Celebrating the 45th anniversary of the woman. Don't get distracted by loving

45 years for any man is an important era in his life. Such a date will not leave anyone indifferent, a person begins to rethink all his actions. For many men, the 45th anniversary is a chance to start life from the beginning, erasing everything bad from memory. Others, on the contrary, try to correct some of their actions, make up for mistakes, change the environment, lifestyle, and devote themselves to activities that have attracted him all his life.

Celebrating 45 years of a man is always a solemn event, gathering at one table not only family and friends, but also colleagues, fellow soldiers. With the help of invitations, all guests will learn about the place and date of the celebration. The venue of the event should be festively decorated. For this, the following are perfect:

  1. decorations (most of which are easy to make at home);
  2. Balloons;
  3. memorabilia (such as photographs).

Usually, for assistance in holding such events, they turn to professional agencies, where they can help you equip the hall, offer a toastmaster, and also draw up an individual script with humor, contests and songs. Also, this task can be entrusted to close friends of the hero of the day. There must be a presenter who must dilute the atmosphere with jokes, conduct cool contests, tell funny and touching stories from the life of the birthday man, as well as offer toasts in honor of the hero of the day.

Feast and dance

When the solemn part of the holiday comes to an end, the feast begins. The presenter gives the floor to the guests and the family of the hero of the day, so that they express the warmest words to him. An excellent solution would be to hold a compliment contest at this time in order to further honor the birthday man. The guests begin with the same phrase, and then the results are summed up, at which the hero of the occasion chooses the best compliment and presents the winner with a prize. During the entire event, the birthday person should receive only the most sincere and warm words addressed to him.

It is imperative to include in the event plan dance competitions for all those present, where they will have to move vigorously to cheerful music or dance in pairs. Such contests should be interspersed with table games, and intellectual contests with active games.

Anniversary celebration program

To celebrate the 45th anniversary, we have prepared our own version of the script, which you can take as a basis, so let's start.

Who has a holiday today
Everyone around you knows for sure!
Who receives gifts
From everyone's friends and girlfriends?
Anniversary congratulations
Today all and sundry
45 is coming
Not every day!
The right to be the first to congratulate our birthday goes to his wife!

My beloved, dear and most desired
I hasten to congratulate you!
Handsome as he was, he remained so,
You are my star in the sky!
Be happy, let there be plenty of health
That's what I can wish for!
May everything that you secretly wish come true
And I'll help you!

Leading: I know that the child of the hero of the day is present here. I'm sure he will also want to say a few words to his father.

Congratulations from the children

My beloved dad, I can't tell
How proud I am of you in these forty-five!
Let it be gray on your temples
But I read the joy in your eyes!
You are not wiser, you are not stronger
You make people happy with your persona!
I wish you to always be like this
Brave and brave, cool, mischievous!

Leading: For such warm words, you must definitely drink to the bottom!
And now it's time for the friends of the hero of the day to say the warmest words to him.

Congratulations from friends

With you we are not afraid of either the wind or the heat
You sometimes substitute your shoulder for all of us.
We will describe you with just one line:
"A wonderful man with the purest soul!"

Quiz "Who knows the hero of the day".

Leading: Now we will finally find out who understands the hero of the day! Do not be shy, show knowledge, and report only the truth about this man!

Questions for the competition:
When was the birthday boy born?
What is the name of the city where the hero of the day was born?
The very first toy of the hero of the occasion?
When did you start school?
First assessment?
What is the name of the class teacher?
What was the name of the first school love?
School friend's name?
When did you get married?
Where and how did the hero of the occasion meet his wife?
Favorite flowers of the hero of the day?
When were the children of the hero of the day born?
Favorite dish from your spouse?
Does he like to wear a bow tie?
Favorite hobby?
Where did you go abroad with your family for the first time?
Favorite song?
Favorite singer?
What car does the hero of the occasion have?

When the questions are over, the results are summed up. A person who answers more questions is given a medal "For a brilliant mind."

Song for the birthday boy.

Host: Since we learned so much about the hero of the occasion, let's sing him his favorite song!
The invitees sing a song.
Well, what about such a great choir,
None of us have drunk so far?
Let's get better soon
Lei in a glass of champagne for your neighbor!

Ode to the birthday boy

Leading: We continue the celebration! At any holiday, poetry should be sung. But since there are serious people gathered here, we must make their task more difficult. (Addressing the guests.) You all have to ... compose a poem yourself! And not just a poem, but an ode praising the hero of the occasion! The words must be present in the ode: life, strength, mind, builder, home, family, destiny. To help you, we give you a few rhymes that you can rely on:

  • hero of the day;
  • radar;
  • hit;
  • case.

To cheer up the newly minted poets, the host shows the main prize: a bottle of champagne.
All guests, divided into 2 teams, are accepted to write poems. After a few minutes, the creations are read out. The hero of the day chooses the best poem, and the participants of the winning team are awarded the prize and medals "Honorary Poet".

Contest for the birthday man's wife

Leading: Everyone knows that a spouse should be able to recognize a husband from a thousand. Let's see if this is so! Since our birthday boy is still a pepper, his wife will need to smell the heart of her beloved, ignoring all the steel ones.

The spouse is offered different hearts with spices, one of them contains pepper. The wife must choose him (Guessing the heart of the hero of the day.). Per right choice she receives the Medal for Sharp Scent.

Oh yes woman, no words!
I'm ready to faint!
Let's go for such a thing,
We will pour into glasses to the limit!

Competition "Forecast for the hero of the day"

To predict the fate of the birthday person, they use ordinary lotto. Each guest pulls out one barrel with a number. Further, each participant must predict what value this number will play in the fate of the hero of the occasion. For example, the number "6": "Let 6 apple trees grow in your garden at once." Number "14": "I wish that in 14 days unheard of wealth fell on you" and the like.

Birthday contest

Presenter: Today we have already seen what a wonderful wife of the hero of the day. Now let's check the spouse himself! (The birthday boy is called to the center of the room) Now we will blindfold the hero of the day, and he must find in the room the one who has spent his whole life with him.
Five women, including the wife of the hero of the day, line up. The birthday boy approaches each and tries to guess where his wife is. If he guesses correctly, he is awarded the Husband of the Century medal.

Portrait kissing competition

Leading: In the days of Ancient Rome, a man up to 45 years old was considered only a youth, as soon as this age hit - a young man, and only then - a mature man. We are glad to announce that from now on the birthday man is officially considered a real young man, which means that we must transfer him to the category of kissed ones. Women, please help to do this by leaving your hot kisses on the portrait of the hero of the occasion in the numbered places.
(They bring in the portrait of the birthday man. The women kiss him in turn in the places under the numbers).

Now for a surprise! We'll define happy kisses! (the birthday boy randomly takes out of the bag 2 pieces of paper with numbers. The winners are given a gift containing wigs, fake ears and lips with an elastic band, as well as a text with words)

Oh, how good our ladies are!
Now they will wish you well from the heart!
(The winners read the text)

1 winner: When we came to the holiday, then we found a bachelor party!
2 winner: We did not expect this, there, the hair stood on end!
1 winner: And our cheeks turned red when they wanted to start without us.
2 winner: We wanted to pout our lips strongly, since you decided to drag us into an adventure!
1 winner: But we will tell you all the same without regrets, only one thing! Our hero of the day - great guy! For this we offer a drink!
(They drank.)

Since we decided to drink,
And everyone has already been poured
We give all guests the opportunity
Decide what we are drinking for now!

Competition "Anniversary Disco"

Leading: It's time to stretch your bones a little, a dance competition is announced!
Participants must sit down and dance without getting up from their seats. Each round is danced with different body elements.
Round 1 - lezginka - dance with the whole body.
Round 2 - a gypsy girl - do not move your legs - dance with your shoulders.
Round 3 - cancan - only legs move.
Round 4 - oriental dance - dance with one hand.
Round 5 - rock 'n' roll - dance with facial expressions.

So our amazing evening, which is dedicated to a truly incredible person, ends. And lastly, a small competition!

There is never too much chocolate
He cheers us up!
Therefore, I ask without delay
Give all the guests a chocolate bar!

So that you all have everything "In chocolate!" let each guest take a bite and say why he thanks the hero of the day.

This concludes the solemn part of our evening, but the feast and dances continue!

So that he will be remembered for his whole life. But not every birthday person is responsible for organizing his own holiday. Sometimes this task falls on the shoulders of friends and relatives, and in this case, it is our main responsibility to develop a scenario for the 45th anniversary of a woman. But how to do that? How to come up with funny contests? How do you find a good topic? We hasten to please you! It's easier than you might imagine.

At any time, you can take a ready-made script for the 45th anniversary of a woman on the Vlio website. Specifically, this section presents a variety of interesting scenarios that can turn any celebration into a real hurricane of fun and positive emotions. Not only the hero of the occasion will be surprised, but all the guests of the holiday. We guarantee it to you.

Waste some of your precious time and find the same cool script anniversary 45 years for a woman on our website. In the end, we are working precisely so that you do not lose face in the mud at the most crucial moment. Give yourself, guests and the birthday person an unforgettable holiday! Take this chance!

Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman

Any Anniversary should be celebrated joyfully and solemnly. And of course, such a date as the 45th anniversary cannot do without it. Therefore, we suggest that you conduct it according to this interesting and very tasty scenario.

"Berry mood". And why the topic is exactly this, you will understand by the first words of the presenter. The holiday can be celebrated at home, but if your financial situation allows you, then in a cafe or even a restaurant. We decorate the room with the favorite part of the holiday - balloons. Napkins and tablecloths should be with the image of different berries. You can also draw posters, where in the middle there will be a photo of the Anniversary, and around her there is a large number of different berries.

And they say that in "45"
Woman berry again
And true words
Ours is so good
All so ripe
Juicy and ripe
Let's call it strawberry
And together we will call you together!
One-two-three, Anniversary (name) - come out!
(the name of the Anniversary is in chorus, she enters, applause sounds)

This age suits you
Ripeness, juiciness, throughout,
We greet you solemnly,
We call it a sweet strawberry,
And with the 45th Anniversary, from the bottom of our hearts, solemnly congratulate!
(husband or another man to choose from, gives the Anniversary a bouquet of 45 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)

Well, now, please go to the table,
And I will hasten to say a toast:
For you (name), my dear,
So that you always have full happiness!
(musical break, meal)

I announce the competition is very tasty,
And I call couples to me!

The competition is called: "Strawberry with Cream". Participation is accepted by 4-5 pairs. Each pair is given two bowls, one with strawberries and one with whipped cream. Task: a woman takes a berry with her teeth, dips it in cream and gives it to a man, he also picks it up with his teeth, all this is done without the help of hands, to rhythmic music. The couple that eats all the berries the fastest and will be the winner. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.

Host (toast):
The entertainment was successful,
The mood has risen
Now we will drink for the Anniversary,
Congratulate and praise her!
(musical break, meal)

And now I announce a competition of riddles.
And I give presents to those who answer correctly!

The competition is called: "Berry Riddles". The presenter makes riddles, the answers to which are the names of different berries. Whoever answers correctly receives gifts. Best suited for gifts: good teas with berry additives, kitchen towels and their images, car air fresheners with berry aroma, etc.


It helps for vision,
And it saves with vitamins?
(answer: blueberry)

Its appearance is like a painting for bears
So juicy and ripe ...?
(answer: raspberry)

We collect it red, we collect it in the frost,
And in case of a cold, do we close the jars?
(answer: cranberry)

Everyone is happy to eat it.
Green, black - ... 7
(answer: grapes)

She's as red as a carnation
This forest ...?
(answer: strawberry)

Although it is tasty, but with a little bones,
And the name of such a berry, yellow - ...?
(answer: cloudberry)

This berry is the largest and tastes very sweet,
For a summer harvest, and its name ...?
(answer: watermelon)

This berry blooms so in spring
That we all forget about the fruit!
(answer: cherry)

Host (toast):
Well, for the berry mood,
For our (name) great Birthday,
We congratulate her on this.
And we wish you all the best!
(musical break, meal)

And now a contest for those with a sweet tooth!

The competition is called: "Elusive Jelly". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each is given a table, a chair, a plate of berry jelly and toothpicks are placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, with the help of toothpicks, begin to hook on the jelly and put it in their mouths. But all this is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides, and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats everyone ahead will be the winner. Prize: a large loose-leaf calendar with a picture of berries.

We entertain the jubilee
And raise our glasses
For her 45,
So that she could become even better!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition is unusual,
A little groovy, but where aesthetic!
We will dance with you
And delicious berries to eat!

The competition is called "Shootout Dancing". Everyone is welcome to participate. A small table is placed in the middle of the hall, on it, all kinds of berries are laid out on different plates. As soon as good, rhythmic music starts, everyone turns their backs on the table and starts dancing. But, as soon as the music stops, the presenter shouts out loudly one of the names of the lying berries and the participants must eat them. Whoever thinks for a long time or who does not get the berries, is eliminated. And so on to one person, to the winner. Prize: cake.

And now everyone is dancing
With a smile and tipsy!
(good fast music turns on, all guests dance at will)

Now let's all take a break
And again we will call couples!

The competition is called Blind Taste. Couples take part. Everyone is blindfolded and given a plate of berries of different varieties and tastes. Each other, in turn, blindly, they begin to put one berry in their mouths, while whoever eats must guess its name. Whoever does not guess is eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 1kg. Strawberries and whipped cream.

Well, now a couple of congratulations have come,
It's time for gifts, smiles, sayings,
I ask you, guests, come to the Anniversary.
And say every wish!
(guests alternately congratulate the Anniversary)

This is a holiday, this is an Anniversary,
And the soul becomes brighter
How many relatives are here, and how many friends,
And there is nothing more expensive and shallow!

Leading (closing speech):
They say that at 45, the woman is a berry again,
We do not say this, but we confirm, and again (name), Happy Anniversary, congratulations! Hooray!
(the holiday continues, meal, dancing, fun)

Berry extravaganza

The birthday girl is Elena.

The hall is decorated with artificial berries and flowers
Fanfare sounds. The presenter comes out.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you to the anniversary of dear Elena, which bears such a charming name - "Berry extravaganza".
How wonderful the berry season is! Around the bewitching aromas of ripe berries. There is a desire to live and enjoy this magic. And how delightful a woman is entering this time! However, it is very easy to be convinced of this when looking at our birthday girl, for whom this time is just beginning.
I would like to ask you to greet with applause - our beautiful Elena!

The birthday girl comes out to applause. She is met by her husband and escorted to a place of honor.

A fine August stood over the world (any month)
The angel flew over the ground at that moment.
That angel came down to earth from heaven,
And he gave you to us - the best gift of miracles.

Child of love, child of dreams
Fortunately, that angel brought it to us.
Elena grew up as a smart girl
And she gave her light to everyone.

In fun and games, everything grew up,
And now she has become quite an adult
Graduated from school, went to work
I found the most faithful friends by fate.

Helen of our magic hands
They did not know fatigue, laziness and boredom.
How much strength and will are in fragile shoulders!
And how impressive the wingspan is!

Exquisite taste is finely honed
(Let Yudashkin smoke on the sidelines).
And time over Lena is not at all powerful -
She is still slim, smart and beautiful.

Everything is just as fresh - just a socialite!
She will smile - faces will light up.
All the words for her will still not be enough.
Let's raise our glasses for Lena!

The first toast to the birthday girl

Beautiful Elena! Looking at you, you understand why, for the sake of possession of a woman with the same name, men once started a war. You deserve the very best in the world!
Today, all those who are dear and close to you gathered for your Berry extravaganza. People who are infinitely happy that you are decorating their lives with your presence. Who are happy to be by your side. These are your family, friends and colleagues. And each of them will have warm, kind and sincere words to assure you of their love.
Now I give the floor to the people who gave Elena to the world, warmed her with their love and affection, were wise mentors and remain best friends - ____________ and _____________, mom and dad.

Congratulations from parents

How much tenderness, love
In your eyes, hands. Oh mom!
My steps are always to you.
And in life there is no more sacred temple.

Oh daddy! With your wisdom,
Always forgiving me for everything,
He did not spare his soul,
Defending from all misfortunes.

I propose to raise our glasses to the health of these holy people! May God give you many years!

Second toast

A woman's happiness lies in her family. We all know very well how endless Elena's feelings for her husband (name) and children are. How did it all begin?

Park, disco. Give, youth!
Grannies greeted: "Moral case".
It was there that fate brought them together forever -
Goodbye, romance, happiness, the moon.

So they met before the wedding,
And "Bitter!" from loved ones, friends were heard.
In warmth, understanding, harmony, love
They gave birth to two wonderful children.

And _________, native blood.
How my mother blew dust from both!
Beauties, clever girls, straight, as it should -
All Elena's life is love and reward!

Let's give a round of applause to this wonderful family and give the floor to my husband and children.

Congratulations from the family. In conclusion, a slide-film about Elena's life, made by children, is shown on the projector. During the show, they comment on the footage.

Elena, I wanted to tell you this:
You can't be found like you!
To create such a family,
You must have a great talent!

Glory goes about your pies,
Well, and for borscht - everyone will fall at their feet.
But the main thing is your big soul.
With you comfort and inside the hut.

Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful wife, mother and hostess - our incomparable Elena!

Third toast

Tell me, who of those present, besides the parents, is aware of Elena's children's pranks? Who remembers the most important events of her life and, moreover, was present at this? Well, of course, these are her family. But how well they have with memory, we will now find out.

All relatives (adults) are welcome. For them, a quiz is held on the events in the life of the birthday girl (when she took her first steps, when she began to read, was she a pioneer (Komsomol member), when she fell in love for the first time, what was her hobby, what she dreamed of, her favorite song, etc.)
After the quiz, everyone (optional) is given a word for congratulations.
During the congratulations, the presenter prepares an entertaining moment (congratulations from the cat).

What wonderful words! And how wonderful that there cannot be many of them on our extravaganza!
But before you sit down, I would like to ask you one last question. Tell me, you remembered a lot about the events in Elena's life, about her hobbies. But the main hobby at the moment was not mentioned. I hint: live, hairy and tailed. Yes, of course! The favorite of all families is the cat Barberry, who, alas, stayed at home ...
I hear some noise. Looks like we have guests!

One of the guests enters in the form of a postman with a large box in his hands. On the box there is an inscription: "To a beautiful berry". With the help of the guests' prompts, the postman finds the birthday girl and beckons to him. Asks to sign, hands over a postcard and a box. The host, with permission, takes a postcard and asks one of the guests to read it.

Congratulations from the cat

Well, hello, mistress!
You, I look, are a little arrogant:
I invited everyone to the holiday
And she forgot me.

And I sit like an orphan,
Like some kind of cattle
And let no one console
Puziko don't scratch ...

I hope you realized?
Have you taken a low start home yet?
Kohl took, - cool down, relax,
Sit down and stay.

Well this is just me, for the sake of appearance,
For show-off, not offense.
For you my best friend,
I will be dumb and blind and deaf!

I won't tell anyone
About addictions to revelry,
About obscene rampage ...
I have feelings for you!

And you, my you zaya,
I won't trade it for anything!
I will forgive everything and understand everything
(I'll take compensation).

The main thing is, be healthy
I'm always ready for my meow,
Relax and have fun -
Your favorite, Barberry!

P.S. And so that you do not relax
And out of the way, so as not to get lost,
Receive my message -
A reminder of me!

The birthday girl opens a box in front of everyone, from which balloons filled with helium float out. At the bottom of the box is a cup (vase, painting) with images of a beloved cat surrounded by berries.

Dear Elena, let me propose a toast on your behalf to all your large, friendly and strong family, in which even shaggy pets love and appreciate you so much!

Fourth toast

What is a real friend? One who is known in trouble? Not only. One a wise man said that true friends are best known in those moments when a person is happy. After all, not everyone can sincerely share the joy. Dear Elena, you can be congratulated! Because these are the kind of friends that surround you. And today they are here next to you. By the way, where are they? I think I hear someone's voices.

To the sound of fanfare, friends (5 people) enter the hall, wearing attributes - caps, scarves (for men) and bibs - with images of berries.

Raspberries Who is marching together in a row?

Together Ripe Berry Squad!

Raspberries One, two, three, four, five

Together To congratulate Elena!

Detachment, stay where you are! One, two. Nale-e-evo!
Our squad:

Together Berry!

Raspberries Our motto:

Together, the more the years, the better the color!

Raspberries Get ready for the name magnificence of the newborn Berry!

Together Always ready!

Raspberries Raspberry I am the main sweetness.
Old age is an unknown word to me.
I wish you bloom with joy
So that life seems to you like me!

Strawberry And I'm a strawberry. All the people know -
I am the most erotic fetus in the world.
I wish without fancy and without snobbery
Such healthy eroticism.

Cherry I was in time in Uncle Vanya's garden.
Now I am Cherry, as if from Armani.
And on you, Elena, there is my scent -
You will give all the men a check and checkmate!

Currant Currant berries cannot be found more useful:
Stems, leaves, berries treat diseases.
You are now one of us and, not a hypocrite,
We appoint as the main thing - you will be a Panacea!

Passion fruit (male) Do you want something exotic? So take me!
What am I? Passion fruit I!
Feijoa, papaya - it all sucks.
I'll take you, Elena, with me!

Together And you from the generous berry soul
We are amicably accepting into our ranks!

The birthday girl is put on wreaths of berries on her neck and head. Friends stand around the birthday girl and dance to the fiery music, involving everyone present.
Musical pause.

The 45th anniversary for every woman is not an easy date, a certain peak of the Balzac age, so on this holiday she needs to show and prove as much as possible that she is just as inimitably beautiful as 20 years ago.
We create a holiday according to a delicious scenario, namely in the berry style. Around the entire perimeter of the hall on the walls you need to depict various berries, and behind the place where the Anniversary is sitting there is a large strawberry, and in the middle big photo Anniversaries. Next, we complement everything with red and pink balloons, decorate everything with festive ribbons and garlands.
Menu. Since we are having a berry evening, give preference to dishes with their participation: meat with lingonberry sauce, strawberries in jelly, cranberries in sugar, and everything else is as usual.
Cloth. Since the Anniversary will act as a strawberry, she should dress in a beautiful red outfit. You can fantasize and combine green (like a leaf) and red (like a berry) color.
(all guests sit in their places, the presenter begins the speech)
We have gathered here,
To read congratulations,
And the best reason, so to speak,
After all (the name of the Anniversary) is forty-five!
I ask the proverb to remember everything then,
After all, as the people say,
In the beautiful all forty-five,
Baba berry again!
So we meet the berry
Let's call it strawberries!
(everyone applauds, the Anniversary enters the hall)
Yes, strawberries are good
And figure and soul,
We will congratulate her
And give presents!
(the presenter takes out gifts)
So that the strawberry celebrates the holiday well,
Here's some strawberry wine for her!
And in order to please her calf,
I am in a hurry to give a strawberry shower gel!
And at the end, so that the heart rejoices,
I hand in a strawberry towel!
(the presenter gives all the gifts, and the Anniversary goes to her place)
Well now we begin,
Pour wine into glasses,
And let's drink for happiness, beauty,
For the Anniversary, our best!
(there is a meal, we play music)
Drank and ate
Everyone managed to get to know each other
And now it's time to answer riddles,
Let's remember all the berries, so to speak!
The competition is called: "Riddles about berries." All guests and the Anniversary take part. Task: the presenter makes riddles, the answers of which will be the names of the berries, whoever answers correctly, receives a prize (juice from berries or fruit drink).
She's a little cold in the northern forest,
And it looks so much like a raspberry, but it ...?
(answer: cloudberry)
In a compote with apples, she is loved by the hostesses,
And this is black ...?
(answer: rowan)
When sick, it is better than aspirin,
Such a delicious berry ...?
(answer: raspberry)
Collect it in the forest, for sight,
The berry is very useful ...?
(answer: blueberry)
And this berry, like an honorable ace among the cards,
The biggest berry ...?
(answer: watermelon)
But this berry grows in the gardens like a pot-bellied colonel,
But very tasty and it is ...?
(answer: gooseberry)
And this berry is as beautiful as wild strawberry,
But only a little more, and that's why it has a name ...?
(answer: strawberry)
So we drink to strawberries,
We celebrate her sweet anniversary
May she be graceful as ever
Health to her, happiness for centuries!
(a meal is going on, music is playing)
Now let's smile for a good mood
After all, it's time for congratulations
So the guests take turns out,
And give the Anniversary a compliment and a gift!
(congratulations time passes)
So that all wishes come true once and for all,
We pour wine
And standing solemnly for the Anniversary we drink,
And at the end we congratulate her with applause!
(everyone is drinking while standing, then applauding, a meal is taking place, music is playing)
To cheer up our holiday,
I will conduct a competition for cleanliness!
And strawberries can be there in the lead role!
The competition is called: "Let's eat blindly." Anyone can take part, then we divide into pairs. Each pair will be given a plate by the host with strawberries and cream and a blindfold on it. Problem: to the music, one participant puts on a bandage, stands opposite the other and has to touch him with strawberries in cream. In the end, everyone sums up the following: the pair that will be cleaner after such a meal will win. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.
So we refreshed ourselves a little more,
You and I ate and got drunk,
But I ask you to make room in the stomach for one more dish,
We call him applause now!
(all guests applaud, a large cake decorated with strawberries is brought into the hall)
Only today and only for our Anniversary cake is this,
All strawberry, delicious, dear,
We will cut it now,
But first, (the name of the Anniversary) will blow out the candle!
(the presenter inserts one, but a very large candle into the cake, sets it on fire, the Anniversary goes out and solemnly blows it out to applause, a sweet meal passes, leading, meanwhile, unnoticed, leaves the banquet and the holiday continues without her)

This scenario is suitable for celebrating the Anniversary in a banquet hall or in a spacious room.


Props: cards with the image of berries (for 2 competitions), cards with lines of toast, cards with numbers, small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons, songs for the competition, gifts for participating in competitions.

Guests are seated in their places.

Leading (starts):
Berry, beauty, Goddess,
A soul of extraordinary beauty,
Today congratulations on the Jubilee,
Your family, loved ones, friends!
And on this day, the lights are shining bright
And the music is heard in all houses,
(name of the Anniversary) I wish you happiness from myself,
And so that the soul always blooms!

Dear guests, for today's event we are wholly and completely indebted to the wonderful, delightful, mind-blowing (name of the Anniversary)... The right of the first toast, I would like to pass it on to her parents (if there are no parents, then you can start with the next of kin).

(Parents pronounce theirs)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Berry feast, berry day,
And it's not too lazy to have fun today,
Congratulations, songs, poems sound,
And dreams come to life today!
And to make it more fun for all of us,
Dear guest, do not spare your strength,
I will announce our first competition,
And I will ask volunteers to come!

Competition "You are our berry".
The presenter selects several men and hands them cards with the image of berries. Their task is to compare the hero of the occasion with the berry that they got. Whoever comes up with more comparisons will win. You cannot repeat yourself.
Props: cards with the image of cards.

Excellent! You see what a diverse Anniversary we have, just a real berry!

To make the berry bloom
Sweet to be
So that it shines in the sun
I admired everyone in the world
This is what I wish
And also goodness, warmth!

I think he will want to join your congratulations (calls the name of the guest) maybe he / she has some berry toast!

(Guest speaks)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

I continue our evening
I announce a new competition,
Berry, adorable,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Berry Poems".
The presenter invites 4 guests to her place. They are given cards with the image of berries. The task of the participants is to do what the verse says when it comes to their berry.

Raspberries and strawberries,
We were discussing something
And new clothes
We chose together.

And strawberries with blackberries,
Stand aside
Beautiful manicure,
They look at their own.

And now they are smart,
Everyone goes to the holiday
Strawberries and raspberries,
They sing songs.

And the strawberries think
Composes a toast
Blackberries side by side
Carries a bouquet of roses!

Strawberries for the Anniversary,
In a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry,
Kiss her pretty
She flies, flies!

And the strawberries are dancing
I've already found everything
And the style is special
Instantly found!

And blackberries too
Wants to kiss
With our Anniversary,
Hug tight!

Raspberry with expression
Reads her poetry
Kisses gently on the cheek
And gives her flowers!

This is where I end
Berry rhyme
Everything turned out great
The end of beautiful lines!

Props: cards with berries.

We raise the third toast,
And we praise Love,
We pass the word to the other half,
We are waiting for the cherished congratulations!

(The toast is pronounced by the partner of the Anniversary. If this is not the case, you can skip the toast or give the floor to one of the guests)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Dear guests,
I suggest you sing
And berry songs
You need to be able to sing!

Competition "Berry Songs".
The presenter divides the guests into two teams and alternately asks questions about the songs that are about berries. Each team must not easily guess, but also sing the song. The one who guesses the most songs will win.

Song Quiz Questions:
1. A berry blooming by a stream? ("Oh, viburnum is blooming")
2. The berry that Varum loved so much? ("Winter cherry")
3. In this song K. Orbakaite sings about the sky, and about love, and about the fact that some bush bent over ("Currant")
4. Where was Friske and Disco Crash going? ("Malinki")
5.Igor Nikolaev praised the wine made from this berry ("Raspberry Wine")
6. What a berry beckoned to itself ("Raspberries").

Such are you all good fellows,
I'm surprised, I admire
And your talent, gentlemen,
I bow to the floor!

Everyone knows, and I know
What is most important are friends
We can't live without them,
We'll find trouble!

I give the word
Well, you understand to whom!
But, I'll complicate the task,
I'll hand them the cards!

Distributes cards with a line of toast written on them. The task is to collect and. Time to complete a minute.

Props: cards with lines of toast.

Option for toast:
You are our dear berry
We drink for you today
And we wish you happiness
We will always find time for you!
We have known you for so many years
We are grateful to fate
That she became our friend
Earthly blessings, we hasten to wish you!

(After that, you can announce a dance break, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Game "Berry Dance".
2 pairs of participants are selected. For this game you need to select musical cuts of songs about berries. The task of the participants is to dance in pairs to the abruptly changing music. The task is complicated by the fact that the presenter sets certain movements, for example, raise your arms up, dance on one leg. The pair who does it best will win.

I need to rest a little
Remember the past, dream a little,
And for this I suggest
Guess the date of the anniversary!

The game "Scraps of the Past".
Before the start of the party, some guests receive cards with numbers. The guests take turns raising the cards, and the hero of the occasion names the events related to numbers. For example, the number 3 is shown on the card, which means that at this age the hero of the day went to Kindergarten etc.
Props: cards with numbers.

(After this game, the Host offers to drink to memories)

(A 5-10 minute banquet pause is announced)

But I wonder how dexterous and skillful our guests are?

What do you mean?

And now you will see!

Berry picking competition.
The presenter invites 4 participants who are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives one laundry basket, and the leader throws small balloons that they need to collect. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants become attached to each other. The competition is held to rhythmic music.
Props: small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons.

(After this competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 20-25 minutes)

Everyone in the world loves poetry
And (name of the Anniversary) is no exception,
Let us read them to her,
As a congratulation!

Game "Berry Rhymes".
The presenter sets the first line and gives the floor to one of the guests, who must continue. He, in turn, passes the word to the next one, who gets lost, performs the Leader's task (sing a song, squat, etc.). First line: You are like sweet raspberries.

(After that, the guests make a toast, and a banquet pause is announced, lasting 5-10 minutes)

And there is a competition in stock,
Very interesting,
Clockwork, he is cheerful,
Joyful, wonderful!

Contest "Guess the song".
The host selects 2 participants. Each one in turn is put on headphones, and he must show the song without words. Display time 45 seconds. The winner is the one who is guessed the most by the guests.
Props: Songs for the competition.

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

What's a holiday without a cake?
It’s so worthless, so it’s impossible,
There will be, there will be a treat
Candles, happiness, congratulations!

While the cake is being brought out
I give the floor to our Anniversary,
Everyone around her is madly in love with her
And with her life is much sweeter!

(Anniversary says words of gratitude to the guests, after which they bring out the cake)

Our evening is coming to an end,
It's time for us to say goodbye
The berry day is over
Goodbye friends!

It was sweet, it was loud
We laughed heartily
Finally, I wish
May your dreams come true!

If desired, you can add several