Business Council. Administration of the Municipal Formation Tikhoretsky District Entrepreneurship Council



dated January 16, 2009 No. 28

stanitsa Leningradskaya

About the Council for Entrepreneurship of the municipality

Leningradsky district

In order to implement public policy in the field of support and development of small business in the municipality of the Leningrad region, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russian Federation”, Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated April 04, 2008 No. 1448-KZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Krasnodar Territory”, in accordance with Article 23 of the Charter of the municipality, decides:

1. To approve the Composition of the Council for Entrepreneurship of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District (Appendix No. 1).

2. Approve the Regulations on the Council for Entrepreneurship of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District (Appendix No. 2).

3. Decree of the Head of the Leningradsky District dated February 7, 2003 No. 89 “On the Council for Entrepreneurship in the Leningradsky District” shall be considered invalid.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the first deputy head of the municipality V.G. Prokopets.

5. This resolution comes into force from the date of its signing and is subject to publication in the newspaper "Stepnye Zori" and posting on the official website of the administration of the municipal formation of Leningradsky district on the Internet.

Head of the municipality

Leningradsky district S.V. Garkusha


to the decision of the administration
Leningradsky district
dated 07.06.2019 No. 452


Leningradsky district
dated January 16, 2009 No. 28


Municipal Entrepreneurship Council
Leningradsky district


Fedor Nikolaevich

Acting Head of the Municipal Formation, Chairman of the Council;


Alexander Nikolaevich

Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation, Deputy Chairman of the Council;


Vladimir Ivanovich

Acting Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation, Head of Department Agriculture and Food Administration;


Tatyana Vasilievna

Head of Department economic development,
consumer and information technologies administration of the municipality, secretary of the Council;

Alexander Anatolievich

Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Municipal Formation;


Vitaly Nikolaevich

Head of the department of the consumer market and services of the administration of the municipality;

Rita Grigorievna

Head of the department of property relations of the administration of the municipality;

Aleksey Aleksandrovich

Director of Lenkomplexinvest LLC (as agreed);

Vladimir Alexandrovich

Head of KFH "Teply Stan" (as agreed);


Vladimir Vladimirovich

Director of Zavety Ilyich LLC (as agreed);


Nikita Alexandrovich

Director of Ermak LLC (as agreed);


Igor Vasilievich


Eduard Vasilievich

Individual entrepreneur, head of the peasant farm (as agreed);

Sergey Nikolaevich

Individual entrepreneur, (as agreed);


Olga Alexandrovna

Individual entrepreneur (as agreed).


Artem Olegovich

Individual entrepreneur (as agreed);


Igor Nikolaevich

General manager OOO "Leningradsky Karavay" (as agreed);

Alexander Alexandrovich

Founder of Junker Firm LLC (as agreed);


Sergey Valerievich

Director of Energocenter LLC (as agreed).


heads of the municipality

Leningradsky district F.N. Gordienko

Leningradsky district
dated January 16, 2009 No. 28


about the Council for Entrepreneurship of the municipality

Leningradsky district

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of April 04, 2008 No. 1448-KZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Krasnodar Territory”, regulations of the Council of the Municipal Formation of the Leningrad Region and the Head of the Municipal Formation of the Leningrad Region.

1.2. The Entrepreneurship Council of the Leningradsky District Municipal Formation (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a permanent advisory body formed to ensure practical interaction between local governments and the population of the Leningradsky District Municipality engaged in entrepreneurial activities, to consolidate their interests in order to develop proposals on the main directions of entrepreneurship development in the territory municipality and participation in the implementation of the economic policy of the municipality.

1.3. The Council in its work is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations.

2. Main tasks of the Council

2.1. Preparation of proposals on the following issues:

A) the formation of new approaches to the development of entrepreneurship in the municipality of the Leningrad region, their reflection in the municipal target program for the development and support of small business;

B) improving interaction public associations entrepreneurs and business entities with local self-government bodies of the municipality of the Leningrad region on the basis of transparency;

C) improvement of the regulatory legal framework local self-government bodies that regulate entrepreneurial activity in the municipality of the Leningradsky District, including in the financial and credit, tax, property and investment areas, as well as the elimination of administrative barriers to the development of entrepreneurship;

D) expanding opportunities to improve the educational level of entrepreneurs;

E) creating conditions for the economic interest of business entities, attracting entrepreneurs and financial resources to solve social and economic problems relevant for the municipality of the Leningrad region.

2.2. Contribute to the formation of a positive public opinion about entrepreneurial activity and structures that support the development of entrepreneurship in the territory of the municipality, by disseminating the positive experience of business entities and relevant organizations.

2.3. Involvement of business entities in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of entrepreneurship development;

2.4. Promotion and support of initiatives aimed at the implementation of state policy in the field of entrepreneurship development in the municipality of the Leningrad region;

2.5. Conducting a public examination of draft regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies of the municipality of the Leningrad region, regulating the development of entrepreneurship;

2.6. Involvement of citizens, public associations and representatives of funds mass media to the discussion of issues related to the realization of the right of citizens to entrepreneurial activity, and the development of recommendations on these issues.

3. Rights of the Council

3.1. To perform the tasks assigned to it, the Council performs the following functions:

1) Takes decisions on issues considered at the meeting of the Council.

2) Develops and submits proposals for improving the regulatory legal acts of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region on the elimination of administrative barriers that impede the development of entrepreneurship.

3) Involves, in the prescribed manner, in the work of the Council representatives of sectoral (functional) bodies of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district, heads public organizations, small businesses, entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.

4) Hear at its meetings the relevant officials on matters within the competence of the Council.

5) Requests from authorities state power, other organizations and officials information on issues within the competence of the Council.
6) Interacts with public authorities on issues within the competence of the Council.

7) Takes part in the development and implementation of the municipal target program"On the development of small businesses in the municipal formation of the Leningrad region".

8) Makes proposals to the normative - legal acts in the form of projects on issues requiring a decision by the head of the municipality or the Council of the municipality.

9) Considers the participation of business entities in regional and settlement events, determines the boundaries of this participation.
10) Makes proposals for the provision of financial and property support to business entities in priority areas of development.
11) Considers materials on violation current legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of the functioning of the consumer market and in terms of protecting the rights of consumers in the territory of the municipality of Leningradsky district.

12) Considers appeals and proposals of legal and individuals on the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in the territory of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region.

13) Considers appeals on issues of overcoming administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship, facts of unreasonable inspections, develops proposals for pre-trial settlement arising disputes and disagreements.

14) Provides control over the execution of decisions taken by the Council.

4. Composition of the Council

4.1. The Council is formed from representatives of the administration of the municipality, heads of enterprises and organizations, reputable entrepreneurs.

4.2. The composition of the Council is approved by the head of the municipality.

4.3. The Chairman and members of the Council work in the Council on a voluntary basis.

5. Organization of the activities of the Council

5.1. The main form of work of the Council is meetings. Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman.

5.2. The council works on a permanent basis. Scheduled meetings of the Council are convened as needed, but at least once a quarter.

Unscheduled meetings of the Council are convened by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman. Grounds for unscheduled meetings are well-reasoned proposals of Council members with a list of issues proposed for discussion and the date of convocation.

5.3. Members of the Council participate in its work personally. The meeting of the Council is considered competent if more than half of its members, including the Chairman of the Council or the Deputy Chairman, are present at it.

5.4. Decisions of the Council are taken by a simple majority vote of the members of the Council present. V individual cases decisions of the Council may be taken by poll. Decisions and recommendations of the Council on topical issues of entrepreneurship, by decision of the Council, are brought to the attention of the administration of the municipality of the Leningrad region, the Council of the municipality of the Leningrad region, financial management Department for Finance, Budget and Control of the Krasnodar Territory in the Leningradsky District, sectoral (functional) bodies of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District and organizations according to the ownership of the decisions made.

5.5. The meeting of the Council and the decisions taken are reflected in the minutes of the meeting. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the Council.

5.6. The secretary of the Council is responsible for preparing and holding a meeting of the Council, as well as monitoring the implementation of its decisions.

5.7. Chairman of the board:
1) manage the work of the Council;
2) hold meetings of the Council;
3) approves the work plans of the Council and reports on their implementation;
4) signs the protocols and other documents adopted by the Council;
5) coordinates the activities of the working groups created by the Council.
5.8. Council Secretary:
1) prepare documents for consideration at a meeting of the Council;
2) inform the members of the Council on the activities of the Council;
3) keeps records of all documents, appeals and other materials submitted for consideration by the Council.
5.9. Council Members:
1) participate in the meetings of the Council;
2) make proposals to the work plan of the Council, as well as on issues within the competence of the Council;
3) prepare conclusions on draft decisions of the Council;
4) make proposals on convening extraordinary meetings of the Council.
5.10. Control over the activities of the Council is carried out by the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region.
5.11. The termination of the activities of the Council is carried out by decision of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region.

First Deputy Head
municipal formation V.G. Prokopets

© The President of Tatarstan at the Entrepreneurship Council 06:00 / 16 Jan. 2018

A serious discussion broke out around the expediency of holding an entrepreneurial council in Tatarstan. Opponents note that there are more officials in the hall than businessmen, opponents deny this.

The main discussion about the Council on Entrepreneurship unfolded the day before in the Telegram channel "Failure". The authors noted that there were more officials than businessmen in the forefront and even marked them with red dots.

Business Ombudsman Assessment Timur Nagumanova disagrees with the data in the photo. More than 280 entrepreneurs were counted in his department, which accounted for only about a hundred different officials.

"Red button for business"

The team of the Russian business ombudsman was the first to present their development Boris Titov, who is running for President of Russia. human rights activist Alexander Khuruji told about new system"Nabat", which is designed as mobile app for business. The developers decided to make Tatarstan a testing region. Thanks to the application, any entrepreneur will be able to press the "red" button, Titov's team will have to provide assistance to the business within 24 hours. First of all, this button solves the problem of sudden unscheduled inspections of companies that are accustomed to sin by supervisory authorities.

In 2015, Khuruji himself ended up in jail because of a seemingly economic dispute between his company and IDGC of the South, the largest grid company in the Southern Federal District. The latter lost the case against JSC Energia Khurudzhi in the Arbitration Court and was forced to pay 500 million rubles. But, as is often the case in Russia, instead of settling the dispute peacefully, she decided to transfer the case to a criminal plane. Khuruji was accused of embezzling those same 500 million rubles.

Then Titov personally stood up for the businessman. Therefore, for an entrepreneur from Rostov who went through fire, water and copper pipes, the issue of inspections and abuse by supervisory authorities is not only a good attempt to systematize work in Russia as a whole, but also a personal story.

The fact that such cases also appear periodically in Tatarstan is no secret to anyone. Now entrepreneurs will have a “red button”, time will tell how effective it will be.

Environmental problems from the mouths of large and not very large players in the MSW market

Much was said this time about the reform of waste management. In the near future, a regional operator should appear in Tatarstan, as in other regions. There will most likely be two of them in the republic. They will be responsible for garbage collection throughout Tatarstan. Most likely they will be RT-Invest and Mekhuborka.

The day before, the director of Rt-Invest spoke at a meeting of the Council on Entrepreneurship Sergey Bogatov. According to him, from January 1, 2016, for the negative impact on environment the fee should be paid not by entrepreneurs, as it was before, but by the landfills themselves and regional operators. Due to the fact that there is still no re-operator in Tatarstan, the payment for the negative impact fell entirely on the waste management companies, in fact, on the landfills. The total cost of the payment for the year in the republic is about 264 million rubles, which is one third of the total revenue of landfills.

The operators were able to lobby for the abolition of the fee for the negative impact for the transition period of 2016-2017, it was assumed that during this time the reform of the MSW market would take place, but it stalled. In 2018, companies are going with incomprehensible working conditions. Bogatov proposed supporting the amnesty for 2018 as well and advocating a differentiated rate, which the Ministry of Construction of Russia proposes to introduce.

The head of the state committee of the republic on tariffs answered Bogatov Marat Zaripov. He said that for 2018 the tariff for the negative impact on the environment was not introduced, but it will be adopted as soon as the issue of the regional operator is resolved. Then this payment will fall on the shoulders of ordinary citizens. Minnikhanov asked where the head of the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan, who is responsible for choosing the regional operator. The official replied that the competition would be held in March 2018, and the reform would be completed by the end of the year.

To change the situation with the payment of companies for 2018, the help of State Duma deputies was needed to raise the problem at the federal level. There was a parliamentarian in the hall Fatih Sibagatullin who promised to fix everything.

Also director of the Volga Ecological Company Olga Gudimova complained about the long issuance of a license for waste management. Operators must obtain a license based on the federal waste classification catalog, but this is constantly changing, because of this, the procedure is stretched to 200 days. It turned out that the problem was solved, so no instructions were given for this case.

We also talked about the absurdity of environmental reporting. It turned out that every year entrepreneurs must submit three reports to Rosprirodnadzor. Entrepreneurs proposed to combine the report and submit it at a convenient time for organizations.

Minnikhanov hinted that no one in the department reads such a pile of papers anyway, so it makes sense to “do some right things for the country.”

Entrepreneurs from the housing sector complained about negligent tenants

They asked for protection from the president of Tatarstan and from ... residents apartment buildings who flooded management companies with complaints. General Director of Brior + Kausaria LLC Kausaria Matrosova told how citizens seriously spoil the life of management companies.

According to her, instead of applying to the Criminal Code, residents are accustomed to scribbling their complaints directly to the State Housing Inspectorate, although many issues can be resolved without involving a government agency. According to Matrosova, it comes to the point of absurdity - citizens demand to replace the light bulb through the State Housing Inspectorate.

The housing and communal services sector is quite closed for residents. Often, residents simply in a boorish form are denied acceptance of complaints and are offered to call other phones. Despite the fact that the owner of an apartment building has concluded an agreement only with the management company, residents are often offered to contact third parties by phone. Suppose, in order to replace the notorious light bulb in the entrance, in Chelny you need to call Zhilenergoservis, with which not a single apartment owner has an agreement.

Yes, and public utilities must fulfill their duties themselves - it should be light in the entrances, regardless of whether there are complaints from residents or not, and the State Housing Inspectorate allows you to set any management company in a working mood. Perhaps, it is precisely because of the efficiency of working with the state agency that more and more residents of the republic turn to it, which naturally cannot be liked by public utilities.

Nevertheless, Matrosova offered a way out of the situation, which could suit the residents as well. She believes that complaints can first come to management company rather than directly to the supervisory authorities. There is positive experience in this direction. We would suggest assigning control over the execution of complaints to the State Housing Inspectorate, which, if it is not executed, will already come and fine the company.

The principle of one window for children's excursions

Entrepreneurs also talked about the bureaucracy in coordinating tourist trips for children. General Director of the Tourist Information Center of Kazan Natalya Abramovich She said that after the well-known accidents, the procedure for coordinating children's travel became too bureaucratic. According to her, in order to organize a trip, it is necessary to pass the coordination of as many as five departments. As a result, transportation of children on excursions has sharply decreased. In Chelny, they practically stopped taking children on excursions, a drop of 95%, in Kazan at the level of 40%.

Abramovich suggested creating a mechanism when it would be possible to coordinate a children's trip on a one-stop basis. According to the entrepreneur, such proposals are already in the government of the republic for approval and are awaiting the president's signature. Minnikhanov asked where the document got stuck.

The head of the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism, Sergei Ivanov, replied that "spelling errors are being cleaned up" in the document. As a result, the document, which allows coordinating children's tourist trips in five days, and not in a month, was promised to be adopted tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The certificate of conformity is valid today, but not tomorrow


Rosakkreditatsiya wakes up and decides to revoke the issued accreditation from the laboratory and cancel all issued protocols. The manufacturer does not know about this and is not trained to read the thoughts of Rosaccreditation. But the inspection authorities are informed about this, which unscheduledly appear on the doorstep of the manufacturer and tell him the disappointing news that he is a violator and must pay a fine and go through the whole procedure again. And, perhaps, soon again to be punished. And so on ad infinitum. There is one scapegoat in this tale. The one who needs it the most is the producer.

One of the most pressing problems for manufacturers was raised by an entrepreneur from Naberezhnye Chelny. Everyone knows that in Russia, in order to be able to sell their products, the manufacturer must obtain a declaration of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

The coordination mechanism is rather complicated in itself. A businessman must apply to Rosakkreditatsiya, get a list of accredited laboratories, hand over products and Required documents, pay for laboratory services, receive a test report for their products, the manufacturer himself sends the report to the certification body, which finally issues a declaration. Everyone seems to be happy, but not for long, Akulchev notes.

The entrepreneur complained that there is no responsibility of the state agency for the revocation of a license from a particular laboratory, therefore only the entrepreneur suffers from this, who, in fact, did not violate anything.

According to the entrepreneur, Rosakkreditatsiya unilaterally issues and revokes accreditations, and the certification body does not always check test reports. To break the vicious circle, it is necessary to distribute and consolidate responsibility at the legislative level.

President of Tatarstan

I think that the entrepreneur must have checked somehow... But, nevertheless, if the laboratory did not have the relevant documents, then it was not entirely correct to fine. It was necessary to give an opportunity, to warn, to say that the certificate is not valid. In general, this should not happen. If this laboratory has the appropriate documents, it should be held responsible, as well as the body that certified it. I am ready to apply to the Russian government, to the State Duma

A discussion on the expediency of an entrepreneurship council began on the Telegram channel

A serious discussion unfolded in the Telegram channel "Failure". Unknown authors compared the meeting of the Council for Entrepreneurship under the President of Tatarstan with the Japanese kabuki theater.

Telegram channel "Failure"

The seventh extended meeting of the Entrepreneurship Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan has already passed. Same - beautiful picture, beautiful costumes, ritual and carefully adjusted action. Like Japanese kabuki theatre. All roles are regulated - there is Tatiyaku - a wise, dexterous, powerful, attractive protagonist. The whole scenario is built around this character. There are also negative personalities - different Katakiyaku, bureaucratic officials, with whom they are trying to fight. With some they fight in absentia, and some are present in the hall. Each session, as in kabuki theater, is divided into acts that can be watched as a separate performance. An important place in it is occupied by the stage, which in a classical theater stands right in the middle of the hall. Each act is ritually unchanged - first, the narrator (who is also a moderator) gives the floor to one of the specially trained noble men or the shogun, and he, entering the stage, begins his sad narration, which is accompanied by mournful music in the kabuki theater, and in our case, also video sequence: Somewhere again in the housing and communal services, ordinary people are oppressed And this injustice Obscures my views of Fuji After finishing the story, he leaves and all attention switches to the wise Tatiyaka. As befits a hero, Tatiyaku immediately delves into the problem and immediately issues a verdict. At the same time, various Katakiyakus guilty of the problem are called on the stage, who, according to tradition, mutter something guilty in their defense. But Tatiyaka cannot be fooled - an instruction should be given to the negligent to urgently fix everything. Mournful music sounds again, and then a transition to another act follows ... No words - a very original and folklore performance! This is only in Tatarstan and Japan. But, besides the therapeutic and aesthetic effect, there must be something else! First, in the television picture, there are only Katatiyaku officials near Tatiyaku. But, where, in fact, commoners-entrepreneurs? Why do they huddle in the back of the stage - although the performance is dedicated to them? Secondly, where are the reports on the results of past performances? After all, they have already been going on for two years - a lot of issues should be resolved. Moreover, this council met for the first time this year - the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so just curiosity tears apart - what was done last year of the Red Fire Rooster? But we believe that such meetings are still not a dogma, not an action frozen once and for all in ritual frameworks, but a living organism that can change. Unlike the centuries-old kabuki theatre.

The criticism voiced in the Telegram channel was answered in the Office of the Business Ombudsman. According to the body, 276 entrepreneurs and 109 officials took part in the meeting. The vast majority of entrepreneurs present are active participants project teams advice. Those who, over the past three months, have been offering solutions to systemic business problems, have been working on options together with the authorities in the framework of meetings of project groups. The draft decisions voiced by entrepreneurs at the council are really well prepared. Businessmen, experts and government officials have been working for months at the council site to present high-quality, detailed, effective solutions.

Nagumanov was blamed for the fact that prepared questions from pre-instructed businessmen are voiced at council meetings.

The office of the business ombudsman responds that in order to prepare for the seventh meeting and develop decisions, entrepreneurs held more than 60 such meetings and meetings in the council, at each of which a decision was worked out. Most of the meetings were held at the "Headquarters" - an open and convenient platform for communication between business and government, to which every entrepreneur has access. All entrepreneurs participating in the council meeting are representatives of small businesses. During the previous meetings of the council, the speakers were: farmers and shopkeepers in the villages, owners of small cafes, private kindergartens and medical clinics.

The Council was formed in May 1990 in accordance with a tripartite agreement between the Moscow City Council, the Moscow City Executive Committee and the Moscow Union of Cooperatives.

The Council is a body of expert, informational and advisory support for the activities of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses.

The Council includes the heads of various public associations, unions, associations of small and medium-sized businesses, support structures, scientists, reputable entrepreneurs, as well as advisers to the prefects of the administrative districts of Moscow on small and medium-sized businesses.

Council tasks: improving the state policy regarding small business in Moscow, researching and summarizing the problems of small businesses, protecting the legal rights and lobbying the interests of small businesses in the authorities of Moscow, improving the regulatory framework for small businesses, attracting entrepreneurs to solve the most important socio-economic problems of the city .

The main activities of the Council:

  • Organizes interaction with industry, professional and territorial associations, unions and associations of small and medium-sized businesses, other business structures.
  • Carries out constant interaction with the executive body of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow government, responsible for supporting and developing small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow, to develop agreed decisions and improve state policy in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Carries out interaction with departments, committees, prefectures of the administrative districts of Moscow and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow on the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Involves representatives of the business community and entrepreneurs in the preparation of decisions of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, in the development of measures to provide organizational, financial, logistical and other assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, associations, unions, associations, and others non-profit organizations and structures to support small and medium businesses.
  • Carries out preparation and public examination of draft legal acts of the city of Moscow affecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Takes part in the prescribed manner in the development and implementation of federal, city, territorial and sectoral programs for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Participates in the development of other city programs aimed at solving urgent socio-economic problems of the city of Moscow, involving small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow, their associations, unions and associations in their implementation.
  • Conducts an examination of projects and programs in the field of small and medium-sized businesses and recommends them for implementation.
  • Participates in the work of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow to provide property support to small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, carried out in the form of transfer to the possession and (or) use of state property owned by the city of Moscow, including including land plots, buildings, structures, structures, non-residential premises, equipment, machines, mechanisms, installations, Vehicle, inventory, tools, on a reimbursable basis, free of charge or on preferential terms.
  • Summarizes the opinions of entrepreneurs on topical issues of doing business and brings to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow a consolidated position of the business community on these issues.
  • In order to carry out its activities, the council:

    Attracts experts and consultants from among scientists, reputable entrepreneurs, representatives of government bodies and other specialists to work in the council;

    Forms temporary and permanent creative teams, commissions, expert and working groups;

    Requests and receives in accordance with the established procedure from departments, committees, prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, administrations of districts of the city of Moscow and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow the necessary information, analytical, reference and statistical materials, as well as legal acts;

    Carries out interaction with public expert councils on small and medium-sized businesses under the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.