What is ISO 9001 certification. ISO certifications - concept and principles

ISO certification is understood as a certain set of standards, the demand for which is manifested in the creation and modernization of systems aimed at ensuring quality management. Such systems ensure that all stages of production or service delivery are properly controlled. This refers to the control of the full set of components of such processes: documentation, materials, resources, etc.

Our experts will help you quickly get the ISO certificate. You provide a minimum package of documents and we get to work without prepayment. For 7 years, we have issued 14,000 documents for 3,500 companies in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Certification of the mentioned systems is recognized as a highly effective market instrument. ISO authority on international market there is no doubt, therefore, the certificates issued by this organization are perceived in terms of indisputable evidence of the quality of products (services).

ISO certification confirms that the products or services provided are in full compliance with the quality standards that are taken into account throughout the world. The certification itself is provided by an independent expert. Its successful implementation, if compliance with the standards is confirmed, ends with the issuance of an ISO certificate.

The implemented type of certification has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness, which led to its widest distribution around the world. ISO certificates are also valid in Russia. They are recognized at the level of national standards used to evaluate management systems.

Enterprises that receive ISO certificates create a certain set of advantages for themselves, which increases their competitiveness in the market:

  • raising the efficiency of almost all business processes against the backdrop of lower production costs. The latter is achieved by reducing the number of intersections of activities, when there is duplication of processes;
  • changing the approach to management itself by giving the management system the necessary motivation;
  • change in products (services) from the position of increasing its quality;
  • optimization of production processes, leading to a reduction in losses due to poor product quality or frank marriage;
  • increasing the discipline of employees and their responsibility for the work process;
  • transfer of the enterprise to the operating mode based on world standards;
  • improving the positive perception of the organization by investment companies;
  • growth of benevolence of consumers and expansion into sales markets;
  • the possibility of bringing products (services) to the market of Western Europe;
  • reaching the level of world prices.

Quality management is a guarantee that the requirements, norms and standards that can ensure the necessary management of the company will be met. This is where ISO certifications with their versatility can help.

Types of ISO certificates

Among the ISO standards adopted in Russia, the following are the most common:

  • ISO 9000 is a guideline for the use and selection of a specific quality management system (QMS) based on the parameters that determine the functioning of the company. The series certificate includes the main provisions, an introduction to the system and a glossary of terms used in the standard of this type;
  • - clearly defined and strict requirements, the observance of which is assigned to suppliers of products (services). Standards are established for all stages of production: development, design, production, supply, installation and maintenance. Compliance with the standard is confirmed by control checks and product certification;
  • ISO 9002 - establishes requirements for suppliers. They must provide a certain degree of efficiency in the production process. The release of high-quality products (services) requires appropriate confirmation;
  • ISO 9003 is a system that correlates with the minimum requirements for the supplier, which are presented at the stage of final testing, during control and after certification. This certificate makes it mandatory to carry out tests when acceptance is carried out. final product, and control of the production process;
  • ISO 9004 - QMS standardization, where the norms and requirements for the implementation and development of such systems come to the fore;
  • ISO 10012 - a standard that defines the norms, compliance with which guarantees the release of high-quality equipment in the form of various measuring instruments;
  • – requirements for environmental management systems. Compliance with them is imputed to the obligation of the enterprise in order to ensure the protection environment from negative factors arising during production processes or as a result of the provision of services. With the help of this certificate, the parameters of the system are set, on the basis of which responsibility is redistributed, planning and management of the entire volume of available resources required for the implementation of the environmental program at the proper level is carried out;
  • ISO 19011 - recommendations describing the effective functioning of the QMS and defining the standards for conducting audit programs in relation to environmental management;
  • ISO 13485 - Requirements for medical products and related services. This includes the stages of design, installation, production and service;
  • – assessment of management systems that ensure safety and labor protection. The presence of such a certificate confirms that the company carries out a wide range of activities aimed at ensuring that the life and health of employees are not endangered. This significantly strengthens the reputation of the company;
  • — a food management system that regulates safety standards, and also forms a model for managing and controlling risks that may arise in Food Industry.
  • - an objective indicator of the assessment of a number of factors that directly characterize the level of trust in a particular company.

Specific ISOs include or all production steps, or just any one. Regardless of this, norms are set by which the characteristics of the quality of products (services) are established.

The core provisions of ISO guide the development of relevant standards, which are distinguished by the fact that they have an effective impact on the QMS. This is achieved by following 8 principles that guarantee the success of any enterprise:

  1. Accounting for the priority of the client, based on his satisfaction. The company should show interest in cooperation with the end user. A constant analysis of how satisfied he is with the purchased products (services) is required.
  2. Understanding the importance of the leadership of a leader who can improve organizational structure companies due to their qualities. It is necessary to have a development strategy and an effective management system. At the same time, the activities of employees should be stimulated by creating an appropriate business environment.
  3. Promoting the activity of employees through certain incentives in order to increase the return on their work for the benefit of the company.
  4. Company management within unified system where there is full interaction between management and production.
  5. A systematic approach to the functioning of the company, when clearly defined links are established between production processes and structural divisions.
  6. Continuous activity to modernize business processes, involving the use of performance assessments regardless of the object: executive or unit, which should be correlated with mandatory control.
  7. Making managerial decisions based on actual data. Making adjustments to managerial activity must be justified real situation affairs. Only this allows you to make the only right decisions.
  8. Constantly maintaining relationships with suppliers on a mutually beneficial basis.

Obtaining ISO certificates

The first stage of ISO certification involves the formation of a certain package of documents, including:

  • an application, the preparation of which must be carried out in accordance with the established form;
  • the statutory documents of the applicant company and the necessary details;
  • schematic representation of the company's divisions involved in manufacturing process, supplemented by information regarding their functional duties;
  • composition of the company in terms of qualifications of employees, indicating the person responsible for product quality;
  • licenses (copies) confirming the right of the company to carry out certain types of activities;
  • list of NTD regulating the work of the company.

Obtaining the ISO certification includes preparatory stage. It is necessary to conduct an audit of the management system used in the company. This review of management allows you to identify the extent of non-compliance with European standards. In the future, measures are being taken to reorganize management, taking into account ISO requirements.

After completing the preparation, you can proceed to the direct obtaining of the ISO certificate, which is based on the following algorithm:

  • submission of an application, supplemented by the required package of documents, to the certification body;
  • studying the provided documentation by experts to understand how the company's management system functions;
  • making a decision by the certification body regarding the compliance of the company's QMS with ISO criteria;
  • issuance of an international certificate if all conditions are met.

ISO certification brings positive aspects to the company's activities, which strengthen its position in the market. The quality of products is improving, which is ensured by the growth of the qualifications of employees and the optimization of the management system.

International Organization for Standardization ISO

The activity of the international organization ISO is determined by the release of standards. It was founded in 1946. Two companies became the core of the new project: ISA and UNSCC. Although in total the number of its participants was 25 national companies. The Russian Federation took its seat on the ISO Council in 2005.

ISO develops and publishes internationally recognized standards. Also, this organization solves the problem of certification. ISO standardizes almost all areas, with the exception of electrical and electronics. The latter is the prerogative of the International Electrotechnical Commission.

ISO conformity assessment applies to products and services, but to a greater extent this applies to QMS. Such certification is carried out exclusively by accredited bodies that have a valid certificate, which serves as evidence of the competence of their actions. In addition to the certification itself, tests and inspections can be carried out. Positive completion of this process leads to the issuance of a certificate of conformity. In Russia, ISO certification is a purely voluntary matter.

In any case, ISO guarantees:

  • confidence that the consumer will have access to a quality service or purchase a product that will not cause complaints;
  • the effectiveness of the QMS, thus contributing to the growth of competitive advantages;
  • environmental safety and the preservation of human health.

ISO logo - trademark who has passed the required registration. This fact suggests that its use is not possible by third-party companies and any persons. ISO does not give permission for this. The ISO organization itself does not carry out direct certification activities, so it would be incorrect if its logo were used in this way.

Compliance with ISO requirements is confirmed by authorized certification bodies acting on the basis of an appropriate certificate. It is their logo that can be used by certified companies. Written information to the buyer about ISO compliance is also available. For example, this is done using the counter-label of the product.

ISO certification in relation to management systems is more popular. Standards in this area have been developed for a long time by specialists from many countries. As a result, standards have been developed, adherence to which significantly increases the efficiency of any company. Obtaining such an ISO certificate not only changes the status of the company, but also helps to benefit from the application of global developments in relation to QMS in practice. Regardless of size, companies are learning how to better use resources, improve risk management, and improve product (service) quality, which increases customer satisfaction.

Why get ISO certified

ISO certifications have a positive impact on the company's efficiency and increase in profits. Getting them involves bringing management to a certain standard, following which leads to good performance, which has been tested many times in practice in different countries.

ISO contributes to the facilitation of global trade. Following the proposed standards destroys the existing barriers. Imported products are mostly certified by ISO. Foreign companies actively use this method of recognizing the quality of goods (services). If you are interested in new markets abroad or want to establish yourself where you are now, then follow international standards will help you with this. As a result, the company is able to receive both internal and external benefits.

Certificate GOST ISO (ISO) 9001 - 2011 Certificate of conformity to the quality management system ISO 9001 developed international organization standardization, (also called ISO (International Organization for Standardization, ISO)) for confirmation on international level activities of the quality management system in the organization. These standards were created for the first time decades ago, and are constantly being refined and improved. At the moment, QMS certificates are the most famous all over the world, their presence indicates a high level of management in the company, staff qualifications, high quality products.

ISO 9000 standards

QMS can be applicable to all types of enterprises and the release of products on it.

Conventionally, certificates within this system are divided into the following types:

  • ISO 9000general concepts and terminology base, which is used by the standards of this family;
  • ISO 9001— The fundamental standard of the quality management system, which includes key requirements for the management of enterprises in order to improve the quality of products;
  • ISO 9004— an instruction on the methodology for constructing directions for the development of an enterprise in a competitive environment in the market;
  • GOST R ISO 9001:2015 “Quality management systems. Requirements"— the current standard in the quality management system introduced in the territory Russian Federation.

The standards are constantly being developed and updated.

ISO certificate in the Russian Federation

The existing GOST R ISO certificate in the Russian Federation appeared relatively recently. At the moment, it can be argued that these are ISO standards translated into Russian, which have been adapted for our country. The certificate confirming compliance with the GOST R ISO 9001 standard is valid only in the Russian Federation, evidence that the organization conducts quality control at all life cycle products, product quality is improved and meet international standards. Also, some industry standards (for example, in the field of military-industrial complex, aviation technology) require the mandatory introduction of ISO QMS.

Benefits of ISO 9001 certification

In today's reality, market features, especially international ones, require companies to comply international systems quality certification. At the moment, the most progressive system of quality standards is recognized as ISO, created by the International Organization for Standardization. QMS allows you to expand the capabilities and scale of the company's business, gain additional loyalty of partners and consumers in the Russian and foreign markets, ensure entry into SROs, participation in government orders and international deliveries.

The advantages of implementing a QMS include, for example:

  1. In production, ISO 9001 certification helps to reduce costs by optimizing labor, eliminating managerial errors, and systematizing production. QMS allows from the very beginning to produce customer-oriented products, to establish mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of raw materials for production.
  2. To trade in foreign markets, you will need to enter the QMS and obtain the relevant documents. The fact is that the ISO 9001 directives were developed several decades ago and modern large companies when choosing partners, they always focus on the availability of ISO certificates. In earlier periods Russian companies did not pay attention to international QMS, but at the moment it is an important need in any industry.
  3. The introduction of new quality standards on the territory of the Customs Union entailed the need to issue a GOST R ISO certificate before processing TR CU documents in some Technical Regulations. (You can also get a certificate of compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union in our organization with an additional discount). It is also worth noting that for business partners from the Customs Union, the presence of an ISO QMS certificate will undoubtedly be evidence of the international orientation of your company.

Mandatory ISO Certification

It should be noted that at the moment GOST ISO 9001 certification is not mandatory for all market participants in the territory. However, there are a number technical regulations, for confirmation of compliance with which you will first need to go through all the necessary procedures and obtain an ISO certificate. Also, for some business areas, as well as membership in organizations and participation in tenders, an ISO QMS may be required.

The procedure for certification GOST ISO 9001

The Russian Federation has national standards developed on the basis of international requirements. Confirmation of conformity and issuance required documents issued by organizations specifically accredited in the field. To obtain a certificate in the quality management system in ISO system(ISO 9001) it is necessary to conclude agreements at the CERTS certification center, draw up an application (you can request a sample application from managers) and submit the necessary package of documents (application, founding documents and etc.). After that, the examination specialists prepare a mock-up of the ISO certificate and send it to the customer for approval and verification of the information. At the moment, the ISO 9001 2015 standard is in force and documents are drawn up in accordance with these standards. The terms for issuing an ISO certificate are about 2 working days, the cost is from 20,000 rubles.

What documents are required to obtain a GOST ISO 9001 - 2015 certificate?

  • Agreement;
  • Application for work;
  • Enterprise card;
  • Copies of statutory documents (charter, state registration certificate, tax registration certificate indicating the taxpayer identification number TIN);
  • Structural scheme organizations and a list of departments of the organization;
  • Qualification composition of the organization;
  • Copies of licenses and listing of permitted activities (if any).
  • Documents on quality (if any).

In some cases, this list of documents for obtaining an ISO certificate may change.

For an estimate of the exact cost and timing of the work, please contact our managers!

An application for an ISO 9001 certificate in Moscow and copies of documents can be sent to our email address mail@site

A company that expects to develop successfully must be able to prove its superiority over its competitors. To do this, special attention must be paid to quality control and compliance with safety regulations. How to demonstrate to potential clients, business partners and controlling organizations the quality of your services? For this you need a certificate.

LLC "Expert Legal Bureau" does everything to ensure that the process of obtaining was simple and fast. The work is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the activity specific company. The organization has all the necessary permits, there is accreditation from the State Standard.

Types of certificates

Expert Legal Bureau LLC will help you obtain documents that will demonstrate to your clients and partners a worthy attitude towards business. As part of further cooperation, assistance in passing inspections, making changes or additions to certificates, and responding to requests from supervisory organizations is possible.

ISO process

To receive a document, you do not have to apply special efforts. As a result of a few simple steps, a certificate will be issued confirming compliance with international quality standards.

A company that ordered the corresponding service can receive any necessary document: on ecology, labor protection, quality certificate and much more. They provide an opportunity to expand the scope of activities and increase competitiveness.

A package of certification documents

Documents for ISO certification

To apply for certification, download and fill out the appropriate document. Send the completed document to us by email:

(ISO), or Quality Certificate is a set of documents confirming the fact compliance goods or services quality standards, formed by the International Organization for Standardization.>Obtaining a certificate is necessary if a company creates or modernizes its resource management system, which will provide internal control quality production process or service delivery. Certification according to the ISO standard in the Russian Federation - procedure voluntary and is conducted by an independent expert. Validity a set of certification documents - 3 years. And they are checked every year. In Russia, the ISO certificate is GOST R, the documents say how n.p. GOST R ISO 9001-2011.

CenterConsult is certified consulting center from 08/05/2013 - this is confirmed by the official entry in registry No. ROSS RU.Z2002.04TsRB0. For more than 6 years, CenterConsult has been providing services for certification of quality in various areas. We are ready not only issue certificate within a few hours, but also provide you with the necessary knowledge based on standards so that you can build and develop a successful and reliable system management. CenterConsult experts in their work take into account the specifics of the activities and traditions of the client's company.

What is an ISO certificate?

A legitimate Certificate of Quality includes several documents. First: the certificate itself. Second: a group of attached permits confirming the right to use it. Third: a list of works to which the quality management system (QMS) applies. Fourth: a certificate for three employees-auditors working in the company.

Often, customers request documentation from an ISO-certified company that confirms the fact of its implementation. This set of documents includes:

    official orders of management;


    a set of general goals, principles of the company's business;

    features of interaction of structural divisions;

    management and implementation of the QMS;

    ways to manage products;

    requirements for the control of goods/services;

    procurement methods;

    personnel training system;

    work with suppliers, etc.

Clients who apply to CenterConsult to issue a certification document decide on their own whether they want to implement the proposed standards or not. And even if ISO is not applied, only its presence will significantly improve the image of the organization, increase customer loyalty, the number of orders, and hence the company's profit.

Why is a certificate needed?

ISO certificates are acquired in order to be in trend and increase their competitiveness, to create certain advantages:

    Increased efficiency in creating a product or service for consumers.

    Management system based on motivation.

    Growth in the quality of products / services, as well as prices for them.

    Expansion of the client base - customers at the federal level: Russian Railways, Gazprom, ministries, etc.

    Opportunity to participate in tenders and work on special objects.

    Reducing losses and defects in production.

    Opportunity to bring products/services not only to the Russian, but also to the Western European market.

A company that operates on the basis of standards is perceived by investors in a positive way and inspires goodwill among consumers. And this helps to expand into markets. Neither the customer nor the official will have any questions about the certified company. And its cost will increase by 15-20%.

Types of ISO certificates

ISO certifications are universal. They are a guarantee that all requirements and standards that improve the quality of company management will be observed. The following types of ISO standards are most often ordered from CenterConsult:

    9001 - basic document for organizations supplying products / services. The standards apply to all stages of the activity of any company: development, design, production, delivery, installation, service.

    13485 - for medical products and related services.

    14001 - for environmental management. Rationing and standardization of management of resources involved in the implementation of the environmental program.

    OHSAS 18001 - for the management of safety and labor protection systems.

    HACCP 22000:2005 - for the food industry. Security regulation. Formation of a management model that levels risks.

    26000 - for business liability.

    27001 - for information security companies.

    50001 - for the energy industry.

CenterConsult clients are companies from different areas Keywords: construction, architectural design, engineering surveys, private security. Also training, cleaning, cargo transportation, production (wholesale/retail) of food, drinks, including alcoholic beverages, furniture manufacturing, their sale. As well as IT-sphere, consulting, industry, pharmaceuticals, transportation, processing, waste disposal.

Required documents for certification

Before you receive a certificate, you need to write an application according to the established model and prepare the following package of documents:

    Articles of association of the applicant company and its details.

    Description of the company structure in the form detailed diagram, as well as the characteristic functional duties divisions

    Information about employees, their qualifications.

    Licensed and others permits which confirm the right of the company to carry out its activities.

    Normative-technical documentation of the company.

CenterConsult assists the customer in collecting and preparing the necessary documents. So you save time and avoid errors in the collection and design.

Registration of the ISO certificate using CenterConsult

CenterConsult received the official status of a certification center from the authorized body - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). We are authorized to issue ISO certificates to customers involved in various types activities.

In order to buy an ISO certificate, leave an online application in a special form on the website or call the contact number. After consulting - personal or remote - we proceed to the design. Next, we develop documentation based on standards - we focus on the profile occupation of the company. Within a day, your ISO certificate will be ready.

Cooperation with CenterConsult is beneficial for 4 reasons:

  1. We work quickly, harmoniously, professionally. We guarantee an individual approach.
  2. We consult in advance. We answer the questions that the client has in the process.
  3. We help the customer to select GOSTs, codes.
  4. You do not need to come to the CenterConsult office - our employees will perform the work remotely. Submit the documentation by courier or mail.
  5. In case of force majeure, we guarantee a 100% refund.

Our experts guarantee the receipt of the requested certificate within 3-5 hours. Your company will pass any test - CenterConsult issues an ISO certification document legally.

Get ISO certified

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