Employment orders. Features of the order for employment: adult and minor workers

How to fill out a unified T-1 form

After an employment contract has been concluded with a new employee, you need to issue an order for employment and get a personal card.

Form T-1 of the order for employment is filled out on the basis of the completed employment contract, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the employment contract (part 1 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The unified form T-1 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You can also use a self-designed form. Employees must be familiarized with the order under the signature within three days from the moment they actually started work.

Attention! The order does not need to be issued when employing persons with whom they have concluded civil law contracts paid provision services, contracts, etc. This is due to the fact that the current labor legislation does not apply to such employees.

The expert of "System Kadra" will tell, how to issue a job application. From the article you will learn what should be considered by personnel officers.

Order Form T-1: Frequently Asked Questions

Question:What should be written in the column of the order "Employ on ..." if the employee is employed for an indefinite period?

Expert's answer: in this case, the specified cell is not filled in (section 1 of the instructions, approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 5.01.2004 No. 1). Well, you need to use the phrase "indefinite", "not determined", "not established", etc. You can just put a dash.

Question:What to enter in the column “Conditions for employment, nature of work”, if a unified form of an employment order is filled out and the employee was accepted under normal conditions, that is, this Full time job with an eight-hour working day and the like?

Expert answer: This column is filled in only if the conditions and nature of the work differ from those generally established in the organization. For example, if an employee is accepted:

  1. concurrently;
  2. on a part-time basis;
  3. nbsp; in the order of transfer from another organization and the like.

This follows from the first section of the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 under No. 1. In order not to leave this line empty, you can make a record that the employee has been accepted into the organization under normal conditions (main job, permanently).

Ivan Shklovets, Deputy Head Federal Service for work and employment, will talk about the most common mistakes that employers make when applying for a job and in labor relations with employees.

What are the requirements for filling out a unified form of employment order

The order for the employment of T-1 or T-1a is issued on the basis of a TD concluded with an employee. The forms of the order were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 under No. 1. Organizations have the right to use forms according to their own developed model.

You can download the unified form of order No. T-1 at the beginning of the article!

Regardless of what form of order is used, its content must fully comply with all the conditions of the employment contract concluded with a certain employee (part 1 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The order is brought to the attention of the employed person within three days, and without fail under the signature (part 2 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to download the unified T-1 form

Despite the fact that it is not necessary to use unified forms, most organizations use this form of orders. The T-1 hiring order is very convenient for practical application. Such forms are more familiar to personnel officers. When filling out, a large number of questions rarely arise.

But still, individual companies began to use forms according to their own developed and approved form. In them, organizations include only the information that is required for basic personnel procedures. When developing such samples, it is necessary to include the details of the primary accounting documents established by Article 9 federal law"On Accounting" No. 402-FZ.

Sample filling form T-1

Details that the unified form T-1 contains

How to prepare an order for hiring a T-1 part-time job

When hiring a part-time job, an order is issued in the form T-1, T-1a or drawn up on a form developed independently by the organization. The same information is entered into the order as when hiring the main employee. In the column "conditions and nature of the forthcoming work" indicate that this is part-time work.

Form T-1 download: hiring an external part-time job

Form T-1 of the employment order must be filled out on the basis of a formalized employment contract, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the TD (employment contract). The order can be filled out on forms unified sample or those developed by the organization itself.

The fact of accepting an employee for work is recorded with the help of an appropriate order, which is issued on the basis of a signed between the employee and the employer.

The order for employment is prepared and executed by an employee of the personnel or legal service, signed by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the hired employee against signature. In the future, this order is already the basis for making appropriate entries in, its work book, as well as for opening an employee's personal account by the accounting department.

For registration and accounting of persons hired, the organization can develop and use its own text form of the order for admission. In this case, the content of the order must contain the following data:

  • indication of an administrative action,
  • surname name patronymic of the employed employee,
  • the position (profession) for which the employee is hired,
  • the name of the division or department,
  • salary level,
  • terms of probation (if necessary),
  • the date of conclusion and the number of the employment contract on the basis of which the employee is hired.
A hiring order can be issued for a group of employees. Then all the above items should be indicated in the order for each employee individually.

Also, for registration of persons accepted under an employment contract, you can use a special unified form of an order (instruction) on the admission of an employee (s): form No. T-1 - is used to receive one employee, form No. T-1a - for a group of workers.

Filling out the unified form No. T-1 and T-1a should not cause any difficulties, but still there are some features of their design that require explanation:

  1. If an employment contract is concluded with an employee (employees) for an indefinite period, then in the "Date" line of form No. T-1 (in the column "Work period" of form No. T-1a), the column "to" is not filled.
  1. In form No. T-1, one of the forms of labor organization must be indicated as the conditions for employment and the nature of the work to be done. For example, “part-time”, “permanently”, “as a transfer from another organization”, “to perform certain work”, “to replace a temporarily absent employee”, and so on.
  2. The tariff rate, salary and allowances in the order for employment are indicated in accordance with and must correspond (coincide) with the conditions of remuneration prescribed in the employment contract.
Main advantage unified forms employment order is their comparative simplicity, much less formality compared to the text version, which is largely arbitrary. In unified forms, it is not necessary to make notes about the employee's agreement with working conditions, about passing the necessary briefing, medical examination etc. However, this entails the need to draw up approval sheets, a medical examination, a briefing sheet, etc.

According to the issued order, the employee must start his work from a certain day. professional duties. If on the set day the employee does not go to work without good reason, the order may be canceled.

Any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, type of activity, number of staff, is obliged to conduct personnel office work, part of which are orders for hiring-dismissal and relocation, remuneration, rest of employees.

Employment: primary documents

The basis for the employment of the applicant and enrollment in the state are the primary documents:

  • labor contract,
  • job order.

All documents must be in prescribed form, registered in special registers (for each species). The original application, a copy of the contract and an extract from the employment order are filed in the employee's personal file.

Making an order for employment: templates and samples

The employer should pay special attention to the issue of the correct execution of documents, since they are the object of close scrutiny by inspection services - State Inspectorate labour, employment services and social protection, upon occurrence labor disputes and claims.

An order to hire an employee can be drawn up:

  • according to the model recommended by the State Statistics Committee in Decree No. 1 of 05.01.04;
  • in any form provided for by the internal document flow of the enterprise.

Employment: the content of the order

For an order for employment, a sample of filling out a document should be in each personnel service. And although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly regulate the forms and samples of internal personnel workflow, and the unified form of the order is not strictly mandatory, the content of the order is stipulated by the administrative documents of the Ministry of Labor.

In order for the order (order) on hiring an employee to be accepted by the accounting department for further work, it must contain:

  • setting data of the employee - full name, TIN;
  • position (name according to the staff list, OKVED code), category, category, class;
  • subdivision
  • work period
  • for permanent employees - only the date of admission, for employees under a fixed-term employment contract - the date of admission and the date of expiration of the contract;
  • the amount of salary or tariff rate,
  • types and amounts of allowances
  • data on the employment contract (if any).

In addition to these data, for persons whose work involves financial responsibility, the order to take office must contain the wording "accept for the position (name) with full financial responsibility." Copy of the agreement liability, as well as an extract from the order, is filed in the official's personal file.

Admission order: informative access for employees

In order for each employee, putting his signature in the column of acquaintance with the document on employment, to be sure that the order for hiring was correctly drawn up in relation to him, a sample of the order form in force at the enterprise must be placed on the information board personnel service. As an example of a job order, the sample order on the information board must be completely filled out.

In addition, it should be noted that for familiarization with the employees of the enterprise, an order for employment is issued, the sample of which corresponds to the nominal form that is used in personnel document flow enterprises.

How to draw up an order (instruction) on hiring an employee

The basis for drawing up an order is an employment contract signed by the employer and the employee being hired. The order must reflect the conditions that are spelled out in this contract. So, without distortion, the rate / salary, the presence and amount of allowances should be indicated.

You will learn about working hours from our article "Working time according to the Labor Code - concept and modes" .

The order specifies the date and exact time the new employee will start work. And in the event that he did not appear at the workplace at the appointed hour, then the order for employment can be canceled. When drawing up an order, special attention should be paid to such columns as the period of work and date. After all, if they are not filled, then the order is considered indefinite.

If the contract specifies the end date, for example, when hiring to perform a specific task, temporarily during the absence of the main employee, etc., then the order should reflect the date the contract was completed. If the contract is concluded for an indefinite period, then in the column "Date" the line "to" must remain blank.

The line intended to describe the working conditions should reflect its features. So, such standard phrases usually fit in:

  • Standard operating mode.
  • Collaboration work.
  • Replacing an employee who is on parental leave.
  • Cashier work, etc.

The drawn up order is signed by the head of the company (or other authorized person), then transferred against receipt to the employee for familiarization with it. All this must be done within three days from the date of signing the employment contract.

On the basis of the order filled in and signed by the parties, a record of employment is entered in the work book. Also, a corresponding entry is made in the employee’s personal card indicating the details of the issued order. After that, a personal account is opened for the employee.

The original order is kept in the company and filed in the employee's personal file. At the request of the employee, a copy of the order may be issued to him.

Is there a unified form of order for employment?

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 approved the unified form T-1, which is used by personnel officers when drawing up orders for employment. If a group of persons is accepted at once, then form T-1a is filled out.

Although today there is no obligation to use only unified forms of documents, but many personnel officers and business leaders prefer to use these standard and well-designed forms.

Where can I download a job application?

You can download the current sample of the order for employment on our website.


After signing the employment contract, an appropriate order is issued to complete the registration of a new employee for work. It is usually drawn up by a personnel officer on form No. T-1. It is signed by the head of the company or other authorized person. The employee will have to sign the line with familiarization with the order.

The process of hiring a new employee acts as the most important personnel procedure. And it should be carried out as competently as possible, because the productivity of further relationships between the parties - the employee and the employer - depends on this.

In this regard, the registration for work carried out this year and in the following periods should 100% comply with legal requirements and nuances. The rationalization of filling out documents, in particular, the order for employment, plays a paramount role.

Personnel documents for employment

To get a job in a particular position, the employee provides specific set of documents. What paperwork does it include?


Issues related to the recruitment process are currently under regulation Labor Code(Art. 68). The recruitment process is done through orders- an order created by the employer. It is issued on the basis of a drawn up contract on labor relations.

At the same time, from the position of legislation, an important role is played by the fact that the essence of the order is 100% in accordance with the agreement between the parties.

The announcement of the order to the employee is made against signature within three days from the actual start of work. In accordance with the requirements of the employee, the employer undertakes to issue an appropriate copy of this document. At the same time, it must have legal force, that is, be certified.

During the admission process workplace before the employment contract is signed, the employer undertakes to familiarize the employee with the rules of the order within the organization, as well as with other regulations developed and operated at the local level.

Basic information and requirements for 2018

The preparation and execution of this order is carried out by an employee of the legal or personnel department. After that, the paper is handed over to the manager for signature and brought to the attention of the hired employee, must be signed.

In the future, this order will act as the basis for making certain entries in personal card employee, his work book, as well as to open a personal personal account.

For the purpose of registration and accounting of persons who are hired, the company can form and use personal text form of the order document. In this situation, the content chapter of the document should include specific list of information:

  • instruction on administrative measures;
  • Name of the employee who is taking on the position;
  • professional features of the vacancy;
  • full name of the section;
  • conditions regarding the probationary period (if necessary);
  • date of preparation of the paper;
  • information about the number of the employment contract, on the basis of which the admission to the workplace takes place.

The employer has the opportunity issuing an order for a whole group of employees. In this situation, all the items listed earlier are noted within the order separately for each specialist (form T-1a).

In order to register persons who are accepted for a position under an employment contract, can be used special form T-1. Its filling is simple and clear, but there are several features that require additional explanation.

Instructions for filling and sample

There is several general provisions , in accordance with which the filling of this paper takes place.

  1. If the conclusion labor agreement is carried out for an indefinite time, then the second column in the “date” line of this document remains blank.
  2. In the form, if you study the conditions for admission to the workplace, and also take into account the nature of the upcoming position, you need to indicate one of the forms in accordance with which the work process will be organized. For example, you can select the items “part-time”, “regularly”, “permanently”, “in the form of a transfer”.
  3. indication tariff rates, salary and allowances, as well as deductions and compensations occurs in accordance with staffing. This aspect must also comply with the conditions of remuneration, which are prescribed in the framework of the employment contract.

The advantage of unified forms lies in their simplicity and fewer formalities compared to a textual version expressed in an arbitrary form. Within the framework of unified forms, there is no need to create marks that the employee agrees with the working conditions.

According to the provisions of this order, the employee is assigned the obligation to begin professional duties from the specified day. If the employee does not show up for work during this period, order to be canceled.

This order is filled in the following way:

Logging and storage

The register of orders related to personnel is a special document used to issue orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees.

The shelf life of this paper is 75 years old. The main section of the journal does not imply difficulties in filling out. This seven column table(number of payment order, date, order number, type, full name, personnel value, basis).

Also, this journal contains several auxiliary materials related to the unified forms T-1, T-5, T-8, as well as a list of standard documents.

Order examples

As already noted, for different categories citizens this document has its own characteristics.

For underage applicants

The main nuance of the order for a minor citizen is the fact that familiarization with the document is carried out by his parents or guardians. If the age is over 14 years old, the document is signed by the new employee himself.

The remaining parts of the order remain the same as for adult employees. The work of this category of citizens is most often urgent.

For temporary employment

There are several fields that are required in this case. It is necessary to enter the data in the field in which the expiration of the contract appears, and also note in the line on the conditions for admission to the workplace the fact that this species labor activity is temporary for the employee.

For IP

The key difference between this treaty is that it no OKPO code, as well as there is no indication of the name of the structural unit.

On probation

If the contract implies the acceptance of an employee with a probationary period, this fact is noted as part of the order, and this happens by agreement of the parties.

Information about probationary period usually appear in the order for admission to the workplace.

Half rate

This type of employment is possible in case of internal or external combination. With all this, the size of the rate is not indicated in the order itself, it is only about the size of the salary, its maximum limit cannot be more than half the rate indicated in the staffing table.

If a part-time worker is hired, the process is no different from the previous example. As a basic option, we can talk about the example of replacing an employee who is temporarily absent.

In this situation, the field in which we are talking about the end of employment, never filled out, since the main employee has the right to go to the workplace at any time.

For the convict

When a convicted citizen enters the workplace, in addition to the basic documentation package, they are provided appropriate order to report to work.

It can be obtained from the penitentiary. However, there is no possibility of concluding fixed-term contract with a convicted citizen.

For the driver

The form remains the same. Usually, the reception of drivers is carried out in motor transport structures or in a garage.


When employees go to work, the employer is responsible for signing the relevant order. When it comes to getting a job CEO, the signing is carried out by chairman - participant of the meeting of owners.

If the CEO acts as the sole owner, he independently signs the order related to hiring, while he acts as sole founder of this company.

When transferring

If an employee is transferred, then filling in takes place in accordance with the T-1 form. If the transfer is considered internal, the formation of the order is carried out according to T-5.

Thus, there are several variations of the contracts themselves and their filling. following general rules and principles will enable the parties to conclude mutually beneficial relationship avoiding common mistakes.

How to issue a job application? More details in this video.