What to do if the work got. What to do if the work is boring? Psychologist's advice

When the work gets tired, some rush to quit, break their careers, others run away on vacation, others take sick leave, fourth endure to the last, fifths ... Fifths are the most reasonable: they find a way to help themselves without creating new problems. And they say it's not that hard.


Dina Polich. The Renaissance man who woke up inXXI century. I write, translate and draw. In the past -HRM, consulting and media.

I love freedom. And alsodogs, travel, old towns and modern architecture. I do not like evil and stupid, the State Duma, TV, PR people and stereotypes. Stubborn introvert. I swear by the words “networking”, “linkedin” and “business processes”.

Everything is tired, and it seems that you can no longer work. You can't, but you must. This is familiar to everyone - except for those who have just found their first job. They have it ahead of them.

You can get it in different ways. There are critical conditions (professional burnout - completely) and radical drugs (complete and urgent amputation of oneself from a profession or company). This is well written and. But the most common problem still looks different. There are two typical options.

Option one. The scale of the disaster is still not so great: you are already specifically tired, but there is no disgust for the profession yet, you still see yourself in this industry. Or maybe even in the same company.

Option two. Maybe you feel bad, and even very bad, but you are still not ready for a radical remedy. And the point is often not so much in fear (although there is one), but in normal human responsibility: family, children, loans, a rented apartment or a mortgage - you need a stable income and guarantees ... There is only one result: you cannot go anywhere. Even if after professional burnout you had a professional flood and two professional glaciations.

And how did you get to this life?

The correct answer is whatever.

    You have boring duties, but you are capable of more and are generally terribly underestimated (yes, where is my Nobel Prize?!).

    You hit the company's career ceiling painfully and think that it's time to jump with a parachute from such a height (it would be nice with a "gold", of course).

    You are tired of colleagues or management (well, there are such monsters in the world ... And, of course, you got all of them!).

    You developed a department or a project from scratch, and finally everything is fine. You are tired like a dog, but the main thing is that now you are bored.

    And a bunch more options.

And what to do now?

Let's clarify: what should a responsible person do in difficult living conditions, who by no means can give up everything - no matter what the Red Banner Choir of Psychologists named after Maslow's pyramid howls?

Freelance? It is far from suitable for everyone: someone does not have a freelance profession at all, and someone simply does not like it, it is not close, it is psychologically uncomfortable.

Your business, entrepreneurship? In our country, this is the lot of the few, it needs a special personality, a special motivation and attitude. It is often said that one's own business is freedom and independence. This is true. But not for everyone. Most people are more accustomed to hired work, where responsibility and risks are much lower. In the eyes of many, wage labor is the most traditional value. The rest of the possibilities are not so much pleasing with freedom as they are frightening with the unknown or communication with government agencies (and not loving government agencies is another tradition, and its roots are lost for centuries).

The only solution left is to keep working, to force yourself. That is what they usually do. By the way, sometimes it takes even more fortitude than to leave.

And here many are let down by maximalism - all or nothing! If you have already decided to stay, then you need to endure everything and everything to the last, no matter how bad it is. If you think about it, then everything is a little different - and not at all so sad.

Let's start sorting

Even if you choose to stay and hold on This doesn't mean that you can't help yourself. And it certainly doesn't mean that you don't need to change anything at all.. If radical solutions are not suitable (or simply the soul does not lie with them), then you need to find softer options and help yourself a little bit, gradually.

A simple metaphor: you have a bag and there are a lot of things in it. There are useful and necessary things, but there is also garbage, and debris, and worthless junk.

You can throw away the whole bag at once, if you don't mind.

But you can sort everything that is in it without haste: keep the good for yourself, and get rid of the unnecessary and spoiled. And it’s even better to throw it away in several steps, so as not to overstrain on the way to the trash can.

We have already found out that we are not ready to give up everything at once. But you can find ten minutes a day for yourself, right? Let's then at least take care of sorting - your burden will become lighter, and moving on will be easier and more pleasant.

There is no hurry (you were going to endure for a long time anyway?), so you can give yourself a whole month to sort. Get there early - good. Finish a little later - also not scary.

What do we sort?

1. We are trying to understand the reasons - why you feel bad at work

Write them down. No need to grumble that you don’t need to write anything down - and so everything is at a glance. You are now, most likely, thinking about troubles, but you need to think about the reasons these troubles. By the way, when we write, we think differently. And if your reflection is still rather weak, then it will not be easy for you verbally, your thoughts will scatter. Paper disciplines. To make it easier, here are a few questions for you. If you can not answer right away, then do not rush, think.

When it got bad, how did it all start? What or who does it depend on? Can you influence this - or is it external circumstances? If this is something external, can you adapt to the circumstances or somehow protect yourself from them?

2. Trying to understand what brings joy

It seems to be a pleasant question, but when they ask about joyful things at work, many are lost. But write it down anyway.

What do you love most about work? And what do you do best? When do you work enthusiastically and joyfully? What do you need to have more moments like this? Can you influence it yourself? If not, then why, what does it depend on?

Most of us - and even very smart people - are limited to a "vegetable" reaction: "I feel good," "I feel bad." No one taught us to be aware of our states, and even alone with ourselves, we avoid difficult topics and unpleasant thoughts, we try to quickly switch to something. Therefore, often we not only do not understand ourselves, but we are even afraid. (Suspicious type: just stay alone with him - and immediately such thoughts will come into my head ... Well, I'd better stay away.)

3. Now it's up to the specifics

Every day (5-10 minutes is enough for you) write down:

    what affairs and tasks tired you, took a lot of strength or nerves and were unpleasant (think why);

    which, on the contrary, I liked, pleased and inspired.

Write the good on one sheet, the bad on the other.

It's not about sorting anymore. The advice is old and banal, but the main thing is that it works. Find a hobby for yourself. This will give you a break from work even without a vacation. Required condition: surfing the Internet, reading social media feeds, or sitting in front of the TV is not good - even if you read good lyrics and look good programs. This allows you to occupy your brains and kill time. A hobby is an activity that pleases your soul.

What about the meaning? What will all this nonsense give?

Give understanding. The habit of being aware of your condition. Ability to articulate. Reflection skills. And most importantly, a new acquaintance. With the person closest to you - the one you were sorry to spend ten minutes a day on.

By the way, he is cool - most likely. And you didn't know.

How about more specifically? I got it all

Now more specifically. The picture will begin to emerge within a week. But after about a month, it will become completely clear to you - especially when you sit over the sheets with your notes. By this time, you will not only find the causes of your work troubles and joys (or understand them deeper than before), but also get used to think about yourself. And this will give the first results: it will become clear to you what to do next.

This will no longer be a hasty, but a balanced and deliberate decision. And it will come by itself, because you have thought a little bit about yourself every day. Looking at the sheet, compared the pros and cons (to know about them and see them written on paper are not the same).

In a month, you will have time to think over everything (and even several options for action) thoroughly. The solution can be as soft and gradual as you need and in your situation - no one knows better than you anyway. And no radicalism, complete severing of ties and going nowhere - well, unless you really want it.

For example, it became much more unpleasant for you than joyful, and you realized that it is still better to change your job. But you still cannot do it now (state why). Then set a deadline in which it is realistic to do this, and write down what you need for this. (Maybe you're just waiting to get your yearly bonus paid and then it's easy, or maybe you need some training first.) Do what needs to be done slowly, step by step.

By the way, search new job when you are full of energy, and when you need to rest (but you also need work!) - two completely different tasks, and they also need to be solved differently. If you are tired of difficult tasks, you should not immediately get involved in a very complex and large-scale new project, choose something calmer and simpler (can the salary be slightly lower at the same time? What kind of decrease are you ready for?). If there were problems with colleagues, then before agreeing to a new job, google what employees say about the new employer. Find out how they work there so as not to get

Unfortunately, in our professional life, sometimes there comes a moment when we are tired of working and there is simply no strength to go on. I don’t want to do anything, I have to force myself to work, there is no interest in what is happening, and in the morning I don’t want to wake up at all. If you are faced with at least one of the above, then you need to think about whether you happened to face professional burnout.

Professional burnout - what is it?

The syndrome of professional burnout implies a state of physical and mental exhaustion, manifested in professional activity.

An example of professional burnout:

Marina has always been an active and promising employee. She did everything that was assigned to her. Willingly gave out new ideas, was always in the thick of things. V Lately employees began to pay attention to the fact that Marina became irritable, did not get enough sleep, her hands often shook and it was difficult for her to formulate her thoughts. She wrote a letter of resignation yesterday own will and everyone was terribly surprised, no one expected such a turn of events.

As you can see, everything started more than fine - a wonderful employee who enjoys his work and works for the result. No one noticed how and when the changes took place. In the end, everyone saw only the result - the employee abandoned his professional activity, which once brought him satisfaction and evoked positive emotions in him. But there were signs. And, if it is difficult to notice them from the outside, then the person himself can learn to monitor the signs of professional exhaustion and prevent their consequences. Unfortunately, sometimes it turns out that a person does not have time to prevent the state of emotional burnout and is already faced with the consequences of this syndrome. In this case, as a rule, the employee sees no other way out, except for dismissal from this place of work and a change in professional activity. Let's take a closer look at the situation when there is no strength to work further.

Symptoms of professional burnout

Professional burnout is always associated with emotional and physical exhaustion of the body. In this state, difficulties occur not only in the professional path, but other spheres of life are also affected. The general well-being of physiological and mental health is deteriorating.

* Loss of interest in professional activities - lack of motivation, interest, involvement in the process.

* General disorientation - the inability to understand what you want from life in the future in all its areas, apathy.

* Distracted attention, drowsiness, chronic fatigue, slow reactions, inability to multitask.

* Reduced communication functions - no desire to meet friends, less interest in maintaining family relationships, difficulty in communicating with colleagues.

* Violation of emotional functions - it is possible as a decrease in emotions, and vice versa, an increased reaction to what is happening.

* Shift of the work schedule - a person comes to work earlier and leaves later than expected, or vice versa, comes later and leaves earlier than the time set by the work schedule.

If you have been able to notice three or more of these symptoms in yourself that last for several weeks or months, you need to seriously consider whether you are experiencing professional burnout syndrome. To preserve the integrity of your personality with the maximum preservation of your mental health, it is necessary to take measures to treat the disease today.

An example of the symptoms of emotional burnout:

During the working day, Marina realized that today she would again have to stay at work longer than expected - she did not have time to do everything that was planned. After the main working team went about their personal business, Marina shifted the papers from place to place for a long time, trying to sort them out and at the same time tune in to write out the department's budget for the next month. When she finally forced herself to sit down at the computer, she could not concentrate for a long time, the work was difficult to do and the lesson took a long time. Marina returned home around midnight. When the girl tried to put the phone to charge, the charger did not want to go into the socket. After tormenting herself with the technique for about three minutes and not getting a result, Marina sat on the floor and burst into tears.

As we can note, Marina tries very hard to remain an employee who brings the maximum benefit to the organization in which she works. At the same time, her emotional and physical condition does not allow her to cope with her duties at the time set for this. In addition, the emotional exhaustion of the girl contributes to increased emotionality in everyday life issues.

What to do if you are experiencing professional burnout syndrome?

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe in this situation and cannot be. Also, if these symptoms have been going on for a long time, then going on a two-week vacation will help for a short time and exactly until the moment you get back into the work process. Therefore, if you understand that in the process work activities if you can’t cope with your condition, then you need to make a decision to dismiss.

Do not forget that each situation is individual, and you need to start only from yourself. But there are several ways to look at your life differently, they can help you understand how to act in the future.

Dealing with burnout step by step:

1. The main thing to do is to give yourself the opportunity to have a good rest. Maybe a change of scenery alone or meet new people, go to exhibitions or reread your favorite books. Do something that you have not allowed yourself to do for a long time, allow yourself to distract yourself from thoughts about work and your life. Organize everything so that you don't have to worry about anything. This is always in our power and at this stage of your life - this is exactly what is needed.

2. Understand at what stage of your professional activity you did not calculate your own strength. Think about what contributed to this and whether you had the opportunity to avoid this state of affairs. Play in your mind scenes when you could have done differently and what it would have looked like. Consider whether you can do things differently in the future and whether you want to.

3. Remember what used to cause you positive emotions in your activities. What exactly contributed to the increase in your performance, what was interesting and exciting. Remember these emotions, analyze what exactly they were caused by.

4. Decide for yourself how you would like to develop professionally in the future. Perhaps now you have new hobbies (or long-forgotten old ones) and now you are no longer ready to spend as much time on professional activities as before. Or maybe you have always dreamed of trying yourself in something else and now - the very period when it's time change the field of professional activity. Or are you still sure that you want to work in the same area, but in the future you will no longer allow what happened before. After all, now you have invaluable experience.

Four of the most common types of problem colleagues Leeds described in the book “Full order. A weekly plan to deal with chaos at work, at home and in your head. The communication strategy that will help you get along with him depends on who the employee who bothers you is. Or just protect yourself from its "harmfulness".


He does not believe in anything or anyone, and especially in your good undertakings. But the most disgusting quality of a Skeptic is that he will never be too lazy to tell you about his doubts, and even in public, with a laugh and obvious pleasure.

“In the office, the Skeptic will constantly say that your efforts will lead nowhere. This is the same person for whom the glass is never half full - it is always half empty. If the Skeptic sees that you are trying to organize your workplace, he can even arrange a sweepstakes and take bets on how long your new order will last.

And it would be fine, he just nagged over his ear every day: in the end, you can train your attention so that it turns off, and the brain filters this incoming information. But after all, from listening to the mantra “You will not succeed”, “You will never be promoted”, etc. you can really believe that you are doomed to failure. And with such an attitude, nothing shines for you except chronic depression.

How to act. To begin with, to realize that the Skeptic behaves this way not from a great mind and ability to predict the future. Simply, this person is not confident in his abilities and is very afraid of failures, but in order to live calmer, he transfers his complexes to everyone around him. That is, when he sneers contemptuously and says that you will never deliver the project on time, he rather convinces not you, but himself. In general, come to the conclusion that your "monster" is actually just a weak notorious person. After that, you yourself will not notice how you will start to ignore all his remarks.

smart ass

Each of us likes to be smart sometimes, but some of us just have a pathological need to present ourselves better than others. Every single day Egghead tries to brag about one or the other, emphasizes his even the slightest superiority and constantly asks for compliments, which you, as a tactful person, simply cannot refuse him. As Leeds writes, “He must do better than you. Did you set a sales record last month? Great, but he sold more. Do you like this book? He has better. Etc".

How to act. Just like the Skeptic, such a person deserves only pity. If he needs constant confirmation that he is worthy of something, then he is deeply unhappy and insecure.


All of a sudden you have another, self-proclaimed boss? It happens. by all possible ways this person will try to impose his methods on you to do the work, because he considers them the only true ones, and everything else for him is heresy. Even if you produce the desired result in deadlines, but at the same time "come in from the other side", the Dictator will make fun of you in every possible way and will remain in the opinion that he knows your work better.

How to act. If the Dictator's claims to power are not confirmed staffing, listen to him in the same way as Egghead, and do it your way. It is much easier and less traumatic for your nervous system than trying to convince him that you are right.

If your actual boss turned out to be the Dictator, you will have to reluctantly do as he wants. Gradually, you will win his trust and recognition that you have at least a drop of intelligence in you. And after that, you can carefully try your methods, asking permission from your boss in advance. The boss dictator loves to know everything, so if you do something - even something good - behind his back, it will really piss him off.


A typical manifestation of "office" meanness is the theft of ideas (merits, achievements, etc.) in order to later pass them off as one's own. Usually a person who is capable of this tries to ingratiate himself with everyone in the team, everyone likes him and loves everyone himself, but behind his back he probably talks all sorts of nasty things. Gossips can also be attributed to scoundrels - but not ordinary talkers, but those who use personal information for career purposes - stuck (they love to ride on someone else's hump) and sneak, who will not miss the opportunity to report to the authorities about your 5-minute delay.

How to act. It makes no sense to make a scandal and enter into a public confrontation with the Scoundrel. Most likely, his cunning and ability to suck up to the authorities will help him get out of the water dry, and in the worst case, make you look like a fool. If the importance and scale of the idea stolen from you are negligible and the “merit” of the Scoundrel will be forgotten the very next day, it’s better to keep silent altogether and just remember that you shouldn’t be frank with this person. If we are talking about a long-term strategy, the direction of an advertising company, a brand concept, etc., it is worth discussing the situation personally with your immediate supervisor, and not in the tone of a complaint, but asking for advice. Still, sneakers are also not very fond of.

When the work gets tired, some rush to quit, break their careers, others run away on vacation, others take sick leave, fourths endure to the last, fifths ... Fifths are the most reasonable: they find a way to help themselves without creating new problems. And they say it's not that hard.

Everything is tired, and it seems that you can no longer work. You can't, but you must. This is familiar to everyone - except for those who have just found their first job. They still have it ahead of them.

You can get it in different ways. There are critical conditions (professional burnout - to the ground) and radical drugs (complete and urgent amputation of oneself from a profession or company). But the most common problem still looks different. There are two typical options.

Option one. The scale of the disaster is still not so great: you are already specifically tired, but there is no disgust for the profession yet, you still see yourself in this industry. Or maybe even in the same company.

Option two. Maybe you feel bad, and even very bad, but you are still not ready for a radical remedy. And the point is often not so much in fear (although there is one), but in normal human responsibility: family, children, loans, a rented apartment or a mortgage - you need a stable income and guarantees ... There is only one result: you cannot go anywhere. Even if after professional burnout you had a professional flood and two professional glaciations.

And how did you get to this life?

The correct answer is either:

  • You have boring duties, but you are capable of more and are generally terribly underestimated (yes, where is my Nobel Prize?!).
  • You hit the company's career ceiling painfully and think that it's time to jump with a parachute from such a height (it would be nice with a "gold", of course).
  • You are tired of colleagues or management (well, there are such monsters in the world ... And, of course, you got all of them!).
  • You developed a department or project from scratch - and finally everything is fine. You are tired like a dog, but the main thing is that now you are bored.
  • And a bunch more options.

And what to do now?

Let's clarify: what should a responsible person do in difficult life conditions, who by no means can give up everything - no matter what the Red Banner Choir of Psychologists named after Maslow's pyramid howls?

Freelance? It is far from suitable for everyone: someone does not have a freelance profession at all, and someone simply does not like it, it is not close, it is psychologically uncomfortable.

Your business, entrepreneurship? In our country, this is the lot of the few, it needs a special personality, a special motivation and attitude. It is often said that one's own business is freedom and independence. This is true. But not for everyone. Most people are more accustomed to hired work, where responsibility and risks are much lower. In the eyes of many wage labor- the most traditional value. The rest of the possibilities are not so much pleasing with freedom as they are frightening with the unknown or communication with government agencies (and not loving government agencies is another tradition, and its roots are lost for centuries).

The only solution left is to keep working, to force yourself. That is what they usually do. By the way, sometimes it takes even more fortitude than to leave.

And here many are let down by maximalism - all or nothing! If you have already decided to stay, then you need to endure everything and everything to the last, no matter how bad it is. If you think about it, then everything is a little different - and not at all so sad.

Let's sort

Even if you choose to stay and hold on This doesn't mean that you can't help yourself. And it certainly doesn't mean that you don't need to change anything at all.. If radical solutions are not suitable (or simply the soul does not lie with them), then you need to find softer options and help yourself a little bit, gradually.

A simple metaphor: you have a bag and there are a lot of things in it. There are useful and necessary things, but there is also rubbish, debris, and worthless junk. You can throw away the whole bag at once, if you don't mind. You can dutifully drag it on yourself further - along with all the unnecessary junk. But you can sort everything that is in it without haste: keep the good for yourself, and get rid of the unnecessary and spoiled. And it’s even better to throw it away in several steps, so as not to overstrain on the way to the trash can.

We have already found out that we are not ready to give up everything at once. But you can find ten minutes a day for yourself, right? Let's then at least start sorting - your burden will become lighter, and it will be easier and more pleasant to go further.

There is no hurry (you were going to endure for a long time anyway?), so you can give yourself a whole month to sort. Get there early - good. Finish a little later - also not scary.

What do we sort?

1. We are trying to understand the reasons - why you feel bad at work

Write them down. No need to grumble that you don’t need to write anything down - and so everything is in full view. You are now, most likely, thinking about the troubles, but you need to think about the causes of these troubles. By the way, when we write, we think differently. And if your reflection is still rather weak, then it will not be easy for you verbally, your thoughts will scatter. Paper disciplines. To make it easier, here are a few questions for you. If you can not answer right away, then do not rush, think:

  • When it got bad, how did it all start?
  • What or who does it depend on?
  • Can you influence this - or is it external circumstances?
  • If this is something external, can you adapt to the circumstances or somehow protect yourself from them?

2. Trying to understand what brings joy

It seems to be a pleasant question, but when they ask about joyful things at work, many are lost. But write it down anyway:

  • What do you love most about work?
  • And what do you do best?
  • When do you work with passion and joy?
  • What do you need to have more moments like this?
  • Can you influence it yourself?
  • If not, then why, what does it depend on?

Most of us - and even very smart people - are limited to a "vegetable" reaction: "I feel good," "I feel bad." No one taught us to be aware of our states, and even alone with ourselves, we avoid heavy topics and unpleasant thoughts, we try to quickly switch to something. Therefore, often we not only do not understand ourselves, but we are even afraid. (Suspicious type: just stay alone with him - and immediately such thoughts will come into my head ... Well, I'd better stay away.)

3. Now it's up to the specifics

Every day (5-10 minutes is enough for you), write down:

  • what affairs and tasks tired you, took a lot of strength or nerves and were unpleasant (think why);
  • which, on the contrary, I liked, pleased and inspired.

Write the good on one sheet, the bad on the other.

4. Another tip

It's not about sorting anymore. The advice is old and banal, but the main thing is that it works. Find a hobby for yourself. This will give you a break from work even without a vacation. Required condition: surfing the Internet, reading social media feeds or sitting in front of the TV is not good - even if you read good texts and watch good programs. This allows you to occupy your brains and kill time. A hobby is an activity that pleases your soul.

What about the meaning? What will all this nonsense give?

Give understanding. The habit of being aware of your condition. Ability to articulate. Reflection skills. And most importantly - a new acquaintance. With the person closest to you - the one you were sorry to spend ten minutes a day on.

By the way, he is cool - most likely. And you didn't know.

How about more specifically? I've had enough

Now more specifically. The picture will begin to emerge within a week. But after about a month, it will become completely clear to you - especially when you sit over the sheets with your notes. By this time, you will not only find the causes of your work troubles and joys (or understand them deeper than before), but also get used to think about yourself. And this will give the first results: it will become clear to you what to do next.

This will no longer be a hasty, but a balanced and deliberate decision. And it will come by itself, because you have been thinking a little about yourself every day. Looking at the sheet, compared the pros and cons (to know about them and see them written on paper- not the same).

In a month, you will have time to think over everything (and even several options for action) thoroughly. The solution can be as soft and gradual as you need and in your situation - no one knows better than you anyway. And no radicalism, complete severing of ties and going nowhere - well, unless you really want it.

For example, it became much more unpleasant for you than joyful, and you realized that it is still better to change your job. But you still cannot do it now (state why). Then set a deadline in which it is realistic to do this, and write down what you need for this. (Maybe you're just waiting to pay your yearly bonus - and then it's easy, or maybe you need to go through some training first). Do what needs to be done slowly, step by step.

By the way, looking for a new job when you are full of energy, and when you need to relax (but you also need a job!) Are two completely different tasks, and they also need to be solved in different ways. If you are tired of difficult tasks, you should not immediately get involved in a very complex and large-scale new project, choose something calmer and simpler (Can the salary be slightly lower at the same time? What kind of decrease are you ready for?). If there were problems with colleagues, then before agreeing to a new job, google what employees say about the new employer. Find out how they work there so as not to get caught.

But this is an extreme case. Most likely, you can get by with less serious changes: agree on a change in functionality, convince your manager that you need an assistant, stop getting stuck in office fights, go on vacation - and you never know what else.

« I won’t write it all down anyway - I just can’t.”

Don't, of course. Freedom is sacred. No one will force or convince you. Decide for yourself what is important to you and what is not. And in general you have no problems, everything is fine. Or it will sort itself out somehow ;).

“Every day you work from 9 to 5, plus the road, in the evening you feel tired and don’t want to do anything, the weekend flies by in an instant, and now you’re back to work ... What to do if you get tired of work? Not a specific job, but a job in principle? ”, - one of the users recently left such a comment on one of the career articles. For an answer, we turned to experts.

A bit of philosophy

“To work, to act is a natural state for a person. There are no creatures in nature that “do not work”, in order to live, you need to fuss. The one who does nothing dies, - says Anna Mukhina, head of the department of psychological counseling for careers at the Humanitarian Technologies Testing and Development Center. - And a person in this sense is no exception. To act in order to live is a natural state. Unfortunately, the work is too often divorced from a concrete visible result, devoid of clear goals and associated with the suppression of the personality. And then the natural process turns into punishment.

What are the reasons?

“The reason for such emotions is the lack of meaning in life. We used to think that the work is us, and we are the work. But it's not. The main question that needs to be answered is: “Why do you need a job?” Artemy Sychev says. “If you want money, then you need to earn it by doing what you are good at, in the way that suits you best.”

“A person who does work that he likes, which makes it possible to realize himself, to reveal himself as a person, will not get into such a situation. No wonder the sage said: “Find a job you like, and you will not work a single day in your life,” notes Anna Mukhina. - “Sickening from work” can also be the result of professional burnout. Although this syndrome is more common in professionals who work with people, it can also be encountered by representatives of other professions. This happens when work turns into a routine, a person does not have the opportunity to develop, constantly learn something new.

Understand themselves

Anna Mukhina recommends, first of all, to understand yourself. Understand where this feeling came from, what made you feel sharply disgusted with work, and then decide how to change the situation and what goal to set for yourself. “If the goal is not to work, then you can achieve it, for example, by renting an apartment and living on this money. If it is important for a person to receive not only money, but also job satisfaction, then you need to look for a suitable business for you, ”says Anna.

Svetlana Sedun , psychologist, professional consultant, author of the book “The way out of the mousetrap. Thriller to find your favorite job "to determine the problem, use the following method:

“You need to ask yourself the question of what exactly you do not like, and boldly answer it. Just sit down with a piece of paper or a tape recorder and talk about what exactly is bothering you, what is happening at your current job and what happened at the previous one. Record many, many stories on tape or paper. Then listen and see which words are repeated most often, and having found these repetitions, think about them. The reasons for dissatisfaction may be different, but when a person sees what he is constantly referring to, even unconsciously, he will be able to understand in which direction he should move, and who can help him in solving the problem. However, it is difficult to do it yourself, so the first advice is to talk to a professional consultant.”

“For cases of professional burnout, there are several standard recommendations: take a break, remove physical fatigue; review your work and try to find new opportunities in it, a new angle that will be of interest to you; change jobs, and if all this does not help, then you may think about changing your profession, says Anna Mukhina. “But each situation is individual, and it is still advisable to seek the advice of specialists.”