Mintimer Shaimiev. “I don’t want my name to even stand next to something of poor quality Shaimiev’s granddaughter Kamil got married

— Soviet and Russian politician, the first president of Tatarstan




Kamilya Shaimiev, the granddaughter of the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, told in an interview with Tatler magazine that she is a co-owner and, moreover, an ideological inspirer of the Doc+ telemedicine service.

Doc+ does not deny this fact, however, they refused to disclose what share of the project Kamilya Shaimiyeva owns.

According to Shaimiyeva, it was her work on the Doc+ startup that helped her meet her husband, investment banker Dmitry, whom she met at a themed business breakfast at Coffeemania.

Kamilya Shaimieva: These Daewoo always taught us - grandchildren - to work hard, to be collected and responsible

10 richest families in Russia

Radik and Airat Shaimiev are the sons of the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev. Since 1991, the TAIF group, in which the brothers own 12% of the shares, has become a shareholder in the largest enterprises in the region, including Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez and TGC-16. Airat Shaimiev has been in charge of road construction companies in Tatarstan since 1996. Until May 2014, the daughter of Radik Shaimiev, Kamil, was a minority shareholder of TAIF and was a member of the board of directors of the company. Now he is a member of the Board of Directors of SG-Trans. Airat Shaimiev's son Timur runs a small oil company in Tatarstan, MNKT LLC, owned by his father and uncle.

Ten families that divided Russia

An interesting feature: in almost all the richest families in Russia, one of the brothers is a former or current politician. Khamzat Gutseriev, Dmitry Ananiev and Magomed Magomedov are former senators, Zelimkhan Mutsoev is a deputy of the State Duma. Vyacheslav Aminov was deputy executive secretary of the Security Council Boris Berezovsky and assistant to Alexander Voloshin, who led the Russian presidential administration. The brothers Radik and Airat Shaimiev are the sons of former President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. The Rotenberg brothers, however, are not involved in politics, but given their friendly relations with Vladimir Putin, they are in a certain sense the authorities themselves.

Oligarchs 2.0

The granddaughter of the former President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, having studied at a Kazan university for a year, said that she was not loaded enough. "Beautiful girl. It would seem that something else should prevail at this age. She transferred to the second year of MGIMO, to a paid department, while passing 11 missing exams, ”Shaimiev said in an interview with the Republic of Tatarstan newspaper in 2007. Judging by Camili's LinkedIn profile, she even received a "Potanin" scholarship. In 2009, she began working in the investment department of AFK Sistema and rose to the position of investment director, while defending her Ph.D. thesis. Two years ago, Shaimiyeva joined the board of directors of TAIF (her father, Radik Shaimiev, owns 11.46%). In 2013-2014, Kamilya herself owned 2% of the company, but, according to the latest lists of TAIF affiliates, today she has no shares in the company.

Russian female oligarchs

Granddaughter of the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev.

Owns 2% of the shares of the TAIF group of companies - a holding that owns large stakes in the most attractive enterprises of Tatarstan, including Kazanorgsintez, Nizhnekamskneftekhim and TGC-16.

Camili's father Radik Shaimiev is also a minority shareholder of the holding (11.5%). In 2013-2014, Kamilya was a member of the Board of Directors of TAIF.

Mintimer Shaimiev has three grandchildren: Kamilya (born in 1987), Timur (1989) and Leila (1997).

In 2004, Kamilya entered the KFEI (now the Institute of Economics and Finance of KFU) at the Faculty of Management. But after studying for a year, she transferred to MGIMO.

After graduating from MGIMO, Kamilya got a job at AFK Sistema, billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov. In five years, she has grown from the position of a business analyst to an investment director.

The granddaughter of the ex-president of Tatarstan received her share of petrodollars

The share of Kamila Shaimiyeva in TAIF is $75 million.

Kamilya Shaimiev will make Tatar and Moscow oligarchs related


Today, at the meeting of shareholders of TAIF OJSC, sensational, in a sense, news was announced. V new advice Directors of the largest holding included 26-year-old Kamilya Shaimiev, the daughter of the co-owner of the company Radik Shaimiev. As the BUSINESS Online correspondent found out, the granddaughter of the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan graduated from MGIMO and is now working on a Ph.D. thesis on foreign economic relations. But what is most interesting is last place the work of Camily, who works in the strategic department of AFK Sistema, owned by oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

Kazan, August 25, Tatar-inform). Yandex presented a selection of search queries in Tatarstan from August 17 to 23 and highlighted the main search interests of the residents of the republic.

Kazan and Tatarstan users were actively interested in the following local, Russian and world events and topics: the death of Lev Durov, the granddaughter of the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil Shaimiev, Apple Spas, Oleg Tabakov, the exchange rate of the tenge against the ruble, as well as football matches "Rubin" - "Rabotnichki" and CSKA - "Rostov".

Guzelia Safina and Kamilya Shaimiev entered the top ten richest women in Russia

Forbes has published a ranking of the richest women in Russia. The top 50 included three representatives of Tatarstan. Deputy CEO PJSC TAIF Guzeliya Safina took the third place in the rating. The publication estimated her fortune at $430 million. On the ninth line is Kamil Shaimiev, a minority shareholder of TAIF, the granddaughter of the first president of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev (worth $190 million). Outside the top ten, in fourteenth place, is the owner of the Bakhetle chain of stores, Muslima Latypova (the fortune is estimated at $ 135 million).

Forbes list: Mintimer Shaimiev's granddaughter turned out to be richer than Muslima Latypova?

Two representatives of Tatarstan at once are in the top ten of the ranking of the richest women in Russia published today in Forbes magazine. The 3rd place was taken by the Deputy General Director of TAIF, 60-year-old Guzeliya Safina, and the 9th place was taken by 28-year-old Kamilya Shaimiyeva, the granddaughter of the first president of the republic with $190 million. But the owner of the Bahetle supermarket chain, Muslima Latypova, who was in the top three two years ago, fell to 14th place - the crisis deprived her of half of her wealth.

Shaimiev's relatives have been added to Taif

According to Forbes, Russia's largest non-public company, Taif OJSC, yesterday for the first time named among its shareholders Kamil Shaimiev, the 26-year-old granddaughter of Mintimer Shaimiev, the former president and now state adviser of Tatarstan. Her name appeared in the list of affiliates for the II quarter. Shaimiyeva was elected to the board of directors of Taif in April. According to the list of affiliates, she owns 2% of the company's shares. It was not possible to contact Shaimieva yesterday.

Granddaughter of Mintimer Shaimiev entered the top ten richest women in Russia

The granddaughter of the first president of Tatarstan, and now state adviser Mintimer Shaimiev, Kamil Shaimiev, entered the top ten richest women in Russia according to Forbes magazine.

In the previous ranking, Kamilya Shaimiev took 15th place, and the magazine estimated her fortune at $115 million. In the latest rating, Mintimer Shaimiev's granddaughter moved up 6 points - to 9th position, Her capital is estimated at $190 million.

Luzhkov's wife and Shaimiev's granddaughter turned out to be the richest women in Russia

The first line in the top 50 richest women in Russia in 2015, according to Forbes magazine, was occupied by the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, president of Inteco Management, Elena Baturina. Her fortune is estimated at $ 1 billion. However, the published rating in Tatarstan caused a real sensation, since the 28-year-old granddaughter of ex-president Mintimer Shaimiev was in 9th place.

Shaimiev's granddaughter is a co-owner of Russia's largest company

The granddaughter of the former president of Tatarstan, Kamil Shaimiev, turned out to be the owner of two percent of the shares of the largest non-public company in Russia - the Taif holding. Write about it "Vedomosti". Kamilya, 26, was elected to the company's board of directors in May 2013.

The list of affiliates also includes her father, Radik Shaimiev, who owns 11.45 percent of the holding's shares. His older brother Airat is also a shareholder, but his share is not listed.

Artem Lukoyanov and Kamilya Shaimiev were most interested in Tatarstan last week - Yandex

(Kazan, August 28, Tatar-inform). The search engine "Yandex" conducted a study of the interests of the residents of Tatarstan, based on their search queries.

Is TAIF going the way of Bashneft?

For example, the shareholder of TAIF OJSC is Kamilya Shaimiev, the 28-year-old granddaughter of Mintimer Shaimiev, the former president and now state adviser of Tatarstan. Kamila Shaimiyeva's package may cost about $75 million.

The board of directors of Taif also includes Camili's father, 48-year-old Radik Shaimiev, the son of the ex-president. He is the chief adviser to the company's CEO Albert Shigabutdinov. Shaimiev Jr. owns 11.45% of the company's shares.

The granddaughter of Mintimer Shaimiev gave an interview to Tatler. The main thing

Kamilya Shaimiev, granddaughter of the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, gave an interview to a fashion magazine Tatler . One of the richest women in Russia and the owner of 2% of TAIF shares spoke about a fresh project, childhood memories and family.

About ratingForbesand membership in the Board of Directors of TAIF. “I cried when I got into the rating. Because it seemed to me dishonest in relation to those who have achieved everything, earned everything with their own labor. Putting me on the board of directors was a family decision. I am grateful to my family for this: I was able to understand the business processes that were really interesting to me. But, seeing that I was too sensitive to all these public blows, they decided that on next year there is no need for my membership."

About education and gratitude to the grandfather. “We always knew that every penny, every ruble in the family is earned. In the summer at the dacha, we collected Colorado beetles. For each grandfather gave us ten kopecks. He did not count the beetles, of course, he took them on faith. I remember the delight of this earned money. Once there were a lot of beetles. I bought ice cream and it fell on the floor. I realized that I still had to go to earn money, and I came up with a great way: my cousin Timur and I began to take things necessary for the household from my grandparents - a razor, a TV remote control, a kitchen knife. And they bought them from us. How to cook dinner without a knife?

About independence and "escape" to Paris. “I left at the age of 17, I knew only Je m’appelle Camille, Je ne sais pas, and also “Je ne mange pa sis jour.” When during the holidays from school they called me at home and asked something in French, I didn’t know how to answer, I said: “Camilla is not at home.” But in France, I stopped being a greenhouse child. I understood what saving is, what is the budget, what is self-sufficiency.”

About the launch of an online store of budget jewelry. “We, like Zara, which we focus on, do not copy luxury brands, there are differences in design. The genius of Zara is that it gives you the opportunity to wear fashion at an affordable price. We would also like jewelry to be affordable. Peace Tatler will not collapse because of Exclaim - each of your heroines, I think, has something from Zara, but this does not affect the love for Chanel.

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The largest non-public company in Russia according to Forbes - JSC "Taif" yesterday for the first time named among the shareholders Kamil Shaimiev, 26-year-old granddaughter of the former president, and now the state adviser of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Her name appeared in the list of affiliates for the II quarter. Shaimiyeva was elected to the board of directors of Taif in April. According to the list of affiliates, she owns 2% of the company's shares. It was not possible to contact Shaimieva yesterday.

Kamilya Shaimieva

The board of directors of Taif also includes Camili's father, 48-year-old Radik Shaimiev, the son of the ex-president. He is the chief adviser to the general director of the company, Albert Shigabutdinov, a Taif representative explained earlier. Shaimiev Jr. owns 11.45% of the company's shares.

["Business online", 04/26/2013, "Kamilya Shaimiyeva will make Tatar and Moscow oligarchs related": As the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" found out, the granddaughter of the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan graduated from MGIMO and is now working on her Ph.D. thesis on foreign economic relations. But what is most interesting is the last job of Camily, who works in the strategic department of AFK Sistema, owned by oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

[...] the sons of Albert Shigabutdinov also work "with their father", being members of the boards of directors of TAIF group companies for several years. Ruslan Shigabutdinov - Deputy General Director of TAIF OJSC for corporate governance property and investment. Timur Shigabutdinov - General Director for Commerce of Kazanorgsintez OJSC, previously held the position of Deputy General Director - Director for Commerce of TAIF-NK OJSC.

The sons of the former President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev also work in largest companies republics. Radik Shaimiev is a member of the Board of Directors of TAIF [...]. Airat Shaimiev - General Director of Tatatavtodor OJSC. [...]

If Camili's father is well-known in the Republic of Tatarstan, then the mother of a new member of the board of directors of TAIF is not very well known. In the meantime, Nailya Shaimiyeva holds the position of head physician at the Republican Dental Polyclinic, the leading center for dentistry in Tatarstan. - Inset]

The sons of the ex-president - Airat and Radik Shaimiev

The company has only three shareholders whose shares are disclosed, says a Taif spokesman. These are the father and daughter of the Shaimievs and the deputy general director Guzelia Safina (she has 4.5% of the shares).

In February, in an interview with Vedomosti, Shigabutdinov said that the shareholders of Taif are 20 individuals and legal entities and none of them have a controlling stake. Among the shareholders, he also named the eldest son of Mintimer Shaimiev - 51-year-old Airat Shaimiev.

The Shaimiev brothers entered the top 200 richest Russian businessmen of the Forbes list with a fortune of $ 1.1 billion each (Ayrat Shaimiev - 104th place, Radik Shaimiev - 105th). Radik Shaimiev - co-owner (together with Airat) and general director of Nira-export, engaged in hotel business: The company owns the 4-star Mirage Hotel in the center of Kazan. In addition, the Shaimiev brothers own a small oil company MNKT. Radik Shaimiev also owns 25.22% of the third largest authorized capital(8.1 billion rubles) of the Bank of Tatarstan "Avers MKB".

Young Kamilya with her grandfather - Mintimer Shaimiev

Grigory Birg, co-director of the analytical department of Investkafe, estimates a 2% stake at $75 million. This is a rough estimate, according to him, it is based on “ comparative analysis with the closest analogues. AForex analyst Narek Avakyan believes that the value of Shaimiyeva's stake could reach several hundred million dollars. IFC Solid analyst Gulnaz Galiyeva agrees with Avakyan. According to her, based on Taif's estimate of 5 EBITDA, it can be estimated at about $15 billion: "That is, the share of the granddaughter [Mintimer Shaimiev] will be $300 million." Shigabutdinov himself, in an interview with Vedomosti, estimated Taif at $18-20 billion.

“Valuation of the Taif Holding is a complex one,” adds Birg. The company has many assets market value which cannot be determined due to the lack of trading on them on the exchange. “Often there is no public information about financial performance,” he says.

OJSC "TAIF" (reference)

75% of Taif's revenue comes from oil refining and petrochemistry. Taif controls Russia's largest Nizhnekamskneftekhim and Kazanorgsintez, as well as the Taif-NK oil refinery. Taif accounts for a third of the GRP of Tatarstan (1.4 trillion rubles)

Financial indicators PSC TAIF (RAS, 2012):
Revenue — 452.2 billion rubles,
Net profit— 59.4 billion rubles.

Two representatives of Tatarstan at once are in the top ten of the ranking of the richest women in Russia published today in Forbes magazine. The 3rd place was taken by the Deputy General Director of TAIF, 60-year-old Guzeliya Safina, and the 9th place was taken by 28-year-old Kamilya Shaimiyeva, the granddaughter of the first president of the republic with $190 million. But the owner of the Bahetle supermarket chain, Muslima Latypova, who was in the top three two years ago, fell to 14th place - the crisis deprived her of half of her wealth.


Today, Forbes magazine published the traditional August rating of the richest women in Russia. Bypass the Deputy General Director of TAIF Guzelia Safin only the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow could Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina, whose fortune is estimated at $1 billion, Natalya Lutsenko- co-owner of the Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies and the wife of an agricultural billionaire Alexandra Lutsenko who made $550 million.

The state of 60-year-old Safina is estimated by the publication at $430 million (last year she was in 7th place with a fortune of $265 million). In 1991, Safina took the position of chief accountant of the Kazan association, on the basis of which the TAIF group was created, which collected large blocks of shares in the most attractive enterprises of Tatarstan, including Kazanorgsintez, Nizhnekamskneftekhim and TGC-16, write the compilers of the rating . Since the establishment of TAIF Group in 1996 to the present, Safina has been working as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance and is a minority shareholder. Safina's share in TAIF Group is 4.5%. She is also a minority shareholder of Avers Bank (4.6%). Given that the shareholdings have not changed compared to last year, it can be assumed that the compilers of the rating believe that during the crisis, TAIF significantly, 1.6 times, rose in price - and in dollars. What these estimates are based on is not entirely clear, although the turnover and profits of the group's petrochemical assets are really growing by leaps and bounds in the wake of the ruble devaluation.

Another participant in the rating - 28-year-old - daughter Radika Shaimiev and granddaughter of the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Her net worth is $190 million and she is #9 on the list (last year she was #15 and $115 million). According to Forbes, in 2004 Kamilya entered the KSFEI (now the Institute of Economics and Finance of KFU) at the Faculty of Management. But, after studying for a year, she said that she was not sufficiently loaded, and transferred to the second year at MGIMO, passing the 11 missing exams. Judging by Camili's LinkedIn profile, she even received a Potanin scholarship.

After graduating from a Moscow university, Kamilya got a job at AFK Sistema, a billionaire Vladimir Evtushenkov, where in five years she rose from the position of a business analyst to an investment director. In 2014, the granddaughter of the first president of Tatarstan was on the board of directors of the TAIF group of companies. Until August 2014, she owned 2% of the holding's shares. True, she is not in the latest lists of TAIF affiliates, but Forbes knows better.

Note that in total Mintimer Shaimiev three grandchildren: Kamilya (born in 1987), Leila(1997) and Timur(1989), who, by the way, is making a career as an oilman. How wrote"BUSINESS Online", since last year, Timur has been a co-owner and CEO of Mnkt LLC (Malaya oil company Tatarstan), through which TNGK-Razvitie and Druzhbaneft are also controlled.

In 2013, in place of Safina, the owner of the Bakhetle supermarket chain was in the top three. Her fortune two years ago was estimated at $ 300 million. Last year, Latypova was already in 5th place (although there was an increase - $ 315 million). And this year, Muslima Khabrievna is content with only 14th place and a fortune of $ 135 million. What is the reason for such a catastrophic collapse in estimates, Forbes does not explain. The publication only reports that "Latypova is an iconic figure in her republic." For 15 years, she managed to build a supermarket chain: 26 stores "with a twist" - Tatar pastries of her own preparation (ready-made food makes up 40% of the total turnover). “Thanks to this specialization, Bahetle quickly became a regional brand of Tatarstan,” writes Forbes. Apparently, the decline in the assessment of Latypova's fortune is due to the difficult situation in retail and the effect of devaluation - unlike TAIF, which supplies exports, Bahetle's revenue is in rubles.


Recall that in March, Forbes published a list the richest people planet, in which, of course, there was a place for representatives of Tatarstan. True, the former leader disappeared from this list - the chairman of the board of directors of AS Management Alexey Semin. According to the magazine, this time he did not have the $1 billion necessary to get into the world top moneybags, and in connection with the well-known events, Semin can hardly count on this in the future.

As for the rest, the Tatarstan representative office of Forbes has not undergone major changes. According to the publication, all members of this magnificent four are associated with the TAIF group, being either its top managers or co-owners. At the same time, their total capital is $4.4 billion. The son of the former president of Tatarstan was recognized as the richest man in the republic Airat Shaimiev, the state of which Last year increased by $50 million. The general director of OAO Tatavtodor owns $1.15 billion and ranks 1605th in the global ranking and 72nd among Russian billionaires.

His younger brother Radik Over the past year, he did not earn anything, but he did not lose anything either. With a capital of $ 1.1 billion, the head of Nira-Export LLC settled on the 1638th line of the list of the richest people on Earth. These indicators completely, to the last digit, coincide with the financial achievements of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TAIF Rustem Sulteeva. In the list of Russian "moneybags" they share the 73rd place.

The only one of the current Tatarstan billionaires who suffered losses last year, except for Semin, who disappeared from visibility, was the general director of TAIF. During the year, his fortune decreased by $50 million and is estimated by the magazine at $1.05 billion. In the global Forbes list, Shigabutdinov occupies 1712th place, among Russian colleagues - 84th.

You can also mention the evolution that occurred with the capital of a native of Menzelinsk Rustam Tariko. Over the year, the chairman of the board of directors of Russian Standard Bank and the owner of the holding company of the same name lost $900 million and 769 positions in Forbes ranking. In the March rating, he took 1638th place along with Shaimiev Jr. and Mr. Sulteev with a fortune of $ 1.1 billion.

Sensational news was the change in the composition of the board of directors of TAIF OJSC, announced today during the meeting of the group's shareholders. According to Rustem Sulteeva, in 2013 the Board of Directors included: Chief Accountant TAIF Olga Ignatovskaya, Deputy General Director of the holding for petrochemistry and oil refining Vladimir Presnyakov, Director General of TAIF for Economics and Finance Guzelia Safina, Director of Commerce Timur Sulteev, Director General of TAIF OJSC for Corporate Property Management and Investments Ruslan Shigabutdinov, Alexander Fridman, son of the former president of the Republic of Tatarstan (general director of Nira-Export LLC) Radik Shaimiev, Albert Shigabutdinov and Sulteev himself.

However, instead of Alika Tsoi - Deputy General Director of Nira-Export LLC ( he has been considered a confidant of Radik Shaimiv for many yearsed.), the new board of directors of TAIF included ... the daughter of Radik Shaimiev - Camille.

Recall that the sons of Albert Shigabutdinov also work "with their father", being on the boards of directors of TAIF group companies for several years. Ruslan Shigabutdinov - Deputy General Director of PSC TAIF for Corporate Property Management and Investments. Timur Shigabutdinov - General Director for Commerce of Kazanorgsintez OJSC, previously held the position of Deputy General Director - Director for Commerce of TAIF-NK OJSC.

The sons of the former President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev also work in the largest companies of the republic. Radik Shaimiev is a member of the Board of Directors of TAIF and the direct owner of 11.46% of the holding's parent company. Airat Shaimiev is the General Director of OAO Tatavtodor. And here, as they say, a new call.


There is very little information about Kamil Shaimiyeva on the Internet. It is only known that since 2004 she studied at the KFEI at the faculty management. However, as told in 2007, Mintimer Shaimiev himself, Kamilya studied there for only a year, after which she stated: "I'm not loaded here." According to her grandfather, she needed more work. The first president of the Republic of Tatarstan is even surprised: “The girl is beautiful. It would seem that something else should prevail at this age. bedbugs She transferred to the second year of MGIMO, to a paid department, while passing 11 missing exams. She finished her second year of study with only one B. Interestingly, Kamil was named after the grandmother of the wife of Mintimer Shaimiev - Sakina Shaimiyeva. It is known that Shaimiev has three grandchildren: Kamilya (born in 1987), Timur(born in 1989) and Leila(born in 1997).

In 2009, Kamilya graduated from the Moscow State Institute international relations(University) MFA of Russia. Now she is an applicant for a PhD degree in the Department of International economic relations and foreign economic relations of MGIMO. In the January magazine Russian entrepreneurship» can be found work Kamily "Actual problems of attracting investments to the Russian Federation".


In addition, the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" found a profile of Shaimieva in the network LinkedIn. As follows from the information left by the granddaughter of the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan, her first place of work is not anywhere, but in AFK Sistema of the oligarch Vladimir Evtushenkov. A graduate of MGIMO went to work there in 2009 (that is, immediately after graduation) as a specialist in the investment department in the strategy group.

She worked in the investment department until November 2011, during which time she became a business analyst. Her responsibilities included critical analysis of projects and programs, analysis of projects that were discussed in the finance and investment committee. Shaimieva assessed investment cases: capture new niche, development, purchase/sale of businesses, partnerships. Also, her responsibilities included strategic analysis business plans and investment programs of the company's branches and presentations to top officials of companies and at meetings with the participation of the federal government.


In this position, Kamilya worked until May 2012, when she moved to the new strategy department of AFK Sistema, and became a project manager. Unfortunately, it is not known whether she will leave her job at Yevtushenkov's holding in connection with joining TAIF - Kamilya did not respond to a request for comment by the time the article was published. However, until recently, she worked as a project manager at AFK Sistema. Since the summer of 2011, Shaimiyeva also began to act as secretary of the finance and investment committee under the president of the corporation. Kamilya organized, we quote: "high-level meetings, drafted committee decisions." In addition, she is responsible for maintaining the trade secrets of her department.


Correspondent "BUSINESS Online" also found a profile of Camille in the network Facebook . On Shaimiyeva's page, you can see photos of the granddaughter of the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan, which were uploaded by herself. Any more detailed information the girl, apparently, is not in a hurry to spread it for general viewing and generally uses the Internet only to establish professional connections. The most detailed of the three social media profiles (including the profile on "Professionals") - in social network for professional contacts LinkedIn .

If Camili's father is well-known in the Republic of Tatarstan, then the mother of a new member of the board of directors of TAIF is not very well known. Meanwhile Naila Shaimieva holds the position of chief physician in the Republican Dental Clinic, the leading center for dentistry in Tatarstan. She is an honored doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan, chief expert of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan in dentistry, co-chairman of the attestation and qualification commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, candidate of medical sciences, acting. Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic and Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics of KSMA.


Whether Kamilya Shaimieva will be engaged in the same activities in the TAIF group of companies that she is currently engaged in in AFK Sistema is still unknown. It is possible that Camili's parents decided to include their daughter in the Tatarstan business only after she gained personal professional experience. And this year, her experience and career with Yevtushenkov were found to be sufficient to introduce Shaimieva into one of the two bison of Tatarstan business - TAIF. Or maybe her arrival is connected with Yevtushenkov's strategic interests, who knows... Recall that Sistema absorbed the oil assets of Bashkortostan and, according to observers, is looking at Tatneft.

Whether Kamilya will cope with her new duties and, most importantly, whether she will work with her own father on the board of directors of TAIF, time will tell.


Kamilya Shaimieva was born in 1987. She graduated from school in 2004 with a silver medal.

In 2004, she entered the KFEI at the Faculty of Management, but a year later she transferred to MGIMO at the Faculty of Foreign Economic Relations. Graduated from MGIMO in 2009. She is writing a Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Foreign Economic Relations, the expected date of defense is 2014.

In 2009, she began working at Sistema in the investment department as a strategist. In 2011, she became a business analyst in the same company and was involved in project analysis in the finance and investment committee. In May 2012, she became a project manager at Sistema and transferred to the company's strategy department.

In 2013, she became a member of the Board of Directors of PSC TAIF.