World speakers. World renowned speakers for conferences and events

Professor in the Department of Psychology at Yale University, co-author of the concept of emotional intelligence

Ph. D., professor at Yale University. He is one of the founders of the original scientific concept of Emotional Intelligence, co-author of the test for determining the level of emotional intelligence - MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test - the most developed and relevant method for testing emotional intelligence).

Parabellum Andrey

Business trainer. Business consultant. Successful businessman. Infobusiness practitioner.

He brought to Russia and raised a new industry throughout the Russian-speaking space - information business and information marketing. And now, after a few years, it is a separate market with hundreds of thousands of players, its own niche leaders and millions of people trained annually. A staunch supporter of practical skills versus theoretical knowledge.

Radislav Gandapas

The most popular and well-known Russian motivational and leadership speaker. Author of many books and videos on leadership and public speaking. Three times he was recognized - "The best in the profession according to the results of the year." Winner and laureate of the Runet Book Prize 2013.

Alexander Fridman

Consultant and business coach. Managing partner of the consulting company "Amadeus Group", Latvia. Member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies, author of 42 programs and 6 special courses for training executives and managers. Since 1993, he has implemented more than 100 projects (Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) in the field of consulting services

Bob Dorf

Legendary entrepreneur, mentor and guru of the global startup industry who led seven companies to IPO

Potashev Maxim

Maxim Potashev is an expert in the field of marketing, retail sales, customer service, organization of business processes, and project management. He worked as director of the Internet agency Result, director of development at Azbuka-Attik, headed the analytical center at Kaspersky Lab and the Center for Operational Marketing of Rosgosstrakh. She is the author and leader of trainings on marketing and sales, decision-making and brainstorming technologies, team building.

Alexander Levitas

Independent business consultant and business coach

Alexander Levitas is an independent business consultant and business coach. Its main principle can be summed up in one line: "Your business can bring in more money!"

Asya Barysheva

Sales trainer and consultant

“I am a trainer and sales consultant. I know how difficult it is at times to translate into reality those projects that seem so simple and obvious on paper. And I know that despite these difficulties, each company can sell more. Bigger, better, more expensive, more effective, more interesting, with drive, with positive and sparkle in your eyes! "

Valentin Zavadnikov

Vice President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Founding Partner and Vice President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. He is engaged in social and educational activities, and in his free time he adequately represents Russian sailing at the world's leading competitions. Valentin is the owner of the only Russian sailing team "Synergy"

It is difficult to hold a conference on marketing, startups and technologies at a high level. Passing events happen every day, events of a global scale - once a month, and this is also frequent. Interesting speakers, for the sake of which the audience gathers, are torn to pieces: their schedule is hammered for months ahead. When organizing Growth Marketing Conference, I learned six rules. They help to competently communicate with speakers, attract maximum visitors and leave everyone happy.

1. A good conference rests on three pillars:

  • interesting speakers
  • careful organization
  • actual topic.

At the first point, many are pierced: they invite celebrity experts to speak, whose lectures do not fit into the topic of the event. A cool speaker just for the sake of being cool is not cool. Any lecture should be part of a well-thought-out concept, and not fragmentary discourses about different things.

2. Do not splurge on expensive hotel and catering for the participants. Speakers - that's who you need to spend time, effort and money on. If they like everything, they will come again. And then - again (and again). If you don't like it, they won't come and your colleagues will be warned about a boorish attitude, a bad hotel and business lunches instead of food. The stars are capricious, but the success of the conference largely depends on them.

3. Ask registered participants in advance what they expect from the conference. Ask them at a preliminary meeting, by e-mail or in your personal account on the conference website. When you know what your customers want, it's easier to make them happy.

4. You need practical speakers (theorists are not needed). A person who is in demand in his field as a practitioner can always tell more about a theoretician who observes from the outside. In 2013, when I started organizing conferences, there were many competing agencies in the market. From visitors they charged $ 2,000 per ticket, while inviting “experts” from sponsoring companies to speak: usually they were people with institute knowledge, but with minimal experience. Such lecturers are of no interest to anyone. Good speakers practice a lot, not theorize. Their talks should be fun and useful (be sure to ask for abstracts in advance). Their names are recognizable brands in themselves. It is also important that their portfolio contains several outstanding cases over the past two years. People do not recognize as authoritative the opinions of professionals who made one successful project a decade ago.

5. Every day I receive hundreds of offers from PR-agencies that promote certain "experts". Send such messages to spam. To recruit world-class experts, you need to watch their webinars, listen to live talks and meet at conferences. And if I don't know a person personally, then I ask him to tell about his work in order to understand how interesting he is.

6. To special speakers - special treatment... To interest a busy lecturer, we make a video especially for him, in which we talk about the upcoming conference, as well as why we want to invite him. A visual explanation works better than a formal invitation or press release. Most recipients don't even finish reading it to the middle.

Read us on

Finding a good speaker for an event today is not easy. The appetites of the public are growing, which means that charisma, presentability, eloquence and talent of a good storyteller are now indispensable. Conference participants always expect something more from her than just a lecture. Today the speaker must be both a talented speaker and a kind of showman.

In addition, so that the participants of the event do not die of boredom, it is important to remember about three modern trends in this matter. Firstly, the speaker's speech should be technological (the use of modern technology should help the event), and secondly, interactive (the participants should be personally involved in what is happening). Finally, do not forget about such an important component of modern life as social networks. The speaker and what he does should be represented in them. If the applicant is not aware of these trends, it is worth considering how modern and interesting his performance will be.

However, these three components are not enough to make an excellent impression on the conference participants and so that the event itself will be well remembered by them. Here are ten more principles to consider when choosing a speaker:

Competent activity in social networks

A person's presence on Facebook is not enough. A person who understands the power of social media carefully monitors their accounts. They don't have to have millions of subscribers, which can be easily caught up with bots. What matters is what content it posts there, to whom it is directed and who reads it.

The performance cannot be free

Just think about what the event will be like if a person does not ask to pay for his personal time and efforts, which he spent, in fact, speaking, researching and preparing quality materials for an interesting and useful event.

Slideshare Presentations

If the person is supporting their presentation with a slide presentation, they must have a valid Slideshare account. A good speaker who thinks about the people who came to his lecture must, for their own convenience, put all the materials on an accessible resource.

Technical rider

The speaker should warn you in advance about the requirements that he makes to the technical side of his speech. The person in charge will inquire in detail if the organizers have a projector and Wi-Fi in the hall, equipment for playing audio and video materials, microphones and devices for interactive voting of the event participants.

Smart presentation slide designs

If a speaker's presentations are composed entirely of text on a white background (and God forbid, Comic Sans and 1994 clip art are used), there is no place for such a speaker in a modern event. He must understand how important the visual component of his speech, its design, is today. And in order to make sure that your speaker's presentations are up to date, see point 3.

Event staff. Reliably, efficiently, promptly

Feedback from the audience

Voting or polls should be a mandatory part of the event. This kind of interaction will not only involve the participants in the presentation, but will also help to better assimilate the information received earlier. This kind of interaction with the audience should certainly be included in the program of a good speaker.

Interest in the audience at the event

You definitely communicate with a professional in your field if he is primarily interested in the audience that will be present at the event. A good speaker will find out from the organizers who his target audience is, what it does, what age group it belongs to, what kind of education people have and, most importantly, what they want from his speech.

Stimulation of horizontal interactive

We all know how hard it is to listen to one person for 45 minutes. Modern speakers solve this problem by involving listeners in a discussion of any issue among themselves. Such horizontal interaction not only develops critical thinking in its participants, but also makes them feel their involvement in knowledge. The audience will always appreciate it.

Ninth awards ceremony for the best speakers website organized by by the group "Prosperity Media" and the portal site, will be held January 25, 2019(location: Moscow, hotel "Metropol", Teatralny proezd, 2).

About the award

About 90 of the best speakers will gather this evening to receive their awards.

Since the range of conferences held by the website portal is very wide - from budgeting and controlling to SSC, risk management, IFRS and taxes, the professional duties of the laureates of the award are quite diverse.

The awards will be given to CFOs, chief accountants, heads of IFRS departments, planning and economic departments, tax departments, heads of General Business Service Centers. Our winners are united by the fact that they are all top managers of leading Russian companies.


Among the laureates of the award will be representatives of well-known Russian and international companies and banks: Gazprom Neft, NLMK, Norilsk Nickel, Rostelecom, TELE2 Russia, MegaFon, M.Video-Eldorado, Moscow Exchange and many others. Also among the best speakers were representatives of relevant Russian ministries and departments.

Even a hundred years ago, people did not really need motivational kicks that would make them move. People worked to their limit. If you didn’t work to your limit, you and your family would starve to death. Today, in most countries, a person needs to try very hard to make this happen.

Quote: "If you want to get what you never had, become what you have never been."

Forest brown

During his studies, he was recognized as mentally retarded, but despite this, he managed to reveal his full potential with the help of the right people who appeared in his life.

Possesses incredible acting skills, thanks to which the audience sometimes bursts into laughter. His performances are filled with such deep meaning that the best of them are still popular on Youtube and do not age over time.

Books: “It’s not over until you win!”, “Live your dreams”.

Quote: “You don't have to be great to start. But you have to start to become great. "

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah rarely speaks specifically in front of the audience, but this does not prevent her from influencing people through the screen. Became a symbol of black women, and then all other women.

Oprah's amazing success is based on sheer candor and sincerity. She talks about all the details of her past without the slightest concealment, which, of course, causes sympathy and empathy in any person in relation to her. When she recommends a book, it becomes a bestseller in the United States. This suggests that her opinion is listened to more than any politician or figure.

Books (recommended by Oprah for reading):“The power of the present. A Guide to Spiritual Awakening, Eckhart Tolle; “Four agreements. A Practical Guide to Achieving Personal Freedom ”by Miguel Ruiz; "Love! Bring It Back Into Your Life ”by Marianne Williamson.

Quote: “Opportunity can only knock on your door once. But the temptation is constantly based on the doorbell. "

Eric Thomas

At the age of sixteen, Eric became homeless until two years later he met the preacher who changed his life. Then he himself became a preacher for a while, but then he chose the path of a motivational speaker. Athletes love him very much, but Thomas does not focus on the specific profession of his audience and can inspire everyone.

The main leitmotif of his speeches is that there is no easy way: squeeze all the juices out of yourself, wake up in the morning with a firm intention never, under any circumstances, give up and do not be afraid.

Books: "The Secret to Success", "Greatness Is Upon You: Laying the Foundation."

Quote:"When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, then you will succeed."

Anthony Robbins

This man is rightfully the number one motivational speaker in the world. Looking at him, one might get the impression that he has an influence on people thanks to a thunderous voice and a huge body, but in addition to this, he read 700 books on psychology. So in addition to the purely emotional part of his speeches, there is also a completely scientific one - from NLP and hypnosis to behaviorism.

The main distinguishing feature of Robbins is the assertion that you can change not just today, but at this very second - thanks to this unique position, he achieves the complete immersion of the audience in his performance.

Robbins loves to write books of Tolstoy's thickness, but this is another distinguishing feature of this amazing man - he is not afraid to seem boring. How about a 500-page motivational book?

Books:"Wake up the giant in yourself" and "Money. Master of the game ".

Quote: “Real leaders spend 5% of their time figuring out a problem and 95% solving it! Stop marking time! "

All of these people are unique. They have lived interesting enough lives to be listened to. However, it's always worth remembering that the best motivational speaker is your inner voice. It is him that you must educate and control. And it is he who is able to change your life.