Methodical development (grade 4) on the topic: Scenes for Mother's Day. Scenes for Mother's Day - funny in kindergarten, in elementary school, for high school students, short, ideas, videos

Mom is the dearest and closest person to us. This woman gave us life, taught us a lot, saved us from a lot. A school holiday dedicated to mothers should be very beautiful and fun. Children must show how much they love and appreciate the care of these seemingly weak, but in fact strong and courageous women. The concert program, as a rule, includes such numbers as dances, songs, poems. Guests will also love the fun Mother's Day scene. In a word, the holiday should be organized in such a way that everyone present in the hall would be cheerful, joyful and pleasant.

The decoration of the hall should be beautiful

First of all, it is necessary not only to think over a variety of scenes for Mother's Day. You also need to think about decorating the hall. The atmosphere should be interesting, solemn, but at the same time rather calm. The hall can be decorated with colorful garlands, flags, balloons, special lighting lamps, hung on the walls.
Flowers and beautiful posters will not be superfluous either. For guests sitting in the hall in anticipation of the upcoming holiday, you can also turn on gentle music.

Where to start a concert program?

The script, of course, has to be very well thought out. You can start a holiday, for example, with a beautiful song about mom. After that, the words of greeting of the presenters and their opening speech are usually heard. They must say that mom is the most important person, this is our guardian angel, nurse, counselor and faithful friend.

Mother's Day sketches should be fun

After that, you can proceed to the main part. concert program... It can be continued, for example, by the following short but funny scene for Mother's Day. The guys can act out a conversation between mom and little son. The essence of the dialogue is that the kid asks him to buy something. Mom asks what exactly the son wants. In response, she hears the word "candy". Mom is against it, because the child will ruin your appetite. She, of course, offers something different, to which the son answers her: "another candy."

And here is another funny little scene for Mother's Day. Here, the audience is already shown a conversation between dad and son. The father asks the child how the mother was able to find out that the baby did not go to wash in the morning. To this the child gives a laconic and funny answer: "I forgot that the soap needs to be wetted."

Scenes for Mother's Day are funny and amusing concert numbers that cheer up all guests of the holiday, evoke smiles and kind, joyful laughter.
After the completed miniatures, do not forget about the friendly loud congratulations - "Mom, we love you very much!"

Children's scenes for Mother's Day are best accompanied fun games... For example, you can run a fun contest called Find Your Mom. For this, each participating child is blindfolded. The mothers of the babies go up to the stage. They stand in one row. Every child must find his mother by touch.

The next competition is a song contest. The presenter reminds the children of how, at a very early age, they enjoyed singing their mothers' lullabies. However, many years have passed, and now it's time for the guys to sing songs for the most important women in their lives. Let the children compete as they recall the words of famous musical masterpieces dedicated to mothers.

As soon as the competitions are over, you can proceed to the next stage of the concert program. Children's scenes for Mother's Day will continue again festive evening... So what else to show in order for those present in the hall to light up their eyes and raise their spirits even more?

Fairy tales come to visit mothers too!

Scenes for Mother's Day can be not only funny, but also very unusual, original. You can use fairy-tale characters in them. This will bring a noticeable amount of happiness and warmth into the festive atmosphere, immersing all the guests of the hall in the magical world of childhood.

So, a scene for Mother's Day could be something like this. Carlson runs onto the stage to cheerful loud music. The hero greets the guests and pronounces congratulations on the holiday. After that, Carlson invites the guys to dance. Children are performing "Boogie Woogie".

Carlson has many more entertaining games to offer. For example, guys, together with their mothers, can try to guess some thematic riddles.

For example: Balls on a string - for all tastes. What does mom have in jewelry? This is ... (beads).

Or: Mom is making us lunch. We are all right there. Mom prepared us a tasty and healthy ... (soup).

Such riddles are not at all difficult to come up with. Having shown a little imagination, Carlson will amuse both participants and guests.

Poems are required

Mother's Day scenes - funny concert numbers. But in the intervals between them, it is imperative to insert a variety of beautiful poems.

Dedicate sweet and kind words to your mothers. Don't forget about poems for your grandmothers. After all, they are the beloved mothers of your dear mothers.

You can write poems yourself, or you can choose the right ones in modern literature. For instance:

Know your grandmother

I love very much.

My mother's mom

You are kinder than all people!

Here is another version of the poem for grandmother:

Congratulations to mothers today on a wonderful holiday.

We wish our grandmothers happiness in the same way!

Love your grandchildren more than anyone else in the world.

Well, we adore you! We are your children!

And here are examples of poems for your mothers, expressing all your tenderness, care and love:

Go around the whole world!

There is no better mother in the world!

Hands are the most dear

Eyes - dear!

We love you, our mothers,

Even though we are stubborn

We upset you sometimes

But we stand up for you like a mountain.

Do not be offended by us,

And try to forgive us!

Both strict and affectionate -

This is our mom.

I, as soon as I grow up,

I will become like that too!

The best friend for us is always -

Mom is dear.

I will always be with you

Nearby, dear!

In short, choose nice words. In response, you will see the gentle, kind smiles of mothers, happy and cheerful eyes, you will feel their gratitude.

High school students can show "adult" scenes

With babies, everything seems to be clear. Well, what can future graduates, for example, come up with on Mother's Day? Scenes for high school students are distinguished by specific humor. Here you can play with the theme of first love.

Let's say a mother and daughter appear on the stage. Mom is trying to explain to her daughter that today without higher education it is impossible to manage. The young girl does not understand this, because she only comes home to spend the night. During the day she spends time with friends, and in the evening she relaxes at discos. Moreover, she is already "grown-up", because she already has a boyfriend.

Mom, of course, is outraged. Why should she be the last to know about such an event? Still, mother and daughter should be best friends! Moreover, the girl is only 15 years old!

The daughter screams about great love, that she is no longer a child, that she does not need anyone's advice. As a result, she makes a decision: she doesn't need her mother! The girl goes to bed. The curtain is closing.

Next act. The daughter wakes up and cannot understand where she is. The orphanage teacher appears on the stage, inviting her for breakfast. The girl explains to the woman that she had a big fight with her mother and lost her, that she did not appreciate her, that she paid little attention to her. The heroine begins to pray to God that her own mother would find her as soon as possible.

For this she is given several tasks. Together with other "pupils of the orphanage" she performs beautiful dances, sings songs, reads poems. You can also organize a special competition - pulling cardboard letters from the "black box", the girl must call her mother an affectionate word, and it is with them that she begins. The curtain closes again.

A scene about moms is useful for teachers who work with different age groups of children. Such a performance will be an excellent addition to the scenario of any holidays to which parents are invited. And the scene about mom on Mother's Day is absolutely necessary element holiday for adults and children.

Where to begin?

In order for the scenes for children about mom to go off with a bang and the production took place, you need to perform several preparatory steps:

  1. Write a script. In this case, the scene should logically continue or end the topic started by other actions in the general scenario. It is worth writing not only the words of the actors, but also their actions and emotions ("fit", "angry", "nods"). This will help both to show the plot more realistically, and to the children themselves to understand the meaning of what is happening.
  2. Choose a performer for each role. From a pedagogical point of view, it is necessary to choose children not only on the basis of their acting inclinations, but also on personal desire. If the child himself shows a desire to play, it is better to give him this opportunity. Moreover, all mothers want to see their baby involved, even if the game is not as lively as that of others.
  3. Prepare attributes. It doesn't have to be complicated costumes and sets. Even with simple pieces of furniture and clothing, the scene will turn out to be much more natural.

Scene about mom on Mother's Day

"Mothers Day".

Characters: mom, dad, son, daughter.

The action takes place in the morning in the apartment. Children (son and daughter) walk up to the parents' bedroom door and listen.

A son : "Mom and Dad today do not want to wake up and feed us."

Daughter : "Let's make breakfast ourselves. We'll clean up the apartment at the same time. It's a holiday, after all."

Children go to the kitchen. On the way, the little sister whispers in her brother's ear: "And we can also make a surprise and decorate the cabinets in the kitchen!"

Take out a vacuum cleaner, paint in a can. The vacuum cleaner is heavy, they try to handle it and accidentally spill paint on the floor. They decide to give it up and start cooking. They try to knead the dough, it sticks to the hands, stains clothes, flour scatters on the floor.

Suddenly they hear the sound of footsteps.

Daughter : "Someone is coming!"

Son: "If only it weren't for mom! Again, they didn't have time!"

The door opens and daddy's entrance. She says in amazement: "What's going on here? Do you want me to punish you ?!"

Son: "Daddy, don't be angry. We wanted to surprise mom!"

Dad clutches his head (forgot about the holiday).

Dad: "That's bad luck! But I didn't even buy flowers, it just flew out of my head! So, let's get together, one or two!"

Everyone gets down to business. Dad cleans up the mess, helps paint the flowers on the cabinet, finishes the pies and goes back to bed tired. After a while, mom wakes up and goes into the kitchen to the children.

Mom (surprised): "My God, what a beauty! So clean, beautiful, but it smells like something!"

Children (in chorus): "Mom, happy holiday!"

Mom hugs the children, then sighs and says: "What a pity Dad doesn't see this."

Such a scene about mothers is suitable for the participation of toddlers of primary school age. Dad and mom in this case can be played by older children or the teacher herself.

Funny scenes about mom


Characters: mom, son.

Mom enters the apartment with heavy bags, tired.

Son: "Mom, how many times have I told you: don't carry such heavy bags!"

Mum : "Yes, I would not do it with pleasure, son ..."

Son: "You can go to the store several times, it will be easier this way."

This mommy scene is suitable for high school.


Characters: mom, son.

Morning, mom wakes up her son.

Mom: "Son, wake up! You will be late for school."

Son: "Mom, I won't go! Again this nasty Sidorov will fight!"

Mom: "If you don't get up now, you will miss the first lesson."

Son: "It's okay. But Sidorov won't throw pieces of paper at me in class."

Mom: "Son, you can't be late!"

Son: "Can you put footboards on people?"

Mom: "Vanechka, but you can't skip school. You are ... the director!"

Funny scenes about mom and the fact that she remains her for a child of any age can be supplemented with this one.

Scene about mothers for high school students

Scenes about mom for high school students can be more "adult" and modern. They are often staged not only on Mother's Day, but also on March 8 or prom.

"Mom and Computer"

Characters: mother, daughter.

Mom enters the room where her daughter is sitting at the computer.

Mom: "Daughter, will you release your computer soon? I wanted to upload a photo to Odnoklassniki."

Daughter (reluctantly turns and answers with displeasure): "If not for long, then sit down."

Mom goes to the system unit and tries to shove a photograph into the drive.

Daughter: "Mom, what are you doing ?! We need an electronic version of the photo! Do you have it on your flash drive?"

Mom: "Is that the thing that looks like a matchbox?"

Daughter: "Yes, she is. And to enter the site, you need a username and password."

Mom: "What's this?"

Daughter: "Words and numbers, without which you cannot enter."

Mom (pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket): "Found it, I'll do it now."

Daughter: "Let me help, it will be faster."

The daughter tries to take a note from her mother's hands, but she tries to hide the written password and with one finger begins to poke on the keyboard, enter it.

Daughter: "Eh, okay, you don't want me to help, I'll come back later when you're done."

The daughter leaves the room. Mom quickly puts on headphones, enters the game and says over the network: "This is Amphibia. Anaconda, can you hear me? Ready? I have an hour until my daughter is gone. Shoot him! Come on! We hide in the gorge! Hello, Swordfish!" You also got to the computer? Quickly join and hide from them! I'll take it upon myself! Done! They will know ours! "

Scene about mom and son

A scene about a mother and son can be both funny and sad. Below is a version of the performance for mothers of high school students.

"Mom and son at the disco".

Characters: mom, son, girl, extras (small).

The scene is a disco. Music plays, teenagers dance. In the center of the dance floor, a guy approaches a girl.

Guy: "Hi, pretty girl! Maybe we can get out of here and go for a walk?"

Girl: "Hi! I would be glad, but I have to go home already - my mother forbade me to come back later than 11".

Guy: "Ha-ha! Do your ancestors still tell you what time to come? Maybe they still take you by the hand and take you on dates?" (laughs).

Suddenly, someone grabs the guy's ear.

Guy: "Mom? What are you doing here ?!"

Mom: "What are you doing here? You have a test tomorrow! Quickly go home!"

Mom drags her son along. He followed the girl: "Pretty woman, I'm sorry, I ..."

Mom: "Home, I said!"

Scene about mom and daughter

The next scene is about a mother and daughter and about the fact that parents at any age remain irreplaceable.

"Three mothers".

Characters: daughter, mother, grandmother.

A girl sits in the middle of the room and plays with a doll. He says to her: "Again, you, daughter, behaved badly. Again mother (pointing to herself) did not listen. Again I didn’t finish the porridge!" (shakes her head).

Mom enters the room and says to her daughter: "Daughter, why aren't you listening to mom again (pointing to yourself)? Why didn't you learn your homework, didn't collect your portfolio? Come quickly to your room and get it done!"

The girl goes to her room. Grandmother enters the room and says to the mother (her daughter): "Natasha, why should I, your old mother (pointing to herself), have to do everything for you? I didn't wash the dishes, didn't remove them from the table! I also scolded the child! Go better help her swim! "

Scene about mom and dad

"Mother and father".

Characters: mom and dad.

Mother and father are sitting on the couch and talking.

Mom: "Valera, tell me how our Kostik studies?"

Father: "Do you know how he studies?"

Mother: "Mathematics - two, languages ​​- two, literature - two! Our son is a poor student!"

Father: "Wait! Why do you go to this school then? You attend all the meetings, you make repairs in the classroom, but our son still gets bad grades."

Mother: "Listen, why are all the complaints against me? You are our son's class teacher! Can't you agree with the teachers to work out with Kostya?"

Father: "Again I have to do everything? Is it okay that you are the headmaster?"

Scene about mother teacher


Characters: mom and son.

Mom is talking at home with her son.

Mom: "Vanya, do you remember how I promised you that I would buy rollers if you study well?"

Son: "I remember, mom."

Mom: "Do you remember how I promised that you will have good grades if you behave diligently in class?"

Son: "I remember ..."

Mom: "So why didn't you keep any of your promises?"

Son: "Why should I keep my promises, Nadezhda Alexandrovna, if you don't keep your word?"

A touching scene for mothers

This touching scene about mom is rather short and is performed mainly by the host. The meaning of what is happening depends on its text.

"A present for mom".

Characters: presenter, boy, seller.

Onstage is an impromptu flower shop. There are flowers in large vases, among which there are roses. All the time, while the presenter is reading the text, the boy is choosing flowers, the seller is silently commenting on something, showing him.

Host: “On the eve of his mother’s holiday, a little boy stood in a flower shop. He stood for a very long time, carefully choosing a flower. He pricked himself against a rose, but restrained himself and did not cry. A courageous boy.“ Who are you choosing a flower? ”The seller asked furtively. , - the boy replied almost in a whisper. He took out of his pocket all the small change that he had previously collected in a piggy bank and gave it away. “Is it her birthday today?” the seller asked again. “No,” the boy replied. - Mom is in the hospital. Soon I will have a brother, and while he cannot congratulate her, I will do it myself. And then she'll be a mom twice and get twice as many gifts for Mother's Day. "

In order for the scene about mothers to be as interesting and fun as possible, you need to take care of some nuances. For example, it is better to distribute the roles in accordance with the nature of the children themselves who will play them. So the production will be more lively.

Even if it is not possible to equip the stage with decorations, it can be transformed with the help of improvised means. For example, a doormat, a couple of indoor flowers, a tablecloth on the table, etc. will help simulate an apartment. Children's images should also be different in appearance. For example, to make it clear that grandmother is on stage, she needs to put on a scarf, mom at home - a dressing gown or an apron, dad - house slippers, and so on. It is also advisable to select children by height. It is clear that a taller child will be more convincing in the role of an adult, and vice versa.

Do not forget that the younger the children, the more time they will need to rehearse. If you follow such simple (even obvious) rules, the holiday will turn out to be unforgettable.

Mother's Day in Russian kindergartens and schools began to be celebrated on a large scale relatively recently. But this kind and touching holiday has already become so fond of both adults and children that holding all kinds of festive events in educational institutions both are waiting impatiently. And there is nothing surprising in this: children with great pleasure prepare interesting numbers for mothers, and mothers get no less pleasure from numerous congratulations on this day. One of the most popular formats for such congratulatory numbers is children's scenes for Mother's Day. Most often these are short funny speeches, sometimes with an instructive or parody character. And since this format is always popular, we suggest that you certainly use it when writing a script in kindergarten, elementary or high school. And a selection of funny scenes for Mother's Day from our article will definitely help you with this.

Funny scenes for the Mother's Day matinee in kindergarten

In the kindergarten, for the Mother's Day matinee, they must prepare several funny scenes with the participation of children. Most often, in such humorous numbers, kids play the roles of both children and adults. Therefore, in order for the scene to really turn out funny, it is very important to choose artistic children with good diction. As for themes for funny scenes for Mother's Day for a matinee in kindergarten, there may be several options. For example, make a funny parody of how children in different families are gathered in the kindergarten in the morning. Moreover, it is advisable to take either specific examples from the group, or funny and fairly common situations from life. In addition to children, parents and educators can be involved in acting out the scenes. In some cases, it is they who can save the number if the kids get confused or forget their words.

Funny scenes for the senior group of kindergarten for mom's holiday, ideas

Of course, the older the children are, the funnier and more fun the performance with their participation can be. Therefore, as a rule, the most amusing performances are obtained with the participation of pupils from older groups. Together with them, you can play funny scenes on everyday topics, about urgent problems or cherished desires. For example, in senior group a very funny number for Mother's Day can be put about the difference in the usual day of a child and a mother. In a funny, slightly parody form, you need to try to convey how easy and carefree the kids live, and how difficult the work of mothers can be. Such a number is also good in that it makes children think once again about their mother's difficult responsibilities and encourages them to help.

Funny Scenes for Mother's Day Concert in Elementary School

In elementary school, a concert for Mother's Day, including funny scenes, is being prepared by the joint efforts of teachers and children. Moreover, the latter not only participate in the numbers, but also quite actively put forward ideas for funny performances. The most popular topics for this format are: parent-child relations, problems at school, household duties. Parody is also a relevant format for funny scenes for a Mother's Day concert in elementary school. For example, you can put on a very funny scene about how popular people were influenced in childhood by their mothers. In general, the themes of childhood and school perfectly resonate with this holiday, and quite a few funny numbers about mothers can be put in their framework.

Musical funny scenes for Mother's Day for primary school

Special attention should be paid to musical numbers with humor, which are in great demand among both children and adults. For example, almost any concert can be diluted with cheerful musical medley using special cuts from famous song hits. In such numbers, it is very important to beat musical jokes with facial expressions and gestures, therefore, talented students should be involved in their performance. It is also advisable to use popular hits and songs that are easily recognizable by a large part of the audience - then the performance will turn out to be really funny.

Humorous sketches for high school students on Mother's Day

Those who really know a lot about funny and humorous scenes, including on Mother's Day, are high school students. Their youthful enthusiasm, combined with a good sense of humor and warm attitude towards mothers, gives rise to excellent performances, worthy of laughter and sincere applause. Even seemingly hackneyed topics are turned by high school students into cool performances. Next, you will find several original ideas humorous sketches for high school students on Mother's Day, which will be relevant both for a concert and for personal congratulations.

High School Mother's Day Funny Scene Ideas

The first version of the issue is to show how the idea of ​​mothers about their children and motherhood has changed over time. For example, you can beat important points as a child grows up and how moms change along the way. This scene, by the way, can be played quite cheerfully with the help of the same musical medley. Another cool option is a number like "One evening in the life of a mom and a high school student." Here, the presentation should be built around how sometimes parents try to influence adolescents: they force them to learn homework, help around the house, think about the future, etc. Accordingly, adolescents resist this influence and do not obey. The end of such a humorous number can be made lyrical - to ask for forgiveness for all insults and disobedience, to promise to change and help more.

An interesting number can also be prepared with the help of large-format pictures. To do this, it is worth choosing a topic in advance, for example, the expectation and reality of the graduation class for children and parents. Then select and print thematic pictures, diametrically opposite in meaning, but regarding the same events. For example, a parent's expectation of a senior year may be to turn a child into the most diligent student, while a high school student becomes his Last year behaves like a demobilization in the army.

Short funny scenes for the holiday Mother's Day to school, video

The most relevant for a festive concert at school are short funny scenes for Mother's Day. It is the short duration and cheerful character that make this format very convenient. Such short funny scenes for Mother's Day at school can be used even in the script of a touching concert as small humorous digressions. By the way, this format is perfect not only for high school students, but also for kindergartens and primary grades... For example, within the framework of such short numbers, you can play up jokes and funny stories. You should look for inspiration for their writing in Yeralash, KVN, cartoons and children's entertainment programs... It is there that you can often find small humorous episodes that can be staged as part of a concert. In addition, a small funny number can be made in the form of a funny remake song. To do this, you need to take a well-known song, leave its melody and write a humorous text on the theme of the holiday. Also, an excellent short number can be delivered with a video presentation about how the preparations for the festive concert were fun and extraordinary (cutting out the funniest moments).

We are all in a hurry to prepare gifts for Mother's Day! We invite you to act in a more original way, to play interesting scenes for your beloved mothers - this will be an unforgettable gift.

Scene for Mother's Day "Three Moms"

Characters: girl with a doll, mom, grandmother, presenter.


Tanya in the evening

I came from a walk

And the doll asked


How are you, daughter?

Again you crawled under the table, fidget?

Sit out all day without lunch again?

These daughters are in trouble!

Go to dinner, turntable.

The girl takes the doll and sits it down at the table.


Tanyushin's mom

I came back from work

And Tanya asked.

How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - shouted granny a hundred times,

And you answered "Now!", Yes "Now!"

These daughters are in trouble!

Soon you will be like a match, thin

Go to dinner, turntable.

(Seats the girl down at the table.)


Here grandma -

Mom's mom came

And she asked my mother


How are you, daughter?

Probably at school for a whole day

Again I did not find a minute for food.

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich ?!

You can't sit all day without lunch!

I became a teacher, and everyone is a fidget.

These daughters are in trouble!

Soon you will be like a match, thin

Go to dinner, turntable.

All sit down at the table.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room

Three mothers are looking at their daughters!

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Everything. Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Scenes for three people to mother's day

The plot of the scene. In the morning, mom tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.


Get up, sonny, you will be late for school again by the beginning of classes!

I do not want! Petrov always fights with me!


Well, sonny, you can't do that, it's time to get up, otherwise you will be late for school by the beginning of classes!

Well her, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!


Come on son, get up, you'll be late for school again!

A son:

Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!


Son, you have to go to school, you are still the director!

The plot of the scene. Geography lesson, teacher and fifth grade student. The topic of the lesson is a compass and orientation by it. The student does not understand anything, and the teacher tries to explain to him:

Look! This is a compass, you can use it to determine which side of the world is! See, here's a red arrow and a blue one! Ahead along the arrow is north, to the right is east, to the left is west, and behind what?

The student lowers his head, pauses, and then shouts resentfully:

And I told my mother that you will notice a hole in my pants!

Our moms are the best - mother's day scene

Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder

Who looked at the street.

Dima ate (holding a bag of chips),

Sasha played (holds * Tetris "),

Maxim drew with crayons.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

A car drove by.

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Dima told the guys


Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. And you?

Olya. And I have clips in my pocket. And you?

Sasha. And we have a cat today. Yesterday I gave birth to kittens. The kittens have grown a little, But "Kitiket" doesn't want to eat! Maksim. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

Seryozha. And we have a microwave. Cleverly?

Nata. And from our window the whole Market is in full view. Every day I look and wait ... I want a playground! Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - This time.

There is a pit in the middle of the yard - These are two.

And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring the goods -

Everyone will be invited to the market.

Leading. Vova answered from the ladder ...

Vova. Entrepreneur mom? Cool!

Olya. And here at Masha, for example, Mom is a policeman!

Sasha. And Yulia's mother, Dima's mother - Saleswomen in stores!

Dima. And I have a simple answer - My mom is a speech therapist!

Nata. All the more important ...

Leading. Nata said ...

Nata. Mom from the food processing plant. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur! Vova. And Alena and Ivan Accountants have both mothers!

Dima. Vali and Katya Mama have teachers at school!

Leading. And Maksimka said quietly ...

Maksim. My mom is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, Mom is just a director. Leading. Vova responded first

Vova. Mom - a holiday ?! That's cool! The chef makes compotes, This is very good! In accounting records, that's good too! The doctor treats us for measles, There is a teacher at the school. All kinds of mothers are needed! All kinds of mothers are important.

Everything. Well, our mothers are all sweeter and more beautiful!

And then it happened that Big Never began to flicker in front of me often. Two thousand kilometers of the Trans-Siberian route from the Ksenievskaya station to Vladivostok were to some extent involved in me. End of the thirties. Diploma practice. And every time I waited for the meeting with Big Nevers with trepidation and did not sleep - I watched if the train passed it at night.
The train stood there for five minutes. The low wooden station building glowed with yellow house lights in the frosty smoke. The clanking and clattering of brakes, the creak of snow and dark figures under the window. The door opened in the compartment, frosty air rushed in, and in a thick white halo, some giant in a dog's or bear's doha, in fur boots, with a bag, a backpack or a saddle bag in his hands, with a face hardened by frost and wind, tumbled into the frost. The giant threw his bags upstairs, into the dark and hot depths of the cozy trunk, and immediately fell asleep, putting the doha under the flimsy wagon pillow.
Polar explorers, gold prospectors, taiga workers traveled from the lower reaches of the Lena, from Zhigansk, from Chukotka, from Yakutsk, Aldan, or some other place in the vast region. Of course, they were not always giants, but that is how they seemed to me.
They drank zealously, drank in a restaurant, returning drunk, gambled at cards, quickly made friends, often lost big and, before reaching home, thought about returning.
The heroes did not often indulge in unusual stories. I explained their laconicism by the excess of received emotions or the absence of interesting interlocutors. I didn't want to notice any negative features in them, for me they were all extraordinary people - after all, they were "from there" ...
Their weathered faces, their experiences and their eyes, surrounded by the wrinkles of trials, demanded trust. And even fragmentary phrases, fluent, by the way, memories that they reluctantly, among loud cries of "pass", "at two" and "minuscule" dropped in the cramped smoky compartments - about gold nuggets, the ocean, long paths on dogs through the frozen Siberian rivers among snowy ridges, spending the night in the snow, in stuffy Chukchi yarangas - they created amazing heroic pictures in my imagination. Pictures came to life, people moved, talked, dreamed, achieved what was worth sacrificing everything, even life.
How do the drives to explore the Earth appear and become firmly established? To find something, learn, discover, scout?

Some people from childhood feel such a special "gravity".
My childhood coincided with the beginning of the development of the Arctic, when Amundsen flew over the North Pole, his death while rescuing Nobile, the Chelyuskinites, the first hero pilots ...
The North has always attracted people in a special way, and the absence of external causation in this attraction more often than anywhere else. Not to heavenly booths attracted, but to the most difficult. “Step and die,” said the Yakut who accompanied E. V. Toll in his search for Sannikov Land. “To step and not die” seemed to me more significant and necessary. That is why the hero of my childhood was (and then forever remained) Roald Amundsen - a man not surpassed in purposefulness, willpower, energy, thoughtfulness of every step and in accordance with what was planned.
It was difficult for everyone going into the unknown. But the colder lands are probably the hardest. Having passed the deserts with searing heat, thirst and hopelessness, the jungle and endless forest with tropical diseases, miasma of swamps and hopeless confusion, it was still possible to reach the shores of the warm ocean with frothy caressing surf, palm trees, springs and fruits. It was possible to gain strength and start the fight again.
Where did the explorers of Siberia, the North-East, the Arctic go? To the cold, unkind sea, to solitude, to the same cold and hunger that was behind, or to the taiga, snowstorms, ice and more often to inevitable death.
People died both where it was cold and where it was hot. And ingloriously and with glory. But they all did not follow her, and this is the main thing.

At the end of November, a wonderful holiday is celebrated in our country - Mother's Day. Festive performances and performances are timed to this day in schools. Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts will come to visit. Have you already decided what to show them? New short skits for mother's day at school, funny and funny, they will definitely be remembered by all guests and mothers will be happy! Watch the scenes, put them on your holiday and rejoice with your parents.

Mini scene - mom's helpers.
This scene is shown by three children and one adult - a mother (for example, a teacher). But you can replace the teacher with a tall girl who will play the role of a mother.

And so, the children are in the room, and their mother, who has returned from work, comes to them.

Hello my dears!
Children shouting with one voice:
- Hi, Mom! (and run to mom)
How was your day, what did you do?
First child:
Mom, mom - I washed all the dishes!
What a fine fellow you are, how caring! (takes a chocolate bar out of the bag and gives it to the child)
Second child:
Mom, mom - I’m the same fellow, I wiped all the dishes afterwards!
And you are the same clever, here you go (takes out a second chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
What have you been doing all day? (mother addresses the third child)
Third child:
And I swept up all the fragments from the dishes and took them to the trash!
Mom makes a surprised face, "falls" on the sofa or armchair. He comes to himself and says:
- all the same, you are the best and most caring children!

Mini scene - children are talking.
It is always interesting to watch how children talk to each other. They boast, show who and what can and try to be adults in front of each other. In this scene, children will behave the same way, and adults will look at them from the outside and understand what they are doing wrong in raising children.

Children are on the stage. You decide how many children you need. Perhaps 2-4 children will be enough, but then they will have to learn a lot of phrases. And if there are more children, then each will not have many phrases and they will remember them.

Every day, mom cooks soup, prepares a second one and always adds vegetables to food. I don’t eat them!


Vova (thoughtfully and importantly):
Nature has made me so!

Winter has already come. Frost will soon hit and I will not walk outside until spring.

Why until spring?

How to walk in winter? Suddenly the frost will hit me the same!

And I know all the months of the year.

Come on, tell me.

Mom and I talk about them together, she says the beginning, and I say the end.

What is it like? Is that so - yang ...


Feb ...

Ral. Yes. So!

Art, Rel, Ay, Yun, Yul, Gust, Yabr, Yabr, Yabr, Abr!

See I have money (shows money)

They are not real! We ourselves can type on the computer!

So what. But you can use them to buy a car in a children's store!

It's like, the money is not real ?!

So the car is not real, either!

And yesterday I set up an experiment and now I know how long one tube of toothpaste is enough!

And how much? For a month?

No, for the entire corridor and another floor of the room!