Order 1183 n on the approval of the nomenclature. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Registration N 27723

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.7. Regulations on the Ministry of Health Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), I order:

Approve the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers according to the application.

Minister V. Skvortsova


Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers

I. Health workers

1.1. Leadership positions:

chief physician(Chief) medical organization;

director of the hospital (home) nursing care, hospice;

deputy head (head) of a medical organization;

manager (head) structural unit(department, department, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - a specialist doctor;

head (chief physician, head) of the structural unit that carries out medical activity, another organization;

home nurse(chief midwife, chief paramedic).

1.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (doctors):

a) medical specialists, including:


obstetrician-gynecologist of the shop medical section;











pediatric cardiologist;

pediatric oncologist;

pediatric urologist-andrologist;

pediatric surgeon;

pediatric endocrinologist;



health center doctor;

infectious disease physician;


doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics;

clinical mycologist;

clinical pharmacologist;



laboratory doctor;[<]*[>]

laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

doctor in aviation and space medicine;

diving medicine doctor;

hygienist for children and adolescents;

food hygienist;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

communal hygiene doctor;


doctor for medical and social expertise;

doctor for medical prevention;

doctor for medical rehabilitation;

general hygienist;

palliative care physician medical care;

radiation hygienist;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

health and hygiene doctor laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

admissions doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

district pediatric psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

teenage district psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency doctor;



pediatric dentist;




forensic medical expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;




adolescent therapist;

district physician;

physician-therapist of the local shop medical section;


thoracic surgeon;



doctor ultrasound diagnostics;




district phthisiatrician;

doctor of functional diagnostics;


maxillofacial surgeon;




senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;

b) a trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist in control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (middle medical staff):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the feldsher-obstetric station - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the cabinet of medical prevention - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of institutions (departments, departments, laboratories) of dental prosthetics;


Dental Technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physiotherapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

general practitioner nurse family doctor);

dietary nurse;

nurse of medical and social assistance;

ward nurse (guard);

nursing nurse;

dressing nurse;

cosmetic nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency calls and transfer them to mobile ambulance teams;

admissions nurse;

procedural nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physiotherapy nurse;

medical disinfector;

medical laboratory technician (medical laboratory assistant);

medical optician-optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;


senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


ambulance paramedic;


ambulance driver.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

nursing assistant;

medical attendant;

housewife sister.

II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Leadership positions:

director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior inspector.

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (medium pharmaceutical staff):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;


2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical staff):


nurse (washer).


1. The positions "chief physician (head) of a medical organization", "deputy head (head) of a medical organization", "head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization" refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities;

2. The names of the positions of the deputy head (head) of the medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, which he supervises. For example, "deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part", "deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part", "deputy head of a medical organization for clinical and expert work", "deputy head of a medical organization for working with nursing personnel" and more.

3. The positions "deputy director (head) of a pharmacy organization", "warehouse manager of a drug wholesale trade organization", "deputy head of a warehouse of a drug wholesale trade organization", "head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization" refer to positions pharmaceutical workers in the event that their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to wholesale trade medicines, their storage and (or) retail medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacture.

4. The name of the position of a doctor is formed taking into account the specialty in which the employee has the appropriate training and work in which is imputed to the circle of his duties. For example, "physician".

5. The titles of the positions of heads (heads) of structural subdivisions (departments, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor corresponding to the profile of the structural subdivision. For example, "the head of the surgical department is a surgeon."

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization providing specialized medical care, the title of the position "doctor of the admissions department" is supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor of the relevant specialty. For example, "the doctor of the emergency department - the doctor of emergency medical care."

7. The names of the positions "obstetrician", "nurseman", "packer" filled by females are named respectively: "midwife", "nurse", "packer"; and the name of the position "nurse", filled by males, is called - "medical brother (nurse)".

[<]*[>] The title of the position "laboratory doctor" is retained for specialists accepted for this position before October 1, 1999.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 N 1183n
"On approval of the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), ​​I order:

A new nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers has been approved.

It applies to all medical organizations (the previous nomenclature applied only to healthcare institutions).

The junior pharmacist is now classified as a middle, and not as a junior pharmacist.

The list of positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education has been shortened. It excludes vocational guidance specialists for the disabled, social work, physiology of labor, ergonomics. Also, the list no longer includes a consultant for vocational rehabilitation of the disabled and an engineer for technical means rehabilitation of the disabled.

The head of the dairy kitchen is assigned to the middle medical staff (previously he was a member of the group of senior positions).

The new nomenclature does not provide for specialists with a secondary vocational (non-medical) education. These included an occupational therapy instructor, a social worker, a technical rehabilitation technician for the disabled, and an industrial training instructor for mass workers.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 N 1183n "On approval of the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers"

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

This document has been modified by the following documents:

The changes come into force 10 days after the day of the official publication of the said order.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia) of December 20, 2012 N 1183n Moscow "On approval of the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers"

Changes and amendments

Registration N 27723

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.7. Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), I order:

Approve the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers according to the appendix.

Minister V. Skvortsova

Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers

I. Health workers

1.1. Leadership positions:

chief physician (head) of a medical organization;

director of the hospital (home) nursing care, hospice;

deputy head (head) of a medical organization;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department, department, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - a specialist doctor;

the head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities, of another organization;

chief nurse (chief midwife, chief paramedic).

1.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (doctors):

a) medical specialists, including:

obstetrician-gynecologist of the shop medical section;

doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics;

manual therapy doctor;

general practitioner (family doctor);

city ​​(district) pediatrician;

doctor in aviation and space medicine;

diving medicine doctor;

hygienist for children and adolescents;

food hygienist;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

communal hygiene doctor;


doctor for medical and social expertise;

doctor for medical prevention;

doctor for medical rehabilitation;

general hygienist;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygienist;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

admissions doctor;

district pediatric psychiatrist;

teenage district psychiatrist;

emergency doctor;

physician-therapist of the local shop medical section;

doctor of ultrasound diagnostics;

doctor of functional diagnostics;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care of mountain rescue units;

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist in control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (middle medical staff):

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the feldsher-obstetric station - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the cabinet of medical prevention - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of institutions (departments, departments, laboratories) of dental prosthetics;

hygiene education instructor;

physiotherapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

nurse of a general practitioner (family doctor);

dietary nurse;

nurse of medical and social assistance;

ward nurse (guard);

nursing nurse;

dressing nurse;

cosmetic nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency calls and transfer them to mobile ambulance teams;

admissions nurse;

procedural nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physiotherapy nurse;

medical laboratory technician (medical laboratory assistant);

operating room nurse;

senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);

ambulance paramedic;

ambulance driver.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

nursing assistant;

II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Leadership positions:

director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (medium pharmaceutical staff):

2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical staff):

1. The positions “chief physician (head) of a medical organization”, “deputy head (head) of a medical organization”, “head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities;

2. The names of the positions of the deputy head (head) of the medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, which he supervises. For example, “deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part”, “deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part”, “deputy head of a medical organization for clinical and expert work”, “deputy head of a medical organization for working with nursing staff” and more.

3. The positions “deputy director (head) of a pharmacy organization”, “warehouse manager of a drug wholesale trade organization”, “deputy head of a warehouse of a drug wholesale trade organization”, “head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization” refer to positions pharmaceutical workers in the event that their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade in medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade in medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacture.

4. The name of the position of a doctor is formed taking into account the specialty in which the employee has the appropriate training and work in which is imputed to the circle of his duties. For example, "physician".

5. The titles of the positions of heads (heads) of structural subdivisions (departments, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor corresponding to the profile of the structural subdivision. For example, “the head of the surgical department is a surgeon”.

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization providing specialized medical care, the title of the position "doctor of the admission department" is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the relevant specialty. For example, "the doctor of the emergency department - the doctor of emergency medical care."

7. The names of the positions "obstetrician", "orderly", "packer", filled by females, are named respectively: "midwife", "nurse", "packer"; and the name of the position “nurse”, filled by males, is called “nurse brother (nurse)”.

The title of the position "laboratory doctor" is retained for specialists accepted for this position before October 1, 1999.

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1183n of December 20, 2012

Adopted: March 28, 2013 (No. 1183n dated 12/20/2012)

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1183n dated December 20, 2012 On approval of the nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers.

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  8. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2014 N 183n "On approval of the list of medicines for medical use subject to quantitative accounting" (as amended) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2014 […]
  9. Order no. 240 of 2013
  10. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2012 No. 66n “On approval of the Procedure and terms for the improvement of professional knowledge and skills by medical workers and pharmaceutical workers through training in additional professional […]
  11. Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated June 24, 2014 N 412n "On approval model provision on the committee (commission) for labor protection "Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2014 N 412n" On approval of the Model Regulations on the committee […]
  12. Annex 5. Indicator of the organization of the internal control service Information on changes: Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3091-U dated October 25, 2013 amended the Annex, effective January 1, 2014. Appendix 5 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 16 January 2004 […]
  13. the federal law dated November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter road transport and urban ground electric transport" (with amendments and additions) Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground […]

laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

doctor in aviation and space medicine;

diving medicine doctor;

hygienist for children and adolescents;

food hygienist;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

communal hygiene doctor;


doctor for medical and social expertise;

doctor for medical prevention;

doctor for medical rehabilitation;

general hygienist;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygienist;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

admissions doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

district pediatric psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

teenage district psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency doctor;



pediatric dentist;




forensic medical expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;




adolescent therapist;

district physician;

physician-therapist of the local shop medical section;


thoracic surgeon;



doctor of ultrasound diagnostics;




district phthisiatrician;

doctor of functional diagnostics;


maxillofacial surgeon;


endoscopist; epidemiologist;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;

b) a trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist in control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (middle medical staff):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the feldsher-obstetric station - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the cabinet of medical prevention - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of institutions (departments, departments, laboratories) of dental prosthetics;


Dental Technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physiotherapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

nurse of a general practitioner (family doctor);

dietary nurse;

nurse of medical and social assistance;

ward nurse (guard);

nursing nurse;

dressing nurse;

cosmetic nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency calls and transfer them to mobile ambulance teams;

admissions nurse;

procedural nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physiotherapy nurse;

medical disinfector;

medical laboratory technician (medical laboratory assistant);

medical optician-optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;


senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


ambulance paramedic;


ambulance driver.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

nursing assistant;

medical attendant;

housewife sister.

II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Leadership positions:

director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior inspector.

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (medium pharmaceutical staff):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;


2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical staff):


nurse (washer).


* The title of the position "laboratory doctor" is retained for specialists hired for this position before October 1, 1999.


1. The positions “chief physician (head) of a medical organization”, “deputy head (head) of a medical organization”, “head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities.

2. The names of the positions of the deputy head (head) of the medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, which he supervises. For example, “deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part”, “deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part”, “deputy head of a medical organization for clinical and expert work”, “deputy head of a medical organization for working with nursing staff” and more.

3. The positions “deputy director (head) of a pharmacy organization”, “warehouse manager of a drug wholesale trade organization”, “deputy head of a warehouse of a drug wholesale trade organization”, “head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization” refer to positions pharmaceutical workers in the event that their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade in medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade in medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacture.

4. The name of the position of a doctor is formed taking into account the specialty in which the employee has the appropriate training and work in which is imputed to the circle of his duties. For example, "physician".

5. The titles of the positions of heads (heads) of structural subdivisions (departments, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor corresponding to the profile of the structural subdivision. For example, "the head of the surgical department is a surgeon."

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization providing specialized medical care, the title of the position "doctor of the admission department" is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the relevant specialty. For example, "the doctor of the emergency department is the doctor of emergency medical care."

7. The names of the positions "obstetrician", "orderly", "packer", filled by females, are named respectively: "midwife", "nurse", "packer"; and the name of the position "nurse", filled by males, is called - "medical brother (nurse)".

Document overview

A new nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers has been approved.

It applies to all medical organizations (the previous nomenclature applied only to healthcare institutions).

The junior pharmacist is now classified as a middle, and not as a junior pharmacist.

The list of positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education has been shortened. Specialists in vocational guidance for the disabled, social work, labor physiology, and ergonomics are excluded from it. Also, the list no longer includes a consultant for vocational rehabilitation of the disabled and an engineer for technical means of rehabilitation of the disabled.

The head of the dairy kitchen is assigned to the middle medical staff (previously he was a member of the group of senior positions).

The new nomenclature does not provide for specialists with a secondary vocational (non-medical) education. These included an occupational therapy instructor, a social worker, a technical rehabilitation technician for the disabled, and an industrial training instructor for mass workers.

By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 20, 2012 No. 1183n, the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and (hereinafter referred to as the Nomenclature) was approved. The document contains a number of significant innovations. In particular, it is determined in which cases the positions of “chief physician of a medical organization”, “deputy head of a medical organization”, “head of a structural unit engaged in medical activities of another organization” are classified as medical workers ...

Section I. Medical Workers

More articles in the journal

From Art. 2 of Law No. 323-FZ it follows that medical workers can be called individuals having a medical or other education (for example, in the specialties "chemistry", "biology", " Physical Culture and sport”, etc.), working in a medical organization (or another organization that carries out medical activities along with the main (statutory) activities, or be individual entrepreneurs), and whose labor (official) duties should include the implementation of medical activities.

In turn, medical activity is understood as professional activity providing medical care, conducting medical examinations, medical examinations and medical examinations, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures and professional activities related to transplantation (transplantation) of organs and (or) tissues, circulation of donor blood and (or) its components for medical purposes.

In subsection 1.1 "Leader Positions" Section I of the Nomenclature gives the names of the positions of the heads of the medical organization - medical workers:

Chief physician (head) of a medical organization;

Director of the hospital (home) nursing care, hospice.

At the same time, paragraph 1 of the Notes to the Nomenclature (hereinafter referred to as the Notes) applies to the chief physician (head) of the medical organization and deputy heads of the medical organization (apparently, including the deputy directors of the hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice): “ The positions “chief physician (head) of a medical organization”, “deputy head (head) of a medical organization”, “head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers in the event that if their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities».

In this regard, it should be noted that the qualification characteristics of the heads of medical organizations *, which serves, in particular, as the basis for the development job descriptions containing a specific list official duties taking into account the peculiarities of the work of employees of medical organizations, does not provide for the implementation of the chief physician (chief) directly medical activities in the concept of Art. 2 of Law No. 323-FZ.

An exception could be cases where the position of chief physician (chief) was introduced instead of 0.5 or 1.0 of the rate of a specialist doctor, with the condition that he, along with the administrative duties of the head, fulfill the duties of a specialist doctor in the appropriate amount, as was provided for in non-categorical healthcare institutions in accordance with the previously existing Model staffs of the administrative, managerial and housekeeping personnel of the institutions of the health care system of the USSR.

If paragraph 1 of the Notes refers to the medical activities of the chief physician (head) of a medical organization, deputy heads (head) of a medical organization, carried out by them in the form of combining the position of a specialist doctor in accordance with Art. 151 and 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the wording of paragraph 1 of the Notes should be recognized as incorrect.

In subsection 1.1 of section I of the Nomenclature, the names of the positions of heads of structural divisions of medical organizations are specified: head (head) of a structural unit (department, department, laboratory, office, team, etc.) of a medical organization - specialist doctor. A new position has been introduced - the head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization.

The list of positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (physicians), given in subsection 1.2, is supplemented by a new medical position - palliative care physician.

The position "doctor in the resort business" was excluded from the list. The following positions are excluded from the list of positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education (subsection 1.3 of Section I of the Nomenclature):

specialist in vocational rehabilitation of the disabled;

social work specialist

specialist in labor physiology;

Rehabilitation engineer;

Ergonomic specialist.

The list of positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (middle medical personnel) (subsection 1.4 of section I of the Nomenclature) has been supplemented with the following positions:

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the medical prevention cabinet - paramedic (nurse);

Instructor in occupational therapy (the position was reinstated among specialists with a secondary vocational (medical) education*).

The list of positions of junior medical personnel remained unchanged (subsection 1.5 of section I of the Nomenclature) ...

Unresolved issues

It should be noted that not all positions listed in the “Medical Workers” section of the Nomenclature, in essence, their official duties in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n “On Approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “ Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the field of healthcare”, correspond to the concept of “health worker”, as defined by Art. 2 of Law No. 323-FZ.

It is very problematic to attribute to the number of medical workers engaged in medical activities in the sense that is formulated in the concepts of Art. 2 of Law No. 323-FZ, such positions as a statistician, medical statistician, medical registrar, housewife, zoologist, entomologist. In the same way it could be attributed to medical workers, for example, engineers and technicians who ensure the operation of medical equipment, or food unit workers preparing medical food, etc.