Sberbank lending programs for start-ups. Loans to finance working capital

In 2015, Sberbank suspended the Business Start program. The reason for the temporary stop is the need to recalculate business plans in the changed economic conditions. Goods for adults and children, services, auto accessories, public catering - Business start Sberbank list of franchises in various segments.

business start

Business development usually involves the use of borrowed funds - bank loans. Since 2012, Sberbank has offered start-up entrepreneurs New Product, which includes a package of ready-made solutions. The program provides for financing by the bank up to 80% of the project cost.

The loan product was created using franchising technology. Simultaneously Sberbank Business start compiled his own list of the most reliable franchise options. It was assumed that the program would give a chance to establish their own business, even for those who do not have experience in the field of business. The educational multimedia course, consultations of specialists helped novice entrepreneurs to decide on the choice of the direction of their activity and take the first steps towards achieving their dreams.

The attitude towards the program is ambiguous. She was praised and scolded, she helped someone "get back on their feet", and someone lost everything they had. Just Sberbank franchise, this is just the direction of the path, the prospect of development, and not the end result.

Promising Opportunities

businessman with several outlets, a successfully developing company, getting a loan to open a new branch is quite simple. Sberbank franchise loan offers for start-up capital.

A franchise for a novice businessman is:

  • free consulting support from bank professionals;
  • the benefits of using the reputation of a recognizable brand;
  • well-established supply systems;
  • successful business technologies;
  • employee training;
  • minimum risks and a known amount of income.

In addition to buying franchises from the "white list", the bank provided loans under own business plans clients.

Requirements for a potential borrower

have the right to borrow individual entrepreneurs aged 20 to 60 years. Restriction for operating companies - no entrepreneurial activity during the last 3 months.

Standard list of documents to be submitted to the bank:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • military ID;
  • tax return.

Loan amount - from 100 thousand rubles to 7 million rubles. Moreover, the borrower should already have at least 20% of the project amount. Interest rate - 17.5–18.5%.

Debt repayment is carried out monthly according to the scheme of annuity payments. It is possible to provide a deferment for 1 year to repay the loan amount - only interest amounts are paid.

Suggested lines of business

Theoretically, there are no restrictions on the direction of the business area - a businessman can choose a franchise from any available on the market or submit for consideration own business project to open a store manufacturing enterprise. But getting a loan to implement an option previously approved by the bank is easier.

Reliable franchise Sberbank list:

Production area:

  • Construction supply system;
  • Polygraph;
  • Harat's;
  • Stardogs;
  • Dumplings and Vareniki Express;
  • Killfish Discount Bar;
  • Kukuray;


  • Tea Guild;
  • YANTA;
  • EcoPoint;
  • Le'Murrr;
  • Velodrive;
  • Gross house

Clothes, shoes, bijouterie, toys, accessories, gifts, optics and goods for outdoor activities. There are offers from repair, household and educational services, real estate agencies, massage and beauty salons.

The nuances of lending

A loan can help in the development of your business, but you should familiarize yourself with the intricacies Sberbank franchise before making a loan.

  1. The program does not provide loans individuals. All costs associated with processing legal entity are entirely the responsibility of the borrower.
  2. The amount of investment is no more than 80% of the cost of the franchise, the rest of the amount is provided to the franchisor by the borrower. A client who does not have even 20% of total cost business cannot count on bank assistance.
  3. It is obligatory to have guarantors: founders - for organizations, friends and relatives - for individual entrepreneurs. Guarantors must be ready to pay the bank in case of delay in payment, the formation of debt to the bank.
  4. The property acquired on credit will be pledged to the bank - premises, equipment, goods
  5. Borrowed money should be spent only on the needs of the organized business: paying for the rent of premises, buying equipment, furniture. In the first 3 months credit Business start Sberbank can be used to pay wages staff.

In addition to a one-time lump sum, amounting to 1 million rubles, for the use of technology, the brand name will need to regularly pay a commission (royalty) to the franchisor "for life" - during the entire term of the license.

The product can become an assistant for people who realistically assess their capabilities and clearly understand their goals. professional instructions a franchisor is not enough for success. In order to return the money to the bank within the period specified in the business plan (from several months to 3.5 years), the borrower must act competently himself.

A loan for a business plan at Sberbank - the result

It is impossible to assess the success of the project by reviews, and the bank does not publish statistical data on the number of “winners” and “losers”. Only failures appeared regularly in the news feeds, for example, about the unsuccessful experience of developing the brand Provokatsiya (sale of t-shirts with hooligan slogans) in Nizhny Novgorod. But more than a hundred stores successfully operate in Kursk, Moscow and other cities "silently".

The amount of the loan, the interest rate, the business model of the franchisor matter. But Business start program from Sberbank does not guarantee profit without the professionalism and managerial abilities of the businessman himself.

In the article:

For successful discovery and development own business requires not only accumulated own, but also borrowed funds. Banks offer a wide variety of programs, including support for small businesses. One of the effective offers is the Business Start Sberbank loan. It involves issuing a loan to a novice entrepreneur who is just about to start his own business.

Loan conditions

Sberbank puts forward certain requirements and conditions for issuing a loan. According to them, the borrower must meet the listed requirements and conditions.

  • Age from 20 to 60 years.
  • Availability own funds for business development from 20% of the requested amount.
  • The loan is issued only to persons who are just going to start their own business or those who have not been engaged in entrepreneurial activity for at least 3 months.

A necessary condition is also to take a free training course on the Sberbank website about the basics of entrepreneurial activity and pass the test.

According to the conditions, a business start loan at Sberbank can be received by a novice entrepreneur at the stage of opening his own business

Many reviews say that if the client meets the requirements and conditions, he can contact the bank with necessary documents for making an application.

Features of issuance in 2018

Credit Business start Sberbank 2018 defines the following conditions for issuing cash:

  • Loan amount from 100,000 to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • The rate is from 17.5%, may change with an increase in the loan term;
  • The loan period is up to 3.5 years.

According to the reviews and conditions, funds are issued in two ways, provided for by the rules of the program:

Credit Business start of Sberbank in 2018, according to reviews, is issued with a minimum rate of 17.5 percent

Loans under the conditions are provided against security and surety. Acquired real estate and assets can act as collateral for reviews. The deposit is subject to mandatory insurance.

From the documents under the conditions, the borrower needs to submit: a passport, a completed application for a loan, a military ID and financial documentation of a legal entity.

Benefits of a business start loan

According to reviews, the main advantages of lending include:

  • There are no commissions for processing and issuing a loan;
  • Possibility to defer loan repayment up to 6 months;
  • Comfortable conditions for work on the basis of a franchise;
  • Positive feedback on the product - loan Business start Sberbank.

Opening your own business is the dream of many people, but any business needs money, and saving it for 10-20 years is not an option, you need to implement a business idea here and now. What to do? Well, of course, look for borrowed money, and for this you can take a loan for a business from scratch at Sberbank or a loan for an individual entrepreneur.

Why Sberbank?

In fact, it doesn't matter in which bank and from whom to borrow money, the main thing is that they be as cheap as possible. And Sberbank seems to be offering more or less acceptable lending conditions. In addition, Sberbank currently has the most working capital, the chance of getting a loan from him increases by an order of magnitude.

And, of course, no one has canceled the stereotypical thinking of the population - Sberbank is in the minds of a Russian citizen, it is practically a state-owned bank, it is stable and loyal to the implementation of state programs for the development of small businesses.

That's just a small business is bent from year to year, it would be better if no one helped him! But now is not about that.

So take a business loan from scratch at Sberbank, or at least a loan for an individual entrepreneur?

Sberbank has such a loan program - Business Start, which allows young entrepreneurs to get a business loan from scratch.

ATTENTION! FROM 2016 Sberbank canceled the Business Start program for young entrepreneurs who want to organize their business from scratch with borrowed funds. The country is in a terrible economic crisis. Sberbank no longer believes in the profitability of small businesses and does not believe that any business can pull their interest rates! Otherwise, instead of the canceled Business Start program, another program would have been offered, but it was not offered. Draw your own conclusions!

And indeed, this is a good program, although it has its own "tricks":

  • you do not have to have an active business
  • you must invest in the financed business 20% of the equity
  • Borrower must be under 26 years, not older
  • and the borrower must pass a training entrepreneurship course
  • a loan for a business from scratch in Sberbank can only be obtained if you provide a business plan, and it will be approved by Sberbank
  • or if you franchise famous brand(thus, you sort of go through a double stage of selection for the seriousness of your intentions, the first stage for the franchisee, the second for Sberbank)

As you can see, the conditions for lending to a young IP in Sberbank are not sugar, and this is not to mention the fact that you need to collect huge piles of documents at each stage of application approval, and the process of obtaining a loan stretches for months.

And what do you get by fulfilling all these requirements:

  • loan up to 3 million rubles
  • loan term up to 3 years
  • interest rate from 18.5% per annum, its size depends on the loan amount, term and in general on your candidacy

There is one more "BUT" - Sberbank is no longer engaged in lending under the "Business Start" program and in general is no longer engaged in issuing loans for businesses from scratch.

So what to do?

Try to get a different type of loan for individual entrepreneurs, on conditions different from Business Start!

Other credit programs for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank

Express loans

Sberbank distributes express loans to entrepreneurs only on the terms of providing immovable collateral, for example, an apartment or commercial real estate. And the purpose of the loan depends entirely on the type of express loan.


  • Express Mortgage
  • Express loan secured

An express mortgage can be issued for the purchase of residential or non-residential real estate, and an “express secured loan” is issued for any purpose.

Loan terms:

  • loan term up to 10 years
  • interest rate from 16.5%
  • amount up to 7 million rubles
  • loan collateral - immovable property
  • personal guarantee required
  • opportunity for free

Requirements for borrowers:

  • age from 23 to 60 years
  • business experience of at least 12 months
  • business turnover up to 60 million rubles
  • required to have a checking account

Loans for any purpose

A loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank can also be obtained in the form of trust loans:

  • credit "Trust"
  • credit "Business Trust"
  • loan "Business Project"

The loan terms are very simple:

  • minimum loan amount 30,000 rubles
  • maximum loan amount up to 3 million rubles
  • loan term up to 48 months
  • annual interest rate from 18.5%
  • collateral is not required
  • but required
  • purpose of lending is not required
  • you can issue a security in the form of a Guarantee, which will reduce the interest rate
  • The bank is required to evaluate all economic activity entrepreneur

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Where to get a loan with bad credit history

Requirements for an applicant for a business loan at Sberbank:

  • annual turnover up to 60 million rubles
  • business life of at least 24 months
  • the age of the borrower is from 23 to 60 years old (and where can a young person get a loan at 18, read here)
  • registration in the Russian Federation

Documents for a loan for a small business in Sberbank:

  • completed application for a loan, according to the rules and regulations of Sberbank
  • Russian passport
  • military ID for men
  • TIN, certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur
  • founding documents
  • copies of licenses for the right to conduct activities
  • lease agreements or ownership of the premises involved in the business
  • extract from the tax office
  • financial statements for the last period of time
  • tax reports on payment of taxes
  • documents of the guarantor (passport, certificate 2NDFL, TIN)

All these conditions and requirements for non-purpose loans at Sberbank for the development of small businesses mainly apply to two programs (loan "Trust Standard" and credit "Business Trust"), but the conditions for the program "Business Project" are somewhat different from them.


  • individual lending conditions negotiated directly with Sberbank at the stage of making a decision on project financing
  • instead of a simple loan, a credit line can be opened or an investment portfolio of up to 200 million rubles can be allocated
  • individual loan terms
  • possibility
  • reduced interest rate, from 14.5% per annum
  • own investments in the borrower's project should start from 10%
  • possible collateral must be insured
  • the company's annual turnover should be up to 400 million rubles
  • the age of the borrower is up to 70 years
  • 12 months business experience

Loans to finance working capital

In Sberbank, it is also possible to take out a loan for individual entrepreneurs to replenish working capital if your business is growing strongly and you do not have enough own funds. Of course, you need to use borrowed money!

Loan programs for loans for individual entrepreneurs:

  • Business Turnover
  • Business Overdraft

Terms of lending under the program "Business Turnover":

  • amount up to 3 million rubles, but it all depends on the borrower
  • company turnover up to 400 million rubles per year
  • 3 months business experience
  • up to 4 years
  • interest rate from 14.5%
  • either a guarantee of individuals is required, or, or a pledge of inventory items
  • the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule (and how to write an application for early repayment,)

The Business Overdraft program involves lending
entrepreneurs who have active settlement accounts with Sberbank, thus the funds on the accounts are a guarantee of the return of borrowed money.

Terms of lending under the program "Business Overdraft":

  • amount up to 17 million rubles
  • up to 12 months
  • interest rate from 13% per annum
  • commission for opening an overdraft 1.2% of the loan amount
  • security in the form of a guarantee of individuals
  • no insurance required
  • business age at least 12 months

Loans for the purchase of capital goods

A loan for a business from scratch in Sberbank can also be obtained in the form of a specialized loan for the purchase of capital goods (machines, real estate, land, equipment, cars, etc.).

Loans for the purchase of means of production at Sberbank do not differ in terms from similar loans from other banks, and are somewhat similar to. Everything is the same - you need to collect a bunch of documents, make an initial payment of 20% or more, and immediately pledge the acquired means of production.

Credit programs:

  • Business Asset, up to 7 years, amount from 150,000 rubles, rate from 14.5%
  • Business Auto, up to 8 years, amount from 150,000 rubles, rate from 14.5%
  • Business Real Estate, up to 10 years, amount from 150,000 rubles. , rate from 14%
  • Business-Invest, up to 10 years, amount from 150,000 rubles. , rate from 14.4%

Loans for bidders

Loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank can also be issued to participate in state and other tenders, because this also requires significant funds, not only to implement the won tender, but also to apply for participation.


  • Business Contract
  • Business Guarantee

Conditions and requirements for the Business Contact program:

  • the opportunity to receive a loan for the execution of contracts within the country and for export contracts
  • the opportunity to receive a loan up to 80% of the contract amount
  • in the form of a loan or a non-revolving line of credit
  • the ability to adjust the loan repayment period to the schedule of receipt of proceeds from the won tender
  • loan term up to 36 months
  • rate from 14% per annum
  • loan amount from 500,000 rubles to 200 million rubles
  • security is required in the form of a guarantee of individuals, a pledge of property and rights under a contract
  • commission for servicing loans issued for the implementation of export projects ranges from 1.5% to 70% of the loan amount
  • "Business Contract" issued only to residents of the Russian Federation with at least 3 months of business experience

FROM "Business Guarantees" from Sberbank, everything is a little more complicated - this is not a typical loan, it is a symbiosis of insurance against the occurrence of an insured event. Simply put, if you are fulfilling a contract, but you are not sure that your own funds may be enough, you are not sure that a cash gap will not appear, in this case, you can contact Sberbank to insure you with borrowed money if a cash gap appears.

To obtain a loan, you must have a valid profitable business on the territory of the Russian Federation, the period of operation of which is at least 3 months - for trade, at least 6 months - for other types of activities, and for individual products - at least 12 months. For seasonal activities, the duration of the activity must also be at least 12 months. After the bank makes a positive decision on granting a loan, the client needs to open a current account with Sberbank of Russia (this is a prerequisite).

Is it possible to get a business development loan from Sberbank without collateral?

Yes, companies and small business owners with an annual revenue of no more than 60 million rubles. Sberbank provides a loan "Trust", which allows you to get the necessary information without collateral in a short time financial support both to solve current problems and to implement plans for business development. Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses with annual revenues from 60 to 400 million rubles. can use the Business Trust unsecured loan for any business purpose.

How quickly does a bank make a decision to grant a loan for a small business?

For express loans for small businesses (“Doverie”, “Express-Mortgage”), the bank makes a decision on a loan application within 3 business days from the date of submission of the full package of documents. For other loan products, the term for consideration of an application for a loan is, as a rule, no more than 8 working days from the date of submission of a complete package of documents.

What are the collateral requirements for small business loans from Sberbank?

In Sberbank, you can get both unsecured loans "Trust" and "Business Trust" for small businesses for any purpose, as well as targeted loans with various types security. For example, for a loan for the purchase of vehicles and equipment “Business Asset”, the acquired transport or equipment acts as collateral, for an “Express-Ipoteka” loan - acquired real estate, and for a loan “Business Real Estate” - acquired or owned real estate. Additional requirement These loans are secured by a guarantee of an individual or legal entity.

Bank guarantees

Is it easy to get a bank guarantee?

Getting a bank guarantee is quite simple. Especially to ensure the execution of government contracts. Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses with an annual revenue of no more than 400 million rubles can issue a bank guarantee from Sberbank. To issue a bank guarantee, contact the lending division of Sberbank (territorial bank, branch) and provide the necessary documents.

How long does the process of issuing a bank guarantee take?

The process of making a decision and issuing a bank guarantee for government contracts usually takes no more than one business day from the moment the full package of documents is submitted. It may take longer to receive a bank guarantee for non-state contracts - for example, about 5 working days from the moment the client provides a full package of documents for issuing a guarantee without collateral. If it is necessary to provide a deposit, the period may be extended.

Is it possible to get a bank guarantee under a government contract?

Sberbank provides bank guarantees under government contracts. The term for making a decision and providing a guarantee, as a rule, is no more than one working day from the moment the client provides a complete package of documents.

Business owners can not only open a current account with Sberbank, but also connect several services that will make managing it easier and more versatile. Many paid and free add-ons are waiting for everyone who wants to take advantage of the offer. All this is available through Sberbank. The Sberbank Start management program allows you to use services in automatic mode.

How it's done?

There is nothing complicated in setting up an account. The client only needs to have documents on hand to complete the application. This will take about 5-10 minutes. To register and receive a number, you need:

  1. Select an account type.
  2. Enter organization information.
  3. Submit the form for processing.

Manage your business conveniently and easily!

On the official site Credit organization you can see the description of the Sberbank Business Start program, choose the tariff that suits you, and submit an online application to connect to the program.

The account number is generated and sent within 5 minutes, immediately after the application is submitted. There are no special requirements. But the client gets a lot of benefits.

Although you can get an account number with Sberbank in 5 minutes, actions on it will be limited for now. After the online opening, it will already exist. But in order to get full access to all functions, the client needs to go through verification, that is, confirm all the data specified in the questionnaire with documents. It is impossible to do this via the Internet: Sberbank does not provide for such an option. To pass verification, you need to visit the bank branch in person.

Advantages of connecting an account with Sberbank

Sberbank promises special conditions service to everyone who connects a business account under the Sberbank Business Start program. Among the many benefits are the following:

  • Expensive bonuses for promotion through online advertising.
  • Connection mobile bank in phone.
  • Use of Internet banking and new applications and platforms currently being developed by Sberbank. For example, account management through the clock is already available today.
  • 24/7 customer support via multichannel phone.
  • All necessary business services that can be enabled or disabled at will.

Internet banking and mobile banking for business owners within the framework of the Sberbank Credit Business Start program are connected free of charge. Also, there is no need to pay commissions for payments to the budget, depositing funds to a current account from any source, obtaining an extract on transactions in Sberbank.