Spectral apparatus presentation. Spectra

Spectra. spectral analysis. Spectral apparatus Sources of radiation Types of spectra

Emission spectra

    • solid
    • ruled
    • striped

Absorption spectra

Continuous spectrum

  • These are spectra containing all wavelengths of a specific range.
  • They emit heated solids and liquids, gases heated under high pressure.
  • They are the same for different substances, so they cannot be used to determine the composition of a substance
Line spectrum
  • Consists of separate lines of different or the same color, having different locations
  • Emitted by gases, vapors of low density in the atomic state
  • Allows you to judge the chemical composition of the light source by spectral lines
Striped spectrum
  • Consists of a large number of closely spaced lines
  • Gives substances that are in a molecular state
Absorption spectra
  • This is a set of frequencies absorbed by a given substance. The substance absorbs those lines of the spectrum, which it emits, being a source of light
  • Absorption spectra are obtained by transmitting light from a source giving a continuous spectrum through a substance whose atoms are in an unexcited state
Spectral analysis
  • The method for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance by its spectrum is called spectral analysis. Spectral analysis is widely used in prospecting for minerals to determine the chemical composition of ore samples. It is used to control the composition of alloys in the metallurgical industry. On its basis, it was determined chemical composition stars, etc.
  • To obtain a spectrum of radiation in the visible range, a device called spectroscope in which the human eye serves as a radiation detector.
1. Choose one correct answer from the proposed options: The researcher saw different spectra in four observations using an optical spectroscope. Which of the spectra is the thermal radiation spectrum?

2. Choose one correct answer from the options offered only nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) only magnesium (Mg) and nitrogen (N) nitrogen (N), magnesium (Mg) and another unknown substance magnesium (Mg), potassium (K ) and nitrogen (N)

The figure shows the absorption spectrum of an unknown gas and the absorption spectra of vapors of known metals. By analyzing the spectra, it can be argued that the unknown gas contains atoms

3. Choose one correct answer from the options offered What bodies are characterized by striped absorption and emission spectra? For heated solids For heated liquids For rarefied molecular gases For heated atomic gases For any of the above bodies

4. Choose one correct answer from the options offered What bodies are characterized by line absorption and emission spectra? For heated solids For heated liquids For rarefied molecular gases For heated atomic gases For any of the above bodies

5. Choose one correct answer from the proposed options. Which body radiation is thermal? Fluorescent light Incandescent light Infrared laser TV screen

Continuous spectra give bodies in a solid, liquid state, as well as highly compressed gases. Line spectra show all substances in the gaseous atomic state. Isolated atoms emit strictly defined wavelengths. Band spectra, in contrast to line spectra, are not created by atoms, but by molecules that are not bound or weakly bound to each other.

They give bodies in a solid, liquid state, as well as dense gases. To receive, you need to heat the body to high temperature... The nature of the spectrum depends not only on the properties of individual emitting atoms, but also on the interaction of atoms with each other. The spectrum contains waves of all lengths and there are no breaks. A continuous spectrum of colors can be observed on a diffraction grating. A good demonstration of the spectrum is a natural phenomenon rainbows. Uchim.net

All substances are given in a gaseous atomic (but not molecular) state (atoms practically do not interact with each other). Isolated atoms of a given chemical element emit waves of a strictly defined wavelength. For observation, use is made of the glow of a substance vapor in a flame or the glow of a gas discharge in a tube filled with the test gas. With an increase in the density of the atomic gas, individual spectral lines broaden. Uchim.net

The spectrum consists of individual bands separated by dark gaps. Each lane is a collection of a large number of very closely spaced lines. Created by molecules that are not bound or loosely bound to each other. For observation, use is made of the glow of vapors in a flame or the glow of a gas discharge. Uchim.net

Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Uchim.net Spectral analysis is a method for determining the chemical composition of a substance by its spectrum. Developed in 1859 by German scientists G.R. Kirchhoff and R.V. Bunsen.

If white light is passed through a cold, non-emitting gas, dark lines will appear against the background of the continuous spectrum of the source. A gas absorbs most intensively the light of the wavelengths that it emits in a highly heated state. The dark lines against the background of the continuous spectrum are absorption lines that together form an absorption spectrum. Uchim.net

New elements are discovered: rubidium, cesium, etc. Learned the chemical composition of the Sun and stars; Determine the chemical composition of ores and minerals; A method for controlling the composition of a substance in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the nuclear industry. The composition of complex mixtures is analyzed by their molecular spectra. Uchim.net

The spectra of the stars are their passports describing all the stellar features. Stars are composed of the same chemical elements that are known on Earth, but in percentage terms, they are dominated by light elements: hydrogen and helium. By the spectrum of a star, you can find out its luminosity, distance to the star, temperature, size, chemical composition of its atmosphere, rotation speed around its axis, features of movement around a common center of gravity. A spectral apparatus mounted on a telescope spreads the star's light along wavelengths into a strip of the spectrum. From the spectrum, you can find out what energy comes from a star at different wavelengths and estimate its temperature very accurately.

Stationary - spark optical - emission spectrometers "METALSKAN - 2500". Designed for accurate analysis of metals and alloys, including non-ferrous, ferrous alloys and cast iron. Laboratory electrolysis installation for the analysis of metals "ELAM". The installation is intended for carrying out a weight electrolytic analysis of copper, lead, cobalt and other metals in alloys and pure metals. Currently, television spectral systems (TSS) are widely used in forensics. - detection of various kinds of forgeries of documents: - detection of flooded, crossed out or faded (faded) texts, records formed by indented strokes or made on carbon paper, etc .; - identification of tissue structure; - detection of contamination on fabrics (soot and residues of mineral oils) in case of gunshot injuries and traffic accidents; - identification of washed out, as well as located on variegated, dark and contaminated objects of blood traces.

These are spectra containing all wavelengths of a specific range. These are spectra containing all wavelengths of a specific range. They emit heated solids and liquids, gases heated under high pressure. They are the same for different substances, so they cannot be used to determine the composition of a substance

Consists of separate lines of different or the same color, having different locations Consists of separate lines of different or the same color, having different locations Emitted by gases, vapors of low density in the atomic state Allows you to judge the chemical composition of the light source by spectral lines

This is a set of frequencies absorbed by a given substance. A substance absorbs those lines of the spectrum that it emits, being a source of light. This is a set of frequencies absorbed by a given substance. A substance absorbs those lines of the spectrum that it emits as a source of light Absorption spectra are obtained by transmitting light from a source giving a continuous spectrum through a substance whose atoms are in an unexcited state

It is almost impossible to aim a very large telescope at a short flash of a meteor in the sky. But on May 12, 2002, astronomers were lucky - a bright meteor accidentally flew just where the narrow slit of the spectrograph at the Paranal observatory was directed. At this time, the spectrograph was studying light. It is almost impossible to aim a very large telescope at a short flash of a meteor in the sky. But on May 12, 2002, astronomers were lucky - a bright meteor accidentally flew just where the narrow slit of the spectrograph at the Paranal observatory was directed. At this time, the spectrograph was studying light.

The method for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance by its spectrum is called spectral analysis. Spectral analysis is widely used in prospecting for minerals to determine the chemical composition of ore samples. It is used to control the composition of alloys in the metallurgical industry. On its basis, the chemical composition of stars was determined, etc. The method for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance by its spectrum is called spectral analysis. Spectral analysis is widely used in prospecting for minerals to determine the chemical composition of ore samples. It is used to control the composition of alloys in the metallurgical industry. On its basis, the chemical composition of stars was determined, etc.

To obtain a spectrum of radiation in the visible range, an instrument called a spectroscope is used, in which the human eye serves as a radiation detector. To obtain a spectrum of radiation in the visible range, an instrument called a spectroscope is used, in which the human eye serves as a radiation detector.

In the spectroscope, the light from the investigated source 1 is directed to the slit 2 of the tube 3, called the collimator tube. The slit gives off a narrow beam of light. At the second end of the collimator tube there is a lens that converts the diverging light beam into a parallel one. A parallel beam of light emerging from a collimator tube falls on the edge of a glass prism 4. Since the refractive index of light in glass depends on the wavelength, therefore, a parallel beam of light, consisting of waves of different wavelengths, is decomposed into parallel beams of light of different colors traveling along different directions... The telescope lens 5 focuses each of the parallel beams and gives an image of the slit in each color. Multi-colored images of the slit form a multi-colored stripe - a spectrum. In the spectroscope, the light from the investigated source 1 is directed to the slit 2 of the tube 3, called the collimator tube. The slit gives off a narrow beam of light. At the second end of the collimator tube there is a lens that converts the diverging light beam into a parallel one. A parallel beam of light emerging from a collimator tube falls on the edge of a glass prism 4. Since the refractive index of light in glass depends on the wavelength, therefore, a parallel beam of light, consisting of waves of different wavelengths, is decomposed into parallel beams of light of different colors traveling along different directions. The telescope lens 5 focuses each of the parallel beams and gives an image of the slit in each color. Multi-colored images of the slit form a multi-colored stripe - a spectrum.

The spectrum can be observed through an eyepiece used as a magnifying glass. If you want to get a photograph of the spectrum, then the photographic film or photographic plate is placed in the place where the actual image of the spectrum is obtained. An instrument for photographing spectra is called a spectrograph.

The researcher saw different spectra in four observations using an optical spectroscope. Which of the spectra is the thermal radiation spectrum? The researcher saw different spectra in four observations using an optical spectroscope. Which of the spectra is the thermal radiation spectrum?

What bodies are characterized by striped absorption and emission spectra? What bodies are characterized by striped absorption and emission spectra? For heated solids For heated liquids For rarefied molecular gases For heated atomic gases For any of the above bodies

What bodies are characterized by line absorption and emission spectra? What bodies are characterized by line absorption and emission spectra? For heated solids For heated liquids For rarefied molecular gases For heated atomic gases For any of the above bodies

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