How to write a biography of a person sample. Autobiography: Free Writing Sample

An example of writing an autobiography may be needed by any person working on the creation of such a document. It is not necessary to compile it every day, and a lot of questions often arise: are there any special rules for writing an autobiography, what data must be indicated in it, and much more.

Rules for compiling an autobiography

The document may be needed when you get a job, go to study, and also for personnel service enterprises, as a document that is necessarily included in a personal file. And if in the personnel department of the enterprise where you are already working, they will look at this document as a formality, then in commercial structure it depends on its competent compilation whether you will be offered a job or not. Everyone should know how to write an autobiography and how to do it right.

There are no legislative requirements for the preparation of this type of document, therefore, you need to be guided by the rules of office work. In the case of an autobiography, this is the rule for writing business letters.

  • The biography should form a clear idea of ​​the life path and the main biographical events of the compiler. It is written in an arbitrary form in the first person directly by the compiler, on an A4 sheet, by hand or in printed form. It should begin with the words "I, surname, name, patronymic ...".
  • The autobiographical document should not be too large in volume. When describing events and facts, try to be brief. Its volume should not exceed 1-2 sheets. Experience shows that a long autobiography does not achieve the result for which it was created, but has the exact opposite effect.
  • The manner of presentation should correspond to the business style. When reading your biography, attention will be paid not only to its content, but also to the design, style of speech, and of course, the absence of grammatical, stylistic and punctuation errors in it. All this will give you additional bonuses.
  • Important in compiling this document is to respect the chronological order. You need to state all the events of your life in order, without jumping from one event to another and without missing anything.
  • The information you provide in your CV must be true. By including erroneous or inaccurate information about yourself in the document, you can spoil your business reputation, which will prevent you from getting the job you are looking for or achieving another goal you have set.

Sample CV

In order to get an idea of ​​how to compose an autobiography correctly and make it easier for you to work on them, we will give an example of compiling an autobiography.

CV Writing Sample

“I, Ekaterina Ivanovna Morgatyuk, was born on August 08, 1989, a native of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. In 1996 she entered secondary school No. 5. In 2006 she graduated from school. In 2006 she entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Philology. In 2011 she graduated from the Institute with honors. From August 2011 to the present I have been working as a journalist in the magazine Life of Vladivostok. I have no previous convictions. Married.

Husband Petr Morgatyuk, born May 31, 1980. A native of Vladivostok, has higher education and works as a lawyer. He lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. We have not judged before.

Mother: Ivanova Galina Petrovna, born in 1967, higher education, works as a teacher. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Arkadyevich, born in 1967, higher education, works as a doctor. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Sister: Ivanova Alina Ivanovna, born in 1995, a native of Vladivostok, is currently studying at the Vostochny national university by specialty "Programmer". Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Any other autobiographical document is drawn up according to exactly the same scheme and the information that is indicated in it is adapted for specific purposes. For example, if a student's autobiography is being compiled. It is advisable to indicate in the text information about academic achievements, participation in olympiads, thanks and diplomas, participation in competitions and other school life. You can also talk about sporting achievements, if any, visited circles and electives.

In the student's autobiography, accordingly, it is necessary to talk about attended conferences, participation in scientific works ah, which took place during the period of study. Participation in public life educational institution. It is advisable to provide information about the passage industrial practice. Reflect life position held by the student. Describe the level of theoretical training. Tell about the competitions in which the student represented his university.

Writing an autobiography for a job

The scheme for compiling an autobiography for employment is not much different from the scheme for compiling a general autobiography proposed above. However, there are still features of its writing:

  • For employment, such a document should focus on the qualities that are important for the employer, in accordance with the position that you plan to take. This will be a kind of advertisement for your working qualities, and can play a positive role in deciding whether to hire you.
  • Describe the projects you have been involved in that best reflect your professional quality. Give examples from practice that characterize the level of your professional training, flexibility of thinking, ability to work in a team, get along with the team, etc.
  • List all the places of your training, advanced training, but do not focus on this, unless you are a young specialist who has just graduated from training and has no work experience. You should not talk about the specifics of your training, as this information is unlikely to be interesting for the employer. This, most likely, will be discussed at the interview, if the employer shows interest in this.
  • It is advisable to immediately, without hiding, reflect your wishes and preferences regarding future work. If you are not a team person and cannot work in a team, indicate this fact without fail, do not break yourself, waste time and try to build team relationships. As a rule, all the same it ends with dismissal. Not only you are interested in getting a job, the employer also needs an employee. Specify the amount of payment that suits you, as well as certain working conditions that are acceptable to you. Consider attending business trips and whether this is acceptable to you. If you have a small child who will not allow you to go on long trips, you should definitely indicate this. It is not advisable to hide such a fact, you will only waste your time and your employer's.
  • Rate your business qualities describe the positive aspects. Pay attention to such qualities as sociability, responsibility, commitment, etc.

Sample curriculum vitae for work

Consider the scheme by which a sample of writing an autobiography for work is compiled:

Autobiography example

“I, Roman Andreevich Savelyev, was born on April 1, 1980. (Further, the sample follows the one provided above, listing education and marital status until you get to seniority.)

Since January 2012 I have been working in the newspaper Life of Vladivostok. Some of my articles written for the newspaper were especially popular. These include “Ecology or Ten Years of Change”, “Building Materials Kill”, “Roman Statues”, published in issues No. 9, 14, 28. specialist”, which was subsequently implemented on the official website of the publication.

According to the results of traffic monitoring, it was concluded that the page traffic increased by 10%, which increased the popularity of the publication. Thanks to the implementation of this project, the newspaper took first place in the competition "The Best Newspaper of 2015" and received certificate of honor and a prize."

Autobiographies indicate not only your labor achievements, but also the reasons why you left your last job. Expressions that say nothing, for example, "by family circumstances” should not be indicated, unless, of course, this has become a real reason for leaving. When giving reasons, be tactful and polite. If the reason for leaving was a conflict with the administration of the enterprise, then you should not talk about the stupid, picky director who made you leave your job. Touch this issue tactfully and streamlined, but in such a way that it would not be possible to convict you of lies and bad manners.

For example, you can indicate that the reason for dismissal was a change in working conditions. If you are asked what kind of working conditions did not suit you, explain that it was a change in the internal policy of the enterprise, for example, an increase in the volume of work, a change in the level of responsibility, etc., which became unacceptable for you.

Additional information in the autobiography

An autobiography written by a job seeker is called a resume. Distinctive feature This document from the above sample of compiling an autobiography can only be called that in the resume there is no need to disclose information about the husband, parents and other family members in such detail. This question can be touched upon, very concisely. Otherwise, these two documents do not differ. The main task of the resume is not to reveal all aspects of your life, but to focus on working qualities and previous working career, which will enable the employer to evaluate you as a future potential employee.

Now there is a fashion to supplement resumes with your photos. There are no special requirements for photography, however, the style of clothing in which you are photographed and the hairstyle must be businesslike. And the background should be neutral. Palm trees and the sea, of course, will not do.

A good addition to the resume will be characteristics and recommendations from the previous place of work. As a rule, such documents are drawn up by the head of the enterprise. This can be an added bonus when hiring you. Such documents are especially useful for humanitarian workers and workers with a narrow specialization.

In an autobiographical document, it is advisable to mention the passage of military service for men, maternity leave and the birth of a child for women. At the end of the autobiography, the signature of the person who compiled the document and the date of its compilation is put. Passport data and the exact postal address are indicated. Now you know how to write an autobiography for a job.

In what cases does a person need an autobiography, how to write it correctly, what should be indicated in it, and what is optional?

Autobiography as a document: what is it

An autobiography allows a more free style of presentation than a summary, but still has a business character.

Often, an autobiography is understood as a detailed analysis of a person’s entire life, with his successes and failures, thoughts and experiences. Such memoirs are written either for the general reader or for family use - so that descendants can find out what kind of people their great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother were.

But, as a rule, we are talking about a document for official use, which is included in a person’s personal file for one purpose or another. These goals determine what information and how much detail you need to specify in the document.

An autobiography is not a resume in which all information is presented strictly and within certain limits. It is good because it gives a person a little more opportunities to open up. A well-written biography will help to learn a lot about the applicant - for example, whether he knows how to express his thoughts, how interesting he is as a person.

No one expects special literary delights from this document. It is drawn up according to the established plan, taking into account the norms business correspondence. The main requirement that is presented to the written is the reliability of all the facts indicated. To compose a short biography is within the power of everyone, and this should not cause serious difficulties.

When it's needed

Cases when a person needs to describe his life are not so rare. Here are some of them:

  • admission to an educational institution;
  • employment;
  • enrollment in the personnel reserve;
  • joining the ranks of a political party;
  • nomination of a candidate for an elective position;
  • participation in competitions (organized government agencies, business or non-profit organizations);
  • applying for a grant;
  • custody arrangement.

Who can write it

You can write an autobiography for yourself or your child. Adults must make it up on their own

Since every person at least once in his life may find himself in one of the situations described above, he needs to be able to talk about his life.

The applicant always composes the text on his own, without outside help. The story must be told in the first person. The author is personally responsible for all information provided - whether it is personal data or interpretation of the events described.

What should be included in the document

There is no official standard version of compiling biographies. You can write it in any form, guided by your personal plan.

Typically, the following information is required:

  • surname, name and patronymic (sometimes for married women you need to specify the maiden name);
  • Date of Birth;
  • place of birth: city or other locality - in the latter case, the district, subject of the federation, for those born outside Russian Federation the country (existing at the time of birth) and its administrative-territorial unit are indicated;
  • social status: student, employed, civil servant, unemployed, self-employed, retired;
  • educational institutions that the applicant graduated from, in chronological order - it is necessary to indicate the years of study in each institution and the specialties received;
  • all stages labor activity, also indicating the time: names of organizations, positions held, sometimes it is necessary to talk about your work functionality;
  • breaks in work that lasted more than one month and their reasons;
  • current place of work (if any), position held;
  • communication skills, character traits that are important when being in a team.

All the names appearing in the text should be given accurately - it is better to double-check the names of institutions, organizations, settlements. The names that existed at the time of the events described are always indicated. In cases where the name of the city or organization has changed, you can add a new one in brackets to the old version.

In each case, you should pay attention to different things (the following are examples for different situations). Sometimes - for example, when applying for a job in a particular company - a person may be given a sheet indicating points that are important for this organization.

How to write an autobiography: the nuances of compiling

A woman's autobiography is somewhat different in parameters from a man's.

Depending on what exactly the biography is written for, certain details of its writing differ.

Depending on destination

Those who are looking for a job (including being elected to a position or applying for a grant), enrolling in an educational institution, or who want to arrange guardianship, need to make different accents when talking about themselves.

When looking for a job

For the employer, information about the competencies that its potential employee possesses will be especially important.

In this case, everything related to education should be touched upon as fully as possible. You can indicate the facts of additional education that you should be proud of:

  • postgraduate education;
  • advanced training (indicating its types - internships, trainings, etc.);
  • acquired related specialties and new qualifications;
  • available academic degrees and titles;
  • the topic of the written and defended dissertation, indicating the time of its defense;
  • number of published scientific papers, their titles.

It is important to prove your professionalism and interest in the current work. To do this, focus on the following things:

  • official duties that you had to perform;
  • skills acquired in the course of work;
  • completed projects and the most difficult tasks that you had to solve;
  • the number of people who were subordinate to you - especially if you get a leadership position;
  • experience of participating in elections - for candidates for elective office;
  • victories in professional competitions;
  • awards and promotions.

You can also indicate your immediate supervisor (to potential employer knew who to contact for information about a job applicant).

But some minor points related to work, a person, on the contrary, may well miss. Of course, every detail is important for a future employer. If for the applicant it seems not so interesting that he worked at one of the previous jobs for only a couple of weeks, then for the employer this will be food for thought, the conclusions from which may not be in favor of the applicant. However, it is completely optional to write about failures unnecessarily - here a person is free to decide for himself what is worth talking about and what is better to omit.

Since a story about oneself often plays a decisive role in finding a person for work, it must be compiled in such a way that the employer receives the most complete and versatile information about the person.

Sometimes personnel departments require that information about the closest relatives - wife (husband), children, parents, sisters and brothers - be added to the biography without fail, with details, dates and places of birth, as well as their place of residence. Such information is considered additional and follows the main text.

For those who settle for public service, report on your past life is mandatory, and the requirements for it, depending on the situation, may be more stringent.

For example, when applying for a job in the internal affairs bodies or the FSB, it is important to dwell on all the skills that will be important for future work - achievements in sports, knowledge foreign languages and even driving experience.

Also, when applying for a job in the FSB, it is required to indicate whether you or your relatives were involved in criminal liability- it is necessary to write in detail when and for what exactly. Those who are divorced will have to mention former spouses. Hiding nothing is not recommended.

For the military registration and enlistment office

For persons who may be called up for military service, in addition to standard biographical data, it is important to indicate:

  • information about physical abilities, past injuries and illnesses, chronic diseases;
  • relations with the law - bringing to the police, being registered, a criminal record;
  • service experience in armed forces- military units, type of troops, received military specialties, participation in hostilities, awards, military rank.

For future caregivers

A biography is also included in the mandatory package of documents for candidates for the adoption of a child. Here the commission will be primarily interested in the moral qualities of a person who dreams of becoming a guardian. So that the text is not unfounded, you need to tell in detail:

  • about your family and children;
  • about their hobbies and existing family traditions;
  • about no criminal record.

Also, a person must confirm a certain level of his material wealth, at which he will be able to raise another child. It is necessary to dwell on this financial aspect in a separate paragraph.

Depending on gender and age

Some details change depending on who exactly writes about his life path - a man or a woman, a young man or a child.

For a woman, for example, it is important to indicate information about the periods of maternity leave - so that the employer does not wonder why there were time intervals in the biography of the future employee when she did not work anywhere.

In the biographies of men, the “highlight” will be something that is not related to work and the business sphere (of which there are so many in their lives). Strict information can be diluted with a story about what the applicant does in his spare time.

Schoolchildren and applicants, whose life path is still short, should be told in more detail about participation in the Olympiads and about their hobbies. A person with experience, on the contrary, can describe some stages of his life more concisely.

Other nuances

Here are some other points you need to take into account when drafting a document:

  • it is desirable to keep within one or two sheets of A4 format;
  • the document can be accepted in printed or handwritten form - check this where you are going to present the document; write the text by hand carefully, with a minimum of blots and corrections;
  • each new paragraph should begin on a new line, this will help emphasize its significance;
  • the text must be literate - without punctuation and logical errors, not to mention spelling;
  • it is worth doing without "lyrics" and value judgments;
  • it is better not to look for synonyms and observe the uniformity of terminology: “studied, worked, entered, graduated”;
  • the biography must contain contact details - so that the applicant can be contacted;
  • the text must be signed by the author, next to the signature it is necessary to put a legible decoding of the last name and the date of the document - day, month and year;
  • when some information requires additional confirmation, the text may contain attachments.

How to compose: step by step instructions

To tell about yourself, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

  1. Write the details that you need to specify in any case - last name, first name, patronymic, city of residence, date of birth, etc.
  2. Answer the question why you need to write an autobiography.
  3. If the organization has given you writing requirements, keep them in front of you. If there are no such requirements, consider what information about you will be important in the context of your goal.
  4. Try to remember in your life all the moments that will characterize you in a favorable light. At the same time, remember that only the truth should be written, and everything secret can become clear sooner or later.
  5. Remember also those moments that can harm you. If we are talking about something insignificant, it may not be mentioned in your biography. But hiding something really important is hardly worth it - after all, you can let a person or organization down.
  6. Having collected all the necessary information, state it sequentially, in chronological order.
  7. Think about whether you need to add something important or interesting.
  8. Check that the names and dates are correct.
  9. Read the text again to see if there are any mistakes in it.
  10. If everything is fine, you can submit your biography and wait for a decision.

Curriculum Vitae Writing Samples

Here is a sample autobiography when entering the civil service (to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

For the civil service, information about the criminal record and trips abroad of the applicant and his relatives is important

And this is an example of a guardian applicant's autobiography.

It is important for adoptive parents to report their occupation and hobbies

The story about the student's life is also carried out according to a given scheme.

Previously, people were met by clothes and escorted by mind. For some time now, in addition to “clothing”, a person’s autobiography has also become an important source of information. And the way the applicant coped with it will add a number of important touches to his portrait.

An autobiography is a personal written account of the main stages of life, written in a certain sequence. An autobiography is written in free form by hand, on a typewriter or typed on a computer.

Principles and sequence of compiling an autobiography and a sample of its writing

An autobiography is a personal written account of the main stages of life, written in a certain sequence.

An autobiography is written in free form by hand, on a typewriter or typed on a computer.

The size of an autobiography is one or two pages of printed text. If you write by hand or on a typewriter, make several copies at once, so that later you do not have to do it separately for the guardianship and court authorities.

Sequence of writing:

  1. Full Name.
  2. Nationality (optional). It can be useful to indicate if there is a desire to adopt a child of one's nationality, and to receive priority on this basis (according to clause 1, article 123 of the UK).
  3. Date and place of birth.
  4. Current place of residence. You can also specify previous places of residence.
  5. Education: what schools* where and when completed.
  6. Current place of work, position held. If any previous place of work was associated with an activity that characterizes you positively, sometimes it makes sense to indicate this.
  7. Family status. It is required to indicate information about the wife (husband), children and other immediate relatives (parents, brothers and sisters), their last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. The address of the place of residence is indicated for those who live separately. If you have adopted children.
  8. If the author changed his surname, for example, due to marriage, etc., then the previous surname and the date of its change are indicated.
  9. Additional information. Additional education, experience with children, special interests.
  10. Signature and date of writing. The date is placed on the left, the signature is on the right under the text of the autobiography.

Sample CV

I live in Moscow, st. Bersenevskaya emb. 12, apt. 43.

In 1985 she graduated from secondary school No. 4 in Pavlovsk and entered the City Technical School No. 1 with a degree in "Electronic Equipment Installer". In 1988 she graduated from college with honors.

In July 1988 she entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) named after. Bauman (now Moscow State University them. Bauman) with a degree in Design and technology of radio electronic means (200800).

From October 1993 to September 1994 she was on academic leave due to the birth of a child. In April 1995 she graduated from the University.

In January 1997, she joined the Second Moscow Watch Factory as a design engineer of the third category of the electromechanical watch design department.

I am currently working there as a Deputy Head of Department.

Married to Epifanov Dmitry Leonidovich, born in 1965 since March 1992. Maiden name - Funtikova, changed her surname on 04/17/1992 in connection with marriage. Before that, she did not change her surname and was not in other marriages. In marriage, I have a son, Andrey Dmitrievich Epifanov, born on 10/19/1993. I live with my husband and child in my husband's apartment at the address: Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya d. 5, apt. 38. My husband lives with us - Vorontsov Nikolai Ilyich, born in 1934.

Other relatives:

  • Husband's parents: Husband's mother - Epifanova Margarita Evgenievna, born in 1934, died in 2001. Father Leonid Ivanovich Epifanov, born in 1933, died in 1967 while serving in the airborne troops.
  • My parents: mother - Elena Anatolyevna Funtikova, born in 1949; father - Sergei Nikolaevich Funtikov, born in 1947 Both live in Pavlovsk at the address: Pavlovsk, st. Stakhanovskogo proryva 3, apt. 6.
  • Brother Funtikov Anton Sergeevich, born in 1972 midshipman navy Russian Federation, serves in the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, VCh No. 7312.

In August 2000, I graduated from the sisters of mercy "Bereginya" course at the Red Cross.

I conduct classes at the Club of the Second Watch Factory, I manage a creative sewing studio for children. I am a member board of trustees Foundation of Folk Artistic Crafts of the Russian Federation, with members of the Foundation we regularly go to orphanages to teach girls how to sew and organize workshops.

January 5, 2004 _______________ N. S. Epifanova

Methodical materials

Comment on the article "Memo "Composing an autobiography""

More on the topic "Sample Curriculum Vitae for Adoption":

Autobiography. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families with them, I have excellent "blood" relationships and I also have a brother on my father's side... I need a sample autobiography very quickly. Autobiography. Preparation of documents to. Adoption.

The message in the autobiography and the questionnaire is obviously false information entails denial of further consideration of your Memo "Compiling an CV" [link-1] >.

Memo "Composing an autobiography". An autobiography is a personal written account of the main stages of life, written in a certain sequence.

Memo "Composing an autobiography". The date is placed on the left, the signature is on the right under the text of the autobiography.

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, education of adoptive CVs. I'm sitting compiling an autobiography for custody ... I need a sample autobiography very quickly. Another question - is it necessary to write in the autobiography ...

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with Sizhu compiling an autobiography for guardianship ... Question: I got married in 2004. The son was born in 2005. then in 2006 they divorced, because that ...

autobiography. Legal and legal aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children Section: Legal and legal aspects (I am currently compiling an autobiography for guardianship). autobiography.

Memo "Composing an autobiography". Memo "Composing an autobiography". An autobiography is a personal written I inform the following information about relatives ...

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, training in the Principles and sequence of compiling an autobiography and a sample of its writing.

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children Conference "Adoption" "Adoption". Section: Adoption (when writing an autobiography, do you need to indicate children from your first marriage).

Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, training at the foster school Section: Adoption (a sample of writing an autobiography of a girl from a large family).

Autobiography please. - get-togethers. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, foster care I had the following question, in an autobiography, a sample of which is on innewfamily, you must indicate your parents, the father of your husband ...

What to write in an autobiography? Adoption/guardianship/patronage experience. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children...

Autobiography. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families with them about me excellent "blood" Very quickly need a sample autobiography. Autobiography. Preparation of documents to. Adoption. Autobiography sample.

Memo "Composing an autobiography". Principles and sequence of compiling an autobiography and a sample of its writing. An autobiography is a personal written statement...

When applying for a job, some employers require a curriculum vitae. The applicant is faced with a new concept that is different from the usual resume. A well-written CV will increase your chances of getting a job.

The concept of "autobiography" means a description of a person's entire life in chronological order.

An autobiography (AB) for employment does not require a description of childhood years before entering school. All other information is important for the employer as an opportunity to learn about the personality of the applicant as a whole, to get to know not only the specialist, but also the person himself.

An autobiography for submission to an employer is a dated description of the life and events that mattered in the fate of the applicant and influenced his general, specialized education and development.

Autobiography of a woman for employment.

Students. Start and end date of study. Faculty, achievements. First job. If the reason for which you got a job adds points to you, describe it (for example, an invitation from an employer, first place in a competition, etc.).

Date and reason for leaving. This is an important point. According to your answer, your human qualities, attitude to work, reliability, careerism, etc. will be determined.

Therefore, your justification for dismissal and attitude to the event, if you were fired unreasonably, must be correct, but express respect for someone else's and your own opinion. If you left to continue your career or receive a higher salary, then indicate this.

Marriage. Write the date of your wedding. If this affected the operation, please describe how. Spouse information. You need to write your full name and date of birth. Profession or occupation. If the wife is on maternity leave, write.

Children. About children write gender, date of birth, age and with whom they live. If you are divorced or your spouse has passed away, write down the dates in chronological order. You can write the reason briefly if it is important to you.

Your hobbies, hobbies, love of sports. This data is often important if the company is preaching healthy lifestyle life, participates in inter-corporate competitions and festivals.

The ability to perform on stage, dance, sing, participate in sports competitions, defending the honor of the company, is an advantage over other applicants (in some cases).

If you were a consultant, worked privately in your specialty, developed projects (or ate any other activity), indicate these time periods.

Why are you looking for a job. You should answer this question if it sounds nice. You can answer honestly. Everything depends on the situation. If in doubt, then leave the answer for a while oral communication with an employer.

Are you ready to learn, if necessary, write about it. You can address the issue of a criminal record if you wish. Rewrite your passport details.

Write the address where you live. Date and sign. Your CV is ready.

You can attach your successful 3x4 photo. business style in clothes and a serious facial expression are optional.

What an Employer Shouldn't Learn from Your CV

If you are sure that smokers are not accepted into the company, and you really need this job, do not write that you smoke. There are many ways to drown out desire or quit a cigarette once and for all.

If any facts from your past life that no one knows about could spoil your interview, do not write.

Do not say that you are depressed and dream of seclusion - they will call a doctor for you, but they will not be hired.

Before you expose yourself as a principled, too straightforward person, find out if this is necessary. Such character traits should not be emphasized.

Avoid blaming anyone. State the fact and the consequence if you can't help it. Readers will draw their own conclusions.

Advice! Write an autobiography and set aside for one day. Read again and make corrections. Postpone for 2 more days. Read as if you are reading about another person.

Draw conclusions - what impression does the personality of the autobiography give you. Would you like to work with him? Would you take a job? Adjust slightly, but don't overdo it. Everything should be natural.

You will learn what contains and how an order for hiring an employee is issued.


An autobiography when applying for a job may not be officially required. But, at the same time, they give you to fill out a questionnaire. Questionnaires are composed in different ways.

Employers don't all know what an autobiography should actually look like. Therefore, both applicants and managers need to clearly distinguish between the meaning of the concepts of "resume", "autobiography", "questionnaire".

Here's how to write an autobiography for an employer: