Shiryaev Alexander Georgievich - General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company "Pipe Metallurgical Company". Alexander Shiryaev: TMK relies on premium products and oil and gas services Alexander Shiryaev, Chairman of the Management Board, TMK

Born on 01/01/1952 in the Sverdlovsk region.

Education and degrees.
He received his higher education at the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy, from which he graduated in 1991.

He began his career at the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, where, over twenty-three years of fruitful work, he moved up the career ladder to the post of director of financial affairs of the enterprise. In 1998, he was appointed General Director of Uralshina Joint-Stock Company. In 2001, he took the post of Deputy General Director of the Closed Joint-Stock Company Trading House of the Sinar Pipe Plant, where he dealt with the strategic development of this enterprise. And in 2002 he was appointed Deputy General Director for Financial and Economic Affairs of the Turbine Metallurgical Company. Three years later, he becomes the general director of the closed joint-stock company Sinara. He is also one of the members of the Board of Directors of Volga Pipe Plant Open Joint Stock Company, Sverdlovsk Pipe Plant Open Joint Stock Company, Sinarsky Pipe Plant Open Joint Stock Company, Tagmet Open Joint Stock Company, and SKB-Bank.

TMK CEO Alexander Shiryaev, Interview with Vedomosti

"The state could buy raw materials that can be stored and that will be in demand. With the restoration of demand, these products could be quickly sold. Unfortunately, the state does not offer such measures ..."

“We are not a bank to turn on the counter,” - Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of the Pipe Metallurgical Company

TMK executives are regular participants in anti-crisis meetings of the government and industry. The new CEO of TMK believes that while the state is doing everything right

Newspaper "Vedomosti", No. 227 (2249) dated 01.12.2008
Julia Fedorinova

This year, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) has become the largest pipe company in the world in terms of capacity. The purchase of Ipsco's American plants, for which TMK paid with $1.2 billion in loans, allowed it to take the first place. But the company has already managed to refinance short loans for $400 million, and negotiations are underway with banks on the remaining debt. In addition, TMK applied to Vnesheconombank for a loan. Recently, VEB allocated $1.8 billion to Evraz Group to refinance loans taken, among other things, for the purchase of Ipsco's Canadian assets, and so far there is no reason to think that the state will refuse TMK in a similar deal. Alexander Shiryaev, who was appointed CEO of TMK at the end of November, tells Vedomosti about how the company is going to develop in the conditions of the global crisis.

Alexander Georgievich Shiryaev was born on January 1, 1952 in the Kurgan region. In 1991 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy. In 1974, he began his career at the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, in 24 years he went from an electrician to a financial director

1998 - General Director of OAO Uralshina
2001 - Deputy General Director of the Trading House of the Sinar Pipe Plant
2002 - Deputy General Director for Finance and Economics of TMK
2005 - Vice President of Sinara Group
2006 - CEO of the Sinara group
2008 - CEO of TMK

Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK)

The largest pipe manufacturer in Russia

Pipe sales - 2.75 million tons (10 months, 2008).
Financial indicators (IFRS, first half of 2008):
revenue - $ 2.37 billion,
net profit - $ 158.2 million.

The company was founded in 2001. It combines the Volzhsky, Sinarsky and Seversky pipe plants, the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant, the TMK-Artrom pipe plant and the TMK-Resita metallurgical plant (both in Romania).

The main owner is TMK Steel Limited (74.83%), owned by Dmitry Pumpyansky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TMK. Capitalization of TMK on the LSE - $1.2 billion, has fallen by almost 8 times since the beginning of the year.

What is the reason for your appointment at TMK? Are you a crisis manager? Konstantin Semerikov, who led the company before you, did not cope with the tasks set?

Of course, I have experience of working in crisis situations in the dashing 1990s or in 1998 in conditions of the most severe non-payments. But my assignment has nothing to do with it. The fact is that this year, with the purchase of American pipe plants, TMK finally turned into a global company. In this regard, there was a need to change approaches to management. TMK will become the center for making strategic and financial decisions, while operational management on the ground will be transferred to the heads of the divisions that we plan to create. So far there will be three of them: Russian, including the CIS, European and North American. The formation of the latter has already been completed: it is led by Petr Golitsyn (former member of the board of directors of TMK and head of the Russian representative office of BASF. - Vedomosti). I will be engaged in the formation of a new structure, and then the leadership. My appointment does not mean that my predecessor, Konstantin Semerikov, failed to cope with something. He is a great professional with vast experience in the industry. He is now simply entrusted with new tasks and functions - in the post of general director of TMK Trading House.

Have you signed a contract for a long time?

- For a year. According to TMK's charter, the powers of the general director must be confirmed annually.

How did the crisis affect TMK?

The pipe market has narrowed. This is especially true for the general-purpose pipe segment: demand from engineering, housing and communal services and construction enterprises has fallen. In October (compared to September), this segment for welded pipes decreased by 28%, for seamless pipes - by 5%. And when compared with October last year, the fall was 21% and 16%, respectively. In the segment of oil and gas pipes, mainly for us, demand by the end of the year, according to our estimates, will fall by 10%, but in general it will be stable. In the segment of large diameter pipes, consumption decreased by more than 40% over 10 months due to the postponement of the implementation of major projects such as Nord Stream and ESPO.

The production of general purpose pipe, where the reduction is taking place, is a low-income segment; in the production of pipes in the oil and gas segment, the drop is not so big. Of course, we have to reduce production in Russia, but to a lesser extent than our competitors. In October, Russian enterprises of TMK produced 12% less than in October last year, but 5% more than in the previous month. We benefit from this - in October, TMK's share of the Russian market increased to 29% from 27.8% in September. As for large-diameter pipes, our negotiations with Gazprom and Transneft give reason to believe that there will be more orders next year.

Finally, we compensate for declining volumes in Russia with TMK Ipsco's work, which turned out to be better than planned. 70,000 tons were shipped in August 2008, over 86,000 tons in September, and 95,000 tons in October. this year. In addition to TMK Ipsco, the investment projects we have implemented will also contribute: a continuous pipe-rolling plant for the production of seamless pipes (PQF) at the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant and a line for the production of large-diameter longitudinally welded pipes at the Volzhsky Pipe Plant.

In the US, demand, it turns out, has not fallen at all if Ipsco is ramping up production?

Of course, the crisis has also affected the American oil and gas industry. We expect some reduction in demand as lower oil and natural gas prices make unconventional production unprofitable. Some small players will be forced to freeze their projects or leave the market altogether. But the structure of the American market is diversified - there are a large number of pipe consumers and a well-developed distribution network, which makes it possible to stop the fall and avoid sharp jumps. In addition, the American market for oil and gas pipes is the largest in the world. At the same time, it has a large share of imports, especially Chinese. And we predict increased competition. But we feel quite confident in the competition, as TMK Ipsco is a traditional supplier of pipes for a number of American oil and gas companies. We forecast that the market in our segments will decline by no more than 15%.

And in Russia, your main clients - Gazprom, oilmen - now pay for pipes?

- Gazprom is a first-class client with a 100% payment reputation. Its receivables are a normal phenomenon associated with the planning and implementation of Gazprom's investment projects. We are constantly in contact with Gazprom and are trying to resolve the accumulated issues. The receivables of our Russian clients now amount to about 11 billion rubles.

How much of this amount is in arrears?

- We are not a bank, to clearly say: that's it, from tomorrow we turn on the meter, we calculate interest. We are flexible in our relations with clients and are able to negotiate with them.

Do you pay your suppliers yourself?

TMK's debt to suppliers is less than our accounts receivable. We are connected with our suppliers, have been cooperating for a long time and always find a common language, including on such complex issues.

What anti-crisis measures are being introduced at TMK?

This is not the first crisis that we are going through, and what to do is, in principle, clear. Measures are standard: we are auditing operating and capital costs, reducing and postponing non-priority ones, and optimizing management personnel. Our strategy was developed in 2005 and envisaged the implementation of a large investment program worth $2.5 billion. In the main, this program was completed - fortunately, even before the crisis began. We spent $1.7 billion on modernization. In addition to the continuous PQF mill, a new thermal department was introduced at Tagmet, a mill complex for the production of large-diameter longitudinally welded pipes and an oil and gas pipe finishing section (casing finishing line and thermal department) were launched at the Volzhsky Pipe Plant, an electric steel-smelting complex at the Seversky Pipe Plant, a thermal department at the Sinarsky Pipe Plant and many other smaller, but no less important projects. As a result, we increased pipe production capacity by 1.3 million tons, heat treatment capacity by 740,000 tons per year, and electric steel production by 1 million tons per year. And we got all this this year. Starting in 2009, we will significantly reduce our purchases of third-party billets, which is especially important during a crisis of liquidity and confidence. The remaining part of the investment program is the construction of an electric steel-smelting complex at Tagmet and a complex of continuous rolling mill FQM at the Seversk plant. We will not implement these projects in 2009. We plan to postpone the active phase of their implementation to 2010. But we will definitely do it. Also, we do not change our plans for the development of the service direction. We can already say that we are partly a company in the engineering industry - we manufacture products at the intersection of engineering and metallurgy. After all, the mechanical processing of pipes carried out by us is closer to mechanical engineering. We already have the Orsk Machine-Building Plant, which was re-profiled to produce locks for drill pipes. Now it is part of the TMK Oil and Gas Service division. We also created the TMK Premium Service subdivision, which specializes in pipes with premium threaded connections.

You cut costs. Will you now buy out 49% of the shares of the NS Group plant (owned by Ipsco) from Evraz Group? The amount of the transaction is fixed at $500 million, which is quite a lot now.

Certainly. We always fulfill our obligations.

How many employees does TMK lay off?

No targeted layoffs are expected at the company's plants. However, the optimization of staff by limiting admissions and further implementation of the outsourcing program will lead to a significant reduction in the number. By the way, over the past four years, we have reduced our headcount by about 10,000 people as part of an outsourcing program. At the same time, everyone is provided with work and we have maintained normal relations with trade unions. The commissioning of new capacities will make it possible to redistribute people between divisions of enterprises, which will contribute to smooth optimization.

TMK has a rather large debt - about $3 billion. In a crisis, this is a problem. It is believed that the capitalization of the company is falling largely because of this. Do investors have reason to worry?

Now the ratio of debt to EBITDA is approximately equal to 3. But the situation is not critical. We successfully refinanced a short-term debt due this year. Next year we plan to gradually reduce the level of debt. We will also shift the debt to a longer one. Negotiations on this matter are already underway, and they are successful.

How much will EBITDA increase?

Now any estimates and forecasts are conditional. But for now, we think it will [grow] by 10-20%. This will happen due to the consolidation of TMK Ipsco and completed investment activities.

Did you apply to VEB for money?

Yes. There is now generally a “folk trail” to VEB. (Smiling.) (Shiryaev refused to name the size of the application. - Vedomosti)

In general, from your point of view, is it not dangerous to take loans from the state now? This is not the first step towards nationalization?

No. This is real state support for business, and for us it is one of the opportunities to get money where it is. The government's actions to support the basic sectors of the economy, which include the oil and gas complex and metallurgy, are logical and justified. Stability in these industries insures against a general economic collapse, which means it prevents negative social consequences.

In your opinion, how fair is it that state-owned banks lend money to the real sector on market terms? After all, there are no discounted rates.

There will be no such rates on loans as before. Everyone understands this. Yes, the state allocated cheap money to the banks. But it will also require the banks to return them. Therefore, banks take risks by lending to companies. This risk is converted into a bet.

You recently attracted a loan from VTB. What are state-owned banks asking for as collateral now?

From borrower to borrower, I think it varies. We have fixed assets, working capital.

Thanks to the crisis, all assets fell in price. Do you see merger opportunities for TMK now?

No other company in the world currently has such capacities as TMK has. We improve what we already have. And although everything is cheap now, it is not the time for shopping. If something really falls, we are ready to raise it, but even then we will think about it. (Smiling.)

Have you started negotiations on long-term contracts for next year with suppliers and customers? What price formula and terms of its revision do you consider optimal?

We have a long-term agreement with MMK, and we expect to conclude it with others. Optimal, from our point of view, would be contracts for three years with price revision quarterly, depending on changes in various indices. They should be tied to inflation, changes in prices for raw materials, etc. The Ministry of Economy and the Federal Antimonopoly Service want to develop a universal formula. But so far we can hardly imagine how this can be done.

Do you think it's time to introduce government procurement to support the metallurgy and pipe industry?

- The formation of state reserves could be one of the measures to stabilize the economy. The state could buy pipes, copper, aluminum, cast iron from enterprises, that is, raw materials and materials that can be stored and that will be in demand. With the opening of markets and the restoration of demand, these products could be quickly sold. True, the state, unfortunately, does not offer such measures.

Was it a pity to leave the Sinara group, which you led for several years, for the sake of TMK?

- Sinara is a very interesting project. But, on the other hand, which hand is more valuable to you? Right or left? Both are needed. In recent years, we have brought Sinara to a certain level, formed and approved a development strategy. Ambitious and professional management works there. Sinara has several main areas of investment that it will develop. One of them is transport engineering. So far, we have created a small but very promising holding - Sinara Transport Machines (STM). It includes the Ural Railway Machine-Building Plant, the Lyudinovsky Diesel Locomotive Plant - it is possible that the Ural Diesel Engine Plant will soon [enter]. STM created a new electric locomotive from scratch and put it into production. In the locomotive building market of Russia and the CIS countries, the holding's goal is to gain a share of up to 40% in freight electric locomotives and up to 50% in shunting diesel locomotives, as well as to enter new sales markets. Over time, I think this company can become a serious competitor to Transmashholding. The second strategic direction for Sinara is development, the company has projects in Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Sochi. And finally, the third direction is financial, SKB-bank. Among the largest banks in Russia, according to various indicators, it occupies positions from 70th to 60th. We are successfully developing this bank, here we have a reliable partner - the EBRD with a 25% share. Sinara recently acquired the Sverdlovsk Provincial Bank, which will be merged with SKB.

Has the group's assets ever been valued?

We did it for ourselves. According to our estimates, in relation to TMK, the Sinara group is five times smaller.

14 years with Pumpyansky

Shiryaev met the future owner of TMK, Dmitry Pumpyansky, in 1994 at the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant: Pumpyansky was then its commercial director. Shiryaev also participated in the creation of the Pipe Metallurgical Company - in 2001 he negotiated with the MDM group on behalf of the Sinara group on the integration of assets based on TMK. But Shiryaev did not become a major shareholder of these companies. In TMK, according to official data, Shiryaev owns 0.0162% of the shares, and in the Sinara group he participates in an option program for management. “My package [there] is small, but good,” smiles the TMK CEO.

According to the preliminary results of 2013, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) for the fifth time became the world's largest producer of steel pipes in terms of shipment volumes, showing a result on the level of a much more favorable year for pipemakers in 2012. Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of TMK, spoke about how this was done, about the company's plans for 2014 and the prospects for the pipe market.

- Alexander Georgievich, with what results did TMK end 2013?

The final results of the year are still being summed up, but, according to preliminary data, TMK's shipment volume corresponds to the record level of 2012 and even slightly exceeds it. The highest growth was achieved in the sector of high-tech seamless pipes. These are the company's key products, accounting for more than half of TMK's total sales.

The enterprises of the Russian division of TMK ended the year with good results, which is explained by the activity of domestic oil and gas companies in the field of exploration and production of hydrocarbons. As a result, the company retained its leading position in the Russian pipe market. On the other hand, due to macroeconomic factors, the situation in our American and European divisions remains rather difficult.

- How do you assess the situation on the global pipe market in 2013?

In 2012, the metallurgical sector began a decline, which continued into 2013. The drop in demand led to a decrease in prices for metal products, which, in turn, affected the production and economic performance of companies in the metallurgical industry, including pipe companies.

For pipe manufacturers, a tangible consequence of the instability is the shrinking of the sales market. Taking into account the changing market conditions and budget sequestration, pipe consumers adjust their investment plans, reduce purchase programs, reorient themselves to a cheaper range, which, of course, affects the financial and economic performance of pipe manufacturers. And taking into account import deliveries to our main "home" regions (Russia and the USA), it can be stated that both global and local competition in the steel pipe market is seriously increasing.

- How can this affect the implementation of TMK's investment plans?

To date, we have almost completed the implementation of TMK's strategic investment program. Since 2004, the total investment for these purposes has exceeded $3 billion. A large-scale ten-year program of modernization and reconstruction of all TMK production sites serves as a powerful technical foundation and technological foundation for the successful operation of the company for the next 15-20 years. Of the major projects, it remains for us to complete the reconstruction of the pipe-rolling production at the Seversky Pipe Plant with the construction of a continuous FQM mill. Most of the work at the facility has already been completed, and in 2014 it will be put into operation.

The key project of 2013 was the launch of an electric arc furnace (EAF) at TAGMET with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who highly appreciated our work. The launch of the furnace was the completion of the modernization of the entire steel-smelting and rolling complex of the enterprise. Moreover, as a result of the launch of EAF, TMK was able to completely abandon the outdated open-hearth method of steel production. As a result of the replacement of open-hearth production with electric steelmaking, unit costs are significantly reduced and the quality of end products is improved, while the capacity for the production of pipe billets has increased by 400 thousand tons year on year.

TMK is not planning any other major investment projects yet, which makes our financial position more stable and comfortable.

And how are TMK's foreign enterprises developing, given the current market situation? Which international markets are most important to you?

TMK is a global company. We try to offer our products in all major hydrocarbon production regions. Some of the markets are "home" for us. The production facilities of TMK's Russian, American, European and Middle Eastern divisions have stable positions and are recognized players in their respective country markets, actively working to gradually expand their borders. At the same time, the Russian and North American markets remain the most significant for us.

At the beginning of 2013, construction was completed and a new enterprise for the production of pipes with premium threaded connections and service in Edmonton (Canada) was launched. Consistently developing our priority oilfield service business, in April 2013 the subsidiary TMK's company - OFS International (USA) - has acquired assets for the maintenance of tubular products and the production of accessories for the oil and gas industry in Houston (Texas, USA).

There were important events in the Middle East division as well. In December 2012, we acquired a majority stake in the Gulf International Pipe Industry (TMK GIPI) pipe plant located in Oman and are now actively developing production there. We then registered in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Threading and Mechanical Key Premium LLC, a joint service venture with EMDAD, which will specialize in repairing pipes and downhole equipment, as well as threading tubing strings. This will allow us to strengthen our positions in the pipe market of the Middle East.

We expect that this year the volume of products and services offered by the enterprises of the division will grow, and the geography of deliveries will not be limited to the regional market, but will expand.

In addition, we are developing our own network of sales offices that operate in all major oil and gas regions of the planet. Today, the geography of shipments of our products includes 80 countries, and we do not plan to stop there.

- How instability in the international pipe market can lead toaffect the general state of TMK? Won't your overseas assets pull the company back?

Today we do not see such a threat. Moreover, it was geographic diversification that helped the company survive the crisis of 2008-2009 quite painlessly due to the fact that the consequences of a recession in one market where our products are presented were offset by relatively stable sales in another.

In general, the structure of our company is an absolute plus. We have excellent opportunities for cooperation between divisions. For example, a pipe manufactured in Taganrog can be shipped to the USA and, after finishing operations at the enterprises of the American division, delivered to the consumer in the USA or Canada. At the same time, products receive added value precisely during processing at American factories, which is much more appreciated by the client.

And it's not just pipes. There is an intensive exchange of technologies, developments, and business practices between the divisions. This allows you to get a synergistic effect. It manifested itself most clearly in the premium segment of TMK's business. The American and Russian divisions developed two of their own lines of premium products with different properties and technical characteristics. Now they are united under one brand. As a result of the joint work, the Americans got the opportunity to produce Russian-designed premium connections, and the developments of our American colleagues were put into production in Russia and successfully supplied to domestic consumers. Everyone benefits from such interaction - not only TMK's Russian and American plants and the company as a whole, but also our consumers around the world.

What other reserves do you have to increase competitiveness and profitability in the conditions of market turbulence ?

The key to increasing profitability is the production of premium products with high added value. In 2013, TMK supplied its customers with over 360,000 tons of OCTG pipes with premium threaded connections. It's no secret that oil and gas companies, our key customers, need more and more of these products in order to produce hydrocarbons in difficult conditions.

In order to offer consumers the latest developments, engineers companies are doing extensive research work. A year ago, employees of the American division of TMK IPSCO opened a research and development center in Houston (Texas, USA). The equipment of the center allows for the development of new types of products, experimental and evaluation tests, and certification of pipes.

In the spring of 2013, TMK entered into an agreement with the Skolkovo Foundation to establish and locate a TMK R&D center in the foundation's technopark. It will become the company's third R&D division together with the RosNITI Institute in Chelyabinsk and the R&D Center in Houston. We expect that the innovation center in Skolkovo will open up new opportunities for the development and implementation of advanced technologies and products.

As a result of our efforts aimed at the creation, production and promotion of our own premium developments, the shipment of pipes with premium threaded connections has increased by more than a third. Now premium products account for about 20% of TMK's EBITDA. In 2013, about 100 new types of products with unique properties were mastered.

By the way, a significant event took place last year - the birth of a new brand in our product line. Two already proven families of premium threaded connections (Russian TMK Premium and American TMK Ultra) are now produced under a single name - TMK Ultra Premium or TMK UP. This step will significantly expand the company's ability to participate in international tenders, help unify TMK's global package offer and increase recognition of the company's premium products on the global market.

In terms of increasing the company's profitability, the development of TMK's oilfield services business is no less important for us.

- If we talk about oil and gas services, how strong are your positions in this segment?

The enterprises of our TMK Neftegazservice division provide services for heat treatment, application of protective coatings, repair and storage of pipes. Our specialists assist in the completion, assembly and lowering of tubular strings into wells, and train the technical personnel of consumer companies. The sale of products in combination with services gives the company a competitive advantage and supports sales of oil and gas grade pipes ament.

Some of the services provided by TMK to Russian consumers are unique. For example, in August, TMK acted as a supplier of tubular products and services for preparing a well at the field of the Orenburgneft company (part of Rosneft) for hydraulic fracturing. This technology is one of the methods of unconventional drilling, which is widely used in the US in the development of shale gas fields, and TMK is one of the main suppliers of pipes for such tasks. This project with Orenburgneft is very significant for us, as it is the first time in Russia that TMK's premium products have been used in a hydraulic fracturing operation.


Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy.

In 1974, he entered JSC Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, where he worked for 23 years and went from engineer to financial director.



Over the first half of the year, the pipe market of the Russian Federation fell by 6% due to the completion of the construction of the largest pipelines

TMK increased seamless pipe sales, but LDP revenue declined.

“In Russia, one of our main priorities remains the development of innovative solutions, such as unique corrosion-resistant casing pipes made of TMK-S alloy and the country's first electronic pipe retail platform,” said Alexander Shiryaev, CEO of the company.

Vyacheslav Popkov appointed First Deputy General Director of TMK for the production and technical unit

“Having worked successfully for many years at one of the key plants of our company, Vyacheslav Popkov has established himself as a competent, demanding manager, and a specialist of the highest level. This experience is a reliable support in solving strategic tasks to improve production efficiency, technical development and the introduction of new technologies to strengthen TMK's position as a global leader,” commented Alexander Shiryaev, CEO of TMK.

TMK intends to raise RUB 10.41 billion in the secondary offering.

TMK CEO Alexander Shiryaev expressed confidence that the SPO would increase the liquidity of the company's shares, which would be beneficial for its shareholders.

“We consider the secondary public offering successful, as the shares were valued above the originally estimated level,” Shiryaev explained.

Volzhsky Pipe Plant received the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality

“Awarding VTZ with the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality is a high appraisal of the work of the many thousands of employees of the enterprise,” said Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of TMK. “Working in the new economic conditions, TMK is successfully tackling import challenges, creating new high-tech, highly efficient and integrated pipe solutions that allow us to fully meet the needs of our customers.”

Alexander Shiryaev, Chairman of the Management Board, TMK


The Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) announces the appointment, effective February 14, 2013, of Alexander Lyalkov, who is the First Deputy General Director of TMK, as Managing Director of OJSC Volzhsky Pipe Plant (VTZ). Elena Blagova, who has held the position of Managing Director of VTZ since 2007, is moving to the TMK management company, where she will be involved in the development of new projects.

“We are not a bank to turn on the counter,” - Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of the Pipe Metallurgical Company

TMK executives are regular participants in anti-crisis meetings between the government and industry. The new CEO of TMK believes that while the state is doing everything right

This year, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) has become the largest pipe company in the world in terms of capacity. The purchase of Ipsco's American plants, for which TMK paid with $1.2 billion in loans, allowed it to take the first place. But the company has already managed to refinance short loans for $400 million, and negotiations are underway with banks on the remaining debt. In addition, TMK applied to Vnesheconombank for a loan. Recently, VEB allocated $1.8 billion to Evraz Group to refinance loans taken, among other things, for the purchase of Ipsco's Canadian assets, and so far there is no reason to think that the state will refuse TMK in a similar deal. Alexander Shiryaev, who was appointed CEO of TMK at the end of November, tells Vedomosti about how the company is going to develop in the conditions of the global crisis.

Alexander Shiryaev: TMK relies on premium products and oil and gas services

According to the preliminary results of 2013, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) for the fifth time became the world's largest producer of steel pipes in terms of shipment volumes, showing a result on the level of a much more favorable year for pipemakers in 2012. Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of TMK, spoke about how this was done, about the company's plans for 2014 and the prospects for the pipe market.

Deeper in the fuel and energy complex

Alexander Shiryaev, CEO of OAO TMK: “The Russian steel pipe market has shown significant growth, reaching record volumes over the past 20 years”

Alexander Shiryaev, TMK: “Even in the US, electricity is cheaper than in Russia”

General Director of the Pipe Metallurgical Company in an interview with Portal - about new production, the dangers of the WTO and the situation on the market.

This week, Evgeny Kuyvashev personally opened two new lines at the Sinar Pipe Plant. One will produce pipes with a diameter of 12 to 35 millimeters, the other - from 30 to 120 millimeters. After the governor left, General Director of the Pipe Metallurgical Company Alexander Shiryaev answered several questions from Portal

Chubais joined the board of directors of TMK

Moscow. June 23rd. INTERFAX.RU - The head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, joined the board of directors of the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK), follows from the company's message. Meanwhile, the manager of the TMK management company, Elena Blagova, left the board of directors.

The remaining members of the former board of directors of the company were re-elected to the new board. These are, in particular, the largest beneficiary of the group Dmitry Pumpyansky, TMK CEO Alexander Shiryaev and his deputies Andrey Kaplunov, Sergey Papin, Igor Khmelevsky. Independent directors also retained their positions: Peter O'Brien, former Rosneft Vice President for Finance; Oleg Shchegolev, former First Vice President of Russneft (MOEX: RUSN); Bob Foresman, President of Barclays Capital Russia; Mikhail Alekseev, Chairman of the Management Board of UniCredit , President of the RSPP Alexander Shokhin.

Personnel changes have taken place in TMK's management. Alexander Shiryaev became the CEO of OAO TMK.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of TMK, a number of organizational and personnel decisions were made. According to TMK's press service, Alexander Shiryaev, a member of the company's board of directors, who was the general director of CJSC Sinara Group and previously deputy general director for finance and economics of OAO TMK, has been appointed to the position of CEO of OAO TMK. Konstantin Semerikov will continue to work for the company as General Director of ZAO Trade House TMK and First Deputy General Director of OAO TMK.

Andrey Kaplunov, a member of the Company's Board of Directors, became another First Deputy General Director of OAO TMK. His place on the Appointment and Remuneration Committee of OAO TMK's Board of Directors was taken by Igor Khmelevsky, a member of the Board of Directors. “With the completion of the main phase of the Strategic Investment Program, thanks to which TMK now has the largest pipe production capacity in the world, we are faced with the task of strengthening our positions in traditional markets and strengthening our efforts to enter new markets. I am sure that the professionalism and experience of Alexander Shiryaev in the financial field and the commercial talent of Konstantin Semerikov will enable TMK to successfully cope with the tasks set,” said Dmitry Pumpyansky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO TMK. - the day before

TMK: Russian metallurgists can provide the fuel and energy complex with almost all the necessary products

“We approached the sanctions with such economic and technical equipment that we can provide almost all the products needed to extract hard-to-recover, complicated reserves,” said Alexander Shiryaev, General Director of JSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK).

TMK and Gazprom sign a scientific and technical cooperation program

Pipe Metallurgical Company, one of the world's largest manufacturers of pipe products for the oil and gas industry, has signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with Gazprom for 2015-2020. The document was signed by Alexander Shiryaev, Director General of TMK, and Dmitry Lyugai, Head of Gazprom's Prospective Development Department.

The program provides for the mutually beneficial solution of the tasks of meeting the needs of Gazprom with pipe products. She points out three areas of scientific and technical cooperation as priorities: the development of new types of pipe products, import substitution measures, as well as the exchange of experience and research.

MMK and TMK have determined the price formula for flat products for LDP production

At the Metal-Expo'2014 International Industrial Exhibition in Moscow, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) and the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) signed an agreement on the application of a formula for calculating the price of wide-format hot-rolled sheet when delivered to TMK enterprises. The agreement determines the price formula for steel products until the end of 2015 and takes into account the interests of both parties. The document was signed by Pavel Shilyaev, CEO of MMK, and Alexander Shiryaev, CEO of TMK.

Pipe products for the Power of Siberia gas pipeline

TMK became one of the suppliers of pipe products for the Power of Siberia project based on the results of Gazprom's tender held in March 2015.

The company won one of the large lots for the supply of LDP in 2015 and 2016 in the amount of about 12.6 billion rubles. The range of shipped products - pipes with a diameter of 1420 mm, a wall thickness of 21.7 mm, made of steel of strength class K60 with an operating pressure above 9.8 MPa, with external anti-corrosion and internal smooth coatings, manufactured by the Volzhsky Pipe Plant (VTZ). In total, in 2015 and January-February 2016, TMK plans to ship 152,000 tons of pipes as part of the Power of Siberia project.