Business plan for the production of vertical blinds. We open our business for the manufacture and installation of blinds

Dear colleagues!

I would like to share some practical tips that will enable you to better sell to end customers, which will also have a positive impact on your wages.

So what are sunscreens for? The consumer is accustomed to hanging only curtains on the window and believes that this is quite enough. However, he is wrong - even the best curtains do not have the functions that blinds have. That is why in Europe and the USA sun protection systems are hung on windows along with curtains, and not instead of them. Blinds protect the room from the sun, curtains decorate it.

So what are the benefits of blinds?

The very name "solar protection systems" explains the purpose of the blinds - they protect from the sun. Curtains also help protect from the sun, but:

1. If the curtain fabric is not special, the curtain still lets the sun's rays through. Because of this, the room is not so dark and not so cool.

2. The curtain only allows you to block the luminous flux, but does not allow you to control them. If horizontal systems, such as Isolite, hang on the window, you can control the light flux - blinds, unlike curtains, can be partially opened. At the same time, the light penetrates the room, but does not hit the eyes or the computer screen.

3. Curtains are not hung directly on the glass, and even if the window is tightly curtained on a hot day, the air between the curtain and the glass is very hot, which ultimately heats the room. And the use of systems such as Isolite, IsotraHit, Rollite or Vegas roll systems allows you to reflect the sun's rays even before they heat the room.

4. or roller blinds can perfectly decorate the room, giving it an extra charm. And this does not mean that the curtains will have to be removed from the window - see photos of how the blinds coexist perfectly on the same window with the curtains on our website.

5. In some cases - in dachas, in kitchens, in offices, in utility rooms - they may be the only window decoration, in these cases curtains may not be hung. Only the price of blinds is significantly cheaper than the cheapest curtains.

6. Luminous flux control is a handy thing. For example, the room may be light, but the sun's rays do not fall on the owner's favorite sofa, and it does not fade.

7. Sun protection systems help reduce the use of air conditioning in the heat. Firstly, it saves money - air conditioning is very gluttonous, and electricity tariffs are rising every year. Secondly, the air conditioner dries the air, which is harmful to the body. Conclusion - blinds exist to protect from the sun. They possess additional features and advantages over curtains, while they are able to decorate the room. Blinds are hung not instead of curtains, but together with curtains.


Buyer misconceptions about sun protection systems are listed in the previous sales book, which is also published on our website. We present them briefly here:

1. "Blinds are instead of curtains." We have already dealt with this. You need to be prepared for this question and clearly know the answer to it.

2. "Blinds are for the office." The misconception arose because at first the blinds were so expensive that private traders could not afford them. Times have changed a long time ago - now PVC windows, air conditioners, and sun protection systems are bought at home no less than in the office.

The choice of systems or How to sell more expensive

If the buyer (with your help) is convinced of the need to purchase sun protection systems, he faces the problem of choice. Horizontal or vertical? or a tree? You can competently and professionally convince a client to buy more expensive blinds, killing three birds with one stone:

1. Decorate your client's space with really high-quality blinds, not cheap horizontal blinds that will bend and stop working in six months.

2. You will increase your self-esteem - you will be proud that you can, unlike others, sell not the cheapest (this can be a fool), but the best. That is, you are a professional sales manager and you can rightly be proud of it.

3. You will earn more. In most firms, the income of a sales manager depends on the size and profitability of the deal. Why not earn more in the same time?

But how to convince the buyer? He asks about the price and when he hears the price of a tree or a roll, he frowns. And having learned that there is a cheap horizontal camera on sale, he immediately chooses it ...

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to disassemble the mechanism of the conclusion of the transaction. And selling blinds to a client is a deal.

A deal is concluded when the subjective assessment of the value of the goods by the buyer more or less coincides with the price of the goods. Let's explain this with an example.

For example, I buy used Zhiguli from you, which you decided, having made good money on the sale of expensive ones, to exchange for a foreign car. I call you on an ad, come, look at the car, look under the hood and ask how much you are asking for your horse. At this moment, I already roughly understand how much I am ready to give for a car, that is, I have already formed a subjective idea - “N dollars for this car is normal, but more is no longer worth it.” Let's say I valued a car at 5,000 because I first looked at similar offers on the Internet, looked at your car and saw some flaws, and so on. If you give me a price of 7000, it will be above my "price idea", and will cause me rejection. Most likely, I will not buy a car for this money. And if you name 5,000 or less, I'll be tempted to buy it.

However, this does not mean that I will never buy it for 7000. You still have a chance - if you tell me about the additional benefits of your product. For example, it is still under warranty. Or she has a boosted engine. Or as a gift you will give me a set of winter tires and leather seat covers. Or eliminate some shortcomings in the operation of the injector. Perhaps then I will reconsider my decision. In a word, we will bargain and discuss your offer until you manage to combine my subjective value of your product and its price. Until you increase the value of the car in my eyes to such a height when the price begins to seem quite reasonable to me. If it doesn't work out for you, I'll buy a car from someone else.

About value - let's a little more, then we still need this word. The buyer never buys a product - he buys the value that this product brings. A person buys a car not just to own it - he buys the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat it brings him. For example, he buys a car to drive to the country in comfort. Or so that everyone can see how rich and successful he is. Or to get high from driving fast.

When a person buys blinds, he does it not just to buy. He buys the comfort and convenience they bring. For example, he buys a shadow that now, after he hung the blinds, falls on his TV instead of the sun that hit it before - now he can watch his favorite series without being annoyed that all the characters on the screen have faded. Or he buys his sound sleep, which is given to him early in the morning by roller blinds with blackout fabric, thanks to which the sun does not interfere with his sleep. Or he buys the pride with which he shows the guests spectacular, stylish from natural materials.

An American marketer said - “The buyer does not need a drill. He needs holes in the wall."

Why is it so important to remember this? Let's look at another example.

You have come to the supermarket to buy milk. you see on the shelf standing side by side two packages. One of them costs 65 rubles, the other - 300. Which one will you buy? I think that the one for 65, because your subjective value (they also say, the “red price”) of this milk is just 65 rubles, maybe lower, but certainly not more. What kind of nonsense - milk for 300 rubles, you ask. And you will be right. But imagine that a consultant is standing next to the shelf, who explains to you that milk for 300 rubles is natural, and not reconstituted from powder, like for 65. And that the cow was milked only this morning. And it is also environmentally friendly, because the cow is quite healthy (here is the certificate!), And all her life she ate only grass grown in an area where there are no plants and factories, and without the use of fertilizer.

Will the price of 300 rubles seem a little more reasonable to you? And if you have, say, a small child whom you try to feed only with clean food? Or are you yourself - an ardent fan of healthy eating? It is quite possible that you will become a buyer of this milk.

What really happened? When you came to the store, you already had a subjective assessment of the value of milk in your head. And when you saw the same (as you thought at that moment) milk at a much higher price, it caused you rejection. But when the sales manager raised the value of this product in your eyes, the price began to seem much more attractive to you.

The same thing happens when buying blinds. The only difference is that most often our buyer comes to your salon or point of sale, not having an idea of ​​the price in his head, not having an idea about the value of the blinds.

When the buyer does not have a clear understanding of the value of the goods, the only value becomes the price.

The price also becomes the only selection criterion when the buyer does not have enough other information.

If it seems to you that all types of milk are exactly the same, you will choose the cheapest one. In the absence of other information, price is the only comparison criterion you can understand. different goods. If you do not know why one sofa is better than another, you will choose the cheapest of them - but how could it be otherwise? If you do not know why one TV is better than another, and there is no one around to explain it to you, you will choose the cheapest one. If you do not understand why some blinds are better than others, you will buy those that are cheaper. When information is not enough, the price comes to the fore, because it is written on the price tag, you see it and understand it well.

In 99% of cases, the buyer takes cheap systems only because he does not know why expensive ones are better.

Most buyers do not know anything about blinds. Ignorance breeds fear - they do not understand how to make a choice. This fear forces them to buy cheaper - so that, in the worst case, not to lose a lot of money. Unless you convince them, of course.

There are clients who do not understand how horizontal systems differ from vertical ones. And if you simply, without additional comments, offer them blinds for 250 rubles per meter and 500, they will choose for 250, because they do not understand what is better for 500.

Up down

If the value that the buyer sees in the product is lower than its price, the seller has two ways - to lower the price or offer a cheaper option (as all non-professional managers do) or to increase the value of the product in the eyes of the buyer (as professionals do). The task is not easy, but quite solvable.

First - a question

To sell systems at a higher price, you need to understand yourself, and then explain to the buyer exactly what values ​​​​he will receive after the blinds hang on his window. This is the first thing to ask the client: “Why exactly do you want to hang sun protection systems? What specific tasks and problems do you want to solve with their help? Only by understanding the needs of customers, you can find out exactly what you can offer him.

If the client is hot from the sun - offer him Isolite, it is very effective in reducing the temperature in the room and protects well from the sun

· If the sun prevents him or his family members from sleeping (for example, wakes up a small child) - offer him blackout roller blinds.

· If he needs blinds as an interior element (although in fact any blinds are an interior element) - offer him, the fabric of which can always be matched to the design of the room. Or wooden ones.

· If he has large windows - he needs systems of 50 millimeters, made of aluminum or wood. On large windows, blinds of 25 millimeters look like ripples and are very annoying.

If you always start a conversation with a client professionally, that is, with the question “what exactly do you need sun protection systems for?”, You will soon accumulate your own “solution bank” for each client response.

If you choose a solution specifically for this client, find out and manage to satisfy exactly his need, he will much more easily part with the amount that at first seemed unrealistic to him.

A lot of problems can be solved simply by asking the client the right questions. Consider the situation - a client came to your point of sale who wants blinds "which are cheaper." You can immediately show him the horizontal system of the Magnum system, and then he will definitely not buy anything more expensive. And you can ask him:

“Why do you want blinds exactly cheaper”?

Maybe he needs to hang sun protection systems in the barn so that the sun doesn't bother the cows in the morning. Then he really needs a horizontal line. But such clients are few. Most often, cheaper systems are asked by people who do not understand what exactly blinds can give them. And in fact they need them in the apartment. What to do with them?

· First of all, tell about all the advantages of blinds and roller blinds.

To say that the interior of your apartment cannot be treated anyhow - after all, the client does not choose furniture or household appliances only on the principle of price, he is interested appearance and reliability. We spend the best hours in the apartment and most of our lives at work. So why should we surround ourselves with ugly things? Wouldn't it be better to hang roller blinds with a fabric that fits perfectly into the interior instead of a faded horizontal line?

· If the client speaks about the price from the very beginning, offer him to postpone the question of the price until later - let him first look at the goods, choose, understand what he likes - and only then you will discuss the price.

· Appeal to the client's common sense. Life has long taught everyone that there are no cheap and at the same time high-quality things in the world. By paying less, we inevitably sacrifice something. Does this sacrifice make sense when we buy sun protection systems?

Remember - even if at first the client wanted "cheaper", but then he liked wooden blinds or Isolite, it will be very difficult for him to refuse to buy them in favor of a cheap "horizon". Such is human nature - if we liked something, it is already difficult for us to refuse it, even if the arguments of the mind say otherwise. Use it and earn.

Remember - if all customers were concerned only with the price, there would be no Mercedes and Bently cars, Vertu phones, Gucci and Prada clothes and the Isolite system in the world - for reference, the Czech company Isotra has branches in 32 countries of the world!

Do not be afraid to sell expensive products. PROMA supplies only high-quality components to Russia. This means that by selling more expensive products, you do not deceive the client and do not steal his money - you help him buy better and more convenient products. You help him navigate the unfamiliar product for him and get a really high-quality product - in another place he would have been “sold” cheap stuff, which (as it turned out later) would not last long.

Remember - cheap components mean low quality, " manual work"from China, components assembled on skinny Chinese knees. Good, high-quality blinds will not work out of them.

Some sales managers mistakenly believe that by persuading customers to buy the cheapest systems - a simple aluminum horizontal bar or "line" - they are helping the customer save money and thereby doing him a service. In fact, this favor is bearish. Firstly, these do not have the rich features that Isolite, roller blinds or wood have. If the manager did not tell the client about all the features various kinds and about the advantages of more advanced systems, he misled the client and deprived him of the opportunity to purchase a quality and functional product. Secondly, the components from which the simplest types are assembled are not designed for long-term use, so such blinds will not last long anyway.

Sun protection systems are not essential goods, they are an interior item that the client buys not for the last money. And by offering him more expensive and perfect views, the manager renders him a valuable service and helps him make his home, office, cafe or restaurant more beautiful, more convenient and comfortable.

In addition, there is a well-known rule - if the client liked the product, he will tell 2-3 friends about it. If you don't like it, ten. Selling the cheapest systems to a client is a surefire way to ensure your salon doesn't get 10 potential buyers.

Fears and myths of blinds sales managers

1. “If a customer hears a high price, he will immediately leave.” High price or low - can be understood only by comparing prices with other goods. The most expensive systems (without motors) will not cost more than 5,000 rubles. Compare - a plastic window costs from 300 euros. Curtains for the window - from 6000 rubles. The cheapest sofa in IKEA - from 15.000. Kitchen - from 50.000. Of the interior items, blinds are one of the cheapest. Low-income blinds do not buy - if a person decides to hang sun protection systems, he will pay more than 300 rubles with pleasure - of course, if you convince him correctly.

2. "The client will call all competitors and find it cheaper." If the client is not quite healthy or very stingy, he will do so. But since sun protection systems are a cheap commodity, studies show that they are bought simply where they are closer to home or work. For the sake of saving 100 rubles, the client will not go to the other end of the city.

Do not forget - the client does not understand how much sun protection systems should cost. Now, if you were selling a mobile phone for 45,000 rubles, you would have to explain why it is so expensive. And the client has no opinion about blinds - use it.

Everything is in the hands of the manager

Everyone dreams of having a kitchen made of natural wood - this is prestigious, although expensive. So why should we hang a cheap piece of aluminum on the window when aiming for a wooden kitchen? Proma has several clients who sell very well. According to them, it is very easy to sell them - customers in Russia know the price of wood (every city dweller dreams of living in a wooden house) and understand that natural wood must be expensive. Why are these sales managers better than you?

In general, our experience shows that the quality of sales depends entirely on the qualifications of the manager. Proma sells blinds all over the country, so we know what we're talking about. And across the country, we see the same picture - even the most expensive sun protection systems sell well where managers are not afraid to sell them. In the smallest and (as is commonly believed) poor cities, there are companies in which managers sell expensive rolled fabrics and, on principle, do not work with cheap ones.

Any product has a buyer - only sometimes he himself does not know about it. A client may walk into a salon with the thought of buying something cheaper just because they don't know about the existence of Isolite, roller blinds or wooden blinds. And in your hands there is an opportunity to tell him about it and change his own idea of ​​his needs - the client must leave you satisfied, with an order form for expensive, solid, prestigious and high-quality sun protection systems. Millions of your colleagues across the country are doing it successfully. Join.


Svyatoslav Biryulin

Sale and production of blinds- a great idea for a budding entrepreneur. The main thing is to correctly implement this idea, and then it will bring a good financial return. An alternative and easier option is become a dealer of several manufacturers.

Blinds (fr. jalousie - "jealousy") - light-shielding devices consisting of vertical or horizontal plates, the so-called lamellas. The slats can be stationary or rotate around their axis to control light and air flows.

The task of the dealer is that he finds customers for time-tested successful companies receiving a percentage of the profits. But the income from the sale of orders is nothing compared to the full-fledged profit from a business built from scratch.

The production of blinds was patented in July 1841 by the American industrialist John Hampton; official history blinds. Currently, blinds, which are used as window curtains, have gained the greatest popularity.

What will be required for the production and sale of blinds?

It is recommended to rent a territory, the area of ​​​​which should be at least 50 square meters. It is best to rent a place in proven places - either in the building materials market or in a production supermarket. Next step - purchase of a production line. And here it all depends on what kind of blinds you are going to produce - horizontal, roll-up or in your plans to deploy complex production.

Consumables are different. If you are limited by the budget, it is recommended to take a closer look at the plastic. If there is enough money, then pay attention to the tree - the most reliable, but expensive option. Large-budget business owners can also purchase an automatic machine - it will save you from financial and time costs in the future, but it is quite expensive. When using an automatic machine with a control panel, you need to set the parameters - it will do the rest on its own. In order to save Money you can purchase supported equipment that has already been used before.

In order to implement a business idea for the manufacture and sale of blinds, you will need at least three hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Taking into account the many expenses, investments will pay off in about six months, and the monthly profit will be about one hundred thousand rubles.

If your finances do not allow you to open your own production, then it is better to find a contract with major manufacturers by placing your orders on their facilities. Then the task of running this business will be reduced to the collection of orders and control over their execution. This approach to this business is the cheapest, it can be started without any money at all. However, its main disadvantage is that the final cost for the consumer will be high, since it consists of your profit and the cost of manufacturing blinds from the contractor. At the same time, this price cannot be reduced, discounted, etc. Also, this approach is highly competitive. In order to somehow level the price and make it more attractive, you can provide services for the installation of such curtains for free, that is, the margin for the manufacture of curtains will be more justified by a free service. And for the consumer, the offer will be more tempting.

Blinds and curtains installation business

Blinds fastening methods depend on their type. However, despite the wide variety, all steps are performed by the same tool. To start providing installation services you will need:

  • hand tools (hammer, screwdrivers, wrenches, breadboard knives, hacksaws for wood and metal);
  • power tools (screwdriver, puncher, drill);
  • a set of levels (levels);
  • ladders and goats;
  • measuring tool.

You can take measurements and fulfill orders on your own, or involve 1-2 generalists.

Blinds in the modern interior of an office or apartment have taken their rightful place, pushing curtains and curtains. In addition to aesthetic decoration of the room, they perform a practical task - they protect from sunlight and reduce the degree of street noise. Therefore, the production of blinds is a very attractive business area.

Blinds as a business object

Despite the fact that blinds appeared on the Russian market in the early 90s of the last century, their production has not received a decent development. That is, the prospects for advancement in this direction are open to both beginners in business and experienced entrepreneurs.

In the production of blinds, no harmful materials are used that impose certain restrictions. It also does not require any special permits or licenses. The only thing that a future entrepreneur needs is the official registration of his business as an individual entrepreneur or in the form of an LLC.

With a small amount of initial capital, production can be started with aluminum vertical or horizontal blinds. This will require only structural elements that can be assembled at home or in the garage using hand tools. Having decided on the type of future products, you can draw up a business plan.

Varieties of blinds

  • Vertical type. They are based on a cornice, to which weights, runners and lamellas (thin plates) made of fabric, polyester, plastic, aluminum, and wood are attached. Acquire vertical blinds more often for decoration of office, hospital, school and other premises.
  • Horizontal type. The slats for them are made from the same material as for vertical blinds. More expensive models made of wood or bamboo will require considerable investment. Horizontal blinds are installed in both office and residential premises.
  • Roller shutters, roller shutters. In their design, lamellas made of paper, fabric, PVC, bamboo and other flexible material are rolled up. There are roller blinds open and closed with a box that protects against dirt and dust settling. Install them in apartments, restaurants, boutiques, cafes. Paper blinds are in the greatest demand due to their low cost.

Consumer and range

It is no secret that a wide range contributes to the successful conduct of business. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the target consumer audience. So, for office space, muted pastel colors are more suitable, creating a business environment. Bright color shades are more often acquired for living quarters, playrooms or children's rooms. If you pay attention to the windows, then the blinds can be seen in buildings:

  • offices;
  • kindergartens, schools;
  • universities;
  • shops, boutiques;
  • state structures;
  • cafes, restaurants, canteens;
  • hotels;
  • industrial premises;
  • hairdressers, beauty salons, etc.

As you can see, the scope of implementation is quite extensive, therefore, with the maximum possible number of blinds, their sale will not be a big problem. However, it is worth noting the seasonality of sales - with relative stability all year round, in summer the demand for blinds increases.

Business advertising

Having chosen the direction of production, it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence of price and quality. If the emphasis is on blinds for industrial premises, then the economy class models are the best option. When advertising your products, you can accurately indicate positive characteristics for all types of blinds:

  • Guaranteed sun protection
  • decrease in temperature by 3–4 °С;
  • ease of operation;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

In addition, blinds are perfectly combined with tulle, curtains, curtains.

Selection and rental of premises

To run a business, you need a production workshop and an office to receive orders. It is desirable that both rooms are located close to each other. A workshop with an area of ​​​​at least 25 square meters is suitable for placing equipment. m. It is advisable to rent an office near large construction and furniture markets or markets - here is the largest concentration of potential buyers of blinds. It’s good if there are points of sale for suspended or stretch ceilings, eurolining, etc. nearby. The amount of the rent will depend on the size of the premises and the distance from the city center.

If you need to store more than 2000 sq. meters of material for blinds may need a storage room. Finished products can be placed on racks or tables equipped with lower shelves.

Purchase of equipment for the production of blinds

To start a business, if the initial capital is small, you can purchase the following hand-held devices:

  • press for cutting aluminum or fabric tapes;
  • lower and upper punches for plastic;
  • plastic press.

There is equipment for the production of blinds that does not require power. Its cost is $ 5-8 thousand, and only 1-2 people are needed for service.

More production will require more serious equipment:

  • a manufacturing machine that cuts the tapes, punches them and profiles them;
  • press stamp for the cornice - cutting it, punching holes, clamping the cord;
  • a press for clamping the initial lamella, which fixes it during assembly.

Machines for the production of blinds are different technical specifications and, accordingly, the cost:

  • manual devices profile, punch holes, cut tapes 16 wide; 25 mm;
  • in semi-automatic equipment, the process of cutting and punching is automated, the width of the tapes is 16; 25; 35; 50 mm;
  • automatic machines, in addition to cutting and punching, assemble blinds.

Wooden blinds are assembled in the same way as horizontal ones, but their production has its own characteristics. Firstly, wood lamellas require a wider cornice, and secondly, due to the properties of the material, they are not manufactured using standard equipment. Wooden planks are cut with a special saw, then the blanks are assembled into bundles, then cut into separate lamellas of the required parameters and punched under the thread and basket. The thickness of some wooden blinds can be up to 0.5 cm, so there are separate machines and presses for cornices for them.

In addition, you will need scissors (regular and “press”), screwdrivers of different diameters, a sewing machine.

You can save money by buying used equipment. Some companies buy used machines, repair and upgrade them, and then sell them at a lower price than new counterparts.

Materials for blinds

There are many dealers selling materials for the production of blinds: woven (cotton, non-woven fabric, fiberglass), plastic, metal (aluminum), etc.

When choosing the initial components, be guided not only by the cost, but also by the characteristics: fire resistance, shrinkage after cleaning, impregnation quality, as well as the method of applying patterns - woven or printed.

You can choose a company that has a rich assortment of materials and colors and delivers. Some dealers also provide assembly training for workers.


For work, you will need to hire an accountant, measurer, installer, sales manager. The production of a quality product will require skilled labor, so give preference to better for professionals- people with experience in the field. At the initial stage of a business, it is important to earn a good reputation. In the future, with the expansion of production, the number of employees can be increased.

Starting investment in business

Having started production on the most inexpensive equipment, in the future you can expand the business at the expense of profit.

Approximate financial calculation:

Capital expenditures:

  • hand tools – $100;
  • power tools (pendulum saw, presses for the lower bar and for fishing line) - $ 2,700;
  • machine for the manufacture of blinds - $ 17,300;
  • delivery, installation of equipment - $1300.

Total: $21400.

Monthly expenses:

  • rent of a production workshop - $250;
  • employee remuneration - $ 8300;
  • payment of electricity costs - $ 30;
  • overhead costs - $200;
  • wear and tear of equipment - $70;
  • taxes - $1950.

Total: $10800.

When calculating the minimum initial investment, we sum up the cost of equipment and monthly expenses(for two months): $21400 + $10800x2 = $43000.

So, to open a business for the production of blinds, you will need a minimum start-up investment of $43000 .

How much can you earn selling blinds

Sales volumes depend on the population in your city, as well as on the number of competitors, business activity, etc.

The proposed calculation is focused on regions with an approximate population of 1,000,000 or more.

  • The cost of materials for the manufacture of 1 unit. blinds 4 sq. m. - $90.
  • Planned production volume and income: 250 units. blinds per month x $150 = $37,500.
  • Net profit= $37,500 - 250 x $90 - $10,800 (monthly expenses) = $4,200/month

As you can see, with a competent approach, the payback period for a business will be approximately 10 months, and profitability reaches almost 70% .

Blinds production - quite profitable business, it all depends on your desire to work and earn.

Blinds are a popular type of light-protective products for windows in Russia. 4/5 of all consumers use blinds in the arrangement of offices and other premises.

Now demand exceeds supply, even despite the large number of companies producing this product. The production of blinds is promising for investment. In this article, we will talk about the relevance of the case, give a brief project with calculations of the main performance indicators.

Brief Market Analysis

The commercial market for blinds in Russia appeared after the collapse of the USSR in 1992-1993. Then the first assembly firms arose. Now the competition in the field is high - there are many large, medium and small manufacturing companies on the market.

According to an estimate for 2016, the following types of blinds are most popular among Russians:

  • vertical - 25%;
  • rolled - 22%;
  • horizontal - 19%;
  • photo blinds - 12%.

The remaining share is occupied by pleated blinds, Roman blinds, wave-decor.

Among the large manufacturers with large market shares, 3 companies stand out that have proven themselves in Russia and the CIS countries. These are Proma, a leading supplier of equipment and components for the production of blinds, Katrice and Roltech, a company offering a full range of services.

What types of blinds are there?

Light protection products are classified according to the following criteria:

Table 1. Classification of blinds.


By way of opening / closing

Vertical / horizontal

By scope

office, home, car

By structure

Solid, honeycomb, with lamellas

By material

Plastic, metal, wood, bamboo, multiimprint, fabric

By opening method (for fabric)

Roll, cassette, pleated

According to the installation method

Ceiling, window, wall mount

By appointment

Sun protection, roller shutters (on doors and windows for protection)

Before starting a business, it is important to choose what to produce. Products of some types are simple and have a lower cost.

Blinds production technologies

Making the product is a simple process. For example, you can make vertical and horizontal blinds without special equipment at all. They are assembled from components that are purchased from manufacturers ( big companies created independently).

How blinds are made, watch the video:

However, during production, some nuances must be taken into account - the process itself may differ.

At the stage of business development, it is better to create blinds of the most common and sought-after varieties. With the strengthening of market positions, it is possible to expand the range, purchase new machines, increase the scale and volume of sales.

Production processes of horizontal blinds

There are 2 main processes for the production of horizontal blinds - the creation of lamellas (cornices) and the assembly of an integral structure.

  1. Lamellas are called plates that perform a light-shielding function. They are created from textiles, plastic, wood, metal.
  2. In the cornice, all the necessary holes are punched for the installation of fittings, a latch, a swivel mechanism.
  3. Collect the cornice. It mounts the system necessary for the proper operation of the blinds.
  4. After that, lamellas are inserted into the eaves. Perform product performance checks and quality control.

You can produce goods using both manual and semi-automatic equipment. High-performance automatic machines are also sold.

Production of vertical blinds

Making blinds of this type is easier - it is less labor intensive. First, a cornice is made - it is cut in accordance with the selected size and equipped with a control system. After that, lamellas are created in which holes for the cords are punched. At the final stage, all components are assembled into a single structure.

Most manufacturing operations can be carried out manually. In this case, fewer machines are required - just a couple of presses and punches.

To make vertical blinds faster, their cost is lower, therefore it is recommended to immediately include them in your assortment.

It is better to buy foreign (European) equipment. It is more expensive, but allows you to make a better product.

Roller blinds

The price of machines for roller blinds is relatively low - and this is a significant plus.

Roller blinds are a fabric roll equipped with a winding shaft and a control system with a spring / chain, less often an electric mechanism.

  1. The fabric is cut to the desired dimensions, the edges are hemmed.
  2. A cornice with an appropriate control system is created, a shaft with fabric is inserted.
  3. The finished product is understaffed with fittings.

Roller blinds (like Roman blinds) are more often used in residential buildings. They look nice and fresh compared to the usual curtains. It is better to immediately include them in the assortment - especially since their cost is low.

Production of wooden blinds

They are made in much the same way as horizontal blinds, although the procedure still has some features.

The main feature is in the creation of lamellas. After cutting the planks of the desired dimensions, their surface is laminated or coated with paint and varnish. This protects the paint from the sun.

After that, the cornice is cut down, the filling, the rotary rod and all control mechanisms are manually mounted into it. Cords are passed through the lamellas, which are connected to the control mechanism. At the end, if necessary, the product is completed with additional fittings.

Wooden blinds look beautiful, reliable, have a long service life.

Blinds business plan

Starting a business does not require a large initial capital. In our project, manual equipment for blinds is taken into account - the option with the lowest capital investment.

Table 2. Amount of start-up costs for a blinds manufacturing business.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional expenses include the cost of utility bills, advertising, cosmetic repairs of the premises.


A businessman has a choice - to conduct business as an individual entrepreneur or in the form of an LLC. If you plan small volumes and sales in one region, you can become individual entrepreneur. Conversely, work in the form legal entity suitable for large volume production and sales.

When registering, indicate the OKVED code 25.23 " Production of blinds and roller shutters ».

It is desirable to obtain a quality certificate for your product. Mandatory requirements certification is not presented, however, the presence of a voluntary certificate will have a positive effect on sales. Buyers, both wholesale and private, are more willing to buy light protection devices, the quality of which has been verified by a certification center.


It is necessary to equip the production workshop and open the office of the company.

There are no big requirements for industrial premises. The creation process is not accompanied by much noise or harmful fumes. Due to their modest dimensions, the machines can be placed in a small workshop (no more than 50 sq. M). You can create blinds even in the garage.

However, it will take large warehouse where the finished product will be waiting for sale. Shelves and shelves should be installed in the warehouse.

It is most effective to rent an office in a place with high traffic. In a room of about 20 sq. m organize workplace to receive and serve customers, place product samples, hang themed images, POS-materials (brochures, leaflets).

Blinds production equipment

On sale there are manual, semi-automatic and automatic machines for the manufacture of blinds. The main production equipment will be a Magnum M600 manual machine for horizontal blinds worth 1.2 million rubles.

It is designed for punching holes, profiling, cutting lamellas. The basic width of the plates is 25 mm, but you can install other dies for lamellas with a width of 16, 35, 50 mm.

Machine dimensions (in meters) - 3.9x0.5x0.73, weight - 140 kg, Poland. The technique is simple and reliable. Does not require electricity, although at any time you can change the supply of material from manual to electric. This will increase production volumes.

You will also need:

  • a press stamp that cuts the cornice, making a hole for the lace;
  • press clamp of the first strip, which will pierce the lamella;
  • scissors, screwdrivers, sewing machine.


To work in the workshop, 2 assembly workers will be required. They will be engaged in the production of products, their assembly from components. We need 2 more employees - a measurer and an installer - who will take measurements at the facility and mount the sold blinds. It is better to hire workers with experience.

To find clients and create a large sales network you need the services of a sales manager. He will be engaged in negotiations and conclusion of agreements with wholesale buyers.

If you operate in the form of a legal entity, you need to hire an accountant - for a permanent position or outsourcing.

We need a driver-logistician who will deliver goods to sales outlets.

Raw material

With high competition, only a product can win consumer sympathy High Quality. Therefore, purchase high-quality and wear-resistant components.

There are many intermediaries and sellers of materials on the market who sell raw materials for the production of blinds. When choosing a supplier, make sure that you do not overpay - look at prices from other sellers. It is necessary to study the delivery time, available quality certificates, conditions for shipping costs.

Some companies advise on assembly technology and even train employees.

Marketing and sales

Most of the buyers are commercial organizations (80%). Blinds are used less often in everyday life (the share of orders from private clients is 20%).

Now these light-shielding devices are used everywhere. For example, in:

  • company offices and trade enterprises;
  • government departments;
  • business centers;
  • medical centers;
  • hotels;
  • hairdressing and beauty salons;
  • administrative buildings.

You can sell goods through construction, furniture stores, your outlet. Collaborate with construction companies, enter into contracts for the supply of large batches of blinds for new real estate.

Business plan for the production of blinds: payback calculations

The initial investment will amount to 1.935 million rubles.

With a daily output of 20 sq. m for a working month (22 days) you can create 440 square meters. m product.

The cost of 1 sq. m products with a width of 25 mm - 1200 rubles. Other sizes cost more. For the calculation, we take the average price of 1500 rubles. Monthly revenue will be 660 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly expenses - 400 thousand. Net profit per month minus expenses - 260 thousand rubles.

Provided that all products produced during the month are sold, the payback period for the business will be 7.5 months.

Table 3 Economic justification ideas for business.

The business of manufacturing blinds is able to bring a stable large income. Only horizontal blinds can give several hundred thousand rubles of profit per month. And with the expansion of the range, the business will bring much more money. The most important thing is to organize sales. It is also necessary to take into account seasonality - in the warm season, goods are ordered much more often.

Everything more people decides to replace traditional curtains with these particular products, so the blinds business has a lot of chances to turn into a very profitable one. So, it is worth considering in detail this type of entrepreneurship, as well as the features of the products that will be produced.

A little about the product and its purpose

Blinds are a device consisting of a system of plates or lamellas arranged in a vertical or horizontal direction and interconnected. First of all, such a product is intended to protect the room from direct sunlight, as well as to regulate the flow of light.

Often blinds are also used as partitions or screens, doors in dressing rooms or open cabinets. Very often they are given a purely decorative role. V Lately Increasingly, these products began to combine the aesthetic and sun protection function. That is why, gradually, blinds cease to be products intended for office furnishing, but move into the category of consumer goods.

Exists whole line characteristics that modern blinds must meet:

  • no obstruction to air flow;
  • the ability to adjust the level of illumination in the room;
  • ease of use and ease of maintenance;
  • economy and durability;
  • aesthetics, variety in terms of materials and designs.

The production of blinds must be adjusted so that final product met all the above specifications. And this must be taken into account when organizing a business.

Types of blinds

At the moment, blinds are usually classified according to several main characteristics. In terms of functionality, it is customary to distinguish between roller shutters and sun protection. The first ones are a roll, which consists of a pair of guides, and plates sliding along them. Typically, roller shutters are installed outside door and window openings, and their main function is to protect against adverse weather conditions and intruders. According to the method of closing and opening the blinds can be divided into horizontal and vertical. In relation to the scope of application, we can talk about the division into office, automotive and home.

The structure of the blinds allows them to be divided into such types as products with lamellas, solid, and also honeycomb. In the latter, the canvas is made of a set of layers resembling a honeycomb. According to the material from which the products are made, they can be divided into metal, plastic, wood, multiimpressive, fabric and bamboo. Fabric blinds can be classified into three more types depending on the method of opening: cassette, roller and pleated.

Blinds can be installed in one of three ways: by attaching to windows, walls or ceilings.

So, now that everything is more or less clear with the types of these devices, we can talk about the rest of the points.


The equipment for blinds is selected depending on the type that you will be making. The production process of some types involves minimal costs. fabric roller blinds can be made by hand in any room, the fabric can be cut directly from the supplier. Assembling the blinds in this case will require a workbench and a metal saw.

For vertical ones, it is necessary to have a room with an area of ​​​​twenty square meters, and the following tools: a sewing machine, a fabric processing press, and a metal saw. To start production, a small financial investment will be quite enough.

For horizontal blinds, you will need more substantial material costs. In this case, you will need to purchase presses for processing the upper and lower rails. In addition, a special machine is needed: automatic, semi-automatic or manual. With the help of the latter, you can do profiling, as well as cutting lamellae. Semi-automatic machines allow you to expand the cutting of lamellas. And with the help of automatic machines, you can assemble already cut lamellas into ladders.

At the moment the most profitable business on blinds is the production of PRIS products intended for installation on PVC windows. In this case, you will need production area at least 50 square meters, as well as the presence of a manual machine M600. In case of insufficient productivity of such a machine, you can use the semi-automatic M450 or automatic M4000.

Business organization from scratch

If you decide to organize a business on blinds, then your primary task will be to find production premises suitable area, as well as a platform where finished products will be sold. The best option would be to place a pavilion close to hardware and furniture stores. In such a neighborhood, it will be quite possible to attract new customers and constantly make a profit.

You should consider a list of the future product range, paying attention to the abundance of different materials and models. The main feature of the blinds business is that all you need is some patience and a strong desire. At first glance, it seems that collecting them is quite difficult. However, at the moment, accessories for blinds are sold ready-made. You only have to assemble the finished product from the individual parts in order to provide it to the client.

Majority Choice

Very popular in the design of windows of residential buildings have become horizontal blinds made of aluminum or fabric, which are perfectly combined with curtains. The tree, which is characterized by environmental friendliness and durability, is not deprived of attention.

The assembly of vertical blinds made of polyester is more relevant for office space. Roller blinds are usually made from bamboo or fabric, often they are applied with various patterns and designs, so they can be used with equal success for decorating the interiors of apartments, restaurants, shops, bars and other things.

It is important enough to provide the customer with a wide range of different types and colors of products, which will guarantee the attraction of potential buyers.

production moments

The business requires a room with an area of ​​at least 30 square meters, as well as special equipment and components for the production of blinds. It is offered by many companies engaged not only in its direct sale, but also in delivery, installation, staff training, supply of components and others.

There are sets of equipment that do not need to be connected to the electrical network. And for their service requires no more than one or two people. Such tools will cost 5-8 thousand dollars. There are also manufacturers who buy outdated equipment, repair and modify it. Its cost will be much lower than the new one.

Can be a dealer

The question of how to assemble blinds is not the main one in business, since you can only sell them, that is, be an intermediary between the manufacturer and the client. In this case, you will receive all the components from which you will assemble finished products directly on the spot.

It will be very difficult to start the process of manufacturing components on your own, because this requires huge investments, but you can choose one or more manufacturers from which you will purchase. On the territory of Russia, only cornices are now produced, on which blinds are installed, and everything else is supplied from Asia or Europe.


It doesn't matter whether you have your own production, or you simply act as an intermediary, there are points that need to be taken into account. The assembly of blinds is the stage that comes after the preliminary work. Besides own production it is necessary that the company has measurers and fitters in its staff.

Since the competition in the market is very high, customers have become more demanding in terms of service: if an employee of your company did not arrive to the customer promptly enough, you should not be surprised that he preferred your competitor, who offers the same product at a similar price.


It turns out that the production and sale of blinds is such a popular business at the moment, and this is due to the lack of the need for a significant amount of capital investment. Almost any small or medium-sized business can be diversified in this way, since even with very high competition, the demand for blinds remains high, while it is not subject to seasonal fluctuations.

Blinds business investments can be recouped in about the first year of operation. It's simple: your entrepreneurial activity will be more productive the more diligently you work. Blinds sell very well in combination with false ceilings, plastic lining, and similar products. There is always a good demand for such resources, which means that your product will also receive attention.