Features of developing a business presentation. Enterprise business plan with calculations: a ready-made presentation example

In the life of almost any entrepreneur, there comes a moment when he needs to present his offspring to potential investors, whether they are venture capitalists (Venture Capitalists) or angels. It is known that public speaking is the main human fear (after the fear of death, of course), and if you do it in front of professional sponsors who have the opportunity to turn your idea into reality (or kill it), then you can completely lose heart. Setting up a startup so that someone writes a check for a large amount is not easy. This is a skill that comes with time through trial and error.

I present to you 10 tips. They are based on my observations of presentations by graduates of the IMD business school (according to MBA program) their ideas to real venture capital companies in Silicon Valley. Most of these meetings ended successfully.

1. Remember: This is NOT a corporate presentation. Time is running out, and if you don't grab your audience's attention with the first three slides, they'll be on their iPhone to check Twitter messages.

2. Get straight to the point. What does your product do? What do you need in terms of funding? Why might it be of interest to them? In addition to the product, you need to present its potential capabilities. They should be clearly outlined by the third slide. Maybe not in great detail, but in a general sense. Explain to them why they shouldn't be distracted by Twitter right now. In all the 13 years I've watched Silicon Valley talks, I've always been struck by this: Based on a great visual presentation, seasoned investors learned more about a company in five minutes than entrepreneurs told them verbally. How? They took the clear, unambiguous facts that the entrepreneur presented to them and compared them to thousands of other startups. The presentation of familiar and clear images leads to great results.

3. Tell a story. And tell it in such a way that both you and the audience will like it. To do this, you need to know a little about the people in the room, their experiences, what they like, what they don't like, what they have invested in before, and what their first three questions will be. A little effort and the Internet is enough to learn everything you need. Otherwise, it will only demonstrate a lack of respect for your potential partners.

4. Presentation is not a competition. You will be stressed, investors can be rude, but it's all about getting the facts straight, and if you don't have the ability to get the facts across, investors will ask questions over and over again, and eventually stress and tension levels will rise. Investors usually don't want to humiliate you - they just need to know if the story is worth telling their partners and if it can justify their financial investment.

5. Be confident, but careful and prepared. It is well known that entrepreneurs are often overconfident and definitely blind to the shortcomings of their ideas. On the other hand, the ability to exude confidence during a startup presentation has been proven to be vital and fundraising.

6. Resolve contradictions. When thinking about the future of your idea, such as what will happen to it in three years, take the diagram in reverse chronological order. If you want to achieve something in three years, what can (or should) happen in that period? Incorporate these thoughts into the story you sell to investors. They need to know how you are drawing the road to profit and/or liquidity.

7. Don't be too wordy or descriptive. This point builds on point #1. Show both your passionate desire to implement the idea, and an understanding of how exactly it will be implemented.

8. Present a big idea. Yes, everyone is advising you to say “our numbers are preliminary… let's not get carried away…”, but if what you're proposing is really radical, speak up loud and bold about it. Stay realistic, but at the same time, let the investor dream big opportunities.

9. Keep things simple. This is especially true of the plan to translate the idea into reality. The main thing is to focus on the essence. The complexity of the presentation will turn on a red alarm above the presentation screen. Multiple product lines, complex ownership structures, multi-level price policy(and you don't know yet if there's a buyer at all), seven-phase development plans, unclear distribution of responsibilities - all this must be removed from the presentation, as well as from the business plan.

10. Answer questions. When the audience has a question, stop. For a second, forget about the story you're telling. Listen, make sure you understand the question, and then answer. And answer clearly, to the point, honestly, and to the question you've heard, not the one you want to answer. Sometimes you can say something like this: “I don’t know, but we’ll come back to this a little later.”

I asked Alex Fries, a seasoned Silicon Valley businessman, to name three of the worst investor presentations he's ever seen. He named these:

1) presentation of the hot-tempered CEO, which ended in a verbal squabble with the investor (an entrepreneur always loses in such quarrels - see point No. 4).

2) the demo materials didn't work (always test and double-check your materials, and if you are not sure that everything will work, do not use them - see point #5).

3) the businessmen got lost and were 40 minutes late for the meeting. There were only 20 minutes left for the presentation and questions (no, they were not invited to the second meeting, and it's probably clear why).

None of the above does not require an extraordinary mind. EMBA graduates have one try. Some of them do it. Some of those who make it through get a good deal. If you are an entrepreneur and the future of your brainchild depends on your next presentation, pay close attention to these points and prepare well for your presentation.

To support a business project with stakeholders, it is important to competently make its presentation. Attracting investors is a guarantee further development entrepreneurial idea in operational mode. To implement the event, it is important to justify your concept and be able to convince the audience of the profitability of your plan. How should a presentation of a business project be designed and presented so that it looks presentable and promising in the eyes of investors?

Business plan presentation

What it is

Presentations are made using a special software.Usually a program is used to prepare it and view Power Point. It is part of the package Microsoft Office and available for all versions operating systems Microsoft Windows and MacOS. It is possible to design the material with the help of other paid and free graphic software, which differ in the applied functionality.

For all industries and business models, the information presentation format is identical.

It is designed as an accessible template. Effective display of slides that describe the project, taking into account its individual areas, goals and final results. A positive impression can be made by mentioning performance indicators, success factors, as well as information about risk management while ensuring the entire cycle. production process.

The project should be informative and memorable. This effect is achieved through a competent combination of the text part and visual design. The design should not distract investors from the main content of the document.

What is a business plan

A business project presentation is an ideal combination of various textual, graphical and artistic elements. The parameters as a whole should form a single information system. Slide presentation of information should be meaningful, as well as logical and brevity. demonstrating visual material, moderation should be observed. Already viewed pictures need to be removed from the screen.


The purpose of presentation activity is to convince the audience of successful implementation conceived idea and in attracting people to the project who are ready to invest values ​​in it to ensure its development and profit. For a short period of time, a business owner needs to:

  • declare your company and present it from a favorable point of view;
  • convince the audience about the success and prospects of your project;
  • start a dialogue with investors;
  • create prospects for long-term cooperation.

Product Structure

The presentation product should be filled with information content of such a volume that the speaker can reveal it to the audience in 20 minutes.

Less time will be identified as a frivolous attitude to one's work and ill-conceivedness of its individual elements. More time will be tiring potential investors, as a result of which they may lose the meaning of their presence at the event.

Presentation Structure

After analyzing any example of a business plan presentation, we can draw conclusions about the use of a standard presentation structure, consisting of separate elements:

  • a description of the company and its products or services;
  • market of customers and competitors;
  • applied marketing policy;
  • topical financial tasks set before the head of the business cell in accordance with the priority parameters;
  • information about the team of business representatives who will be engaged in the implementation of entrepreneurial ideas;
  • the need for material investments, their size and purpose of application;
  • conditions for the use of investments and the procedure for their return.

Read also: Withdrawal from the founders of LLC: instructions

What may be of interest to investors

To make a decision on cooperation, students need to provide product samples, photos of services rendered, as well as colorful advertising booklets, revealing the essence entrepreneurial activity and its advertising. For foreign partners, brochures with information about the benefits and prospects of cooperation in English or in their native language should be prepared in advance.

What determines the success of the solution

The success of the presentation depends on the choice of how to present the idea to investors, on its design and on the ability to conduct business negotiations. The speaker must be able to convince the audience of the correctness and prospects of his decision. Of no small importance to the result of the operation is its implementation in an atmosphere of mutual trust and openness in cooperation with investors at all stages. You should not hide the information of the parameters of the presented subject that characterize economic efficiency business.

Before compiling the text part of the project, one should find out the priorities of the opponents in order to have an idea of ​​their interests and preferences. Communication with them should be unobtrusive, but it requires the presence of notes of unity of moral values ​​and spiritual closeness. Having information about the investor's worldview, it is easy to highlight aspects in your project that emphasize common interests.

The main components of a successful speech are confidence in your proposal, emphasized by the clarity of wording, the ease of presenting the material, as well as conciseness and liveliness of speech.

The presentation of a business idea is not aimed at asking for help, but at offering cooperation in order to participate in an interesting and profitable project. The main objective of the event is to enter into a dialogue with investors and awaken interest in the business.

To implement an entrepreneurial idea by attracting investors, knowledge in the field of psychology and rhetoric will not interfere. The correct construction of phrases, a certain timbre of voice and its tone, can have a decisive influence on the further conduct of business. Any little thing can affect the outcome of negotiations, so it is important to be polite and outwardly calm, as well as respect someone else's point of view and be able to defend your own opinion.

Investor evaluation criteria

Having familiarized yourself with the preferences and worldview of investors in advance, it is easier to anticipate their possible questions and find competent answers to them in advance. To do this, it is recommended to look at your project through the eyes of investors, objectively assessing the situation, while excluding those elements that may cause them dislike.

What to look for when making a presentation

The presentation of the business plan is a short-term event during which it is necessary to achieve the set goals in order to ensure the rapid development of the business.

You should not make lengthy introductions that will surely relax the audience and divert their attention from the main task. Starting the presentation, you should immediately present your project. It is necessary to focus on questions and answers to them:

  • sphere of occupation of the subject of entrepreneurship;
  • characteristics of the results of labor, taking into account the parameters of popularity and demand;
  • the reason for looking for an investor;
  • benefits that can be obtained as a result of cooperation.

Read also: Sample power of attorney for the right to sign documents for the director of LLC

To interest the audience, you should briefly talk about your own achievements that could interest listeners. To understand the worldview of the audience and their preferences, it is recommended to use such a psychological technique as telling a short test story, which will help the speaker evaluate the reaction of the audience in order to correct the further presentation of the presentation.

When providing information, the speaker must be prepared, confident in his actions, but at the same time cautious. Overconfidence can lead to an unsuccessful presentation. Representative new business cells should display a passionate desire to realize their entrepreneurial idea. It is important to show an understanding of the methods by which the goal will be achieved.

Errors when creating a presentation

The finished product should be simple. The complexity of the presentation is a sign of anxiety among investors. The speaker should focus on the essence of the project, excluding multi-level concepts from it. It is worth noting that such decisions can harm the project even when solving the tasks on its own.

To all questions of potential investors, the entrepreneur must give competent answers. If they arise, it is recommended to interrupt your speech, listen carefully to the question and make sure that you understand it correctly. The answer must be clear and honest. It must contain the entity about which the investor wants to receive information. In situations where there are difficulties in answering the question posed, a response in the style of "we will return to this question later" or "I am not ready to answer this question at the moment" is acceptable.

When a presentation is doomed to fail

The reasons for unsuccessful business presentations may be related to incompetent design or presentation of the event, as well as its organization. The delay and untimely start of the operation will certainly negatively set up investors for the project being presented, since it is believed that successful person everything is planned and foreseen.

Demo materials should display only actual information, since the fact of unreliability will be revealed at the very first questions of the audience.

It is important to create a positive atmosphere during the event. Verbal squabbles will most certainly be the reason for refusal to cooperate, because in such incidents the entrepreneur always remains the loser, since he is the one who needs to look respectable and sociable.

Presentation errors

Be very careful! When conducting an event, you should not make the following mistakes:

  • exceeding the regulated presentation time;
  • monotonous speech according to the template without the use of gestures and expression of emotions;
  • excessive emotionality that scares off listeners;
  • illiterate speech;
  • fussiness;
  • the uncertainty of the speaker;
  • oversaturation of the presentation with textual or visual material;
  • the paucity of illustrated elements;
  • neglect business style communication;

An enterprise business plan is a presentation of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness and profit of an enterprise in the early stages of business development. It is developed for a certain period of time.

Types of enterprises

An entrepreneur with analysts draws up a ready-made business plan for an organization in such industries as:

    gold mining and agricultural enterprise;

    transport, motor transport;

  • Buy a business plan for an enterprise

    trade and wholesale;

  • security, printing;

    woodworking, logging;

    metallurgical and industrial enterprise.

Enterprise Business Plan Summary

A summary of the essence and objectives of the project is compiled in the summary. Without this section, the receipt of investment for the project is zero. The summary is based on the following points:

    form of organization, name of the project;

    presentation of the idea, description of the company;

    information sheet on the qualifications of employees;

    explanation of the scope of development of the organization;

    benefits from the development of production;

    what goals the organization wants to achieve, what investments it will need;

    availability of documents for the permission of the production process;

    financial efficiency;

    analysis of possible risks.

Attention! A resume is written after creating a finished business plan.

Market analysis and identification of needs

Market analysis begins with a description of the industry. The description includes information only on a specific area of ​​the industry:

    dynamics and growth potential over the past few years;

    economic fluctuations;

    development trends and innovations.

Next, information about the target market is collected. The level of need for the product category is determined. The product that the company produces must meet the needs of the target segment. Describe demographic groups, geographical location, seasonal sales cycle.

Competitiveness is calculated. Estimated:

    secondary, indirect competitors;

    weak and strengths;

    market entry opportunities;

    advantages of the company in the sales market.

Advice. Market analysis should be carried out for the last 4 years.

Registration of necessary documents

To develop a business from scratch, an initial registration in the system of the country in which it is opened is required. When registering, you need copies of your passport, residence permit, as well as TIN.

Documents for opening an IP:

    application for registration individual as individual entrepreneur;

    receipt of payment of state duty;

    application for transition to the simplified taxation system;

    copies of the passport, residence permit, TIN.

To open an LLC (limited liability company):

    LLC registration document;

    in 2 copies the charter of the LLC;

    paid receipt of state duty;

    letter of guarantee with the provision of the entrepreneur legal address;

    founding agreement, if the owner is not alone.

Territory rent for an enterprise

A lease agreement can be drawn up by the landlord or the tenant. This agreement is mutual and is concluded in writing. The object of the contract is the enterprise as a property complex. The resources of this object come to the use of the tenant.

The subject and price of the transaction are negotiated under the terms of the contract. The landlord provides the territory for a certain period. The tenant, upon expiration of the term of use, is obliged to extend the lease or vacate the territory. Also, the tenant may demand a fee for the improvement of the leased property.

Purchase of the necessary equipment for the enterprise

The purchase of new equipment, most often, is carried out abroad. A package of documents is required for the supply of equipment to the country where the company is going to operate. For example, an organization for the production of gold mining products is organized in Russia, but equipment is supplied from Kazakhstan. In this case, you will need:

    certificates for compliance with the needs of the company;

    SES document;

    consent of the labor protection organization;

    management documents for work capacity;

    drawings of equipment diagrams;

    technical documentation with instructions;

    permission to labor activity from Rostechnadzor.

Selection and training of employees of the enterprise

Depending on the specialization of the company, personnel with the required skills is selected. New employee must be trained in the area in which the company develops. What does it give:

    Develops teamwork skills.

    Competitiveness among employees.

    The investment in training results in high labor productivity.

    The qualification of employees is increasing, a new influx of people is coming, which means that the turnover of production reaches a high level.

    Practice skills.

    Development of employee motivation.

Advice. It is necessary to develop an effective motivation system to arouse interest in the training. Employee training is provided free of charge.

One-time and monthly expenses

When drawing up a plan, the financial issue is considered in more detail. The financial position of the owner plays a major role when opening a company. You will have to deal with the calculations of income and expenditure of funds.

Forced financing of the company will go to:

    certificates, licenses;

    labor costs, recruitment;


    purchase of equipment and raw materials;

    lease of premises, development of letterheads.

There are also overhead or third-party costs. The financier of the company is engaged in the development of estimates and the prevention of these circumstances. If the financial plan is developed correctly, there will be no unexpected costs.

Payback period

A short payback period for investors is the basis for further investment in this project. The method of analytical calculation makes it possible to calculate this period. When calculating the payback, the following indicators are required:

    project financing, all funds invested cause;

  • Enterprise business plan cost

    net revenue for the year of operation of the company;

  • cost estimate for the year.

The formula for the payback period of investment funds is the division of investment investments by the total amount of profit.

Attention! The disadvantage of the formula is an inaccurate calculation, because the time factor is not taken into account.

Potential risks when starting a business

Risks that may arise when opening a company:




    force majeure.

The risk for a commercial facility is possible for the following reasons:

    lack of proper information;

    factors of unpredictability;

    negative impact from the external and internal environment.

Risks are identified, their damage is assessed, methods and programs of elimination are created. Financial risks are the most common, so the business of a small or large firm does not live up to its full functioning.

With a long functioning of the business, there may be a risk of complete bankruptcy. Then the company's managers hire specialists who begin planning a new business plan.

An example of a presentation of a business plan for an enterprise

The business plan presents a holistic picture of the business at the time of its inception. Creating a long-term plan requires no small effort. Then the presentation of the business plan gives life to the project and opportunities for its financing. She will answer the question: “Why you, and not a competitor?”. The project will not sink if it is beautifully presented to investors. One such sample can be viewed here:

An example of a business plan for an agricultural enterprise

There is an increase in demand in the agricultural sector in the country. The export of natural food products pays off in a short time. Creating an agricultural business in an ecologically clean place helps to increase its scale. For a project to stand firmly on the path to success, it needs clear goal setting. In a business planning presentation Agriculture these goals and others important aspects for business promotion are at the link:

Business plan for an agricultural enterprise.

An example of a business plan for a motor transport company

Transport is a great idea for own business. Products are delivered by road not only in the cities of the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Having organized a company and prepared an impeccable plan, already at the stage of preparing a presentation, you can count on an active inflow of investments. According to the template provided, it is possible to write a promising business plan:

Business plan for a motor transport company.

An example of a business plan for a trading enterprise

A sole proprietorship in the field of trade quickly pays off the investment. This industry, with proper planning, is actively developing. The trading market is vast, so a company must be unique in order to receive investment. The presentation describes the main aspects for the development of a trading business:

Business plan of a trading enterprise.

An example of a business plan for a security company

Human safety is paramount. The security company guarantees the safety of its clients and their property. For a good start, it is enough to present a presentation with a wide competitive range of services. Squeeze with specific data about the prices and goals of the project will attract the attention of investors. A business planning sample will show how to profitably present the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing this business:

Business plan for a security company.

An example of a business plan for a woodworking enterprise

Easy business can be a goldmine for an entrepreneur. Quality raw material production is highly valued. There is a lot of competition in this business. Therefore, a well-structured business plan with a presentation should have unique idea for trading market. good sample Presentations can be viewed at:

Business plan for a woodworking enterprise.

An example of a business plan for a metallurgical enterprise

The basis of any production lies in the metallurgical sphere. Tsvetmet is present in all types of organizations. Business in this direction is expanding rapidly, gives high profits. According to the business plan of the company, they judge how profitable it is to finance it. Then the presentation brief information from the business plan will give an extremely clear picture of its profitable discovery here:

Business plan for a metallurgical enterprise.

An example of a business plan for a printing company

Printing startup theme requires personal investments budding businessman. A long payback is guaranteed by the rapid expansion of the project with relevance to the public flow. A business plan with a presentation will help you competently organize the structure of a startup and understand what it is capable of. A decent sample for the project is presented here:

Business plan for a printing company.

An example of a business plan for a gold mining enterprise

This industry is predisposed to big business organizations. The gold mining organization must hold the top positions already for initial stage functioning. Then business planning should be unique to investors. A goldmine will justify itself in the case of a good presentation of a business plan with a presentation. The material can be viewed here.

To support a business project with stakeholders, it is important to competently make its presentation. Attracting investors is a guarantee of further development of an entrepreneurial idea in an operational mode. To implement the event, it is important to justify your concept and be able to convince the audience of the profitability of your plan. How should a presentation of a business project be designed and presented so that it looks presentable and promising in the eyes of investors?

What it is

Presentations are made using special software. Usually a program is used to prepare it and view Power Point. It is a constituent element of the Microsoft Office suite and is available for all versions of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS operating systems. It is possible to design the material with the help of other paid and free graphic software, which differ in the applied functionality.

For all industries and business models, the information presentation format is identical.

It is designed as an accessible template. Effective display of slides that describe the project, taking into account its individual areas, goals and final results. A positive impression can be made by mentioning performance indicators, success factors, as well as information about managing risks while ensuring the entire production cycle.

The project should be informative and memorable. This effect is achieved through a competent combination of the text part and visual design. The design should not distract investors from the main content of the document.

A business project presentation is an ideal combination of various textual, graphical and artistic elements. The parameters as a whole should form a single information system. Slide presentation of information should be meaningful, as well as logical and brevity. Demonstrating visual material, moderation should be observed. Already viewed pictures need to be removed from the screen.

The purpose of the presentation activity is to convince the audience of the successful implementation of the conceived idea and to attract people to the project who are ready to invest values ​​in it to ensure its development and profit. For a short period of time, a business owner needs to:

  • declare your company and present it from a favorable point of view;
  • convince the audience about the success and prospects of your project;
  • start a dialogue with investors;
  • create prospects for long-term cooperation.

Product Structure

The presentation product should be filled with information content of such a volume that the speaker can reveal it to the audience in 20 minutes.

Less time will be identified as a frivolous attitude to one's work and ill-conceivedness of its individual elements. More time will tire potential investors, as a result of which they may lose the meaning of their presence at the event.

After analyzing any example of a business plan presentation, we can draw conclusions about the use of a standard presentation structure, consisting of separate elements:

  • a description of the company and its products or services;
  • market of customers and competitors;
  • applied marketing policy;
  • current financial tasks assigned to the head of the business cell in accordance with the priority parameters;
  • information about the team of business representatives who will be engaged in the implementation of entrepreneurial ideas;
  • the need for material investments, their size and purpose of application;
  • conditions for the use of investments and the procedure for their return.

What may be of interest to investors

To make a decision on cooperation, students must provide product samples, photos of services rendered, as well as colorful advertising booklets that reveal the essence of entrepreneurial activity and its advertising. For foreign partners, brochures with information about the benefits and prospects of cooperation in English or in their native language should be prepared in advance.

What determines the success of the solution

The success of the presentation depends on the choice of how to present the idea to investors, on its design and on the ability to conduct business negotiations. The speaker must be able to convince the audience of the correctness and prospects of his decision. Of no small importance to the result of the operation is its implementation in an atmosphere of mutual trust and openness in cooperation with investors at all stages. You should not hide the information of the parameters of the presented entity that characterize the economic efficiency of the business.

Before compiling the text part of the project, one should find out the priorities of the opponents in order to have an idea of ​​their interests and preferences. Communication with them should be unobtrusive, but it requires the presence of notes of unity of moral values ​​and spiritual closeness. Having information about the investor's worldview, it is easy to highlight aspects in your project that emphasize common interests.

The main components of a successful speech are confidence in your proposal, emphasized by the clarity of wording, the ease of presenting the material, as well as conciseness and liveliness of speech.

The presentation of a business idea is not aimed at asking for help, but at offering cooperation in order to participate in an interesting and profitable project. The main objective of the event is to enter into a dialogue with investors and awaken interest in the business.

To implement an entrepreneurial idea by attracting investors, knowledge in the field of psychology and rhetoric will not interfere. The correct construction of phrases, a certain timbre of voice and its tone, can have a decisive influence on the further conduct of business. Any little thing can affect the outcome of negotiations, so it is important to be polite and outwardly calm, as well as respect someone else's point of view and be able to defend your own opinion.

Having familiarized yourself with the preferences and worldview of investors in advance, it is easier to anticipate their possible questions and find competent answers to them in advance. To do this, it is recommended to look at your project through the eyes of investors, objectively assessing the situation, while excluding those elements that may cause them dislike.

What to look for when making a presentation

The presentation of the business plan is a short-term event during which it is necessary to achieve the set goals in order to ensure the rapid development of the business.

You should not make lengthy introductions that will surely relax the audience and divert their attention from the main task. Starting the presentation, you should immediately present your project. It is necessary to focus on questions and answers to them:

  • sphere of occupation of the subject of entrepreneurship;
  • characteristics of the results of labor, taking into account the parameters of popularity and demand;
  • the reason for looking for an investor;
  • benefits that can be obtained as a result of cooperation.

As Sigmund Freud said, "People are strong as long as they stand up for a strong idea." The key to the success of a person who is ready to open his own business will be a well-designed marketing plan and a successfully prepared business presentation for. After the development of the project, it is necessary to carefully work out the presentation, the success of which will determine the future of the enterprise, because any idea needs funding. What is a business presentation, what is it for and how to properly prepare it, we will tell in the article.

What is it and who is it aimed at?

To create a business based on your idea, you need a presentation for investors. A presentation is a speech of a person in front of a certain audience with the aim of presenting specific information, his ideas, showing a personal vision of the presented object. An overview is being made on a business presentation marketing plan starting a business, the purpose of which is to attract investor(s) to the business.

The investor must be convinced of the success of the idea. This will be facilitated by confirmed data, a competent plan, prescribed risks and measures to minimize them, as well as opportunities for obtaining additional profit in the future, developing your business and personal brand.

Conducting a business presentation should be short, on average 20-25 minutes. During this period of time, it is necessary to do everything for a successful result, present yourself as a professional and make such an offer of cooperation that a potential partner cannot refuse. All priority features of the partnership should be set out clearly and understandably so that the investor has a minimum of questions. It is important that a potential entrepreneur himself believe in his own and realistically assess his prospects. Only in this case it is possible to convince the investor of profitability.

Presentation scheme

Preparation of a business presentation begins with the formation of the structure and outline on paper. A competent structure is created in special software, the classic version is Powerpoint. The paragraph "Summary" of the business plan is given key attention. He is the first assistant in the development of the presentation of this product.

The paragraph "Summary" of the business plan is given key attention.

Presentation points:

  • Name of the business and description of the object (product/service).
  • Selected niche, competitors in accordance with geography (targeting).
  • Development of a marketing strategy for a business.
  • Financial costs for starting the project.
  • Staff (a team of specialists to implement the idea).
  • Costs, for what purposes and tasks.
  • Terms of cooperation, investor benefits, terms of return of money.

Successful sale of benefits to the client is the key to a successful presentation, as a result - investment in the project.

Briefly, but succinctly, you should list your strengths as an ideological inspirer, competent leader and organizer. You have to show that you can not only come up with something sensible, but also use business communications for successful negotiations. The last skill the future entrepreneur has the opportunity to present in practice in the process of communication with the investor.

In addition, it is necessary to tell about the team of specialists who will participate in the implementation of the idea, how the business process will be built and their interaction. For investors, it is important who will keep the company and how competent the leaders of the future enterprise are.

Creating a Presentation Layout

Developing a business plan for investors required condition for successful work. As previously mentioned, the presentation must be created in special software. His design tools should make it possible to make the layout of the company's presentation understandable and visual. The format of a computer program makes it possible to use video in a business presentation, create infographics, and much more.

Overuse of effects and specific design can only distract the listeners from the information. Everything should be very clear.

Presentation development graphic designers will create a strong tool for attracting investors, because the perfect combination necessary information and effective visual implementation will increase the impact on the target audience.

An effective business presentation is short and to the point text illustrated with images, infographics and videos that help impress investors and help visualize the idea.


The best way to deliver your presentation is practice and self-confidence. Therefore, before conducting it, you should practice at least in front of colleagues and relatives, overcoming your fears and insecurities in advance. They are the enemy of the startup.

Selling a new product is associated with presenting your idea. Its buyer (namely, this role is performed by the investor) should be interested in the product. He will do this only if the seller himself is confident in the quality and success of his business and can prove it clearly. Therefore, the presentation technology is partly comparable to the technique of selling a product or service, here a person sells his idea. You can use some techniques from this area.

A good idea, a well-written and executed presentation does not guarantee that investors will agree to invest money. The art of public speaking plays an important role. To become a good speaker, in addition to psychological preparation, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of experts in this area (professional business coaches and others). famous speakers), to adopt the techniques used by politicians and actors with a well-established skill in public speaking.

Here are some classic tips that will come in handy in most cases:

  • Speak clearly, slowly, and loudly enough to be heard even by those who are far away from you.
  • During the presentation, do not be monotonous, change the tone of voice, volume and timbre, focus on important points.
  • Use small breaks of 20-30 seconds, if necessary, which will give you the opportunity to improvise something new and generate a creative idea during the presentation.
  • Use keywords, which will interest investors (they are different for each industry, among universal ones - profit, profitability, efficiency, development, and others).

The development and implementation of a business plan as a presentation for investors and partners consists of a set of the above items. Step by step, it is necessary to implement each item, and as a result, self-confidence, excellent presentation, and negotiation skills will appear.