Advantages and disadvantages of the “inek-analyst. Pc "financial analyst"

INEK-Analyst is one of the most famous series software products firm INEK, which allows you to perform the entire range of planning and analysis of the activities of enterprises.

INEK-Analyst software products are used for the following purposes:

  1. Internal analysis of the enterprise and the development of a plan for its development. CFOs, managers of enterprises, as well as external managers identify production and financial problems of the enterprise, assess the efficiency of its work structural units, develop a business plan, choose the most promising areas of activity, prepare representative documents to attract additional financial resources, assess the feasibility of enterprise restructuring.
  2. External analysis and control of the activities of enterprises... Organizations using the Analyst series software products for external analysis and control of enterprises' activities primarily include:
    • Organs government controlled monitoring financial condition enterprises of the city, region and decisive issues of providing enterprises with financial assistance, exercising control over the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise and joint stock companies with a share of state ownership;
    • Credit departments of commercial banks those who make decisions on granting loans to enterprises and organizations;
    • Holdings evaluating the efficiency of the branches and the prospects for their development;
    • Suppliers assessing the ability of an enterprise to pay for goods and services;
    • Auditing and consulting firms assessing the financial and economic condition of enterprises and developing long-term plans for their development;
    • Investors evaluating investment attractiveness Russian objects;
    • Insurance organizations analyzing the financial and economic condition of the policyholders.

This dual orientation of the programs allows enterprises in need of financial investments to represent in organizations that provide financial support, well-prepared documents and "talk" with them in the same language. At the same time, the use of the programs of this series by organ specialists state power makes it possible to create a single information space of the region and to constantly monitor the financial condition of economic entities in cities, regions, republics. In other words, programs of the "Analyst" series solve the problem of "transparency" of enterprises and provide full information about their financial potential.

What tasks can be solved by software products of the INEK-Analyst series?

The result of working with the software package is comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the current state of the enterprise and well-trained, meeting the requirements of leading Russian and international financial institutions business plan, which favorably distinguishes INEK-Analyst from software products of a similar class. Thus, in the process of working with INEC-Analyst, the following tasks are solved:

  • analysis of the production and financial activities of the enterprise;
  • monitoring, comparison, assessment of business value;
  • development, analysis and evaluation of business development plans;
  • plan-fact control of enterprises engaged in the production and provision of services.

Commercial reasons to choose software products of the INEK-Analyst series:

  1. Developed and implemented in the programs of the series a unique method for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise, as well as the automatically generated Financial Opinion on the activities of the enterprise and the Comprehensive Assessment of its financial condition greatly facilitate the work of analysts.
  2. The undoubted advantage of all programs of the complex is the mechanism that provides each user the ability to create your own analysis methods describing the algorithms for calculating the indicators used in them. When creating your own analysis methods, you do not need to be a programmer, since an extremely accessible mechanism is provided for selecting formulas for calculating indicators with the ability to view them in words and form your own comments on the created indicators.
  3. The mechanism for transforming initial forms into analytical reports, the articles of which have the same economic content as of any reporting date, embedded in the programs of the INEC-Analyst series, provides correctness and objectivity of the financial condition of enterprises in dynamics over a number of years. At the same time, the program uses the Russian accounting statements for different periods, starting from 1991.

Technical reasons to choose software products of the INEK-Analyst series:

  • the ability to use both local and network versions in work (when using network versions, the Security Administrator software product is additionally supplied, designed to administer the access of program users to their functional and informational components);
  • software products of the "Analyst" series are implemented in the client-server architecture and are used as a database - Interbase, corporation Inprise (software products ARM-Analyst "- ORACLE). The client part of the programs is implemented using Delphi Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools. The database structure is developed and supported by modern CASE technologies.

Composition of software products of the INEK-Analyst series:

A series of software products is designed in such a way that each client can choose the appropriate tool for solving financial and economic problems, depending on the tasks facing the enterprise and its financial capabilities.

The programs of the "Analyst" series differ in the range of tasks to be solved. The original program "INEK-AFSP" contains a minimum set of calculations. Each subsequent one, along with new functions, includes the capabilities of the previous one: INEC-Analyst (T) "- a specialized software product that solves the problems of financial and economic analysis, monitoring, comparison, planning the activities of trade organizations.

  • PC " INEK-Holding"- completes the series, intended for financial and economic analysis, monitoring, comparison, planning and plan-fact control of enterprises and organizations of all types of activities (production, services, trade, others).
  • PC " Banking Analyst»- financial analysis, calculation of provisions for loans, business valuation, analysis of the feasibility study of the loan, plan-fact control.
  • INEC - Analyst is one of the oldest financial analysis programs. Its release began around 1991, at the moment it has several tens of thousands of users, and was also recommended by the Bankruptcy Office. Considering this program from the side of financial analysis, it is one of the strongest systems, primarily in terms of methodological content.

    Working with the INEK - Analyst software package allows for a comprehensive analysis of the economic and financial activities of an organization in dynamics over a number of periods:

    • vertical, as well as horizontal analysis of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet;
    • indicators of losses and profits (financial results);
    • outflow and inflow indicators Money;
    • performance indicators that characterize the profitability of the return on investments and activities in general;
    • solvency indicators, revealing the ability of an enterprise to pay off current debts, as well as the likelihood of bankruptcy of the enterprise;
    • indicators financial sustainability that characterize the degree of independence from external sources of credit and financing;
    • indicators of the market valuation of the enterprise, which make it possible to compare its book value with the market value;
    • the rate of change in prices for finished products, goods and services, main types material resources, as well as costs;
    • the effectiveness of the sale and production of each type of goods and products is analyzed;
    • investigates the dynamics of the structure of revenue, cost, movement of products, costs of circulation of resources, as well as goods in the warehouse;
    • spending as well as receipt of funds;
    • the financial strength of the enterprise and the break-even point; factor analysis profit dynamics; efficiency from the use of fuel and energy, material and raw materials and other resources
    • efficiency from the work of administrative and management personnel,
    • the share of wages in revenue and commercial margin; distribution of indirect costs in proportion to direct material costs, for wages, all direct costs, sales proceeds or volumes of products produced.

    From all this variety of coefficients and indicators, the software product selects the main ones that characterize all aspects of the enterprise's activities - the riskiness of the business and the financial stability of the enterprise, the efficiency of activities, the short-term and long-term prospects of solvency, the quality of enterprise management is investigated. Based on the necessary selected indicators, the comprehensive assessment financial condition with the subsequent assignment of the enterprise to one of the groups (highly profitable enterprises that have excellent chances for development; enterprises with satisfactory profitability, enterprises that are on the verge of financial stability, enterprises that are in deep crisis;). Using the specified integrated indicator allows you to track financial changes, the position of an enterprise in dynamics, as well as determine its rating in relation to other enterprises.

    The software product "INEK-Analyst" helps to assess the results of the organization's activities in filling the budgets of different levels (federal, municipal, regional).

    The indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise can be analyzed for a specified period, as well as in dynamics for several months, years or quarters, and compared with the recommended values. The analysis can be carried out not only by the initial values, but also by the chain and basic rates of their growth and growth. The results of the analysis performed can be automatically converted into any type of currency.

    The software product "INEK-Analyst" facilitates the formation of its own method of financial analysis, while describing the algorithms for calculating the indicators used. During the creation of his own analysis methods, the programmer is given the opportunity to use both analytical and initial data: balance sheet, additional data on the balance sheet and report, statement of financial results, analytical balance sheet and report, cash flow, reformed balance sheets. Creating your own analysis methods is simplified, since the user is provided with an extremely accessible mechanism for selecting formulas for calculating indicators with the ability to form their own comments on the created indicators, as well as view in words.

    When working with the software package, it becomes possible to:

    • view a graphic clip with text explanations.
    • carry out a detailed economic and financial analysis based on calculated analytical tables and graphs;
    1. 2.6. Computer technologies for analytical support of the financial management information base
      Analyzing data financial statements an enterprise requires daily structuring of a large amount of source data and constant use statistical methods processing of financial information, which is ensured by the ability to obtain and analyze the basic indicators of financial statements using computer technology. Use of computer programs for analysis purposes
    2. 6.1.3. Alt-Finance
      The Alt-Finance software product is designed to perform a comprehensive assessment of the company's activities, identify the main trends in its development, calculate the basic standards for planning and forecasting, and assess the company's creditworthiness. Detailed financial analysis and managerial interpretation of the results obtained will allow you to find the optimal way of development,
    3. 6.1.5. Financial Analysis + Business Valuation Program
      linec- Analyst Audit Expert lAlt- Finance Excel Financial Analysis lFinancial analysis + Business valuation Possibility of export from 1C + + - + + Possibility of building graphs and charts + + - + + Calculation of financial ratios + + + + + Possibility of using integral methods + + + - Requirement for the presence on the computer Microsoft Office- - + + - Ability to create your own
    4. conclusions
      Today there are many computer programs that allow you to carry out financial analysis and even carry out the forecast de-; gentle company flows. Among them are the INEC-Analyst and Audit Expert programs. These programs, in addition to calculating the coefficients and constructing graphs, make it possible to choose or develop your own methodology for analyzing and evaluating the financial | financial condition of the company with
    5. Tests
      Please enter the correct answer. Among the software products, they have a business assessment unit: a) lAlt-Finance b) Audit Expert c) LINEK-Analyst d) all answers are correct Calculation financial ratios is performed in software products: a) lALt-Finance b) Excel Financial Analysis c) LINEK-Analyst d) all answers are correct The ability to export data from accounting software 1C does not have:
    6. Analysis of the external environment
      carried out according to the following parameters: the study of fines for goods and services, real estate, securities; tax rates and interest rates on bank loans and deposits; assessment of competitors' activities, etc. Based on the results of the analysis, alternative options are identified, their assessment is carried out and the final management decisions... Key positions in the structure of the financial
      Control working capital- it component management of the whole enterprise. The main goal of enterprise management is to improve the financial condition of the enterprise (to achieve maximum profit and increase the value of the company). The same goal is pursued in the management of working capital. To manage the working capital, a special group must be created at the enterprise,
    8. 18.3.2. Comparative approach to business valuation
      This method is based on the principle of substitution: a buyer will not buy a property if its value exceeds the cost of acquiring a similar property on the market with the same utility. The comparative approach is mainly used where there is a sufficient database of sales and purchases. Key Benefits of the Comparative Approach Valuer focuses on actual prices
    9. 4.5. Organizational and managerial innovation
      In countries with developed market economy it is customary to consider entrepreneurship from the standpoint of belonging to a classical or innovative model. The classical model describes traditional, conservative entrepreneurship, which involves the management of production based on the economical and efficient use of production resources. The innovative model considers the types
    10. 5.1. Economic security
      The nineties of the last century showed that coercive methods in the Russian economy have become permanent and essential element economic life. Over the past fifteen years, professional strong structure both state and non-state. They are actively looking for their niches in business, which speaks volumes about the action in this

    The developer and bearer of the copyright of the INEK-analyst program is the INEK company. The program differs from similar software products in that the result of working with it is a comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the current state of the company, and a well-prepared business plan. The program additionally allows you to perform the entire range of planning activities for enterprises.
    The program allows you to prepare appropriate Russian and international standards investment project, financial recovery plan, feasibility study of a loan, company restructuring program.

    When calculating, the following can be taken into account:
    - planned volumes of production (purchase of goods) and sales of products, goods, services (cost, quantity, price) for specific buyers, taking into account the balance of products and goods in the warehouse;
    - the costs of the company for the production and sale of products, taking into account changes in prices for resources, the amount of products produced, rates of consumption of resources;
    - the need for fixed assets, as well as the need to sell unnecessary equipment with automatic calculation of depreciation deductions;
    - planning income and expenses for non-operating transactions;
    - the need for borrowed funds, taking into account specific credit or leasing agreements with a bank, government authority, foreign investor, etc .;
    - calculation of tax payments taking into account the regional specifics of tax legislation;
    - the need to manage working capital, the schedule of repayment of accounts payable and receivable by counterparties, the introduction of unfinished capital investments.

    Activity planning is possible both in manual mode, and with the use of a module specially designed for this, which allows you to set in percent or indices the rate of growth or growth of indicators for a specific type of products, services, goods (cost, quantity, price), over the entire volume of the company as a whole relative to the base or previous period.
    The program makes it possible to plan the implementation of a specific type of product (purchase of a specific type of resource) in any currency with automatic conversion of data into the main currency selected when creating an option.
    When developing a business plan, the program automatically generates a log of errors made by the user and suggests ways to eliminate them.

    In the process of developing a business plan, the following result tables are automatically generated:
    - financial results;
    - cash inflow and outflow in three ways: direct method, indirect method and by type of activity;
    - analytical forecast balance;
    - calculation of production costs;
    - movement of products, goods and material resources in the warehouse;
    - the schedule of attraction and return of borrowed funds;
    - balance forecast and financial results in the standards of the USA and EU countries (with translation into English).

    The program will allow you to analyze and evaluate the prepared business plan from the point of view of:
    - commercial risk of implementing the prepared business plan;
    - the efficiency of capital investments (net present value, internal rate of return, payback period);
    - the dynamics of the structure of the company's assets and the sources of their formation;
    - financial stability, solvency, liquidity, efficiency of the planned activities;
    - the efficiency of production and sales of each type of product, product, service.

    When analyzing a prepared business plan, you can use the following features:
    - to assess the likelihood of a business plan implementation based on an automatically prepared textual opinion on the financial and economic condition of the company at the time of the business plan implementation;
    - carry out a detailed analysis of the prepared business plan based on analytically calculated tables and graphs.

    The program allows you to determine how large the company's safety margin is, that is, to determine the sensitivity of the results of a business plan to changes in various parameters:
    - discount rates, inflation;
    - changes in the cost of the acquired fixed assets;
    - changes in supplier prices for goods and material resources (raw materials, fuel, energy, etc.);
    - an increase in the wages of workers of the main and auxiliary production, management personnel;
    - an increase in fixed costs;
    - changes in tax legislation;
    - changes in prices for products and goods sold to customers.

    If, when providing assistance to the company, the state acts directly as an investor, allocating funds from the budget, it is impossible to do without assessing the budgetary efficiency of the use of funds. The assessment is based on identifying cash inflows to budgets of all levels and cash outflows from budgets of all levels, as well as on calculating the ratio between these indicators.

    When calculating budgetary efficiency, the following are determined:
    - planned receipts of funds to the budgets of different levels (federal, regional, municipal) with a breakdown by specific types of taxes;
    - risk-free rate of return and net present value;
    - indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of state unitary enterprises and joint stock companies with federal (regional, municipal) ownership.

    The program selects a discount rate that takes into account the alternative efficiency of using the investor's capital and the magnitude of the assessed risks. In the case of nominal cash flows When calculating the discount rate, such important components as the nominal risk-free rate, the real rate (the rate of return expected by the investor, not adjusted for inflation) and the inflation rate (inflation expectations) are taken into account.

    INEK - Analyst is the oldest financial analysis program. It has been released since about 1991, has several thousand users, is recommended by the Bankruptcy Office, etc. From the point of view of financial analysis, this is the most powerful system, primarily in terms of methodological content.

    Usage software package"INEK - Analyst" allows you to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise in dynamics for a number of periods:

    Horizontal and vertical analysis of liabilities and assets of the analytical balance (relative and absolute changes in the structure of property and the sources of its formation);

    Profit and loss indicators (financial results);

    Indicators of cash inflow and outflow;

    Performance indicators characterizing the profitability of activities and return on investments (profitability of activities and capital, turnover of assets and working capital elements);

    Solvency indicators that reveal the company's ability to pay off its current debts and the likelihood of its bankruptcy in the near future (coverage ratio, intermediate coverage ratio, urgent and absolute liquidity, self-financing interval, Beaver ratio, Altman index, etc.);

    Financial stability indicators characterizing the degree of independence of enterprises from external sources of financing (level equity capital, the ratio of debt and equity capital, the ratio of non-current assets coverage by equity and long-term borrowed capital);

    Indicators of the market valuation of the enterprise, making it possible to compare it market value with book value;

    Comparison of the rate of change in prices for products, services, goods and the main types of material resources and costs;

    Analysis of the efficiency of production and sales of each type of product, goods;

    Dynamics of the structure of prime cost, revenue, distribution costs; movement of products, resources and goods in the warehouse;

    Receipt and expenditure of funds;

    Break-even point and financial strength of the enterprise;

    Factor analysis of profit dynamics;

    The efficiency of the administrative and managerial personnel of the enterprise and the dynamics of personnel labor productivity;

    Efficiency of using material and raw materials and fuel and energy resources;

    Sales volume per ruble of costs, revenue and profit per employee;

    Commercial margin and the share of wages in revenue;

    Distribution of indirect costs in proportion to direct costs of wages, direct material costs, all direct costs, sales proceeds or volumes of products produced.

    From the whole variety of indicators and coefficients, the software complex selects the key ones that characterize all sides economic activity enterprises - performance efficiency, business riskiness and financial stability of the enterprise, long-term and short-term prospects of solvency, quality of enterprise management. Based on the selected indicators, a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise is calculated with its assignment to one of four groups (the first is highly profitable enterprises that have excellent chances for further development; second - enterprises with a satisfactory level of profitability, third - enterprises on the brink of financial stability, fourth - enterprises in deep crisis). The use of this complex indicator allows not only to track changes in the financial position of an enterprise in dynamics, but also to determine its rating in relation to other enterprises and organizations.

    The INEK-Analyst software package allows you to evaluate the results of the enterprise's activities on filling the budgets of different levels (federal, regional, municipal).

    The indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise can be analyzed for a specified period or in dynamics over a number of months, quarters or years, as well as compare them with the recommended values. The analysis is carried out not only by the initial values ​​of indicators, but also by the basic and chain rates of their growth and growth. The analysis results are automatically converted into any type of currency.

    The INEK-Analyst software package allows you to form your own methods of financial analysis, describing the algorithms for calculating the indicators used in them. When creating your own analysis methods, the User is given the opportunity to use both initial and analytical data: balance sheet (form 1), income statement (form 2), additional data on the balance sheet and report, analytical balance sheet and report, reformed balances, cash flow funds. When creating your own analysis methods, you do not need to be a programmer, since the User is provided with an extremely accessible mechanism for selecting formulas for calculating indicators with the ability to view them in words and form their own comments on the created indicators.

    The balance sheet and profit and loss statement of the enterprise is presented in Russian and English in the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, USA) and IAS (International Accounting Standards) standards adopted in the EU countries.

    When working with this block of the software package, it is possible to:

    Carry out a detailed financial and economic analysis based on calculated analytical tables and graphs;

    Watch a graphic video with short text explanations;

    Study an automatically prepared 15-page text report with an analysis of the reasons for the situation that has arisen and recommendations for overcoming the crisis or increasing the efficiency of activities;

    Provide the company's management with an automatically prepared short summary of the company's financial situation (3 pages of text and graphs).

    Additionally, an analysis is carried out in accordance with the legislation.

    1. For State Unitary Enterprises:

    Indicators of the economic efficiency of the FSUE (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 320, the Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation N 208 MNS N BG-3-21 / 355-a);

    Financial performance for the Report of the head of the FSUE (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N1116). Financial indicators for the report of the head of the FSUE are not only calculated in the program, but also automatically fill in the Report supplied with the program;

    Financial indicators of the FSUE audit.

    2. Joint stock companies:

    Financial indicators of the issuer's activity (Resolution of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market N 03-32 / ps);

    Indicators of economic efficiency of joint stock companies with a share of federal ownership (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 320, Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation N 208 MNS N BG-3-21 / 355-a);

    Cost estimate net assets for joint stock companies (Order of the RF Ministry of Finance and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market);

    The financial and economic condition of economic entities with a share of the city (Resolution of the Moscow Government N 763).

    3. Financial recovery:

    Rules for conducting financial analysis by an insolvency administrator (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 367 of June 25, 2003);

    The financial condition of agricultural producers (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2003 N 52);

    Debtor's financial stability group (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2003 N 52);

    Analysis and control of enterprises of strategic importance for the national security of the state or socio-economic significance (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 211, FSFO N 295);

    Signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy (Order of the FSFR of Russia N33-r);

    Analysis and examination of the financial condition of organizations (Order of the FSFR of Russia N 16).

    4. Credit organizations:

    Assessment of credit risks and calculation of the amount of provisions for credit requirements (CBR Regulation 254-P);

    Analysis of the financial condition of purchasers of shares (stakes) credit institutions(Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia N 218-P);

    Best regards Young analyst