Etiquette of a business woman. And what is meant by this Etiquette of a business woman

How to recognize a business woman?

You can recognize a future business woman even at school: she is a capable girl, but, according to teachers, sometimes with hooligan manners. But in fact, she simply protests against school drill, fights for her freedom, striving for knowledge and power at the same time. Often she behaves like a boy, because already in adolescence she is oppressed by the difference in requirements for the two sexes.

She proves her right not to be a good girl, as girls are often required at school. And studying is easy for her, even if she sometimes does not teach lessons.

The first difficulties appear at the institute. Often the selection committee acts, as they say, on a gender basis: girls are given less preference in exams than boys. As one old professor said,
“Why waste time on young ladies? They will still marry wealthy men after graduation, they will not work, they will take care of the house and children.
Only young men can bring up real scientists, and it is not a pity to waste time and effort on them. Alas, this is the point of view of many higher education teachers, especially fanatics of their work. But the future businesswoman is not going to limit herself to diapers and the kitchen at all! However, teachers cannot be persuaded, and therefore it is sometimes more difficult for a girl to go to college than a boy. Especially where there are few young men or where the specialty is initially considered “male”. And if such a girl nevertheless makes her way and enters, then you can be sure: in terms of intellectual abilities, she is much higher than those young men who were accepted with her. During the student period, a business woman begins to secure financial independence for herself.

Her scholarship is often not increased, but the most common (because her grades do not reflect her real level of knowledge), but she almost always earns money during her studies. In addition, it leads an active social life.
Indeed, in addition to the fact that she has a high intellectual potential, she is also an energetic lady and she tries to spend this energy not on trifles, but in order to achieve something definite in life. In particular, doing social activities, she lays the foundation of her career and satisfies her desire for power. In the old days, such girls became Komsomol leaders, but now they are starting to break into business from the student bench.

Career-oriented women usually do not have time to start a family. They confidently go to the intended goal - the chair of the chief.
They do not think about the family, putting it off for later. They begin to think closer to 30, having received a position. Since in order to achieve this position they had to make much more mental and volitional efforts than men, then at this level they are surrounded by men who themselves seem unworthy of women. Such women want to see a strong, successful person next to them, but just such men want to see tenderness and weakness in a woman.

A business woman, ideally, is a bright personality, she is feminine, not cruel and not cold, intellectually and physically active, she makes decisions herself, but perfectly captures the moods of others; petty guardianship of subordinates is unusual for her. She is ready to take risks, purposeful, self-confident, adequately responds to criticism, remarks and even insults. Able to quickly switch from one social role(“leader, business woman) to another (“daughter, mother, wife”), is confident in the understanding, support and help from her husband and children. Climbing the ladder of success proved to be difficult and dangerous. A business woman must constantly prove to herself and others that she is doing exactly what she is doing. Approximately 1/3 of all nervous breakdowns in a business woman comes from a clash between their roles as a leader at work and an executor at home.

But a woman has a number of advantages, by realizing which she can become a successful leader. A female leader has a more subtle social intellect, she feels the nuances of relationships more subtle, including the attitude towards herself. She knows how to evaluate and predict the behavior of other people. True, more than men, she is in danger of being led by her emotions. And hysteria and leadership are incompatible things. A woman has more contact and practicality of thinking. If a man is inclined to make long-term plans, to count on a long-term perspective, then a woman prefers a specifically guaranteed result, “here and now”. Female better men controls their own and others' mistakes; she tends to be better at articulating her thoughts and expressing ideas. It is noticed that she reacts less than men to courtship and sexual claims in business relations. She clearly distinguishes between business and pleasure.

Style business communication.

To be perceived as a person, you must, first of all, be one.
A person who has integrity: intelligence, his own style, his own position, will certainly be perceived as a person. The fact that a man reacts to your sexual attractiveness is quite natural (by the way, sexual attractiveness has a positive effect not only on men, but also on female representatives).

Absolutely asexual persons, men, as a rule, give very low marks. If your business partner is a woman, then she will most likely cause a negative reaction, an excess of sexual provocation in your clothes or behavior. Any formal relationship involves great restraint. There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to set the interlocutor (regardless of his / her gender) to a business style of communication. Let's start with appearance.

During business negotiations and meetings, your posture should be both sufficiently free and restrainedly taut. A woman huddled on the edge of her chair, convulsively clutching her purse, shows stiffness, embarrassment, self-doubt with her whole appearance. Too loose a posture can be perceived as evidence of your swagger.
It is better to sit up straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate zone with a radius of about 45 centimeters around your body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or place it next to you.

It is necessary to look kindly and attentively into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he says. At the same time, if you and your interlocutor business relationship, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention, occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes may cause your interlocutor a feeling of discomfort). During emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - this is immediately felt.

The features of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high voice, at least try not to make it shrill, as in this case you can cause the interlocutor to have an irresistible desire to close his eyes and plug his ears. The high timbre of the voice is very annoying and tiring, it is associated with tension or addiction. Therefore, try to make your voice chesty and pleasant by lowering it as much as possible. But do not speak too softly and uncertainly. Are you so afraid of your interlocutor! Too loud, deafening voice is also bad.


The measured pace of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to make small pauses, showing that you are considering what you have heard before answering something. Immediately there is a feeling that you are a "reasonable person." It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming the interlocutor with information flows. He may not immediately understand what such a grandiose project you are telling him about, and he may interrupt you and ask you to repeat it all over again. You will lose time, and most importantly, make it clear that you are a small, dependent person and are trying to say everything as quickly as possible before you are kicked out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with dependence and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, then tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you still finish the phrase.


In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands.
A handshake is a traditionally male way of greeting. For most women, it causes mild discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be shaken vigorously as a party mate or will try to kiss. In order to avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to give a hand neither in a vertical plane (as for a shake), nor in a horizontal one (as for a kiss), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane: if you want to kiss, if you want to press. The handshake should be concise and energetic enough.


Never fuss - it makes a bad impression anyway. If, coming to a business meeting, you quickly seep into the office, say hello quickly, fussily hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider - you are gone. It is much better to enter without haste, having calmly greeted each other, and ask where you can sit down. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plasticity, speech, facial expressions.
In a word, act as if you are a chic, luxurious woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly take objects, raising them as if they were alive, speak calmly - this will undoubtedly make a good impression on your interlocutor. Be friendly, open, restrained in emotional manifestations, do not show excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.


Here, as in many other things, golden mean. Gesticulation should be in proportion to the rhythm of speech and approximately correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gesticulation should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as stiffness. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your embarrassment and nervousness: picking in your ear, under your nails, scratching, adjusting your clothes, hairstyles. Most people are not even aware of how important gestures are in a conversation. A gesture can tell us much more information about us than we want. Gestures too often give us away and the unwise use of some gestures sometimes leads to an undesirable result. Therefore, in order to win over the interlocutor, use in a conversation suggestive gestures that allow you to see your palms.
This is evidence of your openness. But negative, pressing gestures should be avoided. By decisively cutting the air with your palm, you can cause an unpleasant feeling in the interlocutor that they do not want to agree with him on anything.
If you are not going to put pressure on the interlocutor and eventually swat him like a fly, do not press the table with your palm facing down. Do not clench your fists during a conversation and do not poke a mentor at the interlocutor with your finger. Also forget for a while the rejecting gesture with the palm: “One minute! I haven’t said everything yet!”, thus showing that you want to continue your wonderful monologue, and let him listen. For the interlocutor, this gesture will cause the feeling that you do not want to talk to him, and increase the distance between you.


Now let's talk about the distance established between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on personal emotionality, determines the distance suitable for this case. Emotional people seem closer and more understandable, constrained and restrained move the interlocutor to a greater distance. Live facial expressions speak of reducing the distance, when they play with eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately stretches himself, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the impassive voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer. If you consciously want to increase the distance, just start calling the interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you talk to a person for two hours in a row and never call him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to. Use of bureaucratic, cumbersome, or outdated verbal constructions such as "of course"
“Definitely” causes bewilderment, increases the distance and indicates a rather cool attitude. Therefore, you should always try to take into account a lot of nuances in relationships, playing with which you can find the optimal communication style that suits both interlocutors.


Imagine that you come to negotiations in a room where there is no air conditioning, or you are put on a lower seat than your interlocutor, or facing a window, because of which you see only a dark silhouette against a bright background. You are put in unfavorable conditions, they put pressure on you.
In this case, feeling that you are uncomfortable, say that you would like to change seats, referring, for example, to the fact that the light hits your eyes. If you do not go to a meeting, then it is better to refuse negotiations. Own the situation and manage it. I hope that the above tips will help develop a seasoned, devoid of fuss and unnecessary attempts to show off all your virtues style of behavior. This style will help you, on the one hand, to keep a certain distance, and on the other hand, to demonstrate interest and friendliness. Remember, the more something true in a person, the more free he is in his behavior, the less he needs to pretend to be something.

Business woman clothes.

Previously, there were no business women in our country - only party and trade union activists. They dressed accordingly: "school" suits and modest blouses under the throat (option - a bow on the bust). As the classic sang, "and my wife, comrade Paramonova ..."

But now Russia is confidently entering the world leaders in the number of business and elegant women. The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent on how businesswomen are dressed.

What should be her costume?

Boring, predictable and impeccable - these are the definitions that are indispensable for a women's business suit, according to a well-known Moscow stylist, creator-director of the Koty group from the well-known company Margaret Astr
Andrey Manovtsev.

The main danger that awaits a woman when choosing a business suit is its hyper-provocative nature. A business suit demonstrates not only the financial capabilities of a business woman, but also her upbringing, taste, and knowledge of business etiquette. Therefore, a woman should always remember the rule: if you are in business, you need to be ready to make certain sacrifices in fashion.

Despite the fact that for thirty years the silhouette of a women's business suit has remained virtually unchanged, the suit itself is constantly undergoing cosmetic adjustments. This is due to the evolution of the concept itself.
"classic". The classic style today obviously gravitates towards moderately loose, democratic lines that can be combined with other styles.

Some democratization of the classics is manifested primarily in the free cut of the jacket. It is fitted - but slightly, and it is not accentuated.
Everything else is not strictly regulated. The jacket can be both double-breasted and single-breasted; up to, below and above the hip line. Buttons - necessarily real bone or covered with fabric, leather. It is desirable that they be the same color as the suit. The clasp can be caliper (internal), like in suits from Chanel. The shoulder is slightly extended and slightly raised, but no more.

What newfangled liberties do not apply to is the skirt.
Here for innovation taboo. The skirt should be straight, narrowed down, tight-fitting to the hips, with a slit in the back of no more than ten centimeters.
The classic length of the skirt is to the middle of the knees. But it can be a little above the knee, and a little below. The length of the skirt to the middle of the calf is good only for women who have problems with their legs.

Gold and silver straps on the skirt are excluded. Conversely, leather straps are welcome. handmade with logo well-known firms.

Trousers of a purely classic cut, slightly narrowed down. A sign of bad manners is tight-fitting trousers.

An important role in the competent choice of a women's business suit is played by fabric and color. Preference is given to smooth fabrics - English tweed and wool, as well as satin, matte silk, velvet and boucle. Viscose and all kinds of stretch are excluded.

The color scheme is not variegated: gray, beige, various shades of dark blue, deep burgundy, brown and black.

It must be remembered that the same color and texture of the fabric may be acceptable at one business event and completely unacceptable at another.
For example, an etiquette cotton suit can only be worn if you and your business partner are having breakfast or lunch in an outdoor restaurant. In a pure white suit, you can only appear in the summer for dinner.

The pinstripe suit is suitable for official events after noon.

Particular attention when choosing a women's business suit should be paid to the manufacturer.

It is best to buy business suits from well-known companies such as
Armani, Max Mara, Lanvin, Trussardi, Cerruti, Robert Barton, Betty Barclay,
Chanel, Guy La Roche - calm, non-provocative things that correspond to the canons of business etiquette.

But suits from Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, fashionable Gucci, Moschino, Japanese fashion designers, beloved by Russians, are less suitable for business meetings. Their models are more suitable for bohemians.

If you are invited to dinner, outfits from Valentino and Gianfranco are appropriate.
Ferre. The main thing: collectible items from the latest catwalk shows are not suitable for a business woman. Her business suit should be impeccably boring, simple and clear, like a crust of stale bread. Ideally, if a business suit is tailored specifically for a certain woman in a famous designer's fashion house. You won't find another suit like this; it will definitely have a company logo indicating the person for whom the personal model is sewn.

It is known that a business suit, consisting of a skirt and a jacket, is more often intended for events in the first half of the day. Pants and a jacket are good in the evening.

A black business suit is good either for evening business meetings or for formal public speaking.

Anastasia Gareeva about the image of a business woman.

It's no secret that the world business people serious attitude to one's image and to maintaining a favorable image of one's company is extremely highly valued. And this is not surprising, because one of the most important components of business are interpersonal contacts. The success of communication directly depends on the ability of people to present themselves and leave a good impression.

You may know all of Carnegie's books by heart, but a stain on a skirt or too bright lipstick will nullify all your attempts to influence a business partner. You may be seven spans in the forehead and very well versed in the subject of your business, but charming curls will be a stumbling block on your way up the corporate ladder. While knowledge and application of at least the basic laws of business image and business etiquette can turn you into a true Business lady(of course, if you have a certain share of business acumen).

So what is an image? Leaving aside all the complex socio-psychological and philosophical concepts and definitions, it can be decomposed into quite specific components. Your clothes, hairstyle, make-up, walk, manners, speech, place of work, apartment, car, cottage, husband, children, pets (however, as well as the absence of any living creatures in your home), your habits, taste preferences, attitude to alcohol , literary preferences (or lack thereof), love (or indifference) to art, etc. - all this works for your image (or against it). From this enumeration alone, your head may spin and you may get the impression that you alone cannot cope with all this. However, you should not give up and pin your hopes on the image maker (however, if financial opportunities allow, then why not?). But it seems to me that the clients of the image maker are mostly men (that's who really has a hard time by nature!). And you are a woman, so you have a natural instinct
(intuition, sixth sense) how to look and behave. In this you have a huge advantage over the representatives of the stronger sex.

One of the building blocks of image building is clothing. We are used to focusing on the second part of the common expression: "They meet by clothes, but see off by mind." Of course, this is partly true. But why wait until your partners and interlocutors appreciate all the subtleties of your mind? Wouldn't it be better to show them right away business card its seriousness and respectability? After all, the first (favorable) impression will only contribute to the appreciation of you. In addition, the style of your clothes can affect how your superiors treat you and what tasks you will be entrusted with. Of course, it is much easier for men (due to their inherent conservatism and stereotypy of thinking) to constantly wear some kind of business uniform. For women, clothes are, first of all, a way of self-expression. And although they have to accept the rules of the team, sometimes there is a need to stand out, and certainly in something selflessly orange or purple. However, remember that the following thought may creep into the boss’s head: “Can I entrust an important client to that one with a flower?”

In general, if you work in a reputable company or want to take a vacant position in it, dress in such a way that you don’t shock others and don’t offend the company’s image with your appearance. All the latest squeaks, squeals, sobs and other breaths of fashion (if you are their fan and follower) can only cause bewilderment among employees (and this is best case). But a win-win option has always been and remains a classic. A couple of impeccable suits, a few smart but strict blouses and classic shoes are almost enough to create the desired look. It is very important to master the art of choosing elements of clothing and accessories. Then you can create a variety of compositions, and you will not be disgusted by the monotony. Your assistants in the struggle for elegance are shawls, scarves, light scarves and, of course, ties. They can be tied and draped in a variety of ways, depending on the task at hand and the inspiration that has visited you. A simple but exciting game with accessories will allow you to always feel at ease - whether at a business meeting, at a buffet table, at a conference or at lunch with a chef.

Regarding the attitude to clothing in the world of business people, I recall one curious story. A Russian translator who worked at the US headquarters of the UN said that the appearance of employees there is an object of constant control by special employees. So, at the entrance to the building there are women who stop and send home all those who, in their opinion, are dressed inappropriately. Moreover, this can happen to one person 2-3 times a day until his clothes take the proper form. All women there are obliged to wear tights, closed pumps with heels, even in 30-degree heat, change their blouse at least once a day.
Dresses, sweaters, trousers, long skirts and other wardrobe items beloved by our compatriots are not allowed. Perhaps we should take an example from them.

Let me go to next element image. You will agree that there will be no effect from the most respectable clothes if you do not have a hairstyle. And if you are a business woman, then in the workplace you should not demonstrate all the beauty of your hair, loosening it over your shoulders or twisting stunning curls. The rules of etiquette in the business world require a woman not to have a short haircut and not a complicated hairstyle, but medium-length hair (not below the shoulder line). However, if you don’t want to part with the “girlish beauty” at all, you will have to make sure that your hairstyle does not evoke associations with a crow’s nest or your head does not look like the head of that beach girl from the calendar. You can choose the color of your hair depending on your goals and intentions.
Of course, red, purple and similar shades will only play against you. But it is known that a woman leader with dark hair involuntarily inspires respect for herself, while blond ones are popular and well-meaning from subordinates. So if you are a leading person, if you are used to being the mistress of the situation and holding the reins of power in your hands, your color is dark. If your leadership style is more democratic, light colors will only contribute to this.

Properly executed and appropriate makeup can not only emphasize your natural charm, but also become one of the factors for a successful career. And, on the contrary, having once appeared in the office with a face a la “woman-vamp”, you are at great risk of running into unflattering remarks. It is difficult to give general advice, because the face of each woman is individual. However, avoid flashy colors and an abundance of cosmetics. And common sense and a sense of taste will tell you the right tactics.

Is it worth repeating the common truth that neither clothes, nor hair, nor makeup will make you respectable if you cannot wean yourself from biting your nails or sniffing. Remember the heroine Audrey Hepburn: good manners turned a street girl into a real lady! And if your parents didn’t bother to instill them in you as a child, it’s not so scary. Gait, facial expressions and gestures are just as susceptible to change as clothing or hairstyle.
Look at yourself in the video. Do you like everything? If not, then at least you will know what you need to work on.

An obstacle to success for many is their own speech. Too fast (or, conversely, too slow) pace, swallowing or chewing words, lisping are very unpleasant things.
Especially for those whose work is connected with telephone conversations, meetings and conferences. However, only an insignificant part of people have organic defects (anomalies of the larynx, nasal and oral cavities), due to which they cannot speak correctly. The rest are simply too lazy to engage in voice production. If you have problems with diction, your perseverance, coupled with the efforts of a rhetoric specialist or a book on how to speak correctly, will do the trick.

And finally: all the components of the image you have chosen are only combined with each other and perceived naturally when they are spiritualized by your inner content. And if your desire for success is sincere and reinforced daily work, you do not have to force your nature, getting used to a new image. It’s just that at a certain stage in your career you will realize that you are already the same business woman whose image has been haunting your mind for so long.


Business Etiquette is the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts.

Etiquette, if understood as a set order of behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of the etiquette of a business person can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding of people in the process of communication. The second most important function of etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From the smallest to the most general rules, etiquette is a system close to everyday life.

One of the first rules that determine etiquette itself is that it is worth doing this not because it is customary, but because it is either expedient, or convenient, or simply respectful of others and oneself. Etiquette is one of the main "tools" of image formation. AT modern business The face of the company plays a significant role. Those firms in which etiquette is not respected lose a lot. Where there is etiquette, higher productivity, better results. Therefore, you should always remember one of the most important postulates that businessmen all over the world know: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where etiquette is respected.
Almost all over the world, it has become the norm. This is because etiquette, by virtue of its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

It must be remembered that etiquette helps us only when there is no internal tension born from an attempt to do something according to the rules of etiquette that we have never done before.


1. Anastasia Gareeva, Magazine "Everything for the Office" N 19, 1997
2. Alekhina I.V. Image and etiquette of a business person. — M.: EEN, 1996
3. Sarmatova Ksenia "Women's Career"
4. "DAUGHTERS-MOTHERS" No. 18, September 1998

Woman's wardrobe.

My mirror light

Women's clothing is an inexhaustible topic and a wide field for activity. Huge variety, inexhaustible opportunities for self-expression and ... terrible and endless agony of choice.

However, business women have to adhere to a rather strict framework when choosing clothes. Despite the strong pressure of fashion, the principle of clothing for the office remains unchanged - its basis remains a classic suit of good cut and quality. Classics implies a sense of proportion in everything: in the form, volume, decoration of the costume, demeanor.

When buying business clothes, you should give preference to suits and blouses in solid colors, a small strip or a cage is acceptable. The main thing is that all the elements of the wardrobe are combined in color, and there should be no more than three colors. A business woman should have several suits in her wardrobe, and the skirts should not be above the knees and not too tight. Various accessories and a few decorations will help to diversify and complement business suits; thanks to these cute little things, any office suit can easily be turned into an informal one, as corporate evenings and receptions often require.

The classic rules of office clothing for women include two-piece trouser or skirt suits with blouses or thin jumpers, T-shirts, and closed dresses. Some companies do not allow pants, but if there are no such restrictions, wear them, provided they fit you well.

The classic version of the office dress is a sheath dress, complemented by a matching jacket. But im allowable the lineup is not limited, the main thing is that the dress as a whole meets the requirements for business attire in terms of silhouette, length and color. Open shoulders (for example, a sundress in hot weather) are strictly prohibited. The same applies to deep cuts.

A white blouse is traditionally considered a universal option. The suit, on the contrary, should be a dark, calm color. However, self-confident business women may prefer fairly bright, saturated colors. This will draw attention to yourself. Pastel colors look more modest and elegant. Oddly enough, black is not business etiquette. Printed fabrics with a bright pattern (flowers, peas, large cells or stripes), poisonous colors, as well as combinations of red-green, yellow-pink, yellow-red are contraindicated for a business suit.

The fabric should not wrinkle, should be solid and pleasing to the eye. It is more convenient if the fabric is suitable for any season, then the suit can be worn at any time of the year. Fabrics made from natural (wool, silk) or mixed fibers that look like natural fibers look best because they have good view, wear out less and are not so heavily soiled in comparison with other fabrics.

One of the main rules in clothes, especially business clothes, is that the thing should fit you well. A cheap and ill-fitting jacket will ruin your look. When buying a jacket, pay attention to the shoulder line or silhouette. Shapeless, soft shoulders will not give you strength and elegance. Good, properly sized shoulder pads should look natural and help maintain the proportions of the shoulders and hips. The higher the armhole, the thinner you look. At the same time, convenience should not be forgotten. If the sleeve is too wide, it expands your figure as a whole. The sleeve should end at the wrist bone. Wrinkles anywhere in the suit, protruding folds, baggy pockets, a divergent clasp, a protruding placket, moving out shoulder pads - all this looks ugly and adds extra weight.

It is forbidden to appear at the workplace without pantyhose. Even in the heat, thin stockings are required. In general, hosiery can greatly affect your appearance. It is best to choose sheer tights that are slightly darker than the color of your skin, or to match the skirt, dress, trousers. Transparent tights in dark blue, black and cream tones are allowed. Exception to the rule: special socks under trousers can be worn with tailored trousers and wide trousers. Do not wear white, bright opaque tights, patterned tights, or avant-garde tights. Secular etiquette dictates its own rules. The basic requirement is quite simple: the more solemn and official the reception is, and the later it is held, the more elegantly dressed you are supposed to be. Do not abuse perfumes and deodorants.

For breakfast, tea, cocktails, it is recommended to wear a regular length dress, dress-suit or suit, a small hat made of felt, silk or other type of material, and the hat is not removed during the reception. For receptions starting at 20:00 and later, it is recommended to wear evening dresses (more elegant and open), a hat with an evening dress is not worn. For receptions starting before 20.00, you can wear silk, cloth, kid gloves. During breakfast, lunch, dinner, gloves are removed, but if we are talking about receptions where only drinks are served, gloves can be left on.

For evening receptions, you can wear silk, lace gloves, and the shorter the sleeve of the dress, the longer the gloves, and vice versa. Handbag - small size made of silk, brocade, beads. The color, density of clothing material should correspond to the season and climatic conditions, in summer lighter materials of light colors are usually used, in autumn and winter - denser materials of dark colors.

Wool, silk and other types of fabrics can be used for sewing clothes for receptions starting before 20.00. For an evening dress - silk, taffeta and brocade. Evening dresses are usually made more open than dresses for daytime receptions. It may be of normal length, but in recent times again there is a tendency to wear long dresses for evening receptions. An evening dress can be made from silk, lace, crepe, etc.

Trends and directions.

fashions change with such amazing speed that sometimes "the head is spinning". However, in everything, including the choice of shoes, there are invariable criteria (style, material and color) for compiling the necessary collection. Business etiquette prescribes wearing pumps at work - without any buckles and bows, with thin soles. Shoes should be with medium or high heels - from 2.5 to 7.5 centimeters. Preference should be given to shoes made of genuine leather, as they are more comfortable, moreover, they will last you longer and look better on your foot. Shoes must be closed-toe and must match the color of the suit (one tone darker than the hem) or be black, but never white. If you can only afford one pair of shoes, go for black ones.

Make sure that there are no open (sandals, sandals), sports and rough shoes. In summer, shoes with an open heel are allowed. If you are the owner of patent leather shoes, remember that you cannot wear such shoes during the daytime. Classic shoes have a heel height of up to 3-4 cm, are comfortable when walking and are combined with most of the most popular clothing styles. The form of such models can change from season to season depending on the fashion, suede replaces the skin, the pointed toe becomes irrelevant, and it is replaced by another form.

Shoes under trousers look more stylish if the foot is closed. Therefore, if you want to wear shoes with trousers, choose models with a high tongue. Depending on the shape and length of the skirt, the shape and height of the heel changes. The main feeling of harmony. You will be a bad role model if you put on a tight tweed skirt and pointy stilettos with it - there is little harmony in this. Remember, the denser and heavier the fabric of your clothing, the thicker the heel of your shoes should be. Conversely, the lighter the dress, the thinner the heel. Evening shoes can be made of colored leather, thick silks, brocade, and other materials on any comfortable heel. Patent leather shoes are the accent of elegance.

Perfumes and cosmetics.

Truly, a woman has always striven, strives, and will strive for beauty, at any age she wants to look more attractive and younger. Still, this cosmetics is a great invention! Regular facial care helps to maintain the skin in good condition, and decorative cosmetics allow you to emphasize the advantages, hide defects and place the right accents. I think it's not worth saying that a woman's everyday makeup should be different from makeup designed for a party. Cosmetics, like clothes, should match the character and be appropriate.

The vast majority of employers believe that a woman with makeup looks more professional than without it, although from a rational point of view, the latter statement may not be true at all. Business makeup is a necessary attribute of a successful woman who achieves success in her work, while remaining feminine. The main task of business makeup is to inspire people with confidence, calmness, but in no case demonstrate their sexuality.

Business women are encouraged to wear makeup that accentuates the eyes. Makeup colors are of great importance - too bright colors and contrasting combinations are good in the air, on the street, but indoors they are tiring and distracting. It is best to use soft, calm tones. Brightly highlighted eyes look good with soft lips, accentuated with gloss or light lipstick; lip gloss, brown or gray eyeliner paired with black mascara. Throughout the day, you need to make sure that the makeup looks fresh and neat.

If you go to a party right after work, it is better to wash off your morning makeup and apply a new, fresher and brighter one. And if you can’t wash off business makeup, then apply a thin layer of powder on it. A thick layer of powder ages, and the face looks unnatural. You need to emphasize the eyes with a cosmetic pencil, apply bright shadows, put another layer of mascara on the eyelashes, blush your cheeks a little brighter according to the color of the general makeup, make up lipstick and apply lip gloss on it. A little about manicure - hands should be well-groomed. Long nails are not welcome, as a maximum, the nails should look slightly beyond the fingertips. Lacquer - soft, pastel colors, without drawings, sparkles and decorations. The ideal option for an office manicure is a French manicure.

The finishing touch in the image of a woman is skillfully selected perfume. It is unwise to buy perfume just because its smell is fashionable this season. They may not suit you. Even if you have successfully chosen perfumes, you should still not use them from morning to evening, since there is no effect of changing moods either for you or for those around you, it is best to have a set of perfumes, colognes and even eau de toilette. Lighter fragrances (eau de toilette) are suitable for everyday use, while for fashionable clothes in the afternoon and evening wear, perfumes with a richer scent are suitable.

The smells we love, even very good and expensive perfumes, can change under the influence of individual chemical features our own body and become even unpleasant to others. If you want to try out a new perfume for yourself, put one drop from a trial bottle on your wrist and rub it. Even if you like the smell, don't buy them. Wait one hour. The flavor may change and you will immediately feel it. Perfume should only be applied to the skin and not to furs or fabrics. The most suitable points for applying perfume are the earlobes, the areas behind the ears, the pit on the neck, the wrists, the hollow between the breasts, the folds of the arms.


Jewelry is a good way to improve your appearance and another way to express your personality. Jewelry should emphasize your appearance without drawing attention to yourself. Business etiquette allows women to wear rings, however, only on the ring fingers. Don't wear two rings together. If you have a set of jewelry, then you can wear no more than two items, for example, earrings with a bracelet. During the day, it is better to give preference to semi-precious stones (turquoise, agate, garnet, jasper), jewelry with pearls, gold or silver jewelry complements a business suit well. Products made of leather, wood and metal also correspond to the business style, if they are not too large.

Get rid of everything that is too shiny, shimmering in the light, everything that rings and makes noise, everything that distracts attention from your face and from what you are talking about. The main thing is to remember that the golden mean is important in everything. Extra jewelry or their complete absence is not for a business lady. It is also not recommended to wear a lot of jewelry at evening receptions. At daytime receptions, jewelry generally looks more appropriate, and transparent gems (diamonds, sapphires, emeralds) are also allowed in the evening.


Properly selected accessories will add a special elegance to your outfit. It is the accessories that allow you to soften the strict office look and emphasize the individuality of the image for an evening out, they serve as a litmus test of your taste and sense of style. The handbag opens the list of the most important women's accessories. It should match your clothes, while remaining within the fashion trends.

For going to work, bags that are smooth and dark in color are preferable; such bags fit almost any suit. The bag should be large enough to hold everything you need, and at the same time elegant enough. A bulky bag and all kinds of packages and string bags can spoil the most neat and thoughtful office outfit. Therefore, if you have to carry a lot of things, in addition to a small handbag, it is better to buy a leather briefcase.

For an evening out, a small handbag is suitable; it should perform more of a decorative function than have any practical value. Traditionally, an evening bag is generously decorated with embroidery, rhinestones - the more glitter, the better. Although you can do without glitter, since the main thing in such a handbag is size.

There is nothing better than a good leather handbag. When it comes to replacement bags, sometimes you will find perfectly made bags made of faux leather or suede. They are so skillfully executed that with a superficial glance it is impossible to distinguish them from natural products. Even though a replacement bag may have a very elegant design, there is still some risk involved in purchasing one. Some substitutes do not withstand the action of low air temperatures. In winter, in frosty weather, cracks may appear on them, especially in places such as corners, folds, a handle, a strap. However, there are also substitutes, bags from which endure the Russian winter well, without losing their appearance. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer whether or not to buy bags from substitutes.

To summarize: since bags made from substitutes are significantly lower in price than natural ones, and they are worn for one, maximum two seasons, then you may well buy them. The same applies to belts, watch straps, wallets.

Speaking of belts, gloves (and leather accessories in general). When purchasing these things, make sure that they are all the same in color, material, fittings, style and design. If all your leather or suede accessories are kept in the same style, then they will look like a spectacular, carefully selected "frame" for your clothes. In addition, a similar set of additions will suit all things from your wardrobe.

However, you may not be able to pick up a complete set of add-ons without a single error. But be that as it may, when choosing additions, keep in mind the need for their stylistic unity and strive to ensure that you do not have blunders in this matter.
Another necessary and indispensable accessory is a scarf. A large silk classic or a small neckerchief, or maybe a scarf is not so important. But the strength of the impact of this detail on your appearance is important. It is this accessory that is prescribed to make color accents. In addition, there are a great many ways to tie, drape, arrange a scarf (this art is worth learning) gives you truly endless possibilities for transformation within even a small wardrobe.

How to recognize a business woman? 2

Business communication style. 6







Business woman clothes. thirteen

Anastasia Gareeva about the image of a business woman. 17

Conclusion. 23

You can recognize a future business woman even at school: she is a capable girl, but, according to teachers, sometimes with hooligan manners. But in fact, she simply protests against school drill, fights for her freedom, striving for knowledge and power at the same time. Often she behaves like a boy, because already in adolescence she is oppressed by the difference in requirements for the two sexes.

She proves her right not to be a good girl, as girls are often required at school. And studying is easy for her, even if she sometimes does not teach lessons.

The first difficulties appear at the institute. Often the selection committee acts, as they say, on a gender basis: girls are given less preference in exams than boys. As one old professor said, “why waste time on young ladies? They will still marry wealthy men after graduation, they won’t work, they will take care of their home and children. ". Alas, this is the point of view of many higher education teachers, especially fanatics of their work. But the future businesswoman is not going to limit herself to diapers and the kitchen at all! However, teachers cannot be persuaded, and therefore it is sometimes more difficult for a girl to go to college than a boy. Especially where there are few young men or where the specialty is initially considered "male". And if such a girl nevertheless makes her way and enters, then you can be sure: in terms of intellectual abilities, she is much higher than those young men who were accepted with her. During the student period, a business woman begins to secure financial independence for herself.

Her scholarship is often not increased, but the most common (because her grades do not reflect her real level of knowledge), but she almost always earns money during her studies. In addition, he leads an active social life. Indeed, in addition to the fact that she has a high intellectual potential, she is also an energetic lady and she tries to spend this energy not on trifles, but in order to achieve something definite in life. In particular, engaging in social activities, she lays the foundation of her career and satisfies her desire for power. In the old days, such girls became Komsomol leaders, but now they are starting to break into business from the student bench.

Career-oriented women usually do not have time to start a family. They confidently go to the intended goal - the chair of the chief. They do not think about the family, putting it off for later. They begin to think closer to 30, having received a position. Since in order to achieve this position they had to make much more mental and volitional efforts than men, then at this level they are surrounded by men who themselves seem unworthy of women. Such women want to see a strong, successful person next to them, but just such men want to see tenderness and weakness in a woman.

A business woman, ideally, is a bright personality, she is feminine, not cruel and not cold, intellectually and physically active, she makes decisions herself, but perfectly captures the moods of others; petty guardianship of subordinates is unusual for her. She is ready to take risks, purposeful, self-confident, adequately responds to criticism, remarks and even insults. Knows how to quickly switch from one social role ("leader, business woman) to another ("daughter, mother, wife"), is confident in the understanding, support and help from her husband and children. Climbing the ladder of success turned out to be difficult and unsafe. a woman must constantly prove to herself and others that she is doing exactly what she is doing.Approximately 1/3 of all nervous breakdowns in a business woman come from a collision between their roles as a leader at work and an executor at home.

But a woman has a number of advantages, by realizing which she can become a successful leader. A female leader has a more subtle social intellect, she feels the nuances of relationships more subtle, including the attitude towards herself. She knows how to evaluate and predict the behavior of other people. True, more than men, she is in danger of being led by her emotions. And hysteria and leadership are incompatible things. A woman has more contact and practical thinking. If a man is inclined to make long-term plans, rely on a long-term perspective, then a woman prefers a specifically guaranteed result, "here and now". A woman controls her own and other people's mistakes better than a man; she tends to be better at articulating her thoughts and expressing ideas. It is noticed that she reacts less than men to courtship and sexual claims in business relations. She clearly distinguishes between business and pleasure.

To be perceived as a person, you must, first of all, be one. A person who has integrity: intelligence, his own style, his own position, will certainly be perceived as a person. The fact that a man reacts to your sexual attractiveness is quite natural (by the way, sexual attractiveness has a positive effect not only on men, but also on female representatives).

Absolutely asexual persons, men, as a rule, give very low marks. If your business partner is a woman, then she will most likely cause a negative reaction, an excess of sexual provocation in your clothes or behavior. Any formal relationship involves great restraint. There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to set the interlocutor (regardless of his / her gender) to a business style of communication. Let's start with the look.

During business negotiations and meetings, your posture should be both sufficiently free and restrainedly taut. A woman huddled on the edge of her chair, convulsively clutching her purse, shows stiffness, embarrassment, self-doubt with her whole appearance. Too loose a posture can be perceived as evidence of your swagger. It is better to sit up straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate zone with a radius of about 45 centimeters around your body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or place it next to you.

It is necessary to look kindly and attentively into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he says. At the same time, if you have a business relationship with your interlocutor, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and occasionally look into the eyes to indicate attention (a long gaze into the eyes can cause your interlocutor a feeling of discomfort). During emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - this is immediately felt.

The features of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high voice, at least try not to make it shrill, as in this case you can cause the interlocutor to have an irresistible desire to close his eyes and plug his ears. The high timbre of the voice is very annoying and tiring, it is associated with tension or addiction. Therefore, try to make your voice chesty and pleasant by lowering it as much as possible. But do not speak too softly and uncertainly. Are you so afraid of your interlocutor! Too loud, deafening voice is also bad.

The measured pace of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to make small pauses, showing that you are considering what you have heard before answering something. Immediately there is a feeling that you are a "reasonable person." It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming the interlocutor with information flows. He may not immediately understand what such a grandiose project you are telling him about, and he may interrupt you and ask you to repeat it all over again. You will lose time, and most importantly, make it clear that you are a small, dependent person and are trying to say everything as quickly as possible before you are kicked out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with dependence and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, then tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you still finish the phrase.

In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands. A handshake is a traditionally male way of greeting. For most women, it causes mild discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be shaken vigorously as a party mate or will try to kiss. In order to avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to give a hand neither in a vertical plane (as for a shake), nor in a horizontal one (as for a kiss), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane: if you want to kiss, if you want to press. The handshake should be concise and energetic enough.

Never fuss - it makes a bad impression anyway. If, coming to a business meeting, you quickly seep into the office, say hello quickly, fussily hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider yourself lost. It is much better to enter without haste, having calmly greeted each other, and ask where you can sit down. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plasticity, speech, facial expressions. In a word, act as if you are a chic, luxurious woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly take objects, raising them as if they were alive, speak calmly - this will undoubtedly make a good impression on your interlocutor. Be friendly, open, restrained in emotional manifestations, do not show excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.

Compliance with business etiquette in the office plays an important role for its employees. This is especially true for women. Although we have long been equal in rights with men, we work with them on an equal footing, we got behind the wheel and began to occupy leadership positions, and some of us even managed to get to the top of power in government. But, nevertheless, it is still very difficult for us to win a place under the sun in the harsh world of men.

Being under the close attention of colleagues, feeling that everyone is just waiting for you to make even the slightest mistake - all this makes you constantly in suspense and requires great effort not to show it, or, as card players say, “keep poker face”. First of all, your appearance is under the gun of public opinion, and if the atmosphere in the office is tense, then the discrepancy between your appearance and the generally accepted canons of the office dress code gives another reason for discussion. Therefore, business etiquette plays an important role for a woman who strives for a successful career and recognition from colleagues.

Appearance must comply with the rules adopted by the company

It is rightly said in the old Russian proverb: “They meet by their clothes, see them off by their mind!”. The first thing that catches your eye is the appearance, therefore, in most cases, its inconsistency with the standards and norms accepted in your company can be a serious obstacle to career advancement, and it will simply make office work itself uncomfortable.

Let's get started...

So, dear ladies, take note of the requirements that apply in business environment to appearance. Your clothes should look at least soundly and solidly, but it is absolutely not necessary to be expensive brands and famous brands. The quality of things will look more advantageous in the eyes of colleagues / business partners than a fashionable logo on display, telling everyone and everyone that you can afford to dress expensively.

For the office and business negotiations, revealing outfits with a deep neckline, denim and leather clothes, overly tight-fitting knitwear are unacceptable.

Every business woman's wardrobe should have a classic suit, consisting of a fitted jacket, trousers and a straight skirt/pencil skirt. The length of the skirt should be given great attention, mini and maxi skirts, skirts with front or side slits are definitely excluded. The optimal length of the skirt is slightly above the knee. Also, suits can be lightened by replacing the jacket with a vest, blouses without too voluminous collars, frills and all kinds of decorative elements can complement them. Blouses must be opaque good quality, their color scheme may be different, but even in the warm season they should be with sleeves, even if they are shortened. It is advisable to give preference to a calm pastel range of colors.

Now there is a large selection of different dresses that are quite suitable for the office, given that, like skirts, they have an acceptable length, style and "office color". By the way, dresses can later take a leading position in your wardrobe, since choosing one dress takes less time than choosing a skirt and blouse that match with each other.

It is also worth remembering one important rule of the office dress code: business etiquette requires women, regardless of the time of year, to wear flesh-colored tights with dresses and skirts. Although recently this rule has been somewhat erased, and in the offices the legs of women are full of various colors, but still you should not get too carried away with the variety of hosiery, restraint will always be welcomed more than flashy variegation, albeit a trendy shade. Many companies also set strict requirements for their employees to also wear tights in the summer, here stockings can be used as an alternative.

The color scheme in clothes has recently expanded and practically has no boundaries, with the exception of “acidic” and too saturated tones, and fabrics in a cage, stripes, with a small, dim pattern began to be referred to as “business”.

Preference in shoes should also be given to the classics, shoes with an average heel 5 cm high, black, beige, gray or brown are the most ideal option, in summer it is allowed to wear moderately open shoes, clogs should not be worn in any case, and you also need to remember perfect pedicure.

Dress right and your beauty will always be noticed

Business woman hairstyle and makeup

Speaking of appearance, one cannot but mention the hair and makeup. Their choice also needs to be approached competently and take into account the whole image as a whole, creating your own business style. The hairstyle should be neat and strict, it is not customary to walk in offices with loose hair, so if you have long or medium length, then you need to collect them. Ask a hairdresser for help, he will show you various variations of simple styling and hairstyles for the office that you could do yourself in the morning. For business style hair dyed in bright colors is completely inappropriate.

The image of a business woman should be restrained

The make-up of a woman working in an office should preferably be light and not conspicuous. Tone, natural blush, mascara and not bright lipstick - this is the basic daytime makeup, of course, pastel shades can also be applied, but their layer should be thin.

Manicured nails are a must, here preference should be given to a French manicure with soft colors.

As an addition to the image of a business woman, you can wear jewelry, but you need to observe moderation in their quantity: either earrings and a ring, or a pendant and a ring. It is permissible to wear jewelry made from natural stones and precious metals and jewelry.

And of course, speaking of a modern business woman, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of accessories that complete her image. A handbag, phone, organizer, business card holder, a good pen, even a keychain should not be left without attention. Everything should reflect and emphasize your business status. Here again, it is appropriate to talk about the quality of things, their solid appearance and style, so that it can be seen that these items serve for a business woman who knows the value of things and knows how to choose them from the whole variety.

Well, now, having determined the image of a business woman, we should move on to other important aspects of business etiquette. First of all, this is the style of business communication, this includes the correct behavior in the office, negotiating, talking on the phone and at meetings. In this case, the requirements are the same for both men and women. Competent clear speech, a confident voice, and indeed confidence should be present in your every trait: gait, facial expressions, gestures, calm demeanor and a slight smile will allow you to create the image of a business person, a competent specialist who is able to defend his point of view and knows his own worth.

A few examples of stylish clothes for a woman to work


Also, an integral feature that will complement the image of a business woman is a competently and correctly designed workplace. What is there to darken, we all want to decorate the place where we work with all kinds of frames with photographs of relatives and cats, figurines, flowers. Undoubtedly, all these little things greatly decorate the workplace, making it so cozy for you, but at the same time, filling your desk, these trinkets distract from work and do not match the office environment. They can also create an effect of frivolity and completely destroy your entire business image.

Therefore, when decorating your workplace, you should be guided by the principles of practicality and ergonomics: everything you need and need for work is at hand, personal items in the nightstand, an exception may be a phone and a notebook, keep your mug or glass in a conspicuous place, from which you are in breaks drink coffee / tea, it is also impossible.

A business person is distinguished by punctuality both in coming to work and in completing work tasks. In business circles, as you know, time is money, so your lateness will potentially be regarded as a loss of money by your company, and your being late will speak of yourself as a person who cannot be relied upon. So develop the habit of being punctual, and this quality will serve you on the way to career heights. One thing to remember here Golden Rule“From the first time, right and right on time”, it is applicable both for work and for building the image of a business woman as a whole.

Next, it is worth talking about such a seemingly trifle as a greeting. Meanwhile, the ability to properly greet in business circles is highly valued and from the first minutes will help create the impression of a business person about you. Greeting each other with business partners is supposed to be a handshake (here once again we remind ourselves of a manicure), regardless of whether it is a man in front of you or a woman. If business negotiations take place in your office, then you should stretch out your first hand for greeting, thereby showing the hospitality of the host, it will not be superfluous at this moment to smile slightly and say a couple of warm words, inviting you to start a business, but at the same time friendly conversation.

During negotiations, appearance and manners are crucial

If at work you have to negotiate with partners of the company, then the following recommendations are for you. The habit of touching your hair immediately betrays a frivolous nature, so by constantly adjusting your hair and clothes, you run the risk of appearing frivolous in the eyes of your opponents, and your behavior and appearance at the moment represent the face of your company. On the business negotiations you need to show your oratorical skills, so the confident, well-delivered speech, which was mentioned earlier, is especially relevant now.

Also, one should not forget about the ability to listen to the opponent without interrupting him or showing any excessive emotions. Respect for other people's opinions and the ability to show yourself as a competent specialist who understands the essence of the issue being resolved will help you negotiate with dignity and strengthen your reputation as a business person among colleagues and senior management.

So now, dear ladies, when you have an idea of ​​what business etiquette means for a woman, you can safely begin to follow it and use it for your self-affirmation at work and rapid career growth.

Video - the image of a business woman

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