use standard channels. This is sight and hearing. Sometimes smell and touch.

Brand image is the packaging of brand promises for delivery through the channels of our perception to the brain (visual image, sound, taste, smell).

The packaging for the same promises may vary. For example, the brand promise "loyalty" can be shown through both Hachiko the dog and loving woman, and through a grandmother waiting for her grandson, through a fan of the team who cheers for her until old age, through swans, wolves and many more options.

Let's give an example. We remember the famous advertising character - the Marlboro cowboy, created by the Leo Burnett agency in 1955. Not everyone knows that originally Marlboro products were intended for women - it is no coincidence that the name of the famous seducer of the Duke of Marlborough appeared as the name. 5
http://propel.ru/pub/re_brand/marlboro.php. Approx. ed.

And even the specially designed red filter was not accidental - there were no traces of bright lipstick on it. When the question arose of how to attract a new audience to the product, the genius of the advertising industry, Leo Burnett, realizing that a change in design and the creation of a new slogan were not enough measures for repositioning, decided to go an unusual way. This is how one of Burnett's most successful looks, the Marlboro Man, was born. In the wake of the huge popularity of Westerns in the 1950s, a brutal and masculine new image conquered the audience, serving as the key to an incredibly successful advertising campaign.

The brand image can change over time (David Ogilvy): a manufacturer can create different images in different market situations, while maintaining the main characteristics of the brand (for example, the properties of an automobile brand are economy and reliability, and the images can be different: for a tourist, for a summer resident, for a businessman). In some cases, a brand image can become its essence (for example, Volkswagen has a reputation as a “people's car”). All this is described in the book by David McNally and Carl Speke "How to Stand Out from the Crowd, or the Formula for Personal Branding" 6
M .: FAIR-Press; Grand, 2004. Approx. ed.

Personal brand

We are accustomed to the fact that any product or service can be a brand. However, personality is no exception. In the modern world, the owners of a personal brand are considered a piece of goods. Those with a big name and impeccable reputation are literally acquired on the market: in the case of politicians, voters vote for them, in the case of officials and hired employees, they are chosen by their bosses, and in the case of entrepreneurs, they are also chosen by clients or partners. voting in rubles.

Companies fight for the owners of personal brands, they are bombarded with offers, they are respected and famous. And all because they have a certain reputation and fame, there are some expectations and hopes associated with them based on this.

In the previous chapter, we defined that a brand is "the sum of promises and the audience that consumed those promises." And the main task is “to help the target audience make a choice in favor of a particular product (service) in a free market”.


a personal brand is images (promises, expectations) that appear in the minds of other people from a specific person.

And second:

the main task of a personal brand is to help the target audience choose a specific person.

How this happens will be discussed in the following chapters. Considering the history of personal brands, we note that the term personal branding was first used in 1997 by American business guru Tom Peters in his article The Brand Called You (http://www.fastcompany.com/28905/brand-called-you). Peters wrote:

“Imagine that you are not an employee of General Motors or General Mills, you do not work for General Electric, or even for General Dynamics (oh, they went broke). Forget all these giants! You are not the property of these huge corporations, and you can do more than just perform one single function for life. You are not your job or yours. job responsibilities... You are a brand. And from now on, start thinking like a brand. " 7
Translated by the authors. Approx. ed.

But this does not mean that since there was no term, then personal branding did not exist. It's just that in the context of low competition in the market, the need for personal brands among businessmen was low. Two centuries ago, personal brands were in demand mainly among pop stars and writers. For example, the personal brand of the French writer "Alexandre Dumas" was so strong that the newspaper La Presse, which bought up all future works of Dumas, paid huge royalties to his co-author Auguste Mack, if only the works were published under the signature of one Dumas, since this attracted a lot of readers. Macke worked on The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, Queen Margot, The Women's War. In 1858, he sued Dumas, demanding to recognize his co-authorship in the creation of 18 novels. 8
Dumas won the trial. Macke has a number of independent works. Approx. ed.

The personal brand has always been of interest to politicians. After all, who, if not them, was important that the electorate chose them. The first to use brand advertising mechanics in promoting people was one of the pillars advertising theory and Practitioner, advertising expert Rosser Reeves. He applied his experience with Anacin to promote the not-so-popular presidential candidate, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. According to Reeves, he took a classic strategy as a basis: polling people in order to identify public opinion and desires. The results were then repackaged into staged street interviews, catchy jingles, slogans and commercials with songs like I like Ike, where Eisenhower repeated “exciting people,” but in the form of his election promises. For example, he successfully played the world situation - the Korean War was the epicenter of voters' interests, and the slogan of Reeves and Dwight was: "Eisenhower is a man of peace."

Speaking about personal brands, it is important to note that if earlier a personal brand was mainly formed thanks to feats and fame, now they have been replaced by wide popularity. The personal brand of a promoted but mediocre show business star may turn out to be stronger than that of the Hero of Russia or the winner of the Olympic Games.

The ideal is the union between fame and show.

Authors of the book “Personal Branding. Technologies for achieving personal popularity "F. Kotler, I. Rein, M. Hamlin, M. Stoller 9
M .: Publishing House Grebennikov, 2009. Approx. ed.

hierarchy of popularity sectors for personal brands:

Sphere of entertainment;


and ways to achieve popularity:

Work achievements;

Demographic leadership;

Unusual personality and lifestyle;


Accidental or scandalous behavior.

Achievement at work is the most common path.

The authors also talk about several stages in the development of the personal branding industry. According to this classification, we are now between "handicraft" (when we rely on ourselves) and "early industrialization" (professionals come into play - agents, personal managers, professional teachers etc.). There is also the stage of “late industrialization”, when, with the growth of competition, control over the process passes from the hands of the applicant to the hands of professionals who are ready to help the unknown become famous, in order to then turn popularity into profit.

When comparing a brand and a personal brand, the following table of pros and cons is obtained:

* The market is usually divided into two parts: one is called the scarlet ocean, and the other is called blue. The Scarlet Ocean is characterized by fierce competition, with manufacturers literally eating each other in the struggle for a profitable niche. Approx. ed.

There are several approaches to building both a brand in general and a personal brand in particular. It is clear that these concepts are close, but not identical. A company's brand must ignite, convey values ​​and lead. When we talk about a company's brand, we mean a certain image that has developed in the minds of consumers. A personal brand should create the necessary “aura” of a person, which will help him achieve his goals and develop credibility among the target audience.

Who needs a personal brand

It is generally accepted that a personal brand is necessary in three cases: show business, politics and entrepreneurship. However, we propose another classification, which seems to us to be more interesting and understandable.

A special case of personal branding: a category of people who want to be considered experts in something. This includes a number of entrepreneurs, all coaches, partly artists. It is worth remembering that "I am the expert" is just one possible form of positioning. It often arouses heightened interest, so we took this topic out in a separate chapter.

Since there are no universal tools in marketing, in the following chapters we will first look at the general algorithm for creating a personal brand, and then the application of this tool for common social roles in society:




The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that today the concept of a brand is applied not only to a product, but also to a person. It is known that "in the modern professional world, a specialist must constantly promote himself in order to remain in demand." A personal (personal) brand is an established "image that arises in people's heads when it comes to a person or his name is used in communications." It should be clearly delineated so that the audience understands its character well.

V modern society the personal brand began to play a significant role and interest in it grew, "which determines the relevance of such studies." After all, "a personal brand is the basis of professional stability in the world of rapid changes", it is a "practical tool that allows you to carry out systematic work in a professional and personal sense."

There are several reasons for building a personal brand: it increases self-esteem; creates a competitive advantage for its owner, expands the interests and circle of his contacts, etc. The following goals of a personal brand can be distinguished:

  • evoke emotions in the minds of people;
  • building trusting relationships with people (clients, partners), creating a kind of emotional connection at the same time;
  • position yourself favorably, create your own reputation;
  • become famous and recognizable, etc.

The creation of a personal brand is the formation of a professional image that will allow you to achieve your goals and create a correct representation in the eyes of the audience. To a greater extent, a personal brand is focused on the values ​​inherent in the brand itself and which are fundamental in the structure of the personality.

The brand structure consists of components like:

  1. Physical components ( appearance, package);
  2. Advantages over competitors;
  3. Values;
  4. Personification;
  5. Legend.

The following features of a personal brand can be distinguished:

  1. Distinctiveness. A brand is derived from an understanding of people's needs for something and seeks to satisfy these needs without violating its own principles. As a rule, the bearer of a personal brand is characterized by having his own opinion on an issue that is significant for the target audience.
  2. Significance. Productive demonstration of the person's performance makes her brand stronger in the eyes of the audience.
  3. Sequence. To maintain and especially strengthen the personal brand, a person must have a logical and correct strategy of behavior. Consistency in actions is the key to the stability of the brand and more effective perception of it by the target audience.

Let's look at some examples of personal brands.

Example 1. Michael Schumacher. Activity famous person how rules are at the core of its brand and constitutes its values. Athlete Michael Schumacher is first and foremost a champion. Fame and today's reputation have brought him sporting achievements in the Formula -1 race. Michael created his own nonsense himself, planning his life from childhood, he learned to drive a car at the age of 4. But all the same, he received worldwide fame with the help of the media through contracts with "Ferrari" and "Mercedes - Benz" and the Internet. Michael does not have pages on social networks, but gives many interviews in various magazines, including electronic ones. Known by the nickname "The Red Baron", which he received from light hand German media.

Example 2. Antonio Banderos - the cult image of the "hero-lover". One of the most famous Spanish in the world and the most "international" of Spanish actors. He gained a reputation and fame not only for his attractive appearance, cinema and media, but also through the creation of his personal perfume brand "ANTONIO BANDERAS". The project has an entrepreneurial focus and consists in the creation of a cosmetic and perfume brand. The actor's persona is represented on many social networks, Antonio Banderos also promotes his brand offline.

Example 3. Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko - politician, statesman, president. In 1994 he was elected president for the first time and is currently the only president in the history of the Republic of Belarus. He began his career as a teacher of history and social studies, and after being elected, the deputy, who received more than 80% of the vote, became known to the whole world. At the same time, the majority of Western democracies consider the head of Belarus to be a violator of civil rights and freedoms, preventing the existence of a healthy political opposition. In the Western media, he was nicknamed "the last dictator of Europe." The President has his own personal website, which describes his biography, merits, decrees, orders, appeals, visits, awards.

As you can see from the examples, these personas-brands are known each in their own field of activity. A clear formed personal brand of these people arouses interest in them and in their activities. At the same time, it should be noted that a personal brand is nothing more than an image of a person, her shadow, like “a protective mechanism of a person from any problems, anxieties, protection of consciousness from overstrain”. Thus, a personal brand is necessary for people from completely different fields of activity: actors, athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, politicians, etc. And, as soon as the person determines his identity, this will allow her to stand out among the information noise in the professional market.

V Lately in connection with the increasing complexity of communication technologies and in connection with the development of new new media, the promotion of a personal brand is increasingly moving towards the Internet and the web environment. “The term“ new media ”(eng. New media) originated in the humanities in connection with the appearance in the 2000s. technologies Web 2.0 ". In this regard, researchers offer various interpretations and understandings of concepts such as "traditional and new media", "network", "Internet", etc. "In the last few years, rapid changes in communication technologies have made the problem of philosophical understanding of new media most urgent."

In general, we can say that the Internet is a global computer network, which today covers almost the entire world and penetrates into almost all spheres of human life. It is also a relevant platform, including for promoting a personal brand. On the net people are looking for useful information, a life partner, make purchases, look for a travel companion, establish business contacts, work, become famous, communicate by interests, promote a personal brand, engage in self-promotion, etc. Thus, a personal brand, as a modern phenomenon, uses more and more new media technologies in its promotion.

Bibliographic list

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