How to be an excellent student without much effort. How to be an excellent student without much effort How to become an excellent student

Reading 4 min. Views 222 Posted on October 29, 2013

Most kids want to get good grades. And this is due not only to the praise of parents, but also to intrinsic motivation people. A person always wants to achieve the best, and therefore many begin to think about how to become an excellent student. Excellent students stand out from the general team. They are always treated differently by teachers, excellent students are sent to competitions and olympiads. Those who are thinking about whether it is necessary to become an excellent student should understand that this is the start of a ticket to life. After all, a good study guarantees in the future and a good profession. Most of those who were excellent students in school, in adulthood, can get a good job. Therefore, you need to constantly develop motivation and strive for the intended goal.

To become an excellent student you need to work long and hard. You should not pay attention to the nickname "nerd", as it is usually given by those who are simply jealous of good grades. There are many more positives to being an A student than negatives. Excellent grades in school can help you get into a prestigious university in the future. If you carefully study lessons from school, read the necessary literature, complete assignments, then at the institute these actions can lead to a red diploma. Also important point are relationships with teachers. Don't be mean, as it will irritate others. To understand how to become an excellent student, you need to see a teacher as a person. Respect for an elder is always highly valued. The profession of a teacher is one of the most difficult, but necessary. That is why it is necessary to fulfill the requirements that apply to all students. Even if you get a bad grade, don't be rude. It is better to carefully prepare for the next time and block it with a high score. The teacher will definitely note such zeal. Activity and desire to learn will always have a positive result. If something is not clear, then you should ask the teacher to explain again.

Never need to rewrite someone else's homework, as the teacher will quickly notice this. It is better to try to do it yourself or turn to the elders for help. To become an excellent student, you need to give up many things, for example, do not spend all your free time sitting on the Internet. It certainly won't get you good grades. Homework should be taken seriously, because thanks to them you can better learn the material covered.

How to be an excellent student in school

All schools have excellent students and losers. Some people like to devote more time to computer games, while others prefer to study. But there are children who study well and want to learn how to become an excellent student in school. They make an effort, but do not always manage to get high scores. If there's good motivation and the goal to be achieved, it is worth starting to work on yourself. When a child has definitely decided for himself that he wants to become an excellent student, then he must be ready for hard work. To achieve good results, you will have to devote a lot of time to lessons. But don't look at it as hard labor. By doing homework, you can earn not only the respect of parents and teachers, but you can also develop intellectually. The knowledge gained at school will become the foundation for the institute, and then for a successful career. These things are worth remembering and then doing tasks at home will not be sad at all. Sometimes it doesn't always work out to get high scores if there are problems with a certain subject. So you need to seek help from a teacher or be like a tutor. This will help solve the problem and catch up on the subject.

For 45 minutes of information it is difficult to know the whole subject. Therefore, homework assignments are created in order to repeat and better assimilate information. It is worth remembering that it is by paying due attention to homework that you can become an excellent student. The surest way to master the material is to do homework on the same day as it was given. If this retelling or verse is by heart, then it can be learned immediately. And the day before delivery, you just need to repeat it. Homework should never be put off until later. Lessons should not be memorized. Information is easier to assimilate if you yourself figure out exactly what it is about. And then complex tasks will turn into interesting puzzles that are similar to computer games. When you manage to work out your own homework schedule, you can find time to take a walk or play. For study, it is worth allocating certain hours during which you do not need to be distracted by anything else. And then the lessons will be done much faster.

To become an excellent student, you need to be confident in yourself. And if you know the answer, then immediately raise your hand in the lesson. An excellent student should always be well prepared for classes and be ready to answer at the blackboard. Do not be afraid to answer to classmates, you should firmly show your knowledge and move towards the intended goal.

In any class there are straight A students, good students, C grade students and children who study with great difficulty. Let's put aside the discussion about the different abilities of students, and try to figure out how to become an excellent student, are there any tricks that help the average child to study perfectly, or at least break out of the list of terry C students and learn to get fives more often? Based on the recommendations of psychologists, we will formulate several basic rules that will help students, with the help of their parents, achieve academic success.

Why become an excellent student?

Starting to work on yourself, it is necessary to formulate the answer to the main question - why did you decide to become an excellent student? Motivation is important in any business, and especially in studies.

The answers might be:

  • I want to be the best in the class so that my parents are proud of me;
  • I like being praised;
  • I want to be a literate, erudite person;
  • trying to get a good education, and in the future to work in a highly paid position;
  • I want to prove to myself and everyone around me that I can do it.

Often good, strong guys do not reach high marks because of their own laziness. Did you do your homework wrong? I don't want to rewrite. The teacher asked to write an essay on the topic of the lesson, but said that it was not necessary. So I won't waste my time. Repeat a poem or a dialogue in a foreign language? And so it goes.

stop being lazy

Stop being lazy, and not only in your studies. It is because of their own laziness that many children do not study well. Put things in order at your workplace so that everything is at hand, and you do not waste time on useless searches for a notebook or pen, neatly fold things, help loved ones, walk the dog, get up from the table, clear the dishes. Make order around you the rule of life. Very soon you will understand - it's convenient!

Continuing the question of motivation. Do you want to be an excellent student so that fives show off in every cell of your diary? Without a doubt, you have a favorite toy - a computer, a doll, a bicycle, or an activity that brings pleasure - drawing, modeling. Make a rule and honestly follow it - devote time to your favorite pastime only on those days when the next five appeared in the diary, and provided that there were no triples.


The daily routine is the basis of victory over yourself. Learn not to waste time in vain, but to use it rationally, if during the lessons you are not distracted by extraneous objects, you will have more free time. Together with your parents, draw up a daily routine, taking into account classes in circles and sports sections, and start doing it without indulgence. A child under 10 years old should sleep at least 10 hours. If you're having trouble sleeping, learn to go to bed at the same time each day. Come up with a pleasant ritual for yourself - talking with your mother, reading books, tea before bed. A sleepy body cannot function effectively.

Another obligatory rule is first lessons, then entertainment, walks, meetings with friends. Until the triples disappear, the rule must be strictly followed.


Learn to be punctual. Arrive 5-10 minutes before class to allow time to catch your breath and prepare for class. If all the textbooks and notebooks are in their places in the portfolio, it will take only a couple of minutes. Regular tardiness annoys teachers and disturbs classmates. Being late is the lot of losers!

A responsibility

Be a responsible person. I forgot the book that I planned to donate to the library today, didn’t learn the words for the matinee, once again I lost or left my notebook at home - a familiar picture? Always write down all your homework, if you received any assignment - do it, made an appointment - come on time, promised to call your grandmother - be sure to call. The reputation of a responsible person who is responsible for his words is the authority and respect of others.


Activity in the classroom is the key to success. You will never be able to fully master the material if you stare out the window during the lesson, play on the phone or chat with a neighbor. How to become an excellent student in grade 3 in all subjects? It is much more rational to listen carefully to the teacher and take an active part in the educational process, at home it remains only to consolidate the topic by doing your homework. The teacher will see the interest on the part of the students, which means that he does not work in vain. In addition, when exhibiting final grades, the subjective attitude of the teacher plays a significant role. If the student is diligent, he can be encouraged.


You have to start small. How to become an excellent student without working from home? It's unrealistic. Quality performance homework will eliminate bad grades and increase the level of knowledge. Understand that you are not doing lessons for the teacher. The acquired material will become the basis of subsequent knowledge and will help to get a high mark on the control.

Ask questions

Feel free to ask questions, go for more. characteristic feature an excellent student is a craving for knowledge. If you do not fully understand the teacher's explanations, after he finishes presenting the new material, ask questions, do not leave the class without understanding all the subtleties. At home, this will take much more time. Some people think that asking questions will look stupid. This is a common misconception. You will look stupid in the next lesson if you do not understand the topic.

It happens that a topic is difficult for you, ask the teacher to conduct an additional lesson. Usually, not everyone is present at such lessons, and the teacher has the opportunity to work with everyone individually.

How to become an excellent student in grade 3 in all subjects? Miracles do happen, but not in education. You can not embrace the immensity, start with one, the most difficult subject for you.


Develop attention. Many problems arise due to the fact that the student inattentively read the condition of the problem, did not see the task after the paragraph, missed a word in the dictation, or did not reread what was written.

Practice at home in rewriting small texts, solving problems of increased difficulty. Logic puzzles are especially good in this sense. Let your loved ones check what you have written, and rate yourself together.

Work on speech

Competent speech is a sign of an educated person with broad erudition. Listen if your loved ones correct you. Build sentences correctly, consistently, do not jump from one topic to another. Reading literature allows you to quickly achieve success. If you don’t know how to say it, take your time, try to find synonyms. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of. Usually such a person looks funny.

Be Curious

In order not to be considered a crammer who mechanically memorizes the given, but to become an excellent student at school in the 3rd grade, take an interest in what surrounds you - wildlife, cars, entertaining facts, the history of the native land. It is interesting and pleasant to communicate with an erudite person, and you can learn a lot of new things.

Maintain a friendly relationship with the teacher

The teacher prepares for the lesson every day, studies a lot of material in order to present it in an interesting and intelligible way. When a student does not listen himself, and interferes with others, it is annoying and frustrating. Let's open a secret - some teachers deliberately underestimate the grades of those guys who do everything in the world, except for the lesson. Just show respect, and silently listen to the explanation. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the teacher - you spent time picking up entertaining facts, and no one is listening to your speech, the guys are laughing or chatting, drawing or rummaging through a briefcase. Pleasantly?


Learn to have a positive attitude towards life, it always helps. Be friendly when entering the classroom, do not forget to say hello to everyone without exception. If you were given a remark undeservedly, do not argue, just apologize, and after the lesson go up to the teacher and calmly try to find out the reason for his discontent. Do not get annoyed and in no case do not speak in a raised tone either with classmates, and even more so with a teacher.


Set a global goal for yourself, such as graduating from high school with a gold medal or honorable mention in major subjects. Achieving an important goal always consists of mini-goals, it is important to develop a strategy correctly. Examples of such goals can be - only fives in quarter control tests, read one book a week, win the right to represent the school at the district Olympiad.


Learn to strive for more. Having achieved high results, do not stop, set new goals, demand more significant achievements from yourself.


Self-confidence helps to overcome any obstacles. The excellent students have no shadow of a doubt that studying successfully is easy, and the right psychological attitude is already half the battle. Everything in life does not always go smoothly, ups are sometimes replaced by failures, however, an unshakable faith in the ability to achieve what you want inspires and gives strength. If you want to become an excellent student is not so difficult.

It used to be that losers achieve greater success than excellent students. They are adventurous, easily find common ground with other people.

Can a double student become an excellent student?

But these times, fortunately, are over, and knowledge is back in fashion.

But what to do if one fine morning you find that you have turned into an inattentive, sloppy student or student?

How and where to begin fundamental changes in a school or university is not an easy question. Perhaps it's time to become an excellent student?

On the one hand, it may seem impossible, because often losers do not even know where to start and how to behave within the educational institution.

However, whatever you can imagine is real. It is only necessary to make maximum efforts to retrain from a loser to an excellent student.

The concept of "excellent student" includes not only good grades and cramming, first of all it is self-discipline, dedication and hard work - those skills that will be useful in the future.

internal state

The decision to become an excellent student has been made, it is time for the first step.

Changing the world has to start with yourself.

To change the world, start with yourself. Or rather, from his psychological state.

Oddly enough, success in any business, whether it's studying or even drawing, begins with an internal attitude towards the result.

If you start your journey with doubts and thoughts that you will not succeed, then it will happen.

Start change with your thoughts.

Absolute unwillingness to learn, dislike for other excellent students and for educational institution in general, will not lead to anything good.

With age, thoughts will change their direction and, in order not to regret what was lost, you need to take care of your inner attitude to learning right now.

How to do it? Changes within oneself begin with the desire to improve oneself.

Getting used to reading books is not easy.

Sigmund Freud, a well-known psychologist, wrote that novice readers are recommended to start at least just leafing through books, and only after some time read out sentences, paragraphs, pages and gradually read the work completely.

Also at the beginning of the journey, you can pay attention to intellectual television programs. These can be issues about nature, science, animals, and so on.

Train logical thinking, solve problems, starting with the simplest and gradually increase the complexity. Such tasks will teach you to think. Pump your brain to the fullest!

Develop your vocabulary. We are shaped by our environment, after becoming an excellent student has been accepted, you will find yourself in the company of other excellent students.

In order to be able to keep up the conversation and understand your new interlocutors, try to learn the special language of the intelligentsia.

Devote any free minute to reasoning on various themes. It can be anything: from the theory of the structure of the Universe to discussions about the movie you watched the day before.

Make a daily routine, so it will be easier to cope with current tasks and not waste time on trifles.

The most important rule is not to overdo it. Both the brain and the psyche must rest in order to qualitatively perceive new information.

Appearance, workplace and environment

Psychologists have long proven that appearance, hairstyle and clothing affect the internal state.

Surround yourself with smart books and interesting people

They are greeted by clothes, and escorted by mind.

Not only thoughts, but also appearance should show everyone around that you intend to do great things.

And it's not even about the costume, all clothes must be brought in, be clean, fresh and ironed.

In addition to neat appearance, observe personal hygiene. Banal morning routines like washing, showering, brushing your teeth are one of the points of success and milestone in developing self-discipline.

In addition to a neat appearance, one should not forget about the order in the room.

Your knowledge is getting stronger every day, and not a single day can do without a book, but is the room still a mess?

It's time to fix this problem. As lifestyles change, so do habits. We put things in order in our thoughts - we put things in order at home.

Get rid of unnecessary things that only clutter up the space.

Let only books and useful things lie in easily accessible places, and it is better to hide distracting items, such as computer games, on the farthest shelves.

Do not forget about wet cleaning and ventilation. Fresh air activates the brain and thought processes.

You will have to put things in order on the computer and on the phone. Put all the important information into folders, and you will have to get rid of distracting applications.

Stock up on colorful stationery, which will cause a desire to once again pay attention to them.

If you are firmly convinced that excellent students are uncouth nerds, then you are deeply mistaken.

Diligent students and - kind, decent, and most importantly intelligent and smart people.

When you start to surround yourself with such people, you will definitely find that you have avoided communicating with them in vain.

But the emergence of a new social circle is an inevitable consequence of a change in lifestyle.

If there has been a change within you, everything around you will definitely change.

Do not worry that your old friends will stop communicating with you, quite the contrary, your successes will inspire others to the same feats, and old acquaintances will begin to respect you even more.

Start your journey by canceling regular gatherings and useless wandering around the city with friends.

They won't like it at first, and that's to be expected, but things will change drastically when you become the person to help them solve difficult problems at the next test.

Diligent study will help change the attitude of teachers towards you

Start taking the initiative in communicating with excellent students.

Try to strike up a dialogue to see how high-flying people behave and know exactly what else you need to work on.

Do not be afraid to blurt out stupidity, a little time and hard work - and you are already your own in the company of excellent students.

Don't be afraid of teachers. Each of them is interested in you getting all the necessary knowledge on the subject.

Of course, everyone's teaching methods are different, but try not to dwell on it. Ours is knowledge.

Perhaps, after so many months or even years of being in the status of a “loser”, it will not be easy to rise in the eyes of teachers, but with a little time and hard work, and now relations with an unloved teacher will be established.

Both school and university are a storehouse of knowledge, thanks to which you can determine what you want to do in life, get a job and become a successful person.

Most people are firmly convinced that it is much more difficult to study perfectly at a university than at school.

Those who become excellent students at school will not be difficult to become them at the university

And this is true, the program at universities is not easy, but the steps to becoming an excellent student are no different from school ones.

However, some specific rules should be noted:

  1. Get your sleigh ready for the summer. Do not be too lazy to find out in advance what subjects you will study in the new semester, and come to classes already armed basic knowledge. In this case, the material will be given easier.
  2. Don't forget to write down. Even if it’s easier for you to record lectures on a computer, don’t be too lazy to stock up on notebooks and keep a written summary. As practice shows, thoughts written down on paper are absorbed faster and deposited in the head. Analyze the information received and write out the main theses.
  3. Don't procrastinate. As a rule, at universities, a sufficient amount of time is given for global projects; do not postpone the completion of work until the last night. If you start doing the work on time, in between you can turn to teachers for help and eventually pass the work perfectly.
  4. Get knowledge every day. Do not let the brain relax, a person begins to degrade precisely on the day when he does not receive new information. Don't passively wait for exams and don't try to do all the work on the last night. Review your notes every day before going to bed and there will be no problems with the delivery.

And most importantly, don't be afraid to ask.

Couples at the university are often built as interactive. The teacher is always trying to build a dialogue with students, so you should not remain in the shadows.

Also, always ask the teacher about incomprehensible moments in the lecture, ask to explain to you everything that causes difficulties.

If you are called to the board, do not even try to make excuses, this is fraught with a deuce and a bad reputation in the eyes of the teacher.

Scientists have proven that bright thoughts come to excellent students several times more often than to ordinary people.

Therefore, the more time and effort a person devotes to knowledge, the higher the chance to invent something brilliant.

And most importantly, everyone can become an excellent student, only desire is important.

Did you follow the instructions exactly and become a diligent student?

Get ready for constant questions that will have to be answered quickly and clearly.

Questions will come from both teachers and classmates. Be ready.

Forget about bad habits. To meet a neatly dressed, intelligent person who smokes around the corner, drinking beer, is a very unpleasant picture.

Punctuality is the key to success.

Both teachers at school and professors at the university will not wait for every latecomer. Come on time and don't miss class.

The same goes for going to the library. There are many pupils and students, and there may not be enough copies of the right book for everyone.

Don't be lazy and don't put off going to the library.

Are you doing everything? Then we can congratulate you - we have an excellent student!

Reinforce your thirst for knowledge new information and never stand still.

Studying is not limited to school and university, read books, attend educational events, look for yourself and remember that any work will be rewarded.

In this video you will learn how to start learning perfectly:

Do your homework. Do not soar in the clouds during classes - listen to the teacher from beginning to end. Establish good relationships with teachers, participate in the life of the school, attend sections and events. Study extra - on your own or with the help of a tutor. Properly motivate yourself and never give up. Achieve the optimal balance between the quality of grades and the quality of knowledge. Form a strategy and implement it. Next, we’ll talk about how to become an excellent student in school, and give some useful tips.

Step #1 - Motivation

You cannot be successful without motivation. It is important to realize the benefits that you will receive from the result.

Think about it: what will change if you become an excellent student? In this case, the right motivation is important.

Not all means are good for achieving the goal. If you are motivated by praise, approval from the outside, and a sense of superiority over underachieving classmates, this is not very good. You are formed as a person, in school years this happens especially intensively. Therefore, it is not worth accustoming yourself to dependence on someone else's opinion and providing an overestimated self-esteem - this will deal a blow to your future.

Examples of positive, positive motivation. If I become an excellent student, then:

  • I will be able to gain valuable knowledge and develop my horizons.
  • Stop failing important exams.
  • I will be satisfied with the work done.
  • I can get into a university that I like.
  • I will go to the Olympics, meet interesting people.

Excellent marks in all subjects do not guarantee success in life and building a brilliant career - do not forget about this and do not have illusions about school marks. Take the status of an excellent student as an assessment of your work - mastering the school curriculum, gaining knowledge.

Assess prospects without fantasies. Unfortunately, many A's fail to adapt to adulthood and solve problems that C's deal with easily. C students get used to finding a way out of difficult situations with the help of creativity, while excellent students get used to following instructions. Do not allow this - look at things soberly when choosing motivation.

Step #2 - Strategy

You have chosen the right motivation - it's time to draw up a plan of action. Start by assessing the situation. What grades are you getting today, what subjects are you having problems with? With which teachers do you have a tense relationship, and which ones always meet you halfway? After analyzing the situation, you will get a foothold. Next, pay attention to the characteristics of learning in your class and at your age.

In 5th grade

Everything is just beginning, teachers have not yet had time to form a stable opinion about your performance. Therefore, it is important to show oneself on the good side, to show sincere interest in learning process and responsibly fulfill the obligations assigned to you. Build a positive reputation as a student worthy of being an excellent student. Then most teachers will be supportive of you, and you will lay the foundation for successful learning through the most diligent study.

In 6th grade

The instructors are familiar with your skills, capabilities, and previous successes. They know you and know what you are capable of. If you study well and get only a few fours in the quarters - continue in the same spirit, but pay a little more attention to subjects that are not yet successful "perfectly well". If your academic performance is far from ideal, try to change your approach to learning. You must show what you are capable of, show a desire for knowledge, an interest in learning. Do more, be careful in class.

In the 7th grade

You have a strong reputation that is not easy to announce. Most teachers evaluate your progress in terms of the past. If you studied at "3" and "2", then they remember this and do not expect much from you. If you are a stable goodist, then they are more loyal. In any case, you have to change the attitude towards yourself.

You can directly talk about this to teachers and even ask how to become an excellent student - what to pay attention to, how to study. Rest assured that they will appreciate your commitment and hard work.

In 8th and 9th grade

You have to make a serious effort. Many teachers are biased towards you and expect from you exactly what you showed in previous years of study. But if you answer all the test questions correctly, there is no way they can give you a "3". Therefore, it is worth focusing on preparation and doing more, broadening your horizons. Ask questions in class (but only correct and relevant ones), be active. Convince teachers that studying is very important to you, and you are ready to work hard to show results.

In 10th and 11th grade

Not many dare to radically change their status in the classroom on the eve of the exam. But it is the preparation for it that can help you get additional motivation and engage more intensively. However, striving to understand how to become an excellent student in all subjects and get the notorious gold medal is not recommended. It makes sense to focus on preparing for state exam and devote more time to the subjects that you will take.

Step #3 - Relationships

Grades are given by people – your teachers. Even with a bad relationship, they will be required to give you “five” if all tasks are completed correctly. But this is only possible in theory. In practice, an excellent student should have a good relationship with most teachers - in this case, they will be more supportive and, most likely, turn a blind eye to some of your shortcomings and shortcomings.

Striving for the ideal and absolute perfectionism are not always beneficial.

Adapt to adult life in society in your school years: learn to build relationships with people. This does not mean that you should suck up to teachers and run errands for them. Just treat them like a human being - be positive and kind. Do not refuse if you are asked to do something - take part in an event, hang curtains, and so on.

This also includes relationships with classmates. It's hard to study in a class where everyone hates you or shuns you. High achievers, on the other hand, often withdraw into themselves or become conceited, and ignore their classmates. Nobody canceled children's envy. But even as a successful student, it is quite realistic to maintain good relations, if not with everyone, but with many in your environment. Be more sociable, more communicative. Come to the rescue, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of.

Step #4 - Lifestyle

How to become an excellent student in the classroom if you spend 8 hours in in social networks Or computer games? When to do homework if you are constantly on the street or with friends? What to do if you do not get enough sleep and feel disgusting? No way. If you want to get only excellent grades, try to lead an appropriate lifestyle. This will help you feel better, increase efficiency, attention, and stimulate your mental activity.

What to pay attention to first of all:

  1. Get enough sleep - sleep 7-8 hours or more if required.
  2. Follow the regime - go to bed at the same time.
  3. Eat right - your diet should not consist of snacks and soda.
  4. Count the time - you should turn to time management already in your school years.
  5. Plan your day - plan your day. First do your homework and only then go for a walk, watch TV shows and hang out on social networks.
  6. Rest - your life should not consist only of studying.
  7. Develop your horizons - read more, watch documentaries.

Do not deprive yourself of childhood and youth - allow yourself to relax, communicate with peers, have fun and do what you love. Being an honor student does not mean that you have to withdraw and constantly study. Education is not 24/7 cramming. This is a comprehensive, multifaceted development. You can't become happy man spending all the time surrounded by textbooks. At the same time, it is important to be responsible and fulfill the obligations assumed.

Step #5 - Work

This is one of the key steps. Whether you become an excellent student or not will depend on your work. It is necessary to devote a lot of time to training and additional education. Practice shows that it is not enough just to do homework. The evaluation criteria are such that you must know more than what is written in the textbook. It is important to develop your horizons, to do a lot of extra work. Read more, use popular educational resources and mobile applications If possible, work with tutors.

Do not put off work for tomorrow, do not make indulgences for yourself. At the same time, working around the clock is also not an option - here it is important to show ingenuity and talent to keep up with everything.

Don't waste time on useless activities. If you cannot solve a problem, see how similar tasks are solved and find the root of your problem. In the summer, read books from the literature program - do this during school year is simply impossible.

Modern technologies and the Internet give a person access to all world knowledge. Learning becomes easier and more convenient, despite the ever-increasing workload. Look for the ways that are most convenient for you. If you don't want to read a chapter from a textbook, load it into the program and ask your phone to read it. If you can’t figure out questions about history, read about the event in more detail, watch a thematic documentary. Make the most of technological opportunities for your education.

Step #6 - Initiative

The stereotypical image of an excellent student implies strict adherence to school instructions and a complete lack of initiative and independence. It doesn't suit us. Be proactive and suggest options. Be active - participate in activities. Do not listen to the teacher with your mouth open - ask questions, initiate in-depth study of topics. At the same time, try to refuse condemnations towards teachers and classmates - this will not lead to good things.

You don't have to do it "out of the blue". It is very important that you enjoy the learning process itself. This requires motivation, which we talked about above, and initiative. You are the creator of your own education - it depends only on you what knowledge you will receive. Do not rely on teachers, do not think that they will tell you everything, show and prompt. They physically cannot do it. If you want something to work out, do it yourself. Initiate your learning, don't be passive and withdrawn.

Step #7 - Creating an image

You must meet the status of an excellent student. In this case, additional responsibility is imposed on you. You are not expected to act badly, behave aggressively, and be unprepared for the same lessons. Don't worry if this happens a few times. But it’s bad if you start deliberately spoiling your reputation. It is very important to create and maintain the image of a successful student. For this:

  • Try not to let people down.
  • Be positive and open.
  • Don't provoke conflict.
  • Strive for knowledge no matter what.
  • Be active, take the initiative.

This does not mean that you do not have the right to make mistakes. We all make mistakes, and there is no tragedy in this. But you must not deliberately spoil your reputation, you must value it.

The period of growing up is associated with strong emotional experiences. Still, it is worth trying to control your emotions as much as possible and think about your actions.


The 7 steps to success only seem simple. To become an excellent student, you need to work hard. Lots of. You can't give up and give up. It is necessary to constantly analyze what you are doing, find new options and solutions, use opportunities and chances. If you make a mistake, you can correct it. But if you stop halfway, it will be incredibly difficult to go back and continue what you started. Go to your goal.

Maria Kositsyna

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, head of the Student Projects Support Center of Tyumen State University.

Any girl wants to be the prettiest and smartest in the class. And if for the first it is enough to take care of yourself and your clothes, then the second requires a little more effort. Of course, in any class there are both losers and good students, but still many people want to study for one five. Let's figure out how to become an excellent student in school.

You must understand that you will have to work, because nothing happens for nothing, but then your life will change. Excellent students have their own advantages: they are respected by teachers, they are given indulgences much more often than everyone else.

How to be an excellent student in school? This question is asked by many girls who want to graduate with a medal and enter a prestigious university. First you need to declare yourself as a responsible student. But that doesn't mean you can't have other hobbies. You can attend any sports section or circle. Remember that your success will largely depend on the opinion that you create about yourself. The most annoying thing is when you study well, but up to five is a little bit not enough. To cross this line, you just need to put in a little more effort. But the question at school "should not be the most important thing for you, it should not add to your health problems.

You need to start with Many are hindered by the belief that they are not given a good education. Sometimes misunderstandings with the teacher become the main reason for poor grades. Take a closer look at the lessons themselves, and not at the teacher, and try to find something interesting for yourself. Grab the interest, it is the main component of a good study. If you like the subject, then you will learn it with ease and joy. Remember that you must complete the assignments yourself, as to become an excellent student at school without own desire impossible.

Of course, a lot depends on the teacher too, but if you don't get along with him or understand his explanations, it simply means that you need to study more on your own. Try to fulfill all his requirements, but do not suck up. Show him your respect by doing homework and attending classes. Feel free to ask questions to the teacher if something is not clear to you. Learn to work without being distracted by extraneous matters.

In order to answer the question of how to become an excellent student at school, it is enough to draw up a work plan correctly. The main key to success in this matter is not the number of hours spent in class, but the amount of material understood and assimilated. It is better to do homework on the day when they were assigned, because you will not have time to forget the topic you have covered yet, and you will have time to ask the teacher for help if you come across a difficult task. Rules and theorems need to be read carefully and delve into their meaning. Mere memorization will not help you remember them.

The characteristic for an excellent student-graduate of the school is almost the same as for any other student. The only difference is good grades and a responsible attitude to study. Remember that everyone can become an excellent student, you just have to want and start working.