Services and programs for a copywriter. To the library for a copywriter: books worth reading

Each copywriter has its own set of services and programs for different tasks... Some programs for a copywriter are simply necessary, others add comfort and speed up work at times. There will be no listing here text editors and directions to skype as a means of communication for the copywriter.

I offer my "gold list" for copywriting, proven in work. For convenience, I divide all services for copywriters into sections. Attention: the article is large, there are many links. Go!

Both programs are free and run on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

  • is an analogue of a program that recognizes voice to text. This online service for a copywriter with which you can make speech input of text. You can dictate, you can give audio or video for recognition. Works only in Chrome browser.
  • - if in doubt how a word is spelled - just paste it into the form and press the "Check" button. You will be shown the options and rules for spelling a word in different semantic bundles, based on dictionaries.
  • is an online service that highlights errors in the text. Of the minuses - you need to register for the service. From the pros - it works quickly, has an affiliate program for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
  • is a copywriting exchange that I do not work at, but which has three convenient and fast services for a copywriter - synonyms selection, spell check and uniqueness check. They can be used without registering on the site, it works very quickly.
  • Rhyme maker - for those who write poetry and find it difficult to rhyme. Now it has become fashionable to preface some articles with the quatrain "on the topic of the day." I must say right away that I am not a fan of such excesses and have used it only 2 times. If you are into this fashion, this service might be helpful.
  • Textus.Pro - which can count characters with / without spaces, check the nausea and wateriness of the text, and calculate its cost. In some places it does not work, but in general it is a convenient thing if you work with payment per kilo-characters. The author of the idea is great and mighty.
  • - a program that I described in detail and step by step. There is auto-correction (i.e. removes unnecessary characters and spaces), template check (highlights the places where there is an extra sign or it is missing). For greater uniqueness, it is possible to adjust the length of the shingle along which the generation will occur. By the way, the percentage of uniqueness and the number of texts can also be specified.
  • - a program for the reproduction of articles. It is more convenient to create a template in it than in the previous one, but it is more convenient for me to check it for correctness and directly generate texts in GTW.

I wrote about such programs in detail in. Therefore, I will briefly list here:

  • Advego Plagiatus is the most popular service among copywriters. They check the uniqueness of the text, it is possible to edit repetitions right in the dialog box. The length of the shingle and the depth of the check are adjustable. Free to download. It often shows different values ​​for the same text within 5 minutes, so it is better to use it in conjunction with the following program:
  • Etxt Antiplagiat is also free, installed on a computer, in addition to the uniqueness of one text, it can compare two texts with each other (rewriters will appreciate it). It is convenient to edit the text directly in the dialog box.
  • - is able to search for plagiarism on the network and carry out seo-analysis of the text. When ordering for seo copywriting, I use it to determine the density keywords and analysis of competitors' texts.

  • FastStone Capture is an analogue of Snagit. It costs $ 20, the free period is 30 days.
  • is a program that captures a screen or its area; the snapshot is stored on the server. The user receives a link to the image, which he can then send to the addressee, place on his website, in comments, etc.
  • Joxi is a cloud storage screenshot software. You make a screen, and then you can edit, crop, save to your computer or the cloud, send a link to an image or the screen itself. There is a paid version, but there is enough free for the eyes.
  • Plugin Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder for google chrome, but it works fine for me and in the Opera. No need to download. Shoots screenshots with scrolling and video from the screen, you can edit, customize hot buttons, save format - Jpg and Png. Now I use it for screenshots.
  • That's all for now. These are all programs and services for a copywriter that I use when I write, edit, make a portfolio and design texts. If you can recommend other programs, or you have questions - write in the comments!

    “I want someone to teach as a copywriter.” Is it true? You can learn from your mistakes and fill up the cones, or you can use the experience of others. Let's look at the work of successful copywriters and, using their example, we will analyze the basic principles of this profession.

      • The best copywriting books: exploring the experience of professionals
      • Conclusion

    The best copywriting books: exploring the experience of professionals

    A copywriter must simultaneously fulfill many customer requirements and strive to make his text not only unique, but lively and interesting to the reader.

    Dmitry Kot: “Copywriting: how not to eat a dog. We create texts that sell ”, published in 2013.

    The material in this copywriting book has been verified by a successful personal experience the author and his clients. This is one of the best domestic instructions for creating selling texts. The book describes in detail the techniques, tips and secrets to help increase efficiency. copywriter's work.

    Sometimes it looks like chapters from a fantasy book, but they really work! These are not ready-made solutions, but clay, from which the skilled hands of a master can make a masterpiece. You have experience and knowledge of the market, you know your competitors well. Add to the finished text some of the "chips" described in detail in the book, do "nice hair and dress smartly" your article - and voila, the selling text is ready!

    Stick to the main principles:

    • respect the reader. Write in such a way that you are not ashamed while checking the text. Know that the reader is no more stupid than you are.
    • honesty. Write only verified information, present it from the right angle and it will work.
    • work for sales. Think a sentence or this paragraph will help the reader make a purchase decision.

    The whole book is a set of techniques, techniques and secrets for creating quality text... Here are some specific practical tips and tricks. Open the book on the right page, choose the right recommendation and implement it in your work. There are no theory and abstruse formulas in the book - only practical techniques.

    Sasha Karepina: “We write convincingly. My own copywriter ”, year of publication 2012.

    The art of communication and persuasion builds human happiness... How can I convince the other person to think the way I want and do what I want? Probably, there is simply no more urgent topic.

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    This book is about texts that convince the reader and are able to sell. The book is about articles that make the reader “think and act in a certain way” (for personal purposes - sales, purchases; on duty, and so on).

    Who is this book for? For those who want to learn how to convince people from a distance. Lots of examples (and counterexamples), patterns and methods for all occasions, proven by the author in practice.

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    The book contains many examples of worked texts that live and bring dividends to customers. Several variants of texts that did not work are given. Find out why they did not work: a complete analysis of the defeat is provided, and most importantly - what rake the author of the article should not step on.

    The book is a journey into an exciting and interesting, logical and sometimes strange copywriting world... If you start reading - do not come off until the very last page, we promise!

    Denis Kaplunov: “Business copywriting. How to write serious texts for serious people ”, published in 2015.

    The book will teach you how to write charismatic texts that sell. Busy people do not have too much time for long, uninteresting texts.

    For a business text to be effective, it must be devoid of "water", it must not be deceitful, impersonal and boring. Only “live” texts have a chance of success, behind them is the hand of a true master of his craft. This book will be useful for site owners, bloggers, anyone who dreams of creating articles that cannot be stopped.

    Denis Kaplunov: Content, Marketing and Rock and Roll, 2014.

    What is this book about? It's impossible to imagine your life without the Internet. We glance at some sites in passing, and return to others several times a day. Why is this happening, what force is pulling us there over and over again? The answer is very simple - exciting site content.

    Is it difficult to create engaging content? In what form and format, what and how to present in order to instantly attract the audience? How to fall in love with the site maximum amount visitors? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this book. All content formats are considered here: articles for the site, pictures, photos and videos, news, email newsletters, e-books, blog posts, etc.

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    Shown here are working techniques and techniques that have been verified real practice... The book is written simply and intelligibly. It contains examples of how to create effective content and what mistakes to avoid. The knowledge gained from this book will really help you succeed in creating workable content.

    The book will interest those who want to attract customers and make money on the Internet. The book will interest the owners of sites, blogs, users social networks... Read on and you will certainly want to please your audience with interesting and useful articles.

    Denis Kaplunov: “An effective commercial proposal. A Comprehensive Guide ", published in 2013.

    A commercial proposal drawn up in accordance with all the rules will increase sales and the number of customers, and, accordingly, profit from one buyer. To write it, study all the rules and implement them in your business.

    The techniques and rules described in the book are universal for any business, including rewriting and copywriting... And then the words "It's hard to refuse our offer" will become reality! The book will be useful to everyone who is involved in sales.

    Denis Kaplunov: Copywriting of Mass Destruction, 2011.

    A collection of unique techniques, tactics, professional secrets that can be used when writing promotional articles.

    The book will be of interest to copywriters working in the field of advertising and marketing. Everything is described in the case, useful, informative, intelligible and concise. And some techniques are used by the author directly in the text. You can immediately assess their impact on yourself!

    Sergey Bernadsky: “Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a customer ”, published in 2013.

    Sales depend a lot on how the ad is written. Promotional text is not information for potential buyers about the company and its products. The advertising text should encourage the immediate purchase of the products of this particular company, inspire confidence in the products and remove doubts about the choice.

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    For the compilation of such texts, there is whole line techniques and methods that are outlined in this book. With their help, you can successfully write advertising texts and attract customers. The tutorial should be read by beginners and experienced professionals in drafting advertising texts... Lots of tips and examples, headlines and storylines ... you will definitely learn a lot!

    Elina Slobodyanyuk: “A treasure for a copywriter. Technology for creating exciting texts ”, published in 2014.

    The book presents different techniques and methods of working with words, sentences and text. All textbook truths are stated: the study of the topic, the target audience, headline and first sentence. Lots of interesting examples from the practice of advertisers.

    The book will teach you to clearly express thoughts, analyze and adequately evaluate the text. Recommended for everyone who takes their first steps and wants to become good and successful copywriter.

    Elina Slobodyanyuk: "Handbook of a copywriter", published in 2008.

    How to compose a slogan, come up with a name, choose a format? The answer to almost any question can be found in this book.

    Study it and you will receive an invaluable storehouse of information that will help you successfully complete and complete your work. This book will be especially useful for novice copywriters.

    Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Konstantin Benko: "How to write selling texts: Commercial offers that bring millions", published in 2012.

    Texts that sell without your presence - a pledge successful business... The book describes in detail how to correctly compose advertising texts in order to induce a potential client to take action, and not just give him information.

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    Here are samples of selling texts for the consumer and for the intermediary, the subtleties of working with claims are explained. The book will especially interest people who have own business related to sales.

    Olga Solomatina: “It's easy to write. How to write lyrics without waiting for inspiration ”, published in 2014.

    The book contains lectures and practical tasks that help you write any text, following simple rules. Not just write, but write really well, even if you don't want to and there is no inspiration.

    There is a minimum of theory in the book, and by completing practical tasks, you can believe in yourself and that anyone can write good texts. Or almost anyone. This book is for everyone who writes large articles and small texts, writes for himself or to order, writes advertising information or analytical articles.


    Read, read, read! And not only these copywriting books. Which one is the best is up to you. Using the techniques described in them, you will make fewer mistakes, quickly master the difficult copywriting profession and very soon you will become a highly qualified specialist. Even having achieved success - read, these are courses to improve your qualifications.

    If you have time to read just one book, take this one. She will teach you to write in an accessible, concise and concise manner using clear examples. Moreover, this knowledge will be useful both for professional authors and for those who generally write at least something - that is, absolutely everyone.

    However, if you have a good journalism education, you are unlikely to learn something new, just in most cases you nod in agreement with the authors. But you will still recommend the book to your friends.

    After reading, do not rush to mindlessly cut, turning them into a rambling set of words. The main thing - and the authors themselves say this - before you write and shorten, think about what you will get.

    In general, the book teaches how to create quality presentations... But for writing people it will be just as useful. Take on board something that comes in handy when communicating with the audience using letters.

    The text is the same speech, stand-up, presentation, only more limited in the means of expression. But you also need to be able to structure your thoughts, grab the reader's attention and guide it from the beginning to the end of the story.

    The book consists of 14 lessons and sequentially teaches you to put words into texts that will be pleasant and understandable to the reader. It reveals different formats: slogans, long reads, essays, memoirs. Thanks to its good structure, the publication puts thoughts on the shelves and answers the main questions of a novice author.

    In their book, Kenneth Rouman and Joel Rafaelson revealed the basic principles of successful writing, paid special attention to business correspondence and speechwriting, shared their experience in drawing up plans and reports, and gave advice on how to create an effective resume.

    The experience of any author is not endless, therefore, when searching for information, he has to shovel through many sources. The work will go much faster if you increase the reading speed without losing the quality of understanding. These are the skills that Peter Kamp's book helps to master.

    Olga Solomatina's book is a kind of textbook for journalists, and you can consolidate all the theoretical knowledge gained with the help of practical exercises. After reading the book, you will get rid of the fear of a blank slate, replenish your knowledge base with practical stylistics, and learn a lot about journalistic genres.

    In pursuit of great texts that will be useful to the reader and will please the editor, you need to think about yourself. The book will teach you how to make publications shape yours.

    A reputation as a good author and expert in your industry comes in handy when you decide to take it to the next level and earn more. Moreover, personal brand brings you into the headhunters' field of vision, so the work itself will find you.

    Dmitry Kot, a copywriter with a marketing education and approach, will tell you how to create simple yet effective ad copy. Despite the fact that the book is mainly for those who are engaged in writing selling texts, those who are just leading personal will find something useful for themselves.

    This is not to say that the entire book consists entirely of useful tips... There are many lyrical digressions, which, however, are easy and pleasant to read - that's the same. But the practical recommendations given by the author are enough to change your approach to texts.

    In her book, Elina Slobodyanyuk shares the techniques for creating effective texts: how to come up with great headlines, how and what literary techniques and means of artistic expression to use. In addition, the author pays attention to text editing.

    Mark Levy will show you how to write the text when it is not written at all and the deadlines are tight, how to make a list of ideas for the product, when only templates come into your head and you cannot come up with anything new. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the freewriting technique and will be much less likely to encounter.

    The authors focus on scientific and popular science works, but their advice will be useful to anyone who uses many links to research in their texts and processes a large amount of information. The work will no longer be boring, and the texts - incomprehensible.

    If you make money by writing, then you know that you simply do not have time to wait for inspiration. The customer or editor will not wait for the muse to visit you, so you need to learn how to manage your resources, pump your personal one and make the last spurt when there is almost no strength left.

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    I was filled with doubts about my abilities. I was not an excellent student at school in subjects related to the Russian language. I have no higher philological education. And I can’t boast of experience in journalism (because I didn’t have it at all).

    Which copywriter am I? But I will forever remain true to my opinion: everyone can learn to write convincing texts. Someone succeeds earlier, someone later. The main thing is not to give up, believe in yourself and move firmly towards your goal.

    I have no doubt that many of you have asked yourself similar questions. Did you want to know if you can shape your thoughts into ready-made text sentences? After all, you see how others do it. And the incessant talk about big earnings only fuel your excitement.

    At the same time, you are well aware that easy money can only be found in dreams and Hollywood films. Only those who work fruitfully, who improve their skills and who never stop at what have been achieved have the result.

    And I truly believe that you belong to that category. Otherwise, you would not be familiar with this book now. Before starting the main part, I want to talk with you about some important aspects copywriting.

    A successful author develops gradually, like a good wine that matures over the years. When I re-read my first texts, I sometimes feel frankly ashamed. I could not find an explanation for how such "masterpieces" could have been created by me. But if not for these lyrics, I could never have achieved what I have today.

    Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the formula for your personal success in the field of writing texts depends not only on the knowledge gained, but also on their systematic application in practice, that is, on skills. And in this book we will explore the wonderful world of copywriting step by step. Are you ready for this?

    Every copywriter must be a polymath

    In childhood and adolescence, I loved to watch the program “What? Where? When?". I was always attracted by something new that I did not know about. I sat with enthusiasm at the TV and attentively absorbed new information... This is how the intellect of any person is formed.

    We grab hold of every grain of new knowledge. Because we want to constantly update our personal mental encyclopedia. Sometimes this happens on a subconscious level. We still have no idea whether the acquired knowledge will help us in the future. We're just curious.

    A copywriter is a writing person. He is simply obliged to supplement his texts with interesting and useful information. It helps to engage the reader and meet their expectations. After all, he begins to study the text in order to find something useful for himself. He does not want to waste his precious time on what seems boring, sluggish and completely useless to him.

    As soon as he manages to find this value, he is already yours. You can guide him throughout the text by delicately manipulating his mind. This is possible only on one condition: you must be a polymath.

    One of the most frightening problems for aspiring copywriters is the "wateriness" of their texts. I will not hide, at one time I also faced such a problem. There were days when I just didn't know which side to approach new job... It was as if I was being paralyzed. What to write about? What is the first letter to put on a virgin blank sheet? ..

    In one of the first written texts, I decided to use my erudition. I had the original information courtesy of the client. This information would be enough to write a completely sane text. Only I wanted more.

    It was a risk. But I had a feeling inside me that I was moving in the right direction. Ultimately, the client acknowledged that my approach was correct. His words were: "You know, there is definitely something in this."

    Why did I do this? I thought about the readers. They love to learn something new. They don't notice how seconds turn into minutes. Because they are passionate about your lyrics, they want to continue, they are imbued with confidence in you. You are an example for them.

    Your professional knowledge is a trump card

    For many authors, copywriting is additional source earnings. They usually have Full time job, and writing is presented as a money-making hobby. And there is nothing wrong with that. We all want our personal income to grow rapidly. More money- more confidence and independence.

    Copywriting books help to develop: learn new formats, use effective models for commercial texts, competently build a dialogue with the reader. We decided to create our own selection: TOP-10 best books on copywriting. The books were evaluated according to the popularity of the author and the practical usefulness of the work.

    TOP 10 copywriting books

    "Revelations of an Advertising Agent" is the first book of an advertiser. Today it has been translated into 14 languages ​​of the world, and its circulation exceeds 1,000,000 editions. The book tells about the life of an advertiser, gives a lot of valuable advice on keeping customers' attention, building advertising campaign, the use of different stylistic devices. It tells about the main principles of advertising, so the work is addressed to everyone: advertisers, marketers, copywriters.

    This is another book by the most famous advertiser of the last century. In 2002, it was translated into Russian for the first time. It describes the stories of real projects - ups after advertising campaigns and not entirely successful decisions. The author described the advertising kitchen "from the inside" and added over 150 color and black-and-white illustrations to the text. The main value of the work is "live" examples and detailed practical guides.

    “Selling letter. How to write a sales letter to attract the maximum number of customers. " Dan Kennedy. year 2012.

    This book is a step by step practical guide to action to create email... The author tells how to compose a title and postscript, what to look for when writing, how to check ready letter... Also, attention is paid to the graphic design of the letter.

    “Copywriting. How not to eat a dog. We create texts that sell. " Dmitry Kot. year 2012.

    Dmitry Kot is one of the most famous copywriters in Russia, director of the Agency for Selling Texts, and a trainer. His personal best is text with a 20% conversion rate.

    This work is a ready-made set of techniques for creating a selling text. Each chapter has a valuable practical advice, for example - on the creation of selling headlines. The author talks about different types selling texts and offers practical methods for their creation. The book is based on the personal experience of Dmitry and his team, therefore it contains almost no theory.

    Joseph Sugerman is a famous copywriter of the last century. In the 70s, participation in his seminar cost about $ 3,000.

    This book was written in the last century, but many Russian publishing houses began to publish it after 2010. The author talks in detail and with examples about the creation of various advertising messages. He clearly explains how to write and teaches through entertainment.

    "Copywriting of Mass Destruction". Denis Kaplunov. year 2014.

    Denis Kaplunov is another well-known copywriter. Director of the agency "Studio Denis Kaplunov". Leading the thematic blog "Copywriting from A to Y".

    The book shows a collection of techniques, techniques and tactics for creating various advertising texts. All this is supported by real examples from practice. The author tells how to interest the reader, keep him and push him to the target action.

    Sergey Bernadsky is an expert in the field of copywriting. He is also a business consultant and author of several successful trainings, including copywriting.

    This book is another step-by-step instruction on writing sales texts. It also proposes a simple step by step system, thanks to which everyone can improve the efficiency of their texts. Like many other books, it contains practical advice and real examples.

    Joe Vitale - President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc, one of the characters in the movie "The Secret", a certified hypnotist and marketer.

    This book discusses the power of persuasion with simple words... The author explains how hypnotic advertising works and how to create truly effective text. The theory is supported by practical examples.

    Alexander Repyev started working as a copywriter back in 1966. He is the oldest advertiser in Russia and the founder of the agency of the same name.

    The book tells about how to become a good advertiser and make sure that advertising pays off and leads to customers. This publication is a mix of the experience of hundreds of marketing and advertising projects in which the author participated.

    Elina is a specialist in the field of copywriting, doctor of historical sciences, creator of the course "School of copywriters".

    This book will be useful for novice copywriters. It tells about the principles of building advertising slogans, titles, and the choice of text format. There are many illustrative examples from Russian and foreign practice.

    Which copywriting books are included in your personal TOP-10? Share your opinion in the comments!