Modern sketches for March 8 for high school students. Competition "These fragrant spices"

Event for senior students of special (correctional) educational institution VIII type.
Target: upbringing of spiritual and moral qualities of a person, a sense of respect for girls and women, activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

Equipment: tokens for determining the winners, audio recordings of songs about women, about love, about flowers, rubber gloves, hair curlers, wigs, scarves, jewelry, women's clothing, shoes.

Preliminary work:
Several girls are selected in advance who wished to participate in the competition (5-6 people). The program is hosted by two hosts. For the second part (secretly from the girls) a group of children (4-5 people) dressed as girls is preparing to take part in “women's” mini-contests. Groups of guys and girls need to know the script, but not the contests. All that is necessary for the competitions is prepared by a group of "requisitioners".
Let the winter be full of excitement
Spring has come to us today.
Today is the day of March 8
Our beloved lovely ladies!

Among the spring first days
March 8 is the most expensive of all.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.

Oh women, we praise you shy ones
And to the extent of the good, and not to the measure of the evil,
Sometimes faithful, and sometimes changeable,
Semi-magical and semi-earthly!

Spring is a time of warmth and light,
It's time for excitement in the blood.
And let these words of hello
Sounds like a declaration of love.

The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping
He rushed to us, so mischievous.
Get out the bouquets, boys,
To congratulate classmates on the spring!

Where there are flowers, frost will recede there,
So that the drops rang with a stream.
Don't forget to put in the mimosa
In the morning at the teacher's table.

Bare the trees tops,
Forgetting your snow dreams
Flowers appear everywhere
Telegrams, postcards, greetings, -
March is approaching its eighth day.
So give, boys, bouquets,
Congratulate the girls with the spring!

1st presenter: It just so happened in our life - to mark all the red days of the calendar. So today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special day - the Spring Festival, the Women's Day, the Girls' Day.
2nd presenter:
In a word - International Women's Day on March 8.
1st presenter: Initially, God knew that a man is a big child ... Therefore, he created a woman and endowed her with all the most the best qualities.
2nd presenter:
A woman should be able to do everything and look elegant, and understand fashion, art, literature.
1st presenter:
Today we have to check if our girls have those valuable qualities, without which it is impossible to imagine a real woman.
2nd presenter: So, we are starting the competition show program "Cheerful bachelorette party!"
1st presenter: And first, we listen to the questions ... and get tokens for correct answers (girls answer).
1. What did Cinderella lose at the Prince's ball? (Crystal slipper)
2. Who owns these wonderful lines:
You alone are my help and joy,
You are the one untold light to me.
(S. A. Yesenin. "Letter to Mother")
3. What flowers are human names? (rose, cornflower, ivan da marya)
4. How was the Frog Princess called? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)
5. Name the vegetables that have edible tubers and roots. (Potatoes, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets, radishes, onions, garlic)
6. What vial liquids can you buy in perfume stores? (Cologne, perfume, lotion, shampoo, eau de toilette)
7. Who loved Little Red Riding Hood the most? (Grandmother)
8. Name fairy tales with female names in their titles. (C. Perrault. "Cinderella", G.-H. Andersen. "Thumbelina", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", L. Carroll. "The Adventures of Alice", A. Lindgren. "Pippi Long Stocking", W. Shakespeare . "Romeo and Juliet")
9. Which of the words belongs to: "Do not eat with your hands, for this there are spoons and forks"? (Malvina. "Golden Key")
10. Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (Better with a spoon)
11. From flour with raisins, "B" at the beginning. (Bulka)
12. From flour and cottage cheese, "B" at the beginning. (Cheesecake)
13. From flour with jam, "G" at the end. (Pie)...
14. When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house? When the door is open

15. Grandmother Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?
16. The loaf was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?
17. Guests have come to you, and in the fridge there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you discover first?
18. Which nose doesn't smell?
(Boot or boot nose, teapot nose)
19. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
(One. Everything else will be eaten no longer on an empty stomach)

1st presenter:
Please come here all the girls who have our holiday tokens in their hands.
(Music plays, girls come out of the hall.)

Competition "Kitchen Utensils"
1st host: A woman, first of all, should be a good housewife. Let's see what kind of hostesses we have girls. The first competition is called Kitchen Utensils.
2nd leader: The black bags contain items needed in the kitchen. One participant must approach the packages. By touch, she will have to identify and name the kitchen items. Those girls who guess the most of them will receive the first point for the team.

Competition "Most Attentive"
1st leader: There are various objects on the table. Look at them, then turn your back to the table, at this time the presenter disturbs the order of the objects lying on it. Then you need to put each item in its original place.

Competition "Musical"
2nd leader: Our girls know how to cook as well as to maintain order in the house. Do they have an ear for music? For many hundreds of years, it has been believed that a woman must have it. So, the "Musical" competition. Now you will hear some music recordings. Your task is to guess the song and the artist.

1st host: Today we were able to make sure that our girls are the nicest, most beautiful, skillful, skillful craftswomen. Let's hope that everything in their life will work out. And if problematic situations arise, our resourceful boys will come to their aid. Truth?

2nd host: Let's run a fan contest called "Rope". Boys need to tie a rope from the available means. For the fans of which team the rope will be longer, we will give the coveted last point to that team.
While the jury is summing up, we'll watch the dance.

1st host: So, our competition ends. In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, let us once again pay tribute to our participants and all the ladies present. And for this I will ask the most daring man to come out here ...
(At this time, there is a loud knock, a crash, indignant voices are heard: "But what is this, they have forgotten about us!")
Young men disguised as women appear in the hall, someone in a dressing gown, a scarf, a wig and a fan.

1st host: Who are you? Maybe we actually forgot about someone? Still, we have a large technical school? ...

2nd host: Wait a minute. And your newcomers do not arouse suspicion? Don't you think these are boys in disguise?
The guys answered: - No! We are girls and now we will prove it!

1st host: Ok, now we will arrange a test for you, compete with our girls!

2nd facilitator: I propose to organize two teams. One of them is "Clever" (girls, participants in the competition), and the other "Beauties" - (guys in disguise).

Competition "Good hostess"
1st host: All women are excellent housewives and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even with their eyes closed, they are perfectly oriented in their domains.
2nd host: Our next competition is for good housewives: blindfolded, you need to determine what is on the silver platter.
(Pour sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley into a saucer.)

Competition "Cleaning with a baby"
1st host: Every girl will someday become a mother, and as you know, children love to throw toys and litter. We will check if you are ready to do your homework with your baby in your arms.

2nd presenter: Mom with a child in her arms picks up the thing, carry it to the basket, passes the child to the next mother, etc. The team that finishes cleaning the fastest wins.

Contest "Roll up the curlers or the most attractive"
1st moderator: The farm is a farm, but you don't need to forget about yourself. A woman should always be beautiful, mysterious, charming. Hairstyle plays an important role in this.

2nd presenter: Now we will find out, the representatives of which team will wind the curlers faster and more accurately? At the command "One, two, three - curlers!" we begin to wind the hair.

Competition "My courtyard or how I love my cow!"
1st host: The times are difficult now, the crisis is in full swing, so you can't do without a cow in the city.
2nd host: Let's see how our participants know how to milk a cow. While the music is playing, you need to "milk" as much milk as possible. The team with the greatest "milk yield" wins!
(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who is more "milked"?)

1st host: It looks like our suspicions were not justified. We bring you (in the direction of the disguised team) our apologies.
2nd host: We made sure that you are ... guys from our technical school. You did a really good job with all the tasks of the contests.
1st host: But to be honest, our girls did it more professionally.
(Musical number)
The word of the jury.
(The jury announces the winning team)

1st host: Now we bring to your attention a fashion show.
2nd presenter: All the costumes are hand-sewn by our girls with the help of our wonderful teachers.
(Model show).
Spring is the time for love, warmth!
I wish you on Women's Day
So that life is happy!
So that the snow melts as soon as possible!
And only light and kindness
You were companions!
Hope, Faith and Dream
Served you diligently!

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

May it be this Spring Day
Especially wonderful for you
And full of clear depth
And spicy woody smells.
Let the scarlet color and turquoise
They give birth to festivity and songs,
Let your eyes be bright
And the news will be joyful.

1st presenter: Thanks to all the guys for the fun time, for the festive mood that prevails in our school.

2nd presenter: And it doesn't matter which team won, all the girls showed themselves from the very better side... Therefore, we award them all medals, as "The most, the most, the most ..." I wish you all success!

Host: It smelled like March and spring, but winter holds on tightly,
The eighth number is not simple - a holiday comes to our homes.
March 8 is a solemn day, a day of joy and beauty.
All over the world, he gives women his smiles and flowers.
Drops are dripping loudly near our window,
The birds sang merrily - now spring has come to us!

Vedas 1: This beloved holiday dates back to the traditions of Ancient Rome of the 1st century BC. It was believed that the goddess Juno, the wife of the great Jupiter, was endowed with great power, had enormous capabilities. She had many names, Juno-Calendar, Juno-Coin ... She gave people good weather, harvest, good luck in business, she opened every month of the year.

Veda2: But most of all, the Romans worshiped Juno-Lucia ("light"), patronizing women. She was revered in every home, gifts were brought to her at marriage and at the birth of a child.

Veda 1: The most joyful for the female half of Rome was the holiday of March 1, dedicated to this goddess. The whole city was changing, festively dressed women walked with wreaths of flowers in their hands to the temple of Juno-Lucia. They prayed, brought flowers as a gift, asked their patroness for happiness in the family.

Veda2: The first International Women's Day on March 8 was established in Copenhagen in 1910. Among the initiators was andClara Zetkin... More than one hundred women from 17 countries took part in the conference.

Veda1: Day 8 March has come to be considered the day of international solidarity of women workers in the fight for their rights. I wrote about this eventAlexandra Kollontai, who created one of the first books on International Women's Day.

Ved2: The holiday was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark on March 19.
In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. And in 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.
Today, March 8 in Russia is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to the traditional role of women as a wife, mother, and friend.

Ved1: Maybe there is a larger date
And, probably, not one.
Only in the afternoon on March 8
Spring is opening.

Denial of diligence
The heat of creativity in the blood
Turns the time
To peace, friendship and love.

Therefore we exalt her,
Asserting being,
Gold number "8"
As your dignity.

(Musical number)
Ved1: Mom! The most beautiful word on Earth is mom! This is the first word which is pronounced by a person, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and gentlest hands, she can do everything.
Ved2: Mom's
the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never extinguishes in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old you are - 5
or 50 - you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life!

The 1st presenter appears on the stage - a boy in home clothes, all wrapped in thread, scissors peek out of his pocket. He has a bunch of scraps in his hands.
- I am for mommy's beloved
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,
I am for my mom
Cut out the dress as soon as possible -
I thought once - and you're done!
What is so difficult here?
It's not clear what happened ...
Nothing succeeded!
There is nothing to surprise mommy -
Will I give this to her?
I thought my mother would be happy
Well, a bunch of rubbish came out ... (shows the cut material)

The second presenter (high school student) appears on the stage with a saucepan and a whisk in his hand, covered in flour, with a chef's hat on one side.
- Baking a cake is a simple matter,
You just need to take it boldly.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper ...
Or not, not at all!
It turns out to be a mess.
I'm completely confused -
Why put pepper there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen
Spilled the cream, burned all hands,
The result is a burnt cake
And it doesn't look like cake.
(To the 1st presenter): - It looks like we will have to come up with other gifts, well, nothing, let's not lose heart! After all, real men do not succumb to difficulties! (leave)

The presenters appear, dressed in suits, with ties, with flowers in their hands.
Host2: - We weekdays put all business aside,
And let us kneel before mom
Thank her for giving life
She guarded us tirelessly and lazily.

Host1: - Thank you grandmothers cannot be expressed in words
For their care, kindness and affection,
For pies with potatoes and mushrooms
And for a fairy tale read for the night.

Host2: - We congratulate this spring day
All our mothers and grandmothers. We wish
Health, happiness, we need you so much,
How to live without you, we have no idea.

Host 1: - Yes, we are not strong in cooking,
And sewing, as it turned out, was a little more difficult.
But we will give you this song,
And this, we know for sure, we will be able to.

(musical number)

Veda1: International Women's Day is not an easy holiday! And it is not easy because it is not at all easy to find the one and only best gift for our mothers, grandmothers and sisters. This day should be special.

Speech by junior children:

  1. What our dad is courteous

So the whole day amazed us,

He called his mother charming,

He served her coffee in bed.

Around granny, mother's mother,

In the morning I circled carefully

And he called her Ivanovna,

And he was in a hurry to serve in everything.

Courted politely for everyone

And sang a romance with a guitar,

He showed tricks with a handkerchief

And he danced a waltz with me.

How sweet the house smells of roses

I won't go to bed any longer.

What a pity that the day is fun, pink

For dad only once a year!

  1. Mom has a day off -

Dad and I decided to give

She's the only one in the kitchen

They were not allowed to enter.

We had a lot to do

Worries and gimmicks:

Our soup ran away, the cake burned out

And we haven't eaten all day!

  1. On this day, a miracle happened

Mom doesn't even have words:

All dishes have been washed

The parquet shines with a mirror.

Ah yes Sasha, well and Sasha!

Don't believe your eyes:

He did a great job,

I did everything around the house myself!

Miracles! Said my mother.

I'm not going for bread ...

Only once a year!

Musical number

Veda1: Oh, how many smart, kind, wise,
Beautiful women are sitting here,
And how many wonderful discoveries
We also have to go with them.

Vedas 2: There are many talents in our school:
Singers, dancers and reciters
And for your favorite teachers
There will be many kind words.

Pupils read congratulations to teachers.

Maybe it just became familiar to us

But one cannot fail to see this:

Teachers usually

Tired eyes in the evening.

We know what it is -

Children are restless swarm,

Here with one you will not find peace,

And not that with the whole crowd.

That one is funny, and this one looks askance,

There the fighter is already starting a fight.

And questions are a thousand questions

And anyone demands an answer.

How much affection and care is needed,

Help everyone and understand everyone.

Grateful and hard work

Not anxious at work for mom,

After all, they always follow the kids

Kind, tired eyes.

Good feelings do not know the standard,

To show gratitude.

I would like to say "thank you"!

Allow this spring day

Happy Women's Day to congratulate you!

(Musical number)

We wish you only happiness

So that life is cloudless

More sun, less bad weather,

More joy and warmth.

May there be a peaceful sky above you

Let the nightingales flood just for you,

Live surrounded by friends

I wish you health and happiness and love!

(Musical number)

Ved1: Attention!
Holiday telegram received:
“March 8 is the best day.
And on this spring day
We ask all teachers:
Please accept our congratulations!
Have fun, don't get bored
And rest more often
To at home, at work
You have always been held in high esteem. "

Signed: graduates of the most remarkable brotherly school - school number 3
(Musical number)
Ved1: And now we will conduct for the teachers:
"Smiling female holiday workshop"

1. The amount of funds and techniques, with the help of which from
Baba Yagi can be doneVasilisa the Beautiful... (Cosmetics.)
2. A plant that is responsible with its own head for the relationship between a boy and a girl. (Chamomile.)
3. The dizzy companion of the lady. (Scent.)
4. A reason for a lady to cuddle in public with her or someone else's gentleman. (Dance)
5. The part of the body that the groom offers to the lady, complete with a heart. (Hand)
6. A dish that mom often prepares for breakfast in partnership with a cow and a chicken. (Omelette)
7. A household item that escaped from a woman named Fedora. (Tableware.)
8. Scientific nail science. (Manicure)
9. A fairground device to whip the lady's head. (Carousel.)
10. It's time, which in September is a woman's. (Summer.)

11. A close relative that you will not lose if you do not have her. (Aunt.)
12. The place where the curious Varvara lost her nose. (Bazaar.)
13. Daily cosmetic procedure of a woman, the essence of which is to drive herself into paint. (Makeup.)
14. Spades - at Pushkin, with a dog - at Chekhov, with camellias -
from Dumas the son. (Lady.)
15. Place of work of a woman who throughout the day "visits"
phone. (Telephone station.)
16. Author of International Women's Day. (Clara Zetkin).
17. The one that many women sit on. (Diet.)
18. The part of the body through which women paved the way to the heart of a man. (Stomach.)
19. Changeable, like the woman herself. (Fashion.)
20. The green rival of the ruble in the wallet of business woman... (Dollar.)

Musical number.

High school students come out.

1 Host: Our lovely women! Have you noticed that today the sun is shining in a special way, men are smiling at you in a special way, and on these festive spring days everyone wants to do only good, bright, good things for you?
2 Host: In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in your feminine (but far from easy!) Work!
1 Lead: What else can I wish you? After all, all the wishes in no way reflect your kindness, loyalty, femininity ...
2 Host: And therefore we want to wish you that you were always! .. Judge for yourself, what would happen if suddenly, one day, all the women disappeared ?! You can imagine?!
1 Presenter: Unshorn, unfed men in unironed trousers wander around the city ... Hairdressers are closed, service companies - too, there is nothing to say about maternity hospitals ...

1 Host: There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The "Little Swans" dance is performed by four hefty men in shorts and hairy legs ...
2 Host: The beauty salons are empty, except for a confused business trip with an unconvincing pimple on his nose. The ensemble "Birch" was accordingly renamed to "Oak".
1 Moderator: A lot of words and expressions have disappeared. For example: “husband”, “wife”, “mother-in-law” and ... the favorite word of all men is “mother-in-law”.
2 Host: Yes, friends, without women, there really is no life and there can be!

Musical number

MODERATOR 1: To think that the best gift is a book. We know the correct answer. Fur coat? No, take it higher. Well? As the dear one would sayLeonid Arkadievich: automobile!!! And so, now a new concept car will be presented to your attention ... But I am silent, I am silent: the floor is given to the creators!

Two young men in white coats come out.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Dear friends! Actually, we planned the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day), we will tell you a little insider information.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: And so, we present the first women's store F-MOBILE!

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Unlike a regular car, a lipstick section appeared - where there was a cigarette lighter. The cigarette lighter itself was eliminated in order to avoid an unpleasant burning sensation.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: If desired, Zh-MOBILE can be painted with henna or hydrogen peroxide, as well as increased thresholds.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: An important point: the car is a chameleon. Automatically changes color to match your purse and boots.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: F-MOBILE - does not skid on the road, she just wags her bumper.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The J-MOBILE radio tape recorder basically does not catch chanson, and automatically replaces it with your favorite hits.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Every year J-MOBILE needs not only the repair of pendants, but also a new necklace and ring.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: The J-MOBILE has one drawback, it turns out too well in the pictures of traffic police radars.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The J-MOBILE steering wheel resembles a torsoBrad Peet, from which he does not want to let go.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: The steering wheel will automatically give you a manicure, and the gas pedal will give you a pedicure and light foot massage.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The car senses where there is a new collection or discounts and itself slows down there.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: The machine is washed at least twice with shower gel with violet extract.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: There is not only a rear-view mirror, but also a full-length in the cabin.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: To avoid creating negative image the owner's car is equipped with an automatic parking function.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Well, that's probably all. Does anyone in the audience have questions?

Person from the audience: You described everything so colorfully. Does your car have any drawbacks?

CONSTRUCTOR 2: In our opinion, there is only one: the trunk of the J-MOBILE is made according to the principle of a handbag.

A person from the audience: That is?

CONSTRUCTOR 2: It has everything you need, just what you need figs you will find.

CONSTRUCTOR 1: Thank you! Wait for sales! Coming soon in AVON and ORIFLAME catalogs!

Ved1: "Shershe la fam

Search a woman",

So each of the men will say

Cherche la femme

She is the cause of all causes.

Were it not for our lovely women, we probably would not have been in this hall, not celebrating the first spring holiday.

Ved2: Congratulations on Women's Day,
With the desired spring, and a drop,
And a bright sunbeam
And spring birds with a ringing trill!
More light and kindness,
Health, joy, success,
Peace, happiness and warmth!

Musical number

March 8 is the most long-awaited holiday for all women in the world. Usually, even little girls are not deprived of attention, who, along with their mothers, receive compliments and gifts. March 8 at the school is celebrated on a par with other holidays, and on this day the administration faces a difficult task: to please not only teachers and schoolgirls, but also mothers and grandmothers invited to the concert. The proposed scenario is designed for junior and high school students. By contacting him, you can find the most on March 8 for high school students and find out the design features of the assembly hall.

Some organizational points

Traditionally, the hosts of such events are chosen a boy and a girl - the most active and bright high school students who know how to keep up a conversation with the audience. Hall decoration on March 8 at school - important point... Since natural flowers are expensive, you can use artificial ones, do not forget about balloons and children's drawings. Funny scenes and anecdotes should be diluted with dances and songs prepared by the students themselves. At the beginning of the holiday, one should verbally congratulate the teachers present and, if possible, give each of them a bouquet of flowers. After graduation, each class leaves for their own offices and continues the celebration with cakes and soft drinks.

Opening of the event

Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Lead 2: Hello, dear parents and guests of our event!

Lead 1: Today we gathered in the assembly hall of our beloved school in order to celebrate the day when the beautiful half of humanity is waiting for beautiful words and pleasant deeds.

Lead 2: This day is dedicated to you, dear teachers, mothers, grandmothers and, of course, our students.

Lead 1: Holding March 8 at school has already become a tradition in our small friendly team, and therefore Diana and I and our event participants will try to make this holiday unforgettable. I give the floor ...

A day of tea parties and feasts!

Our mothers, we love you,

We will not forget your love and care!

Witty and funny scenes on March 8 for high school students

Lead 1: Diana, do you think our graduates are as fun as elementary school girls?

Lead 2: Maxim, I have no doubt about it! In order to prove this, we will now ask students in Grade 9-B to walk onto the stage with miniatures.

Scene "Conspiracy against the chemist"

Sidorov, I didn't expect to catch you in the backyard of the school with a lighter! Now you will dance with me! Don't come tomorrow without your parents, I'll tell them that you are addicted to cigarettes!

Sergei Viktorovich, no need for parents! I made firecrackers for Nadezhda Ilyinichna and wanted to set them on fire now.

For your chemist, or what? So don't throw them through the window, Sidorov, but from the roof - let's go and help!

- My 10-A made me so happy today! The guys gave me a subscription to the Thai sauna, manicure, pedicure and chocolate massage is attached! What gold they have, this is how much money they spent on it! After all, this is the best gift for March 8!

Now we know, Ariadna Ilyinichna, who robbed the school piggy bank ...

Scene "Kings Now and Then"

Lead 1: They say that the current generation of children has become completely different: boys and girls do not respect teachers and indulge in obscene antics. Let's see this and listen to the conversation of teachers who left the Soviet school.

Raisa Fyodorovna, what a difficult time now! Once our profession was the highest paid and prestigious. The teachers could be compared to kings, because they were the ones who were engaged in the education of society. Now show me a man at school who could be called a king?

And today children consider themselves to be such, Lidia Pavlovna: they alone are the most omniscient in our country.

Sketch "Dimensionless bag"

Lead 2: Diana, we bet that I can figure out the teacher at first sight!

Lead 1: And how do you do it, Maxim?

Lead 2: It's simple - after all, teachers have the largest bags, in which not only magazines, but also, it seems, a bicycle can fit. Hope that funny scenes on March 8 (we saved this job for high school students) you will certainly like it.

Petrov goes to meet the teacher in English down the corridor and asks to put a mark on him in the diary:

Svetlana Sergeevna, today I answered at the blackboard and got an A! Put it in my diary so that I can please my mother, because tomorrow is March 8!

Okay, Petrov, just wait, I'll find the red pen.

(Svetlana Sergeevna takes magazines, notebooks, diaries, pencil cases and some women's "tricks" - a comb, lipstick, mirror from her oversized bag).

Svetlana Sergeevna, it's already dark outside, it's time for me to go home. You’re here while looking for a pen, and I’ll come up to you tomorrow for an estimate. And by the way, I congratulate you on March 8!

The school party ends ...

Lead 1: Dear guests, our solemn event is coming to an end.

Lead 2: We hope that you really liked the poems for mothers and funny scenes on March 8 (for high school students, it turned out to be a pleasure to prepare such a number!), And upon returning home you will have a pleasant impression of our holiday.

Lead 1: We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear teachers, for the work that you put into our upbringing and education; you, dear mothers and grandmothers, for endless support; you, dear girls, for trying your best to gain knowledge and grow up as disciplined students.

Lead 2: And now a little surprise awaits you - a tea party. Teachers, students and parents are kindly asked to separate their classes.

Celebration of March 8 is completed in the assembly hall. Humorous skits and other activities are appropriate to continue in class. Before that, parents are invited to visit an exhibition of drawings and products. The works presented there were made by students studying in the sections of fine arts, beading, photography and others (if any).

Martha provided specifically for modern high school students, and is written in their slang, so when you stage it, you do not need to replace the "wrong" words with the right ones. Before the start of the holiday, attach plates (leaflets) with numbers to the chairs, seats in the hall where the spectators will sit. This will come in handy for the lottery.

2 presenters come out. They are dressed as usual (not festive).

Lead 1 (reads as a turnip):
Hi Stas,
Do you want me to tell a story
About how in the modern world,
We have forgotten about the old values!

Lead 2 (as well as leader 1 reads rap):
Diman, I don't understand you,
But I delve into it carefully
What are the values
Which ones have you forgotten?

Lead 1:
Look you Stas carefully,
And look into the circumstances!

Leaders leave.

2 guys come out. Which go to meet each other. Both with phones and doing something there. They walk without raising their eyes and collide with each other.

1 guy:
Look where you are going! (looks up) Oh, Micah, what are you? Healthy.

2 guy:
Hai, Kolyan!

They stand next to each other and put their phones in their pockets. They stand in silence for a minute, looking around.

1 guy:
How are you doing there?

2 presenter:
I’m Diman, I don’t understand
Am I missing something?

1 presenter:
Stas, are you completely blind?
There is no communication between them!

2 presenter:
So what's the big deal
That there is no conversation between them?

1 presenter:
Okay, don't interrupt
Continue to look further!

2 guy:
And I, by the way, passed diablo (here you can name any popular computer game) to the end!

1 guy:
Come on? And what is there, at the end?

2 the guy opens his mouth to start telling how the girl comes out. And both guys fall silent. The girl walks by.

1 guy:
Hello Lenka!

The girl looks at the guys with a displeased look, “chuckles” and leaves.

2 guy:
What is she?

1 guy:
Yes, the campaign was offended.

2 guy:
For what?

1 guy:
And fig knows! You can't understand these girls!

2 guy:
You may have offended her.

1 guy:
Yes, when? I haven’t gone outside for a week now, I’m hanging on my computer.

2 guy:

The guys freeze again. The presenters come out again. 2 the presenter dials something on the phone.

1 presenter:
Do you understand now?
Are you getting into anything at all?

2 presenter (looking up from the phone):
Forgive me Diman, one more minute
I'm tweeting something right now!

1 presenter slaps himself on the head. And leaves.

2 presenter:
I finished everything. Hey Diman,
Continue your romance!

1 presenter:
Well, in general, you are Stas!
Not a novel, but a story!

The presenters leave, the guys "come to life"

1 guy:
Listen, Micah, it seems to me that there is someone else here! Don't you think so?

2 guy:
Yeah, it seems!

The guys look around.

2 guy:
So, what did Lenka take offense at after all?

1 guy:
I tell you I don’t know! need to contact Katyuha to ask!

2 guy:

1 guy takes out his phone, types something on it. Then a sound is heard (like an alert in a contact), the guy reads:
Look at the calendar.

2 guy:

1 guy:
Look at the calendar, I wrote. Where can I get the calendar?

2 guy:
So look on the phone!

1 guy:

1 guy looks at the phone, 2 guy also looks at his phone.

The guys freeze again, 2 presenter runs out.

2 presenter:
Diman! diman!
Well, what is there?
Did you find Che on the calendar?
Why did they say

1 presenter:
See for yourself
And then tell me!

Here you can take out the "telephone calendar" drawn on whatman paper, there should be the month of March and the number 8 highlighted in red.

2 presenter:
Here I am in trouble !!
How could I have forgotten?
It was necessary to score during the holidays!

Here the guys suddenly "come to life"

1 guy:
Who are you?

2 guy:
How did you end up here?

1 presenter:
We came from afar
To help you correct your mistakes!

1 guy:
Why are you talking about it in poetry? Normally, what can't you say?

2 guy:
And in general, we don't need helpers! We can handle it ourselves! (nudges 1st guy in the side)

1 presenter:
Oh well!

The guys leave.

2 presenter:
Hey, Diman, why are you and me, and, really, we read rap, then we chat with poetry! Here we go again!

1 presenter:
I don’t know, Stas!

There are 3 presenters (girl).

3 presenter:
That’s nothing you guys can’t do without us! She asked me to start a holiday in honor of International Women's Day - March 8, what about you?

2 presenter:
What are we?

3 presenter:
Not "WH", but what! What kind of slang do you have? We have a women's holiday here, do you understand ?! And you: "Diman", "delve into"! how should you be understood at all !!

1 presenter:
Do not boil over the Light.

3 presenter:
Boil? !! Here we go again !! You will spoil the whole holiday!

The presenter girl runs away.

1 presenter:
Need to do something.

2 presenter:
It is necessary, but what?

Both presenters walk back and forth across the stage in thought.

1 presenter:

2 presenter:

1 presenter whispers something in the ear of the 2 presenter, then both of them nod their heads at the same time and leave.

Solemn music is playing. The presenters appear in costumes.

1 presenter:
Lovely, lovely girls!
Our clever girls are beautiful!

2 presenter:
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you to study well!

1 presenter:
Be you the most beautiful
Better yet, the happiest!

Here you can make flower petals out of colorful foil or buy petals or confetti, and at the end of the phrase, both leaders throw petals into the hall.

1 presenter:
And for you now,
We will sing a romance.

A romance is being performed.

2 presenter:
Now congratulations listen,
From our director the best!

Congratulation director. If the director is a woman, then at the end of her speech, the presenters also congratulate the director and give her a gift.

1 presenter:
You are our dear classmates,
And we have not forgotten gifts for you!

2 presenter:
We'll just hand them over to you in class,
Until then, let's see the dance!

A dance is being performed.

1 presenter:
Now let's go with you
We will play interesting games.

Here you can hold contests. At the end of the contests, the leading girl comes out.

Leading girl:
And we have prepared the following entertainment for you! This is a lucky number lottery. and a festive disco!

Then the Lucky Number lottery is held. First, take turns out of the bag or drum 8 numbers (the main thing is that the numbers 8 was not there), and those who sit on chairs, chairs with these numbers are awarded prizes. And then the one who sits in the place with the number 8 receives a separate prize.
Then all the girls and women are presented with flowers (one rose is possible, if the funds are not enough, then only female teachers can be used).
At the end, all the characters go on stage and say together:

In 2019, for International Women's Day, many schools host holiday evenings... We offer one of the options for holding such a holiday in honor of International Women's Day for high school students.

Scenario March 8, 2019 for high school students

The party will begin with a speech by the host. He will congratulate teachers and schoolgirls on the holiday.

- Dear girls, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
The happiness of the cherished, the purest!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
May your dreams come true!

Then, according to the scenario of celebrating March 8, a scene will be played for high school students. Three young men will take the stage.

- Guys, which of you did something good today in honor of the women's holiday? One asks.

They answer him:

- I put on a new suit, tie and ... washed my hands!

- I solved the physics problem myself, and did not copy it from a neighbor on a desk!

- And today at recess I did not push a single girl!

- Indeed, what feats and sacrifices we do not go for the sake of the fair sex!

They say in chorus:
- We are all ready to praise you
Today, at this festive hour!
We are ready to kneel
Before you girls
And live together in class.

One continues:
- If you will help in your studies:
Suggest, well, give to write off!

The scene ends here, the guys, bowing, leave, and the presenter continues:
- Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness.

The competition will begin, the participants of which will need to sing a song, perform a dance, talk on the phone for 3 minutes without a break, invite the gentleman on a date without words - using only pantomime, to touch, with closed eyes, the types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina cereals, etc.).

You can hold a quiz, the participants of which need to answer the questions: “How much is a liter of milk, a kilogram of a doctor’s sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, baby tights? etc.".

You can also run contests: Guess the Movie, Guess the Song, Guess the Artist, etc.

The scenario of the holiday for March 8 for high school students may also include a competition for expectant mothers: girls will need to swaddle a doll, unfold a transforming stroller, feed the "baby" and sing a lullaby to him.

All performances are evaluated on a ten-point system, the best participants are awarded the first, second and third places by the jury. After summing up the results, the winners will be awarded, the audience award and memorable gifts will be presented to all the participants.

Then the boys take the stage again.

- How many talented girls we have, how many stars! They are not only among the winners.

- The rest of the stars are here,
How many of them - do not count.
Here are the mistresses, craftswomen,
There is something to learn from them.

- Ah, girls! Our stars!
Next to you and we are more beautiful!
And slimmer and braver
From hour to hour, it's getting smarter.